Men of Gold
Men of Gold are a mysterious sect of Humanity that appeared during the Age of Terra. They were physically and emotionally superior than ordinary men, and used them to learn and spread across the Old Earth, turning the anarchy of Nature into the order of Civilisation. To help them colonize Galaxy, Men of Gold created Men of Stone, which surpassed their masters in population in M21. With the start of Dark Age of Technology, most of them disappeared.
Characteristic-wise, they MIGHT (emphasis here) be similar to the Perpetuals due to being described as guiding mankind from the Stone Age to forming civilization like the Emperor, Erda, and Ollanius. On the other hand, it doesn’t explain why they faded into the limelight unless the civil wars alluded to by Erda and Ollanius’ comments during the Siege of Terra were more devastating to their numbers than previously thought.
Connection with the Leagues of Votann[edit | edit source]
Some Kin myths mention a “group of gleaming golden figures” in relation to the first Votann (sometimes referred to as the Gilded One, the stonemind, and the primal ancestors). Some myths speak of them as being the wisest and eldest of the First Ancestors, and are also depicted as shadowy presences that are ill-defined and shown in many different forms (similar to the Emperor and Erda using shapeshifting powers or illusions), both humanoid and otherwise, where they are depicted at all. They have also been said in some myths to look like a wheel of graven stone faces. It said in Kin myths that the Votann (an alternate name for the First Ancestors’s leader and namesake of the Ancestor Cores) raised the Kin up, and sent them sailing into the dark void – before oceans of fire and flesh rose to swallow them.