Battlefleet Gothic Armada

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Developed by Tindalos Studios and published by Focus Home Interactive (the same guys behind Blood Bowl and Space Hulk Deathwing), this game recreates the old specialist tabletop, pitting the different factions of Warhammer 40,000 in brutal space warfare.


Nothing really new, just a rookie admiral fighting Failbaddon's attempts to get the Blackstone fortresses. When you discover the plot unfolding and run to tell the Imperial Navy about the looming Chaos tsunami, the Inquisition immediately shocks your balls to be certain of Truthiness before you're promoted to sector fleet command with more promises of continued balls-shocking if you feth up.

Oh, and it seems they got the same voice filter they used in Retribution to make Abby sound like himself, as well as Alpha Legion animation style which of course is gonna be highly exploitable for Youtube videos and whatnot.


So far it looks like a mix between Star Wars: Empire at War and Sins of a Solar Empire (Fitting, as there have been Battlefleet Gothic mods made for both). The game allows you to customize different ship classes with upgrades, which allows for limited personalization of fleets and specialization into different styles of naval warfare. As it's still in beta there may be balance changes and bug fixes pending that will change how the game and different factions play by release.


Depending on the chosen faction you may be encouraged to play certain styles, still, due the abundance of upgrades, skills and favours you may try different combos, as we are still in the beta the meta may change.

Imperial Navy

Love your Nova Cannons? We love them! Your cruisers can be fit with these murder guns, allowing you to mass enough firepower from very far away to wreak minor ships extremely fast, that aside the imperials are average, you can outfit them with some very nice upgrades to ensure your gameplay style can be anything aside of spamming Nova Cannons.


What is this? Marks other than Khorne and Nurgle?! EXTRAHERESY!