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This is a /v/ related article, which we tolerate because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it.

Blizzard Entertainment is an American video game developer founded in 1991. They are well known in the gaming community for rising to fame by shamelessly ripping off most of Games Workshop's content, quotes from assorted movies and a long list of other things. Note that Blizzard never did anything original...ever. What? You thought Warcraft and Starcraft was original? Ohh please hand yourself over to the Inquisition for a mind wipe. Fuck you Blizzard, fuck you with a chainsword.

How to create a game, the Blizzard way!

Blizzard has a very simple way of crafting a new game without spending long hours on what to throw in, here's a crash course on how to prepare a Blizzard-made game:

1.Slap-in some copied content from several sources, re-work them a little by changing some colors and change their personalities so they wouldn't look like total rip-offs. For added lulz, rip-off some quotes from movies since it's kewl.

2.Throw in some typical fluff you'd see in every sci-fi/fantasy themed media.

3.Sprinkle some fanboy's essence to lure the blizztards into buying their shit that will some reason never be outdated or disliked by anyone with an IQ below 70 despite the constantly evolving gaming world or how pointlessly retarded the game is.

4.And finally give all products a liberal amount of hype to get their selling point.

Once you've done that, be sure to sustain the entire thing on expansions! Ohh enough pointless/retarded expansions to eat half of you hard-disk's memory even with it's filled with last generation content.

What you should know already

  1. Some merry good old day, GW asked Blizzard to make a licensed Warhammer Fantasy game, and they did.
  2. For some reason, GW then refused to let them publish it.
  3. Blizzard then removed every direct reference to GW intellectual property.
  4. And sold a zillion copies of Warcraft.
  5. And several gazillion copies of Starcraft.