Baneblade Homebrew

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Revision as of 22:44, 6 September 2015 by 1d4chan>Evilexecutive (Hellblade)
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As the image to the right indicates, there are 6 prefixes and 4 suffixes for Baneblade names so there are 24 possible Baneblade variants. As the image also indicates, only 11 of these 24 variants are filled. This is a homebrew page that intends to fix that.


Because sometimes, you want vanilla.




May be taken as a Lords of War choice for an Astra Militarum army.

BS HP Front Armour Side Armour Back Armour Unit Type Points Cost
Banelord 3 9 14 13 12 Super Heavy Vehicle ???


  • Demolisher Cannon
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke Launchers
  • Reaction Cannon
Name Range S AP Type
Reaction Cannon ??? 10 2 Primary Weapon 1, Blast, Armourbane, Chain Reaction

Special Rules:

  • Chain Reaction: When this weapons causes a penetrating hit, add 4 to the result on the vehicle damage chart. If this causes an "Explodes!" result, add 4 inches to the radius of the explosion.


  • May take up to two sets of side sponsons, each with a twin-linked Heavy Bolter and a Lascannon for 50pts per set
  • May take a Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber for 5pts
  • May take a Hunter-Killer Missile for 10pts



Because Doom!


BS HP Front Armour Side Armour Back Armour Unit Type Points Cost
Doomblade 3 9 14 13 12 Super Heavy Vehicle ???



May be taken as a Lords of War choice for an Astra Militarum army.

BS HP Front Armour Side Armour Back Armour Unit Type Points Cost
Doomlord 3 9 14 13 12 Super Heavy Vehicle ???


  • Demolisher Cannon
  • Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke Launchers
  • Tri-Earthshaker Cannon: The Tri-Earthshaker Cannon cannot be levelled for direct fire and may only engage targets with the Barrage rules at a minimum range of 24".
Name Range S AP Type
Tri-Earthshaker Cannon
Moving 24-240" 9 3 Primary Weapon 3, Large Blast, Apocalyptic Barrage, Pinning
Stationary 24-240" 9 3 Primary Weapon 1, Apocalyptic Blast, Barrage, Pinning, Twin-linked


  • May take up to two sets of side sponsons, each with a twin-linked Heavy Bolter and a Lascannon for 50pts per set
  • May take a Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber for 5pts
  • May take a Hunter-Killer Missile for 10pts


May be taken as a Lords of War choice for an Mechanicum, Cult Mechanicus or Skitarii army.

BS HP Front Armour Side Armour Back Armour Unit Type Points Cost
Doomlord 3 9 14 13 12 Super Heavy Vehicle ???


  • Irradiation Engine
  • Twin-linked Irrad-Cleanser
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke Launchers
  • Cognis Servitor: The Doomlord may fire Overwatch despite being a vehicle.
  • Irradiation Carronade
Name Range S AP Type
Iradiation Carronade Hellstorm 6 1 Primary Weapon 1, Fleshbane, Rad-Phage

Special Rules:

  • Radiation Vent: During the assault phase the Doomsword may vent it's radioactive gasses as a protection measure. Every model within 3" of the Doomlord must pass a Toughness test or suffer a wound with no armor saves allowed.


  • May take up to two sets of side sponsons, each with a twin-linked Irrad-Cleanser and a Cognis Lascannon for 50pts per set
  • May take a Pintle Mounted Cognis Heavy Stubber for 5pts
  • May take a Hunter-Killer Missile for 10pts


Because Space marine wanted Baneblades. All of these are veterans of the Great Crusade and Horus Heresy, with weapons and technology far in advance of anything seen in the 41st Millenium.



The Fellhammer was the brainchild of Rogal Dorn, who complained about the low speed and lack of additional firepower the Typhon Siege Tank suffered from, and proposed a new heavy gun carrier that would be able to more effectively support Breacher assaults. The Fellhammer is a modified form of the Falchion that mounts the same Dreadhammer Cannon as the Typhon with a backup array of heavy bolters and Lascannons to support it. It is well known that Peturabo was displeased by this new design and tried to have it blocked from service, which subsequently meant few examples of this vehicle had entered service by the time of the outbreak of Heresy.

May be taken as a Lords of War choice for an Legiones Astartes Crusade or Space Marines army.

BS HP Front Armour Side Armour Back Armour Unit Type Points Cost
Fellhammer 4 12 14 13 12 Super Heavy Vehicle ???


  • Dreadhammer Cannon
  • Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke Launchers
  • Two Sponson Quad Lascannons


  • May replace any of its sponson Quad Lascannons with Laser Destroyers for free.
  • May take a Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber for 5pts, or a Heavy Bolter for 10pts
  • May take Armoured Ceramite for +10pts


The Felllord is a rare variant of the Fellglaive mounting a massive Graviton Cannon in place of the Volkite Carronade.


This design was developed by the Dark Mechanicum after the Horus Heresy. The cannons on this spray a liquid just like flamers but instead of spraying lit promethium, it sprays a devastating virus of Nurglite origin that eats away flesh, bone and metal in seconds.

May be taken as a Lords of War choice for a Chaos Space Marine army as long as that army contains either a Daemon Prince of Nurgle, a Chaos Lord with the Mark of Nurgle or Typhus.

BS HP Front Armour Side Armour Back Armour Unit Type Points Cost
Fellsword 4 12 14 13 12 Super Heavy Vehicle ???


  • Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke Launchers
  • Virus Cannon
Name Range S AP Type
Virus Cannon Hellstorm 5 2 Primary Weapon 1, Poisoned (2+), Armorbane


  • May take a Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber for 5pts, or a Heavy Bolter for 10pts
  • May take Armoured Ceramite for +10pts
  • May take up to two sets of sponsons, each equipped with a Virus Sprayer for 60pts per set
Name Range S AP Type
Virus Sprayer Template 5 2 Primary Weapon 1, Poisoned (2+), Armorbane


Because heaven was overrated.


May be taken as a Lords of War choice for an Astra Militarum army.

BS HP Front Armour Side Armour Back Armour Unit Type Points Cost
Hellblade 3 9 14 14 12 Super Heavy Vehicle ???


  • Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke Launchers
  • Two Heavy Stubbers
  • Hellroller: The Hellroller adds +2 to any Thunderblitz rolls that the Hellblade makes.


  • Transport Capacity: 40 models
  • Firing Points: 20 models can fire from the troop bay.
  • Access Points: The Hellblade is treated as Open-Topped for embarking and disembarking purposes. The +1 damage modifier for Open-Topped vehicles does not apply to a Hellblade


  • May take up to two sets of side sponsons, each with a twin-linked Heavy Bolter and a Lascannon for 50pts per set
    • May replace any of its sponsons twin-linked Heavy Bolters with a twin-linked Heavy Flamer for free
  • May take a Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber for 5pts
  • May take a Hunter-Killer Missile for 10pts




May be taken as a Lords of War choice for an Astra Militarum or Sisters of Battle army. If taken for a Sisters of Battle army then it is BS4, has a 6++ invulnerable save, costs 25 points more and cannot take a Heavy Stubber.

BS HP Front Armour Side Armour Back Armour Unit Type Points Cost
Hellsword 3 9 14 13 12 Super Heavy Vehicle ???


  • Hellstorm Cannon
  • Demolisher Cannon
  • Twin-linked Heavy Flamer
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke Launchers


  • May take up to two sets of side sponsons, each with a twin-linked Heavy Flamer and a Lascannon for 50pts per set
  • May take a Pintle Mounted Flamer for 5pts
  • May take a Hunter-Killer Missile for 10pts


Because why bind them in darkness when you can run them over with it.


An uncloaked Shadowblade.


Only a handful of Shadowblade super-heavy tanks remain in operation, with the vast majority consigned to stasis chambers on the largest Forgeworlds, where the Mechanicus labour ceaselessly to attempt to understand the arcane technologies that the Shadowblade uniquely employs. It is this very technology that forces the tech magos who study these ancient machines to keep them in stasis, for otherwise, the Shadowblades in their keeping would doubtless suffer the same fate that most have following the Great Crusade.

The main component of the Shadowblade that sets it apart from all other vehicles in the Imperium is the so-called Darklight engine, which, when activated, cloaks the tank in an inverted light field which renders it entirely invisible to the naked eye, but even more crucially, causes all known forms of targeting and detection systems to fail.

Exactly how the Darklight engine was able to achieve this was largely a mystery until Shadowblade tanks began to break down following centuries of service. Crews began to report disturbing images and sounds during Darklight operation, which slowly progressed to acute psychosis and insanity. Such was the worth of Shadowblade tanks that they continued to serve with fresh crews, despite accelerating rates of psychological trauma.

In M34.229, a Shadowblade tank "Ghostwalker" undertook a routine operation on the war-ravaged world of Galfrex where the Darklight engine was in operation for 2 minutes and 12 seconds. Instead of reappearing however, Ghostwalker was never seen again. The crew's final transmission was completely suppressed by the Commisariat for reasons of morale. In their final moments, the guardsmen on board Ghostwalker were screaming of visions of complete insanity. No trace of the tank was ever found.

It was these incidents of "Sudden Acute Material Destabilization", as the Mechanicum termed it, that gave the first clues as to how the Darklight drive operates. The belief now is that the Darklight utilizes a form of Warp technology to achieve its cloaking field. Upon activation, a thin field of Warp energy is projected around the vehicle, thus effectively removing it from the Materium. Since the tank itself does not enter the Immaterium, the crew is not exposed to the ravages of the Warp.

The reason for psychosis in crews is that as the Darklight engine ages, it loses the ability to maintain the Warp field as merely a bubble. The walls of the field begin to thicken, closing in on the real-space vacuum that is the Shadowblade. As the Warp closes in, crew experience at first mild psychosis, then insanity, and then finally, the bubble collapses completely, and the Shadowblade enters the Warp. Recovery is, of course, impossible at this point.

May be taken as a Lords of War choice for an Astra Militarum army.

BS HP Front Armour Side Armour Back Armour Unit Type Points Cost
Shadowblade 3 9 14 13 12 Super Heavy Vehicle ???


  • Darklight Reactor: The Darklight Reactor grants the Shadowblade the Stealth and Shrouded special rules. In addition, the Homing special rule does not work against the Shadowblade and equipment like Servo-Skulls, Markerlights and Auspexes do not have any effect on the Shadowblade.
  • Twin-linked Accelerator Destroyer
Name Range S AP Type
Accelerator Destroyer 100" D 1 Primary Weapon 1

Special Rules: Infiltrate Options:

  • May take a Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber for 5pts
  • May take a Hunter-Killer Missile for 10pts
  • May take Targeters (+1 BS) for 25pts


May be taken as a Lords of War choice for an Astra Militarum or Sisters of Battle army. If taken for a Sisters of Battle army then it is BS4, has a 6++ invulnerable save, costs 25 points more and cannot take a Heavy Stubber.

BS HP Front Armour Side Armour Back Armour Unit Type Points Cost
Shadowhammer 3 9 14 13 12 Super Heavy Vehicle ???


  • Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke Launchers
  • Hammer Missile Pod
Name Range S AP Type
Hammer Missile Pod 48" 8 3 Primary Weapon 8


  • May take up to two sets of side sponsons, each with a twin-linked Heavy Bolter and a Lascannon for 50pts per set
    • May replace two of the Lascannons on its side sponsons with Targeters (+1 BS) for free
  • May take a Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber for 5pts
  • May take a Hunter-Killer Missile for 10pts


May be taken as a Lords of War choice for an Astra Militarum army.

BS HP Front Armour Side Armour Back Armour Unit Type Points Cost
Shadowlord 4 9 14 13 12 Super Heavy Vehicle ???


  • Demolisher Cannon
  • Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
  • Searchlight
  • Smoke Launchers
  • Orbital Bombardment
Name Range S AP Type
Orbital Bombardment Unlimited 9 1 Massive Blast, Barrage, One Use Only, Ordnance 1

Special Rules:

  • Command Tank: The Doomlord has the Tank Orders, Voice of Command and Senior Officer special rules. Its command radius can be measured from any point on the hull and it can issue its Tank Orders to other vehicle units with the same range as its Voice of Command radius.


  • May take up to two sets of side sponsons, each with a twin-linked Heavy Bolter and a Lascannon for 50pts per set
    • May replace any of its sponsons twin-linked Heavy Bolters with a twin-linked Heavy Flamer for free
  • May take a Pintle Mounted Storm Bolter or Heavy Stubber for 5pts
  • May take a Hunter-Killer Missile for 10pts



Because Games workshop were not going to let us have all the fun.



