Codex - Tau Auxiliary 8th edition

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This is a slow (but steady!) WORK IN PROGRESS.

Most units do not have a points value (yet) but do have a power level this is because balancing is hard and this fandex is for friendly and narrative games, not competitive. (If you want to use a unit in a point environment you can use this formula to at least come to a relative good solution to what the cost should be PL*X where X should be between 15-25 depending on the equipment you chose.)

This fandex is not ready for playtesting ... yet. Given the announcement of 9th Ed., it may never be. Units (or Races) marked with WIP Are not recommended for use. Units marked with WIP are not tested at all and will break the game's balance harder then GW smelling money!
If you want to help edit see the top part of the talk page.

Playing Tau Auxiliary[edit | edit source]

All units here will have the T'au faction keyword but most will not have a <sept> keyword this makes it so that you can easily combine these units in any army but will have an incentive to not go batshit crazy on combos and unit combinations.

Cross faction Special rules[edit | edit source]

Macro weapons: A model armed with a Macro weapon may not fire if it has moved previously in the turn, unless the firing unit also has the TITANIC keyword. No Macro weapon may be used to make Overwatch attacks. When used against units with the TITANIC or BUILDING keyword, the damage inflicted by a Macro weapon is doubled (this doubling takes place after any randomised damage has been rolled for).

Cross faction Wargear and points[edit | edit source]

Most weapons can be found in the codex tau. If a weapon can be found in imperial armour xenos or is custom made it will be noted on the sheet

Nagi Mind Worm Advisor[edit | edit source]

Small, telepathic snake like creatures, when the the Tau Empire first encountered the Nagi both races were on the cusp of war, thankfully the danger of another pointless war was averted and the Nagi brought in to the Greater Good where they now serve as advisors to the Ethereal caste, both off and on the battlefield.

A Nagi Advisor may be taken as an upgrade to an Ethereal(Codex: Tau Empire) for 30 points. The Nagi makes the model a psyker. this model may make a single deny the witch test.

Tau Liaisons, Outcasts & Experimental tech WIP [edit | edit source]

Units List[edit | edit source]



  • Fio'Vre Engineers

Fast attack

  • Kor'ui Speeder Scouts
  • Drone Hanger

Heavy Support

  • Stingray Cluster Missile Gunship

Lords of War

  • Scorpionfish Super Heavy Missile Gunship
  • Megalodon Super Heavy Assault Gunship

Special rules Tau Outcasts & Liaisons WIP [edit | edit source]

Matched play rule Earth cast experiment: A unit with this keyword may only be included in your army once. Only a single unit with this keyword may be present in a detachment.

Wargear and points Tau Outcasts & Liaisons WIP [edit | edit source]

Newly added weapons

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Supremacy Railgun (Submunitions) 72" Heavy 2D6 6 -1 1 ---
Supremacy Ion Cannon 60" Heavy 6 7 -3 2 ---
Supremacy Ion Cannon (Overcharged) 60" Heavy 2D3 8 -3 3 If the target unit contains 10 or more models, change this weapons type to Heavy 2D6, In addition, if this weapon ever rolls a 1 to hit it suffers a Mortal Wound after resolving its shooting attacks.
Submunition Seeker Missile 72" Heavy 1D6 5 0 1 This weapon hits automatically. If the target unit has 2+ Markerlight counters against it this weapon gains the following benefit - This weapon may target units that are not visible to the bearer and the targeted unit gains no bonus to their saves for being in cover. Each Submunition Seeker Missile may only be used once per battle.
Experimental Ion Pistol 8" pistol 1 7 -1 1

HQ: Por'Vre Liaison 4 PL WIP [edit | edit source]

Tau Diplomacy

" We are not here to bring death and destruction to you, Gue’la. Even though your armed forces have laid waste to our systems, bombarded our cities and slaughtered my fellow Tau, we are not here for revenge. We are here to offer you to share our culture and profit from our technology and protection.

We are not here to take your homes, your families and your beliefs away from you. You can even continue to worship your Emperor-god if you want, you must only swear fealty to the advancement of the Greater Good, which will benefit all members of the empire alike.

We are not here to turn you all into soldiers and demand of you to fight against your former kin. Some of you will be asked to join our armed forces, in return for the protection that we grant to your planet. But if you are unwilling to fight against Humans from the Imperium, you will not be deployed against them. We are not here to enslave you, but to welcome you into our empire, the empire of the Tau."

– Por’vre Dal’yth Jishu’iro, Addressing the human population of Goron Minor

Unit Composition: 1 Por'Vre Liaison and 2 Bodyguard Drones

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Por'Vre Liaison 6" 6+ 6+ 3 3(4) 1 1 8 4+
Bodyguard Drone 8" 5+ 5+ 3 4 2 1 5 4+

Wargear: The Bodyguard Drone is Equipped with a Pulse Blaster. The Por'Vre Liaison is not equipped with any weapons.
Abilities Por'Vre Liaison

  • Bearers of the Greater good: All unit within 9" of the Por'Vre Liaison have the for the greater good (codex pg89) Ability. As long as the do not have the <sept> or Vehicle Keyword
  • Liaison: This unit faction keyword doen't count for any rules asking for all model in a detachment to have a specific keyword, simply ignore this model in such a case.

Abilities Bodyguard Drone

  • Bodyguard protocol: When this unit is hit allocated the hits first to the Bodyguard Drone, until both are dead no hits can be distributed to the Por'Vre Liaison. If at the start of any phase at least one one Bodyguard Drone in this unit is alive the Por'Vre Liaison has T4 until the end of that phase(include in brackets in the profile above).
  • Threat Identification Protocols: In the Shooting phase, Bodygaurd Drones can only target the nearest visible enemy unit. If two units are equally close, you can choose which is targeted.
  • Shield Generator: Bodygaurd Drones have a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a D6 each time a DRONE with this ability loses a wound; on a 5+ that Drone does not lose a wound.

Faction Keywords (both)

T'au Empire, <Sept>

Keywords Por'Vre Liaison

Water Caste, infantry, Por'Vre Liaison

Keywords Bodyguard Drone

Drone, Fly, Bodyguard Drones

Elite: Earth Caste Engineer 4 PL WIP [edit | edit source]

Trust me, I'm a engineer.

On the rare occasion, there are members of the Earth caste who find their lives mundane and boring. To find a way to maximize the efficiency of these individuals, the Fio'Kais Initiative was founded, an experimental program to put Engineering teams, as opposed to drones, on the battlefield. Unlike repair drones, they are fully capable of providing additional firepower to any nearby infantry units. In fact, some Battlesuit and Vehicle pilots will shun drones in favor of a proper Combat engineer, and are well liked and honored among the Fire Caste. They also carry experimental pistols that can cause serious damage to heavy infantry and light vehicles.

The two drawbacks are their abysmal accuracy, in spite of their weapons training, and the limited number of Engineers, due to the infacny of the program.

Unit Composition: 1 Earth Caste Engineer and 2 Bodyguard Drones

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Earth Caste Engineer 6" 6+ 5+ 3 3(4) 1 1 8 4+
Bodyguard Drone 8" 5+ 5+ 3 4 2 1 5 4+

Wargear: An Earth Caste Engineer is equipped with a Experimental Ion Pistol. A Bodyguard Drone is Equipped with a Pulse Blaster

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Experimental Ion Pistol 8" pistol 1 7 -1 1

Abilities Earth Caste Engineer

  • Battlefield Repairs: A unit with this ability may, at the beginning of the movement phase, restore 1 D3 wounds to one within unit 3" that has the Faction Keywords T'au Empire, and any of the following Keywords: Vehicle, or Battlesuit. Alternatively it may bring back a single wound drone model to a unit of T'au Empire Drones

Abilities Bodyguard Drone

  • Bodyguard protocol: When this unit is hit allocated the hits first to the Bodyguard Drone, until both are dead no hits can be distributed to the Earth Caste Engineer. If at the start of any phase at least one one Bodyguard Drone in this unit is alive the Earth Caste Engineer has T4 until the end of that phase(include in brackets in the profile above).
  • Threat Identification Protocols: In the Shooting phase, Bodygaurd Drones can only target the nearest visible enemy unit. If two units are equally close, you can choose which is targeted.
  • Shield Generator: Bodyguard Drones have a 4+ invulnerable save. In addition, roll a D6 each time a DRONE with this ability loses a wound; on a 5+ that Drone does not lose a wound.

Faction Keywords (both)

T'au Empire, <Sept>

Keywords Earth Caste Engineer

Earth Caste, infantry, Earth Caste Engineer

Keywords Bodyguard Drone

Drone, Fly, Bodyguard Drones

Fast attack: Air Caste Speeder Scout 4 PL WIP [edit | edit source]

Lor'em Ip'sum

Lor'em ip'sum

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Kor'Ui Scout speeder 14" 6+ 4+ 3 4 2 1 6 4+
Kor'Vre Scout speeder 14" 6+ 4+ 3 4 2 1 7 4+

Unit Composition: 2 Kor'Ui Scouts speeder and 1 Kor'Vre scout speeder. you may add up to 6 Kor'Ui scout speeder (+1 PL per moddel)
Wargear: Each scout speeder is equipped with a plasma rifle and a Markerlight.
Wargear options

  • Any model in the unit may replace its plasma rifle with a fusion blaster (+1 pl per model), smart missile system, misslepod(+1 pl per model), 2 flamers or 1 markerlights and 1 seeker missile.
  • Any model may take up to one item from the support systems list (codex tau pg89)


  • Fast moving markers: a model with this special rule may fire both it Markerlight and it other weapons at the same time but must target the same unit with all it weapons. A moddel with this special rule can't use the bonus granted to it by markerlights.
  • Speeder: when this model advances add 6" to its movement instead of d6.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, <Sept>

Keywords Air Caste Speeder Scouts

Air Caste Team, Bikes, Fly, Air Caste Speeder Scout

Fast attack: Drone Hangar 7PL WIP [edit | edit source]

Drone teams, attack!

An experimental combat vehicle developed by the Bork'an academies, this is a modified Devilfish loaded up with drone parts and a micro factory, allowing for production of various forms of combat and defensive drones, at the sacrifice of the usual targeting equipment.

Originally intended as an armored mobile construction vehicle to develop devastated war zones and build and repair fortifications, the vehicle was promptly refitted for front line duty after the Damocles Gulf Crusade.

(Creative Note: If you are going to build this, then just take a Devilfish, stick two seeker missiles on it, and glue some Drone bits to the interior and floor. Otherwise, go ham. Just go for the basic idea of a drone Harbinger from DOW.)

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Drone Hangar * 6+ * 6 7 12 * 8 3+
7 - 12+ 12 4+ 3
4 - 6 6 5+ D3
1 - 3 3 6+ 1

Unit Composition: 1 Drone Hangar
Wargear: A Drone Hangar is equipped with 1 burst cannon and 2 gun drones
Wargear options

  • This model may take up to two seeker missiles
  • This model may replace both gun drones with...
    • A pair of Burst Cannons
    • A pair of Smart Missile Systems
    • A pair of Missile Drones


  • Hover tank: Distances must be measured to and from the hull of this model rather than its base
  • Explodes: If the Drone Hangar is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before embarked models disembark on a 6 it explodes and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds
  • Detach: Both Gun Drones can detach at the start of your Movement phase by disembarking as if from a transport. From that point onwards, they are treated as a separate unit. They cannot reattach during the battle.
  • Attached Drones: (codex Page 114)
  • Drone Transport: At the start of the movement phase this model may deploy a unit consisting of up to 3 Gun- , Shield- , Marker- , Missile- , Sniper- , or Guardian Drones. All drones summoned as a unit by a Drone Hangar must by the same drone type and will come into play as one unit as if they were disembarking from a transport. The Hangar may only do this once per battle.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, <Sept>

Keywords Drone Hangar

Vehicle, Fly, Earth Caste Experiment, Drone Hangar

Keywords Gun Drone

Drone, Fly, Gun Drones

Heavy Support: Stingray Cluster Missile Gunship 8 PL WIP [edit | edit source]

"The Beg'el charged us, screeching their cries of war in an attempt to frighten us. Shortly before the barbarians overwhelmed our outer defenses, a wave of missiles collided with the horde of greenskins. Truly, there are fewer better displays of the power of the Greater Good than a fully armed Stingray Missile Gunship" --Shas'el Kais Mont'yr T'aun, regarding the Lotus massacre on the world Au'Tau.

The Stingray missile gunship is a Tau vehicle that serves as a potent ranged anti-infantry weapon. The vehicle was developed to break up the waves of Orks rampaging through the Tau region of space in the wake of the Damocles Gulf Crusade. A single large warhead, similar to the simple shell used by Imperial Earthshaker Cannons, was first considered by the Tau as a possible solution to the problem of dealing with massed infantry assaults. However, this was determined to be less effective than a modified Seeker Missile, with a large number of Smart Missiles loaded into the payload bay.

The resulting weapon was first fielded on modified Sky Ray air defence tanks. The first field tests proved promising, but revealed shortcomings in the vehicles used for the test. First among these was the sheer size of the new missile, which made the carrier vehicle extremely dependent upon resupply during extended combat. A new turret was then developed that could carry more missiles, but this required changes to the basic hull such as the reduction of protective armour plating to allow the unit to keep up with Devilfish and Hammerhead formations.

This new version of the vehicle that would become the Stingray was significantly less dependent on resupply during battle, and the larger turret allowed refinements to the missile itself, increasing the number of Smart Missile submunitions.

(An old/Discontinued Tau Unit from Epic Apocalypse/Chapter Approved, so it shouldn't be too hard to design or make your own with a little bit of digging)

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Stingray Cluster Missile Gunship * 6+ * 6 7 13 * 8 3+
7 - 13+ 12 3+ 3
4 - 6 6 4+ D3
1 - 3 3 5+ 1

Unit Composition: 1 Stingray Cluster Missile Gunship
Wargear: A Stingray Cluster Missile Gunship is equipped with 6 Submunition Seeker Missiles, 2 Markerlights, and 2 Gun drones

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Sub munition Seeker Missile 72" Heavy 1 6 -1 1 Each Sub munition seeker missile can only be used once per battle. This weapon only hits on a roll of 6, regardless of the firing model’s Ballistic Skill or any modifiers. If this weapon hits inflict 3D3 hits on the unit instead of 1

Wargear options

  • This model may replace both Gun Drones with pair of Burst Cannons, or Smart Missile Systems


  • Hover tank: Distances must be measured to and from the hull of this model rather than its base
  • Explodes: If the Stingray Cluster Missile Gunship is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before embarked models disembark on a 6 it explodes and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds
  • Detach: Both Gun Drones can detach at the start of your Movement phase by disembarking as if from a transport. From that point onwards, they are treated as a separate unit. They cannot reattach during the battle.
  • Attached Drones: (codex Page 114)

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, <Sept>

Keywords Stingray Cluster Missile Gunship

Vehicle, Fly, Earth Caste Experiment, Stingray Cluster Missile Gunship

Keywords Gun Drone

Drone, Fly, Gun Drones

Flier: Orca AX-3-4 "Sickleback" Dropship??? Points WIP [edit | edit source]

"The Gue'la were heavily entrenched upon the hill, my squad pinned under their fire. Suddenly, an AX-3-4 bombarded the enemy position. My unit dashed up the hill to finish off what was left, only to see the the Orca had left only bare ground for us to look upon. By the Ethereals, I had never seen a more devastating weapon, nor do I wish to see it ever used again." -Shas'El Kais Bork'an, on one of the first documented cases of Sickleback deployment.

An altered pattern to the Orca AX-3-4 Dropship, designed for active insertion into hotspots, rather than rapid transport flexible deployemt. The Orca AX-3-4 loses a chunk of its transport capacity in the name of improved armour and fire-power.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Orca AX-3-4 Dropship * 6+ * 6 8 20 * 8 2+
11 - 20+ 20"-40" 3+ 3
6 - 10 20"-30" 4+ D3
1 - 5 20"-25" 5+ 1

Unit Composition: 1 Orca AX-3-4 Dropship
Wargear: An Orca AX-3-4 Dropship is equipped with 2 nose mounted Long-Barrelled Burst Cannons, 1 High-Yield Missile Pod mounted on either side, 2 Rear-mounted Smart Missile Systems, and a Counterfire Defence System.

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Long-Barrelled Burst Cannon 36" Assault 6 5 0 1 ---
High-Yield Missile Pod 36" Heavy 4 7 -1 D3 ---
Smart Missile System 30" Assault 4 5 0 1 Smart Missile Systems can be fired at units that are not visible to the bearer. In addition units attacked by this weapon do not gain any benefit to their saving throws for being in cover.


  • Airborne:
  • Crash & Burn:
  • Hard to Hit:
  • Supersonic:
  • Covering Firestorm: Whenever any unit disembarks from this model, the Orca A-X-3-4 Dropship may make a shooting attack with one of its weapons against any enemy unit within range. This shooting attack only hits on a 6+.


An Orca AX-3-4 Dropship may transport up to 24 <SEPT> Infantry or Drone models. It may transport Battlesuit models, but any model with the Battlesuit keyword counts as three Infantry models.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, <Sept>

Keywords (Orca AX-3-4)

Vehicle; Fly; Earth Caste Experiment; Orca AX-3-4 Dropship

Lord of War: Scorpionfish Super Heavy Missile Gunship 26 PL WIP [edit | edit source]

Carpet bombing on the go!

The Scorpionfish super-heavy missile gunship is a Tau super-heavy skimmer first deployed in the wake of the Damocles Gulf Crusade.

The Scorpionfish was developed as a response to the surprise of Imperial super-heavy tanks faced during that conflict and later engagements, and considerable effort was expended by the Earth Caste to develop a counter in the form of the Tau’s own super-heavy gunship. Lacking any other large vehicle as a basis, the Orca dropship design was modified with additional heavily armaments and armour, effectively reducing its mobility to that of a surface-bound skimmer. This variant was to become the Scorpionfish missile gunship and it carries no less than a full complement of Submunition, Seeker, Tracer and Smart Missiles, as well as direct-firing Missile Pods.

It has no single main weapon, but rather acts as a platform for a number of smaller systems, enabling it to engage any type of threat it encounters. This flexibility has proven to be a major asset in recent Tau campaigns. Whilst the Scorpionfish may be slower than the majority of Tau units, its skimmer capabilities mean that negotiating difficult terrain normally is not an issue. In battle, Scorpionfish normally form part of a stout firing line at the back of a Tau force, anchoring its defences.

(Once again, an old/Discontinued Tau Epic Armageddon Model, this is another popular one, but there is no agreed upon look for it, so choice is up to you)

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Scorpionfish Super Heavy Missile Gunship * 6+ * 8 8 24 * 8 3+
12 - 24+ 12" 3+ 6
6 - 11 6" 4+ D6
1 - 5 3" 5+ 1

Unit Composition: 1 Scorpionfish Super Heavy Missile Gunship
Wargear: A Scorpionfish Super Heavy Missile Gunship is equipped with 12 Seeker Missiles, 12 Submunition Seeker Missiles, 4 High-Yield Missile Pods, 4 Markerlights and 16 pulse carbines controlled by hardwired gun drones.

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Sub munition Seeker Missile 72" Heavy 1 6 -1 1 Each Sub munition seeker missile can only be used once per battle. This weapon only hits on a roll of 6, regardless of the firing model’s Ballistic Skill or any modifiers. If this weapon hits inflict 3D3 hits on the unit instead of 1

Wargear options


  • Hover Tank: Distances must be measured to and from the hull of this model rather than its base
  • Cataclysmic Explosion: The biggest problem with the Scorpionfish is just how much explosive ordinance it carries, any sufficently strong strike capable of detonating the ammunition stockpile despite the numerous implemented safties to prevent such a thing from happening. If the Scorpionfish Super Heavy Missile Gunship is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before embarked models disembark. On a 5+ it explodes and each unit within 12" suffers 6 mortal wounds.
  • Barrier Shield Generator The Scorpionfish Super Heavy Gunship has a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
  • Velocity Tracker Add 1 to hit rolls for this unit when it shoots at a unit with the FLY keyword
  • Saturation Fire Should the Scorpionfish Super Heavy Missile Gunship fire all of its High-Yield Missile Pods against one target, that target does not gain the bonus to their saves from being in cover.
  • Flying Behemoth: This model does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for moving and firing Heavy weapons. It can also still fire its weapons if enemy units are within 1" of it (but only (hardwired gun drones) pulse carbines can target units that are within 1" of it – its other guns must target other units). In addition this model only gains a bonus to its save in cover if at least half of the model is obscured from the firer.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, <Sept>

Keywords (Scorpionfish)

Vehicle, Fly, Earth Caste Experiment, TX-108 Scorpionfish Super Heavy Missile Gunship, Titanic

Lord of War: Megalodon Super Heavy Assault Gunship 26 PL WIP [edit | edit source]

"One shot. One kill."

– Every sniper ever

Now Applied on Titanic Tanks

The Megalodon Super Heavy Assault Gunship is a Tau super-heavy Gunship first deployed in the wake of the second Damocles Gulf Crusade.

The Megalodon was developed as a response to the surprise of Imperial super-heavy tanks faced during that conflict and later engagements, and considerable effort was expended by the Earth Caste to develop a counter in the form of the Tau’s own super-heavy gunship. Lacking any other large vehicle as a basis, the Orca dropship design was modified with additional heavily armaments and armour, effectively reducing its mobility to that of a surface-bound skimmer. This variant was to become the Megalodon gunship and it carries no less than a Heavy rail cannon and 2 compact heavy burst cannons.

It has one single main weapon, a Heavy Rail Cannon that can kill small titans in one shot if it successfully hits, it may also exchange the Rail Cannon's solid shot for a fragmentary round that is designed to explode when fired above large clusters of enemies, raining dense fio'tak projectiles down in a shower of devastation that can bypass any cover the enemy hopes to hide behind. This flexibility has proven to be a major asset in recent Tau campaigns. Whilst the Megalodon may be slower than the majority of Tau units, its skimmer capabilities mean that negotiating difficult terrain normally is not an issue. In battle, the Megalodon may normally be found engaging super-heavy enemy armour in places where the T'au's regular anti super-heavies can not function.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Megalodon Super Heavy Assault Gunship * 6+ * 8 8 24 * 8 3+
12 - 24+ 12" 3+ 6
6 - 11 6" 4+ D6
1 - 5 3" 5+ 1

Unit Composition: 1 Megalodon Super Heavy Assault Gunship
Wargear: A Megalodon Super Heavy Assault Gunship is equipped with a Heavy Rail Cannon with both Solid Shot and Submunitions, a pair of Heavy Burst Cannons and 16 pulse carbines controlled by hardwired gun drones.

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
When firing the Heavy rail cannon you may choose to fire it using solid shot or submunitions
Heavy Rail Cannon (Solid Shot) 120" Macro 1 18 -5 2D6 Each to-wound roll of 6+ made for this weapon inflicts an additional D3 mortal wounds in addition to any other damage. (for Macro weapons see the top of this page or clik here)
Heavy Rail Cannon (Submunitions) 120" Macro 2D6 7 -2 2 Enemy models do not gain the benefits of cover when targetted by this weapon.
Heavy Burst Cannon 36" Heavy 12 6 -1 2 ---


  • Hover Tank: Distances must be measured to and from the hull of this model rather than its base
  • Cataclysmic Explosion: If the Megalodon Super Heavy Assault Gunship is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 5+ it explodes and each unit within 12" suffers 6 mortal wounds.
  • Barrier Shield Generator: The Megalodon Super Heavy Assault Gunship has a 5+ Invulnerable Save.
  • Flying Behemoth: This model does not suffer the penalty to to-hit rolls for moving and firing Heavy weapons. It can also still fire its weapons if enemy units are within 1" of it (but only (hardwired gun drones) pulse carbines can target units that are within 1" of it – its other guns must target other units). In addition this model only gains a bonus to its save in cover if at least half of the model is obscured from the firer.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, <Sept>

Keywords (Megalodon)

Vehicle, Fly, Earth Caste Experiment, TX-107 Megalodon Super Heavy Assault Gunship, Titanic

Kroot Mercenaries WIP [edit | edit source]

Unit List WIP [edit | edit source]


  • Ankor-Prok
  • Kal-Slathra
  • Great Shaper


  • Kroot Carnivore Kindred


  • Krootox Riders
  • Kroot Stalker Kindred
  • Shaper
  • Kroot Pariah (Blank)

Fast Attack

  • Kroot Raptor Kindred
  • Kroot Hounds
  • Knarloc Herd
  • Knarloc Riders

Heavy Support

  • Kroot Headhunter Kindred
  • Krootigor

Lord of War

  • Great Knarloc Riders
  • Great Knarloc Herd

Special rules Kroot Mercenaries WIP [edit | edit source]

Wild Keyword <SHAPING>[edit | edit source]

The <SHAPING> Keyword functions as the <CHAPTER>, or <SEPT> Keyword does, A Kroot Kindred with a different <SHAPING> Keyword from a Kroot Shaper, Great Shaper, Angkor Prok, or Kel-Slathra does not gain any benefit from the Wisest of All Ability, or any Totem's such units are equipped with. If you are using the Tau Auxiliary rules in your game, you may add the <SHAPING> Keyword to any units of Kroot Carnivores, Krootox Riders, Kroot Hounds, or Kroot Shapers in your army.

In addition, if your army is Battleforged, all units with the <SHAPING> Keyword gain a benefit based on which <SHAPING> they belong to.

<SHAPING> keywords include

  • First-Kindred - All <KROOT> models from this <SHAPING> gain +1 ld and +1 toughness, and all Models with the <Kroot Great Shaper>, or <Great Shaper> Keywords add 3" to the range of any Totem they are wielding (making it a 9" bubble).
  • Hawk-Kin - All <KROOT> models from this <SHAPING> may fall back from combat and shoot as though it possessed the <FLY> Keyword. In addition models from this <SHAPING> may charge and attack models with the Airborne ability as though they possessed the <FLY> Keyword.
  • Jungle-Skins - All <KROOT> models from this <SHAPING> increase their saves by +2 whenever they gain the benefits of cover, rather than +1.
  • Sharp-Eyes - All <KROOT> models from this <SHAPING> may increase the range of any ranged weapon by 6" so long as they do not move, advance, or fall-back in their previous movement phase.
  • Swift-Stride - All <KROOT> models from this <SHAPING> advance by D6+2" whenever they choose to advance, and charge D6+6" whenever they charge.

Wargear and points Kroot Mercenaries WIP [edit | edit source]

Ranged Weapons List (in rough power order)[edit | edit source]

Name Range Type S AP Damage Abilities Points
Boarding Shotgun 12" Assault 2 3 0 1 If the target is within half range add +1 to this weapon's Strength
Splinter Pistol 12" Pistol 1 * 0 1 This weapons wounds on a 4+ unless it is targetting a <VEHICLE>, in which case it wounds on a 6+
Shuriken Pistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ with this weapon, that hit is resolved as AP-3 instead of 0
Bolt Pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 ---
Las Pistol 12" Pistol 1 3 0 1 ---
Hand Flamer 8" Pistol 1D6 3 0 1 This weapon hits automatically
Pulse Pistol 12" Pistol 1 5 0 1 ---
Kroot Rifle (Shooting) 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 ---
Pulse Rifle 30" Rapid Fire 1 5 0 1 ---
Pulse Carbine 18" Assault 2 5 0 1 ---
Splinter Rifle 24" Rapid Fire 1 * 0 1 This weapons wounds on a 4+ unless it is targetting a <VEHICLE>, in which case it wounds on a 6+
Shuriken Catapult 12" Assault 2 4 0 1 Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ with this weapon, that hit is resolved as AP-3 instead of 0
Astartes Scout Shotgun 18" Assault 2 4 0 1 If the target is within half range add +1 to this weapon's Strength
Kroot Headhunter Rifle (Shooting) 36" Heavy 1 4 0 1 ---
Bolter 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 ---
Kroot Gun 48" Rapid Fire 1 7 -1 D3 ---
Knarloc Heavy Bolt Thrower (Iron Bolts) 48" Heavy 4 7 -2 2 ---
Knarloc Heavy Bolt Thrower (Explosive) 48" Heavy 2D3 5 0 1 ---
Krootigor Spines 18" * 6 0 1 This weapons type is Assault X, where X is equal to the number of attacks the wielder has
Flamer 8" Assault 1D6 4 0 1 This weapon hits automatically

Melee Weapon List (in rough power order)[edit | edit source]

Name Range Type S AP Damage Abilities Points
Kroot Rifle (Melee) Melee Melee +1 0 1 ---
Krootox Fists Melee Melee User 0 2 ---
Ripping Fangs Melee Melee User -1 1 ---
Ritual Blade Melee Melee User 0 1 If any models are destroyed by this weapon, all friendly <SHAPING> units within 6" do not have to take morale tests at the en of the turn.
Kroot Headhunter Rifle (Melee) Melee Melee +1 0 1 ---
Chainsword Melee Melee User 0 1 Each time the user fights, they may make 1 additional attack with this weapon
Eviscerator Melee Melee +1 -1 D3 ---
Krootigor Fangs Melee Melee User -3 D3 ---
Knarloc Beak Melee Melee x2 -3 2 This weapon may only make one attack per fight sub-phase
Knarloc Claws Melee Melee User 0 1 Each time the user fights, they may make 1 additional attack with this weapon
Hunting Lance Melee Melee +2 -1 1 ---
Greater Knarloc Maw Melee Melee x2 -3 2D3 This weapon may only make one attack per fight sub-phase. If this attack rolls a 5+ to wound then it deals an additional D3 Mortal Wounds.
Greater Knarloc Claws Melee Melee +2 -2 2 Each time the user fights, they may make 1 additional attack with this weapon

Totems & Fetishes (Give to a Great Shaper, 6" bubble buff)[edit | edit source]

  • Totem of the Hawk (+1 To-hit)
  • Totem of the Serpent (+1 To-Wound)
  • Totem of the Brute (-1AP)
  • Totem of the Favoured Son (5++ Inv save)
  • Totem of the Hound (+2" Movement)
  • Totem of the Lizard (Ignore Wounds on a 6+)

HQ: Ankor-Prok, Wisest of All Shapers WIP [edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Ankor-Prok, Wisest of All Shapers 7" 3+ 4+ 4 4 5 3 10 6+

Unit Composition: 1 Ankor-Prok, The Wisest of All Shapers
Wargear: Ankor-Prok, The Wisest of All Shapers, is equipped with a Pulse Rifle, a Pulse Pistol, a Ritual Blade, a Totem of the Favoured Son, A Totem of the Hawk, and a Totem of the Brute.

  • The Shaper Commands: (Xenos 2, pg 59)
  • Wisest of Their Kind: (Xenos 2, pg 59)

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire; Kroot; First Kindred Shaping

Unit Keywords

Infantry; Great Shaper; Character; Ankor-Prok, Wisest Of All Shapers;

HQ: Kal-Slathra, The Serpent Blooded WIP [edit | edit source]

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire; Kroot; Swift Stride Shaping

Unit Keywords

Infantry; Great Shaper; Character; Kel-Slathra, The Serpent Blooded;

HQ: Great Shaper ??? Points WIP [edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Great Shaper 7" 3+ 4+ 4 4 3 3 8 6+

Unit Composition: 1 Great Shaper
Wargear: A Kroot Great Shaper is equipped with a Kroot Rifle, a Las Pistol, and a Ritual Blade.

  • A Kroot Great Shaper may replace his Kroot rifle with a Ranged Weapon from the following list...
    • Pulse Rifle
    • Pulse Carbine
    • Splinter Rifle
    • Shuriken Catapult
    • Astartes Scout Shotgun
    • Bolter
  • A Kroot Great Shaper may replace his Las Pistol with a Ranged Weapon from the following list...
    • Splinter Pistol
    • Shuriken Catapult
    • Hand Flamer
    • Bolt Pistol
    • Pulse Pistol
  • A Kroot Great Shaper may take one of the following totems...
    • Totem of the Hawk
    • Totem of the Serpent
    • Totem of the Brute
    • Totem of the Favoured Son
    • Totem of the Hound
    • Totem of the Lizard


  • The Shaper Commands: (Xenos 2, pg 59)
  • Wisest of Their Kind: (Xenos 2, pg 59)

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, Kroot, <SHAPING>

Keywords: Infantry; Character; Kroot Great Shaper

Elites: Kroot Headhunter Kindred ??? Points WIP [edit | edit source]

"I swear! I swear upon the dark Gods that we didn't kill him! It was those savage animals that serve the T'au! Their snipers shot him, and then their warriors butchered us, sacrificing our wounded to their Shapers and Shamans! Have mercy Master, please!" --Unknown Heretic to Chaos Lord Krogol during the Rebellion of Por'vesh.

Kroot Headhunters are the most patient and accurate Kroot, who have mastered the art of the hunt. As such, they are revered, and given the training to use the finest crafted weapons of their race, the Headhunter Rifle. In addition, Headhunters will be permitted a sidearm, often a pulse pistol, due to fostering a respect from even the T'au Fire Warriors.

First deployed to great effect during the second Drukhari invasion of Pech, the highly accurate and concentrated fire from these warriors proved vital to Kroot victory at the battle at Korsal pass, a battle many consider the greatest to have ever taken place on Pech. Many a foe and commander have fallen to their deadeye aim, and the ever growing numbers of them will inevitably result in greater casualties for all enemies of the Shapers.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Headhunter 7" 3+ 3+ 3 3 2 2 6 6+

Unit Composition: 5 Kroot Headhunters
Wargear: A Kroot Headhunter is equipped with a Kroot Headhunter Rifle, and a Las Pistol.

  • A Kroot Headhunter may replace his Las Pistol with a Ranged Weapon from the following list...
    • Splinter Pistol
    • Shuriken Catapult
    • Hand Flamer
    • Bolt Pistol
    • Pulse Pistol


  • Snipers: This unit may target CHARACTERS even if they are not the closest unit.
  • Infiltrators: During Deployment this unit may be placed any where outside of the enemy deployment zone, so long as it is at least 12" away from any enemy unit.
  • Headhunters: Should this unit ever roll a 6+ to-wound when making a shooting attack, the target unit suffers an addition Mortal Wound.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, Kroot, <SHAPING>

Keywords: Infantry, Kroot Headhunter

Fast Attack: Kroot Raptor Kindred ??? Points WIP [edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem ipsum

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Raptor Kindred 10" 3+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 6+

Unit Composition: 5 Raptor Kindred
Wargear: A Kroot Raptor Kindred is equipped with a Kroot Rifle.

  • This unit may take up to 5 additional Raptor Kindred.


  • Stealthy Hunters: (Xenos 2, pg 58)
  • Aggressive Rush: Roll a D6 every time a Raptor Kindred ends its charge move within 1" of an enemy unit; on a 6, that enemy unit suffers an additional wound with 1 damage.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, Kroot

Infantry, Raptor Kindred, Fly

Heavy Support: Krootigor ??? Points WIP [edit | edit source]

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Krootigor * 4+ * 6 7 12 * 6 3+
7 - 12+ 8" 4+ 6
4 - 6 6" 5+ 2D3
1 - 3 4" 5+ 2

Unit Composition: 1 Krootigor
Wargear: A Krootigor is equipped with Krootigor Spines and Krootigor Fangs

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Krootigor Spines 18" * 6 0 1 This weapons type is Assault X, where X is equal to the number of attacks this model has
Krootigor Fangs Melee Melee User -3 D3 ---


  • Great Beast: This unit inflicts a -2 penalty to any Battleshock rolls made by any non-<KROOT> units it is locked in combat with.
  • Death-Roll: If this unit rolls a 6+ to wound in Melee combat it deals an additional Mortal Wound to the Target Unit.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, Kroot

Keywords Krootigor


Gue'Vesa WIP [edit | edit source]

<regiment> Gue'Vesa WIP [edit | edit source]

If you give your Astra Militarum models the Gue'Vesa regiment Keyword then the following conditions apply.

There are seperate ranged, special, heavy and melee weapon lists.

  • All lasguns are replaced with Mont'Ka Pattern Lasgun
  • All laspistols are replaced with Mont'Ka Pattern Laspistol
  • All models gain the <T'au Empire> faction keyword and lose the <Astra Militarum> keyword
  • All models gain the "For The Greater Good" ability
  • Models that have the "Voice of Command" ability gain the "Voice of the Gue'Vesa" ability (if they could use VOTC twice they may also use VOTGV twice)
  • All models gain the "Traitors" special rule

Units that may take the Gue'Vesa Regiment key word are

  • Infantry squad
  • Special Weapons squad
  • Platoon Commander
  • Company Commander

Unit List WIP [edit | edit source]


  • Gue'Vesa'El Liaison
  • Priest of the Greater Good
  • Gue'Vesa'O Orion Pax
  • Jeakim Slovas
  • John "Redtail" Mather


Dedicated Transports

  • Sawfish Light Transport


  • Gue'Vesa Sniper Squad
  • Gue'Vesa Strike Team

Fast Attack

  • Gue'Vesa Jump Sentinel

Heavy Support

  • Dogfish Medium Battle Tank
  • Stonefish Mobile Artillery Platform


  • Valkyrie Pisces

Lords of War

  • XV 11-8 Bane-Crawler

Special rules Gue'Vesa WIP [edit | edit source]

  • Traitors: Although the humans who have joined the Tau empire bear no ill-will towards their former compatriots, the same can not be said of Imperial troops fighting the auxiliaries. Imperium Models will have a +1 to hit on Gue'vesa in combat
  • Voice of the Gue'Vesa: At the start of your turn, all Gue'Vesa <Infantry> units within 6” of the <Gue'Vesa Liaison> gain one of the following benefits until the start of your next movement phase.
- Whenever a model suffers an unsaved wound roll a D6, on a 6+ that wound is ignored.
- This unit always attacks first in the Combat phase.
- This unit rolls 2D6 for all morale tests, and picks the lowest dice for their result.

Wild Keyword <Regiment> WIP [edit | edit source]

While the Gue'vesa have long since left the bleak and overly draconic dystopian authority of the Astra Militarum behind, they did not forget the beneficial teachings of their stints in the Imperium's grand forces. Instead blending and refining the lessons they had learned with the combat style of their new T'au allies. These new regiments form the heart of the Gue'vesa fighting force, and are often seen battling alongside similarly specialised T'au Hunter Cadres. The regiment names are often taken from the warzone in which the Gue'vesa found themselves defecting to the T'au empire.

<Regiment> Keywords include

  • T'Ros Ospreys
  • Dal'yth 2nd
  • Damocles Dragoons
  • Ghosts of Gorgon

Wargear and points Gue'Vesa WIP [edit | edit source]

Ranged Weapons List

Name Range Type S AP Damage Abilities Points
Shotgun 12" Assault 2 3 0 1 If the target is within half range add +1 to this weapon's Strength 0
Mont'Ka Pattern Laspistol 12" Pistol 2 3 0 1 --- 1
Mont'Ka Pattern Lasgun 24" Rapid Fire 2 3 0 1 --- 1
Sha'Ka Pattern Hellpistol 12" Pistol 2 3 -2 1 --- 7
Sha'Ka Pattern Hellgun 18" Assault 4 3 -2 D3 --- 18
Flamer 8" Assault 1D6 4 0 1 This weapon hits automatically 7
Fusion Lance 18" Assault 1 7 -3 D3 At half range this weapon does D6 damage 11
Gue'Vesa Grenade Launcher (Frag) 24" Assault 1D3 3 0 1 ---
Gue'Vesa Grenade Launcher (Krak) 24" Assault 1 6 -1 D3 ---
Gue'Vesa Grenade Launcher (Photon) 24" Assault 1D6 - - - This profile does not inflict any damage. Your opponent must subtract 1 from any hit rolls made by <INFANTRY> units that have suffered any hits from this profile until the end of their combat phase.
Strike Team Plasma Rifle 24" Assault 1 6 -3 1 If a model equipped with this weapon does not move or advance in its previous movement phase it may fire this weapon twice 8
Plasma Pistol 12" Pistol 1 6 -3 1 --- 5

Melee Weapons List

Name Range Type S AP Damage Abilities Points
Combat Blade Melee Melee User 0 1 Each time the bearer fights, it may make one additional attack with this weapon 0

Mont'Ka Pattern Lasgun One of the many hidden concerns of the Ethereal caste when the Gue'vesa deserters were folded into the Tau Empire's Warforce was that they held no certain guarantee that they would not turn traitor on the Fire Caste during any battles in which they were deployed. Eventually it was decided, in order to counter this potentially diasterous scenario, that every Gue'Vesa weapon would be outfitted with a Kill-Switch that would cause the equipment to malfunction explosively without appearing to be intentional sabotage. In order to make sure this plan was possible every single Gue'Vesa soldier was given a Mont'Ka Pattern Lasgun, modelled after the Triplex Pattern Lasgun, to replace their old imperial models, under the guise of an upgraded arsenal to help them fight alongside the Fire Caste. Most Gue'Vesa soldiers can go their entire careers without realising they are holding a bomb designed to kill them should they ever choose to betray their new culture, but, as the Ethereal Council decided "Such is the cost of treachery".

Special weapon list

  • Flamer
  • Fusion Lance
  • Ion Rifle
  • Long-shot Pulse Rifle

Heavy weapon list

  • Airbursting Fragmentation Projector
  • Missile Pod
  • Smart Missile System
  • High-Intensity Markerlight
  • Burst Cannon

HQ: Gue'Vesa Auxiliary Liaison WIP [edit | edit source]

'Gentleman, as usual, the dirty work of siege warfare is up to us. - Gue'Ves'El Yelvin Torrens, addressing his men before the siege of Jurok'

Commanding the detachment of Gue'Vesa auxiliary, the Liaison helps the Tau Fire caste commanders better utilize the Gue'Vesa. While nominally outranking most of the Fire Caste, the Liaison typically only leads the Gue'Vesa. Despite this, he is seen as a valuable ally.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Gue'Vesa'El 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+

Unit Composition: This unit is comprised of one Gue'Vesa'El
Wargear: A Gue'Vesa'El is equipped with a Mont'Ka Lasgun, a Mont'Ka Laspistol, a Combat Blade, and Photon Grenades
Wargear Options:
  • May exchange his Mont'Ka Lasgun for a ---
-Pulse Rifle
-Pulse Carbine
-Pulse Blaster
-Sha'Ka Hellgun
  • May exchange his Mont'Ka Laspistol for a ---
-Pulse Pistol
-Sha'Ka Hellpistol
  • Traitors
  • Voice of the Gue'vesa

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire; Gue'Vesa, <Regiment>

Keywords - Gue'Vesa'El

Infantry; Gue'Vesa'El; Character; Liaison

HQ: Priest of The Greater Good WIP[edit | edit source]

"Believe, brothers! Believe in the Greater Good, let our enemies tremble in terror!"

Former Imperial priests who have been shown the error of their ways, and have taken up service to the Ethereals as atonement for their Transgressions. Fierce warriors equipped with finely crafted armors and trained in the use of fiery rhetoric, these warrior priests know no fear but fear itself. Though limited in number, they are a popular among the Gue'vesa population of the T'au Empire.

Indeed, T'au propaganda broadcasts often depict them as the pinnacle of service to the empire, and this is not untrue. The physical training is extremely taxing, and many drop out or die in the attempt. Further still drop out, the intellectual demands leaving only the purest to serve the Empire.
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Gue'Vesa Aun'Saal 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 3 3 9 4+

Unit Composition: This unit is comprised of one Gue'Vesa Aun'Saal. This unit may take up to two additional Gue'Vesa Aun'Saal.
Wargear: A Gue'Vesa'Aun'Saal is equipped with a Mont'Ka Laspistol, and a Combat Blade
Wargear Options:
  • May exchange his Mont'Ka Laspistol for a ---
-Pulse Pistol
-Sha'Ka Hellpistol
  • Traitors
  • Martyrdom: Such is their unending fervour & unshakable faith in the Greater Good these priest's rhetoric can sway the hearts of their Gue'Vesa to unbreaking valour. All <Gue'Vesa> infantry units with 6" may use this models Ld when making Morale checks.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire; Gue'Vesa, <Regiment>

Keywords - Gue'Vesa Aun'Saal

Infantry; Gue'Vesa Aun'Saal; Character;

HQ: Jeakim Slovas WIP[edit | edit source]

"Goooooood morning, Damocles!"

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet
Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Jeakim Slovas 6" 4+ 3+ 3 3 4 3 9 4+

Unit Composition: This unit is comprised of Jeakim Slovas.
Wargear: A Gue'Vesa'Aun'Saal is equipped with a Sha'Ka Helpistol, a Combat Blade, and a personal Shield Generator
  • Traitors
  • Shield Generator: This model has a 4++ Invulnerable save.
  • Martyrdom: Such is their unending fervour & unshakable faith in the Greater Good these priest's rhetoric can sway the hearts of their Gue'Vesa to unbreaking valour. All <Gue'Vesa> infantry units with 6" may use this models Ld when making Morale checks.
  • Radio Presence: Once per battle, at the beginning of your turn, you may activate this ability. Until the start of your next movement phase, all <Gue'Vesa> units may roll two dice for their morale checks, and discard the highest result.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire; Gue'Vesa, <Damocles Dragoons>

Keywords - Jeakim Slovas

Infantry; Jeakim Slovas; Character;

Dedicated Transport: Sawfish Light Transport WIP[edit | edit source]

"Nothing like the wind in your hair, eh Lads?" "Not the time Sarge" Black Box recording of the first transport test flight of the Sawfish, Team was Harakoni Ospreys.

Once again demonstrating their nigh suicidal preference for high speed deployment, the Elysian & Harakoni engineers that joined the Gue'vesa turned their attention to some of the wrecked and ruined Piranha skimmers that still dotted the T'ros desert scape with the intention of creating a small, but fast troop transport.

They definitely succeeded.

Retaining all the speed of the Piranha it's based on, the Sawfish High-Altitude Shielded Personal Carrier is a high speed transport, capable of zooming across the battlefield in a matter of seconds, deploying its cargo, before picking up another load of troops, and moving them to where they are needed most.

The only problem with its current design, is the lack of armament, in order to make space for the improved Skimmer Engines, Shield Generators, Hand Holds, and Runner strips, the Sawfish can only mount a Single Burst Cannon or Fusion Blaster, making it unsuitable for duties outside of troop transport.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Sawfish Light Transport 16" 6+ 4+ 4 5 6 2 6 4+

Unit Composition: This unit contains 1 Sawfish Light Transport.
Wargear: A Sawfish Light Transport is equipped with a Burst Cannon
  • Explodes: If a Sawfish is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. On a 6+ it explodes and each unit with 3" suffers a Mortal wound.
  • Traitors
  • Shield Generator: This model has a 4++ Invulnerable save.

This model can transport up to 6 <Gue'Vesa> <Infantry> models

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire; Gue'Vesa, <Regiment>

Keywords - Sawfish Light Transport

Vehicle; Fly; Sawfish Light Transport;

Dedicated Transport: Spookfish APC WIP [edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Spookfish APC * 6+ * 6 7 10 * 7 3+
6-10 12" 4+ 3
3-5 8" 5+ 1D3
1-2 4" 5+ 1

Unit Composition: This Unit consists of one Spookfish APC
Wargear: A Spookfish APC is equipped with a Missile Pod, a Smart Missile Systems, and two Mont'Ka Lasgun Arrays.

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Mont'Ka Lasgun Array 24" Rapid Fire 6 3 0 1 This weapon may only be fired if a unit is embarked on the vehicle equipped with it.

Wargear options A Spookfish APC may replace its ---

  • Explodes: If a Spookfish APC is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.


This model can transport up to 12 <Gue'Vesa> <Infantry> models

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, Gue'Vesa <Regiment>

Keywords: Spookfish APC

Vehicle; Spookfish APC

Elite: Gue'Vesa Sniper Team WIP [edit | edit source]

The Valkyrie's Mark falls upon my prey. Forgive me God Emperor, for I shall take the life of one of your servants

Mathis slid on his belly across the surface of a rock, gently crawling forward on the tips of his fingers and toes. A rifle was cradled underneath his belly, and held in place with elbows. With the full cover of his cloak, the sniper probably looked more akin to a bush than a six foot, one inch tall human. Mathis scanned the battlefield going on below, from his perch inside of a cliff facing. To his sides, five of his brothers in arms were setting up the scopes for their rifles.

The Squad leader quietly rubbed sand directly into the lense of his scope, then unzipped a freezer-bag full of crushed ice, to place directly in his mouth. With his rituals complete, Mathis scanned the battlefield for his Quarry, and surely enough the space marine commander was engaged with a crisis team. Several Valkyrie's Marks were held in place on his armor by forward spotters, which he pointed his uplink towards to gain targeting data.

"On my mark-.." Mathis mouthed through his numb tongue into the cool night air, and with the ice in his mouth not a single breath could be seen. He tapped his toes into the sand, once, twice.. And thrice as all six rifles kicked in unison. The heaviest of the rifles made the most noise as their plasma bolts split the air, and thunder responded as it rushed back into the brief void. Their quarry looked surprised for a moment, as if the unthinkable happened. His Arm had been vaporized at the shoulder, with only a sliver of metal still holding the rest to his body, and a krak-grenade sized hole was present in his lower torso.

Mathis stood and signaled his squad to get moving, when he noticed a splattering of blood on his legs. Jonas; the sniper beside him, was bisected from his forehead to crotch by a still-burning slug embedded in the cliff-wall. He had just enough time to shout out "COUNTER SNIPERS!" before his leg was vaporized from the kneecap down.

While the Fire Warrior caste prefers more mobile warfare. Some Tau commanders have started to use Gue'Vesa in a sniper role. Infiltrating the battlefield days before the battle, these men wait for the shots that can change the course of the battle. Equipped with Longshot Pulse Rifles normally equipped on sniper drones, they can take out most of the commanders that the Tau face, for the heavier foes the Sniper Teams sometimes will be issued Tau Rail Rifles.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Gue'Vesa'la 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 6 5+
Gue'Vesa'ui 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 2 7 5+

Unit Composition: 2 Gue'Vesa'la and 1 Gue'Vesa'ui. May take upto 3 additional Gue'Vesa La
Wargear: Each Gue'Vesa is equipped with a Long-shot Pulse Rifle.

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Long-Shot Pulse Rifle 48" Rapid Fire 1 5 0 1 This weapon may target a <CHARACTER> even if they are not the closest enemy unit.


  • Traitors
  • Marksman: Each time you make a wound roll of 6+ for this unit's shooting attacks, the target unit suffers an additional Mortal Wound.
  • Night-Sight Scope: This unit doesn't duffer any penalties to their to-hit rolls for low-vision conditions
  • Camo Cloaks: When this unit beneifits from cover increase its save by 2+, instead of 1+.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, Gue'vesa, <Regiment>


Infantry, Gue'vesa Sniper Team

Elite: Gue'Vesa Strike Team WIP [edit | edit source]

"Squads Alpha, Charlie, Hotel, Whiskey hitting the ground in 5. Shas'O, we will take the pressure off of your men!"

John Mather relaxed his legs while the ground rushed up underneath him, as he trusted the altimeter to deploy the chute at the absolute last second. The man drew up, and swung his body forwards to gain more momentum, when suddenly the chute jerked his entire body back. The ground came and he ducked into a roll with a carbine tucked horizontally over his torso. The whole world then rotated around him twice before he could break the motion.

He came out shooting, three seconds before he took aim. The snap-fires caught a guardsman right between the plates of his flak armor, and incinerated his guts. John leaped over the tumbling guardsman corpse, and four shots climbed the torso of a second guardsmen, with the last one splattering bone fragments from his chin in various directions. Two more of his brothers dropped to the ground firing, just in time to catch the third gunner as he took aim for John.

John kept moving even as more men fell to the ground. "Come my Doves, follow the red-tail! We're on a hunt!"

An elite team forged by some of the most skilled Gue'Vesa in the septs. Often drawn from former drop regiments, or their decendents. Gue'Vesa strike teams are all equipped with the same Grav-chutes that they trained as in their former regiments, which these teams utilize to make hot-drops into fortified positions.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Gue'Vesa'Ui 7" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 7 4+
Gue'Vesa'Vre 7" 4+ 3+ 3 3 1 1 8 4+

Unit Composition: This unit is comprised of 4 Gue'Vesa'Ui and a Gue'Vesa'Vre. It may take 5 additional Gue'Vesa'Ui
Wargear: Each Gue'Vesa'Ui is equipped with a Pulse Carbine, a Combat Blade Frag Grenades, Krak Grenades, and Photon Grenades. The Gue'Vesa'Vre is equipped with a Pulse Pistol, a CCW, and Frag, Krak, and Photon Grenades
Wargear Options

  • The Gue'Vesa'Vre may exchange his Pulse Pistol and/or Combat Blade for one of the options from the following list ---
    • Shotgun
    • Mont'Ka Laspistol
    • Plasma Pistol
  • Any Gue'Vesa'Ui may exchange their Pulse Carbine and/or Combat Blade for one of the options from the following list ---
    • Pulse Pistol
    • Pulse Rifle
    • Pulse Blaster
  • Up to four Gue'Vesa'Ui may exchange their Pulse Carbine for one of the following ---
    • Flamer
    • Gue'Vesa Grenade Launcher (Frag, Krak, Photon)
    • Ion Rifle
    • Rail Rifle
    • Strike Team Plasma Rifle


  • Traitors
  • Hot Drop: During deployment you can set this squad up in a Pisces Transport instead of setting them up on the battlefield. At the end of any of your movement phases, they can Hot Drop on to the battlefield - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from enemy models.
  • Cadre Tactics: Strike Teams are often formed from Veteran squads that have joined the greater good, turning their specialist training to the agenda of the T'au empire. during Deployment each unit with this ability must choose one of the following Cadre Tactics, this cannot be changed.
    • Recon Vanguard: Models in this unit add 2 rather than 1 to their saves when benefitting from cover.
    • Stalwart Rearguard: Models in this unit may re-roll any failed save.
    • Rapid Response: Models in this unit may, once per battle, Advance and Shoot as if they hadn't moved that turn.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, Gue'Vesa, <Regiment>

Keywords: Gue'Vesa Strike Team

Infantry; Gue'Vesa Strike Team

Fast Attack: Gue'Vesa Jump Sentinel WIP [edit | edit source]

"Matching suicide burns in three.. Thrusters engaged! Let's teach those damn orks the meaning of Dynamic Entry!"

The offbrand Gue'vesa Piranha, these lightly modified sentinels are equipped with jump jets not only to enhance mobility, but also to give it an extra crushing blow when dropping on enemy lines. Indeed, many unfortunate foe have been crushed moments after hearing the distinct scream of the Jump jets propelling the machine downward.

Once in position, the mighty Jump Sentinel releases a payload of punishing fire upon its now helpless prey, spraying them with flames and burst cannon fire, cutting down any foe unfortunate enough to survive the entry of the Gue'vesa war engines. In addition, these units can be used to provide rapid support to stranded or pinned down infantry squads, support that rarely goes unappreciated.

(Best bet for building a jump Sentinel? Try using the jetpack from an XV8, and replace the regular weapons with either a burst cannon, flamer, missile pod, or fusion blaster. It'll take some kit bashing magic, but luckily you can use your imagination to make it look the way you want.)

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Jump Sentinel 10" 4+ 4+ 5 5 6 1 7 3+

Unit Composition: This unit is comprised of 1 Gue'Vesa Jump Sentinel. It may take 1 or 2 additional Gue'Vesa Jump Sentinels.
Wargear: Each Gue'Vesa Jump Sentinel is equipped with a Flamer
Wargear Options

  • Any Gue'Vesa Jump Sentinel may replace their Flamer with a ---
    • Burst Cannon
    • Fusion Blaster
    • Missile Pod


  • Traitors
  • Explodes: If a model in this unit is reduced to 0 wounds roll a D6 before removing the model from the battlefield. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit with 3" suffers 1 mortal wound.
  • Hot Drop: During deployment you can set this squad up in a Pisces Transport instead of setting them up on the battlefield. At the end of any of your movement phases, they can Hot Drop on to the battlefield - set them up anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9" away from enemy models.
  • Crushing Impact: Roll a D6 each time a Gue'Vesa Jump Sentinel finishes a charge within 1" of an enemy unit; on a 6 that enemy unit suffers a mortal wound.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire; Gue'Vesa; <Regiment>

Keywords: Gue'Vesa Jump Sentinel

Vehicle; Fly; Gue'Vesa Jump Sentinel

Heavy Support: Gue'Vesa Heavy Weapon Squad WIP [edit | edit source]

Designating target! Shas'O, you are clear to launch Seeker missiles now!

Gue'Vesa Heavy Weapons squads are the T'au counterpart to Imperial Heavy Weapon teams. They are designed to take the loathsome role of holding a position, and having the weaponry to kill or hurt anything that get near their entrenched position.

Alternatively, some commanders opt to use them as either light artillery, or as spotters for the rest of the army. Notably, these units are given a degree of trust most Auxiliaries are not permitted, allowed to use weapons that would almost always be fielded on either a Battlesuit or a tank, an honor that many units take with pride.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Heavy Weapon Team 5" 4+ 4+ 3 3 2 1 6 4+
Gue'Vesa'Ui 6" 4+ 4+ 3 3 1 1 7 4+

Unit Composition: This unit is comprised of 3 Heavy Weapon Teams, and 1 Gue'Vesa'Ui. It may take up to 3 additional Gue'Vesa Heavy Weapon Teams.
Wargear: A Heavy Weapon Team is equipped with a Mont'Ka Laspistol. A Gue'Vesa Ui is equipped with a Pulse Carbine, a Markerlight, and Photon Grenades
Wargear Options

  • A Heavy Weapon Team must choose one of the following options
  • - Long Barrelled Burst Cannon
  • - High Yield Missile Pod
  • - High Intensity Markerlight
  • - Airbursting Fragmentation Projector
  • - Heavy Rail Rifle


  • Traitors

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire; Gue'Vesa; <Regiment>

Keywords (Gue'Vesa Heavy Weapon Team)

Infantry; Gue'Vesa Heavy Weapon Team

Keywords (Gue'Vesa'Ui)

Infantry; Gue'Vesa'Ui

Heavy Support: Dogfish Battle Tank WIP [edit | edit source]

"What have they done! The machine spirits scream in the agony of the heresy committed upon them! -Techpriest 33108, upon the recovery of a Dogfish class tank."

Dogfish Tempest

The workhorse of the Imperial Army, the Leman Russ Battle Tank was left behind in huge numbers during the Imperium’s extraction from the Damocles Gulf, during the Damocles Crusade, and their rout from the Mining planet of T’ros, and while the Tau Fire Caste looks upon the Leman Russ as slow, and primitive, their Gue’Vesa allies have continued to use the Leman Russ with added modifications by the Tau’s Earth Caste, retrofitting new weapon loadouts, sub-systems, and power sources.

Initially built from the Leman Russ Punisher, the Dogfish Tempest retains the devastating fire rate of its originator, but has been upgraded to carry a set of 4 independently operated Burst Cannons, alongside an inbuilt Point Defence Targeting Relay, allowing the Tempest to act as the Gue’Vesa’s primary defensive tank, capable of beating back hordes of Ork Boyz, Tyranid Gaunts, Elder Warriors, & those still loyal to the Imperium.

Dogfish Thunderhead

The Tau have long since mastered Plasma, making the Leman Russ Executioner look remarkably primitive in comparison to their own technology, the constant threat of shorting out, venting steam into the crew compartments, discharging the containment field, or just overloading the coupling and exploding making the Tau earth caste engineers & scientists whose job it was to analyse the vehicle shake their heads in disappointment at the crudeness of the weapon, before taking the technology and using it to develop the Thunderhead.

Far more refined than the Executioner Plasma Cannon, the Thunderhead boasts a greater rate of fire & much greater stability; however this upgrade comes at the cost of the Executioners firepower & area of effect, making the Thunderhead an excellent Heavy Infantry hunter, & Light Vehicle killer, while it is unable to deal with threats of the same calibre as its originator.

Dogfish Undertow

The Riptide’s development history was long, and riddled with difficulties & setbacks, firstly the constant search for a suitable power source, which finally ended with the creation of the Nova Power Core Reactor, and the development of suitable weaponry.

Originally the Earth Caste attempted to make an overgrown version of the Pulse Sub-munition Rifle, mounted on the XV-9 Hazard suit, but the extreme weight of this weapon made it unsuitable for the mobility requirements, while the regular Battlesuit weapons didn’t have the punch that the Riptide was supposed to deliver.

This led the Earth Caste to develop the Ripple Cannon, a prototype phase for the Riptides eventual weapon, the Heavy Burst Cannon. The Ripple Cannon was designed to test the Nova Reactors power limits before the power limiters were released and the initial tests were promising, the Nova reactor providing more than enough power; however when overcharged the Ripple cannon had a near 80% chance of self-destructing, as its internal components were unable to handle the high tolerances demanded by the full power of the Nova Reactor. As such the Prototype Ripple Cannons were thrown to the side as the Earth Caste worked on the Heavy Burst Cannon, until Gue’Vesa Fio’El Dal’yth Aeron Ron’Shi found the blue-prints, and with permission from his Fio’O supervisor mounted it on a Dogfish with an upgraded Plasma Generator.

Christened the Dogfish Undertow, the Ripple Cannon has proven its worth in combating the heavy infantry of the Ork Hordes, the larger Bioforms of the Tyranid Swarms, & the elite Storm troopers of the Astra Militarum.

Dogfish Fogbank

The Leman Russ Battle tank is possibly the most versatile vehicle found in the Imperium of Man, however for all of its variants the Tau encountered in the Damocles Crusade, The T’ros Campaign, and the various Brush-Fire conflicts that erupt every so often, the Tau have never noticed a Variant that was able to provide any anti-air fire, that purpose being relegated to the Chimera-Mounted Hydra-Flak Tank.

However in the aftermath of most battles the Hydra’s were too heavily damaged, or recovered by Imperial forces before the Tau earth Caste engineers could find a suitable specimen. This has led to the Gue’Vesa Engineers working with the Earth Caste to replicate the Hydra-Flak tanks level of Anti-Air fire without access to any blueprints, working examples, or usable templates.

Originally, the Earth Caste thought that the best way to emulate the Hydra’s long range, would be a Heavy Rail-Rifle Battery, mounted on a modified Skyray Tower, allowing for a field of fire that could include Ground-based opponents, however the recoil forced upon the gun tower by the rapid firing rate required was deemed too high for the Materials to handle, and the idea was scrapped in favour of a Modified Smart Missile System which was currently undergoing prototype testing for usage with the Skyray Missile Defence Gunship. Called the Fogbank Missile Pod, the missiles payload was extensively modified to maximise range, stability and accuracy, allowing it to act as a weaker variant of the Seeker Missile for use in extended campaigns where supplies could run low, while being outfitting with the drone intelligence of the Smart-Missile-System allowed it be fired at targets beyond the wielders Line of Sight without the aid of Markerlight targeting data.

As it is still in its testing phase, the Fogbank Missile Pod has been given to the Gue’Vesa Auxiliaries for the purpose of testing its efficiency on the battlefield, however the Engineers of the Earth Caste have High Hopes for the Weapon, and the Tanks they have outfitted it with.

(No tips here. You'll have to make it yourself. On the bright side, so long as it isn't stupid looking, you can build it however you want.)

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Dogfish Medium Battle Tank * 6+ * 7 8 12 * 7 3+
7-12 10" 4+ 3
4-6 7" 5+ 1D3
1-3 4" 5+ 1

Unit Composition: This Unit consists of one Dogfish Medium Battle Tank
Wargear: A Dogfish Medium Battle Tank is Equipped with a Quad-Linked Burst Cannon Array and 2 Heavy Flamers

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Quad-Linked Burst Cannon Array 36" Assault 16 5 0 1 ---
Thunderhead Plasma Cannon 36" Heavy 5 8 -3 D3 ---
Undertow Ripple Cannon 36" Assault 6 6 -1 1 All wound rolls of 6+ have an AP of -3
Twin Fogbank Missile Pod 72" Heavy 12 6 0 1 Units in cover do not gain any bonus to their saving throws against wounds made by this weapon
Heavy Flamer 8" Heavy D6 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits
Twin Flamer 8" Assault 2D6 4 0 1 This weapon automatically hits

Wargear options

A Dogfish Medium Battle Tank may replace its Quad-Linked Burst Cannon array with one of the following options ---

- A Thunderhead Plasma Cannon
- A Undertow Ripple Cannon
- A Twin Fogbank Missile Pod

A Dogfish Medium Battle Tank may replace both its Heavy Flamers with one of the following options ---

- A Long Barrelled Burst Cannon
- A Heavy Rail Rifle

A Dogfish Medium Battle Tank may take a pair of the following options ---

T'au Plasma Rifle
Burst Cannon
Fusion Blaster
Twin Flamer
Missile Pod


  • Explodes: If a Dogfish Medium Battle Tank is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, Gue'Vesa <Regiment>

Keywords: Dogfish Medium Battle Tank

Vehicle; Dogfish Medium Battle Tank

Heavy Support: Stonefish Artillery Tank WIP [edit | edit source]

"Enemy position sighted! Opening fire!"

The Stonefish Artillery Tank is the hybrid of a Basilisk Artillery tank and T'au technology. Equipped with the T'au equivalent of an Earthshaker cannon, it is being used as a testbed for multiple Earth caste weapon systems.

If the weapons prove reliable, they will be integrated not just into defensive fortifications around the empire, but into the war Fire Caste as well.

(Modeling tip: The best idea to model? Take a Basilisk, Replace the sponson weapon with either the heavy flamer or burst cannon. Unfortunately, not much to do about the Earthshaker cannon, but on the bright side, more creative liberty!)

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Stonefish Artillery Tank * 6+ * 7 7 12 * 7 3+
7-12 10" 4+ 3
4-6 7" 5+ 1D3
1-3 4" 5+ 1

Unit Composition: This Unit consists of one Stonefish Artillery Tank
Wargear: A Stonefish Artillery Tank is Equipped with a Stonefish Pulse Barrage Cannon and a Heavy Flamer.

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Stonefish Pulse Barrage Cannon 12"-72" Heavy 3D6 5 0 1 This weapon may target units that are not visible to the bearer. This weapon may re-roll all failed hit rolls.

Wargear options

A Stonefish Artillery Tank may replace its Heavy Flamer with ---

- A Burst Cannon


  • Explodes: If a Stonefish Artillery Tank is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield. On a 6+ it explodes and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, Gue'Vesa <Regiment>

Keywords: Stonefish Artillery Tank

Vehicle; Stonefish Artillery Tank

Demiurg WIP [edit | edit source]

Mantic games has a beurifull set of Space dwarf miniatures (called forge fathers). The rules here are inspired by the models that can be found there so it is easer to make a army of these awesome space dwarfs.
Side note I am terrible at naming stuff if anybody thinks they got a better demiurg name for a unit go ahead.

Unit List WIP [edit | edit source]


  • Brotherhood Elder
  • Thrudrak Alemetal, Master of Runes


  • Militia Warriors
  • Beard-ling Warriors
  • Iron Brother

Dedicated Transport

  • Rock Hopper APC


  • Honor Guard
  • Stone Souled

Fast Attack

  • Warrior drop team
  • Comet Scout Tank

Heavy Support

  • Avalanche Heavy Battle tank
  • Star bound Artillery
  • Iridium Brother

Special rules Demiurg WIP [edit | edit source]

storm: Storm weapons are weapons that are fully automatic if a 6+ is rolled to hit you count that hit a 2 hits instead.

Ion Dampener: Models that have a Ion Dampener may roll a D6 each time they would suffer a Mortal Weapon from overcharging an Ion Weapon weapon they are carrying, on a 3+ this damage is ignored.

Runes of the Stone-Kin: Demiurg Runesmiths differ from the usual hectic and forceful calling of power employed by Chaos sorcerers and Ork Weirdboyz. Instead carefully carving and preparing ancient runes by inscribing them upon slates of adamantite, before imbuing them with arcane energy in lengthy rituals. In this way the Demiurg can reliably harness the primordial energy of planets that sits beyond the grasp of all but the most willful or powerful of Psykers. However activating these runes comes with a danger of their own as the Runesmith must become the conduit for this energy as the rune is activated, and reports of Rune Smiths who have lost control of this power range anywhere from the caster joining with the stone of the planet itself, to Volcanoes opening beneath beneath the battlefield and drowning entire worlds in lava.
For the purpose of the rules there is no difference between these and normal psychic powers. When choosing powers the caster may choose his powers or roll a D6 to see wich one he will gets.

Power D6 Charge Value
Rune of Shielding 1 5/10 Choose one friendly unit with 24", that unit gains a +1 bonus to their Armour saves Until the start of your next Psychic phase. If this power is successfully manifested on a 10+, the chosen unit gets +2 to it Armour save instead.
Rune of Grounding 2 6 If this power is successfully activated, nothing happens immediately. Instead note down the difference between this powers Charge Value and the result of the Psychic test (Psychic test - 6 = +X). Until the controlling player's next movement phase, the caster gains +X as a bonus to any Deny the Witch rolls they make. Furthermore, the amount of deny the witch tests the caster may make is increased by one.
Rune of Devastation 3 8 Channeling the fury of the very ground they stand upon, Demiurg Runesmiths may cause the earth to rebel against their enemy. Choose one enemy unit with 24" and line of sight, that unit suffers D3 Mortal wounds if they are out of cover. If they are in cover they instead suffer D3+3 Mortal wounds
Rune of Protection 4 7 Choose one friendly unit with 24", that unit may roll a dice everything it receives a mortal wound on a 3+ the wound is ignored. the effect last Until the start of your next Psychic phase.
Rune of Amplification 5 7 If this power is successfully activated, nothing happens immediately. Instead note down the difference between this powers Charge Value and the result of the Psychic test (Psychic test - 7 = +X). The caster may either grant this bonus to another friendly Runesmith within 24", or may store power for his own use. The next psychic power cast by the target of the Rune gets a bonus of +X to it cast roll.
Rune of Fury 6 5 Choose one friendly Demiurg unit with 24", that unit has re-roll 1 to hit and to wound Until the start of your next Psychic phase.

Wargear and points Demiurg WIP [edit | edit source]

Storm weaponry WIP [edit | edit source]

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Storm Rifle 18" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 storm
Storm Pistol 6" Pistol 2 4 0 1 storm
Twin Storm Cannon 36" Rapid Fire 2 6 0 1 storm

Melee Weaponry WIP [edit | edit source]

Name Type S AP D Abilities
Forge hammer Melee +2 -1 2

Troop: Militia Warriors 3 PL[edit | edit source]

Militia, gathered and ready! -Demiurg Militia Veteran Durian Rocksmasher.

  • Early stage fluff. Please levy criticism in comments* Durable miners by nature, Militia Warriors are emergency troops mustered by Demiurg Clans to fulfill trade agreements when the mining is scarce. T'au highly value these warriors, using them in garrisons, providing guard duty in fortifications, and siege warfare. In spite of their fearsome reputation, their armor is little better than the simple Guardsman. in spite, they make up for this with suicidal resolve, and almost berzerker rage that makes them a surprisingly tough enemy

Despite their high demand from the Fire Caste, most militia are merely a stop gap payment until the debt can be repaid in total. After this time, the most militia will return to their clan. The select few may enjoy the glory of battle however, and become full time soldiers called Iron Brothers.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Militia Warriors 5" 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 1 7 4+
Militia Veteran 5" 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 2 8 4+

Unit Composition: 4 Militia warriors and 1 Militia Veteran. this unit may include up to 5 extra Militia Warriors (for 2 Pl), 10 extra Militia Warriors (for 2 Pl) or 15 extra Militia Warriors (for 6 Pl) . Every model is equipped with a Storm rifle.
Wargear options

  • The Militia Veteran may replace its Storm rifle with a Forge hammer.


Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Storm Rifle 18" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 storm

Abilities Suicidal Resolve: When this unit advances, you may add 2" to its advance distance.

Berzerker Rage: declare once per shooting phase. You must subtract 1 from shooting hit rolls, but gain d3 attacks when in melee combat. Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, Demiurg, <Brotherhood>


Infantry, Militia Warrior

Troop: Iron Brother 4 PL[edit | edit source]

Come lads! Its time to taste glory in war! -Iron Brother Pickhash Drillbane

  • very early development fluff. please levy criticism in comments* Iron Brothers are militia warriors who elected to stay fighting for the T'au, either due to some unsatisfied honor, or lust for the glory and thrill of combat. Iron Brothers, unlike their militia kin, are given better armor, making them excellent siege and anti-infantry units, and are highly honored by their brotherhood. Many a T'au will attest to this fact, showing healthy respect for the stopping power of their Twin Storm Cannons.

Additionally, their armor is forged from among the finest the Demiurg have to offer their honored kin. Even the ubiquitous Bolter and the humble Lasgun will find it difficult to penetrate. There are few sights more relieving to a Breacher team than the arrival of a squad Iron Brothers to help clear the trenches, and the few who ever survive the blow of their powerful forgehammers learn to fear and respect these honored warriors.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Iron Brother 5" 4+ 4+ 5 6 3 3 8 3+

Unit Composition: 2 Iron Brother . This unit may include up to 3 additional Iron Brother (for 2 Pl each). Every model is equipped with a Twin Storm Cannon.
Wargear options

  • Any moddel may replace its Twin Storm Cannon with a Forge hammer.


Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Twin Storm Cannon 36" Rapid Fire 2 6 0 1 storm
Forge hammer Melee Melee +2 -1 2


  • Battlefield Inspiration: Any <Brootherhood> units within 3" of this unit may reroll a single missed hit roll.
  • Intimidation: Roll a D6 for a successful wound you deliver to an enemy unit. On a 6 they must add 1 when conducting leadership, in addition to their standard leadership.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, Demiurg, <Brotherhood>


Vehicle, Iron Brother

Nicassar WIP [edit | edit source]

Unit List WIP [edit | edit source]


  • Nicassar Captain


  • Nicassar Ensign

Dedicated Transport

  • Grav-Sled
  • Nicassar Tow


  • Explorator (Buff Bubble, Stealth)
  • Void-Fin (Light, fast)

Special rules Nicassar WIP [edit | edit source]

  • With Souls Bound to The Stars: (Psychic Powers, all Nicassar units are capable of manifest at least 1 power per turn, Captains may manifest 2 per turn)

With Souls Bound to The Stars Discipline

Power D3 Charge Value
Telekinetic Slipstream 1 5/10 If this power is successfully manifested with a Charge Value of 5+ the caster may choose one Friendly unit within 24" with either/both of the Vehicle or Fly Keywords, including themselves. That unit may immediately move up to it's Movement value. If this power is manifested with a Charge Value of 10+ then this power acts as if it had been manifested on a 5+ with the following benefit - The chosen unit may fire all of its weapons as if it had not moved in the Movement phase.
Escape To The Void 2 6 If this power is successfully manifested the caster may choose one unit with either/both of the Vehicle or Fly Keywords within 24", including themselves. That unit is immediately placed into reserves. This unit arrives automatically at the beginning of the controlling players next movement phase, and must be placed within 6" of any table edge.
Arrival From The Stars 3 6/11 If this power is successfully manifested with a Charge Value of 6+ choose a single unit with either/both of the Vehicle or Fly keywords that is currently in Reserves. That unit may be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is at least 9" away from any enemy units. If this power is successfully manifested on a Charge Value of 11+ choose up to 3 units with either/both of the Vehicle or Fly keywords. Those unit may be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is at least 9" away from any enemy units.

  • Masterful Co-ordination: The Nicassar are so used to working together to keep their innate psychic abilities from running out of control, that such Void-Breaches are almost unknown to the exploratory species, entire conclaves working together in a matter of moments to stifle any Psyker who finds their control failing, or to push enemy Psyker's into losing control. Should any friendly unit within 12" of a Unit with this ability suffer a Perils of The Warp they may re-roll one warp charge dice.

Wargear and points Nicassar WIP [edit | edit source]

HQ: Nicassar Captain WIP [edit | edit source]

"It is regrettable we must be enemies, human. We are very much alike, in more ways than you know." Unknown Nicassar Captain to Techpriest Dominus Lagston during the 12th Damocles Skirmish.

The commanders and most wise of their kind, Nicassar Captains, like their brethren, are a rare sight on the battlefield. However, they can, and will fight if they must. Utilizing powerful eldritch powers not yet understood by the Earth caste, they are the bravest of their kind, leading their fellow warriors into glory, and most importantly, the quest for knowledge.

The T'au, valuing their service greatly, will give them powerful and valuable pieces of military hardware, in exchange for information and star charts.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Captain 6" 3+ 3+ 3 3 3 3 9 4+
Captain w/ Hover Sled 12" 3+ 3+ 3 4 5 3 9 3+

Unit Composition: 1 Nicassar Captain
Wargear: A Nicassar Captain is equipped with a Pulse Pistol and a Stellar Wind. A Nicassar Captain on a Hover Sled is Equipped with a Burst Cannon

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Pulse Pistol 12" Pistol 1 5 0 1 ---
Stellar Wind Melee Melee User -1 1 This weapon is psionically attuned to its wielder, growing in strength as its master builds psychic momentum. For every power the wielder either successfully manifests or denies increase this weapons Strength and Damage by 1 until the controlling player's next movement phase.

Wargear options

  • A Nicassar Captain may choose to be mounted on a Hover Sled


Masterful Co-Ordination
Psyker This model may attempt to manifest 2 powers from the Souls Bound to The Stars discipline during the controlling players psychic phase, and may attempt to deny up to 2 powers during the opposing player's psychic phase.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, Nicassar

Keywords (Nicassar Captain)

Infantry; Psyker; Character; Nicassar Captain

Keywords (Hover Sled)

Chariot; Psyker; Character; Nicassar Captain;

Anthrazods WIP [edit | edit source]

Special rules Anthrazods WIP [edit | edit source]

Wargear and points Anthrazods WIP [edit | edit source]

Ji'atrix WIP [edit | edit source]

The Ji'atrix are a race of ethereal xenos in the Tau Empire, that have an affinity for the void and skill at space-faring. Most commonly they are found working on Air Caste ships or with Nicassor Dhows. The Tau member races tend to be a bit nervous around the Ji'atrix. Although they are relatively peaceful, they are hard to look at as they are not completely a part of this world by the looks of it. However once someone has gotten to know a Ji'atrix they tend to enjoy their company.

Unknown to the Tau, Eldar, and the Ji'atrix themselves, they are one of the races engineered by the old ones. Their forms are present in this world and the webway at the same time. Originally the race was engineered to help repair the webway but the race as a whole disregarded this purpose and they were soon abandoned by the old ones. So the Ji'atrix have drifted from planet to planet in their ships. Finding that they are most comfortable on gas giants the race floats gently on the breezes, gaining sustenance from the gases of the planet and the Webway.

While not a Warrior race, the Ji'atrix help provide the Tau with their skill with the void and help mine portions of the Gas Giants they are present on. If called into a Hunter Cadre the Ji'atrix typically do not take a frontline role.

(Race is slightly based off of the Etherians of Master of Orion 3)

Special rules Ji'atrix WIP [edit | edit source]

Wargear and points Ji'atrix WIP [edit | edit source]

Ranghon WIP [edit | edit source]

Special rules Ranghon WIP [edit | edit source]

  • Piercing song: By sending air through their "voice boxs", a Ranghon is able to emit a cry that disrupts the balance of a foe and makes them unstable on their feet. On the first turn of an assault the opposing models lose one attack and subsequent rounds will instead lose 1 LD.
  • Flammable: Flamers and melta weapons are wounds that a Ranghon cannot easily recover from and hold great fear for the race. Weapons of this type count as AP -2 against Ranghon Models.

Wargear and points Ranghon WIP [edit | edit source]

Troop: Glade Guard WIP [edit | edit source]

Unit quote goes here

Fluff text goes here

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Glade Guard 6" 3+ 4+ 4 4 1 1 7 4+
Guardian 6" 3+ 4+ 4 4 1 1 7 4+

Unit Composition: 5 Glade Guard
Wargear: Bowcaster

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Bowcaster 18" Assault 1 5 0 1 On unmodified rolls of 6 count as AP-1
Railcaster 30" Assault 1 6 -2 d3 On unmodified rolls of 6 count as AP-4
Burst pod Launcher 24" Heavy d3 4 0 1 ----

Abilities Piercing Cry, Flammable Infiltrators: During deployment, this unit and any accompanying Drones can be set up anywhere on the battlefield that is not within your opponent’s deployment zone and is more than 12" from any enemy unit. Natural Cover: Add +2 to armor saves while in a forest type terrain Guardians: When accompanied by a Guardian and near a Keyword Ranghon character, counts as leadership 8

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, <--->

Keywords: Model 1

---; Model 1

Keywords: Model 2

---; Model 2

Formosian WIP [edit | edit source]

Special rules Formosian WIP [edit | edit source]

Wargear and points Formosian WIP [edit | edit source]

Tarellians WIP [edit | edit source]

One of the many Alien Auxiliaries employed by the Tau Empire in its efforts to bring the philosophy of the Greater Good to the Galaxy, the Tarellians joined the growing empire out of a deep-seated rage at the Imperium of Man for virus bombing their home world to extinction, before a Tyranid Hive Fleet consumed their remaining major colonies. Accepting the offer of the Greater Good out of desperation at the chance to exact revenge upon the Imperium of Man they were quickly brought into the Tau Empire and given the chance to repopulate on several Sept worlds.

Called Dog soldiers by the Imperium due to the shape of their snouts and ears, the Tarellians more resemble large bipedal reptilians, covered mostly in rust coloured scales, with slitted pupils, they find themselves at home on desert planets where they construct their unique sonic weapon technology out of the unique minerals found in the sand of the sept world of T’ros.

Whilst not fiercely loyal to the Greater Good, whenever a conflict with the Imperium or a Tyranid Hive fleet happens, large hatches of Tarellian soldiers gather at the nearest port hoping to join the conflict so that they can take some measure of vengeance on their hated foes.

Tarellian combat doctrines differs radically from the normal Tau combat doctrines; rather than fight their foes at range, or employ stealth and ambush tactics, Tarellian forces will rush towards their foe shooting at the weaker looking enemies until they crash into their opponents battle-lines, where they fight with the short, but lethal hunting daggers that each Tarellian soldier carries with him until they are either dead or their foe is fallen, before moving on to the next enemy force.

Special rules Tarellians WIP [edit | edit source]

Overwhelming Hatred: If two targets are equally close, and one of the two is either Imperial or Tyranid while the other is not, the unit must fight the Imperial Unit. We Will Have Revenge: If fighting models with the <Imperium> or <Tyranid> keywords, give your model an additional attack when in melee combat.

Wargear and points Tarellians WIP [edit | edit source]

Ranged Weapons WIP

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Points
Tarellian Disruption Pistol 8" Pistol 1 4 0 1 Should this weapon roll a 6+ to wound, it deals 1 overflowing wound to the target unit -
Tarellian Disruption Rifle 18" Assault 1 4 0 1 Should this weapon roll a 6+ to wound, it deals 1 overflowing wound to the target unit -
Tarellian Pulse Carbine 18" Assault 2 5 0 1 --- -
Tarellian Disruption Cannon 18" Assault 3 4 0 1 Should this weapon roll a 6+ to wound, it deals 1 overflowing wound to the target unit -
Tarellian Heavy Disruption Cannon 36" Heavy 4 6 -1 2 Should this weapon roll a 5+ to wound, it deals 1 overflowing wound to the target unit -
Tarellian Burst Cannon 18" Assault 4 5 0 1- --- -
Salvaged Battle Cannon 48" Heavy D6 8 -3 D6 --- -
Salvaged Exterminator Auto-Cannon 24" Heavy 8 7 -2 D3 --- -
Salvaged Punished Gatling Cannon 18”" Heavy 20 5 0 1 --- -
Tarellian Disruption Long-Rifle 48" Heavy 1 5 -1 1 Should this weapon roll a 6+ to wound, it deals D3 overflowing wounds to the target unit -
Tarellian Disruption Lancet ---" --- - - - --- -
Lancet (Tank Hunter Profile) 48" Heavy 1 7 -2 D3 This weapon always wounds units with the <VEHICLE> Keyword on a 3+ -
Lancet (Sky-Hunter Profile) 36" Heavy 3 6 -2 1 This weapon gains a +1 to its “To-Hit” rolls when targeting any unit with the <Flier> Keyword -
Lancet (Ground-Sweeper Profile) 18" Heavy 2D6 8 -1 1 Whenever rolling for the number of attacks this weapon may make, any result of double 1’s or 6’s causes the model making the attacks to suffer D3 Mortal wounds. -

Melee Weapons W.I.P

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Points
Claw Sword Melee Melee User -1 1 --- -
Dragon Hammer Melee Melee x2 -2 D3 --- -
Hunting Lance Melee Melee +1 -1 1 --- -
Horn Lance Melee Melee +1 -1 D3 --- -
Fang Dagger Melee Melee User 0 1 A model equipped with this weapon may make an additional attack in the fight phase. -
Thunder Hammer Melee Melee +3 -2 D3 --- -
Bone Staff Melee Melee +1 0 1 --- -

Elite: Tarellian Sand Stalker ??? Points WIP [edit | edit source]

"Graaa! Kill them all! For Tarrelia, and the T'au!" --A common Tarellian war cry, Author unknown

Tarellian Sand Stalkers are mighty melee infantry, who lumber into battle with powerful sonic weaponry. Before the destruction of their homeworld, Tarellians wanting to earn the title Sand Stalker would train for years, before setting out to kill a predatory Sandworm with nothing more than a bone sword. After killing the Worm, they prove themselves worthy of the honor of building their own blade, called a Claw sword, made from the hardened teeth of the worm.

In the abscence of their homeworld, they now replace the Sandworm with either a space marine or a greater Tyranid bioform, using either the armor of a Tyranid or Space Marine to fashion new blades. In this way, the tradition persists. However, it is not only a title. Even to this day, Tarellians are deployed to surprise Tyranid, Ork, and Eldar forces that dare oppose the might of the T'au Empire, andonly these noble warriors can carry the mighty Disruption rifles, weapons of which they have great skill with.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Sand Stalker 6" 4+ 3+ 3 4 2 2 7 4+
Desert Stalker 6" 4+ 3+ 3 4 2 3 8 4+

Unit Composition: 5 Sand Stalkers
Wargear: A Tarellian Sand Stalker is equipped with a Disruption Long-Nose Rifle and a Claw Sword

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Disruption Long-Nose Rifle 42" Heavy 1 5 -1 1 Should this weapon roll a 6+ to wound, it deals D3 overflowing wounds to the target unit.
Claw Sword --- Melee +2 -1 1 ---


  • This unit may take up to 5 additional Sand Stalkers
  • One model may be upgraded to a Desert Stalker
  • A Desert Stalker may change his Disruption Long-Nose Rifle's type from Heavy 1 to Heavy 2, and they may take a Disruption Pistol


  • A Dying Empire This unit may re-roll any rolls of 1 to hit, or to wound, when firing against any <Imperial> or <Tyranid> units.
  • Infiltrators: During Deployment this unit may be placed anywhere that is outside of the enemy deployment zone, and at least 12" away from any enemy models.
  • Camouflage: This unit increases its save by +2 when benefiting from cover, rather than +1.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, <Auxiliary>

Keywords Sand Stalker


Keywords Desert Stalker

Tarellian, Character

Vespid WIP [edit | edit source]

Unit List[edit | edit source]


  • Hive Queen(?)
  • Royal Hive Barge
  • Vespid Hivelord
  • Vespid Queenspeaker


  • Vespid Shellwall


  • Hive Guardians/Vespid Hiveguard (one of these should be dropped)

Heavy Support

  • Vespid Broadwing Squad
  • Vespid Swiftwing Squad

Fast Attack

  • Vespid Yellowjackets

Dedicated Transport

  • Vespid Hive Barge

Special rules Vespid WIP[edit | edit source]

Plunge From The Skies: At the beginning of the game you may set up any unit with this rule in a Hive-Ship. At the beginning of any movement phase you may deploy that unit on the battlefield so long as they are no closer than 9" to any enemy units.

WIP Wing Song, Concert of the Hives: If multiple Vespid units with the same <HIVE> keyword target the same unit in the shooting phase, increase their weapons S by 1

Wild Keyword: <HIVE>[edit | edit source]

The Court of Royals: All units from this Hive increase their Ld by +1

The Carvers of the Sky: All units from this <HIVE> gain +1 to their to-hit rolls when targetting a unit with the <FLY> keyword in the Shooting Phase.

Those With Hearts of Crystal: All units from this hive, when they would suffer wounds from a weapon with AP0, may roll a D6 and ignore any Wounds and Mortal Wounds on a 6+.

Wargear and points Vespid WIP [edit | edit source]

Ranged Weapons

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Points
Unrefined Neutron Blaster 12" Assault 2 4 -1 1 -
Focused Neutron Blaster 18" Assault 1 7 -3 2 -
Heavy Neutron Blaster 30" Heavy 2 7 -3 2 -
Crystal Core Neutron Missile 30" Heavy 1 8 -3 3 This weapon may only be used per battle -

Melee Weapons

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Points
Hive Spear Melee Melee +1 -1 1 If a model with this weapon charges increase its S, AP, & D by 1 until the end of the fight phase -
Hornet Lance Melee Melee +2 -1 2 If a model with this weapon successfully charges, increase its S, AP, & D by 1 until the end of the fight phase. -
Royal Sting Melee Melee User -2 1 This weapon always wounds on a roll of 2+, unless it is used against a <VEHICLE> in which case it only wounds on a 6+. If this weapon rolls a 6+ to wound, the target suffers an Extra Mortal wound. -

HQ: Royal Hive Barge PL15 WIP [edit | edit source]

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Royal Hive Barge * 6+ * 6 7 10 * 8 3+
7-12+ 30" 4+ 3
4-6 20" 5+ D3
1-3 12" 6+ 1

A Royal Hive Barge is a single model, armed with three heavy neutron blasters and two neutron crystal-core missiles

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Heavy Neutron Blaster 30" Heavy 2 7 -3 2 -
Crystal-Core Neutron Missile 30" Heavy 2 7 -3 2 Each crystal-core missile can only be fired once per battle.

Wing Song, Concert of the Hives

Only the Best: This model is equipped with complex crystal-force arrays which grant it a 5+ invulnerable save.

Protect the Queen!: Friendly VESPID units can use this model's Leadership characteristic instead of their own whilst they are within 12" of this model.

Royal Pheromones: When a friendly VESPID model within 12" of this model would lose a wound, roll one D6, adding 1 if the model is within 6" of this model. On a 6+, that wound is not lost.

Royal Prerogative: If a VESPID QUEEN in your army is not your Warlord, no other VESPID can be your Warlord. No non-QUEEN VESPID can have a Warlord trait unless every VESPID QUEEN in your army has a Warlord trait. No more than one VESPID QUEEN may be included in any Detachment.

Self-Repair: If this model has lost any wounds, you can roll one D6 at the start of your turn; on a 5+ this model regains 1 lost wound.

Faction Keywords:

T'au Empire, Vespid, <Hive>


Fly, Vehicle, Queen, Royal Hive Barge

HQ: Vespid Hivelord PL4 WIP [edit | edit source]

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Vespid Hivelord 12" 3+ 3+ 4 4 5 3 8 2+

A Vespid Hivelord is a single model equipped with a neutron glaive and a crystal blastmatrix.

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Neutron glaive (shooting) 18" Assault 2 5 -2 D3 -
Neutron glaive (melee) Melee Melee +0 -2 D3 -
Crystal blastmatrix 8" Pistol D6 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. In a turn where the bearer Advances, its type becomes Assault D6.

Plunge from the Skies, Wing Song, Concert of the Hives

Phased Crystal Array: This model has a 6+ Invulnerable Save.

Swarmsong Conductor: Friendly VESPID units within 9" of this unit may reroll hit rolls of 1.

faction Keywords:

T'au Empire, Vespid, <Hive>



Points estimate: 55 for the model. 8 for glaive, 5 for the Crystal blastmatrix.

HQ: Vespid Queenspeaker PL3 WIP [edit | edit source]

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Vespid Queenspeaker 18" 4+ 3+ 4 4 4 2 8 4+

A Vespid Queenspeaker is a single model equipped with a crystal spear and a twin neutron blaster.

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Twin neutron blaster 12" Assault 4 3 -2 1 -
Crystal spear Melee Melee +1 * 1 This weapon has AP 0 against VEHICLEs, -1 against BIKERs, and -4 against all other units.
Queenstinger Melee Melee +0 * 2 Wounds from this weapon are mortal wounds, except against VEHICLES. Against VEHICLES, this weapon has AP -2.

This model may replace its crystal spear with a Queenstinger.

Plunge from the Skies, Wing Song, Concert of the Hives

My Voice Is Hers: Friendly VESPID units within 9" of this unit may reroll wound rolls of 1.

Wind of the Messenger: When this unit Advances, increase its Movement characteristic by 6" rather than rolling a die. Additionally, this unit may Advance while Falling Back.

faction Keywords:

T'au Empire, Vespid, <Hive>



Points estimate: 35 for the model. 0 for spear, 15 for Queenstinger, 8 for twin blaster.

Troops: Vespid Shellwall PL3 WIP [edit | edit source]

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Vespid Soldier 12" 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 1 5 4+
Vespid Shell Leader 12" 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 2 8 4+

This unit contains five Vespid Soldiers and a Vespid Shell Leader. It may include up to four additional Vespid Soldiers (+2 Power), or up to eight additional Vespid Soldiers (+5 Power). Each Soldier is equipped with a Neutron repeater and a crystal spear. The Shell Leader is equipped with a neutron blaster and a crystal spear.

Name Range Type S AP D ABILITIES
Neutron blaster 12" Assault 2 3 -2 1 -
Neutron repeater 24" Rapid Fire 1 3 -2 1 -
Crystal spear Melee Melee +0 * 1 This weapon has AP 0 against VEHICLEs, -1 against BIKERs, and -4 against all other units.
Crystal hammershield Melee Melee +0 -1 1 -

The Shell Leader may replace its neutron blaster and crystal spear with a neutron repeater and crystal hammershield.

Wing Song, Concert of the Hives

Crystalline Resonance: As long as this unit has at least six models in it, all models in it have a 6+ invulnerable save. If any model in this unit receives an Invulnerable save from any other source, improve that Invulnerable save by 1 (to a maximum of 3+) so long as there are at least six models in this unit.

Hammershield: A model equipped with a crystal hammershield has a 3+ armor save and a 5+ invulnerable save.

Shellwall Phalanx: When making melee attacks against a unit that either charged them or made a Heroic Intervention against them this turn, all models in this unit have +1 Strength.

Faction Keywords:

T'au Empire, Vespid, <Hive>


Fly, Infantry, Vespid Shellwall

Points estimate: 9 each for the models; 0 for spear, neutron repeater, and neutron blaster; 5 for hammershield.

Dedicated Transport: Vespid Hive Barge PL10 WIP [edit | edit source]

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Hive Barge * 6+ * 6 8 12 * 7 3+
7-12+ 20-45" 4+ 3
4-6 20-30" 5+ D3
1-3 20" 6+ 1

A Vespid Hive Barge is a single model, armed with three heavy neutron blasters and two neutron crystal-core missiles.

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Heavy Neutron Blaster 30" Heavy 2 7 -3 2 -
Crystal-Core Neutron Missile 30" Heavy 2 7 -3 2 Each crystal-core missile can only be fired once per battle.

You may either replace both neutron crystal-core missiles with crystal-core neutron bomb bays or take two additional neutron crystal-core missiles.

Aerial Insertion: Models may disembark from this vehicle at any point during its move, but if they do they cannot move further during this phase; if the transport moves 20" or more, you must roll a D6 for each model disembarking; if that model does not have Plunge from the Skies or a similar rule, subtract 2 from the die roll. On a 1 or lower, that model is slain. Models that disembark in this manner must be set up more than 9" from any enemy models.

Bombing Run: Once per battle, a Hive Barge equipped with crystal-core bomb bays can make a bombing run against a single enemy unit it moves over during one of its Movement phases. After the Hive Barge has moved, pick an enemy unit that it flew over, then roll 2D6 for each VEHICLE in the unit, 3D6 for each MONSTER, and a single D6 for every other model in the unit, up to a maximum of 10D6. For every roll of a 5+, the unit suffers a mortal wound.

Crash and Burn: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any embarked models disembark. On a 6 it crashes in a fiery explosion and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Phased Crystal Array: This model has a 6+ Invulnerable Save.



Faction Keywords:

T'au Empire, Vespid, <Hive>


Fly, Vehicle, Aircraft, Transport, Vespid Hive Barge

Elites: Vespid Hive Guardian - PL9 WIP [edit | edit source]

They're coming out of the walls! -Last words of Guardsman 198507, during an invasion of a Vespid Hive Complex on Mugalath Bay.

Hive Guardians are the Elite warriors of Vespid society, trained as bodyguards to the Hive’s current leaders. They were the first point of contact between the Tau Empire’s Water Caste, and the Vespid Government, acting as Interpreters & Wardens.

Rarely seen working alongside Tau forces in the battlefield, Hive Guardians specialize in Hit & Run tactics, much like the Stingwings. However Hive Guardians are also trained in Close Quarters combat with their specially designed spears, which are coated in a deadly paralytic agent, derived from a Vespid Queens Pheromones.

Hive Guardians who demonstrate extreme loyalty in battle are allowed access to a unique mix of proteins and natural steroids, normally consumed by Vespid queens. If their body can handle the strain of the forced transformation, they are changed into "Queen Guardians", a sub-species of Vespid that are tougher, faster, and more steadfast than their brethren.

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Hive Guardian 12" 4+ 4+ 3 4 3 2 6 4+
Queen Guardian 12" 4+ 4+ 3 4 4 3 9 4+

Unit Composition: This unit contains 3 Vespid Hive Guardians. It may take up to 5 additional Vespid Hive Guards for +3 PL per model. One Hive Guardian may be upgraded to a Queen Guardian for +1PL.
Wargear: Each Vespid Hive Guardian is equipped with a Focused Neutron Blaster and a Hive Spear.

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Focused Neutron Blaster 18" Assault 1 7 -3 2
Heavy Neutron Blaster 30" Heavy 2 7 -3 2
Hive Spear Melee Melee +1 -1 1 If a model with this weapon charges increase its S, AP, and Damage by 1, until the end of the fight phase.
Queen's Sting Melee Melee User -2 1 This weapon always wounds on a roll of 2+, unless it is used against a <VEHICLE> in which case it only wounds on a 6+. If this weapon rolls a 6+ to wound, the target suffers an additional Mortal wound.

Wargear Options

  • Up to two Hive Guardians may replace their Focused Neutron Blasters & Hive Spears with Heavy Neutron Blasters
  • A Queen Guardian may replace their Hive Spear with a Queen's Sting


  • Plunge From The Skies
  • Wing Song, Concert of the Hives
  • Vengeful Swarm: Whenever a model is removed from this unit during the fight phase, all remaining models in the unit may make a single melee attack against an enemy unit they are locked in combat with.

Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, <HIVE>


Fly; Infantry; Hive Guardian

Elite: Vespid Hiveguard Squad PL5 WIP [edit | edit source]

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Vespid Hiveguard 14" 3+ 4+ 4 5 2 2 8 3+
Vespid Queenguard 14" 3+ 4+ 5 5 3 3 9 3+

This unit contains 4 Vespid Hiveguard. It can include up to 4 additional Vespid Hiveguard (+5 Power), or up to 8 additional Vespid Hiveguard (+10 Power). A Vespid Queenguard can take the place of one Vespid Hiveguard (+2 Power). Each Hiveguard is equipped with a neutron glaive. The Queenguard is equipped with a crystal blastmatrix and a Queenstinger.

Name Range Type S AP D ABILITIES
Neutron glaive (shooting) 18" Assault 2 5 -2 D3 -
Neutron glaive (melee) Melee Melee +0 -2 D3 -
Crystal blastmatrix 8" Pistol D6 4 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target. In a turn where the bearer Advances, its type becomes Assault D6.
Queenstinger Melee Melee +0 * 2 Wounds from this weapon are mortal wounds, except against VEHICLEs. Against VEHICLEs, this weapon has AP -2.

Plunge from the Skies, Wing Song, Concert of the Hives

Crystalline Resonance: As long as this unit has at least six models or a Vespid Queenguard in it, all models in it have a 6+ invulnerable save. If both are true, they have a 5+ invulnerable save. If any model in this unit receives an Invulnerable save from any other source, improve that Invulnerable save by +1 so long as there are at least siz models in this unit.

Faction Keywords:

T'au Empire, Vespid, <Hive>

Keywords (Hiveguard):

Fly, Infantry, Vespid Hiveguard

Keywords (Queenguard):

Fly, Infantry, Queenguard, Vespid Hiveguard

Points estimate: 18 each for the Hiveguard, 32 for the Queenguard, 8 for Neutron glaive, 15 for Queenstinger, 5 for the Crystal blastmatrix.

Heavy Support: Vespid Broadwing Squad PL9 WIP [edit | edit source]

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Vespid Broadwing 18" 5+ 4+ 3 4 1 1 5 5+
Broadwing Strain Leader 18" 5+ 4+ 3 4 1 2 8 5+

This unit contains 5 Vespid Broadwings and a Broadwing Strain Leader. It can include up to 3 additional Vespid Broadwings (+4 Power), or up to 6 additional Vespid Broadwings (+9 Power). Each model is equipped with neutron drop-charges. The Broadwing Strain Leader is additionally equipped with a neutron glaive.

Name Range Type S AP D ABILITIES
Crystal cluster missiles 30" Assault D6 5 -2 1 -
Neutron drop-charges 6" Assault * * -5 1 See text
Neutron glaive (shooting) 18" Rapid Fire 1 5 -2 D3 -
Neutron glaive (melee) Melee Melee +0 -2 D3 -

Any number of models may replace their neutron drop-charges with crystal cluster missiles.

Plunge from the Skies, Wing Song, Concert of the Hives

Hit and Run: When this unit Advances, increase its Movement characteristic by 6" in addition to the result from rolling a die.

Neutron drop-charges: When this unit moves in the Movement phase, you may declare that it is making a bombing run. If you do, pick one model in the unit and mark the path it moves along. In the following Shooting phase, this unit may only shoot with Neutron drop-charges and may only target one unit. However, distance to the targeted unit may be measured from any part of the marked path. This attack automatically hits; it scores 2 hits for each TITANIC MONSTER or non-TITANIC VEHICLE in the target unit, 3 hits for each non-TITANIC MONSTER in it, and a single hit for every other model in it, up to a maximum of 10 hits. For each wound roll, roll a D6 and add the number of models in the Broadwing Squad which are equipped with neutron drop-charges. These hits wound on a modified 7+. (An unmodified 1 fails as normal, even if it is a modified 7+.)

Faction Keywords:

T'au Empire, Vespid, <Hive>


Fly, Infantry, Vespid Broadwing

Points estimate: 13 points per model, 16 points per model for drop-charges. Cluster missiles 13, Neutron glaive 8.

Heavy Support: Vespid Swiftwing Squad PL8 WIP [edit | edit source]

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Vespid Swiftwing 14" 5+ 4+ 3 4 1 1 5 5+
Swiftwing Strain Leader 14" 5+ 4+ 3 4 1 2 8 5+

This unit contains 3 Vespid Swiftwings and a Swiftwing Strain Leader. It can include up to 2 additional Vespid Swiftwings (+4 Power), or up to 4 additional Vespid Swiftwings (+8 Power). Each model is equipped with crystal cluster missiles. The Swiftwing Strain Leader is additionally equipped with a neutron blast pistol.

Name Range Type S AP D ABILITIES
Crystal cluster missiles 30" Assault D6 5 -2 1 -
Neutron blast pistol 12" Pistol D3 3 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target.
Crystal hammershield Melee Melee +0 -1 1 -

The Strain Leader may replace its neutron blast pistol with a crystal hammershield. If it does, all other models may take crystal hammershields.

Wing Song, Concert of the Hives

Hammershield: Models equipped with crystal hammershields have a 3+ armor save and a 5+ invulnerable save.

Mobile Artillery: Immediately after making a Shooting attack (other than firing Overwatch), if this unit did not move this turn, the unit can move, and may Advance, as if it were the Movement phase. When this unit Advances, increase its Movement characteristic by 6" instead of rolling a die.

Reconnaissance in Force: At the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, you can move this unit up to 14". They cannot end this move within 9" of any enemy models. If both players have units that are able to move at the start of the first battle round but before the first turn begins, the player who is taking the first turn moves their units first.

Faction Keywords:

T'au Empire, Vespid, <Hive>


Fly, Infantry, Vespid Swiftwing

Points estimate: 22 each for the models, 10 each for missiles, 5 each for hammershields, 0 for pistol.

Fast Attack: Yellowjacket Pack PL4 WIP [edit | edit source]

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Yellowjacket 14" 2+ - 5 6 4 4 3 4+
Distance Dodge
Moved Save
23"+ 4+
15"-22" 5+
8"-14" 6+

This unit contains a single Yellowjacket. It may include up to three additional Yellowjackets (+3 Power per model).

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Stinger lance Melee Melee +2 -3 D3 Subtract 1 Damage against VEHICLES; add 1 against other targets.

Dispersed Pack: The first time this unit is set up, all models in this unit must be placed within 6" of each other. From that point onwards, each operates independently and is treated as a separate unit for all rules purposes.

Feral Assault: This unit cannot Fall Back. When an enemy unit (other than a unit that contains a model with a minimum Move characteristic) within 1" of a Yellowjacket is chosen to Fall Back, you can roll one D6; on a 4+ that unit cannot Fall Back this turn.

Furious Dive: A Yellowjacket may Advance and Charge in the same turn. At the start of your Charge phase, if this unit is within 12" of any enemy units, it must declare a charge.

Too Fast to Hit: As long as it has moved at least 8" since the beginning of your last turn, a Yellowjacket has a dodge save. Its strength is based on the total distance moved, including Advances, Charges, and Consolidate moves, as specified in the table above. This dodge save is an invulnerable save which applies only against shooting attacks; it applies against Overwatch attacks, but does not apply to shooting attacks made by units within 1" of the Yellowjacket (i.e Pistol attacks).

Faction Keywords:

T'au Empire, Vespid, <Hive>



Points estimate: 70 per model (incl. weapon)

The Galg WIP [edit | edit source]

Special rules The Galg WIP [edit | edit source]

Wargear and points The Galg WIP [edit | edit source]

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
Heavy Burst Pistol 6" Pistol 2 4 - 1 ---
HEI/AP Rounds 6" Pistol 1 6 -1 D3 If a model using this weapon rolls a 1 to-hit they suffer a mortal wound at the end of the shooting phase.
Underslung EX-HEAT Grenade 6" Heavy 1d6 7 -2 1 One Use only
Thump Gun 12" Assault 1D3 4 - 1 ---
Rotator 12" Assault 2D3 5 0 1 This weapon may target units that the weilder cannot draw line of sight to
Heavy Rotator 24" Heavy 4 7 -1 D3 ---
Dart Gun 12” Assault 2 3 - 1 The darts of this weapon are slathered in neurotoxins and acid. Any units with the keyword <Infantry> are always wounded on a to-wound roll of 5+
Dart Rifle 24" Assault 2 3 - 1 The darts of this weapon are slathered in neurotoxins and acid. Any units with the keyword <Infantry> are always wounded on a to-wound roll of 5+
EX-HEAT Charge 8" Grenade 1 8 -4 D6 Should this weapon successfully wound a unit with the keyword <Vehicle>, roll the damage twice and pick the higher result
Tank-Wrecker Missile Launcher - - - - - ---
(TWML) Tank-Wrecker Missiles 36" Heavy 1 7 -3 D3 ---
(TWML) Crusher Concussive Missiles 36" Heavy 1D3 6 -1 1 When this weapon targets a unit with 10 or more models increasechange this weapons type to Heavy 1D6
AA Scatter Cannon - - - - - ---
(AASC) Scatter Trident Missiles 36" Heavy 3 6 -1 1 ---
High-Power Thump Gun 18" Heavy 1D6 7 -2 1 ---

Melee Weapons

Name Range Type S AP Damage Abilities
Machete Melee Melee +1 - 1 ---
Power Machete Melee Melee +2 -2 D3 -

Morrallian Deathsworn WIP [edit | edit source]

Special rules Morrallian Deathsworn WIP [edit | edit source]

Wargear and points Morrallian Deathsworn WIP [edit | edit source]

Ranged Wargear

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Points
Burst Scatter-Cannon 18" Assault 4 5 0 1 If the target is within half range add +1 to this weapon's Strength -
Chemical Cleanser 8" Assault 2D6 5 -1 1 This weapon hits automatically -
Cyclic Flamer 8" Heavy 2D6 6 -1 1 This weapon hits automatically -
Hellstorm Missile Pod 36" Heavy 2D3 6 -1 D3 --- -
Ion Grenades 12" Assault 1 8 -1 D3 --- -
Overcharged Pulse Shotgun 18" Assault 2 6 -1 1 If the target is within half range add +1 to this weapon's Strength -
Pulse Cluster Grenades 12" Assault 3D3 5 0 1 --- -
Pulse Shotgun 18" Assault 2 5 0 1 If the target is within half range add +1 to this weapon's Strength -
Trench Flamer 8" Assault 2D6 5 0 1 This weapon hits automatically -

Melee Wargear

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Points
Trench Knife Melee Melee User 0 1 A model equipped with this Weapon may make an additional attack in the Fight Phase
Power Blade Melee Melee +2 -1 1 --- -

Pakasar WIP [edit | edit source]

Pakasar Abilities WIP [edit | edit source]

Frenzy: If any unit with this special ability manages to destroy an enemy model Friendly PAKASAR Units within 6" do not have to test morale/Battleshock at the end of the turn.

Hyper-Aggression: Any unit with this ability always attacks first in the fight sub-phase, even if it didn't charge.

Wargear and points Pakasar WIP [edit | edit source]

Name Range Type S AP Damage Abilities Points
Hydrojet Darter Pistol 12" Pistol 1 4 0 1 ---
Hydrojet Darter 24" Rapid Fire 1 4 0 1 ---
Hydrosurge Darter 24" Assault 2 4 0 1 ---
Hydrostorm Darter 36" Heavy 3 5 -1 1 ---
Hydropak Surge Blaster 24" Assault 1D3 4 0 1 ---
Hydropak Storm Blaster 36" Heavy 3D3 6 -1 1 ---
Tempest Missile Launcher 36" Heavy 1 6 -3 D3 ---
Typhoon Multi-Missile Launcher - - - - - When attacking with this weapon, choose one of the profiles below
TMML Maelstrom Missiles 48" Heavy 2D6 7 -2 1 When this weapon rolls to determine the number of attacks it makes, you may re-roll 1 or both dice.
TMML Lightning Missiles 48" Heavy 4 8 -3 D3 The target unit does not gain any bonus to its save for being in cover.
TMML Sky Splitter Missiles 48" Heavy 4 7 -2 1 Add 1 to hit rolls for this weapon when targeting units with the <FLY> keyword.
Magnetohydro Linear Driver 60" Heavy 1 7 -3 D6 For each wound roll of 6+ the target unit suffers a Mortal Wound in addition to the regular damage. If you make one or more hit rolls of 1 the bearer suffers a Mortal Wound after all of this weapons shots have been resolved.
Heavy Magnetohydro Surge Driver 60" Heavy 2 9 -3 D6 For each wound roll of 6+ the target unit suffers D3 Mortal Wound in addition to the regular damage. If you make one or more hit rolls of 1 the bearer suffers a Mortal Wound after all of this weapons shots have been resolved.

Melee Weaponry

Name Range Type S AP Damage Abilities Points
Electroreceptor Blade Melee Melee User -1 1 ---
Electrified Fin Axe Melee Melee +1 -3 1 ---
Great Wave Hammer Melee Melee +3 -1 2 ---
Tsunami Hammer Melee Melee x2 -1 3 ---
Reef Breaker Talon Melee Melee User -2 D3 ---
Ray Lash Melee Melee User 0 1 This weapon always wounds models (other than <VEHICLES> on a 3+.
Tide Breaker Shield Melee Melee User 0 1 Models with this weapon lose the Frenzy ability, but may re-roll any failed saves.

N'Deemi WIP [edit | edit source]

Special rules N'Deemi WIP [edit | edit source]

Wargear and points N'Deemi WIP [edit | edit source]

Hrenian Light Infantry WIP [edit | edit source]

Special rules Hrenian Light Infantry WIP [edit | edit source]

Wargear and points Hrenian Light Infantry WIP [edit | edit source]

Blank Templates[edit | edit source]

Weapon Table[edit | edit source]

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities Points
--- ---" --- - - - --- -
--- ---" --- - - - --- -
--- ---" --- - - - --- -
--- ---" --- - - - --- -

One-Stage Model[edit | edit source]

Unit quote goes here

Fluff text goes here

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Model 1 -" -+ -+ - - - - - -+
Model 2 -" -+ -+ - - - - - -+

Unit Composition: ---
Wargear: ---

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
--- ---" --- - - - ---


Faction Keywords

T'au Empire, <--->

Keywords: Model 1

---; Model 1

Keywords: Model 2

---; Model 2

Multi-stage model[edit | edit source]

Unit Quote goes here

Fluff text goes here

Name M WS BS S T W A Ld Sv
Model 1 * -+ * - - -- * - -+
--- --" -+ --
--- --" -+ --
--- --" -+ --

Unit Composition: Model 1

Name Range Type S AP D Abilities
--- ---" --- - - - ---

Wargear options:

Faction Keywords :T'au Empire, <---> Keywords: Model 1 : ---; ---; Model 1

Playtest and other feed back[edit | edit source]

Pleas leave playtest's and feed back in this format

In the "title" of this block you put the name/reason/problem of the feed back or in case of playtest put the armies and points played.
In the expandable block (the part this is in) you put al the other information regarding your "post"
Pleas do not use collapse blocks inside of other blocks (aka only 1 layer deep)
If you have more the one problem put them in different blocks.
We may remove a block/post if the info inside is not relevant or the complaint is fixed (in certain situation it may also by moved to the talk page)

Gallery[edit | edit source]