Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Adepta Sororitas(7E)

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The biggest blessing given by the shrinking of scale in HoR is that the eternally shat-upon Sisters of Battle can finally start standing a chance by themselves. Due to the small size of the games, there's not much in the way of S RAPE and AP KILL, meaning that while their basic stats are none too impressive, their 3+ armor suddenly makes them a lot more survivable as a battle force. The lack of heavy vehicles also allows for the simple battle-sister to also get a chance to actually fire without everything killing them first. This is also the only probable way for one to actually get away with buying the pewter figures from GW at a semi-reasonable price (read: still fucking expensive). At most you'll probably have a little more than 10 Battle Sisters, a Canoness, and maybe some Dominions/Seraphims.

Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Martyrdom: Same as Codex: If the Leader gets krumped, all models with Acts of Faith automatically pass Leadership on that turn and the next turn. It's a good bonus, but you shouldn't be risking your leader for it.
  • War Hymns: Your War Hymns now affect models within 6" of them. Generic shifting to make do with the lack of squads.
  • Acts of Faith: These got a bit of a reworking. No, we still can't use them more than once, and you still need to test Ld for them. What changed is that you need a minimum of 2 of a certain model to gain access to that AoF (Leaders count). Issue is that now you're limited to how many of you can use, as not every model can invoke their Act, and since the choices that can influence the AoF are all Special (with two exceptions), you're kinda forced to roll with a certain playstyle to make the most of it. Also, you can't call more than one AoF per turn.
    • The Passion: Accessible to all Leaders. During anyone's assault ahase, the Leader and any models within 6" of her gain Hatred. More useful for any melee sisters or a Mistress list, as WS3/4 is going to be a bit of a doozy to hit with.
    • Hand of the Emperor: Only given by Celestians/Celestian Superior. This gives all Celestians Furious Charge for your assault phase. S4 at least gives them a 50/50 shot at actually hurting a Space Marine, but doing so means charging and not using your fancy guns. At least you all give 2 attacks to make them take notice.
    • Spirit of Martyrdom: Only given by Repentias/Mistress of Repentance. During anyone's assault phase, you can call this to give the Repentias a surprise 3+ FNP. Probably the nicest one out there as the FNP gives you a good deal or protection against anything while you make the suicidal charge.
    • Light of the Emperor: Only given by basic Battle-Sisters. Probably the easiest to gain, as Battle-Sisters are your only Core Choice in most occasions, but a rather nice and very utilitarian one. During your shooting phase or anyone's assault phase, this will give all your sisters Preferred Enemy. A good way to protect your girls from a charge with a reliable overwatch, give them an edge in shooting out the enemy, or give them a shot at prevailing over an enemy in combat.
    • Holy Fusillade: Only given by Dominions/Dominion Superior. Gives all Dominions Ignores Cover for a turn, which is an amazing thing to give a bolt/melta-slinging Dominion squad. Flamers...not so much.
    • Divine Guidance: Only given by Retributor/Retributor Superior. Gives Retributors Rending, which becomes a really vicious tool against light infantry.
    • The Emperor's Deliverance: Only given by Seraphim/Seraphim Superior. Gives Seraphim Shred, which is an outrageously helpful tool in helping lay down the hurt in shooting with your volume of fire.

Wargear[edit | edit source]

  • Simulacrum Imperialis: Given to a single model, this is still a critical tool. However, this can no longer give you a second AoF, as that would require giving the Leader one. Instead, in the event that the Leader dies, you can have this model invoke Acts like the Leader, using her own Leadership value. Not a solid backup plan, but it will help you provide uninterrupted bonuses if the Leader bites it too soon.
  • Master-Crafted Weapon: Just like it says, an MC weapon. This can't be used to give a Seraphim Superior two MC pistols, just one.
  • Suspensors: Gives a model the ability to fire a Heavy Weapon even if they move, but only at half-range. Utterly priceless for Multi-Melta and Heavy Bolter sisters, as they'll usually be targeted first and moving would otherwise cripple their firepower.
  • Smoke Grenade: Harmless grenade that gives 5+ Cover for all within the Large Blast. Take it, you'll need the protection for a good charge.
  • Blessed Weapon: Makes a weapon 2+ Poisoned against Psykers. For 5 points, this is a pretty sweet grab, but do be careful on using this against Grey Knights and Horrors, who can navigate around this with their unusual psykers.
  • Unguents of Warding: Lets the model Deny on a 3+. Awesome to use with a Leader meant for combat or a Priest.
  • Auspex: A model can exchange her shooting turn to reduce the cover save of a model within 12" by 1. Take for your heavy weapons if you go against flamer spam.
  • Bionics: Cheap 6+ FNP. Better than nothing at least.
  • Targeter: If you don't move, you can re-roll shots to-hit of 1. Usually, take the extra points for the Suspensor, it'll help more.

Leaders Only[edit | edit source]

  • Sword of Saint Sabbat: A vicious AP2 Power Sword, this will ALWAYS wound Daemons or Psykers on a 2+. Good choice for a melee build.
  • Blessed Mantle: 5++ Invul. Always a decent investment.
  • Bionic Eye: Grants Night Vision and re-rolls 1s to-hit. A nice take, and always works unlike the Targeter.
  • Seals of Faith: Boosts IP range to 12" and makes models within IP immune to Fear. AWESOME to make for a support-based leader.
  • Badge of Sisterhood: Effectively replaces one ID hit with a single wound. Invaluable, as all Plasma and Melta that hits you will effectively kill you. Just pray you get only one hit, as it'll only work on one hit.
  • Litanies of Devotion: Gives you an automatic use of one AoF. Cheap and always a smart buy.
  • Condemnor Grenade: Like the Black Templars, you lack proper Psyk-Out grenades. Instead, you get harmless grenades that auto-perils any psykers hit by the blast.
  • Brazier of Holy Fire: Essentially a single-use Heavy Flamer that wounds Psykers and Daemons on a 2+. Pretty much used like a Combi-Flamer, only grab on the occasion that you really need one.

FOC[edit | edit source]

  • 1 Leader
  • 1-25 Core
  • 0-5 Special

Leaders[edit | edit source]

  • Celestian Superior: Perhaps the best of the Leaders available from a statline with both WS/BS4 and Ld9, and gets access to the most weapons of them. While this means that she can be dedicated to being either melee or ranged, she's definitely going to need a mini-command squad to help her with her charges and shooting. Also, you're going to be disappointed that Celestians DON'T become core, meaning you'll have to give up one of your coveted special slots for more to get their AoF, and that will inevitably mean charging.
  • Sister Superior: The generic Sisters Leader, and the one with the most variety. While she lacks the option for an Eviscerator or an Inferno Pistol like the Celestian Superior, she makes it up by freeing up some needed slots for Acts of Faith by either becoming a Retributor (For free) or a Dominion and gaining Scout (For a measly point), letting you count as one of those models so you only need one to grab their AoF. 10 Points also makes you a Vet and gives you +1 A/Ld.
  • Seraphim Superior: There's one reason you're likely grabbing her, and it's to help dart around and piss people off. The issue with that is that her price will skyrocket the highest of the four, as plasma and inferno pistols now cost 15, as do power swords. If you are going to inevitably buy her and use her AoF with another Seraphim, at least take a pistol so you can make the best of it.
  • Mistress of Repentance: A brutal melee fighter against most forces with her neural whips that shred on anything Ld8 or lower. She's also the only character who can grab another unit as core (in this case, Repentia), and she has to anyway. Enjoy your massive charging wall and make sure they enjoy their 3+ FNP the turn they charge like hell.

Core[edit | edit source]

  • Battle-Sister: Your basic and humble troop. Has a rather good variety of guns for every five you grab. Since you'll inevitably have to grab more Sisters for more bodies, it no longer becomes an issue as to how you'll get your AoF, but rather how you'll kit them out to use it best. Just make sure to keep a loadout of sisters most efficient to the respective enemies: Flamers for blob management, melta for heavy armor and transports, bolters for anything else. Just remember that they'll have to pick up for everyone else, so keep them armed for that occasion.
  • Dominion: Really kitted for fast, aggressive types, up to two of these sisters can only grab storm bolters, flamers, and meltaguns. With Scouts, they can move around to get closer to a key enemy, and their AoF allows them to effectively ignore any cover between her and her enemies. Kickass.
  • Seraphim: Swift and jumpy is how these girls act. Their re-rollable 6++ makes them a sturdier force than most, and Hit & Run makes them able to always pester anyone. Take the Hand Flamers if you expect to fight blobs, only take the Inferno Pistols if you seriously want a shock force, as that'll be the only way to justify spending the 30 points.

Special[edit | edit source]

  • Celestian: A slightly more buff sister, but comes with some bonus tools. While they have access to the same guns as the normal sisters, they can also take a second flamer/heavy flamer/melta if you buy more than two of them. Usually, it's best to keep from the multi-melta/heavy bolter, as your AoF gives you Furious Charge, and doing that will shank you are now with an effectively useless gun...unless you spring for a suspensor.
  • Retributor: The Devastator Squads of the Sisters, up to two of these girls can grab heavy weapons to ensure total ruination. The use of Suspensors becomes especially helpful, as they'll be able to keep firing no matter what, and when you can pump 4 heavy bolter rounds/multi-melta shots into someone at any time, they learn to fear your guns. Their AoF gifts them with Rending, which is a marvel when timed properly, but otherwise keep them from anything heavily armored.
  • Sister Repentia: There's one reason you want to take these: Utter murderous assault. Charging them makes them a frightening force of death, but doing that is risky as they're only protected by their Shield of Faith. Bringing them in a Mistress-led force is an especially fun move as they now get assured access to their AoF's 3+ FNP, which is a complete godsend.


  • Sister Dialogous: Really, she's only good for one goal, and that's giving your Leader the re-roll on Ld for the AoF while within 12" of each other.
  • Hospitalier: Your sister-sized Apothecary with FNP for all units within 6". She's also not too cut out for combat, so protect her with some other sisters.
  • Ministorum Priest: Do yourself a favor and grab one. He'll give sisters within 6" Zealot, he can buff them with his War Hymns, and he can grab an insane amount of weapons. There's literally nothing that's stopping you from taking it except for your need for bonus AoFs.