The Post-Apocalyptic Roadmap/Mississippi
Mississippi was one of the few states lucky enough to avoid getting nuked. That didnt stop anyone from looting, rioting, or generally freaking the fuck out.
Overview[edit | edit source]
Everyone heard about the Exchange on the news, but nobody really saw it for themselves. They could only see the world changing because of it. The national guard was immediately called out, and all military personnel were dispatched to either Mobile or God knows wherever else got hit. Looting and violence became common place, and the police were near powerless because the average citizen had more firearms than the cops.
Four months after the Exchange, A category 5 hits the border between Louisiana and Mississippi, bringing devastation to the coast of both states.
Gulf Coast[edit | edit source]
Gulfport becomes a city-wide shelter. People from all over come to seek refuge, often living welcomed into strangers homes. Hotels are turned into makeshift appartments, each room hosting multiple families. Overcrowding quickly becomes and issue. Early looting attempts are thwarted there, sending potential thieves and bandits to nearby towns. After 4 months the last NOAA tracked hurricane, a Category 5 Hurricane Parker touches down near Hancock County. Almost the entire southern half of the state loses power as Parker takes out the electrical grid.
Jackson/Central MS[edit | edit source]
Jackson wasnt nuked, but it might as well have been. Riots almost immediately rocked the city. Thousands died as abandoned military outposts were broken into and High power explosives were stolen and used across the city. Most buildings still stand, but are inhabited by roving, militaristic gangs that more often than not shoot on sight.
The rest of the outside population, with no remaining population center to flock to, began to take up residence in either Starkville or Oxford, two college towns.
While starkville has adapted to its new role in this postwar society, Oxford is plagued by Racial Tensions. Aryan Biker Gangs Rove the Highways and some small hamlets have even accepted complete Ku Klux Klan Control, with a Grand Wizard in place of mayor or other leader. Starkville has managed to keep relative peace in terms of racial communities, But in Oxford some groups have even re-instituted the practice of Lynching blacks. Blacks have been bullied into Jim Crowe-esque Segregated communities, even within the city proper.
The Delta[edit | edit source]
Looting and Riots are commonplace in the delta for the first month or so. large swaths of farmland tried switching to growing corn or wheat instead of cash crops like cotton. However, after several months, it became apparent that the Mississippi river contained far too much upstream radiation to support crop or human lives. Thousands died, and all but the hardiest moved inland towards places like Starkville or Oxford, the latter turning out to be an unfortunate choice, considering around 50% of the Delta's population is Black.