Codex - Angry Marines 7th Edition

if anyone would bother to make some backstory and Lore to some of the new Rules and Units, I would be very happy.
Codex - Angry Marines 8th Edition.
New Units that are lacking backstory and Lore: Command Squad, Angry Rhino, Fury-Raven Gunship, Killdozer and Rachnus Rageous.
Old Units that are lacking backstory and lore or just need to have it updated: Angry 'Serfs' , Dick Haggard, Pounder, Assault Squad, Angry Bike Squad, Angry Attack Bike Squad, Angry Bike Gang, Black Brothers and Angrytalon Gunship.
Almost all FORMATIONS are lacking backstory and lore. (What's on Asshole's Command Squad, Is something I have just copied from Angry Marines.)
- There has been made backstory and lore for Army of Commissar Fuklaw and DROP PODS ARE FOR PUSSIES.
Angry Marines Rules[edit | edit source]
Special Rules[edit | edit source]
If there is no description of the rules for any special rule or piece of equipment in the Codex - Angry Marines itself, you can find their rules in the Chaos Space Marines Codex, the Space Marines Codex, the Astra Militarum Codex or the Warhammer 40k Rulebook.
- Angry Marine - The Angry Marines are an unorthodox but highly effective Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes. All models with the Angry Marine rule have the following special rules:
- And They Shall Know No Fear - More like AND THEY SHALL FUCK YOU UP. (You can find it in the Space Marines codex)
- Combat Squads - Ten angry marines is a lot of pissed off. It's like a goddamn sack of badgers. So, when you accrue a squad of ten, it's only natural that you be allowed to split them into two five-man units, called combat squads. The decision for this most angry fission, as well as which models go into each combat squad, must be made when the unit is deployed. Both squads can be deployed in separate locations. The one exception to this is a unit that arrives by Drop Pod/angry Rhino-- the player can choose to split such a unit into combat squads when it disembarks. If you decide to split a unit into combat squads, then each is treated as a separate unit for all game purposes. (There is a better description in the Space Marines Codex)
- Furious Charge - Listen, Angry marines are furious motherfuckers. They love nothing more than putting power fist to face. To represent this, every angry marine immediately experiences a catharsis of rage unlike any other and gains the usr furious charge.
- ALWAYS ANGRY! - Models with this Special Rule re-rolls failed to Hit rolls of 1. This applies only to close combat attacks.
- COVER IS FOR PUSSIES - Only cowards would hide in ruins rather than run towards the enemy.
- Cover saves granted by terrain are reduced by one (for instance, a 4+ becomes a 5+) for any model with this special rule. Additionally, any unit with at least one model with this special rule cannot go to ground, willingly or not. If they are forced to go to ground (by pinning or some other rule), one random model in the squad with this special rule suffers a wound with no armour or cover saves of any kind allowed.
- Move Through Cover - Angry Marines give no fuck. Man, fuck bushes and shrubs and crenellations and shit. Angry Marines simply plow right through that bullshit. To represent Angry Marines cunt-punching through difficult terrain, any Angry Marine with a close combat weapon (and an Angry Marine caught without a CCW is not Angry Marine) gains the Move Through Cover special rule.
- GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD - The uncontrollable anger and hatred of the Angry Marines leaves their minds open to psychic influence. However, anyone who dares to fuck with their minds risks serious mental damage.
- A unit with at least one model with this special rule have -1 penalty for Deny the Witch! tests, though, if they pass it, not only is the power negated, the psyker who manifest this power also takes a S4 hit with no armour or cover saves allowed. (This means that if you do not find a way to get a +1 or better to their Deny the Witch! tests (such as from Adamantium Will, or the Psyker special rule) for a unit with at least one model with this special rule, the unit can not make Deny the Witch! tests at all.)
- THIS WAY YOU FUCKS - Angry Marine Sergeants sometimes need to crack some skulls to aim their brothers in the right direction. When these fights take place mid-drop, this can go either way.
- When a unit of Angry Marines uses its Jump Packs or a unit of Black Brothers uses its NEED A LIGHT? rule to arrive via Deep Strike, you may reduce scatter by any number you wish, up to the total amount of scatter. However, the squad suffers a number of S4 AP- hits equal to that number, distributed as evenly as possible.
- Inspiring Rage!!! - a unit with at least one model with this special rule, has the Rage special rule.
- HERESY! BLAM!: this rule is almost identical to the Summary Execution special rule, as per Codex: Astra Militarum. However, only Fuklaw is enough of a badass to execute Angry Marines. the only difference is that, An Angry Commissar, irritated Commissar or very irritated Commissar will never execute a model with the Angry Marine special rule. in addition to this, when you the D6; on a 3+ must choose a model with the highest Leadership that does not have the Angry Marine special rule (not including himself) to be executed, on a 1-2 your opponent may choose which model (that does not have the Angry Marine special rule) is executed Instead.
- Unending RAGE: If an enemy unit successfully falls back from a combat or is destroyed in close combat by a model with this Rule or a unit that has a model with this Rule taht has joined that unit, the model with this Rule will give a rousing battle cry of 'WE GOT THE FUCKS NOW!!!'. The model with this Rule and any unit he has joined may then make a 2d6" move towards any enemy unit, instead of making a sweeping advance or consolidating. If at least one model moves into base-to-base contact with an enemy unit, the Angry Marines count as having charged the unit, and will gain the appropriate bonuses (such as +1 attack for charging) in the next Assault phase. the model have Feel No Pain against wounds caused by Overwatch (if he have the Feel No Pain rule from another source, he instead add 1 to the result of the Feel No Pain rolls against wounds caused by Overwatch) if this occurs, since 'THOSE FUCKERS WERE NOT TAKEN BY SURPRISE! BUT I AM SO PISSED OFF THAT I IGNORES THE BULLETS THAT HIT ME!,' in the words of a Warlord of the Angry Marines.
Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]
The Angry Marine warlord can roll his warlord trait from Command traits, Tactical traits, and Personal traits (but not Strategic traits) charts from core rulebook or from specific Angry Marine traits chart below.
Despite disrespect towards ranged weapons, a common trait amongst Angry Marines, the warlord finds shooting stuff a bit more entertaining than most Angry Marines. The warlord may exchange his pistol or one of his close combat weapon for either a boltgun, plasma gun, melta gun, grav gun, or a flamer, free of cost. the new firearm counts as a melee weapon with -1 BS (to a minimum of 1) and you can assault in the same turn as the weapon is fired, even if it was a Rapid fire or salvo weapon. | Rage is a hell of an anesthetic and an even greater motivator to stay alive. As long as he has only one Wound left, the Warlord has the Feel No Pain special rule. If the warlord already has this rule, he will instead gain a 5++ invulnerable save. If the warlord already has an invulnerable save, his save is improved by 1 (e.g. a 5++ save becomes a 4++ save), though tthis cannot push his invulnerable save to 1++ or better. | The warlord takes offense at a rival leader goading him to a challenge, citing: "THAT SCRAWNY LITTLE FUCKFACE THINKS HE CAN BEAT ME. HE'S GOING TO LEARN THE MEANING OF RIP AND TEAR!". Whenever the warlord is challenged by the enemy, he gains +1 to his Initiative and Attacks. Additionally, if the warlord wins a challenge given by the enemy and he is down to 1 wound; roll a d6 and if the result is 5+, the warlord can regenerate d3 wounds. |
Nothing pisses off the warlord more than fucking defensive grenades, and those assholes who use them. The warlord and his unit have Hatred against any squad with at least one model equipped with defensive grenades, and ignore the effects of defensive grenades when charging into close combat. | "Holding objectives is boring. Let's blow them to hell and go fuck some shit up!" If, at the start of your shooting phase, your warlord is within 3" of an objective and there are no scoring or denial enemy units within 3" of it, your warlord squad may remove the objective instead of running or shooting and if playing with objective cards and a destroyed objective comes up draw a different one | The warlord is not amused by his enemies hiding in cover and their cowardice pisses him off to no end,at least, more so than usual. This leads him to rapidly and blindly charge at enemies cowering in cover with seething fury. When assaulting into cover, the Warlord gains Initiative 7 and Feel No Pain against wounds caused by Overwatch (if he have the Feel No Pain rule from another source, he instead add 1 to the result of the Feel No Pain rolls against wounds caused by Overwatch) that turn. However, the rest of his squad does not charge with him: he automatically leaves any squad he is attached to, who may not assault the same unit as the Warlord (although they may attempt to assault a different one). |
Angry Marines Psychic Powers[edit | edit source]
Master of Mindfuckery and Chief Mindfucker Moarfistin generate ther powers from the Biomancy, Daemonology (Sanctic), Pyromancy, Telekinesis, Telepathy, and Iratomancy disciplines. The Iratomancy psychic discipline is described below.
Power Number | Power Name | Charge Level | Description |
Primaris Power | EAT SHIT | Warp Charge 2 | EAT SHIT is a Focused Witchfire power with a range of 12". The Psyker may choose one of its Melee weapons to attack the target with: it does so as if it and its target were in combat. (The enemy can not attack back.) |
1 | FUCK HEAT | Warp Charge 1 | FUCK HEAT is a Blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 24". While this power is in effect, the target unit's weapons are not subject to the Gets Hot! rule. Additionally, the unit is immune to Pyromancy psychic powers, Flamer weapons (as defined by the rulebook), and all weapons or psychic powers that have the Melta and/or Soul Blaze special rules. |
2 | FFFFFFFF- | Warp Charge 2 | FFFFFFFF- is a Blessing that targets all friendly units within 24". While this power is in effect, target units has the Rampage Special Rule. |
3 | RIP AND TEAR | Warp Charge 1 | RIP AND TEAR is a Malediction that targets a single enemy infantry unit within 24". Whilst the power is in effect, the target unit have a -1 modification when making armor save rolls; this power can be cumulative with other modifications |
4 | FUCK YOUR PSYCHIC SHIT!! | Warp Charge 3 | FUCK YOUR PSYCHIC SHIT!! is a blessing that gives all infantry units within 6" a 3+ to Deny the Witch rolls, or, by expending only 2 warp charges, may instead give a single unit within 12" a 3+ Deny the Witch rolls. |
5 | ALL THE RAGE!!! | Warp Charge 1 | ALL THE RAGE!!! is a blessing that targets the Psyker. While this power is in effect all models in the Psyker and his unit gain +2 attacks and the Fearless special rules. |
6 | I'M COMING FOR YOU FUCKER!! | Warp Charge 1 | I'M COMING FOR YOU FUCKER!! is a blessing that targets only the Psyker. The Psyker gains +3 Attacks and +1 to his Initiative and Strength, and he and his unit must declare an assault at the nearest enemy unit. If no enemy unit is within charge range, then the Psyker's intense rage means he suffers an unsavable wound. If in an Assault, the Psyker must challenge an independent character if possible. |
Angry Marine Equipment[edit | edit source]
The Angry Marines mainly employ the standard weapons of the Adeptus Astartes, but they also possess a number of exotic and unusual weapons.
Weapon Table | Range | S | AP | Type |
Power Bat | - | +2 | 4 | Melee, Concussive |
a pair of Power Feet | - | +1 | 4 | Melee, Unwieldy, Two-Handed, kick |
Power Chair | - | +5 | 4 | Melee, Concussive, Two-Handed |
Dual Power Fist | - | x2 | 2 | Melee, Specialist Weapon, Unwieldy, Dual Fists |
Power Heavy Bolter (Melee) | - | +1 | 5 | Melee, Concussive, Two-Handed, Unwieldy |
Power Heavy Bolter (Ranged) | 36" | 5 | 4 | heavy 3 |
Power Wrench | - | +1 | 2 | Melee, Unwieldy |
Adamantium 4x2 with a nail through it | - | +2 | 4 | Melee, Concussive, Rending |
"Smoke" Launcher | 12" | 4 | 4 | Assault 1, Blast |
Flamer Charger | Template | 4 | 5 | Assault 1, One use only |
Plasma Charger | 12" | 7 | 2 | Assault 2, Gets Hot, One use only |
Melta Charger | 12" | 8 | 1 | Assault 1, Melta, One use only |
Grav Charger | 12" | * | 2 | Assault 2, Concussive, Graviton, One use only |
Rocket Propelled Chainsaw | 48" | 5 | 2 | Heavy 1, Armourbane, Mastercrafted, One use only |
Power cat | 10" | 4 | 1 | Assault 6, Armourbane, One use only |
Ranged Weaponry[edit | edit source]
- "Smoke" Launcher - Angry Marines doctrine makes smoke grenades unnecessary. Instead, they fill the tubes of their "Smoke" Launchers with plasma grenades.
- Chargers - Angry Marines see bolters as unmanly weapons, though they found combi-bolters somewhat useful to lay some heat on enemy while charging them. So angry techmarines designed combi-weapons without bolters included, and combined it with power fists, lightning claws, or power armor forearms, leaving both hands free for a close combat weapon.
- Rocket Propelled Chainsaw - Hunter-killer missiles aren't brutal looking enough in the eyes of Angry Marines, so they replaced them with fucking EVISCERATORS on guided missiles.
- Power cat - Because the angry marines are angry enough to have angry cats, they equip them with power sword fragments on their claws and teeth. (The cat usually dies after it hits the target.)
- Power Heavy Bolter - Power Heavy Bolter is a Heavy Bolter with a disruptor energy fields commonly found in Power Weapons. It's both a Ranged and a Melee weapon.
Melee Weaponry[edit | edit source]
- Power Bat and Wrench - While the Angry Marines employ a number of traditional Power Swords, many prefer the powered bats and wrenches unique to the Angry Marines. They count as one-handed Power Weapons with profiles as seen in the table to the right.
- A Pair of Power Feet - "Used in pairs and purchased as a pair.", Power Feet are weapons in the shape of the boots of Power Armor, sized up to disruptor energy fields commonly found in Power Fists.
- kick: regardless of which weapon a model with a pair of Power Feet use in close combat, They get one extra attack in close combat with S+1 AP4 resolved at initiative step 1.
- Adamantium 4x2 with a nail through it: A special weapon only reserved for the elite of the Angry Marines, rare due to the sheer effort of getting a nail into a piece of Adamantium: this weapon is a Power Bat that has the Rending Special rule.
- Power Chair - Same power as the power bat and power wrench but with a bashing effect. First started with an Angry Marine Initiate who was having a fight with another Initiate who used a chair, used all energy from the power bat and smashed the initiate in the head. This was then developed into the Angry Marine arsenal. To this day the unconscious initiate is still in the med bay of strike cruiser "DIPSHIT" because "HE IS A FUCKING PUSSY WHO CANNOT FIGHT HIS WAY OUT OF HIS SLEEP, SLANNESHI-SLEEPING-SLOTH-SHIT!"
- Dual Power Fist - Dual Power Fist is a Power Fist with a smaller Power Fist on it.
- Dual Fists: a model With one or more Dual Power Fists may re-roll all failed to Hit, to wound and armor penetration rolls.
Flamer of Wrath Weapons[edit | edit source]
Flamer of Wrath Weapons are Flamer Weapons modified so they can shoot more lethal spurts of fire while placing the user at risk. A Flamer of Wrath Weapons has two to three firing modes; the entire squad has to use the same mode of fire.
Weapon Table | Range | S | AP | Type | Weapon Table | Range | S | AP | Type |
Hand Flamer of Wrath (Regular) | Template | 3 | 6 | Pistol 1 | Hand Flamer of Wrath (Charged) | Template | 4 | 5 | Pistol 1, Gets Hot |
Flamer of Wrath (Regular) | Template | 4 | 5 | Assault 1 | Flamer of Wrath (Charged) | Template | 5 | 4 | Assault 1, Gets Hot |
Heavy Flamer of Wrath (Regular) | Template | 5 | 4 | Assault 1 | Heavy Flamer of Wrath (Charged) | Template | 6 | 3 | Assault 1, Gets Hot |
Heavy Flamer of Wrath (Over-Charged) | Template | 6 | 4 | Heavy 1, Gets Hot, Torrent |
FUCK launcher Weapons[edit | edit source]
FUCK Launcher Weapons are missile launchers of any size that has been modified to throw battle brothers directly into the thick of the action, using rocket thrusters to propel them towards the enemy. It is as dangerous as it sounds, but few Angry Marines give a fuck as long as they can get in the fight faster.
Weapon name | Range | type |
Portable FUCK Launcher | 24 | Heavy 1, Rocket Propelled Anger (2) |
MAXIMUM FUCK launcher | 36 | Ordnance 1, Rocket Propelled Anger(6), Barrage |
FUCK launcher | 36 | Ordnance 1, Rocket Propelled Anger(3), Barrage |
Rocket Propelled Anger:
FUCK launchers fire the number of times indicated in brackets on their profile. A weapon with this rule behaves differently if fired by an Infantry model vs a Vehicle.
- Infantry: When firing this weapon, choose one unit wholly within 8 inches of the firing unit (note that this may be the firing unit itself but can never be models with the Bulky rule or variants (very, extremely, etc.)). This launched unit must also have a number of models equal to or less than the combined number of shots of every weapon with Rocket Propelled Anger in the first unit (for example a unit with 3 Portable FUCK Launchers may launch a unit with up to 6 models in it). Then place a Large Blast template (range and LoS still apply) and roll for scatter. This blast template can be placed above friendly models or even nothing at all. If the unit launched itself, it loses all weapons with this special rules in the process because they are to be left behind, also nominate one poor Asshole who is left behind because SOMEONE NEEDS TO PULL THE FUCKING TRIGGER, that model is removed as a casualty as it scuttles of the battlefield raging on about what a fucking asshole you are for choosing him.
- Vehicle: Vehicle mounted FUCK launchers increase their transport capacity by the number of shots on the profile (for example, a MAXIMUM FUCK launcher increases capacity by 6). If this weapon is destroyed, any excess models transported are removed as casualties. You may not fire this weapon in the same turn in the same turn as when passengers disembark this vehicle.
After determining the final placement of the blast template, all launched models must be placed at least partially under the template (they can even be placed within 1 inch of enemy models). Any models that don't fit in this way are removed from play. Any model that is now covered by the large blast marker takes a S4 AP- hit. If the Angry Marines are in base contact or within 2" of one or more enemy units after these hits, the Angry Marines count as being locked in combat with the enemy unit(s). This is not a charge and therefore does not trigger Furious Charge or other charging specific rules.
Other Items[edit | edit source]
- Cigar - The Angry Marines enjoy a good smoke; it keeps them focussed under fire. If at least one model in the squad has a Cigar, that squad adds +1 to its Leadership for Morale tests due to losing an assault or taking casualties.
- Wolverine - Wolverines are one of the very few animals in existence that come close to matching the rage of the Angry Marines. What, you thought they were just some harmless mustelids? Well, you were fucking WRONG. Wolverines WILL fuck your shit up; for this reason, many Angry Marines prefer to go to war with a rabid wolverine in tow.
- a Wolverine is a combat familiar (You can find it in the Chaos space marines codex), that makes three additional Strength 4 AP 6 Melee Attacks, instead of making two additional Strength 4 AP- Melee Attacks.
Vehicle Wargear[edit | edit source]
- Doormaker Charges - Rhino transports have no assault ramps to join the fight right after jumping out, and moreover due to their design there is no way to add forward ramp. Angry techmarines found a way to bypass these limitations by adding few demolition charges into a Rhino's front armour to BLOW ITSELF TO HELL SO WE CAN FIGHT.
- If your Rhino transport has Doormaker Charges, at any point of your movement phase, you may detonate them. If you do so, every model embarked in the transport receives a S4 AP- hit, and the Rhino itself is wrecked, but its passengers may disembark from the front side of vehicle and charge in the turn they disembark, as if the Rhino had the Assault Vehicle rule. Furthermore, you may add one extra Angry Marine model, armed with bolt pistol, chainsword, krak and frag grenades to the squad to represent the Rhino driver, who abandons his useless transport to join the fight.
- Power of the Angry Machine Spirit - This unnaturally infuriated Machine Spirit is prone to bouts of raging during battle.
- Due to its self destructive nature, Vehicles with this upgrade have their armor values reduced by one (to a minimum of 10). However, its constant rage also enables it to always ignore crew shaken and crew stunned results, as the vehicle is keen on telling its drivers to GET OFF YOUR FUCKING ASS AND ATTACK. In addition, when performing a tank shock, the vehicle will cause D6 strength 4 hits upon the target unit; when the vehicle is ramming, it counts as having its original armor value for determining the strength of the attack, and gains +1 strength to its attack. Furthermore, an Angry Techmarine gains +1 to its Work you Fucking Piece of Shit! rolls when rolling for a vehicle with this upgrade.
Armoury[edit | edit source]
(1) may not be taken by Commissar Fuklaw (2) may not be taken by Angry Commissar and/or very irritated Commissar (3) may not be taken by Command Squad (4) may not be taken by Angry Chaplain
Close Combat Weapon[edit | edit source]
A model may replace his Melee Weapon, boltgun and/or bolt pistol with one of the following:
- Chainsword: free.
- Chainaxe (You can find it in the Chaos space marines codex): +8 pts.
- Power Sword, Power Bat, Power Lance or Power Wrench: +15 pts.
- Power Chair: +20 pts.
- Lightning Claw: +15 pts.
- Power Fist: +25 pts. (1)
- Chainfist: +30 pts. (1), (2)
- Thunder Hammer: +30 pts. (1), (2)
Ranged Weapon[edit | edit source]
A model may replace his Melee Weapon, boltgun and/or bolt pistol with one of the following:
- Storm Bolter +5 pts.
- Hand Flamer: +5 pts.
- Plasma Pistol: +15 pts.
- Infernus Pistol: +15 pts.
- Grav Pistol: +15 pts.
- a model may take one of the following without replacing his Melee Weapon, boltgun and/or bolt pistol:
- Flamer Charger: +5 pts (1), (2)
- Plasma Charger: +5 pts (1), (2)
- Melta Charger: +5 pts (1), (2)
- Grav Charger: +5 pts (1), (2)
Special Weapons[edit | edit source]
A model may replace his Melee Weapon, boltgun and/or bolt pistol with one of the following:
- Flamer: +5 pts.
- Melta gun: +10 pts.
- Plasma gun: +15 pts.
- Grav gun: +15 pts.
- Grenade launcher (You can find it in the Astra Militarum codex): +15 pts/per model. (Angry 'Serfs' only)
Special Wargear[edit | edit source]
A model may take up to one of each item, in the Special Wargear list.
- a model may take up to one of each of the following:
- Melta Bombs: +5 pts.
- Cigar: +1 pts.
- A model can exchange its Melee Weapon, boltgun or bolt pistol with following:
- Power Heavy Bolter: +15 pts. (1), (2), (4)
- Adamantium 4x2 with a nail through it: +20 pts. (4)
- Dual Power Fist +35 pts. (1), (2), (4)
- a model may take one of the following:
- Power cat +20 pts.
- Wolverine: +20 pts.
- a model may take one of the following:
- Combat Shield: +5 pts. (1), (2)
- Storm Shield: +15 pts. (1), (2)
- a model may choose one of the following: (None of the following may be taken by models wearing Terminator Armor.)
- Take Space Marine Bike: +20 pts. (3)
- Take Jump Pack: +15 pts. (1), (2), (3)
- A pair of Power Feet: +10 pts. (1), (2)
Artifacts[edit | edit source]
you may only have one of each artifact in your army
- Banner of FUCK YOU: 30 pts.
- This venerable banner is one of the oldest relics of the Angry Marines, carried by angry fucks in the largest battles the Angry Marines ever took part in. It is said that no Chapter Master fell in battle while carrying this sacred standard, even against the most lethal of enemies that would put the most battle-hardened space marines down, on account of NO WAY I'M LETTING THOSE ASSFUCKING FAGGOTS GET THIS FUCKING AWESOME BANNER.
- The model who carries the Banner of FUCK YOU has the Eternal Warrior special rule. Angry Marines who have the honor of accompanying their eternally angry chapter master are instilled with a sense of duty to NOT LET THOSE PANSY-ASSED FAGGOTS TAKE OUR FUCKAWESOME BANNER, and thus will fight with an even harder resolve. Any squad the model with this joins gains +1 attacks and the Feel No Pain special rule. (the Banner of FUCK YOU's +1 attacks does not stack with the +1 attacks from the FUCK YOU, OLD MAN! I'LL SHOW YOU HOW IT'S DONE! Special Rule.)
- The Head of Papa-Smurf: 10 pts.
- The head of a blue xeno with white beard, which the Angry Marines claim is the head of the Primarch of the UltraSmurfs! ROWBOAT FUCKING GUILLIMAN!
- All Angry Marines Units get the Preferred Enemy (Ultramarines) and Hatred (Ultramarines) special rules. in return get all Ultramarine Units (friend or foe), get the Hatred (Angry Marines) special rule. The carrier also gets the Fear and Stubborn special rules.
- Unpredictable Melee thingy. 40 pts. (You may take one "unpredictable Melee thingy" for every two Angry Marine HQ choices which is not an Angry Commissar and/or a Command Squad.) The Angry Marines have many different specialty Artifact Close Combat weapons. but you never know what it will do until you have beaten somebody with it.
- The first time the model bearing the Unpredictable Melee Thingy is engaged in melee combat (exception: Masters of Mindfuckery and Chief Mindfucker Moarfistin, if equipped with the Unpredictable Melee Thingy, also roll to decide the weapon's nature if they use the EAT SHIT psyker power), roll 1d6 and replace the weapon with a randomly-chosen replacement from the table below.
- (You may only have one of each of these weapons in your army, so if you have mutiple Unpredictable Melee Thingies and one of them gets the same result as a previous Unpredictable Melee Thingy, then re-roll until you get a unique result. For this reason, even if you have enough Angry Marine HQ choices to get seven or more Unpredictable Melee Thingies, you can never have more than six in your army.)
- 1
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
The Tank Killer | - | u | 4 | Melee, Mastercrafted, Machine Killer |
Machine Killer - When a weapon with this Special Rule hits a vehicle, roll a D6 to determine the effect rather than rolling for armour penetration normally. the weapon also has AP1 against vehicles:
- 1:no effect
- 2:glancing hit
- 3-6:penetrating hit
- 2
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
The Meat Grinder Of Doom | - | u | 5 | Melee, Specialist Weapon, Mastercrafted, Rampage, GRIND THE FUCKERS UP |
GRIND THE FUCKERS UP: When attacking Infantry (including Jump and Jetpack Infantry) this weapon becomes AP3 and gains Shred
- 3
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
The Monster Hunter's Favorite | - | 3 | 2 | Melee, Specialist Weapon, Mastercrafted, Monster Hunter, Fleshbane (only against Monstrous Creatures and Gargantuan Creatures) |
- 4
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
The Skull Crusher Of Doomsday! | - | u | 1 | Melee, Concussive, Two-Handed, Unwieldy, Mastercrafted, Doomsday! |
Doomsday! - When the weapons carrier makes its Close Combat attacks, it can choose instead to make a single Doomsday Attack! if it does so, roll To Hit as normal, but resolve the Attack at Strength D .
- 5
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
Pocket Knife of Eye Stabbing +1 | - | 1 | - | Melee, Concussive, Fleshbane, Blind, Mastercrafted, Shred, Rending |
- 6
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
The Terminator Killer Hammer | - | * | 2 | Melee, Concussive, Graviton, Mastercrafted, Unwieldy, Shred, Two-Handed |
- The Holy Book of Eternal Rampage: 40 pts. (Master of Mindfuckery only.)
- The Holy Book of Eternal Rampage is the book which the Masters of Mindfuckery have written all the curses and bad-mouthing the Angry Marine Chapter have used throughout their long history.
- the Master of Mindfuckery that carries this book gets +1 to his Mastery Level and knows all the Psychic Powers of The Iratomancy discipline, but can not generate any other Psychic Powers (Force is not included). in addition to this, he will harness Warp Charge points on a result of 3+ rather than 4+.
- The Power Heavy Bolter Dual Powerfist: 45 pts. (The Power Heavy Bolter Dual Powerfist must be exchanged for any other weapon the model has.)
- The Power Heavy Bolter Dual Powerfist is perhaps the most brilliant weapon the Angry Marines Techmarines have ever made. The Power Heavy Bolter Dual Powerfist, is a Power Heavy Bolter With a Dual Power Fist to attached to the bottom of it, to be used as the angriest bayonet imaginable.
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
The Power Heavy Bolter Dual Powerfist (Melee) | - | x2 +1 | 2 | Melee, Concussive, Unwieldy, Dual Fists, Two-Handed |
The Power Heavy Bolter Dual Powerfist (Ranged) | 36" | 5 | 4 | Assault 3 |
Vehicle Wargear[edit | edit source]
A model may take up to one of each of the following:
- Dozer Blade (tanks only): +5 pts.
- Storm Bolter: +5 pts. (tanks only)
- Extra Armour: +10 pts.
- Rocket Propelled Chainsaw: +10 pts.
- Power of the Angry Machine Spirit: +20 pts.
Units[edit | edit source]
HQ[edit | edit source]
Angry Captain[edit | edit source]
Angry Marines are not very good at "leading" their brothers as strategic-level commanders. This is a fact, although it is a fact none dare utter in front of an Angry Marine, lest they find their ribs turned into a hat rack and shoved up their ass. Angry Captains lack the patience to make plans aside from RUSHING THOSE FUCKING FUCKERS and long-term war plans are seen as a FUCKING WASTE OF MY FUCKING TIME, at the very least. As one Angry Captain said in the middle of a planning session with a fellow group of Marines, "WHY THE FUCK ARE WE IN HERE, IF THE ENEMY IS OUT THERE?!" But Angry Captains are far from stupid. They have an almost instinctive sense of how an enemy's weaknesses can be exploited. Indeed, Angry Marines frequently claim that 100 Angry Marines led by an Angry Captain and set loose behind enemy lines can do more damage to the enemy in a week than a similarly-sized group of Raven Guard can do in ten years. When asked how they can accomplish this feat, 1st Company Captain Raserei responded, "YOU FIND THE ENEMY, KICK THEM IN THE BALLS, MOVE ON TO KICK THE NEXT FUCKER IN THE BALLS, AND BY THE TIME YOU'RE DONE THE ENTIRE FUCKING ARMY'S BEEN KICKED IN THE BALLS! SO BY KICKING EVERY MAN'S BALLS, YOU KICKED THE BALLS OF AN ENTIRE PLANET!" Truly, Raserei is a poet.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Captain | 6 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 9 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Angry Captain | 105 |
- Power Armor
- Two chainswords. (The extra attack due to having two close combat weapons is NOT included in the Angry Captain's profile. (And that is how it is in 99,9999999999999999999999999...% of all official Codex, in 40K))
- Frag and Krak Grenades
- Twisted Lump of Metal/Iron Halo - Nobody's quite sure what this once was. Some theorize is was formerly an Iron Halo; others claim it had to be a Rosarius stolen from a Chaplain from a... lesser... Chapter, and others claim it is the Captain's raw hatred crystallized into physical form. In any case, it suffered one too many blows protecting the Captain, but it still (somehow) works, even though it spits sparks and smoke with every impact. For all intents and purposes, a Twisted Lump of Metal counts as an Iron Halo (as per Codex: Space Marines).
- may take items from the Close Combat Weapon, Ranged Weapons, Artifacts, and/or Special Wargear lists.
- May replace his Power Armour with Artificer Armour for 20 points.
- May replace his Power Armour, Frag and Krak Grenades with Terminator Armour for 30 points.
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- Angry Marine
- Independent Character
- Unending RAGE
- I WILL RIDE A FUCKING BIKE IF I FUCKING WANT TO: If an Angry Captain commandeers a Space Marine Bike from the armoury (over the objections of the Techmarines, who hate to see the bikes destroyed by the Captain), his fellows will as well. If the Angry Captain is mounted on an Space Marine Bike, Angry Bike Gangs become Troops choices.
Angry Chaplain[edit | edit source]
Few beings in the known universe are bold enough to critizcize an Angry Marine. Their notoriously short tempers make enforcing discipline extremely difficult. In an effort to counteract this, potential Angry Chaplains are singled out after showing the most rage during their first battle and nominated as Ganger leaders. This pisses off the other Angry Marines, whose resentment pisses off the Ganger leaders. The most promising of the Ganger leaders are taught inventive new insults and the correct way to RIP OUT SOME FUCKER'S SPINE AND USE IT AS A CLUB. The older Angry Chaplains don't have the patience for teaching, but Commissars do, so they are often assigned to perform this task. Ganger leaders are promoted to full Angry Chaplain once they can swear profusely enough to make a Commissar blush.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Chaplain | 6 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Angry Chaplain | 90 |
- Power Armour
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak Grenades
- Crozius Iratus
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
Crozius Iratus | - | +2 | 4 | Melee, Concussive, Holy RAGE |
- Holy RAGE: The bearer of a weapon with the Holy RAGE special rule has a 3+ invulnerable save in close combat.
- NOTE: Angry Chaplains don't use Rosariuses, CAUSE ONLY FAGGOTS WEAR FLASHY TRINKETS.
- may take items from the Ranged Weapons, Artifacts, and/or Special Wargear lists.
- May replace his Power Armour and Frag and Krak with Terminator Armour for 30 points.
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- Angry Marine
- Independent Character
- Zealot
- Litany of Profanity: The Angry Chaplain's oratory skills are not only used to inspire their brothers to RIP AND TEAR, but also to offend and mock their enemies. Even mindless Tyranids and undead Necrons are mentally crushed by the constant stream of curses an Angry Chaplain yells in battle. An enemy Unit must pass a leadership test in order to fire Overwatch at an Angry Chaplain or his Unit.
Master of Mindfuckery[edit | edit source]
These fuckers are the Angry Marines' equivalent to Librarians. Except they aren't called Librarians, because only BORING FUCKS READ BOOKS, AND I CAN WRECK YOUR SHIT WITH MY MIND. Unlike other Chapters, in which Librarians are in charge of the Chapter's history or BORING SHIT like that, the Masters of Mindfuckery have the job of FUCKING with the SHIT-FOR-BRAINS ENEMIES' SHIT BRAINS on the battlefield. And that's all you need to know!
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Master of Mindfuckery | 6 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Master of Mindfuckery | 65 |
- Power Armor
- Force weapon
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak Grenades
- Psychic Hood
- may take items from the Close Combat Weapon, Ranged Weapons, Artifacts, and/or Special Wargear lists.
- May replace his Power Armour and Frag and Krak with Terminator Armour for 30 points.
- may be upgraded to Psyker (Mastery Level 2) for +25pts.
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- Angry Marine
- Independent Character
- Psyker (Mastery Level 1).
Angry Apothecary[edit | edit source]
An Angry Apothecary is not so much a field medic as with other Chapters Apothecaries, as he his a fountain of creative insults and rage. Instead of giving his wounded battle brothers painkillers, he will piss them off so much that they forget their pain, and will fight with much more than just renewed strength. By simply shouting into their faces "STOP WHINING YOU LITTLE FUCKING SHITS!", an Angry Apothecary can get a Marine back into the fight faster than any healing technology could hope to. And if that's not enough to make sure his battle brothers continue to fight, then it's good that he has adamantium duct tape to patch wounds with.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Apothecary | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Angry Apothecary | 55 |
- Power Armor
- Chainsword
- Frag and Krak Grenades
- Adamantium duct tape - As long as the Angry Apothecary is alive, all models in his unit have the Feel No Pain (6+) Special Rule. This Fell No Pain (6+) may also be taken against unsaved Wounds that have the Instant Death Special Rule; but not against Detroyer attacks.
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
HUGE FUCKING NEEDLE | - | U | 2 | Melee, Poisoned (4+) |
- may take items from the Close Combat Weapon, and/or Ranged Weapons lists.
- may take Cigar: +5 pts.
- may choose to take one of the following:
- Space Marine Bike: +20 pts.
- Jump Pack: +15 pts.
Special Rules:
- Not A Real Leader - a Command Squad and/or Angry Apothecary can never be a Warlord.
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- Angry Marine
- Independent Character
- STOP WHINING YOU LITTLE FUCKING SHITS! - At the beginning of each Assault Phase where he is part of another unit, his unit must take a Toughness test. If this Toughness test is passed, nothing happens. On the other hand, if this Toughness test fails, a random model in the unit takes a Wound with no saves of any kind and/or Feel No Pain allowed (The Angry Apothecary can not take this Wound). Regardless of the result of the Toughness test, all other models than himself in his unit get the Rampage Special Rule.
Command Squad[edit | edit source]
For each HQ choice in your army (not including other Command Squads an Angry Commissars) you may include a Command Squad. These selections do not use up a Force Organisation slot.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Veteran | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry | 5 Angry Veteran | 90 |
Ultra Angry veteran | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 2+ | Infantry | ||
Ultra Angry Champion | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 2+ | Infantry (Character) |
- Angry Veteran:
- Power Armour
- Chainsword
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and Krak grenades
- Ultra Angry veteran and Ultra Angry Champion:
- Artificer Armour
- Boltgun
- Power Weapon (Power Sword, Power Bat, Power Lance or Power Wrench)
- Bolt pistol
- Frag and Krak grenades
- May include up to 5 additional Angry Veteran for 18 pts/per model.
- Any model take items from the Close Combat Weapon, Ranged Weapons, Special Weapons, and/or Special Wargear lists.
- the entire Squad may be upgraded to Ultra Angry veterans for 7 pts/per model.
- one Ultra Angry veteran may be upgraded to an Ultra Angry Champion for 15 pts.
- the entire Squad may choose to take one of the following:
- the entire Squad may take Jump Packs for 3 pts/per model.
- the entire Squad may take Space Marine Bikes for 7 pts/per model.
- If the squad does not take jump packs or Space Marine Bikes, it may select an Angry Rhino or a Drop Pod as dedicated transport.
Special Rules:
- not a real leader - a Command Squad and/or Angry Apothecary can never be a Warlord.
- Angry Marine
- Rage
- Adamantium will (only Ultra Angry Champion and Ultra Angry veteran)
- HONOR?! My ass! (only Ultra Angry Champion) - A model with this Special Rule also have the Honour or Death Special Rule. in addition to this, when A model with this Special Rule is in challenge, all the models in the unit the benefit from the "Rampage", "Fearless", "Preferred Enemy", and "Feel No Pain (4+)" special rules until the end of the challenge.
Angry Commissars[edit | edit source]
The Angry Marines respect very few things. Among these are anger, zeal, killing power, and, perhaps most importantly, cursing ability. Any who earn the respect of the Angry Marines in all four categories are allowed to tag along, just as long as they KEEP THE FUCK UP! This means that, on many occasions, the Angry Marines Chapter has picked up strays from the battlefield: Lone Wolves that love black humor, broken infantry regiments that have held out for 20 years against Chaos on their own, and the occasional ganger that was too old to induct officially. However, the largest category is, by far, the Angry Commissars.
Angry Commissars aren't really needed in the Chapter, as Angry Marines have no reason to run away or PUSSY SHIT LIKE THAT. However, the Imperial Guard practically forces them on the Chapter, since they're so good at keeping the FUCKING COWARDS with SHIT FOR BRAINS in line that the troops spend more time being terrified than actually fighting. Indeed, it is whispered that, if such a Commissar was not picked up by the Angry Marines, he would eventually turn to the worship of Khorne. Of course, that would make them significantly less badass (indeed, it would put them at roughly the same level as those FUCKING WORLD EATERS WANNABES), which cannot be allowed to happen, so they are "gifted" to the Angry Marines Chapter. Here, they guide others who have been picked up by the Chapter, as well as daring the Angry Marines to ever greater levels of ANGRY BADASSERY (after all, no Angry Marine wants to be outdone by some fucker that isn't even a Marine, much less an Angry Marine).
For each HQ choice in your army (not including other Angry Commissars and Command Squads) you may include an Angry Commissar. These selections do not use up a Force Organisation slot.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Commissar | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 9 | 4+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Angry Commissar | 45 |
- Carapace Armor
- Chainsword
- Bolt Pistol
- Frag and Krak Grenades
- may exchange his Bolt Pistol for another ranged weapon from the Ranged Weapons list. He may also exchange his Chainsword for another melee weapon from the Close Combat Weapon list.
- may take items from the Special Wargear list.
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- Independent Character
- Stubborn
- HEY! HE'S NOT AN ANGRY MARINE!: An Angry Commissar cannot be the Warlord of the army.
- FUCK YOU, OLD MAN! I'LL SHOW YOU HOW IT'S DONE!: Any model with the Angry Marine special rule in a unit with an Angry Commissar gains +1 attacks, as he attempts to show up the PUSSY WANNABE ANGRY COMMISSAR that's TOO FUCKING OLD FOR THIS SHIT ANYWAY. (This does not stack with the +1 attacks from the Banner of FUCK YOU.)
Special Characters[edit | edit source]
Master of the Armory Enfurus Ragman[edit | edit source]
Though considered a foaming-at-the-mouth, profanity-spitting rage machine by his peers in the Adeptus Mechanicus, Enfurus is seen as little more then a WORLD EATER WANNABE by his Angry Marine brethren. However, as Master of the Armory (the Angry Marines' equivalent to the Master of the Forge), Enfurus is responsible for keeping the war machines of the Angry Marines stoked to the proper levels of holy rage and anger. This, alongside his (unofficial) position as 'Master of Dakka,' earns him a level of respect within his Chapter, even though he is a WORLD EATER WANNABE!
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Master of the Armoury Enfurus Ragman | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 9 | 2+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 (Unique) | 140 |
- Artificer Armour
- Frag and Krak Grenades
- Grinder
- Grinder is not so much a weapon as it is a small bucket wheel excavator welded to Enfurus' arm. Grinder is a chain fist with AP 1. Each time Grinder causes an unsaved wound, it deals d3 wounds on the targeted model.
- Hell Glove
- The Hell Glove is made up of three bolt pistols welded onto a power fist. In addition to counting as a power fist, it may be fired as a ranged weapon with the following profile:
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
Hell Glove | 12 | 5 | 4 | Assault 3 |
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- WORLD EATER WANNABE! - Enfurus Ragman does count as an Angry Marine model for the purposes of any effect referring specifically to Angry Marines. In addition to this, he has the following Special Rules:
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Move Through Cover
- Furious Charge
- Hatred (Angry Marines (But not Techmarines)) He does not confer this rule to any unit he joins.
- Preferred Enemy (Angry Marines (But not Techmarines)) He does not confer this rule to any unit he joins.
- With a curse and a well placed impact, Enfurus urges a broken machine to get back into the fucking fight. In each of your Shooting phases, instead of firing his weapons, Enfurus can choose to repair a single friendly Vehicle that he is in base contact with or embarked upon. to repair a Vehicle, roll a D6 and adds 1 for every model with the Angry Marine Special Rule in his squad (including himself), if the result is 7 or more then the tank has one weapon destroyed or immobilize result repaired; if the Vehicle has not suffered a weapon destroyed or Immobilized result, the vehicle gains a hull point it had lost back.
- Choose one piece of terrain before the start of the game. That terrain's cover save is reduced by one.
- Engines of Rage
- Belligerent Engines may be taken as Troops choices.
Reclusiarch Mofo[edit | edit source]
Reclusiarchs are the senior Chaplains of any given Adeptus Astartes Chapter. Their normal non-combat duties are to shape and guide the spirituality of their battle brothers, lead the daily rites of the chapter, train new chaplains and oversee the Reclusiam, the holy sanctum within a chapter fortress-monestary where all the chapter relics are kept. As far as Mofo is concerned, the only thing he does as as a Reclusiarch is being the senior Chaplain, train new Chaplains, and not much else. His view over other duties, respectively, is that: "ALL THESE FUCKNUTS ARE TOO LOYAL TO EVER BE BUTT-BUDDIES WITH THOSE CHAOS FUCKS ANYWAY", "OUR DAILY RITES JUST INVOLVE THESE ASSTARDS HITTING EVERYTHING WITH A POWERBAT. LIKE THEY ACTUALLY NEED SUPERVISION FOR THAT", and "DO I LOOK LIKE THAT OLD FART, FUKLAW? SOME DIPSHIT SERVITOR OR SOME SERF CAN DUST OFF A FEW HUNKS OF METAL.".
In battle, however, is the only place where Mofo does not slack in his duties as the Emperor's divine rage made-manifest. Armed with his sacred Crozius named "Fagbasher", Mofo has cracked thousands upon thousands of skulls and crushed even more minds through his sheer skill in profanity, in his centuries of service, striking fear into virtually anything.
Perhaps one of his most revered feats of skill is defeating the foul Black Legion Dreadnought known as "Thragarkis, the Twice Living" in single combat. What makes this feat even more amazing is that he did away with using his Crozius, instead tearing Thragarkis out of his sarcophagus by punching it with his bare power-armored fists until it buckled and weakened, and then headbutting him repeatedly until he died.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Reclusiarch Mofo | 7 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 3 | 10 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 (Unique) | 155 |
- Power Armour
- Inferno Pistol
- Frag and Krak Grenades
- Fagbasher - Fagbasher is Reclusiarch Mofo's Crozius Iratus, it was specially crafted by the chapter artificers to denote his position as the chapter's Reclusiarch. It is essentially a slightly more powerful version of the original weapon, except that the head of the weapon is an armored fist holding the Imperial Aquila, with the middle finger extended.
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
Fagbasher | - | +3 | 4 | Melee, Concussive, RAAAGGE of the chapter, Smash |
- RAAAGGE of the chapter: Reclusiarch Mofo is the personification of the righteous anger of the Angry Marines, driving unfathomable fear in the hearts of their enemies, whatever they might be.
- In addition to having a 3+ invulnerable save in close combat, any unit Mofo is in combat with during an assault phase must roll for leadership with a -2Ld penalty (to a minimum of 1) before they attack. If they fail, they will have a -1WS and -1 Initiative penalty for the rest of that turn.
- may choose to replace his Inferno Pistol with a Storm Shield: 5 pts.
- may choose to take only one of the following: Flamer Charger, Plasma Charger, Melta Charger, Grav Charger or Combat Shield for 5 pts
- may choose to take one of the following:
- Space Marine Bike: 20 pts.
- Jump Pack: 15 pts.
- a pair of Power Feet: 10 pts.
- may choose to take a Vox Amplifier: 30 pts - This ancient relic further amplifies Mofo's already booming voice throughout the battlefield, allowing him to better convince his battle brothers better to STOP WUSSING OUT BEHIND THAT WALL LIKE A BUNCH OF ELDAR PUSSIES AND KILL THE FUCKERS.
- This allows all Angry Marine units to use his Ld for all leadership and pinning tests so long as Mofo is alive. Mofo can also use this vox amp to debilitate enemies closing in on him by proclaiming how I'M GOING TO BLOW OFF YOUR HEAD AND SHIT DOWN YOUR NECK, at a volume relatively close to an aircraft performing a sonic boom right beside them. This wargear also counts as defensive grenades.
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- Angry Marine
- Independent Character
- Fearless
- I'M NOT GOING DOWN LIKE THAT YOU FUCKFACE - Such is Mofo's hate for the enemies of man that even a killing blow can't keep him down in a fight. Whenever Mofo is struck by instant death during any assault phase: roll a d6 and if the result is 4+, the attack only deals 1 wound to Mofo.
- Exhaustively Comprehensive Litany of Most Profane Expletives:
- Reclusiarch Mofo has spent centuries mastering the curses and insults of every race and creed out there, somehow including the Tyranids and Necrons, and combines this with his fearful oratory skills to really TELL THOSE FAGGOTS THAT WE'RE GONNA FUCK THEM UP HARD in a language they can clearly understand. An enemy squad must pass leadership test with -3 penalty (to a minimum of 1) in order to overwatch Mofo or his squad.
- YOU BETTER HIT THEM YOU ASS-STRUMMING RETARDS - With a curse and a threat to rip out their spines so he can beat them to death for their failure in hitting shit for the Emprah, the Reclusiarch can "motivate" Angry Marines to hit with better accuracy.... or else. Mofo and any other Angry Marine member of a Unit he join may re-roll all failed to hit rolls.
Commissar Fuklaw[edit | edit source]
Commissar John Fuklaw is a commissar serving with the Angry Marines, he holds the rare and distinguished honor within the Imperium for being one of the few non-Astartes and non-serf humans to serve with a Space Marine chapter. His assignment to the most belligerent Astartes chapter in the Imperium has nothing about the chapter's morale issues and more of it being the only place where his indiscriminate, seething anger can be handled and vented.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Commissar Fuklaw | 6 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 10 | 4+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 (Unique) | 150 |
- Carapace armor
- Bolt pistol
- Chainsword
- Frag and Krak grenades
- Twisted Lump of Metal/Iron Halo
- His Chainsword may be upgraded to a "Master Fuck Fist", a master-crafted powerfist: +25 points.
- may exchange his Bolt Pistol for another ranged weapon from the Ranged Weapons list. He may also exchange his Chainsword for another melee weapon from the Close Combat Weapon list.
- may take items from the Special Wargear list.
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- It Will Not Die
- Eternal Warrior
- Honorary Angry Marine: Despite not undergoing the surgeries and treatments needed for a human to be a Space Marine, Fuklaw's inhuman rage for everything and savage combat skills has allowed him to match up Angry Marines in combat, cursing, and anger, a feat even most Astartes of other chapters cannot hope to match. Temperus Maximus, deeming that Fuklaw is "PRETTY FUCKING ANGRY ENOUGH IN MY BOOK", has also allowed him to earn the respect of the Angry Marines, treating him as an equal, despite his non-Astartes status.
- This rule counts Fuklaw as having the Angry Marine special rule.
- FUCK YOU POSER: If two opposing armies include Commissar Fuklaw, those models, and the units they are attached to, must, if able, move to get into close combat with each other. Neither unit will retreat until one of the Commissar Fuklaws (who is obviously an impostor) is killed.
- FUCK HERETICS!: Such is the anger that Commissar Fuklaw has against xenos, mutants and heretics, that he and any unit led by him will fight with redoubled fury against these enemies of the Emperor (and, like most Commissars, as far as Fuklaw is concerned, anyone opposing him is at least one of the three). Commissar Fuklaw, and any unit he is attached to, gains Hatred (everything).
- Before deployment commences, Commissar Fuklaw may commandeer any friendly non-walker vehicle, even those that normally do not transport models. The original occupants, if any, will have to walk. As long as Fuklaw is on board, the vehicle uses his profile for ranged combat, count as chariot, and must move at least 6" towards the closest enemy unit during its movement phase and attack in close combat if able. If commandeering a normally non-transport unit, Fuklaw cannot accompany a unit, and cannot disembark unless the vehicle is destroyed. When the vehicle is destroyed, it is removed as a casualty but Commissar Fuklaw walks away unscathed and will perform the last action he was doing before his vehicle was destroyed.
- Fearless - Fuklaw is totally fucking fearless and never has to take Morale or Pinning tests. He confers this ability to any unit he joins, as they fear him more than any enemy.
- Independent Character: Commissar Fuklaw is an independent character and follows all of the rules for characters in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. In addition, he cannot join a unit wearing Terminator armor, jump packs, or power feet.
- Leader:
- In addition to his rank of Commissar, Fuklaw is a leader of men. He will not carry out Summary Execution (as any units he joins becomes Fearless), but he will execute a Sanctioned Psyker subject to the It's For Your Own Good! rule. Same goes for Angry Marine Masters of Mindfuckery. Furthermore, Fuklaw may make a ranged attack against any friendly squad within 12" that fails a Morale check (even if he is embarked in a vehicle - if the vehicle normally does not carry troops, Fuklaw will fire its main weapon at his ballistic skill). If that attack kills at least one model, the unit counts as if it had passed the Morale check. If Fuklaw traded his ranged weapon for a close combat weapon, he may only execute squads that are 6" of him. This is due to the fact that close combat weapons generally aren't as lethal as they're meant to be while thrown.
- The Hammer of the Emperor - Fuklaw brings back the blunt fury of the Emperor's hammer. Angry "Serfs" may be taken as troop choices.
Chief Mindfucker Moarfistin[edit | edit source]
Moarfistin is the Chief Mindfucker of the Angry Marines, the equivalent of a Chief Librarian of an Astartes chapter. Due to a tragic incident involving a Nurgle cult unleashing a plague at his home colony, Moarfistin was driven to insanity, but this was also when he discovered his latent abilities as a psyker. After seeing his home burning, he uttered a scream of psychic rage so powerful that the daemons were shattered instantly. Angry Marine Masters of Mindfuckery noticed this seething rage, knew that whoever had made it was a good candidate for an Angry Marine, and a detachment of marines was sent to retrieve him.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Chief Mindfucker Moarfistin | 6 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 10 | 2+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 (Unique) | 190 |
- Artificer Armor
- Fisting Stick
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
Fisting Stick | - | +3 | 4 | Melee, Force, |
- Plasma charger
- Frag and Krak Grenades
-Note: Moarfistin does not wear a Psychic hood. He deems it unnecessary as: "I DON'T NEED A FAGGOTY LOOKING MAGIC HAT TO PROTECT ME FROM HERETICAL BULLSHIT!".
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- Angry Marine
- Independent Character
- Psyker (Mastery Level 3).
- Unassailable mind: Moarfistin's mind is virtually unapproachable by the warp, due to the fact that his anger burns anyone out or drives them irredeemably insane (Even by daemonic standard) the moment they try. Moarfistin can ignore wounds from "Perils of the Warp" on a D6 roll of 5+.
- Indescriminate RAGE OF FURY!!!: Moarfistin's psychic fury must have an outlet and failing to cast any power causes a fuck ton of frustration to violently spew forth from his eyes. So should Moarfistin fail to cast any psychic power (including successful Deny The Witch against Moarfistin) perform the following:
- Place a large blast marker on his head. - Roll to scatter 2d6 - The strength of the blast is equal to the total warp charge generated for the angry marine player that turn. Moarfistin himself is immune to this damage, but any other units (friend or foe) are hit.
Range | S | AP | Type |
- | WC | - | Large blast, Barrage |
- Moarfistin still remembers oh too well the havoc Nurgle caused upon his home colony and is FUCKINGLY FUCKED OFF ABOUT IT. Moarfistin has Hatred(Nurgle) He does not confer this rule to any unit he joins.
- Disruptively Angry Influence - Because Moarfistin does not wear a psychic hood, his soul is constantly exposed in the warp, especially when he draws power from it. Fortunately for him and unfortunately for any warp denizen and psyker around him, opening his mind and soul to the warp also causes his unfalthering anger to spill into the warp, disrupting the immidiate area and causing a very powerful psychic scream, which is about equivalent of an exploding sun in his case. This causes psykers to recoil in terror and even disrupting daemons that have entered realspace.
- Whenever Moarfistin uses a psychic power, all Psykers (Friend or Foe) within 12" of him must take a morale test. In addition, passively all units with the Deamon special rule (Friend or Foe) treat all terrain, including open ground, within 18" of Moarfistin as dangerous terrain.
- IT'S FISTING TIME MOTHERFUCKERS: Moarfistin charges up his free hand with warp energy and releases it on impact with devastating results.
- if Moarfistin successfully manifest the Force psychic power, then in addition to the usual effects, Whilst the Force psychic power is in effect, Moarfictin counts as having one extra close combat weapon and has the Smash! Special Rule.
- FUCKING MIND BULLETS: Moarfistin has no use for a pussified weapon like pistols and instead chooses to shoot psychic projectiles using his mind. Moarfistin has the following psychic power in addition to those three he can generate:
Mind Bullets (Warp Charge 1) Mind Bullets is a witcfire power with following profile
Range | S | AP | Type |
24" | 4 | 5 | Assault 2, MOAR MIND BULLETS! |
- MOAR MIND BULLETS!: Manifesting Mind Bullets doesn't count as shooting attack, meaning Moarfistin can shoot his plasma charger or use another one witchfire psychic power the same turn he use Mind Bullets.
Angry Captain Satchel[edit | edit source]
Satchel is the seemingly invulnerable Captain of the 2nd Company.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Captain Satchel | 7 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 10 | 2+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 (Unique) | 165 |
- Artificer Armour
- The Bag of Dylad
- The Bag of Dylad is a Mastercrafted Adamantine Sack of Power Doorknobs with the following profile:
- The Bag of Dylad is a Mastercrafted Adamantine Sack of Power Doorknobs with the following profile:
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
Bag of Dylad | - | +3 | 2 | Melee, Smash, Mastercrafted |
- Frag and Krak Grenades
- Twisted Lump of Metal
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- Angry Marine
- Independent Character
- Unending RAGE
- Bearer of the Bag
- Captain Satchel is the longest ever bearer of the Bag of Dylad, which seems to have a curse that attracts the bearer's killer. Satchel has survived the curse so far, because FUCKING CURSES ARE FOR FAGGOTS WHO SUCCUMB TO PUSSY-ASS THINGS LIKE DEATH. Still, the Bag has malevolence of its own, almost an Angry Marine bound within it, and it will be Satchel's undoing. He knows this, and he will go down FIGHTING. At the beginning of the game, randomly select an Independent Character in the opponent's army. Satchel re-rolls all failed rolls to wound against this character, and vice versa.
- Feel No Pain
- It Will Not Die (FOR FUCKS SAKE)
Troops[edit | edit source]
Angry Squad[edit | edit source]
The bulk of the Angry Marine chapter are formed of Angry marines. When the Angry marines assault the enemy a foaming tide of yellow Ceramite and an endless tirade of profanity impacts the enemy formation. But as much carnage as the Angry Marines can wreck, their mindless anger can lead them to getting out of control and being baited out of formation by canny foes and destroyed in detail. This is one reason why the Angry Marines hate Eldar so much since, 'YOU CAN NEVER CATCH THE FUCKERS!!'. In this situation it's up to the Angry Sergeant's to bash their brothers' heads together to try and contain and focus their anger till it's primed to blow, and blow in the right direction. Without their Sergeants, Angry Marines are explosive. With them, they're shaped charges of unyielding hate and rage.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Marine | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry | 4 Angry Marines | 70 |
Angry Marine Sergeant | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Angry Marine Sergeant | |
Angry Veteran Sergeant | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) |
- Power Armour
- Boltgun
- bolt pistol
- Frag and Krak grenades
- May include up to 5 additional Angry Marines for 14 pts/per model.
- Any model may replace his bolt pistol with two Chainswords for +1 pts/per model.
- Angry Sergeant and Angry Veteran Sergeant may take items from the Close Combat Weapon and/or Ranged Weapons lists.
- Angry Sergeant may be upgraded to Angry Veteran Sergeant for +10 pts.
- Up to two Angry Marines may take an Flamer, Plasma or Melta charger for +5 pts/per model.
- if there are ten models in The unit, may one Angry Marine take an item from the Close Combat Weapon list.
- The Unit may select an Angry Rhino or a Drop Pod as dedicated transport.
Special Rules:
- Angry Marine
- Inspiring Rage!!! (only Angry Veteran Sergeant)
Cock Knockers[edit | edit source]
Many Angry Marines have the combat skill to become Sergeants, but very few have the ability to actually control their brothers on the battlefield. These warriors are usually "promoted" to the Cock Knockers. The Cock Knockers are most (in)famous for their "power feet." Each kick with a power foot sends shock waves of force through the Emperor's foes. They are equally useful for knocking out walls or other barriers, without significantly increasing a Cock Knocker's bulk. Because of this, the Cock Knockers are the Marines sent aboard space hulks when necessary. Given the close confines of a space hulk, the Knockers also have developed a preference for special sawed-off shotguns called "Master Keys." These shotguns have a range so short that a Cock Knocker is basically "PUNCHING THE FUCKER WITH A THOUSAND ANGRY FISTS," in the words of one Angry Marine.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Knocker | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry | 4 Knockers | 100 |
Knocker Sergeant | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Knocker Sergeant | |
Knocker Veteran Sergeant | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) |
- Power Armour
- Chainsword
- Frag and Krak grenades
- a pair of Power Feet
- May include up to 5 additional Knockers for 20 pts/per model.
- Any model may take a Chainsword for 2 pts/per model.
- Any model may take a Master Key sawed off shotgun: +5 pts/per model.
- Knocker Sergeant and Knocker Veteran Sergeant may take items from the Close Combat Weapon and/or Ranged Weapons lists.
- Knocker Sergeant may be upgraded to Knocker Veteran Sergeant: +10 pts
- Up to two Knocker may each take an item from the Close Combat Weapon list.
- The Unit may select an Angry Rhino or a Drop Pod as dedicated transport.
weapon name | Range | S | AP | Type |
Master Key sawed off shotgun | 8" | 5 | - | Assault 3, Twin-linked, Ignore Cover, Bayonet* |
- Bayonet: counts as a close combat weapon in melee.
Special Rules:
- Angry Marine
- Inspiring Rage!!! (only Knocker Veteran Sergeant)
- The Cock Knockers have spent so many battle in space, that they've developed a sort of reverse Stockholm syndrome so that they find the 'FACE FUCKING BUGS!!' worse than anything else. The cock knockers have the preferred enemy (Genestealer) Special Rule.
- If all models in Cock Knockers squad are equipped with a pair of Power Feet, they can move and assault through solid walls like ruin walls or defense lines like they are open ground, though they cannot use kick on the turn they choose to use this rule.
- FUCK TANKS!: In the Assault Phase, For every three models with this special rule in an Unit, one model may choose to make one strength 10 smash attack against a stationary tank he is in base contact with, instead of making his normal Melee attacks.
Angry Gang[edit | edit source]
Angry Marine recruits are gathered into squads known as angry Gangs. Roughly simliar to other chapters scout squads, Gangs fill the same niche of stealth and infiltration, albeit it's less, 'shoot from cover' and more 'kicking the fucker when he's not looking!!' Angry Gangers lack the full anger of 'proper' marines so they're notably less loud. It's rumored that Angry Gangers become full marines only when they're angry enough to 'BREAK THE FOURTH WALL WITH SHEER ANGER AND SPEAK ONLY IN CAPs LOCK!!!!'. That information however comes from a possibly insane master of mindfuckery whom the inquisition manged to bribe into writing the Angry Marine's index astartes article.
Full angry marines rarely have the skill to work with the Angry Gangers, seeing them as 'USELESS STEALTHY FUCK UPS!!' and having little desire to join in the 'hide and seek games' of the Gangers. Imperial guard Commissars are drafted, or shoved, into the squad, to keep the little 'FUCK UPS' in line until they can become proper marines.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Ganger | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 4+ | Infantry | 4 angry gangers | 50 |
Ganger leader | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 4+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Ganger leader | |
very irritated Commissar | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 9 | 4+ | Infantry (Character) |
- Carapace armor (You can find it in the Astra Militarum codex)
- bolt pistol
- Boltgun (Angry Ganger and Ganger leader only)
- Chainsword (very irritated Commissar only)
- Frag and Krak grenades
- May include up to 10 additional gangers for 10 pts/per model.
- one Angry Ganger may be upgraded to a very irritated Commissar for +25 pts.
- Any Angry Ganger and/or Ganger leader may replace their Boltgun with a space marine shotgun or Chainsword for free.
- Any Angry Ganger and/or Ganger leader may replace their Boltgun with a Sniper rifle: +1 pts/per model.
- The Ganger leader and/or very irritated Commissar may take items from the Close Combat Weapon and/or Ranged Weapons lists.
- For every 5 models in the squad, two Angry Gangers may each take an item from the Special Weapons list or one of the following:
- Flamer Charger: +5 pts/per model.
- Plasma Charger: +5 pts/per model.
- Melta Charger: +5 pts/per model.
- Grav Charger: +5 pts/per model.
- the entire squad may take camo cloaks (You can find it in the Space Marines codex) for 2 pts/per model.
- The Ganger Sergeant and/or very irritated Commissar may take melta bombs for 5 pts/per model.
Special Rules:
- NOT ANGRY ENOUGH: angry gangs do not count as angry marines, meaning commissars can use their HERESY! BLAM! rule on them. Angry gangs have the following rules:
- combat squad
- Furious Charge
- Infiltrate
- move though cover
- Scout
- Inspiring Rage!!! (only very irritated Commissar)
- Stubborn (only very irritated Commissar)
- HERESY! BLAM! (only very irritated Commissar)
Special Characters[edit | edit source]
The following independent characters may be taken in place of an Angry Marine Sergeant in any Angry Marines or Cock Knockers unit.
Dick Haggard[edit | edit source]
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Points |
Dick Haggard | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 3 | 9 | 2+ | Infantry (Unique Character) | 80 |
- Artificer Armour
- Frag and Krak grenades
- HIS OWN FUCKING FISTS: Dick Haggard's fists are so rock solid they have the following profile:
Name | Range | S | AP | Other Rules |
HIS OWN FUCKING FISTS | - | User | 5 | counts as two Melee weapons, Fleshbane, Concussive |
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- Angry Marine
- I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS FUCKING SHIT, SIR!: Dick Haggard refuses to guard a Captain, feeling that the Chapter Master is the only one truly deserving of his FUCKAWESOME FISTS! He may not join a squad with an Angry Captain or enter a transport with one, but he gains the Preferred Enemy (Everything!) if he is in a unit with Temperus Maximus. If Maximus is in the unit, Haggard automatically passes all "Look Out Sir!" rolls to pass, even in a challenge.
Pounder[edit | edit source]
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Points |
Pounder | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 9 | 3+ | Infantry (Unique Character) | 80 |
- Power Armour
- Frag and Krak grenades
- Pounder's Pounders: Pounder's Pounders are a pair of power fists that attack at his unmodified initiative. BECAUSE ANYONE WHO CAN'T THROW A PUNCH FAST ENOUGH WITH THESE ON DESERVES TO GET THE SHIT KICKED OUT OF THEM FIRST!!
- a pair of Power Feet
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- Angry Marine
Elite[edit | edit source]
Angry 'Serfs'[edit | edit source]
A lot of things piss the angry marines right off. Chaos, Xenos, Slaanesh, running out of tacos on taco nights, but one thing that really gets them mad are the Grey Knights. More accurately it's not the knights per se but their 'holier-than-thou-you've-seen-us-we-kill-you' attitude. This often means that 'TOO MANY GOOD FUCKING MEN DIE!!!' by imperial hands instead of 'FIGHTING THE GOD DAMN ENEMY!!' This leads directly to the tension between the two chapters. This also means that after a long fight against chaos where soldiers would normally be liquidated for having seen chaos in all its power the angry marines put their power feet down and take over responsibility for all the surviving guardsmen. In fact, one chapter legend says that power feet were invented to crush inquisitors' toes even through their power armor so as to distract'em long enough to evac guardsmen.
After a grueling testing period to make sure they're free of taint, the angry marine induct them as SERFS OF THE ANGRY MARINES!! To get around the stupid fucking rules about space marines leading guardsmen, they give them enough commissars to make sure they 'DON'T FUCKEN COWARD OUT' and throw away thier 'FUCKING FLASHLIGHTS' so they can actually hurt stuff! Then they can get shipped off to some other war zone where they do the BORING SHIT of shooting the enemy and defending landing zones and doing stuff the angry marines don't want to, with the expectation that the angry marines will have to come running 'TO SAVE THEIR FUCKING ASSES AGAIN' the second anything sneezes at them. However, more than one angry captain has been surprised at the competence of these serfs. For no one (NO ONE YOU FUCKTARD !) holds the line like the Angry serfs, who are ever-thankful for their rescue from the Inquisitorial firing squads they were destined for, simply for fighting the greatest foe that has beset humanity.
You can take up to three Angry Serf squads per one Elite slot.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Serf | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 7 | 4+ | Infantry | 9 Angry Serfs | 85 |
Sergeant | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 8 | 4+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Sergeant | |
Apprentice of Mindfuckery | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 8 | 4+ | Infantry (Character) | ||
irritated Commissar | 4 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 9 | 4+ | Infantry (Character) | ||
Heavy Weapon Team | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 7 | 4+ | Infantry |
- Angry Serfs, irritated Commissar and Sergeant:
- Carapace Armour
- Boltgun (Angry Serf only)
- Frag grenades
- Krak grenades (irritated Commissar only)
- Close combat weapon (Sergeant and irritated Commissar only)
- bolt pistol (Sergeant and irritated Commissar only)
- Apprentice of Mindfuckery:
- Carapace Armour
- Force pocket knife - Close combat weapon with Force
- Close combat weapon
- Heavy weapon team:
- Carapace Armour
- Heavy Bolter
- two Boltguns
- Frag grenades
- May take up to 10 additional Angry Serf for 8 pts/per model.
- The Sergeant and/or irritated Commissar may replace their bolt pistol and/or Close combat weapon with the following weapons:
- Power sword/bat/wrench +15 pts/per model.
- Boltgun for free
- Hand flamer +5 pts/per model.
- Infernus pistol +15 pts/per model.
- Plasma pistol +15 pts/per model.
- Grav pistol +15 pts/per model.
- Melta bombs +5 pts/per model. (you do not need to swap neither bolt pistol or Close combat weapon to take Melta bombs.)
- may take a locator beacon as described in the Codex: Space Marines for +10 pts. (you do not need to swap neither bolt pistol or Close combat weapon to take a locator beacon.)
- Any Angry Serfs may replace his Boltgun with two bolt pistols for +1 pts/per model.
- one Angry Serf may be upgraded to an irritated Commissar for 25 pts.
- if the squad has an irritated Commissar in it, may one Angry Serf be upgraded to an Apprentice of Mindfuckery for 15 pts.
- For every five models in the squad, may one Angry Serf replace his Boltgun with an item from the Special Weapons list
- For every ten models in the squad You may replace two Angry Serfs with one Heavy Weapon Team armed with a heavy bolter for +10 pts/per model.
- The Heavy Weapon Team can replace it's Heavy Bolter for:
- Autocannon: free
- Missile luncher: +5 pts/per model.
- may also take flakk missiles +10 pts/per model.
- Lascannon +10 pts/per model.
- Assault Cannon: +10 pts/per model.
- The Unit may select an Angry Rhino as dedicated transport.
Special Rules:
- fuck that, heavy piece of shit! : If the Heavy Weapon Team does not shoot with their Heavy Weapon, they can shoot as if they are two models on the same base.
- Bulky (Heavy Weapon Team only)
- Look at the fuckers run!: If a unit of angry serfs ever fails a leadership test all the angry marines take a moment to point and laugh and then show them HOW REAL MEN FIGHT! All angry marines within 18 inches get to re-roll their charge distances the next time they charge.
- HOLD THAT FUCKING POINT: An Angry Serf squad is always a scoring unit, even though they are not normally Troops.
- Cover them!:
- If an enemy unit within 12" of an Angry Serf squad attempts overwatch fire on any friendly unit that contains at least one model with the Angry Marine rule, the angry serfs may immediately take overwatch shots on this enemy squad. Wall Of Fire rule does not apply. The Serfs' firing is resolved before that of the enemy unit. If at least one enemy model is removed as a causality, the enemy unit must pass a leadership test on 3D6; if it fails, it's own overwatch has been cancelled.
- Rage (only irritated Commissar)
- Stubborn (only irritated Commissar)
- HERESY! BLAM! (only irritated Commissar)
- Psyker (Mastery Level 1) (Apprentice of Mindfuckery only)
- It's For Your Own Good (You can find it in the Astra Militarum codex) (Apprentice of Mindfuckery only)
- GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD (Apprentice of Mindfuckery only)
Psyker: Apprentices of Mindfuckery generates Powers from The Pyromancy, Telekinesis and Iratomancy disciplines.
Kill-a-Tors[edit | edit source]
When a member of the Adepta Sororitas first sees a Kill-a-Tor, she usually assumes that the Angry Marines are performing (illegal) arco-flagellation without the consent of the Ecclesiarchy or the Inquisition. However, before the Battle Sisters gets a chance to declare them heretical and attempt to set them on fire, a nearby Inquisitor or an Angry Commissar will kindly inform them that Kill-a-tors are the unfortunate failed Angry Marines aspirants. These aspirants do not fail due to any kind of lack of angry, however; instead, they are SO FUCKING ANGRY that their implants explode out of sheer rage. Rather than waste such a potent source of anger, the Angry Marines turn their failed aspirants into Kill-a-Tors, so even the failures may massacre xenos until death takes them.
This is not entirely correct. Kill-a-Tors are massive combat servitors, armed with massive, blunt weapons, including (but not limited to) chain flails, oversized power fists, giant mallets, and (in at least one recorded instance) an adamantium 2x4 with a ridiculously large iron nail. The servitors have been genetically engineered to massive size, plus they all have such a look of indescribable rage on their face that their angry marine masters are quite proud. AND THEY DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT THE FAGGY MOTHERFUKIN' RULES THE REST OF THESE PANSYASSES ARE FORCED TO FOLLOW!
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Kill-a-Tors | 4 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | D6+1 | 5 | 4+ | Infantry (40mm base) | 3 Kill-a-tors | 40 |
- Two power Swords
- Carapace Armour
- May take up to 7 additional kill-a-tors for 40 pts/per model.
- Any Kill-a-Tor may replace both of his two power swords for:
- Two Power bats, Power Lances or power wrenches: free
- Two Lightning Claws: +5 pts/per model.
- Two Power Fists: +10 pts/per model.
- Two Chainfists: +15 pts/per model.
- Two hunder Hammers: 15 pts/per model.
Special Rules:
- Bulky
- Fearless
- Rage
- Counter-Attack
- Furious Charge
- Feel No Pain
- Random Attacks:
- At the start of each Fight Subphase roll D6+1 for each model in the unit. This is the total number of attacks the unit may make in this round of melee. Allocate these attacks to each model individually, starting with models in base-to-base contact. No model may be allocated more than 7 attacks (9 attacks when charging; base maximum of 7, +2 from Rage). The extra attack for the second weapon is already accounted for.
- Broken Minds: If there is no Techmarine (including Master of the Armoury Ragman) in the unit of Kill-a-Tors, they:
- Must move towards the closest enemy unit, Run towards the closest enemy unit, and charge the nearest enemy unit (if they are within 12" of the unit). Note that Kill-a-tors may charge even if they Run.
- Cannot enter transport or start the game in transport.
- The Fuckers Need Fucking Supervision: You may take one unit of Kill-a-Tors for each Techmarine you have (including Master of the Armoury Ragman) as a form of retinue for the angry techmarine. These Kill-a-Tor units don't take up Elite slots on the Force Organization Table.
Terminator Squad[edit | edit source]
Though a loyal chapter, the Angry Marines suffer from an incredible level of internal strife and in-fighting, as without the release of their rage that is given through the almost ritualistic clubbing to death of a enemy the Angry Marines will often turn on each other. Generally this is all in good fun since nobody turns a power field on when they're 'CLUBBING A FELLOW ANGRY MARINE!!' However, sometimes the fun of 'BASHING SOME FUCKER'S HEAD IN JUST FOR SHITS AND GIGGLES' can get a tad intense and occasionally personal. The largest intra-chapter squabble they Angry Marines have ever seen is known as Battle of the Fuckin' Flyin' Monkey Wrench, and it was actually an attempted Coup d'état by the chapter's very own tech marines.
Having endured for centuries the maltreatment of holy equipment such as plasma guns, bikes but most of all of the sacred Tactical Dreadnought Armour, the Angry Techmarines had had 'QUITE E-FUCKINING-NUFF' and they plotted rebellion. After a battle against bugs that lasted about a week too long and featured one too many cases of Angry Marines ripping apart their armor in the midst of battle to beat the enemy to death with a pauldron or two, the chapter's techmarines just snapped. They'd had more than enough, more than even an Angry Marine should have to deal with; they were, in fact 'TOTALLY FUCKING HONKED OFF!!!'. Once the remains of the chapter had returned to the Fortress of FUCK-ALL, the techs awoke every Belligerent Engine in the chapter's basement, donned their power feet, girded their loins, opened every Holy Can of Wup-Ass in the sacred armory and started smashing every brother who had ever mistreated their wargear, which was to say, every last one of them.
The fight quickly exceeded even this chapter's level of depravity and destruction, forcing Temperus Maximus to step in 'TO STOP THE WHINNY-ASS BABY'S FROM FIGHTING!!' Even with his direct intervention the fight continued for two weeks. The climax of the battle came when the (then) Master of the Armory Furytus fighting Temperus in single combat and losing.
In the after math of the revolt Temperus demanded that Furytus step down, but Furytus refused, and the techmarines sided with their master by refusing to fix or repair anything. In the face of Temperus' unholy anger the techmarines fell back, or in Temperus words, 'THEY PUSSYED THE FUCK OUT'. They fell back to the armory where they held out for over a year. Meanwhile the Angry Marines still had jobs to do, asses to kick and fuck-all to give to the enemies of the Emprah!
However, after a year the Angry Marines were brought to a stand still as their armor broke apart, their guns (what few they had) ran out of ammunition, their tanks had no fuel, and the coffee had run out. Temperus, in a rare display of diplomacy met Furytus half way.
Furytus stood down from his post, allowing Enfurus Ragman to take the position and the Angry Marines would agree to treat their wargear better. They would even agree to consign the use of Terminator armor to those brothers who had shown they could take care of their equipment... of course should they ever backslide they will get fed to Techmarines and their Belligerent Engines.
Once they are so restricted on the means of venting their rage, those marines who wear Terminator armor get so mad, so unendingly violent, that they get calm. Silently they stride forward, their rage solidified into an icy-cold fire with the strength of diamonds that burns in their chests. Those enemies fleeing from the terminators' brethren often run toward them, thinking that these silent warrior will have mercy where the screaming ones will not, and in a sense they're right. They get the mercy of a quick death.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Terminator | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 2+ | Infantry | 4 Angry Terminators | 175 |
Angry Terminator Sargeant | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 2+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Angry Terminator Sargeant |
- Two Power Swords
- Terminator Armour
- may take up to 5 additional Angry Terminators, 35 pts/per model.
- Any model may replace one or both of its power swords with one of the following:
- Power Bat, Power Lance, Power Wrench, or stormbolter: for free
- Lightning Claw: +1 pts/per Weapon.
- Power Chair: +5 pts/per Weapon.
- Storm Shield +5 pts/per Weapon.
- Adamantium 4x2 with a nail through it +5 pts/per Weapon.
- Power Fist: +10 pts/per Weapon.
- Thunder Hammer: +15 pts/per Weapon.
- Chainfist: +15 pts/per Weapon.
- Dual Power Fist +20 pts/per Weapon.
- For every five models in squad, may one Angry Terminator replace one of it's power swords with:
- Heavy Flamer: +10 pts/per model.
- Plasma Cannon: +10 pts/per model.
- Assault Cannon: +15 pts/per model.
- The Unit may select an Land Raider (any type) as a dedicated transport.
Special Rules:
- Counter-Attack
- Stubborn
- Angry Marine
- Stone-Cold Anger: Angry Terminators and Angry Terminator Sargeant have Hatred (Everything!) instead of Furious Charge from the Angry Marine Special Rule. in addition to this, They can never get the Rage Special Rule, It also applies to the Inspiring Rage !!! Special Rule.
Belligerent Engine (Dreadnought)[edit | edit source]
Belligerent Engines are siege walkers, analogous to the Dreadnoughts of other Space Marine chapters. Within the Angry Marines, however, the requirement for interment into a Dreadnought Sarcophagus is more lax compared to other chapters. While other chapters will only put heroes of the chapter in a Dreadnought, Angry Marines will inter any battle brother than shows exceptional rage, considering anyone who GETS SO FUCKING ANGRY THAT THEY EXPLODE as a hero of the chapter. Also, while most Astartes consider being entombed into a Dreadnought to be an honor as they are able to serve the Emperor, even after death, Angry Marines consider this the SINGLE MOST FUCKING PISS-OFF THING EVER. Unable to feel the thrill of tearing out their enemy's spine and using it to beat another enemy to death and being trapped inside a sardine can, this leaves the Marine inside eternally frustrated and turns their former volcano-esque anger into something close to a star about to go supernova, finding killing the enemies of man in the most brutal ways imaginable as the only outlet for their overflowing and ever-growing rage.
This leads to all Belligerent Engines to be highly effective and terrifying but unstable siege engines, blindly charging into enemy ranks to KILL THOSE FUCKING FUCKS SHOOTING AT ME or unloading their payload of weapons with frightening effect.
Name | WS | BS | S | FA | SA | RA | A | I | HP | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Belligerent Engine | 5 | 3 | 6 | 12 | 12 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 3 | Vehicle (Walker) | 1 Belligerent Engine | 120 |
REALLY FUCKING PISSED OFF Belligerent Engine | 6 | 4 | 6 | 12 | 12 | 10 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Vehicle (Walker) |
Wargear: Two power fists with inbuilt stormbolters, hull mounted "smoke" launcher, searchlight
- May be upgraded to a REALLY FUCKING PISSED OFF Belligerent Engine for 35 pts.
- may take Power of the Angry Machine Spirit: +15 pts.
- may take Extra Armour: +10 pts.
- May exchange any of it's power fists and inbuilt stormbolters for the following:
- Flamestorm cannon: +10 pts/per Flamestorm cannon.
- Plasma cannon: +10 pts/per Plasma cannon.
- May exchange any of it's power fists (in-built weapons are retained) for:
- Tearing claws: +1 pts/per Tearing claws.
- Chainfist: +5 pts/per Chainfist.
- "Siege" Drill: +6 pts/per "Siege" Drill.
- May exchange any of it's storm bolters for:
- Heavy flamer: +10 pts/per Heavy flamer.
- Meltagun: +10 pts/per Meltagun.
- May add one of the following carapace-mounted weapons:
- Sticky web cannon: +10 pts.
- Angry grappa: +15 pts.
- Two rocket propelled chainsaws: +20 pts.
- May buy any of the following:
- Frag launcher: +10 pts.
- Adamantium Plate: +10 pts.
- Burning carapace: +20 pts.
- The Unit may select a Drop Pod as dedicated transport.
Tearing Claws - Long sharp blades which replace a powerful fingers of dreadnought fist are not as good at punching through armor, but they tear even the heaviest infantry like it's nothing.
Weapon name | Range | S | AP | type |
Tearing Claws | - | U | 3 | Melee, Specialist Weapon, Shred, Frenzied attack. |
- Frenzied attack: At the start of his initiative step in close combat Belligerent Engine who chose to use tearing claws would get +1 attacks extra for every lost hull point. Belligerent Engine with two Tearing Claws would get +2 attacks extra for every lost hull point.
"Siege" Drill - "Siege" Drills obviously are designed to crack open the bunkers and other buildings, and then rip to shreeds every fucking covard who was hiding inside.
Weapon name | Range | S | AP | type |
"Siege" Drill | - | x2 | 2 | Melee, Specialist Weapon, Armourbane, Fiery breach. |
- Fiery Breach: If "Siege" Drill with in-built heavy flamer sucessfuly penetrates transport or building it deals D6 S5 AP4 hits to it's passengers or occupants before rolling to damage.
Sticky Web Cannon - During one of the expeditions deep into enormous chapter armory angry techmarines found few ancient-looking containers with so-called "web pistols" - archeotech weapon, known to cover it's target in sticky glue to tie down it's movement. Unable to recreate ancient technology in such a compact form, they still managed to make dreadnought-sized web cannon and stick it on the most furious of Belligerent Engines to ensure no one could escape their wrath.
Weapon name | Range | S | AP | type |
Sticky Web Cannon | Template | - | - | Heavy 1, Torrent, Got You!. |
- Got You!: Every enemy model hit by the template, (except vehicles, monstrous creatures and/or Gargantuan Creatures) get -1 penalty to initiative, weapon skill (to a minimum of 1), and it's maximum movement distance (in every phase, except fight subphase) reduced in half (round up).
Angry Grappa - To put it simply angry grappa is just a huge harpoon gun with adamantium chain and powerful motor, used to tow the Belligerent Engine itself close to big things like tanks or monsters.
Weapon name | Range | S | AP | type |
Angry Grappa | 12" | 8 | 2 | Heavy 1, Tow. |
- Tow: If angry grappa managed to remove hull point from vehicle or wound from monstrous creature or Gargantuan Creature, the Belligerent Engine may re-roll one or more of the dice when determining charge ranges that turn.
- Frag Launcher: Count as frag grenades.
- Adamantium plate: Add +1 to front and side armor (to 13/13/10)
- Burning Carapace: Through array of flamethrowers and gas torches Belligerent Engine hull is constantly covered in fire. Belligerent Engine with burning carapace have 5+ cover save in the open and -1 BS due to being covered in smoke. alle close combat attacks Belligerent Engine makes have the Soul Blaze special rule, and have -1 penalty on to hit rolls with grenade type weapon against the Belligerent Engine. Belligerent Engine with burning carapace count as constantly highlighted with searchlight.
Special rules:
- Venerable (You can find it in the Space Marines codex) (only REALLY FUCKING PISSED OFF Belligerent Engine)
- Rage
- Angry Marine
- Hatred (Everything!)
- in the Movement Phase, if an enemy Units removed any hull points on the Belligerent Engine In his last Shooting phase and the Belligerent Engine is not locked in combat, the Belligerent Engine Must move towards the nearest of the enemy units who have removed one or more hole points.
- in the Shooting Phase and Assault Phase, if an enemy Units removed any hull points on the Belligerent Engine In his last Shooting phase or At least one enemy unit within its charge range, and the Belligerent Engine is not locked in combat, the Belligerent Engine Must shoot at the nearest of these enemy units, And then charge that enemy unit if possible.
- MUST... MOVE... TO... KILL...: Immobilized Belligerent Engine still can move D3 inches in movement phase and charge D3 inches in assaupt phase, thought if it successfully charges it doesn't receive any charge bonuses.
- YOU CANNOT STOP ME: Belligerent Engine ignore Crew Stunned and Crew Shaken results.
- At the start of your movement phase roll D6 for every wrecked Belligerent Engine on the field wit at least one enemy model within 12" of it - on 6+ Belligerent Engine comes back from dead with 1 hull point (though immobilised and weapon destroyed results aren't removed). If there is enemy models within 6" of Belligerent Engine, it comes back from dead on 5+.
- Burning Mind - Belligerent Engine pass Deny the Witch tests on 5+ (GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD -1 penalty is included).
Techmarine[edit | edit source]
Techmarines have a strange place within the Angry Marines Chapter. The main issue is that no Angry Marine has the patience to become a Techmarine, so all of the Chapter's Techmarines are stolen borrowed from other Chapters. Unfortunately, this means that the Techmarines only have average levels of holy anger and righteous zeal (although this alone means they have little in common with the emotionally blunt and monotone Techmarines from their parent Chapter). However, this does have its uses; their more clinical attitude means they often act as intermediaries in joint combat actions, as the Captains are usually too busy CRUSHING FUCKING HERETIC HEADS to come to the meetings. While their brothers are disdainful of their lack of "proper" anger, they are respectful of the skill of the Techmarines, as the children of the Omnissiah can bring warmachines back to life with a single well-placed smack (and a curse, of course!). Because of this skill, Techmarines have a surprisingly high status in the Chapter, where others of a similar level of anger would be left behind as WORLD EATER PUSSY WANNABES. However, the Angry Marines still won't listen to the Techmarines' complaints about the rampant destruction of Chapter property; indeed, the return to the armoury after battle is one of the few times the Techmarines of the Chapter match the fury of their battle-brothers.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Techmarine | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 2+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Techmarine | 40 |
Servitor | 3 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 | 6 | 4+ | Infantry (Character) | - |
- Techmarine:
- Artificer Armour
- Frag and Krak grenades
- Bolt Pistol
- Boltgun
- Power wrench
- Servitor:
- Servo-arm
- may take Auspex as described in the Codex: Space Marines for +5 pts.
- may take melta bombs for +5 pts.
- may take Digittal weapons as described in the Codex: Space Marines for +10 pts.
- may take a locator beacon as described in the Codex: Space Marines for +10 pts.
- may take a Space Marine Bike for +20 pts.
- May take a Conversion Beamer as described in the Codex: Space Marines for +25 pts.
- may take items from the Ranged Weapons and/or Special Weapons lists.
- May replace his Boltgun, Power wrench, and/or Bolt Pistol with one of the following:
- Power maul: +10 pts.
- Lightning Claw: +15 pts.
- Thunder Hammer: +25 pts.
- Power Jackhammer: +30 pts.
- The Techmarine may be joined by up to 6 Servitors for 9 points each. Every two Servitors in the unit modifies WORK, YOU PIECE OF SHIT! rolls by +1.
- Any Servitors may replace their servo-arm with one of the following:
- Multi-melta +3 pts/per model.
- Heavy bolter +5 pts/per model.
- Plasma Cannon +15 pts/per model.
Power Jackhammer: A power jackhammer is a massive jackhammer or drill with a power field gleaming around the tip. Angry Techmarines often replace their hand wholesale with a power jackhammer.
Weapon Table | Range | S | AP | Type |
Power Jackhammer | - | +2 | 2 | Melee, Specialist Weapon, Armorbane |
Special Rules:
- Techmarine:
- Not a real Angry Marine! - Techmarines do count as Angry Marine models Even if they do not have the Angry Marine Special Rule, or Have the Angry Marine Gene Seed Implants in them. in addition to this, They have the following Special Rules:
- And They Shall Know No Fear
- Move Through Cover
- Furious Charge
- Hatred (Angry Marines (But not other Techmarines and/or Master of the Armoury Enfurus Ragman)) They do not confer this rule to any unit They joins.
- Preferred Enemy (Angry Marines (But not other Techmarines and/or Master of the Armoury Enfurus Ragman)) They do not confer this rule to any unit They joins.
- Sensible Anger - Techmarines can never get the Rage Special Rule, It also applies to the Inspiring Rage!!! Special Rule.
- Independent Character
- Stop Hiding, You Shits! - Choose one piece of terrain before the start of the game. That terrain's cover save is reduced by one.
- WORK, YOU PIECE OF SHIT! - With a curse and a well placed impact, the Techmarine urges a broken machine to get back into the fucking fight. In each of your Shooting phases, instead of firing his weapons, a model with this Special Rule can choose to repair a single friendly Vehicle that he is in base contact with or embarked upon. to repair a Vehicle, roll a D6 and adds his strength to the result (counting bonus from melee weapons but not the power jackhammer) if the result is 11 or more then the Vehicle has one weapon destroyed or immobilize result repaired; if the Vehicle has not suffered a weapon destroyed or Immobilized result, the vehicle gains a hull point it had lost back. Add a one to the result if the model has a power wrench.
- Servitor:
- Mindlock - as described in the Codex: Space Marines
Black Brothers[edit | edit source]
The Black Brothers are a group of veteran Angry Marines with a penchant for setting things on fire. Their yellow armor scorched black and loaded with torches and burners, each of the Black Brothers carry a Flamer of Wrath to best set those fucks on fire.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Black Brother | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry | 4 Black Brothers | 110 |
Black Sergeant | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Black Sergeant |
- Power Armor
- two Hand Flamers of Wrath
- Frag and Krak grenades
- May include up to 15 additional Black Brothers for 22 pts/per model.
- Any model may replace one or both of its Hand Flamers of Wrath with one of the following:
- Flamer of Wrath: free
- model may replace both of its Hand Flamers of Wrath, with a Heavy Flamer of Wrath: +10 pts/per model.
- Power Sword, Power Bat, Power Lance or Power Axe: +5 pts/per model.
- Lightning Claw: +5 pts/per model.
- Power Fist: +15 pts/per model.
- Thunder Hammer: +20 pts/per model.
- The entire squad may take jump packs: +3 pts/per model.
- The Black Sergeant may may take up to one of each item, in the following list:
- Melta Bombs: +5 pts.
- Cigar: +1 pts.
- Combat Shield: +5 pts.
- If they do not select jump packs, The Unit may select a Land Raider Redeemer as dedicated transport.
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!! (only Black Sergeant)
- Angry Marine
- TOO MUCH SMOKE! - Because they continiously produce smoke, the Black Brothers can only use a Land Raider Redeemer as a transport and cannot enter any other kind of transport.
- Flames of Wrath - Due to wielding flamers and being covered in flames themselves the Black Brothers are always followed by a large cloud of black smoke. While this makes them easy to track, hitting the individual Brothers is a difficult task made more difficult the more Brothers are part of a squad.
- A unit composed entirely of models with this Special Rule always has a cover save of at least 6+, even if it's in the open. For every five brothers in the squad this save improves by 1; if they are inside a Land Raider Redeemer, will the Land Raider not get the cover save. When in actual cover the squad may choose to use the save provided by the actual cover or by the Flames of Wrath rule. in addition to this, all Melee Attacks this Unit makes have the Soul Blaze special rule.
- NEED A LIGHT? - Black Brothers are so eager for battle, that they jump out of Thunder Hawks, and use their flamethrower's powerful thrust to descent (relatively) safely on the heads on sorry fuckers underneath them, while setting everything on fire.
- Black Brother and Black Sergeant have the Deep Strike special rule (this rule is not affected by the Deep Strike special rule you get from jump packs), though they always scatter (use arrow on hit result). After deep striking every model (friend or foe, except Black Brothers themselves) within 6" of the Black Brothers squad will get S3 AP5 hit with Ignore Cover special rule, and for every five Black Brothers/Black Sergeant in the squad, the strengths of this attack is increased by 1.
Fast Attack[edit | edit source]
Angry Rhino[edit | edit source]
Name | BS | F | S | R | HP | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Rhino | 3 | 11 | 11 | 10 | 3 | Vehicle (tank, Transport) | 1 Angry Rhino | 35 |
- Searchlight
- hull mounted "smoke" launcher
- Transport Capacity: 11 models, cannot transport Bulky, Very Bulky and/or Extremely Bulky models.
- Frie points: three models can fire from it's top hatch.
- Access Points: The angry Rhino has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the rear.
Special Rules:
- DAMNED MACHINERY !!!: if there is a model with a Power Wrench is aboard the angry Rhino, he can use the "WORK, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Special rule on a 12+ instead of 11+. (this rule does not affect Techmarine's "WORK, YOU PIECE OF SHIT!")
- May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list.
- May take Doormaker Charges: +5 pts. (Angry Rhino can not take Doormaker Charges if it is a dedicated transport to an Angry 'Serfs' Unit. in addition to this Angry Rhino can not use Doormaker Charges While it has an Angry 'Serfs' Unit embarked in it.)
Rage Speeders[edit | edit source]
Land speeders are delicate and fragile fast attack platforms armed with heavy weapons that are reliant on speed to get into the right place. The Angry Marines took one look at that and said 'FUCK THAT SHIT'. The only thing they approved of was the speed so they took the standard land speeder and turned it into a super sonic battering ram with the goal of 'TURNING THOSE FUCKERS INTO PASTE!!'
Competition to man Rage Speeders is fierce as every angry marine worth his rage salivates at the idea of kicking a heretics balls so fast he can't hear you scream FUCK YOU! till you were kicking the balls in of the guy guy behind him. Before a battle starts Rage speeder pilots often have to beat there brothers away with a power bat in order to remind them 'I'M FUCKING DRIVING!!!' the alterations to the land speeders chassis are considered techno-heresy by some. One tech-priest once 'It's machine spirit scares me. It's just sits there like a wild animal eyeing me like I'm it's next meal all the while it's growling. Endlessly, growling.'
Name | BS | F | S | R | HP | Unit Type | Points |
Rage speeder | 3 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 2 | Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer, Chariot, open topped) | 55 |
Name | Points | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type |
Rage speeder crew | -- | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry |
1 Rage speeder, 1 Rage speeder crew (Both Angry Marines count as one model with the Bulky Special Rule)
Transport capacity: 2 (angry crew can not dismount)
- Rage speeder:
- Heavy bolter
- Rage Speeder Crew:
- 2 Chainswords
- Power Armour
- Frag and Krak grenades
Special Rules:
- Anti-grav Upwash (You can find it in the Space Marines codex)
- Rage
- Angry Marines
- Relentless
- FUCKING LIGHT WEIGHT: rage speeders make hammer of wrath attacks at strength 5 AP- additionally for each hammer of wrath attack they make, they take a strength five hit that can glance, but not penetrate.
- THINK YOU SMART FUCKER!?!: When the Rage speeder loses it's last hull point it automatically explodes as the fuel on board detonates. Treat it as a 'explode' result on the vehicle penetrated table.
- FUCK THE SOUND BARRIER!: Rage speeders can charge after moving flat out. If they do so, they gain 1d3 hammer of wrath attacks.
- GET THE FUCK OFF!!!: Any angry marine HQ choice, (but not an Angry Commissar, Command Squad or Commissar Fuklaw) can take a Rage speeder as a Dedicated Transport replacing the Rage Speeder Crew. They may join or leave a Rage speeder Squadron as per the Independent character special rule.
- may include up two additional Rage Speeders: 55 pts/per model.
- any crew may take items from the Close Combat Weapon, Ranged Weapons and/or Special Weapons lists.
- any Rage speeder may swap its Heavy Bolter with,
- Heavy Flamer free
- Multi-melta +10 pts/per model.
- any Rage speeder may take one of the following:
- Heavy bolter or Heavy Flamer +5 pts/per model.
- Multi-melta +15 pts/per model.
- Assault Cannon +20 pts/per model.
- any Rage speeder may take Power of the Angry Machine Spirit: +15 pts.
Assault Squad[edit | edit source]
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Marine | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry | 4 Angry Assault Marines | 70 |
Angry Marine Sergeant | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Angry Assault Sergeant | |
Angry Veteran Sergeant | 5 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) |
- Power Armour
- Two Chainswords
- Frag and Krak grenades
- May include up to 5 additional Angry Marines for 14 pts/per model.
- The entire squad may take jump packs for 3 pts/per model.
- Angry Sergeant may be upgraded to an Angry Veteran Sergeant for +10 pts.
- Angry Assault Sergeant and Angry Veteran Sergeant May take items from the Close Combat Weapon and/or Ranged Weapons lists.
- Up to three Angry Marines may each take an item from the Close Combat Weapon list.
- For every five models in the Unit, one Angry Marine may take a Flamer, Plasma or Melta charger for +5 pts/per model.
- If the squad does not take jump packs, it may select an Angry Rhino or a Drop Pod as dedicated transport.
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!! (only Angry Veteran Sergeant)
- Angry Marine
Angry Bike Squad[edit | edit source]
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Biker | 5 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ | Bike | 2 Angry Bikers | 63 |
Angry Biker Sergeant | 5 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ | Bike (Character) | 1 Angry Biker Sergeant | |
Biker Veteran Sergeant | 5 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | Bike (Character) | ||
Angry Attack Bike | 5 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | Bike |
Mounted Assault: If at least one of the detachment's independent characters is equipped with a bike, this unit counts as Troops.
- Chainsword
- Heavy Bolter (Attack Bike Only)
- an chainsword additional (Attack Bike Only)
- Frag and Krak grenades
- Space Marine bike
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!! (only Biker Veteran Sergeant)
- Angry Marines
- DRIVING WITHOUT HANDS! - if an Angry Attack Bike have four Chainswords, will get an extra attack.
- May include up to seven additional Angry Bikers for 21 pts/per model.
- Any model may take an additional chainsword +2 pts/per model.
- The Angry Biker Sergeant may be upgraded to a Biker Veteran Sergeant +10 pts.
- the Angry Biker Sergeant or Biker Veteran Sergeant may take items from the Close Combat Weapon and/or Ranged Weapons lists.
- The Angry Biker Sergeant or Biker Veteran Sergeant may take melta bombs for 5 pts.
- The unit may include one Angry Attack Bike for 41 pts.
- The Angry Attack Bike may replace its heavy bolter with a multi-melta for +10 pts.
- the Angry Attack Bike may take one more additional chainsword +2 pts.
Angry Attack Bike Squad[edit | edit source]
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Attack Bike | 5 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | Bike | 1 Angry Attack Bike | 41 |
- two Chainswords
- Heavy Bolter
- Frag and Krak grenades
- Space Marine Bike
Special Rules:
- Angry Marines
- DRIVING WITHOUT HANDS! - if an Angry Attack Bike have four Chainswords, will get an extra attack.
- May include up to two additional Angry Attack Bikes for 41 pts/per model.
- Any Angry Attack Bike may replace its heavy bolter with a multi-melta for +10 pts/per model.
- Any model may take two additional chainswords +4 pts/per model.
Angry Bike Gang[edit | edit source]
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Gang Biker | 4 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 4+ | Bike | 2 Gang Bikers | 51 |
Gang Biker leader | 4 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 7 | 4+ | Bike (Character) | 1 Gang Biker leader | |
very irritated Commissar on a bike | 5 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 9 | 4+ | Bike (Character) |
- Carapace armor
- chainsword
- an additional chainsword (Gang Biker leader Only)
- bolt pistol (very irritated Commissar only)
- Frag and Krak grenades
- Space Marine bike
- May include up to 12 additional Gang Bikers for 17 pts/per model.
- For every 5 models in the unit, may two Gang Bikers each take an item from the Special Weapons list.
- The unit may take cluster mines for 20 pts.
- one Gang Biker may be upgraded to a very irritated Commissar on a bike for 25 pts.
- The Gang Biker leader and/or very irritated Commissar on a bike may take items from the Close Combat Weapon and/or Ranged Weapons lists.
- The Gang Biker leader and/or very irritated Commissar on a bike may take melta bombs for 5 pts/per model.
Special Rules:
- NOT ANGRY ENOUGH: angry gangs do not count as angry marines, meaning commissars can use their BLAM! rule on them. Angry gangs have the following rules.
- combat squad
- Furious Charge
- Infiltrate
- move though cover
- Scout
- Inspiring Rage!!! (only very irritated Commissar)
- Stubborn (only very irritated Commissar)
- HERESY! BLAM! (only very irritated Commissar)
Angrytalon Gunship[edit | edit source]
Name | BS | F | S | R | HP | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angrytalon Gunship | 3 | 11 | 11 | 11 | 2 | Vehicle (Flyer, Hover) | 1 Angrytalon Gunship | 115 |
- Twin-linked Assault Cannon
- Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
- Ceremite Plating (You can find it in the Space Marines codex)
- may take Power of the Angry Machine Spirit: +15 pts.
- May exchange Twin-linked Heavy Bolter for one of the following:
- Skyhammer Missile Launcher (You can find it in the Space Marines codex) +5 pts.
- Twin-linked Lascannon +15 pts.
- Typhoon Missile Launcher (You can find it in the Space Marines codex) +20 pts.
- may take one Fighting Aces: 30 pts
- The Angrytalon has been covered in riveted plates of extra metal and scrap, it gains +1 HP
- After losing all of it's hullpoints, or suffering a Crash and Burn! effect, the Angrytalon retains some control and may place the large blast marker up to 2d6" in the direction of their choice. all Models underneath suffer Str 6 AP - hits as normal.
- All Angry Marines within 12" of the Angrytalon have the Fleet and Crusader special rules
Special Rules:
- Vectored Afterburners (You can find it in the Space Marines codex)
- "Escort" Craft: Angrytalon Gunships are not known for "escorting" anything onto the field of battle. In fact, most Angry Marines get fucking pissed right off at the idea of needing an escort for anything. So instead of following Marines into battle, they get hijacked by a commanding officer, AND IT LOOKS FUCKING METAL AS FUCK TO BE SEEN RIDING IN ON TOP OF A GUNSHIP!!
- An Angrytalon Gunship enters play via normal Deepstrike rules with the HQ model as an attachment. The Gunship scatters as normal but must start it's first turn in Hover mode. The HQ model attached then makes an assault against an enemy unit, normal movement and penalties, and is given a Hammer of Wrath attack against the enemy unit. However, the HQ suffers a Str 4 AP - hit even if the charge fails, and must be placed D6" away from the Angrytalon Gunship.
- "Strafing" Run: Most pilots would prefer the safety of their vehicle and a large gun to help take down multitudes of enemies, Angry Marines give an obvious "FUCK THAT! GET ME CLOSER SO I CAN HIT THEM!!"
- at the beginning of your Movement phase you can choose to make an Angrytalon Gunship do a Crash and Burn! which you can choose where the large blast marker is place and do not scatter. the large blast marker must be within 18 of the Angrytalon's current position. after the large blast marker is placed, you must place an Angry Marine pilot model underneath the large blast marker. then all Models underneath suffer a Str 6 AP - hits as normal. (the new Angry Marine model do not give a kill point when he is killed) the new Angry Marine model has the following profile:
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type |
Angry Marine pilot | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) |
- Power Armor
- Frag and Krak grenades
- Bolt Pistol
- Power wrench
Special Rules:
- Angry Marine
- Independent Character
Heavy Support[edit | edit source]
Devastator Squad[edit | edit source]
Assignment to a Devastator squad is one of the worst punishments an Angry Marine can face, mostly because, despite the destructive power they wield, Devastators rarely get a chance to savage the foe in close combat. This means that many Devastators simply blow up out of sheer, uncontrollable, pent-up anger. However, they are also vital to the Angry Marines, seeing as how they possess the heavy weaponry required to take out most heavy armour.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Devastator | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry | 4 Angry Devastators | 75 |
Angry Devastator Sergeant | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 1 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) | 1 Angry Devastator Sergeant | |
Angry Devastator Veteran Sergeant | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 8 | 3+ | Infantry (Character) |
- Power Armour
- Boltgun
- Frag grenades
- Chainsword
Special Rules:
- Inspiring Rage!!! (only Angry Devastator Veteran Sergeant)
- Angry Marines
- Relentless
- Ffffffffffff-- KerSPLODE: The only thing pisses off a Devastator Angry Marine more than being relegated to Devastator duty is missing their mark, not being able to atleast fuck up the enemy with these heug guns or go flat out and rapid fire on their sorry asses are the proverbial straws that would break the camel's back; causing their bodies to have a bio-meltdown and explode out of sheer rage.
- all Ranged Weapons which are not Rapid Fire in a Devastator Squad has the Gets Hot Special Rule.
- FEEL MY FUCKING HATE: Getting stuck in the back of a scrap pisses off any real Angry Marine and thus, all this pent-up rage may cause them to go into a berzerker-esque rage and favor FUCKING UP THOSE FUCKTARDS RIGHT AND PROPER than keeping a disciplined fire position when the opportunity presents itself or they may keep it together and instead unload all their hate and heavy weapons on an unlucky enemy of man, even if they run the risk of overheating the weapon.
- Whenever an enemy is within assault range of a Devastator Squad during your shooting phase, the squad must roll to pass a leadership test. If they fail, the entire squad is forced to charge that enemy. If the squad passes however, they will instead channel their pent-up rage on their guns, the squad may Rapid Fire with +1 extra attacks.
- Improvised weapon: Angry Marine are known for using about anything as close-combat weapons in order to bloody their enemies and Devastators are of no exception, using their heavy weapons as massive clubs and mauls to bludgeon and maim the enemy, much to the eternal dismay of the chapter Techmarines.
- Each marine equipped with a heavy weapon uses it as a close combat weapon, thus the attacks of those marines are now concussive but are also unwieldy. (This Special Rule does not affect Power Heavy Bolter.)
- May include up to 5 additional Angry Devastators for 15 pts/per model.
- Angry Devastator Sergeant may be upgraded to Angry Devastator Veteran Sergeant +10 pts.
- Angry Devastator Sergeant or Angry Devastator Veteran Sergeant may take items from the Close Combat Weapon, Special Weapons and/or Ranged Weapons lists.
- Angry Devastator Sergeant or Angry Devastator Veteran Sergeant may take melta bombs for +5 pts.
- For every 2 models in the Unit, one Angry Devastator may take a heavy weapon from the following list:
- Assault cannons +20 pts/per model.
- Lascannon +20 pts/per model.
- Multi-melta +10 pts/per model.
- Heavy bolter +10 pts/per model.
- Power Heavy Bolter +15 pts/per model.
- Missile launcher +15 pts/per model.
- may also take flakk missiles +10 pts/per model.
- Grav-Cannon and grav-amp +35 pts/per model.
- Plasma Cannon +15 pts/per model.
- Portable FUCK Launcher +15 pts/per model.
- The squad may take Angry Rhino or a Drop Pod as dedicated transport.
Predator Angrinator[edit | edit source]
The infamous Predator Angrinator is an embodiment of the Angry Marines' spirit: it is full of rage, madness, and lethality, for both their enemies and themselves. This specialized variant of the Predator uses a massive launcher reminiscent of the Whirlwind to throw battle brothers directly into the thick of the action, using massive rocket thrusters to propel them towards the enemy. It is as dangerous as it sounds, but few Angry Marines give a fuck as long as they can get in the fight faster.
Name | BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Predator Angrinator | 3 | 13 | 11 | 10 | 3 | Vehicle (Tank, Transport) | 1 Predator Angrinator | 50 |
Transport Capacity: 0 models, cannot transport Bulky, Very Bulky and/or Extremely Bulky models.
Access Points: Count as open-topped.
Wargear: Turret mounted MAXIMUM FUCK launcher, hull mounted "smoke" launcher, searchlight
- May take two sponson mounted FUCK launchers for +15 pts.
- May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list.
Killdozer (modified Vindicator)[edit | edit source]
Name | BS | F | S | R | HP | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Killdozer | 3 | 13 | 11 | 10 | 3 | Vehicle (tank) | 1 Killdozer | 130 |
- Searchlight
- hull mounted "smoke" launcher
- Demolisher Cannon (You can find it in the Space Marines codex)
- Chain-Siege Shield: Chain-Siege Shield is a Siege Shield with Chain blades on it. - in addition to it counts as a Siege Shield (You can find it in the Space Marines codex), gives it +2 to enemy's Morale check results when the Killdozer Tank Shock them.
Special Rules:
- Suicidal Ramming: the Killdozer will always Ram with a strength of 10.
- Ramming Cannon: after a Killdozer has Rammed, a vehicle or a building, and the vehicle or building is still there afterwards, you can make a "Ramming Cannon" shooting attack. when a Killdozer makes a "Ramming Cannon" shooting attack, the Killdozer gets hit with a S8, AP2, Heavy 1, Ignores Cover and the Rammed vehicle or building gets hit with a S10, AP2, Ordnance 1, Ignores Cover.
- May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list.
Land Raider[edit | edit source]
The Angry marines field a number of different tanks based on the Land Raider Chassis:
- Phobos/normal: Armed with Lascannons in sponsons and twin-linked heavy bolter in a hull mount the Phobos is considered to be 'THE LEAST FUCKING ANGRY!' and is the least common used. However most angry marines find a land raider blowing up two heretic tanks at once to be 'FUCKING FUNNY' so they are fielded at time to time.
- Crusader: most of the Angry Marines Land Raider Crusaders are said to be gifts from a Black Templar crusader fleet after a long joint campaign. The Black Templars being one of the very few chapters the Angry Marine consider as 'PRETTY FUCKING ANGRY!!' the two chapters tend to work well together being mirror images. Loud hate, and silent contempt.
- Redeemer: lighting the enemy on fire, is always 'PRETTY FUCKING AWESOME!!' and the Redeemer is widely used by the black brothers for whom, 'MORE FIRE IS MORE FIRE!!'
- Prometheus MK2: the Angry marines got there hands on the Prometheus expecting to get a Uber flame thrower are enraged (even for them) to find it had four 'PUSSY ASS BOLTERS!!', so the chapters tech priests went to work and ripped the communication equipment out so they could carry more Angry marines then threw on a pair of assault cannons calling it a day.
All land laiders have the following profile.
Name | BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition |
Land raider | 3 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 4 | Vehicle (Tank, Transport) | 1 Land Raider Phobus/normal, Land Raider Crusader, Land Raider Redeemer, or Land Raider Prometheus MK2 |
Special Rules:
- Assault Vehicle
- Power of the Machine Spirit
Access Points: All Land Raiders has one Access Point on each side of the hull and one at the front.
Transport Capacity:
- Phobus/normal: 10
- Crusader:16
- Redeemer:12
- Prometheus MK2: 14
- they all have Searchlight and a hull mounted "smoke" launcher
- Phobos/normal: two Twin-linked Lascannons sponsons, twin linked heavy bolter.
- Crusader: two sponson Hurricane Bolters, Twin-linked assault cannon, Frag launchers.
- Redeemer: two sponson flamestorm cannons, Twin-linked assault cannon, Frag Launchers.
- Prometheus MK2: two twin-linked sponson Assault cannons, twin-linked Assault cannon.
- Phobos/normal: 245
- Crusader:245
- Redeemer:235
- Prometheus MK2: 250
Any Land Raider can take the following options.
- May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list.
- One extra Rocket propelled chain saw: +10 pts.
- Angry marine holding on to top hatch +20 pts. Must be armed with any weapon from the angry marine armory for free. (maximum one weapon) Counts as WS5, BS2, S4, I4, A1, Relentless and can not disembark or move away from his hatch. he can go into melee combat against models that attack the Land Raider, and he can shoot at a different target than the Land Raider. he can not be the target of any kind of attacks, Psychic Powers, or Special Rules but you can still target the Land Raider as normal. he dies when the land raider gets destroyed.
Whirlwind Cremator[edit | edit source]
Despite their common attitude to artillery, Angry Marines found Castellan missiles of Whirlwind pretty useful and funny to BURN THE SHIT OUT OF COVER CAMPING FAGOTS. Replacing regular promethium warheads with their homebrew super-heat napalm warheads, Angry Techmarines created iconic Angry Marine Whirlwind Cremator - horrifying engine of fiery death, that cause massive wildfires everywhere its salvo lands.
Name | BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Whirlwind Cremator | 3 | 11 | 11 | 10 | 3 | Vehicle (Tank) | 1 Whirlwind Cremator | 80 |
- Turret mounted Napalm missile launcher
- hull mounted "smoke" launcher
- searchlight
- may include up two additional Whirlwind Cremator: 80 pts/per model.
- any Whirlwind Cremator May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list.
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
Napalm missile launcher | 12"-48" | 5 | 4 | Ordnance 1, Barrage, Large Blast, Ignore Cover, Soul Blaze, Wildfire |
- Wildfire: If any piece of terrain except water is touched by blast Marker, place Wildfire token near it. At the start of your next shooting phase roll D6 for any terrain with wildfire token - if result is equal or more then cover save generated by this terrain, remove Wildfire token, but if less, this piece of terrain would deal S4 AP5 hit with the Ignore Cover Special rule to any model in base contact or inside of it.
Special rules:
- THE SMELL OF VICTORY: All Angry Marines enjoy setting things on fire and burning them to the ground. All models with Angry Marine rule could re-roll all failed Morale and Pinning tests within 12" of enemy squad, who suffer causalities from Napalm missile launcher no longer then one turn ago and within 6" from piece of terrain with a Wildfire token.
- Suppressive "Fire": Whilst this unit includes three Whirlwind Cremators, each model's Napalm missile launcher has the Pinning and Shred special rules.
Fury-Raven Gunship (modified Stormraven Gunship)[edit | edit source]
Name | BS | F | S | R | HP | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Fury-Raven Gunship | 3 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 3 | Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport) | 1 Fury-Raven Gunship | 235 |
- Two Stormstrike missiles (You can find it in the Space Marines codex)
- Twin-linked Heavy Bolter
- Ceremite Plating (You can find it in the Space Marines codex)
- Terminator wielded Twin-linked Assault Cannon - the Terminator wielded Twin-linked Assault Cannon, is a Terminator that is secured with a chain to where there was once a turret which was controlled by a Servitor, and he has an Assault Cannon in each arm.
- it counts as the twin-linked Assault Cannon which ordinary Storm Raven Gunship has. in addition to this, get the Fury Raven Gunship, the "I go down with my ship, and then I kick some ass!" Special rule.
- Transport Capacity: the Fury-Raven Gunship can carry to separate units: one unit of up to 12 models in its cabin, one Belligerent Engine of any type in its rear grapples. if a Zooming Fury-Raven Gunship is wrecked or suffers a Crash and Burn! result, the embarked Belligerent Engine suffers a Strength 10 hit on its rear armour; if the Fury-Raven Gunship is hovering, the hit is Strength 4 instead.
- Frie points: two Infantry models can fire from each of the access points on its sides, and three can fire from its Access Point in the front.
- Access Points: the Fury-Raven Gunship has one Access Point at the front of its hull, one on each side of the hull and one at the rear. (Jump Infantry can disembark and embark as if it were open-topped.)
- May replace its Twin-linked Heavy Bolter with one of the following:
- Twin-linked Multi melta for free
- Typhoon missile launcher +25 pts.
- May take any of the following:
- Extra Armour: +5 pts.
- locator beacon(You can find it in the Space Marines codex): +10 pts.
- Power of the Angry Machine Spirit: +10 pts.
Special Rules:
- Power of the Machine Spirit
- Assault Vehicle
- Skies of Anger - this rule is almost identical to the "Skies of Fury" Special Rule as normal Storm Raven Gunship has. the only difference is that, Models that disembark using the Skies of Anger Special Rule can charge on the turn they do so, but it's a Disordered Charge.
- I go down with my ship, and then I kick some ass! - if a Zooming Fury-Raven Gunship is wrecked or suffers a Crash and Burn! result, you get a free Angry Terminator, but he must survive the crash. the new Angry Terminator suffers a Strength 10 hit and then make a Emergency Disembarkation from the Fury-Raven Gunship; if the Fury-Raven Gunship is hovering, the hit is Strength 4 instead. the Angry Terminator has the following profile:
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type |
Angry Terminator | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 2 | 9 | 2+ | Infantry (Character) |
- Terminator Armour
- Twin-linked Assault Cannon
- two Chainsword with the unwieldy Special Rule
Special Rules:
- Counter-Attack
- Angry Marine
- Stubborn
- Stone-Cold Anger
- Independent Character
Angry Stalkers[edit | edit source]
all Angry Marines hate all standard Safety protocols and Measures, and therefore they will sometimes simply say "FUCK THE SAFETY MEASURES!" and continue to shoot with their guns without any kind of Safety measures. and one day when one Angry Marine chose to not to follow the normal preparations before he could shoot with an Icarus StormCannon array, and just squeezed the trigger. the Icarus Stormcannon array started shooting but fired many times faster than it was meant to do. after the battle he tried to show his discovery to the Techmarines, but it took only three seconds after he had pulled the trigger that they heard a huge BOOM! and they saw both guns explode. the TechMarines began beating the living crap out of him with their Power wrench's, but was stopped by an Angry Chaplain who shouted "IF YOU HAVE SO MUCH ANGER! THEN BUILD A NEW VERSION OF A STALKER THAT CAN BETTER HANDLE HIS WAY TO USE IT!" and it was how the Angry Stalkers were invented.
Name | BS | FA | SA | RA | HP | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Angry Stalker | 3 | 12 | 12 | 10 | 3 | Vehicle (Tank) | 1 Angry Stalker | 75 |
- Searchlight
- Icarus Stormcannon array (You can find it in the Space Marines codex)
Special Rules:
- Skystorm (You can find it in the Space Marines codex)
- SAFETY MEASURES!? FUCK THE SAFETY MEASURES! JUST SHOOT THOSE BASTARDS! - when a unit of Angry Stalkers shoots with their Icarus Stormcannon array, Before you choose to either one or two targets, you must choose whether to fire the array as normal or shoot it without any SAFETY MEASURES. If you choose to shoot it without any SAFETY MEASURES:
- if one target is chosen, each model can re-roll failed to Hit, to wound and armor penetration rolls and have the Gets Hot Special Rule when firing its Icarus Stormcannon array at that target.
- if two targets is chosen, each model can re-roll failed to Hit rolls and have the Gets Hot Special Rule when firing its Icarus Stormcannon array at those targets.
- if Angry Stalker suffers a glancing hit because of this rule's Gets Hot, it will also suffer a Weapon Destroyed result of its Icarus Stormcannon array.
- may include up to two additional Angry Stalkers for 75 pts/per model.
- May take items from the Vehicle Wargear list.
Lords of war[edit | edit source]
Rachnus Rageous (Angry Marines Primarch)[edit | edit source]
(The same size base as Roboute Guilliman)
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Rachnus Rageous | 10 | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 10 | 2+/3++ | Monstrous Creature (Character) | 1 (unique) | 350 |
Warlord Trait: If he's the Warlord, he has all of the following Warlord traits applied to him at once, rather than rolling for a single Warlord Trait:
- Intimidating Presence
- Master of the Vanguard
- Legendary Fighter
- Rachnus Rageous's Armor of RAGE! - gives him a 2+ Armor save, a 3+ invulnerable save, and the DEATH CAN NOT STOP ME! Special Rule.
- HURRICANE ASSAULT CANNON - a HURRICANE ASSAULT CANNON' consists of two Assault cannons fired as a single weapon.
weapon profiles | Range | S | AP | type |
HURRICANE ASSAULT CANNON | 24" | 6 | 4 | Heavy 8, Rending |
HUGE FUCKING POWER WRENCH! | - | 10 | 1 | Melee, Armourbane, Concussive, Two-Handed, WORK, YOU DAMN PIECE OF TECHNO-HERESY! |
weapon Special Rules:
- DOOMSDAY KICK! - regardless of which weapon a model with POWER BOOT'S use in close combat, he may make one extra attack in close combat with S+2 AP3 resolved at initiative step 3. In addition in every Fight sub-phase this model can choose to attack as normal or sacrifice all of its Melee attacks in that Fight sub-phase (including the extra attack gained from DOOMSDAY KICK!) and instead make D6 attacks with strength D AP1 at this model's normal Initiative.
- WORK, YOU DAMN PIECE OF TECHNO-HERESY! - In each of your Shooting phases instead of firing ranged weapons a model with this Special Rule can choose to repair a single friendly Vehicle that it is in base contact with or embarked upon. To repair a Vehicle, roll a D3; this is the number of weapon destroyed and/or immobilize results the model may repair that turn. If the vehicle has less than this number of weapon destroyed and/or immobilized effects any remaining repairs are used to restore lost Hull points. However, due to his unique style of maintenance Rachnus' repairs run the risk of collateral damage. After this repair process Rachnus' controller must roll a D6 to determine whether his percussive maintenance has gone too far; the vehicle automatically suffers the following result with no saves of any kind allowed:
- 1-3: no effect
- 4: a glancing hit
- 5: a penetrating hit
- 6: a penetrating hit with AP 1
Special Rules:
- Adamantium Will
- Eternal Warrior
- Fearless
- Fleet
- Rage
- Rampage
- Feel No Pain
- Honour or Death (You can find it in the Space Marines codex)
- Hatred (everything and everyone)
- very Inspiring RAGE - all friendly Angry Marine units within 6" of Rachnus, has the Rage Special Rule.
- Unending RAGE
- GET OVER HERE YOU CAMPING FUCKERS! - When assaulting into cover Rachnus's seething rage increases any Feel No Pain rolls made against overwatch fire by one. Unlike the GET OVER HERE YOU FUCK warlord trait Rachnus does not automatically leave any squad he is attached to.
- A TRUE ANGRY MARINE! - The Angry Marines Primarch has the Angry Marine Special Rule, but he does not suffer the -1 penalty for Deny the Witch from the "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD" Special Rule and may re-roll failed Deny the Witch tests.
- DEATH CAN NOT STOP ME! - If the Angry Marines Primarch loses his last Wound, place this model on its side instead of removing it. At the start of your next turn, Rachnus rips out of his failing armor: he regains 3+1D3 wounds, and the Angry Marines Primarch is placed as close to his previous position as possible while remaining more than 1" from any enemy models or impassable terrain. However, Rachnus Rageous' Armor of RAGE! is destroyed, removing Rachnus' armor save, invulnerable save, and this special rule. Rachnus retains any invulnerable save granted from other sources.
- ALWAYS ANGRY! ALL THE TIME! - Models with the Angry Marine Special Rule in a Detachment containing Rachnus Rageous have the following Special Rules: Preferred Enemy (Everything!), Stubborn
- I HATE YOU TRAITOR BROTHERS! ... AND YOU, BROTHER ROWBOAT! - Rachnus hates almost all his brothers. When attacking one of the Primarchs he hates Rachnus will always re-roll failed rolls to hit, and will reroll failed to wound rolls in close combat, against the following Primarchs: Augrim Gorfist (Pretty Marines), Horus, Fulgrim, Roboute Guilliman, Magnus the Red, Perturabo, Mortarion, Lorgar, Konrad Curze, Angron, Alpharius and Omegon. Additionally, if firing on one of these primarchs Rachnus may choose to benefit from the Skyfire special rule.
Chapter Master Temperus Maximus[edit | edit source]
The Chapter Master of the Angry Marines, Master of RAEG over all Angry Marines, and living embodiment of the Angry Primarch's middle finger to the enemies of mankind. Temperus Maximus' rage cannot be easily translated into table top games without the table breaking and the plastic miniatures fleeing in terror. His legacy of hatred is a testimony to his chapter. He is entombed in Dreadnought Terminator armor not for punishment, nor for his own protection, but for the safety of his comrades lest he explode with rage.
Name | WS | BS | S | T | W | I | A | Ld | Sv | Unit Type | Composition | Points |
Chapter Master Temperus Maximus | 7 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4 | 10 | 2+/4++ | Infantry (Character) | 1 (Unique) | 275 |
Temperus Maximus takes up a Lord of War slot, not an HQ slot.
- Terminator Armor
- Sub-sonic Battle-cry (assault grenades)
- A pair of Power Feet
- Adamantium Cigar- The Adamantium Cigar is the Chapter Master's personal badge of manliness and badassery, an heirloom from the Angry Primarch himself. With it Temperus gains the Fearless special rule.
- Rip & Tear- These are the personal WMDs of Temperus Maximus himself, crafted by refined hatred, forged by the furnace of pure rage, and embedded with the most pissed-off machine spirits in existence. These are a matched pair of Unique chainfists with the following profile:
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
Rip and Tear (Ranged) | 24 | 4 | 3 | Assault 2 |
Rip and Tear (Melee) | - | x2 | 2 | counts as two Melee weapons, Armourbane |
Warlord Trait
- "Get over here you fuck"
Special Rules:
- Angry Marine
- Independent Character
- Eternal Warrior
- Fearless
- Inspiring Rage!!!
- Rampage
- Titanic Might and Balls of Adamantium- Chapter Master Temperus Maximus is a hard fucker to kill. Nothing more can be said about that. And he doesn't even use an Iron Halo or Storm Shield! Yet he counts as having a 4+ Invulnerable Save!
- RIGHT IN THE NUTS, FUCKER!- Whenever an opponent fails to land an attack on Temperus Maximus in close combat, the Chapter Master responds with a swift but very painful kick to their balls with his master crafted power feet for their incompetence, debilitating even enemies without balls or genitals to start with. Whenever an opponent rolls a 1 to hit Temperus Maximus during an assault phase they take a single Str:6 AP:4 hit.
- Orbital Barrel of FUCK YOU!!- Temperus Maximus has the authority to call down a Strike Cruiser from orbit to crush his pathetic foes, literally. Calling down an Orbital Strike cruiser otherwise counts as firing a ranged weapon and uses the following profile:
Name | Range | S | AP | type |
Orbital Strike cruiser | Infinite | D | 1 | Ordnance 1, Barrage, Apocalyptic Blast, look! what is that in the sky? .... A Strike cruiser?!? run for your lives!, one use only, orbital (see space marines codex) |
what is that in the sky? .... A Strike cruiser?!? run for your lives! - after you have rolled to scatter with this weapon, all Units under the Apocalyptic Blast Marker (Friend's, foe's and Units locked in combat) must make a Morale Check. (Vehicles pass this Morale Check automatically.) If this, Morale check fails, The unit remains where it is. on the other hand if this Morale Check is passed The unit must move, 1D6" away from the center of the Apocalyptic Blast Marker. If, The unit is made up of only Bikes, Jetbikes, Jump Units, Jet Pack Units, Beasts, Cavalry, Flying Monstrous Creatures, Gargantuan Creatures, Flying Gargantuan Creatures, and/or Vehicles which are not Heavy Vehicles, Walkers, and/or is not Immobilised, The unit must move, 2D6" away from the center of the Apocalyptic Blast Marker instead of 1D6". (if a unit is embarked inside a vehicle, The unit pass this Morale Check automatically, and You must only move the Transport Vehicle, with the passengers still on board it.) (Units that were locked in combat is no longer locked in combat after this movement.) (Immobilised Vehicles still can not move, unless it is a model with the "MUST ... MOVE ... TO ... KILL" Special rule.)
FORMATIONS[edit | edit source]
Angry Marines Strike force[edit | edit source]
- 1-3 Core
- for each Core in this Detachment, you must take 1-5 Auxiliary
- for each Core in this Detachment, you may take 0-2 Command
- 0-1 Rachnus Rageous (Angry Marines Primarch)
Special Rules:
- once per game at the beginning of your turn you can declar "FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU!". when "FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK YOU!" is declared get all Units in this Detachment get the following Special Rules until the beginning of your next turn: Fleet, Rampage, Relentless, Hatred (Everything!)
Core Formations[edit | edit source]
Army of Commissar Fuklaw[edit | edit source]
Angry Gangers who are considered PUSSY WORLD EATER WANNABES are often assigned to Commissar Fuklaw to fight alongside the Angry 'Serfs'. Where the Blood Angels or Salamanders would be humbled by the courage and discipline their mortal allies show, the Angry Gangers are (shocker) utterly furious. Forbidden to train alongside other Angry Gangs until one of the Commissars under Fuklaw (who is himself unwilling to put up with them) decides they're angry enough, they instead practice their shooting. Their accuracy doesn't really improve, but they do learn to direct their hail of bolt shells closer to the hiding places of their enemies, which can effectively destroy the cover those DAMN DICKLESS NINNIES are hiding in.
- 1 Commissar Fuklaw
- 3-6 Angry 'Serfs'
- 1-3 units chosen in any combination from the following list:
- Angry Gang
- Angry Bike Gang
- 0-9 Angry Commissar
- 0-1 Angry Rhino, Angry Stalkers, Whirlwind Cremator, Killdozer or Land Raider (any type)
- all non-vehicle Squads must start with at least one Commissar (of any kind From this Codex) in it. (Commissar Fuklaw is an exception because he is a very Angry Commissar himself.)
Special Rules:
- You can not hide forever! (only Angry Gang and Angry Bike Gang Squads) - when a Unit is fired upon by a Unit of models with this Special Rule gets -2 to their Cover saves.
- Objective Secured (only Angry 'Serfs')
- move though cover (only Angry 'Serfs')
- Scout (only Angry 'Serfs')
DROP PODS ARE FOR PUSSIES[edit | edit source]
Angry Marines lack the discipline and patience to wait around in a Drop Pod before SKULLFUCKING SOME FUCKING HERETIC. As a result, many Angry Marines favor the use of a teleporters similar to those favored by Terminators, which they use to get to the battlefield while Rhinos piloted by Angry 'Serfs' move to encircle the enemy. Done properly, this can overwhelm any enemy in a tide of yellow ceramite and deafen them with roared profanity. However, disoriented Angry Marines are not the most effective fighters (they're too busy being confused), and this issue is compounded by flaws in the teleporters themselves- they can be highly inaccurate, plunging Angry Marines into a losing battle or worse, leaving them too far from the fighting to properly participate.
- 1 HQ (can not be Chapter Master Temperus Maximus, Angry Apothecary, Angry Commissar, Commissar Fuklaw or a Command Squad)
- 0-1 Command Squad, or Angrytalon Gunship or Rage Speeder.
- 0-1 Angry Apothecary
- 3 Angry Squads
- 1-2 units chosen in any combination from the following list:
- Assault Squad
- Cock Knockers
- 1 Devastator Squad
- 0-1 Belligerent Engine (any type)
- Units from this Formation may not use Drop Pods as dedicated transport.
Special Rules:
- Angry Rhinos from this Formation have the Scout Special Rule
- if any Units from this Formation start the game in Reserve, you can choose to make a Reserve Roll for any of them at the start of your first turn. If the roll is a 3 or more, the unit arrives this turn; otherwise it remains in Reserve and is rolled for normally.
- Units from this Formation can charge on the turn they arrive from Reserve, but it's a Disordered Charge.
- Angry Rhinos from this Formation counts as an fast Vehicles on the turn they arrive from Reserve.
- Deep Strike (roll scatter 3D3 instead of 2D6 as normal.)
- when you have to roll to Deep Strike Mishap, you must roll 2D6 instead of 1D6 and use this Deep Strike Mishap Table instead of the normal Deep Strike Mishap Table:
- 2-3 Terrible Accident!
- 4-8 Misplaced.
- 9-12 Delayed.
STEEL RAIN IS FOR FUCKS[edit | edit source]
- 1 Temperus Maximus
- 0-1 Dick Haggard
- 0-1 Angry Apothecary
- 0-1 unit from the following list:
- Angry Squad
- Cock Knockers
- Terminator Squad
- 2-5 Assault Squads
- 1-3 Belligerent Engines (any type)
- Units from this Formation can not use any type of dedicated transport.
- May not take allies. (Iron Hands is an exception, because they have an intense hatred of weakness.)
- All models must have a melee weapon, flamer weapon, and/or charger weapon.
Special Rules:
- The Assault Squads and the Belligerent Engines start the game in reserve and can't arrive as per normal reserve rules.
- Temperus Maximus, Dick Haggard, Angry Apothecary and the Angry Squad/Cock Knockers/Terminator Squad may be the only angry marine model (from this formation) on the board at the start of the game. During the shooting phase, he may call down the orbital strike cruiser. Once casualties have been resolved, place the Assault squads and belligerent engines either inside the blast marker, or in base contact with it.
- Temperus Maximus may not attack or shoot until he has called down the strike cruiser.
Auxiliary Formations[edit | edit source]
Rhino-Hammer Annihilation Force[edit | edit source]
- 2 Devastator Squad
- 2 units chosen in any combination from the following list:
- Angry Squad
- Assault Squad
- all Devastator and Angry Squad Units must have an Angry Rhino as a dedicated transport and must start the game embarked on it.
- all Units must start in Deep Strike Reserve.
- all Assault Squads must be equipped with jump packs.
Special Rules:
- Deep Strike (Angry Rhino only)
- Pinning (Devastator Squad only)
Fury Wing Air Defence force[edit | edit source]
- 0-2 Angrytalon Gunship
- 0-1 Fury-Raven Gunship
- 0-1 Angry Stalkers
Veteran Force of Anger[edit | edit source]
- 3-5 units chosen in any combination from the following list:
- Terminator Squad
- Black Brothers
- Command Squad
- Command Squads from this Formation may only take one item from the Special Wargear list per model. and must only consist of Angry Veterans.
Special Rules:
- Fearless
- Fear
- Adamantium Will
mob of Angry Gangers[edit | edit source]
- 3-5 units chosen in any combination from the following list:
- Angry Bike Gang
- Angry Gang
Special Rules:
- You can not hide forever! - when a Unit is fired upon by a Unit of models with this Special Rule gets -2 to their Cover saves.
Commissar Platoon[edit | edit source]
- 2-4 Angry 'Serfs'
- 1 Angry Commissar
- all Angry 'Serf' squads must have an Apprentice of Mindfuckery and an irritated Commissar in it.
Special Rules:
- Objective Secured (only Angry 'Serfs')
- move though cover (only Angry 'Serfs')
- Scout (only Angry 'Serfs')
Angry Tank Force[edit | edit source]
- 0-1 Angry Squad
- 0-1 Master of the Armory Enfurus Ragman
- 3-9 Techmarine
- 0-3 Kill-a-Tors
- 3-5 units chosen in any combination from the following list:
- Whirlwind Cremator
- Killdozer
- Predator Angrinator
- 0-3 Land Raider (any type)
Special Rules:
- Paregoric Anger - Vehicles from this Formation ignore the effects of Crew Shaken and Crew Stunned results while they are within 6" of at least one Techmarine and/or Master of the Armory Enfurus Ragman from this Formation.
- Techmarines and Master of the Armory Enfurus Ragman from this Formation have a +1 bonus when making "WORK, YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT!" and "WORK, YOU PIECE OF SHIT" rolls to repair Vehicles from this formation.
- Power of the very Angry Machine Spirit - All the Land Raiders in this Formation ignore the effects of Weapon Destroyed results while they are within 6" of at least one Techmarine and/or Master of the Armory Enfurus Ragman from this Formation. in addition to this, All the Land Raiders in this Formation can re-roll failed to Wound rolls or Armour Penetration rolls when shooting at Gargantuan Creatures or Superheavy Vehicles.
Mob of Bikers[edit | edit source]
- 0-1 Rage Speeders
- 1-2 Angry Attack Bike Squad
- 2-3 Angry Bike Squad
Special Rules:
- Skilled Rider
Cock Knockers Engine-Breaker Assault force[edit | edit source]
- 2-4 Cock Knockers
- 0-1 Pounder
- 1 Belligerent Engine (any type)
- the Belligerent Engine Must at least take one "Siege" Drill with in-built heavy flamer.
Special Rules:
- Tank Hunter
- swap the belligerent Engine's "DEATH IS NOT AN EXCUSE" out with, "DEATH IS NEVER AN EXCUSE."
At the start of your movement phase roll D6 for every wrecked Belligerent Engine on the field wit at least one enemy model within 18" of it - on 6+ Belligerent Engine comes back from dead with 1 hull point (though immobilised and weapon destroyed results aren't removed). If there is enemy models within 12" of Belligerent Engine, it comes back from dead on 5+. and If there is enemy models within 6" of Belligerent Engine, it comes back from dead on 5+ re-roll failed attempts.
Furious Hawk Assault Group[edit | edit source]
- 1 Fury-Raven Gunship
- 1-2 Assault Squad
- 1 unit chosen from the following list:
- Cock Knockers
- Angry Squad
- Devastator Squad
- 1 Belligerent Engine
- the Belligerent Engine and Cock Knockers/Angry Squad/Devastator Squad must start the game embarked on the Fury-Raven Gunship from this Formation.
- the Fury-Raven Gunship and Assault Squads in this Formation must be placed into Deep Strike Reserve.
- Each Assault Squad must be equipped with jump packs.
Special Rules:
- the Fury-Raven Gunship from this Formation has the Deep Strike special rule. when it arrives from Deep Strike, it must Hover on the turn it arrives.
- when making Deep Strike Reserve Rolls, make a single roll for this entire Formation. on a successful Deep Strike Reserves Roll, both the Fury-Raven Gunship and Assault Squads from this Formation arrive from Deep Strike Reserve.
- when arriving form Deep Strike Reserve:
- the Fury-Raven Gunship must must be placed before any of the Assault Squads.
- Assault Squads from this Formation do not scatter if they are placed within 12" of the Fury-Raven Gunship from this Formation.
- all units from this Formation can charge even though they arrived from Reserves, but it's a Disordered Charge.
Command Formations[edit | edit source]
Asshole's Command Squad[edit | edit source]
A boy was born in the year 895.M38, on Pathos Secundus. Little is recorded of his parentage. His father was a Guardsman, known only to be missing and presumed dead. His mother died in childbirth. The pregnancy had no complications, and so an autopsy was conducted. Wounds throughout the mother's uterus and all along the birth canal indicated extreme trauma. Video of the birth confirmed the medical examiner's suspicions: he had come out cuntpunching (sic). The child spent his youth in and out of various orphanages and foster homes. Several of his caretakers attempted to name him, but whenever anyone asked him his name, he responded only by punching them in the throat. He was regarded as mad and dangerous at the very least; many believed he harbored some mutation or even the mark of Chaos. At the age of ten, however, he finally found a home. An Angry Marine Quartermaster had made planetfall to procure supplies, and the young boy happened to be in the area. The Marine shouted to him, "HEY, ASSHOLE, BRING ME THAT FUCKING HAND TRUCK IN THE CORNER!" The youth approached the hardened battle-brother and kicked him squarely in the groinplate, breaking two of his toes but making not a sound and shedding not a tear. The Angry Marines had found a new recruit. At the time Asshole was inducted, the Chapter Master of the Angry Marines had decreed that new recruits should become standard Codex scouts. The issue was put to a vote, and the chapter at large declared this decision to be "COMPLETELY FUCKING FAGGOTROCIOUS," however the decree stood for a time on the basis that the Chapter Master did it "JUST TO PISS YOU OFF, YOU WORTHLESS TWATS!" This did not well accommodate young Asshole. The one thing they could never teach him to do was aim, and he spent far longer than normal languishing in the 10th Company. Finally, in 176.M39, during the Scouring of Erhlinger Prime, he proved himself. After emptying an entire magazine into an Ork horde with no effect, Asshole abandoned his cover, howled madly into the sky, and broke his sniper rifle neatly in half across his knee. He then charged the band, tearing limbs from any greenskin that stood in his way, until he was standing face-to-face with the Boss Mek. Asshole took the two halves of his ruined rifle and spitted the Ork from both ends of his digestive track-- right through his flash kustom 'ardpantz, no less. The remaining xenos turned tail and ran. For his heroism, Asshole was immediately inducted to the 5th Company and promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Nevertheless, the Chapter Master shortly thereafter judged that the newbies were 'pissed off enough', and reinstated the Angry Gangs. Asshole rose quickly through the ranks, finally becoming Brother-Captain of the Battle Barge Killfuck Soulshitter in 722.M39. During his career, he developed a special hatred of Eldar, and would often be heard to claim that "THEY MAY AS WELL BE GODDAMN PRETTY MARINES FOR ALL THEIR FAIRYASSED PANTSHITTERY!!" In 756.M39, the Killfuck Soulshitter was called to push back an incursion on the Coluphid Sector by Eldar. The campaign was a terrifying success, and in its last moments, Captain Asshole confronted the Farseer Turiel and her daughter Sorith, one of the Seer Council, personally. Breaking Sorith and casting her blithely aside in one swift blow, the Captain approached the Farseer, shaking with rage. Before she could react, he slammed her to the ground, removed his groinplate, and raped the Eldar psyker with a brutality she no doubt ever imagined in her 424 years. As he finished, he rose, readjusted his armor, and looked the horrified Sorith in her eyes, saying "I FUCKED YOUR MOM!" He turned and left, letting the two witches steal into the Webway. A Marine in Asshole's retinue, puzzled, asked "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LET THOSE DYKES GET AWAY, YOU RETARDED COCKSICKLE?" In an astonishing display of restraint, Asshole replied simply "THOSE SPACE WHORES AREN'T THE ONLY ONES WHO CAN PLAN AHEAD, YOU DICKWEED!" In 989.M39, Captain Asshole received a pizza with mushrooms instead of pineapple, and suffered an aneurysm while pummeling those responsible. Thus, his Battle-Brothers cybernetically mounted him into one of the Chapter's Dreadnoughts-- or, as they prefer to call them within the Angry Marines, a Belligerent Engine. Thirty years later, the Chapter met the same Eldar again on the field of battle. The carnage played out much the same as before. All that remained were Farseer Turiel, and Sorith -- and the Belligerent Engine in which Captain Asshole was fused. A terrible din was heard. Suddenly, Captain Asshole's turgid member had punched right through the armor plating of the Dreadnought, with the Angry Marine himself in tow, and lodged itself between the buttocks of the Farseer with the force of 10 supernovae. He turned to Sorith and spoke his last words to her before slaughtering them both. "EVEN IN DEATH, I STILL FUCK YOUR MOM." Captain Asshole, victorious, then breathed his last on the field of battle.
- 1 Belligerent Engine (Unique Character)
- 2 Techmarine
- 0-2 Kill-a-Tors
- the Belligerent Engine must be upgraded to a REALLY FUCKING PISSED OFF Belligerent Engine,
- the Belligerent Engine must take one of the following carapace-mounted weapons:
- Sticky web cannon
- Angry grappa
- Two rocket propelled chainsaws
- the Belligerent Engine at least take two of the following:
- Frag launcher
- Adamantium Plate
- Burning carapace
- the Belligerent Engine must take Power of the Angry Machine Spirit.
Special Rules:
- swap the belligerent Engine's "DEATH IS NOT AN EXCUSE" out with, "DEATH IS NEVER AN EXCUSE".
- DEATH IS NEVER AN EXCUSE: At the start of your movement phase roll D6 for every wrecked Belligerent Engine on the field wit at least one enemy model within 24" of it - on 6+ Belligerent Engine comes back from dead with 1 hull point (though immobilised and weapon destroyed results aren't removed). If there is enemy models within 12" of Belligerent Engine, it comes back from dead on 5+. and If there is enemy models within 6" of Belligerent Engine, it comes back from dead on 5+ re-roll failed attempts.
- Models from this Formation have Preferred Enemy (Eldar) and the belligerent Engine (Dreadnought) becomes a Vehicle (Walker, Unique, Character) by the name ASSHOLE with the Special Rule "even in death, I still fucked your mother!".
- * Even in death, I still fucked your mother! - Adamantium Will, Shred and Fleshbane against Eldar Psykers.
- the belligerent Engine gets +1 to its "DEATH IS NEVER AN EXCUSE" roll, as long as there is at least one Techmarine from this formation within 6" of the belligerent Engine.
Furious Ultra Command-squad Kiss-my-ass (FUCK)[edit | edit source]
- 1 Angry Captain or Angry Captain Satchel.
- 1 Angry Chaplain or Reclusiarch Mofo.
- 1 Angry Apothecary.
- 1 Command Squad.
- The Command Squad must consist of exactly 6 Ultra Angry veteran and 1 Ultra Angry and none of them swap their Power Weapon, with a weapon from the Close Combat Weapon, Ranged Weapons, or Special wargear sections of the armory.
- no HQ throughout your army must take unpredictable Melee thingy from Artifacts list, except Ultra Angry veterans from this Formation.
- all Independent Character in this Formation must join the Command Squad during deployment, and cannot leave it during the course of the battle.
Special Rules:
- your Ultra Angry veterans from this Formation can swap their Power Weapon with an "unpredictable Melee thingy" for 30 pts/per model.
squad of written "fuck you!"[edit | edit source]
- 2-4 Master of Mindfuckery
- 0-1 Chief Mindfucker Moarfistin
- all the Master of Mindfuckery must be at least Mastery Level 2
Special Rules:
- all Psykers in this Formation know a random psychic power from Iratomancy psychic discipline in addition to other psychic powers they know. This is not considered when determining if they have Psychic Focus.
- Adamantium Will
Command Unit[edit | edit source]
- 0-1 Angry Captain, Angry Captain Satchel, Angry Chaplain or Reclusiarch Mofo.
- 0-1 Command Squad, Angrytalon Gunship or Rage Speeder.
- 0-1 Angry Apothecary