Covenant Apocalypse and Starship weaponry

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This article is about weaponry used in the Halo setting.

The weapons mounted on Covenant Starships and Apocalypse-Walkers are both devastating to both Enemy Starships and a Planets Eco-system, causing immense kinetic and thermal damage and causing massive nuclear winters, in some cases entire planets are reduced into molten glass, with all life wiped out.

Direct Energy Minion-Class:Medium-Light/Anti-Aircraft[edit | edit source]

Mounted only on the Covenant Super Scarab, and being one of the smallest Anti-Aircraft guns that is classified as Direct Energy. These two mounted twin guns are situated at both the front and back of the Super Scarab in order to deter enemy Aircraft, but they wouldn't be afraid of using it on ground units and Titans. Lacking the firepower, they compensate for their sheer rate of fire that not even a Stormtalon could escape from.

Direct Energy Cyclops-Class:Medium-Heavy/Anti-Aircraft[edit | edit source]

Larger and more powerful then their Minion-Class, yet ironically mounted on the Covenant Scarab which is a lot weaker then the Super-Scarab. Have a much slower rate of fire, but can home on to its target, as well as being manually guided to strike ground infantry and vehicles. Called the Cyclops due to its positioning on the Scarab, giving it the appearance of a "Cyclops".

Direct Energy Tyrant-Class:Super-Heavy/Anti-Aircraft[edit | edit source]

Smaller then their Mantis counterpart, they are still highly dangerous to most forms of Aircraft. The Tyrant Anti-Aircraft Gun Battery, is often stationed around their massive Plasma Reactor, this makes them vulnerable to attempted highjacking, thus they are often protected by three entire platoon of Covenant forces. They are often considered the Covenant equivalent of a Imperium Ground Macro-Cannon, only their shots are slower, but comes with the added fact that they are guided.

Direct Energy Mantis-Class:Ultra-Heavy/Anti-Aircraft[edit | edit source]

These massive Plasma Weapons can only be seated on Gun Batteries or Scarabs and the likes. Called the Mantis, they are meant to shoot down enemy Heavy Aircraft, but can be re-purposed to destroy any Land Units/Vehicles short of a Titan if pleased. They often stand out for their size which rivals a Scarab or Imperium Scout Titan and their almost insectoid appearance, hence the Mantis nickname.

Direct Energy Super-Heavy/Beam[edit | edit source]

Mounted on only Scarabs and other Super-Heavy Walkers, instead on the usual 'Bolts' these weapons shoot out concentrated beams of Plasma that instantly vaporize and cut through almost all types of materials. Noted for its greenish color and often confused as a Fuel Rod weapon, with the further fact that the Scarab is considered a cross between a Titan and Super-Heavy tank, it is common to see Imperial Commanders to accidentally use the wrong vehicles to combat the Scarab. When shot against other Super-Heavies or Titans, the beams slice through their armor like a Plasma Torch through Steel, just like what it was intended.

Direct Energy Super-Heavy/Focus[edit | edit source]

A specialized Plasma Beam that sacrifices power for a EMP effect. Mounted only on the Lich, these supportive and tactical weapon can be used to disable the toughest of war machines, Titans included. When a target is struck, they have to wait immense periods of time to regain power, a time already considered too late by anyone.

Direct Energy Ultra-Heavy/Beam[edit | edit source]

One of the biggest ground weapons fielded by the Covenant, so heavy that not even a Super-Scarab could carry it, only the sheer strength of a Covenant Harvester can this weapon be carried. Known for its yellow color and sheer fire-power, these beams can cut and slice apart even Void Shields from a Imperator-Class Titan with relative impunity.

Direct Energy Starship/Pulse[edit | edit source]

Not meant to be a ship killer, these pulse lasers are meant to shoot down aircraft and missiles with their almost pin-point accuracy. In fact they are so accurate that the Imperium fore-go their missiles for light-speed weaponry, since the pulse lasers have a tendency to shoot down all their missiles with a 100% accuracy rate.

Direct Energy Starship/Torpedo[edit | edit source]

One of the largest and most powerful of them all second to the Energy Projector, only mounted on massive Starships. The Covenant mainly use them for ship-to-ship battle but can be also used for orbital bombardment, where the damage on the ground is absolutely catastrophic with a force of over 550 Megatons to 200 Gigatons, depending on the yields. Like almost all Covenant Weaponry, they are slow but are guided, and it is commonly reported for a Plasma Torpedo to miss, only to turn back to their intended targets and strike them when they are not expecting.

Particle Accelerator Starship/Projector[edit | edit source]

More commonly called the Energy Projector or Glassing Beam, they are essentially a up-scaled version of a Covenant Beam Rifle. This is one of the strongest Covenant weaponry to date. Powerful enough to even rival a Imperial Lance Battery, they are the weapons that Glass entire planets to death, quite literally. A favorite among the Covenant due to its impressive range (100,000km bare minimum) and its neigh instantaneous light-speed. They are noted to slice apart and cut through entire fleets of Imperial Frigates like a hot sword through half melted butter, only the likes of a Cruiser and Capital-ship could withstand such awesome power.