Touhou Power Cards/Racial Powers
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Touhou Power Cards for 4e DnD
General Racial Powers[edit | edit source]
This List contains the Powers of all races, that have only one such power. They are arranged alphabetically, based on the power name (not race).
Kalashtar's Bastion of Mental Clarity
Revenant's Dark Reaping
Dragonborn's Dragon Breath
Dwarven Resilience
Elven Accuracy
Elven Accuracy
Gnome's Fade Away
Eladrin's Fey Step
Gnoll's Ferocious Charge
Half-Orc's Furious Assault
Goblin Tactics
Minotaur's Goring Charge
Human's Heroic Effort
Mul's Incredible Toughness
Tiefling's Infernal Wrath
Githzerai's Iron Mind
Half-Elf's Knack for Success
Deva's Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes
Halfling's Second Chance
Shadar-Kai's Shadow Jaunt
Shardmind's Shard Swarm
Goliath's Stones Endurance
Thri-kreen Claws
Warforged Resolve
Multi Power Races[edit | edit source]
Races with more than one racial power are listed here.
Changeling[edit | edit source]
Changeling Disguise
Changeling Trick
Drow[edit | edit source]
Cloud of Darkness
Genasi[edit | edit source]
Causticsoul Genasi's Acid Surge
Earthsoul Genasi's Earthshock
Cindersoul Genasi's Firedeath
Firesoul Genasi's Firepulse
Plaguesoul Genasi's Plaguebearer
Stormsoul Genasi's Promise of Storm
Watersoul Genasi's Swiftcurrent
Voidsoul Genasi's Void Assumption
Windsoul Genasi's Windwalker
Shifter[edit | edit source]
Razorclaw Shifting
Longtooth Shifting
Wilden[edit | edit source]
Pursuit of the Hunter
Voyage of the Ancients
Wrath of the Destroyer