A Certain Role-playing Game
Started out as just an idea, then /tg/ picked it up. Basically, it's a game set in the To Aru universe complete with psychic powers and magic. (the word complete is used very loosely) It's a dice-pool system based on the d10.
Base Stats
There are three base stats: Physical (Body?) - Covers everything physical, from running to lifing, to shooting pistols. Mental (Mind?) - not only sheer intelligence, it's also the speed of thought and everything that's based in your head. Social - How much of a people person you are.
These stats are, at the moment, generated by rolling 2d10 for each. You may switch places on two.
There's also ideas on making it a point-buy system and thereby evening out the ratio between Level 5 ESPers and Level 0 non-ESPers.
Base Mechanic
- Skill Rolls: A skill gives a bonus to your base stat (Running 4 gives a +4 bonus to Physical, Knowledge (Trees) 8 gives +8 to Mental if Trees come into play on a theoretical level.), which you then roll 2d10 and try to roll under the resulting number. 19 and 20 are critical failures, 2 and 3 are Spectacular Successes.
- Powers: !!! Powers are still being worked on, this is the current system but will probably be changed to the better one proposed in the latest thread !!! You get a number of dice equal to your level (Level 4 = 4 dice), these are your power dice. The higher you roll, the better the result.
More to be added, probably
The current tables:
1 - Elemental
2 - Forces
3 - Mental
4 - Biological
5 - Anomaly
ELEMENTAL 1d10 1 - Air 2 - Fire (merged with Heat) 3 - Water 4 - Ice 4 - Earth 5 - Metal 6 - Electricity 7 - Inorganic Synthetic (plastic, glass, ceramics) 8 - Organic Synthetic (Cloth, paper, animal products, lumber) 9 - Non-water liquids (oil, acid, alcohol, etc) 10 - Plasma
FORCES 1d10 1 - Gravity 2 - Friction 3 - Vector Control (merged with Momentum Control) 4 - Light 5 - Telekinesis 6 - Mass control (subtly but substantially different from gravity/vector; think portal vs teleport) 7 - Heat/Cold 8 - Torque (use your power on something and it TWISTS. Level 0: open a stuck jar. Level 2: Wrench a reinforced door off it's hinges. Level 5: Touch a 1,000 ton bank vault, tell it "roll over, Spot. Good, now roll over that house." or "liquify from internal stress; now spray those guys over there with molten steel.") 9 - Flight 10 - Rigidity
MENTAL 1 - Thoughts 2 - Feelings 3 - Hearing 4 - Sight 5 - ????
BIOLOGICAL 1 - Plant Control 2 - Enhancement 3 - Regeneration 4 - ???? 5 - ????
ANOMALY: 1 - Shield Shard (Needs a better name?) 2 - Teleport 3 - Precognition (merged with [messing with luck], it is the ability to predict the future and alter it slightly) 4 - Psychometry (merged with [find objects]) 5 - Portals