Bloodletters are Khorne's foot soldiers. While getting to a battle they march as a unit, but when they get into the battle they go fuck-crazy with rage and actually see it as a competition amongst themselves to fuck up the enemy worse than the other Bloodletters. They have Rage-Faces and bodies that make them look like Halo 3 Elites (just look at their legs...). Like most Khornate daemons, they have a sense of pride and will usually fight bravely, ferociously, and honorably, but they sometimes resort to cheap-ass Tzeentch-esque tactics (i.e.: cunt-punching a Bolter Bitch).
Heralds of Khorne lead the legions into battle. They make a mockery of the Imperial Guard by marching in disciplined regiments accompanied by horns (the marching kind, not the spike kind) and war drums (oh so orky). Of course, that Imperial-ish manner goes to the warp when they charge into battle, going into a battle-rage and getting shit done.