Lotara Sarrin

"Fire the Ursus Claw!"
- – Lotara Sarrin, at any chance she gets in a void battle.
"No one runs from the Conqueror!"
- – Lotara Sarrin, before shooting down a ship full of defecting World Eaters and crew.
So what happens if you give a thirty-something woman - surrounded by psychotic murderers - full authority of a fuck-off huge starship during one of the biggest cluster fucks known to human kind? She commits murder - but not just any murder, oh Khorne no. The woman we speak of is none other than Lotara Sarrin, who would go on to commit such an absurd amount of Warp-murder that she receives a mark of honour from that swell guy and earns some level of respect from that other guy.
Naturally, her status as a bad-ass easily makes her good waifu material - that is if you like your 'waifus' cold, aggressive and dominant (which luckily I do), and don't mind the Heresy.
History[edit | edit source]

The commanding officer of the World Eaters flagship Conqueror since she was 30, Lotara was one of the youngest shipmasters in the Imperium. Despite her regular human status Lotara had a degree of respect within the World Eaters, having earned their bloody hand honor emblem and being on somewhat amicable terms with Angron himself. After Lotara complained about having remembrancers aboard her ship, Angron immediately had them expelled. During the Horus Heresy, Lotara stayed committed to Angron and commanded the Conqueror during the Shadow Crusade.
During said Shadow Crusade, Lotara balanced her own lust for void-murder and giving Angron lip for wanting to fight his whiny brother. She was, in fact, known as the only person in the entire Imperium who could give Angron lip and not piss him off. One of the most notable recurring instances of this had to do with the fact that Angron hated being addressed as "Lord". As a Primarch, being given exalted titles essentially just went with the territory, but Angron was a special case. He despised aristocrats of all sorts due to what the ruling class of Nuceria had done to him and his fellow gladiators, and he never considered himself to be anything more than a pit fighter even after taking command of his Legion. For most people, addressing Angron as "Lord" was a great way to have your head backhanded off your shoulders. Lotara called him "Lord" all the time (though mostly when not in his immediate vicinity, such as over a vox channel). Not only did Angron never do anything about it other than mutter for her not to call him that, but he seemingly found it to be a bit cute. To him, it was sort of like being around a barking puppy; you might not particularly want the silly little thing making noise, but you'd never actually do anything about it. Another iconic instance occurred during the battle of Armatura when, with the safety of several hundred thousand kilometers of distance between herself and the murder machine, she gave him the verbal sneer of the millennium:
- Angron: "How's my ship doing?"
- Lotara: "You mean my ship. And we're doing just fine."
During the same battle, the Smurfs made a boarding attempt on the Conqueror and that's when Lotara realized the World Eaters supposed to deal with them had gone to join the fun on the planet below. Her reaction?
- Step 1: wake up all remaining Dreadnoughts on board, then join them in going to town on blue power-armored ass with her naval armsmen.
- Step 2: Shoot the captain of the defenders when he came back smack between his helmet's eyeplates with her laspistol. Then chew him out twice as hard because not only did he dare desert his post, on top of that he dared return fire at a superior officer reprimanding him.
It is rather telling said Astartes captain agreed to be confined to his quarters for a while rather than keep up being on the receiving end of the temper of this mere mortal woman.
Around this time, Lotara also noticed that Angron was deteriorating mentally and physically. After some investigation and pointed questions with the local cog boys on her ship, she learned the Nails were killing Angron. How she remained calm and didn't shoot them in the face like she did to the captain of the boarding specialist Astartes squads, is still unknown because they were faced with a duty they simply could not perform. Which is very different from wilfully deserting your post: in any other military Delvarus would have been in for at the very best a court-martial and demotion, if not much worse! (Then again, she did force the AdMech to focus on repairing the Ember Wolves Titan Legion division, so she still had quite a pickle with them.)
After Nuceria, the subsequent loss of her card playing companion Lhorke and Angron's ascension into daemonhood, shit began to go fuckways because Chaos. Dropping out of the Warp due to human error left the Conqueror mostly isolated. The Word Bearers either did not notice or simply did not care about the World Eaters' flagship dropping out of transit, and even some World Eaters vessels didn't bother to drop from transit with them. From this point on, Lotara steered the World Eaters fleet (or what remained of it) from planet to planet to satiate the Legion's need for murder and replenish supplies.
On their way to the party of the century, Lotara began to feel like the ship was trying to kill them. The usual Khorne fuckery ensued: Blood from the showers and taps, lice leeching blood from people's scalps, constant infighting, murderous rampaging World Eaters, and of course the thing Angron had become turning half the ship into a fleshy, bloody mess. Captain Sarrin did the unthinkable and plotted a mutiny/abandonment-of-ship with a few sane World Eaters. But at the very last moment, when the insubordinate crew fled and that swell guy Kharn confronted one of his own, it was revealed that Lotara wasn't going anywhere and she proceeded to gun down the fleeing vessels while speaking one line: "No one runs from the Conqueror."
That said, Lotara's loyalty could only be pushed that far: when Angron finally went completely batshit insane after being refused the honour of leading the attack on Terra by Horus and started rampaging through the ship, she pretty much conned Khârn into making a deal with Gendor Skraivok to have Angron locked up in the maze Perty built to contain Vulkan until it was go time.
For some time Lotara's final fate after the Siege was unknown, but fanon came to hold that she became part of the Conqueror like some Titan pilots fuse with their God-Machines, or perhaps that she ascended to daemonhood and effectively became the ship's new machine spirit.
This was confirmed in Echoes of Eternity, where her physical body has been merged with the ship's command throne and become some of form of cannibalistic vampire thing, while an echo of her spirit is hanging around the bridge in misery.
Recently, it was confirmed Lotara is still kicking to this fucking day. She is now known as The Mistress and continues to command the Conqueror. Kossolax the Foresworn attempted to get Lotara to fall in line. If not for Angron himself manifesting on the Conqueror, it is highly likely the Motherfucker was going to get fucking glassed. Once Angron returned to the Conqueror and began to reunite the World Eaters, Lotara once again pledged her ship to the service of the Daemon Prince. She still keeps to her duties and to this day she is still known and respected (if not outright fucking feared), by the World Eaters and their servants.
In Novels[edit | edit source]
Notable novel appearances go here.
- Betrayer, her first appearance. Has her doing all her big badass feats like talking back to Angron and shooting Delvarus in the face for abandoning his post, along with plenty of Ursus Claw action.
- A Rose Watered With Blood is a short story told entirely from her point of view as she deals with the rampant madness and Chaotic corruption slowly engulfing the Conqueror and ends with her betraying and killing some World Eaters who were trying to flee the ship because no one escapes the motherfucking Conqueror, not even its own crew.
- During The Lost and the Damned, she and Kharn work together with the Night Lords to lock Angron up in Curze's Vulkan maze so he can't Leeroy Jenkins Horus' plan for attacking the Imperial Palace.
- In ADB's Echoes of Eternity, Lotara is still in command of the Conqueror even though it's now a screaming hellhole. Most of the crew is too busy being flesh-blobs merged with the walls to actually keep the ship afloat, all the water on board has been turned into blood, there are parasites everywhere, and there are World Eaters and Khorne daemons rampaging around the ship and massacring the crew at random. After a desperate video call with Horus, it is revealed that the Lotara we've been following around the entire time is a sort of AI construct created by the Conqueror's machine spirit that represents the part of Lotara's consciousness that wanted out of the whole Chaotic mess. The real Sarrin has been fused to her command throne and now looks like a vampiric revenant.
On The Tabletop[edit | edit source]
She doesn't have any official rules, but this category being here means someone is cooking up some homebrew.
In Video Games[edit | edit source]
Lotara is represented in the Horus Heresy Legions mobile TCG. Disappointingly enough, she doesn't belong to the World Eaters legion and comes as a Neutral warlord as Imperial Army, thus barring her from access to legion cards, but in hindsight putting her in with the World Eaters legion might make them stupidly OP due to her ability. Her ability places a 2/3 Front Line with Flank in play for a mere 2 energy, so you can always cover what you're about to put on the field and throw them at what your opponent plays on their turn. Lotara decks are somewhat decent in the 1000 - 1500 rating bracket once you have access to cards such as Mount Pharos to generate some Astartes cards. What is unique however is that Lotara starts with a special card like the Primarchs and Valdor do, this one-off card stuns all enemies for free, perfect to shut down your opponent and protect an important card.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
Waifu imagery goes here. It is interesting to note that while in the books she is blonde, almost all the fanart (and the theoretically official image used in the Legions TCG) of her presents her as a brunette.
Now canon!
Lotara's card in the Horus Heresy Legions TCG