Suptg Sharedworld

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Cosmology map.

Yeah, this Idea is really, really on Hiatus, due to drugs and forgetfullness...

the Suptg Sharedworld is an experimental Series of linked Chronicles. It is a shared world, in that events that occur in one story, with one ST, will leave a mark on the world for everyone else, including groups in Stories running alongside. It involves multiple ST's working together to make it work, with ST's possibly playing in each others' stories.

The Chronicles are set primarily in the Greater Vancouver Metropolitan Region, and follow a somewhat modified cosmology, and have some changes to various templates.

Current Project members:

Gatekeeper: Project Organizer, sometimes ST, Sometimes Player
MagicJuggler: ST, Player
Elpizo: ST, Player
Caesarsalad: Player, NPC Maker

more later.

Things about the Vancouver Freehold

1)It's heavily populated. 721 Changelings in Greater Vancouver at any time. No more, no less. One leaves, another shows up. Most of them were trying to go somewhere else.
2)It's organized almost as a republic. Holdhouses pick representitives for a council, and decisions happen there.
3)Not every Holdhouse has the same set of courts. The Chinatown Holdhouse, for instance, uses Directional courts.

Gatekeeper's game[edit | edit source]

Houserule: If you can give a good justification for it to Gate, you may or may not get a free dot to enact some silly idea that wouldn't otherwise work.

Christopher LaOmbre , Clarence's Dashing Rogue
Kaylyn, CAPSLOCKGUY'S Cautious Scavenger