Frontier Dragons
Thorn's shitty attempt at making a DB game.
It will be on #suptg, as usual. And times will be figured out as we figure shit out.
Premise[edit | edit source]
As creation becomes more and more unstable with the rise of the anathema, certain areas of creation are not immune to the random bickering and bloodshed that is so inherent in the denizens of creation. The players will assume a ragtag group of dragonblooded (standard character generation) exalted freshly pulled out of whatever the hell they were doing and put smack dab in the middle of war.
Can they make a difference? Or just become another statistic for the celestial beuracracy to filter?
(It'll be a pretty standard game, Realm DB would be prefered, but if you have a reason, I can accept other ideas.)
Stuff[edit | edit source]
Extra shit goes here.
People[edit | edit source]
Renton - Interested. Fire aspect?