Titan Of Our Time

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Basics[edit | edit source]

Name: Titan Of Our Time
Concept: Golden Boy
Caste/Aspect: Eclipse
Motivation: Protect the free world by taking control of it
Experience: /

Background[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

stands about 6 flat at around 200 pounds. He's large, but not extraordinarily big. He's not awkward but he's no cat either. Black hair on a shaven face that looks experienced, but still maintains a sort of youthful look. He has a white long-sleeved shirt rolled up to his elbows and a pair of slacks on, his worn brown leather shoes on his feet

Attributes[edit | edit source]

Strength  ●●        Charisma     ●●●        Perception   ●●
Dexterity ●●●●      Manipulation ●●●●●      Intelligence ●●●●
Stamina   ●●        Appearance   ●●●        Wits         ●●●

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Solar/Abyssal Block
Archery             Integrity ●       Craft            Athletics ●●●    Bureaucracy ●●●●
Martial Arts ●●●●●  Performance ●     Investigation    Awareness ●●●    Linguistics ●●● 
Melee               Presence ●●●●●    Lore ●●●●         Dodge ●●●●●      Ride        
Thrown              Resistance ●      Medicine         Larceny          Sail        
War                 Survival          Occult           Stealth          Socialize ●●●  

Specialties[edit | edit source]

Martial Arts - Tonfas ●●

Backgrounds[edit | edit source]

Artifact: ●●
Artifact: ●
Allies: ●
Resources: ●●●

Charms[edit | edit source]

Second Martial Arts

Second Lore

Second Linguistics

C-C-C-Combo's[edit | edit source]

Essence[edit | edit source]

Essence: ●●
Regeneration: (4 per hour plus twice the rating of your hearthstone(s) under normal conditions. remember you gain an additional 4 motes per hour when you're resting)
Personal Essence Pool: /
Peripheral Essence Pool: /
Committed Essence:

Willpower[edit | edit source]

Temporary: □

Virtues[edit | edit source]


  • Compassion ●●
  • Conviction ●●●
  • Temperance ●●
  • Valor ●●

Flawed Virtue:
Limit Break: □□□□□□□□□□

Inventory[edit | edit source]

Serpent Sting Staff

Chain Shirt

Manses and Hearthstones[edit | edit source]

Combat[edit | edit source]

Dodge DV:
Dodge MDV:
Soak: B:0 L:0 A:0
Hardness: B:0 L:0 A:0

Attacks[edit | edit source]

Example Attack (Speed X, Accuracy X, Damage XL, Parry DV X, Rate X, Tags X, Y, Z)

Health[edit | edit source]

□ -0
□ -1
□ -1
□ -2
□ -2
□ -4
□ Incapacitated

Advancement[edit | edit source]