Two Rooms and a Boom
A parlour game like Mafia/Werewolf but less fiddly shit where you need an impartial referee, and you don't force people to stop playing. Minimum 6 players, no maximum, but best when you have ten to twenty players.
The players are divided into two rooms, and each player is a member of either team blue or team red. Over three timed rounds, the rooms exchange players. At the end of the third round, the team red 'Bomber' player detonates. If this happens in the same room as the team blue 'VIP' player, team red wins.
Two rooms. One boom.
The original website, which is down most of the time because of bad Wordpress configuration.
Rules[edit | edit source]
Equipment[edit | edit source]
You'll need two rooms or room-equivalents, a deck of cards, and a timer that can count down minutes (or two timers, one for each room).
The two rooms must be each able to fit half the players, and players can't communicate between the rooms during the game. These could be two areas in opposite ends of a large banquet hall if the players will be far enough from each other they can't hear the other "room."
The deck of cards are like poker cards: identical backs, each card is one of two colours (team blue and team red, or team black and team red). There should be exacly as many cards are players. One team blue card is marked "V.I.P." (black five), and one team red card is marked "Bomber" (red five). If there's an odd number of players, add a grey card marked "Gambler" (joker).
The timer(s) will need to count-down different times: 3 minutes, 2 minutes, 1 minute.
Start[edit | edit source]
Divide the players into two groups. Shuffle the cards and give half of them to each group. Send each group to a different room, then deal the cards face-down one to each player. Then each player can look at their card. Players must keep their card, they cannot lose it or take another player's card. Once every player has a card, start the timer for the first round at three minutes.
If you've got two timers, one for each room, might be better to give each player their card, they don't look, divide the players, start the timers and then send the players to the rooms.
Play[edit | edit source]
During the first round (three minutes), each room must decide on a leader. The first player nominated by any other player is that room's leader (no voting). The leader's job is to decide which players in this room will be exchanged for players in the other room, and must decide before the timer is up. (6-10 players: exchange 1, 10-21 players: exchange 2, 22+ players: exchange 3). Players can talk about whatever team they're on, whether they're the VIP or the Bomber, honestly or lying about it. Players can't leave the room they're in, cannot communicate with the other room, cannot swap cards, and can't force another player to do anything with their card.
Leaders cannot be exchanged to the other room, but a leader can abdicate by appointing another player in the room as the new leader. Players in the room may also usurp the room's leader by putting a hand in the air and pointing at another player (even pointing at oneself). If more than half the room has their hand up and pointing at the same person, that pointed-at person becomes the new leader. This leader-upset does NOT pause nor reset the timer, so don't waste time.
Players | 3 min | 2 min | 1 minute |
6-10 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
11-21 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
22+ | 3 | 2 | 1 |
When the timer's up, it's time to parlay. The two leaders meet in between the rooms so they know each room is ready, restart the timer(s) for the next round at two minutes, then return to their rooms and send the exchange players to the other room. Then it's time for the leaders to decide who to exchange (6-21 players: exchange 1, 22+ players: exchange 2)
At the parlay after round two, restart the timer(s) for one minute. No matter how many players, exchange only 1 from each room. This will be the last exchange, so make it count.
At the end of round three and the timer goes off, check if there's a Gambler player in the room. The Gambler must announce if they throw their lot in with team Red or team blue. Once the Gambler decides, or if there's no Gambler, the red Bomber detonates with a 'boom'. If the Bomber is in the same room as the blue VIP, team red wins. If not, team blue wins.
Advanced Play[edit | edit source]
If you have more than ten players you can play five rounds instead of three. First round is five minutes, then four minutes, three, two, one.
If you have ten or fewer players, it's a better game if every player keeps their card secret. Eleven or more, permit player to show just the colour of their card, or share their card by showing it to one other player, or recklessly show it to the entire room. Players still cannot take other players's cards nor swap them.
Just as people add more roles for Mafia, players who are used to playing 2B1R can add more roles to the team blue and team red cards. The team blue/ team red cards must be used in pairs. Some special cards like the 'Gambler' may not belong to either team and have their own win conditions.
- blue "VIP Spouse" and red "Martyr" : if the red 'Bomber' fails, the red 'Martyr' can detonate and hopefully take out the blue 'VIP'. If the blue 'VIP' is taken out but the blue 'VIP Spouse' survives, team blue wins.
- blue "Negotiator" and red "Negotiator": when playing without letting Players reveal their cards to the room or other players, the Negotiators are the only players that can show their cards and thus be trusted as not the Bomber nor the VIP.
- blue "Doctor" and red "Engineer" The VIP has a heart condition, and the Doctor and the VIP must show each other their cards before the end of the last round else the VIP will expire for a team red victory. The Bomber's bomb is a dud, and the Engineer and the Bomber must show each other their cards before the end of the last round or the Bomber's 'boom' will be a mere 'pffft' for a team blue victory.
- blue Blind and red Blind You must play the game with your eyes closed. This means it's impossible for you to see anyone's card, and you probably won't be sent to the other room alone.
- grey Agoraphobe You have a separate win condition: never leave the room you started in.
- blue Spy and red Spy You win if the OTHER team wins. If you reveal your card's colour to another player, they'll see you're on team X, but you're working to make sure team Y wins. Hon hon hon. (no point in these roles if 10 or less players since nobody can reveal cards anyways).
- grey Hot Potato If you and another player privately share cards, swap cards. (this is an exception to the 'never give away your card' rule above!) You are now the role that you just took, and they are the Hot Potato. Whoever is the Hot Potato at the end of the game loses.
- green Zombie If you and another player privately reveal cards to each other, the other player is "bitten" and is now a member of team green. Team green wins if all players in both rooms are team green.