The oldest forgeworld in the Victorum Sector, Nilumanen carries a shadowed reputation among its fellows. Praised and scorned in equal measure, The Lightless Forge stands alone at the edge of human civilization, independent and aloof. And its magi wouldn't have it any other way.
Nilumanen has long been the subject of intense controversy within the Adeptus Mechanicus. While none can fault its stellar location, being so close to a rich constellation of mining worlds that provide ample supplies of raw material, its techpriests have long been suspected of harboring unorthodox and corrupted data-memes. In lesser forges throughout the sector, it is whispered that the ruling Hierarchy of Variances is not merely divergent, but schismatic, perhaps to a heretical degree.
A Brief History[edit | edit source]
Nilumanen’s early history is lost to time, disaster, and war. What is known is that Nilumanen was founded in the dark days of the Age of Strife, the sole survivor of an Ark Mechanicus fleet that pursued rumors of a rich and powerful tech-domain established in the southern reaches of the galaxy. What they found was the Falxian Gladocracy, a technocratic human successor state dominated by the most sinister sciences of the Dark Age of Technology. Their fleet scattered, corrupted, or destroyed, the tech-magi of Computatus Victrix fled into the intergalactic dust cloud known as the Cliffs of Roland. There, in the orbit of a violent trinary of protostars and amidst the dust and embers of a solar system being born, they established a hidden refuge.
The challenges of their refuge were immediately apparent. Surrounded by dust clouds, radiation banks, and warp shoals, the magi of the Computatus Victrix were forced to piece together fragments of ancient blueprints to produce hardened technologies and machines capable of operating in the disruptive environment of the Cliffs of Roland. Even their Ark Mechanicus was not spared, with many of the surviving servitors and lesser menials left crippled as electromagnetic tides swept the system with each flareup of the system's trinary. Such casualties confirmed the wisdom of settling the system, for they would be just as or more crippling to the cybernetic blasphemies of the Falxian Gladocracy. Hidden from long-range augurs, yet struggling to operate the conventional technology they had brought from sacred Mars, the archmagi dubbed their new forge Nilumanen - The Lightless Forge.
Geography[edit | edit source]
Layers upon layers separate the floating forges from the true surface of Nilumanen. Held aloft by a complex web of ancient anti-grav systems, these underlevels are the true heart of Nilumanen, where her menials are born, her tech-priests are trained, and her dead are recycled. To those outsiders that have ever penetrated the outermost layer, Nilumanen is named The False Lucius. To all others, it remains The Lightless Forge.
Culture[edit | edit source]
The symbol of Nilumanen is the Inverted Gear, an ancient symbol of sanctuary and learning. Among the tech-magi of Nilumanen, it takes on a second meaning: The Imperium and Mars, yoked to the needs of the forge.