Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Rogue Traders

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Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Xenos Hirelings: You can take up to 3 of these without the xenophilic dynasty, and they never use the team leasers leadership, and cannot be upgraded to leaders themselves in a campaign.
  • Boarding shields: A new piece of equipment for this list, it gives the bearer a 5+ invulnerable save, but reduces their run by 2" and prevents sweeping advance. If two models with boarding shields are in base contact with each other they get +1 to their armour saves, like bullgryn slabshields.
  • Transports: If you are allowed to take transports, you can take a rhino, a chimera or a taurox.

Trader Dynasty[edit | edit source]

When you create your team you have to take one of these.

  • Exploratory Dynasty: Lets you give your models move through cover for a point each, halves the cost of the treasure map item, and lets you take a second astropath of navigator. Good if you want to dominate the psychic phase.
  • Forge-bonded Dynasty: Makes bionics a point each, lets the captain take a cyber familiar for 5pts and lets you take a second explorator. If you want a vehicle and sentinel heavy team this is the way to go, although you will only usually be able to take one of each. Team wide cheap FNP is pretty good too.
  • Insane Dynasty: A bit of a strange one, it lets you give the captain rage fear and shred for 5pts, but caps your special models at 0-5. Turns your captain in to be human blender but doesn't do anything else.
  • Militant Dynasty: Lets you give models crusader for a point and lets you take a second arch militant or errant astartes. Best for a melee oriented army, and since most of your units can be equipped for ranged or melee, this is very possible.
  • Missionary Dynasty: You can give your models +1Ld for a point each and take a second ministorum priest, but you cannot take xenos hirelings. What priests do best is buffing your units in close combat, so again, this is best for a melee oriented team. It's just a shame you can't take ork freebootas with this dynasty.
  • Scoundrel Dynasty: Lets you give models hit and run for a point each, lets you take a second seneschal and lets your captain take a needle pistol or venom talon. Mediocre, and again, best for melee teams.
  • Voidfaring Dynasty: All models can re-roll reserve rolls of 1, your captain can take power armour for 5pts which doesn't use up the ships armoury power armour, and your team can include a second voidmaster. Take this if you want to deep strike a lot.
  • Xenophilic Dynasty: Xenos hirelings can be taken as core and their limit is increased to 5. It also gives your captain access to a marker drone, ranger cloak, 'uge choppa for some reason, and lets him upgrade one weapon to jokearo-crafted for half the listed cost in the ships armoury. Handy if you want to take a lot of xenos.

Ships's Armoury[edit | edit source]

  • Auspex: Use it to reduce an enemy units cover save by 1 until the end of turn instead of shooting.
  • Bionics: 6+ FNP. Not bad at only 5pts.
  • Bio-Scanner: Gives you a free shooting attack against an infiltrating model set up withing weapon range. Gets better the longer range your weapon is. Keep in mind that infiltrators are set up after the other units, so your opponent can play around this, but even then it works as effective area denial.
  • Colonial Flag: A single use item that gives all friendly models within 12" twin-linked until end of turn. Nice effect, but you can only take one of these.
  • First Mate: This upgrade is capped at 0-1 and is only available to special models. It changes its type to character so it benefits from look out sir! and can take part in challenges. Use this on a model you want to keep alive (a heavy weapon specialist for example) and put him with a voidsman squad for disposable wounds.
  • Joint Reconfiguration Augmentics: Move through cover for 5pts. Not bad.
  • Master Crafted Weapon: A weapon gains master crafted. Pretty self explanatory.
  • Med-kit: Capped at 0-1 and cant be taken by the leader or errant astartes, this gives FNP to models within 6".
  • Overcharged Weapon: A ranged weapon gains +1 strength and gets hot. Usually not worth it unless your sure you will benefit from the extra strength.
  • Power Armour: Gives a 3+ armour save, as you would expect. This is capped at 0-1 so it will probably be reserved for your captain if you don't go for the voidfaring dynasty.
  • Smoke Grenades: One use only. Gives shrouded to any unit caught in a large blast for one turn, and can target friendly models. Use it to protect models caught in the open.
  • Targeter: A cheap upgrade that lets you re-roll to hit rolls of 1 when shooting if the model hasn't moved in the previous movement phase. A good upgrade for your sniper.

Leader Only[edit | edit source]

  • Beloved Mascot: One use only, prevents instant death. Seems kind of situational, But don't forget, with the T3 of your captain, anything above S6 is enough to cause instant death.
  • Digital Weapons: Lets you re-roll a failed to wound roll in each assault phase. Great cheap upgrade for a melee oriented captain.
  • Grapplewhip: Automatically pass initiative tests for climbing falling and jumping. Great in dense, multi-level terrain, which is how you should be playing kill team.
  • Jokaero Craftsmanship: Roll a D6 at the beginning of the game, and it gives you a different bonus depending on what you roll.
  1. +1 Pinning if ranged, concussive if melee
  2. +2 Master crafted
  3. +3 Rending. Re-roll if the weapons already has AP2 or AP1
  4. +4 +1 Strength
  5. +5 -1AP. Re-roll if the weapons already has AP1
  6. +6 Shred
  • Refractor Field: 5+ invulnerable save. Good upgrade but slightly expensive.
  • Treasure Map: Gives models within inspiring presence stubborn.

Explorator Only[edit | edit source]

  • Cyber Familiar: Cheap upgrade that gives +1 to your explorators FNP, bringing it up to 5+.
  • Targeting Cherub: Lets servitors and heavy lifter servitors within 6" use the explorators BS. This is the difference between hitting half of the time and hitting 2/3 of the time. Great upgrade for 5pts if you use a lot of servitors.

FOC[edit | edit source]

  • 1 Leader
  • 1-25 Core
  • 0-6 Special

Leader[edit | edit source]

  • Captain: Your only leader option, but you have quite a bit of customisation, as he/she can take any item from the pistol, ranged weapons, melee weapons and xeno tech weapons lists. You can also take one item from the captains reserve. You can take power armour for 8pts, but you can only take one set per team.

Captains Reserve[edit | edit source]

  • Kraken-Tooth Dagger: It's a power sword with rending. Decent, but over costed, since it costs almost as much the captain.
  • Wogdon Duelling Pistols: The cheapest weapon in the captains reserve, this is a pair of S5 pistols with master crafted. Alright, but their lack of AP doesn't do them any favours. Best against models with high toughness and low armour saves, like orks and ogryns.
  • Vincentio Power Rapier: An AP4 close combat weapon that grants a 4+ invulnerable save in place of an armour save, which gives you a free attack every time you roll a successful save this way. Great if you want your captain to be a melee beatstick, but taking this will double the price of your captain without any other upgrades.
  • Xenophase Blade: A power sword which forces the opponent to re-roll successful invulnerable saves. Very situational, and again it doubles the price of you captain. Skip this one unless your sure you can get value out of it.

Core[edit | edit source]

  • Voidsman Squad: These are conscripts with 1 less armour save and 1 more Ld. They start with autopistols and close combat weapons but can take autoguns for free or naval shotguns for 5pts for the squad. They can also upgrade their armour save to 5+ for 5pts. Only take these if you want to save points for other things.
  • Armsman Squad: GEQs with a laspistol and close combat weapon, again they can grab a lasguns for free or naval shotguns for 5pts, or for 15pts they can take naval shotguns and boarding shields. The boarding shields will slow them down a little, but increase their survivability with a 5+ invulnerable save and a 4+ armour save if you keep them in base contact, so maybe take these if you need them to hold an objective. One model in the squad can take a special weapon.
  • House Guard: Your veteran infantry unit comes with carapace armour and a bolt pistol as standard. When you add it to your team you can give it either +1WS or +1BS depending on what you want to use him for. It has access to the ranged and melee weapon lists, and can take a special weapon for the first, and another for every 4, so kit him out however you like. He can take a boarding shield for 3 pts which is usually a good idea unless you want him to use paired melee weapons.
  • Servitor: Costs more then the house guard, but they start with servo arms, and the first servitor can take a multi-melta or heavy bolter for free, or a plasma cannon for 10pts. Another can take a heavy weapon for every 5 servitors after the first, although you probably wont want to take that many. Just be careful of mindlock.

Special[edit | edit source]

The Following units are capped at 0-1

  • Arch Militant: Costs as much as the captain, but has access to the pretty much any weapon you like, and gives friendly models that start their shooting phase withing 6" prefered enemy and fleet until the end of turn. Use him as a heavy weapon specialist.
  • Astropath: Your first psyker focuses on offensive powers, with a choice of psychic shriek, dominate, mental fortitude, or terrify.
  • Explorator: Your equivalent of a tech priest, he can skip his shooting attack to attempt to repair a vehicle or lifter units lost wound/hull point, immobilised or weapon destroyed effect. This succeeds of a 6+, but you get +1 for every friendly unit with a servo arm within 3". If you want to take a lot of servitors, he also prevents mindlock, and doing so might be a good idea since they can also help him fix things.
  • Ministorum Priest: He's here to give your close combat units a buff with war hymns and zealot. Quite good once he gets stuck in. Has access to most of the weapon choices, but cant take xeno tech weapons.
  • Navigator: Your other psyker, his powers are more focused on support with either foreboding, forewarning, perfect timing or precognition. It also gets a unique shooting attack called the lidless stare, which can be a bit of a crapshoot depending on how well you roll, and will cause perils of the warp if you roll doubles.
  • Seneschal: He gets stealth and infiltrate, and gives infiltrate to 5 models on your team. Gets all the usual weapons lists, but can also take a sniper rifle, needle pistol or venom talon. Kit him out as your assassin.
  • Voidmaster: Lets you choose up to 5 infantry models to be held in reserve before deployment, to arrive together via deep strike. Models that deep strike within 6" of the voidmaster only roll 1d6 for scatter.
  • Heavy Lifter Unit: Capped at 0-1, this unit comes in three different flavours. Lifter servitor, which is a servitor with T5 2 wounds and a 3+ save, lifter armour, the same again but it has T4 and a 2+ save, and trades the servitors mindlock and non-learning for slow and purposeful, and the lifter sentinel, which is a scout sentinel effectively. All three start with a lifter arm,a S+2 AP4 rending melee weapon, which can be replaced with a servo arm, multi-melta or heavy bolter. It can also take an additional lifter or servo arm or a flamer in addition to its primary weapon, but if you do take the flamer keep in mind that since the servitor and lifter armour are infantry they can still only fire 1 weapon a turn.
  • Errant Astartes: He has access to a large variety of weapons, some which you can't get otherwise, such as lightning claws, thunder hammers, grav-guns and combi-weapons, although taking the thunder hammer will immediately triple his cost.

Xenos Hirelings[edit | edit source]

You can only take 0-3 of these in any combination without the xenophilic dynasty.

  • Eldar Outcast: A mix of eldar and dark eldar that can take weapons from both factions. Can take a ranger cloak for 5 points, which is great, and is you cheapest source of poison attacks with access to a free splinter rifle.
  • Kroot Mercenary: Best used as your stealth unit, he comes with infiltrate, stealth and move through cover, and can take shrouded for free as a signature adaptation. The hunting hound upgrade lets him make two additional S4 attacks in close combat, and is a steal at 5pts if you are planning on getting him in close combat, but his melee options are noticeably lacking.
  • Ork Freeboota: Best in melee, he can be upgraded to a nob for 10pts which gives him an +1S/W/I/A. Starts with a slugga and choppa and can replace a weapon with a shoota for free. If you upgrade him to a nob, you have access to a twin-linked shoota, 'uge choppa, snazzgun or power klaw. The power claw costs 25pts, so make sure he can survive long enough to use it. 'Eavy armour and cycborg body are good upgraded to take for this purpose.
  • Tau Emissary: Best used as a pseudo-sniper with either a rail rifle or ion rifle. The rail rifle is better against MEQS and TEQS, ion rifle for everything else. Keep him out of range of enemies weapons but within range of his own weapons for best effect. He can take one drone, which are good but expensive. Choose from either a marker drone (+1BS to make sure your shots count), a pulse drone (An extra twin linked pulse carbine attack, very nice.), a defence drone (4+ invulnerable save), lifter drone (auto pass initiative tests for climbing or jumping. Depends on the terrain, but it can be good since he only has I2, and on top of buildings is where you want him to be) or a stealth drone (shrouded).