Magical Realm Cyoa/Megalodonia

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Realm Wizard: Armstrong the Muscle Wizard

Realm Name: Megalodonia

Complications: [175]Nightmare!/Bound!/Benevolent!

Demiplane: [164]Area Increase 6(11)

Planar Features: [153]Insertion/Portals/Protection 2(11)

Population: [139]Population Increase 7(14)

Inhabitants: [125]Attitude Adjustment/Culture & Customs/Pretty/Demographics/Longevity/Metahuman(14)

Technology: [120]Technology Upgrade 5(5)

Magic: [110]Magical Upgrade 5(10)

Society: [084]Aesthetics/Public Education/University/Diplomatic/Wealthy/Industrial/Mystical/Technomagic/Infrastructure/Sanitation/Secure/Healthy(26)

Culture: [076]Intellectual/Sports/Warefare/Religious/Occult/Nature/Alcohol/Food(8)

Environment: [062]Landscape Adjustments/Fertile/Rich/Exceptional Materials/Fauna & Flora 3(14)

Adventure: [050]Dungeons 3/Spirits/Malice/Theme(12)

Capital: [045]Lifestyle Upgrade 1/Influence 1/Artifact(5)

Personal: [027]Immortality/Shape Shift 1/Tongues/Memory/Awareness/Inspiration/Peak Condition/Superhuman Body/Blessing(18)

Powers: [013]Alchemy/Healing/Enchanting/Conjuration/Elementalism 3/Nullification(14)

Companions: [010]Familiar(3)

Ascendance: [000]Guidance 2(10)

Brief History and General Overview[edit | edit source]

Futuristic Modern era civilization filled with magic and magitech. The people live in scattered city states on a great Pangaea, totaling 10 billion inhabitants. Early in this land's civilization about 2500 years ago, its people were brought to the brink of extinction and collapse, a cosmic horror from beyond space and time descended upon the world and corrupted the land and nature itself. The magical flora and fauna grew, mutated and evolved rapidly and became deadly and toxic to consume. Diseases and infertility plagues culled and sterilized two thirds of the population. But the people persevered, survivors and mountain hermits developed a way of life that incorporated fitness, health, mental discipline and fortitude as well as magic into a martial life philosophy known as The Path of the Enduring Mountain, or simply shortened to The Path. They developed methods to cleanse diseases, fight off the monsters, cancerous vegetation and horrible aberrations at their doorsteps, purify the water, flora and fauna of the cosmic horror's taint so it is made safe for domestication and consumption and even found ways to partially remedy infertility. The first true muscle wizard masters after centuries of struggle, eventually subdued the cosmic horror and imprisoned it underneath an enormous mystical mountain; Mount Megalodon. Yet its madness continues to seep into the land and its wild and savage malice still threatens to consume civilization.

Megalodonia's distant past is mired in myth and fables, most modern Megalodonians understand their past through allegories of muscle magic philosophy, parables and epics that have been passed down in oral tradition, with each retelling adding on more and more cryptic layers of fiction and half-truths. Actual historical records that stretch to the days of the cosmic horror is fragmented and undecipherable, and exist in barely recognizable ancient ruins littered around Mount Megalodon’s base. Rumors and hushed whispers speak of complete records and secrets of Megalodonia's past sitting idly in the ever shifting labyrinths and catacombs nestled in the dark shadowy quarantined zones, contaminated heavily with the cosmic horror's lingering malice. Where living tendrils of pitch blackness, static gray nightmares and other horrendous evil spirits roam those non-euclidean confines. Few dare to venture into those dark depths and even fewer return alive or with their sanity unscathed.

Fast forward to the present day, over two millennia of forced natural selection, adaptation and immunization to the horrors of this deadly land, as well as staunch adherence to the guiding teachings of the Path, has made the people super-humanly strong and large of stature. The average female stands 7-9 feet tall, whilst the average males stand head and shoulders even above their fairer gender counterparts at around 9-12 feet tall. Unfortunately, the lingering effects of male infertility persist to this day and modern Megalodonian societies are cursed with highly skewed 90% female demographics. All adult males are accomplished muscle wizards that guide, teach and govern the people living in scattered city states too numerous to count, separated by vast death jungles and civilization devouring wilderness. Each city state has its own flare of customs and traditions, but overall universally themed around a meritocratic warrior-scholar culture and system of governance, adhering to the principles of muscle magic and the Path of the Enduring Mountain, where strength, skill and courage is acknowledged beyond all else, and chivalry and honor is upheld by every citizen, lest society breaks down and the ravenous and malicious nature reclaims back the land.

Daily life in Megalodonia is thrilling, work is abundant and there is much to do, from fighting back the violent nature that encroaches upon the cities, to ferrying and transporting enormous armored cargo and trade caravans through the horrendously dangerous badlands, to setting out on great expeditions to uncover the secrets of this wild land, for fun and profit or to establish new city states. Many more spend their lifetimes honing the ancient martial spell casting art of muscle wizardry to the level of a grand master and beyond or becoming guardians of the mountain, ensuring the cosmic horror never escapes its prison. Regardless of profession, social status or wealth, pulp fiction adventures and jolly corporation awaits for each Megalodonian.

Landscape and Biomes[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

Megalodonia is a Pangaea of epic proportions that stretches the width and breadth of a Jupiter sized planet surrounded on all sides by four vast oceans equated to the four main directions of the Compass. It mirrors Earth in many ways, there is one sun, one moon called Lobos, four seasons and there is 24 hours in a day and 365 days in a year. A massive mountain range spans across the entire Pangaea like an arching spine, crowning the 50 km tall Mount Megalodon at its center. The gravity on Meglodonia is 2.5 times greater than that of Earth.

Nitrogen Tundra[edit | edit source]

The northern fringe of the Pangaea is covered in mercilessly harsh tundra broken by vast liquid nitrogen lakes and snaking river veins, temperatures here can plummet close to -150 degrees Celsius.

Many different species of eldritch liquid nitrogen life forms live in this biome able to flash freeze its victims in burning dry ice to desiccant brittle corpses instantly.

Enormous cracks scar the tundra landscape leaking inky black morass fog. At the deepest point of these crevices it is said that temperatures drop to absolute zero, and at these depths terrible entropy eating shadow creatures roam; these are all but dark rumors used to scare children.

Historically, the lowest point reached by any Megalodonian had temperatures register at -250 degrees Celsius, the Muscle Wizard grand master who attempted this expedition dropped dead from severe frost bite and hypothermia at the doorstep of his home city, just as he returned from his journey.

He had tied his entire expedition team on tandem sleds and dragged their corpses through many hundreds of thousand kilometers of horrendous wilderness so his body and the bodies of his comrades can receive proper burials at the footsteps of Mount Megalodon. What little we know of the expedition was etched into the Muscle Wizard's own flesh, as their research documents and journeys are all frozen brittle and crumbled to icicle dust.

Boreal Carnivorous Forests and Tentacle Lakes[edit | edit source]

Further south of the Frozen nitrogen tundra, we begin to approach boreal forests teeming with carnivorous conifers and fresh water lakes connected by subterranean rivers.

Woolly Shoggoths stalk these forests; their pseudopod appendages snatched and gobbled up morsel by bloody morsel in the thousand jawed branches and razor sharp pines of lumbering carnivorous trees in their mindless pursuit of smaller prey.

Fresh water world gorging kraken reside in the lakes, their poisonously barbed tentacles stretch many miles through the networks of subterranean rivers, snatching any fish or beast that try to quench their thirst in one of their unsuspecting waterholes.

Howling banshee wolves prowl these lands in large packs numbering in the hundreds, the collective power of their howls can level city blocks flat and violently reverberate any poor soul into flesh paste at point blank range.

Swift Pyro Antler Caribou roam the boreal forests in protective herds always alert and on the move, aggressively ramming their thermite tipped antlers into anything they perceive to be threats, this allow a few of the adult, lame or old members of the herd to sacrifice their lives in a pyrophoric blaze of glory, allowing the rest of the herd to breakthrough encroachments made by carnivorous conifer trees seeking an easy meal, all-consuming woolly shoggoths or survive Howling banshee wolf ambushes.

Temperate Shoggoth Forests, Spine Savannas and Shrapnel Shrub land[edit | edit source]

As we approach south of the Boreal forest, we reach temperate coniferous forest, wild savannas and shrub land.

These lands are the most tranquil and most inhabited by Megalodonians. A wide variety of smaller and tamer species of shoggoths roam the temperate forests, many domesticated as pets and livestock.

Rodents thrive in great abundance, monomolecular razor teethed rabbits and beavers live in large warrens and in dammed river ways, their presence is extremely hazardous to major city infrastructure, gnawing through alchemically enchanted, reinforced concrete and carbon nanotube meshed rebar in minutes. Hive rats scour the sewers and dark places protecting their primal and savage psionic rat king hosts with their own bodies.

The diamond barked oaks and strangling tangle cord willow trees, shrapnel wire shrubs, spine grain wheat fields, creeping shamrock claymore lichen and land mine moss and herds of rampaging tarrasques are all too common sights, as well as parasitic crab grass and flowering thorn thistles growing everywhere and on everything, sometimes on unsuspecting Megalodonians, their roots drilling so deeply into flesh they choke arteries and rupture organs.

Many ruins and labyrinths of Megalodonia's forgotten past dot the temperate landscape as well as dark malicious hot zones; dangerous regions where the malicious influence of the cosmic horror taints deeper than all the rest.

Phoenix Jungles and Napalm Badlands[edit | edit source]

As we venture even farther south of the temperate biome, we arrive in the tropical phoenix jungles and snaking napalm badlands that exist in scattered microcosms across all of Megalodonia.

Explosive thermite flora, metastablized hydrogen metal coated prey and predators as well as plasma fuel rod insects and bugs thrive in the greatest abundance, and every so often flash fires known as great bombardments scorch the entire biome.

Thermite seeds of dynamite trees ignite, and the coats of the many beasts combust with great thunderous fury, signaling destruction and the beginning of new life. New dynamite saplings sprout from the ashes and charred remains of victims with no flame retardant protection or were too slow to escape or hide from the raging explosions. Fertile mothers shed and combust their hydrogen metal hides, furs and scales to signal the start of mating season and to burrow and bare many children.

This is also the biome of disease, terrible insect carriers and plagues. The carriers and causers of contagions mutate and evolve newer and deadlier strains every couple of months.

Station posts of medical expedition detachments can be found nestled in the canopies, skilled doctors and their nurses and apprentices busy themselves analyzing and studying the myriad number of diseases that continue to kill Megalodonians in the most excruciating painful of ways, elucidating cures and ailments whenever possible.

Azure Flame and Alabaster Deserts[edit | edit source]

At the southernmost point of the Pangaea lies the endless alabaster desert, caked in white salt and burning limestone sands of azure flame from burning oil wells and seeping deposits of asphalt and natural gases.

Temperatures reach 100 degree Celsius on the surface, boiling away any moisture to vapor. What life that remains, reside here living deep underground in networks of convoluted subterranean tunnels carved out by the acid of massive bulimic sand wurms seeking the juicy meat of plasma bombardier beetles, bioluminescent cave shoggoths, plasma pot ants suckling on the oil wells, gases and tar pits and also on phosphorous alkaloid tuber roots.

Great glass and molten slag cathedral mounds of white phosphorous welder termites also dot the landscape, gathering the white salts and sands and melting them to slag to expand their colonies.

These termites collect the pollen and floating seeds of drifting methane gas palm trees, the webbed and methane filled ballooning leaves allow these trees to glide and float on the rising hot air and wind currents, their spindly porous trunks hungrily absorb the condensing water vapor and the dangling umbrella like root systems extends hundreds of feet down to the sand and salt, anchored by termite cathedral mounds.

The welder termites cultivate and grow methane palm saplings to feed their Brain infesting fungal groves to nourish their growing colonies as well as to act as a defense mechanism against intruders.

Vicious flesh eating and necrotic bacteria exist in these lands, decomposing dead sand wurms, insects, flora and shoggoths to oil, tar, and natural gasses as soon as they die; continuing the circle of life.

Coastline and Oceans[edit | edit source]

Finally, the coasts and shores of the Pangaea are accented in jagged tooth like rocks and steep spiraling cliffs, blistering supercavitating barnacles and carbon filament coral.

Many great flying horrors can be found along the shoreline, the dagger headed and blade winged sea striders and gaping maw dragons fly in large flocks. More teeth and maws then body or head, they swoop down skimming the waters and dark abyss with their jaws wide open, pulling up to gorge on their catch.

Inferno mantis shrimp and blade spine ramjet nautili can be found lazily floating along the shallow ocean floor, when disturbed the inferno mantis spays its vicinity with a magnesium ink and instantaneously swing their claws with such force and acceleration, the waters ignite in fiery infernos of burning magnesium and cavitation that burn as hot as a star's core.

The ramjet nautili ram themselves at their prey or would-be predators at excess of Mach 5 riding in supercavitating vacuum bubbles cutting their prey and predators sometimes in half on their carbon filament razor edged shells.

Different species of amphibious ramjet nautili can take up sand and small stones in its hyponome ramjet organs and expel streams of high pressure water that can cut through the strongest of steel and hardest of armor a kilometer away.

Extremely monstrous creatures can be found in the deeper parts of the four oceans of Megalodonia, from the leviathan vacuum whales, massive kilometer sized beasts that sit at the lowest point of the ocean creating gigantic whirlpools and underwater slip stream vacuums trapping and devouring any creature caught in its rippling siphon to sate its hunger.

To the seawater world gorging krakens that can grow many magnitudes larger than their fresh water cousins, not to mention the swarms of ravenous turbine sharks with mouths full of jagged dagger-like teeth that spin and grind in rapid succession and seawater bonesplitter piranhas that can chew and digest through any material, leaving a not trace of their victims.

Artifact:Mount Megalodon[edit | edit source]

Mount Megalodon is a massive 50 km tall artificially created pitch black mountain, it goes by many names throughout the eons; Crown of the True King, Fang of Ouroboros, The Black summit, The Bleeding Edge, The Onyx Infinity. The mountain itself is surrounded by thousands of smaller mountain ranges and ridges, three gigantic cloud halos each one larger than the last, ring around its immense peak in ascending order as it points upward to the celestial sky, while its base extends deep into the malevolent abyss, imprisoning the Cosmic Horror in its non-Euclidean pocket dimension. The mountain grows taller by a few inches every year.

It is hypothesized in some scholarly circles, that Mount Megalodon is composed entirely of the solidified rest form of raw kinesionic energy, however all magical and technological attempts to probe its composition has returned no data and registered no signals or stimulus. The only way to extract shard specimens is by a cutting hand imbued with a great deal of kinesionic energy possessed only by grand masters.

No other form of magic or technology can affect the Mountain's composition, its shards appear to be virtually immutable and indestructible, surviving the inner core of a star, passing through a singularity without a dent, scratch or splintering and without any loss of momentum.

To assist in its purpose as an Eldritch Prison, hundreds of thousands of ancient runes and scriptures are carved into the mountain’s base, by hand, fist and fingertip. Blood stains, cracked bones and viscera degraded and dissolved off long ago, coat these wards as dust and ashen residues, evoking desperation, cries for help and frantic prayers for salvation as the entire world sought to devour the ancient Megalodonian civilization and people.

Billions of hands etched away into the cruel rock and cliff face so hundreds of thousands more can be saved, surviving to build a brighter future. The magical aura and fields generated by these runes are incredibly powerful and their magical properties work reliably without fail, powered by the pure essence of hope, sheer willpower itself and the blood of innocents dying to cruel tragic fates.

The mountain's mysterious composition has incredible properties on its own right, tainted water and poisoned food is instantly purified as it touches its base, magic and advance technology ceases to function as they come in contact with the mystical aura that enshrouds its imposing presence, only muscle magic can be channeled in the mountain’s proximity and only those noble and virtuous intent can tread its treacherous cliffs and craggy steps, a barrier impends all other trespassers.

Passing Muscle Wizard disciples, patrolling mountain guardians and excavating archaeologists alike swear they can hear feint murmurs of sobbing children and monotone prayers carried to their ears by winds brushing against the worn chiseled intricate grooves of these mystical symbols.

According to old Megalodonian lore, Megalodon is steeped with so much mystical energy, the peak acts as a conduit igniting the muscle magic spark in whoever is worthy of climbing to its highest reach. When the latent muscle magic potential is awakened in an aspiring muscle wizard, he or she gains true enlightenment from the sacred trinity of mind, body and spirit. For a brief moment, the disciple glimpses into muscle nirvana; the liberation of worldly frailties and achieving clarity and understanding in all the virtues of the mountain as raw kinesionic energy is breathed in and weaved out of his or her body. When the disciple climbs down, he is wiser, nobler with a renewed sense of resolve for chivalry, righteousness, and honor bound purpose.

Since the days of triumph when the cosmic horror was finally subdued under the mountain, the greatest muscle wizard grand masters of every successor generation has been buried in its vast underground caverns, their muscle magic essence leaving behind their now dusting corpses, sieving upward to its peak through ore veins and grooved water channels, accumulating into a massive matrix reservoir of kinesionic energy.

Muscle Wizard disciples and civilians who received some training in the muscle magic art, generally have their cremated remains scattered around the mountain base or etched into runic symbols to further empower the wards, enchantments and auras that continue to keep the Cosmic Horror at bay.

Leyline Networks[edit | edit source]

Communication in Megalodonia is facilitated by systems of leylines, historically centered on Mount Megalodon, in more modern times the runic communication systems have been painstakingly relocated and refurbished, with new runes written to expand its reach, to the surrounding mountain ranges to prevent scrambling of signals between barrier and communication leylines. These leylines form an ethereal network consisting of relays of repeating identical runes connected together by magic facilitated quantum entanglement interactions. The quality of the signal sent and received depends on how accurate and precise the newly inscribed runes are to the ideal original characters that they were derived from, they cannot be mechanically printed, but physically inscribed by a hand channeling muscle magic with small room for tolerable error.

Regardless of spatial and temporal differences in the multiverse, signals transmitted from one end of the network will instantaneously be received on the other end, alchemic converters transmute the runic signals to audio-visual displays or any other desired output and vice versa.

Barrier leylines derive their power from Mount Megalodon itself and thus the runes that fall under this system must be etched in the sacred mountain to retain their properties, these runes serve to reinforce the already formidable barrier emanating from the sacred mountain by manipulating space-time to fill in holes, leaks and tying up loose knots found in the system. Due to the great urgency to keep the barrier strengthened at all costs, great care and months of tedious effort has been put into etching every single rune that goes towards the barrier inscription, so each character is as close as possible to the resemblance to the ideal characterizations.

In times of the gravest urgency, the barrier leylines can be accessed on Mount Megalodon's peak through the muscle magic conduit by peering through Muscle Nirvana to commune with the mountain's own consciousness, and its will can be beckoned to enshroud the entire planet, or to every planet or realm with a leyline connection, with a void shield of immense strength and proportions. Only the greatest muscle wizards with the most indomitable wills can attempt such feats.

The runes associated with this communication network are inscribed closest to mountain peaks, while the collective system of runes serving as the barrier of cosmic horror imprisonment are inscribed at the base of the sacred mountain, spiraling to the unseen bottomless abyss.

Nightmare:Cosmic Horror[edit | edit source]

The Entity[edit | edit source]

The Beast of Insanity, the Silent Static, the Weeping Wound, the Gray Maw. Whatever it is called, Megalodonians of every generation fear it, treading the subject with caution and in more superstitious cities, the subject of great taboo.

The cosmic horror descended out of nowhere and blanketed the then quiet world in darkest night. It bled gray static into reality through windows of inking blackness and everywhere the static fell, reality broke apart at its seams. The landscape twisted in corkscrew agony, the tainted life screamed with malice and hate as their forms became stretched and bloated as an unseen hand sculpted them in cruel sadistic irony.

And all the while the being curls its facsimile mouths into non-Euclidean grins so wide, cracking the sky open, gnashing jagged teeth of ashen lightning, slobbering down endless rain devoid of all color, that needle the quaking rolling ground blistering with beige flesh and tumors. Laughing out boiling gray static as its tendrils suffocate the world in its clutches, inhaling life and exhaling dust.

Imprisoned[edit | edit source]

Today, the Cosmic rests immobile at the deepest depths of Mount Megalodon, where no light and no life can reach. The runes spiraling from the base of the sacred mountain twist and warp around space and time itself as reality aches to contain a being that reject it so profanely. The fundamental forces of the multiverse torture in rippling flagellation attempting to quantify the entity, forming chains that impale and anchor it to a spatial proximity.

The entity is cloaked in utter darkness; three orifices lay open beaming upward as though gazing at a starry night. Its mouth like orifice glitching in irregular motions gibbering eldritch nonsense, reciting the non-existent constellations and spewing maddening rhetoric that seems to reverberate and echo in the night terrors of Megalodonia's dreaming inhabitants. Two oval windows of gray static twitch back and forth narrowing its vision to each imaginary star, like a child lying in bed, biding its time in eternal sleeplessness.

Malice[edit | edit source]

The Cosmic Horror is the source of all malicious magic in Megalodonia, despite the valiant efforts of hundreds of generations of muscle wizards devoting their entire lives to keeping the being imprisoned, breaches in the runic leyline barriers persist and its vile miasma leaks out in the world in slow poisoning drips.

Nightmare and Shadow Spirits[edit | edit source]

The legacy of the Cosmic Horror, the spirits of Megalodonians corrupted by its malice become nightmares and shadowy spirits that lurk in the long forgotten twisted ruins and dungeons of Megalodonia's past.

They are sickly humanoid caricatures moving in an erratic flickering non-euclidean stagger. Their limbs are spindly and spidery, with gaping irregular orifices pouring out gray static, breaking and merging spatial dimensions into impossible geometries as the very fabric of reality bleeds, bellowing tears of static haze in their passing.

Every twitching step leaving behind dark puddles of screaming and oozing mouths of gibbering despair, siphoning life, sanity and colour from their helpless victims with but a touch. The victim's skin boiling off into gray static and tendrils of living black ink. The amalgamations of gray static living tendrils and shadows of the deceased, merge and burst to unlife, bolstering their eldritch ranks.

Their near constant screeching and scratching static howls can be heard in the ever-shifting mazes of long bleached hazy white corridors, faded outlines of old hospital interiors with a dreamlike nightmarish quality, with the stench of sterility and rubbing alcohol heralding their presence, appearing everywhere and nowhere.

Dungeons[edit | edit source]

In the darkest most hallow corridor mazes of these forsaken places, lie powerful treasures of Megalodonia's past, proto-runic characters that are ancestors to even the oldest runes inscribed on the sacred mountain, containing insurmountable primal magic.

Archaic weapons and armor infused by millenia of cosmic horror's essence, can rend reality apart with a single swing, and absorb energy and the most violent of magical and technological blows as though they never hit, or blink the fired munitions and offensive magic out of existence as reality conforms to a different quantum uncertainty.

And last but not least, lost scriptures of The Path and complete historical documents much sought after by lorekeepers and scholars, detailing forgotten muscle magic techniques or even the instructions and rituals that went into the creation of Mount Megalodon itself.

Realm Wizard and Familiar[edit | edit source]

Realm Wizard:Armstrong[edit | edit source]

The realm wizard of this plane, resides in a small manor somewhere hidden at the base of Mount Megalodon. He is an adventurer; jovial, gentle and restless in heart and spirit, never staying in one place for every long.

He could be at Mount Megalodon welcoming and sending the first initiates off on the trial of the mountain; the first step to becoming full fledge muscle wizards. To teaching children, scholars, muscle wizards masters of every age and walk of life; whoever cares to listen to his philosophies and spell casting ways, drinking a few pints and telling his long winded stories and adventures in the many pubs that dot the land, or hunting and stalking the deadliest of creatures and nature bred killing machines.

He is that cool and loud uncle invited on every family gathering and he is also that stern father figure that dispenses hard wisdom when nobody wants to hear but deserves to be heard. He is the eternal mountain and some even whisper in exaggerated legends, the founder of muscle wizardry who lifted the forgotten continent into the air and hurled it at the cosmic horror as it threatened to consume Megalodonia in madness and depravity, and laid down the leyline foundation and boons for the powerful magic that proliferates from the sacred mountain, standing resolute as its prison.

He is simply known as Armstrong, a 12 foot tall giant of a man, rippling with muscle on every inch of his massive body, bald save for a lock of curly blonde hair and sporting a lavished and well groomed blonde mustache, gazing with intense piercing blue eyes of wonderlust and grinning a seemingly permanent boisterous and welcoming smile.

His previous life on earth was that of wanton misery and despair. He was born diseased ridden, suffering from severe muscular dystrophy and his mother died giving birth to him. He was permanently wheel chair bound, and spent a majority of his life being shuffled from hospital to hospital, the stench of sterility and rubbing alcohol filling his every waking moment. His father resents him for precariously killing his beloved soul mate with his tragic birth.

When the god wizard presented the opportunity of great unfathomable power, he grasped at it with all his might, filling his heart with hope and his spirit held high again with chivalry and honor. The realm he crafted is a reflection of his fragile psyche, the imprisoned cosmic horror is literally the manifestation of all his anxiety, despair, misery, mother and abandoned children syndrome issues rolled into one decrepit entity.

Armstrong loves adventure and making new friends where ever he roams in the multiverse, above all he loves to teach about his life philosophy of The Path of The Enduring Mountain to anyone who cares to listen over a few pints of beer and a hearty meal.

In friendly realms that greet him with hospitality, he returns that generosity and kindness many times over, granting his hosts his greatest boon to the tallest mountain or highest peak equivalent in their realm, enchanted and inscribed with his runes and magical muscle essence, becoming forever tethered to the leyline network anchored to Mount Megalodon, the great mountain’s blessings and protection now theirs to freely use as they see fit. If no mountain exist, then Armstrong will shape and craft one himself to the personal specifications of the realm host.

Familiar:Strongarm[edit | edit source]

Armstrong has a familiar; in the exact likeness of the realm wizard but with a jet black lock of hair and mustache, he goes by the name of Strongarm, possessing all of his powers and strengths.

Strongarm's calm, cold and collected introversion contrasts like a mirror reflection to Armstrong’s enthusiastic joviality and rambunctious extroversion, the familiar spends most of his time in quiet study in his own dimensional pocket library, containing all the knowledge for godhood ascension. On the rare occasion he is not researching, Strongarm treads the world softly, cloaked and unseen, leading the Mountain Guardians in their duties, developing new runes, wards, secret technologies and magitech.

In the darkest hour of overwhelming odds, Armstrong and Strongarm can become one, two minds of one soul becomes whole again, reuniting Armstrong's experience and instinct from his countless adventures and battles with Strongarm's collective knowledge and technical acumen, mastered in his eons of study and research. The complete being is in the splitting image of Armstrong but his facial features adorned with the most awesome blond beard to ever grace a man’s face. With their powers combined, they are the epitome of muscle wizardry made flesh and bone.

Cities and Politics[edit | edit source]

Cities[edit | edit source]

Megalodonian cities are clean, self-sufficient, safe and lightly populated close knit communities with amazing infrastructure. the largest of which have a population approaching ten million people, the tiniest settlements can get as small as a few thousand souls.

Cities tend to be very ruggedly and efficiently designed, with easily navigable geometrical hexagonal or concaving radial grid blocks centered on shopping and business districts with spaces for urban living, education, scientific and magic R&D and recreation circling around them.

The outer fringe of city limits are reserved for industry and agriculture designed with cheap yet sturdy brutalism architecture, reinforced with fortifications, alchemic magic, runes and enchantments to prevent the encroachment of the wild, while the inner blocks are designed following the entire spectrum of modernist and post-modernist architectural principles. Regardless of architecture used, all Megalodonian cities have a hint of Victorian style and charm.

Cities are designed in such way that an average Megalodonian with their superhuman physique can sprint or walk to any location in the city's boundaries within seconds and minutes respectively and large modular blocks can quickly be prefabricated and erected in weeks for easy repair, maintenance, renovation and expansion.

City Politics[edit | edit source]

Generally speaking, cities are led by muscle wizard grand masters, with governance and management of specific city functions and sectors handled by committees and administrations of muscle wizard masters.

Lower government services such as mail delivery and garbage disposal are managed by muscle wizard apprentices down to the lower hierarchy of command to regular Megalodonian civilians with minimal muscle magic training.

Each city state its own customs and traditions of how muscle wizard grand masters are elected, crowned, sworn in or voted into office and methods of electing muscle wizards into administrative and managerial positions that are too numerous to mention from televised wrestling electoral campaigns to thumb war debates. Overall, every custom and proceeding follows a very meritocratic approach with slight nepotistic undertones.

With all things considered, city state relationships are overall friendly to borderline neutral. Trade, competition for discovery and exploration of new resources and new prospects are greatly encouraged.

City state and personal feuds and disputes are settled with great contests of strength or posing fought between the city's respective Wizard leaders to entire teams of muscle wizards and their apprentices in full out tug of war rope battles.

The winners claim the spoils of the land in name only as ventures and expeditions into the savage wilderness are usually joint efforts of two or more city states working in jolly cooperation. With the winning city state's Muscle Wizard leader(s) having the great honor of leading the venture.

Global Politics[edit | edit source]

Global political matters are handled by a muscle wizard summit meeting, occurring officially once every year at a agreed upon time or if circumstances calls for one, delegations lasting in a course of a couple weeks upward to a month.

Representative grand masters of the most influential and powerful city states gather at the base of Mount Megalodon to discuss and delegate on the problems at hand. Small city states, tiny settlements or even off world colonies are cordially invited to send their representatives, but usually abstain and have their voices represented by the umbrella influence of bigger city states closest in diplomatic and economic relationships.

A meeting is usually lead by a summit coordinator; a position that rotates at the beginning every year and has the task of formulating and presenting the agenda and leading the assembly.

Global problems are scrutinized, various solutions are presented and a vote is caste to determine the best course of action.

If no agreement is reached then judgement and overruling falls to the eldest and most powerful muscle wizard grand master(Armstrong), then to his familiar(Strongarm) or to the most senior member of the Mountain Guardians present if the realm wizard and his familiar are absent, for consultancy, to recast the votes or to veto the results altogether and start the delegations process anew with alternative guidelines.

In wartime, the summit meetings and its members are known as the Megalodonian High Command, with meetings and decisions carried out in a very well protected vaulted hallway situating in the center of the scared mountain for the duration of the war time crisis.

Overall, city state and worldly issues and governance are handled autonomously by the city leaders themselves and the muscle wizard summit respectively.

Health and Cultural/Social Structure[edit | edit source]

Health[edit | edit source]

Megalodonian Doctors are highly respected, as they are the guardians and wardens of sperm vaults, literally safeguarding the seeds of future generations.

Females are required to pass a test of fitness, health and strength to be eligible of becoming mothers and children are raised collectively by their respective communities in a very Spartan fashion, close relationships are still maintained by the birth mother and their offspring.

Due to the rapidly evolving wildlife and to prevent pandemics from devastating its people, Megalodonian citizens are vaccinated on an almost monthly basis. Many muscle wizard doctors and their musclegirl nurses and assistants have taken matters into their own capable hands and spearheaded expeditions, braving the unknown to acquire and study deadlier strains of super viruses, mutagenic bacteria, parasites and everything in between.

Muscle wizard doctors inject the deadly strains into their bodies and through weeks and months of meditation and manipulation of muscle magic, cure their bodies of the blight, developing vaccines and cures through their blood and precious bodily fluids, which their assistants and nurses extract from their bodies; concentrating, purifying and then distributing the life saving medicine among the populace in public medical facilities and health centers. As a result, the average Megalodonian have incredibly robust immune systems against mundane or magical means and rarely fall ill.

Male births are celebrated joyous occasions, and are pampered and raised with the utmost of care. Male children are prioritized first for muscle wizardry training and their skills, magic and strength are honed beyond the scope of the general population.

Modern Megalodonian males can potentially live for 1000 years as most achieve grand master status, combined with full access to longevity extension therapies, involving the consumption of Tarrasque blood or exotic and very expensive alchemic concoctions, but sadly many die in the heat of battle or in the thrill of danger and few rarely live long enough to die naturally.

Regular Females on the other hand live to about 250 years on average, but can live longer upward to 500 years if they attain grand master status or become successful enough to obtain longevity extension therapies.

The people retain their muscular physique and physical peak and capability to the day they die. Males tend to live four to two times longer than their female counterparts as a necessity to compensate for the much lower male birth rates.

Education[edit | edit source]

Every Megalodonian has access to a very high standard of public education with emphasis on physical training and kinesiological understanding of their bodies.

Knowledge and muscle magic philosophy and teachings are widely available through well-funded libraries to better develop and maintain well0roundedness of body, mind and spirit among the general population.

Higher forms of education exist in technical colleges, universities and apprenticeships to muscle wizard masters, the latter is reserved for those that show the highest caliber of skill and proficiency in the muscle magical arts.

Males and Females[edit | edit source]

Males hold a higher social standing, minor to major celebrity status and prestige over females due to their rarity and biology, however females hold demographic dominance, popular opinion and political momentum.

Old male muscle wizards of the community or city are viewed and act as surrogate fathers, while younger male muscle wizard adepts are seen and act as brothers.

The majority of jobs, professions and social roles are filled by females and female muscle wizards outnumber their male counterparts by pure numbers.

And in many city states, the male muscle wizards serve as public figure heads and governor generals while real political power is held by councils, administrations and committees of female muscle wizards, who are better in tune with the general populace and well organized for governance and management.

Male political leaders are given more authority during times of crisis where their vast wisdom and experience is well suited to resolving issues quickly and efficiently through a chain of command than being mired in endless debate and rhetoric in layers of committee based and administrative bureaucracy.

That is not to say male muscle wizards do not have any power whatsoever, male muscle wizards are considerably more powerful than their female counterparts physically and magically and they are excellent diplomats and superior representatives to summit meetings, intercity state relationships and trading agreements.

They serve as leaders or senior consultants and advisers on expeditions into uncharted Megalodonian territory and they usually command the military and volunteer defense forces of the cities they reside in or are captains of industry.

Overall, both genders are more or less treated equally with Females holding collective influence while males have individual power, both keeping each other in check.

Funerals and Burial Rites[edit | edit source]

Traditionally, Megalodonian dead are cremated and their remains are buried, etched into new runes and symbols or scattered across the base of Mount Megalodon or on the footsteps of one of the crowning mountains, whichever method and location holds the most significance and sentimental value to the deceased.

The funeral service is performed by a trusted muscle wizard of the friends and family of the one that passed away or by the service of a mountain guardian, symbolizing the end of one's journey as the site of new beginnings.

Muscle wizards who died in the most valiant and worthy manner possible; in the heat of battle or in the thrill of insurmountable danger or more rarely for a life time of achievements, are entombed in larger than life hand carved statues made in their image.

The statues are carried by mountain guardians to the deepest catacombs and halls of Mount Megalodon where each statue is positioned as pillars holding up the foundation of the mountain itself. Their names, full titles and greatest act of heroism etched as epitaphs on their pedestals.

Mountain Guardians[edit | edit source]

The mountain guardians are an ancient order of muscle wizards that draw their lineage to the first mountain hermits that sheltered and guided the poor misbegotten survivors in the wake of the cosmic horror.

They are a brother and sisterhood of monks that vow to never leave Mount Megalodon; standing in eternal guard against any insurgence made by the Cosmic Horror to escape confinement. They specialize in creating magic nullification fields and barrier enchantments and have perfected the art of rune crafting.

They ensure the cosmic horror never breaks the millennia old seals, system of leylines and wards that keeps the beast of insanity in check, making repairs and most often then not Jerry rigging their own runes and leyline patch fixes when the long lost ancient symbols and runes gradually fade into oblivion.

In more modern times, the mountain guardians have relaxed their vows of isolationism and have sent agents to the wider world and began covert expeditions into the darkest and most corrupted zones of Megalodonia filled with the highest concentrated cosmic horror malice; to study the taint and put entire zones under merciless quarantine.

Their most junior and fresh recruits serve as communication leyline technicians residing on the thousand smaller mountains that dot Megalodonia maintaining the ebb and flow of global and interdimensional communication.

When it is revealed that other realms exist, mountain guardians sometimes serve the realm wizard as escorts, as he ventures to earth and other magical realms assisting in the enchanting and granting of boons.

Food and Alcohol[edit | edit source]

Megalodonian cuisine and brewing are steeped in ancient traditions and are incredibly sophisticated and refined in culinary technique, skill and methodology.

Ever since the dark days of the cosmic horror, Megalodonians have elevated the ways of making the inedible into what is edible and distilling poisons and toxins into what is drinkable from a necessity to an art form, and many ancient pubs, bars, small grills and restaurants dot the land, offering every part of any flora and fauna as a delicious and hearty meal and tasty fermented concoction on their menus.

An old tradition held by every chef and brewer worth their salt in skill and brawn, is to cook any large quarry and sizable and incredibly deadly creature killed by any patron of their establishments as a full on the house banquet or buffet for everyone to enjoy.

This tradition has been taken to competitive extremes, as city and muscle wizard rivalries blossom and many annual competitions are held to see which chef and their muscle wizard patron can kill and hunt the most deadly of prey and prepare and cook them at the highest level of culinary art.

On the other side of things, Megalodonians love hearty and meaty food and their stout and strong alcohols and usually end every major joyous or tragically mournful occasion with a rambunctious banquet where both are plenty.

Sport and warfare[edit | edit source]

Bodybuilding, weight training and mock sparring matches of every description and variety are greatly encouraged and enjoyed by every walk of life. Megalodonian people believe making contact through one’s fists and feet is the oldest and most universal form of communication, emotional and artistic expression. State of the art magitech arenas, gyms and muscle wizard dojos can be found even in the backwaters of the tiniest remote settlements.

Nature and Occult[edit | edit source]

Although the coast and rough outline of Megalodonia have been mapped out geographically, much of the interior of this massive Pangaea is still uncharted; biologists, venture capitalists, environmentalists and explorers go to great lengths to map out every nook and cranny of this deadly land, and hundreds of new species are discovered on a daily basis from their expeditions into the unknown.

Massive conservation parks, terrariums, aquariums and green houses have been set up to study, cultivate and domesticate newly discovered fauna and flora. Elucidating their biological, supernatural and magical properties for Megalodonian industry and agriculture, to advancing scientific, occult and magical knowledge or for the simple love of wild life.

Religious Faith and Intellectualism[edit | edit source]

Every Megalodonian citizen puts great faith and spirituality in the guiding principles of The Path. Excerpts of its scriptures, its symbolism and mountain themed visuals appear in every art medium, and their displays can be seen in every city big or small.

The arenas, gyms and dojos are attended fervently by Megalodonians as they perceive these places to be sacred, where The Path manifests visibly through their efforts to sculpt their bodies towards physical perfection, through the respected and honorable conduct of good sportsmanship, displays of martial prowess and mastery of muscle magic.

Highly esteemed and accomplished muscle wizard grand masters spend much of their free time conversing how best to apply the four journeys of The Path to every facet and style of life, work and play in public street forums.

Such friendly intellectual discussions promote greater introspective understanding and empathy between members of Megalodonia society as they advocate, argue and synthesize many thoughts and interpretations on The Path, facilitating intellectual, spiritual and philosophical growth in themselves and in others with their contributions.

Gaming[edit | edit source]

Between a hard day’s work of fighting and adventuring and a hard night of drinking and feasting, Megalodonians enjoy a wide variety of miscellaneous gentlemanly and lady like hobbies from stamp collecting, gardening to video and tabletop gaming, directly available from the pubs, bars and local hobby and gaming stores.

This is done to achieve well roundedness in their daily lifestyle as a reflection of well roundedness of their body, mind and spirit. It is only through contrast of hard and soft core values do one appreciate the finer qualities of both.

Science, Technology and Magitech[edit | edit source]

Science[edit | edit source]

The rapidly growing and evolving magical wildlife and its careful meticulous study and analysis, ensures Megalodonia has a sophisticated understanding and development of biology, biochemistry, chemistry and related alchemic magic. While their muscle magic philosophy gives them great focus in the fields of kinesiology; anything and everything involving muscles.

Technology and Magitech[edit | edit source]

All the technology of a futuristic modern era civilization exists in Megalodonia in addition to magitech, they are manufactured with very high stress and strain tolerances and with many protective safety measures in place so the devices and machines can operate in the harsh and often extreme conditions of the Megalodonian wilderness reliably, at the cost of increased weight and size to accommodate the large stature of its people.

Added benefit of the sophisticated understanding of kinesiology ensures the devices and machines are very ergonomically well designed. Thus, user friendliness, functionality combined with extreme tolerances, durability, with very long endurance and lifespans are often hallmarks of Megalodonian engineering at the cost of being large and ponderous.

Power Sources[edit | edit source]

Megalodonian technology, science and magitech are powered by the natural resources of the land. The biological and magical properties of the flora and fauna are exploited and domesticated to power technology and magitech alike.

The abdomens of the plasma bombardier beetles are harnessed, the poisonous thorn barbed lumber of the kilometer tall exploding dynamite trees are harvested for clean burning fuel and the metastablized hydrogen metal of Hell Razor Rhino hide and the shimmering fleece of Shrapnel Cotton Sheep are carefully studied and cultivated.

Industrial, organic and by-product wastes are recycled efficiently through complicated food chains of predators preying on other predators, fungi and bacterial decomposition and recycling.

Hydrogen fuel cells, fuel rods, nuclear fission and fusion, plasma generators are also commonly utilized with anti-matter technology currently in experimental development.

Solar cells, muscle magic, cardiovascular bioelectrical and pure kinetic energy serve as common power sources for hand held devices and gadgets.

Information Technology[edit | edit source]

Information technology exist in Meglodonia in the form of quantum computers networked to communication leylines, in massive nodes of interwoven runic crosses and knots maintained by Mountain Guardian technicians. Since inscribing and etching thousands of runes by hand is a arduous and time consuming task, much of Megalodonian's computational power is centralized, accessed and partitioned out to each citizen via cloud computing.

Conventional computers also exist but are rarely used in small closed networks or for military purposes as the archiac hardware and software architecture (or musculature) is exploited to protect secrets.

Software and computer programs are created and manipulated by the flow of kinesionic energy through alchemic Muscular Utility Interfaces or MUIs. The collective interfacing platform is simulated by nanoscale muscle fiber transistors, that contract and relax to process ternary based codes, to reflect the trinity of body, mind and spirit existing in even lifeless and cold thinking machines.

These muscle fiber CPUs can be overclocked with kinesionic energy overflow, their performance is directly proportional to how skilled a muscle wizard programmer is at muscle flow manipulation.

The normal Megalodonian citizen simply relies on the quantum computing network through user interface monitors with very little or no computational power.

Likewise, the interacting hardware portion is usually a touch panel screens of sensory receptor diode arrays wired to optical muscle fibers that modulate light via contraction to create icon displays. More advanced carbon nanotube based optical muscle fibers can project modulated light and lasers as holograms.

Megalodonians can access their quantum computing cloud networks through fixed minimalist designed desktop or table stations to mobile laptop, tablet, data slate and smartphone like monitor devices, the user interfaces are powered by the individual's own kinesionic energy flow or cardiac bio-electricity through skin contact.

Although crime in Megalodonia is minimal, rival IT guilds and rune clans have fought, stole and pirated each other's proprietary software and hardware components following a strict gentleman warrior's code of conduct. The hackers, computer and runic network leyline specialists who are responsible, are known as techno vikings and techno valkyries and they come in three varieties:

Black marauders are hackers that violate security in the self interest of their respective guilds and are tasked with raiding and pillaging.

White marauders are computer network experts that are tasked to finding and fixing security holes in the software, guarding and retrieving.

Finally grey marauders are freelancers that dabble in white and black marauding ambiguously.

Despite the criminal nature of these activities, every form of marauding techno viking and valkyrie is motivated by the challenge and enjoyment of what they do best. It is from their ranks and great clashes of runic artifice and electronic networked muscle that the mountain guardians select the most worthy of rune technician recruits, thus the chaos is actively encouraged by guilds, clans, mountain guardians and spectators alike.

Land Crawlers[edit | edit source]

Land crawlers, enormous tractor behemoths designed to carry a hundred thousand tonnes of goods and supplies across hundreds and thousands of kilometers of uncharted wilderness or to spearhead expeditions.

These tracked land ships are well armored and bristling with weaponry, engineered to fight off the malicious nature, keeping its cargo bays, crew and investments save at all costs.

These machines can endure extremely hostile environments for many years at a time; they come equipped with self-sustaining oxygen, food and water supplies for its operating crew.

They are powered by nuclear fission or fusion reactors coupled to plasma generators, allowing these machines to move at a maximum speed of 250 mph.

Mass Drivers, Space Exploration and Colonization[edit | edit source]

On the fringe of the vast Megalodonian mountain ranges, are massive rotary turret systems of a dozen mass drivers each, called Stonehenge artillery networks.

These launchers are hidden in small hollowed out mountains with barrels that run their entire length from base to peak. Wired to navigating and targeting supercomputers, these massive guns are designed to deliver hardened probes and explorer drones into space at relativistic speeds, utilizing a hybrid system of electromagnetic rails with metallic hydrogen or plasma propellant.

The probes are equipped with warheads containing genetically and alchemically engineered, relatively benign strains of various Megalodonian wildlife, purposely bred and cultivated to rapidly terraform barren planets with fertility, breathable atmospheres and self sustaining ecosystems, infusing lifeless planets with Megalodonia’s thematic feral essence.

The probes are designed to crater targeted planets, release its living payload, set up surveillance and monitor the terraformation, updating its findings to mission command back home through the leyline network.

Once a planet is sufficiently terraformed, the probe will send the appropriate runic signal with its coordinates back to mission command; various networked observatory outposts situating on scattered mountain peaks.

Muscle wizard porters and artificers will then be commissioned to triangulate and open portals to the probe’s location. Once the portals open and stabilize, colonization can commence.

Megalodonia’s moon Lobos has been completely terraformed and several small but rapidly expending city states are prospering on its surface.

Numerous probes have been launched periodically over the decades, dictated by the decisions of the muscle wizard summit meetings. Currently, several probes have made touchdown on Jupiter’s many moons and terraforming efforts continue on schedule.

Alchemic Muscle Engines[edit | edit source]

The most common type of engine powering small personal locomotion, flying and sailing vehicles are alchemic muscle engines, pieces of magitech with every few moving parts designed to convert muscle magic into every conceivable form of propulsion.

An general alchemic engine system consists of three parts, input, converter and output components. The input and converter components are carved with alchemic seals and circles of power with archaic symbols weaving like circuitry.

All Megalodonian alchemic engines are powered directly by muscle magic or when that is lacking, pure kinetics and bio-electric pulses of the body and heart serving as auxiliary power.

The input component can be as simple as cycling pedals and handles, to target panels for the projection of muscle magic , kinetic and bio-electric energy through fists, open palms and feet, to more elaborate minimalist exercise and weight lifting interfaces.

The main interface is the site where the vehicle is primarily fueled and is generally located in the storage compartment or trunk; at the back or sides of the vehicle. A secondary interface exists on the dashboard right next to the operating apparatus of a vehicle, allowing the delivery of quick jolts of energy while the whole vehicle is in motion. In addition, the input and converter components are integrated with capacitors and batteries, stored as space efficient fuel cells and rods.

The converter is a set of alchemic sealed couplings that convert raw muscle magic, kinetic or bio-electric energy through transmutation and delivers the new form of energy to the output, ensuring 100% conversation and efficiency.

Finally the output component is any form of conventional motor; from combustion, electric, to jet turbines and if the output engine is rudimentary and compatible enough with the base input energy supply, kinetic and bio-electric energy is directly passed on into it.

Portal Gauntlets/Gloves[edit | edit source]

Inter-realm transportation in Megalodonia is handled through temporary portals activated by gauntlets or gloves that channel raw kinesionic energies to literally tear a secure hole through space-time. The size and duration of the portals depending how much kinesionic energy is utilized, the shape of the portals and porting coordinates are adjustable by a interface display.

A muscle wizard welding the gauntlet can create portals by delivering sufficient force with their bodies at a point in empty space or on a hard clean surface, centering itself on the point of impact.

Finger snaps create very small and short lived portals or are used to close portals prematurely. Squeezing the gauntlet or gloved hand or asserting continuous pressure to the surface of which the portal is on, will extend the duration of its opening.

The devices themselves are forged from pitch black shards extracted from Mount Megalodon's cliff face. An alchemic touch pad interface exist on the palm and backhand of the glove, or all around the bracer surface of the gauntlet, displaying interdimensional multiversal coordinates of the wearer relative to the position of Mount Megalodon as well as any relevant status data the wearer wishes to know about his present or portaled inter-realm surroundings.

If the wearer wishes, he or she can project a holographic interface in open space or on a hard clean surface. These devices also double as smartphones, able to call other such similar fabricated devices anywhere in the multiverse and carrying every app imaginable.

These devices are expensive and grueling to fabricate and are in the sole possession and usage of Muscle Wizard artificers, masters and grand masters on off-realm missions, tours and deployments, locking their function and activation to their unique muscle magic signatures.

The only modifications made to these devices, is to introduce improvements and patch fixes in the alchemic magitech circuitry. On the other hand, the average Megalodonian utilize non-porting commercial versions of the gauntlets and gloves, crafted from more mundane materials. Their communication functions are compatible yet inferior in every aspect to their portal creating counterparts.

When the muscle wizard dies, the signature locks, saved data and functions fade away as the life drains out from their previous owner, becoming lifeless mineral forged gauntlets and laced gloves once again. These heirlooms are held in temporary custody by Mountain Guardians or the deceased master's closest friends and family, until a new worthy master and owner is found and thus new bonds can be rekindled.

Clothing[edit | edit source]

Megalodonian clothing and fashion come in a wide assortment of styles that closely mimic Earth’s trends, laying more emphasis on maintaining freedom of motion and flexibility, comfort and stretchiness. Megalodonian clothing is weaved with varying degrees of alchemic materials and often interwoven with hand stitched runes to suite a specific or all around general purpose.

No matter the degree of magic involved in the fabrication of the cloth; all of it is very subtle showing very little difference from more mundane attire.

Clothing accessories such as glasses and monocles can possess seamless alchemic interfaced magnifying sight, thermal and night imaging, including enchantment, magical aura, and spirit detection in addition to their normal uses.

Normal everyday working clothes are alchemically weaved to be more durable, water/lava/corrosion/puncture/slash/etc. proof with various degrees of protection depending on the price,a magic or technology nullifying field can also be embedded into the fabric at great expense.

Training outfits are weighted with alchemically induced personal gravity fields that can exert harmless light pressure to ludicrously heavy gravitational pull experienced only on the surface of a star.

The burden is only felt on the wearer and not on surrounding environment and people, turning everyday activities into strenuous exercise regimens and allowing muscle wizards to maintain and improve their impressive physique without endangering everyone around them.

Military[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

Megalodonian military technology and science is on par with other futuristic era civilizations. Due to the upscale nature of conventional weapon and defense systems to better accommodate the large stature and strength of its citizens and combined with its knowledge of alchemic magic and biologically bred weapons, greater firepower and combat performance is achieved even reaching parity against technologically and magically superior foes.

The greatest strength of its military lies in the magic, strength and skills of its muscle wizards and their companies of highly trained apprentices, and although their use is made forbidden by the eldest and most influential of muscle wizard leaders, its arsenal of biological WMDs fired from stonehenge artillery guns; safely sealed away amalgamations of genetically and magically engineered strains of super viruses, bacteria, parasites, cancerous and instantaneously growing flora and fauna, that can potentially destroy entire biospheres, snuff out all native, artificial and magical life and replacing it with Megalodonian ecology, developed from the space expedition program’s terraforming warheads.

Project Gungnir[edit | edit source]

The next generation of Megalodonian superweapons lies in project Gungnir. The premise of this project is to create a set of few hundred 20 foot long, 1 foot diameter rods, made entirely of the sacred Mountain's indestructible and immutable black shards, each one embedded with dual runic portaling modules made of the same substance. The primed warheads are continually cycled through two looping portals via a massive electromagnetic vertical drop, accelerating very close to light speed.

Numerous experimental warheads have underwent trials with every new version adding incremental improved performance, project Gungnir's clandestine development is expected to reach full maturity in a matter of years.

Project Gungnir's activation involves an coordinate input by a highly encrypted alchemic interface and leyline connection. The rods will then automatically port itself to those coordinates, completely obliterate the target and then port back to its holding facility, re-accelerating and resetting to its primed and ready state.

The holding facility itself is in a hidden cavern underneath mount Megalodon, the drop site is a straight electromagnetic rail path leading down to the cosmic horror; this new weapon system is proposed to act as the final fail-safe as well as for its preemptive and second strike capabilities against potential hostile realms.

Strings of coordinates can be sent to a Gungnir warhead anywhere in the multiverse and each warhead can launch themselves indefinitely and instantaneously until all targets are destroyed or on the orders of the Megalodonian High Command. These warheads are designed to break through the strongest magical, technological and nullifying force fields, armor and barriers given enough time and impacts.

Firearms[edit | edit source]

Small personal firearms work off of metallic hydrogen and plasma propellants ranging from 12.7 mm caliber handguns, 30 mm caliber assault guns to 90 mm caliber sniper and machine guns, while larger scale weapons are based around electromagnetic technology delivering magic and technology nullifying kinetic penetrators and explosives, their calibers range from 155 mm to 350+ mm. Muscle wizards and their apprentices generally do not carry firearms as they can simply punch and kick objects or debris of any size and mass with the desired power and range, transmutating the projectiles into any variety of munitions imaginable.

Armor and Vehicles[edit | edit source]

NBC enclosed power armor and strength enhancing exoskeleton suits bristling with sensors and reactive alchemical, technological and runic counter measures are commonly deployed during times of extreme crisis boosting the combat prowess of muscle wizards or normal Megalodonian citizens considerably.

Land crawlers are commonly used in military operations, often retrofitted as armored assault carriers, tanks, land based aircraft carriers, missile launching and weapon platforms and every role imaginable based on tactical and strategic circumstance.

Naval craft exist as small missile and gun cruisers, and catamarans while military aircraft come in as fast and nimble 1 man to 2 man air superiority and multi-role fighters designed to work in tandem with crawler based carriers and mobile command stations.

Many of these nimble military vehicles have high performance alchemic engines installed with turbo muscle drives. Enormous amounts of kinesionic energy delivered by the rapid succession of strikes and blows can be stored and released by large assortments of hyper threading muscle capacitors working in tandem to deliver unfathomable speed and maneuverability in the vehicle itself or incredibly powerful hypersonic missile or ballistic performance, at the cost of greatly reducing the lifespan or with the risk of damaging the military vehicles beyond repair.

Coastal city states have engineered land crawlers to operate both in the Megalodonian oceans and on land known as Webbed Crawlers. Continuous research and development has been undergone to create flying and space based crawlers using barrier leyline systems combined with sophisticated muscle engine magitech, designed to create movement and lift by riding on ripples of oscillating space-time.

Organization and Chain of Command[edit | edit source]

Technically speaking, Megalodonian cities do not have defense forces and policing is usually a community watch effort made by volunteers and organized by community muscle wizard leaders and their apprentices. However it is noted that every capable Megalodonian citizen is trained in at least rudimentary offensive and defensive kinesionics and well-conditioned to survive in the blind wilderness surrounding all cities.

Crime rate is non-existent as every Megalodonian is instilled with an unfaltering sense of honor, chivalry and camaraderie for each other due to their Spartan upbringing.

Arsenals of personal weaponry and firearms are scattered in hidden emergency supply depots across most cities in case of breaches caused by the untamed wild always clawing at their doors.

While the more powerful weaponry such as large crew based firearms, power armor and all the way to weaponized land crawlers and their assorted vehicles and weapon payloads are safely secured, maintained and upgraded as time goes on, in massive underground vaults and warehouses underneath the industrial sectors of Megalodonian cities. Only the city's muscle wizard leaders have and can grant access.

The current biological weapons of mass destruction are hidden away in hundreds of kilometers deep hardened and armored vaulted silos situating around the crowning mountain ranges of Mount Megalodon; the activation of said weaponry or to issue the orders for bombardment from Stonehenge artillery guns is only permitted if all the muscle wizard grand masters of a summit meeting, or under a total war scenario the Megalodonian High Command, agree in its implementation.

Economy[edit | edit source]

Guilds and Chartered Companies[edit | edit source]

Megalodonia’s economy is primarily driven by expedition, exploration and expansion into the unknown. The majority of goods and services offered in many of its countless cities are geared towards survival, thrill seeking and adventuring.

The economy of a city state is handled by numerous specializing mercantile guilds that produce and distribute goods and services in its boundaries. Heavy industrial equipment and tools are owned by the city state and are leased to guilds to manufacture their goods. In order to facilitate trade between cities or to organize an expedition, various guilds from two or more participating city states form a chartered company for the capital venture.

Once the expedition has completed all the obligations and objectives set down by the guild shareholders, the chartered company disbands and the profits are allocated to their deserving parties.

The final site of the expedition usually becomes the foundation of a new city, and all the assets from the expedition fall into the custody and ownership of the newborn city state.

Chartered companies purposed for intercity trade can exist indefinitely, growing to large conglomerates backed by hundreds and thousands of associated guilds, owning fleets of commercial land crawlers and delivery vehicles.

This is arranged so contracts, investments and trade agreements between shareholding guilds can be made on the fly and the risks and dangers of trade and expedition can be mitigated and minimized.

Shipping through air and sea is rare as the risks involved are so high that it is prohibitively unprofitable, however they are still conducted as express delivery when time is up the essence.

Currency[edit | edit source]

Modern Megalodonian currency, the mollar (∑), is form of representative money backed by the Tarrasque standard; the monetary value of the mollar is based on the value of an average tarrasque by weight.

Tarrasques are elemental magical beasts, their very life essence is tied to the land and its feral magic itself, they live forever, regenerate from any form of injury, do not reproduce and so their numbers remain constant, acting as a great standard of stable currency.

Tarrasques are held in large conversation parks, where their shed body parts and bodily fluids are farmed and extracted, fetching hefty fortunes on the open market. More esoteric tarrasque keepers have opened ludicrous safaris turning their tarrasques into tourist attractions, offering their brand of entertainment to all Megalodonians and even off-realmers who can pay the price.

These immutable living engines of destruction have been highly prized possessions among Muscle Wizard leaders for centuries, their shed armor hides providing shelter, protection and a means of defense, their meat provide nourishment and their magical blood is a important alchemic and healing reagent, improving vitality and extends lifespans.

They bring so much wealth to city states that many great expeditions of the past were carried out specifically to track down more of such beasts. To this day, their total numbers remain unknown as hundreds are found annually.

Very early on in Megalodonia history, the first summit meetings have decreed tarrasque teeth, claws and fangs the standard currency. In more modern times, commodity based money has been replaced by paperback money and coinage encrypted by alchemic seals and runes. Due to the persistence of time honored traditions and customs, the old naming denominations are still in use to this day. Megalodonian money is colloquially referred as "nails" or "nailings".

Denominations[edit | edit source]

100 premollars:1 mollar

Incisor:5 premollars

Canine:10 premollars

Fang:25 premollars

Claw:1 mollar

Talon:5 mollars

Horn:10 mollars

Antler:20 mollars

Alchemy[edit | edit source]

Ancient times to the Dark Age[edit | edit source]

Alchemy is a fairly old and well established branch of magic with roots and history going back to archaic times before the dark age of the Cosmic Horror.

Traditional alchemy revolves around the distillation and extraction of the feral magical properties of Megalodonian wildlife in drinkable and edible forms, the concoctions can grant an aspect or powerful trait of the wildlife from strength, regeneration, vitality and etc. to the imbiber with great efficacy and potency.

Iron Age to the Enlightenment[edit | edit source]

As time progressed in the intermission centuries after the Cosmic Horror was imprisoned, alchemic knowledge advanced hand in hand with developments and discoveries made in metallurgy. The people figured out how to imbue feral magic into materials by ritualized smelting or dyeing processes, giving the material unnatural strengths and properties.

Industrial Revolution[edit | edit source]

Refinement of this imbuement process was made possible with the introduction of muscle magic as a catalyst agent, necessitated by the insatiable demand of the industrial revolution for rare and precious ores and elements that were fast being depleted. Complete elemental transmutation came into fruition as the result.

Transmutational alchemy is an exact art, a muscle wizard alchemist must first draw an alchemy circle, then strike a base material with an exact amount of force in a precise impact area or else nothing will happen or the base material transmutes into less desirable or even hazardous substances.

Information Age to the Magitech Revolution[edit | edit source]

As time changed and Megalodonia is thrown into the information age of computers and smart technology, alchemy continued to evolve with the times. The integration of circuitry, muscle capacitors in a wiring frame work of runic derivative characterizations for destruction, creation and change, led to the development and mass implementation of alchemic seals, that bare an resemblance to etched stone slabs and tablets with seamless touch screen interfaces.

Transmutational super alloy and alchemic potion and drug production is extensively industrialized and automated thanks to these seals and their mechanism of accepting and storing kinesionic energy and releasing it in regulated pulses as transmutational magic, expediting the tedious process that once consumed the livelihood of alchemist masters and allowing almost any civilian with muscle magic training and certification to do the task in their stead.

Alchemic seals are affixed to holding chambers and enclosed tanks, alchemic perimeters can be dialed in through a touchscreen interface on its front face. A punch, kick, headbutt or elbow strike delivering sufficient kinesionic energy is all it takes to ignite the process.

Modern Times[edit | edit source]

Finally in modern Megalodonia, alchemy is everywhere; its seals of circuitry are weaved into every form of magical and technological device from ovens, computers to engines. These changes are heralded by transmutational alchemic breakthroughs in matter to energy conversion with no loss of efficiency or gain in entropy.

Enchantments[edit | edit source]

Overview[edit | edit source]

Enchantments are a blanket term for magical fields and auras not imparted by runic or alchemic magic directly. These exist in two forms; the invocation runic characters or alchemic seals by quick but methodical hand gestures and kinesionic granted boons.

Alchemic and Runic Enchantments[edit | edit source]

This enchanting form requires very fast hand motions, it is very susceptible to unpredictable results as even a slight deviance in hand movements can cause the invocation to fizzle out or have very little efficacy.

Alchemic enchantments require the artificer to weave a complete thorough schematic of a alchemic circuit in thin air or on a clean surface using hand gestures, holographic or laser assisted projections from a portal device or its non portaling counterpart, then ignite the circuit to activation with continuous kinesionic energy flow. Alchemic circuits temporarily fashioned in this manner are called charms. These charms could mimic any form of alchemic circuitry, from user interfaces, muscle fiber CPUS, alchemic transmutational seals, to converters.

Runic enchantments require a lorekeeper to draw a rune character in thin air and maintain a smooth, accurate and precise hand waving motions to maintain the magical effect of the rune.

Despite its disadvantages, a skilled lorekeeper or artificer can impart a wide variety of rudimentary runic and alchemic effects quickly without hours of careful writing, inscribing or wiring of alchemic circuitry, and if the hand movements are precise and accurate enough their effects can closely match the results from a physical rune or alchemic circuit.

Muscle Magic Enchantments[edit | edit source]

The second enchanting form involves channeling muscle magic flow from one body to another, granting boons and magical properties depending on what muscle groups the flow starts to where the flow ends.

Muscle wizard initiates can impart boons this way to another body as long as he or she remains in direct contact with the receiver.

Muscle wizard masters on the other hand can impart boons and maintain the flow without bodily contact, specialist in this technique can do so from great distances and granting boons to inanimate objects.

Muscle wizard grand masters can make the boon and enchantment to be near permanent, no matter of distance and can impart such magic to any form of matter and energy.

This form of enchanting is more reliable and easy to perform, however its power and scope of magical effects is very limited.

Runes[edit | edit source]

Runes derive their power from the blood, pain and sacrifice of the bare hands that carved their intricate shapes and the force of will that drove the writer to complete the agonising task as well as the magical properties of the medium it is written in.

Due to their nature, the power contained in each unique rune is bound metaphysically to the ideal perfect characterization of the original hand that crafted it and gave it meaning, as such great care must be taken to craft each replica rune in the similar ritualized manner into the original medium it was written in and as closely as possible to the original rune’s likeness or to one of its evolved derivatives.

In essence, each replica carving or printing of a rune is a gateway to well of magic, physical force, energy or even abstract concepts that the original ancient writers wished to invoke. Any imperfections and irregularities will influence the magnitude and direction of its magic or supernatural power. Thus knowing all the different variations and evolutions of a rune is a scholarly and meticulous pursuit.

As an example, a rune that represents strength will give superhuman strength to the body it is tattooed to, or greater tensile strength to a material it is etched in.

Conversely, a rune of sharpness will give the mind of the body it is tattooed to, greater intelligence or cunning, while increasing the hardness and thus sharpness of a material it is etched in.

The communication leylines are system of runes that describe emptiness and uncertainty, these runes are gateways to perfect or near perfect empty black boxes where quantum entanglement and teleportation is exploited to transmit information instantly.

The barrier leylines exploit runes that represent nothingness and the void, they are gateways to stable singularities that can fold and bend space-time. Many derivative and accented characters of these runes have been discovered and developed that can bend and fold space-time in almost any spatial direction.

The perfect ideal characterization of a barrier rune will literally summon a black hole into existence as soon as rune is completed and has never been found or formulated to date.

Muscle Wizardry[edit | edit source]

Kinesionics[edit | edit source]

Muscle Wizardry is a martial spellcasting discipline derived from following the guidance of The Path. It is based primarily on the premise that a user’s magic potential and ability is tied to every aspect of his or her life; the body, the mind and spirit, emphasizing well-roundedness over specialization or dependence on a key attribute or any worldly frailties.

Muscle Wizardry cast spells by channelling muscle magic, a form of kinesionic force channeled through muscles akin to psionic force is channeled from the brain. As such, physical fitness and conditioning directly correlates to the magnitude of muscle magic a muscle wizard has access to at any given moment. Thus, it is crucial that the body is trained first before anything else.

Technically speaking muscle magic is not magic at all, however all techniques and teachings developed so far, manipulates kinesionics to magical energy and force. Kinesionics remains as it is when channeled directly though raw muscle with a force of will behind it. As such, even under magic nullification a muscle wizard retain his superhuman strength, speed, durability and limited regenerative and healing abilities.

Currently, no existing muscle wizard can manipulate externalized kinesionic energy without a muscle “mind” or a mountain enchanted with muscle essence to contain it, dissipating to raw magic as soon as it bleeds out of the body.

This entropic dissipation is partially circumvented to a degree by artificial muscle capacitor, transistor, diode array or optical fiber magitech, only storing kinesionics for a few seconds at most before the energy bleeds out and fade away.

Muscle Technique[edit | edit source]

Muscle technique involves the direct control of every tendon, ligament and muscle in one’s body as a way of manipulating kinesionics, and it is most emphasized in the Lightning and Wind journeys of The Path.

The Lightning journey focuses on concentrating kinesionic energy to a single point and unleashing it with devastating power, and much of this journey’s teachings are centered around learning and honing offensive striking moves that throw the body’s entire reservoir of kinesionic energy to a single focal point of release. To achieve this, this journey trains the body move and react at supersonic and even hypersonic speeds to maximize momentum, and concentration of force in every strike they throw.

The Wind journey exploits kinesionic energy's tendency to dissipate into magic, by bleeding this energy out from every part of the body to create an overwhelming magical miasma around the practitioner. Posing and flexing stances are greatly emphasized and forms the foundation of this journey’s central philosophy, allowing practitioners to shape and sculpt their muscle magic auras into elemental and arcane conjurations. This journey trains the body to be aesthetically as pleasing as possible, because the strength of the magically shaped constructs and attacks depend both on the force of personality to connect and harmonize with the magical and arcane elements and intricacies of the muscle posing techniques.

Muscle Flow[edit | edit source]

Muscle flow involves the dynamic equilibrium flow of kinesionic energy from one part of the body to another and it is most emphasized in the Boulder and River journeys.

The Boulder journey teaches ways to increase muscle kinesionic capacity, concentrating overwhelming loads of this energy in every muscle fibre and blocking flow entirely to prevent dissipation. This is done to develop an impenetrable body strengthened and reinforced by raw condensed kinesionic energy. A body unaffected by any magical or physical force and conditioning fists that can grasp any matter, energy, magic and even abstract concepts. Practicing a fighting style that uses unbreakable holds, locks, throws and grappling techniques.

A Boulder’s journey practitioner spends a majority of his training enduring enormous amounts of pain to deaden the sensory nerves of his or her body, bulking up and reinforcing muscle density, at the cost of forfeiting spiritual and kinesionic awareness, that the other Journeys enjoy.

Due of the anti flow nature, boulder practitioners use bioelectric and kinetic energy as their primary power source for megalodonian technologies and magitech. Resourceful and esoteric practitioners are able to grasp kinesionic energy in their unbreakable grips and use it to power muscle magic only devices.

In stark contrast, the River’s Journey emphasizes muscle flow and increasing dynamic movement of its energies. A river’s journey practitioner broadens and hones his or her spiritual and kinesionic awareness so that he can more easily manipulate its currents. They can attain such sensitivity of awareness they can anticipate any attack made by a living being or spirit and they can even sense the dynamic flow of kinesionic or magical energies running through living bodies or rippling in spiritual entities. They fight with diffusing open palms and concentrating needling fingertips, exploiting pressure points and energy nodes, to rupture a opponent's kinesionic or magical flow or to heal and strengthen that flow in allies.

Masters of this journey have such fine control over kinesionic energy, they can telepathically shut down neuromuscular function entirely or telekinetically control a victim's muscles. This journey trains the body to be malleable and adaptable, and is the primary muscle wizardry of healers and doctors.