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Roddun are a race of ratfolk originating from Wicked Fantasy, a nobledark 3rd party campaign setting using the Pathfinder system. To sum things up, the roddun are what TVTropes would call "Friendly Neighborhood Gangster" Rat Men - they're humanoid rats whose entire culture is based on the idealized "noble mafia" archetypes and lore created by films like The Godfather trilogy.

Origins[edit | edit source]

Nobody is quite sure where the roddun - or "ratters" - came from. They first appeared in the wake of a terrible plague that struck the Reign of Men about a century before the present. The disease came to be known as the Blue Death, and the era in which it consumed every city in the Reign of Men is called "The Time of Blue Fire", because the corpses of those sick with the Blue Depth produce deep blue flames and a sweet smell when burned. The plague got so bad that the officials of each city-state walled off the ghettos where the infected had been sequestered and left them to rot whilst the Blue Death ran its course.

And when the plague ended, and the walls came down, they were very surprised to learn that these ghettos had picked up new residents. From some unknown place, the roddun had emerged and sequestered themselves within the plague-ghettos; immune to the Blue Death themselves, they walked amongst the dead and dying with impunity, trading for food and goods, caring for the sick and burying the dying, and generally doing what they could to make life easier for their new neighbors.

And when the walls came down, the rodduns were adamant that they weren't going anywhere.

Biology[edit | edit source]

Roddun look, and in many ways are, rats that have developed human-like stature, bipedalism, and full-fledged sapience. They are a quick-spreading race; females can produce a litter every six months, and this litter will contain 6-10 ratlings, although most of those will die young; only one to three survive to be young adults. But they live almost as fast as they breed; a roddun is an adult by the age of 1 or 2 years, and is middle-aged by 15. They can live to be about 30 years old, but generally die in middle age; rodduns culturally prefer to die in a ritualized suicide once they feel they have gotten too old to live much longer.

There is also the presence of the tsituks: strange, mutant rodduns, larger and fiercer, with a vast array of mutant abilities that can be both strength and weakness. The precise relationship between rodduns and tsituks is unclear; the rodduns don't talk about them.

Culture[edit | edit source]

Though roddun would rankle at the comparison, they are, in effect, a race of thieves - they have a thief-like mentality, rooted in a kin-centric morality, an upholding of vows as sacred, and, ironically, a distinct lack of materialism, and their society is organized in what is basically a thieves guild writ large.

Partly, this has to be blamed on the doctrines of the Reign of Men. As a non-hostile but non-human race, rodduns are not accorded citizenship; they can expect only the protections of society, and none of its benefits. For example, they can't officially own property themselves, but a guard patrol is obligated to protect a roddun denizen of their city from being attacked by thugs. For this reason, rodduns gravitate towards the "dropped" barrios - the most rundown or criminal-infested slums, the places where the city watch avoided going as much as they possibly could. Here, nobody contests their presence.

It's uncertain how much of an influence their lack of citizenship is, but rodduns organize themselves into what they call "tiztittl"; it translates as "working family" from their language, but humans tend to just call them "mischiefs". In practice, a mischief is basically a gang; it stakes out a territory, and basically controls it, offering protection to its denizens in exchange for recognition and respect. It's essentially a cross between a protection racket and a mercenary band, with the local mischief cracking down on crime, protecting the locals, and generally making itself useful.

Each mischief is led by an itztitl, the most respected roddun in the mischief, who maintains control only so long as he or she keeps being the one the rest of the mischief respects for his ability to make decisions and lead them to success. If their faith wavers, the itztitl must fight against their rival for the mischief's respect; the loser either dies or is exiled, having to join a new mischief. Alternatively, the itztitl can just accept their ousting gratefully and then leave to find a new mischief to belong to.

The itztitl of the biggest gang in the barrio is the boss; they call him (or her) "skitztattl", meaning "Poppa", whilst humans call him "King Rat". All other mischiefs bow to the King Rat of their barrio, whose territory encompasses the whole barrio - but no further. Each barrio has its own King Rat, and they gang up on any of their numbers who starts getting ambitious and trying to take command of all the mischiefs in the city. The King Rat is the only roddun who tends to let themselves live out their full 30 lifespan, such is the respect and admiration that they are held in by their underlings. They are essentially the Godfathers of the rodduns; they live and die by their ability to grant any request to anyone who comes seeking their help, although they are not required to be blindly generous - at its core, roddun society is held together by the principle of "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours". King Rats lose their position only when either they fail to fulfill a request which another itztitl then manages to achieve, or if they are challenged for their throne; this is a death match that cannot be refused or rescinded. If a challenger utters those fateful words, they fight until one or the other is dead. One of the grimmer duties that King Rats fulfill is as angels of death for their own people; when a roddun feels he or she is too old to live anymore, they give away all their worldly possessions, go to the King Rat, recite all that they have done in his (or her) service, and then challenge the King Rat for the throne. Almost always, the challenger is killed, for this entire act is basically a form of suicide ritual - a request for the release of death in exchange for having served faithfully in life.

Finally, to defend the rodduns against oppression from other races, there is the "Skootzik". The most literal translation of this roddun word is, “the one who drops my problems,” but a more concise translation is “troubleshooter.” They're a secret band of roddun assassins who report directly to the King Rats - even most roddun don't know that this Murder Inc. of ratfolk ninjas exists - and they employ roddun gemstone magic to augment their abilities in combat.

Kinship[edit | edit source]

The center of roddun morality is the notion of kinship. Rodduns divide the world up into five categories, based on how closely they know a person: picture a grouping of five circles, with a dot in the center; that dot is an individual roddun, and each circle represents a distinct level of kinship. The first circle is immediate family: parents and siblings. Second circle is more distant relatives: aunts, uncles, cousins. Third circle is people one trusts, fourth circle is people one knows, and finally, fifth circle is people one does not know.

To put things simply, roddun morality is based on the notion that the closer you are to someone, the more moral you are obligated to be to that person. A roddun bases its behavior on the simple question "How close are you to me?" and is judged by its peers on that same merit. That's not to say that roddun don't sometimes go against the grain, but their social cohesion is built around this distinctly nepotic view of obligations; a roddun is expected to favor those who are its closer kin during kin disputes. Being perceived as willing to act against closer kin marks a roddun as a criminal, someone to be shunned.

Gratitude, Taking What You Need, and the Difference Between[edit | edit source]

Rodduns, as mentioned above, basically form a cohesive society because they fully accept and integrate the principle of "You scratch my back, I scratch yours". Promises are sacred, and also transaction-like; the roddun psychology hinges around the notion that gratitude always comes in a tangible form. Words are empty, meaningless; you want to prove your gratitude, you do it with something physical.

And yet, at the same time, roddun are not a materialistic people; material goods are only valuable in so far as they are useful. Food is the ultimate currency amongst rodduns, because you can eat food and it keeps you alive. Other physical goods may make life easier, or be nice to look at, but the more their value to other races is in the aesthetic, the less value they hold to roddun.

By extension, this means rodduns believe in the principle of taking what you need; usefulness equates to value, in their mindsets, so naturally ownership is not important to them. If you don't need something, leave it for somebody else to take, or give to them if they ask for it. If you need something, take it - but only from those who do not need it. This is one of the reasons why the rodduns have so readily centered their culture around the notion of protecting the poor and the outcasts of society; they need every little scrap they have, so the roddun have no qualms about giving it to them. It helps that such people more intuitively grasp the rodduns' "quid pro quo" mentality.

This is further complicated by the roddun view that kinship dictates morality. Roddun often become Robin Hood-style thieves because they do not know the rich people they are robbing (making their behavior morally acceptable) and because the rich people are, by roddun values, selfish and immoral people, hoarding goods because they want them rather than become they need them.

Magic[edit | edit source]

Rodduns were not originally a magical race, but compensated for that after taking up their positions in the barrio. And they did it in the most natural roddun way possible: they swiped it.

Through observations of the Uvandir, the rodduns picked up the principles of their gemstone magic. Not enough to directly meld gem magic with wizardly magic like the uvandir can, but enough to emulate their ability to tap into the energies lying dormant within low-quality gems and semi-precious stones to enhance their bodies.

More directly, they developed the art of "junk magic"; pilfering scrolls and ancient tomes from libraries or waste dumps and reverse-engineering the art of wizardly magic from it. This still-young, experimental style allows them to gamble with their minds by forcing themselves to memorize more potent spells than human wizards of the same experience level would dare, at the cost of these spells potentially backfiring catastrophically.

PC Crunch[edit | edit source]

Roddun PC stats, Gemstone Feats, and the Junk Wizard and Skootzik archetypes appeared in the Wicked Fantasy corebook. The Tsituk variant race, and the Tkisk and Gemstone Oracle archetypes, appeared in the Wicked Fantasy Companion.

Roddun Race Stats[edit | edit source]


+2 Strength, +2 Wisdom
Base speed 30 feet, Climb 30 feet
Blindsight 60 feet (Ex)
Plagueborn: Immune to non-magical diseases, +1 racial bonus on Fortitude saves against magical diseases. This bonus increases by +1 at every level divisible by 5 (so 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, etc).
Fast Healing: 1 hit point per round. This healing increases by +1 at every level divisible by 5 (so 5th, 10th, 15th, 20th, etc).
Tooth & Nail: 1 Natural Bite Attack, 2 Natural Claw Attacks.
Available Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Alchemist
Restricted Classes: Wizard - Junk Wizard archetype only, Ninja - Skootztik archetype only

In addition to the above, in a core game of Wicked Fantasy, a roddun also has this trait:

Mischief: Start play with 3 + Charisma modifier mischief points, and gain 3 + Charisma modifier mischief points each time you gain a level.

Mischief Points are a unique racial mechanic used for a sub-system to represent the race's mafioso-like tendency to establish control over districts in the cities. These rules haven't been reprinted here because they're pretty niche and complex; if you want them, look up the Wicked Fantasy corebook on /tg/.

Tsituk Variant Traits[edit | edit source]

Racial Traits Acid Resistance: The tsituk’s fur is so thick that he gains resistance 2 to acid damage. At 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th character level the resistance increases by 2. They also gain a flaw from the tsituk flaw list. This trait replaces the fast healing racial trait.

Acid Immunity: The tsituk is immune to acid damage. They also gain two flaws from the tsituk flaw list. This trait replaces the fast healing racial trait.

Contortionist: The tsituk can contort their body to fit through any space wide enough to accommodate their ribcage. They also gain two flaws from the tsituk flaw list. This trait replaces fast healing racial trait.

Large Nose (Ex): The tsituk gains scent ability up to 90 feet. Their scent ability is so strong they know the location of creatures and objects as if they could see. They also gain a flaw from the tsituk flaw list. This trait replaces the blindsight racial trait.

Natural Armor: The tsituk gains natural armor equal to 2. At 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th character level the natural armor increases by 2. They also gain a flaw from the tsituk flaw list. This trait replaces the fast healing racial trait.

Prehensile Tail: The tsituk can use his tail as though it was an extra limb. It is as powerful as one of his normal arms and as the dexterity as a tail. It cannot perform any action that requires five fingers. They also gain a flaw from the tsituk flaw list. This trait replaces the tooth & nail racial trait.

Third Arm: The tsituk has a third arm, it can grow from anywhere on his upper torso. It is as dexterous as their other limbs and can perform any action a normal arm can. Including wielding a weapon or shield. They also gain two flaws from the tsituk flaw list. This trait replaces the tooth & nail racial trait.

Tsituk Flaws Musk: The tsituk has a musk about them irritates and incites other creatures. In any social situation they start one step lower than normal on the reaction chart. Any creature with the dragon, magical beast or monstrous humanoid type automatically attacks the tsituk and tries to eat them.

Bad Reaction to Healing: The tsituk has a 30% chance or reacting badly to healing potions and effects. If the spell or potion reacts badly take 2 points of damage for every level of the spell or potion instead of healing.

Ill: The tsituk has been ill their entire life. If they reach 0 hp at anytime they die. At the end of each session they roll a d20, if they roll a 1 then they die.

Off Balance: The tsituk has never been well balanced. They take a -5 to all skill checks that require balance. Their DC for Relax saves to keep their balance are increased by 10.

Socially Stunted: The tsituk can not put any ranks into Charisma, Intelligence or Wisdom based skills.

Gemstone Feats[edit | edit source]

Blindsight Gemstone Using the power of the gem, the roddun gains the ability to expand his senses beyond their usual capabilities. Prerequisite: Roddun Benefit: You gain one low-quality gem (worth 10gp) that enhances your blindsight up to 120ft and allows you to automatically memorize any surface you touch. You can only memorize a number of surfaces equal to your Int modifier (minimum 1).

Plagueborn Gemstone Normally, the roddun are only immune to natural diseases, but their experiments with gemstones have expanded that immunity... Prerequisite: Roddun Benefit: You gain one low-quality gem (worth 10gp) that enhances your Fortitude by making you immune to magical diseases.

Fast Healing Gemstone Roddun heal quickly, but with gemstone magic, that quickness doubles. Prerequisite: Roddun Benefit: You gain one low-quality gem (worth 10gp) that enhances your fast healing to 2 hit points per round; at 5th, 10th, 15th and 20th character level you gain 2 additional hit points per round.

Tooth & Nail Gemstone Their natural weapons are deadly enough. With gemstone magic, those weapons become even deadlier. Prerequisite: Roddun Benefit: You gain one low-quality gem (worth 10gp) that enhances your natural bite attack’s damage to 2d4 and your natural claw attack’s damage to 1d6.

Roddun Racial Class Archetypes[edit | edit source]

Wizard Archetype: Junk Wizard[edit | edit source]

Requirements: Roddun Class Features The following are class features of the junk wizard. Eschew Materials: At 1st level, a junk wizard gains Eschew Materials as a bonus feat. This ability replaces scribe scroll.

Roddun’s Magic: Junk wizards are not properly trained in how to use their junk spells, but there is a chance that the spell will work. And if it doesn’t work, there is a chance it will backfire on them. When a junk wizard prepares his spells for the day, he can also memorize 3 junk spells that are in his spell book. A junk spell cannot be more than 3 spell levels higher than the highest spell level he can currently cast. To use a junk spell, a junk wizard must expend a spell of their highest level and an extra number of spells equal to the difference between the junk spell and their highest level spell. Such as, for a junk wizard with level 3 spells to cast a level 5 junk spell, he must expend 3 spells to try: 1 for the initial spell and 2 more for the difference in spell level. Then, he rolls against the chart below to determine if he’s able to cast the junk spell or not.

Success: The junk spell casts normally.
Failure: The junk spell fizzles and does not work.
Backfire: There is an explosion with a radius of 30ft centered on the junk wizard. Everyone within the radius except the junk wizard can make a reflex save DC 10 + junk spell level + junk wizard’s Int modifier to take half damage. The explosion deals 1d6 points of damage per junk spell level to every creature within the radius.

This ability replaces the wizard’s 5th and 10th level bonus feats.

Junk Spell Failure/Success/Backfire Table:

1 level difference: Success 01-70, Failure 71-85, Backfire 86-100
2 level difference: Success 01-40, Failure 41-70, Backfire 71-100
3 level difference: Success 01-10, Failure 11-55, Backfire 56-100

Ninja Archetype: Skootztik[edit | edit source]

Requirements: Roddun Racial Features The following are racial traits of the skootztik. Quick Ascension: Skootztiks have a base speed of 30ft and a climb speed of 60ft. The trait replaces the movement racial trait

Class Features The following are class features of the skootztik. Tzitik (Su): Instead of a ki pool, skootztik have tzitik. Mechanically, tzitik works the same as ki. She gains tzitik points by focusing on low-quality gems (worth 10gp each) in her possession and drawing on power from within them, but she does not need to be actually holding the gemstones to use her tzitik. They only need to be on her in some manner or in a bag she is carrying. While a skootztik can carry any amount of gemstones, she can only focus a number equal to 1/2 her skootztik level + her highest ability modifier. All class features that need the skootztik to spend a ki point to activate spend a tzitik point to activate the ability instead.

Vertical Runner (Ex): At 6th level, a skootztik learns to walk up walls or other vertical surfaces. As a full-round action, she can move up to twice her climb speed, ignoring difficult terrain. She must end her move on a surface that can support her or make a Climb check to hold onto the vertical surface she is on. When moving in this way, she does not need to make Acrobatics checks to avoid falling on slippery or rough surfaces. This ability replaces the light steps class feature.

The following ninja tricks function differently for the skootztik. Darkvision: This trick also grants the skootztik the ability to see on top of her benefits from blindsight.

Ki Block: Tzitik counts as ki for all intents and purposes, so ki block can be used to cut a skootztik off from her tzitik.

Wall Climber: This trick adds 20 ft to the skootztik's current climb speed.

The following master tricks function differently for the skootztik.

See the Unseen: This trick also grants the skootztik the ability to see on top of her benefits from blindsight.

Unbound Steps: This trick allows a skootztik to use her tzitik to remain running on a vertical surface at the end of her turn when she is using her vertical runner class feature. She does not need to be on a horizontal surface or make a climb check to remain on the vertical surface. Each use of this ability uses up 1 tzitik point. This ability modifies the ki pool class feature.

Fighter Archetype: Tkisk[edit | edit source]

In the poorer barrios of the City, street gangs rule with intimidation and violence. When the roddun arrived, they brought with them many weapons including cunning and ruthlessness. But sometimes, to rule a City, you need muscle. For that, the roddun turn to the tkisk.

The word means, “tooth and claw.” And that’s exactly how the tkisk fights. He can use weapons, and often does, but the deadliest weapon in a tkisk’s arsenal are his natural weapons. For a long while, human scholars thought roddun claws were poisonous, but after study, they came to the conclusion that a roddun’s claws carry many diseases. A single scratch causes red irritation, healing very slowly. It is not a debilitating infection, but inconvenient. A bite can do the same. Reign scholars have discovered that many humans have allergic reactions to roddun saliva, causing similar symptoms (inflammation, scratching, etc.)

For the tkisk, this is doubly so. Their claws are so filled with bacteria, a single scratch infects a victim’s blood system immediately, causing confusion, delirium and vomiting. On the street, it is well known that if a roddun drops his weapons and bears his claws, it’s time to run.

Requirements: Roddun Class Features The following are class features of the tkisk. Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The tkisk is not proficient with medium armor, heavy armor or shields. This ability modifies the weapon and armor proficiency class feature.

Bleeding (Ex): At 5th level, whenever the tkisk scores a critical hit with his natural weapons, the target takes 1d6 points of bleed damage each round on their turn, in addition to the damage dealt by the critical hit. Bleed damage can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal skill check or through any magical healing. At 10th level and every five levels thereafter the bleed damage increases by 1d6. This ability modifies the armor training class feature.

Tikikso (Ex): At 18th level, a tkisk can bite a single target and infect them with the tikikso disease. This immediately causes the target to become nauseated and then follows the all normal rules of diseases. He may do this once a day. This ability modifies the armor mastery class feature

Weapon Mastery (Ex): The tkisk archer must choose a type of natural for his Weapon Mastery class feature. This ability modifies the weapon mastery class feature.

Tikikso Tikikso is a potent blend of roddun saliva and blood. When it enters a non-roddun’s bloodstream, it attacks the nervous system, causing the target’s muscles to convulse violently and uncontrollably. The victim is helpless while under its effects, his muscles tightening and constricting. Finally, the victim’s entire body bends into a painful arch while every muscle spasms. The victim dies quickly thereafter. Type disease, injury; Save Fortitude DC = 10 + 1/2 the roddun’s level + the roddun’s Constitution modifier Frequency 1/day Effect 1d6 Str, Con and Dex damage (this damage cannot be healed while the creature is infected).

Oracle Mystery: Gemstones[edit | edit source]

While the uvandir were the first to stumble across the magic and power of gemstones, it was the roddun who tapped into their true power. Roddun oracles have discovered something even the uvandir have not been able to reproduce. Why is that? What is different about the roddun that allows them to do this? Human scholars have pondered the question for years, but so far, they have no answers.

The roddun gemstone oracle–called a sitchik–not only taps into innate powers, but also receives visions from the stones she uses. She sees visions of the past, the future and places far away. She feels as if all the world was a tiny drop of water falling through a black, endless sky. She feels voices speaking through her fingers, the language alien and yet familiar. She feels at one with the world and separate from it, all at once.

Most sitchik go mad from these visions. A few survive. Those who reach the highest levels receive a final vision: a sense that all the world is a piece of art. A painting or sculpture that is in constant flux by the creator. All the world is one thing, every single living creature is part of a vast tapestry or plan. And that every moment is the same moment, that all events are a single event, all happening at once.

This last vision is the one that either blasts the roddun into complete madness or lifts her to powers that few can understand and that she cannot begin to articulate.

Requirements: Roddun

Class Skills: An oracle with the gemstones mystery adds Appraise, Climb and Survival to her list of class skills.

Bonus Spells: vanish (2nd), owl’s wisdom (4th), haste (6th), stoneskin (8th), interposing hand (10th), owl’s wisdom, mass (12th), statue (14th), protection from spells (16th), fiery body (18th).

Revelations: Amber (Su): As a swift action, you may touch a piece of amber to a melee weapon imbuing the weapon with the rest eternal spell. The first creature slain by this weapon activates the spell. The weapon remains imbued until the spell is used or 24 hours passes, whichever comes first. Th is ability may be used once a day and one additional time at 14th level. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Amethyst (Su): You conjure an earring made of amethyst that grants you a +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma. At 8th level, this earring’s bonus increases to +4. At 16th level, this earring’s bonus increases to +6. You can use this earring for 1 day per oracle level. The duration does not need to be consecutive; it can instead be spent in 1 day increments.

Chrysoberyl (Su): You may hold a piece of chrysoberyl up to your eye. When looking through the gemstone you gain a bonus to perception checks equal to half your oracle level.

Coral (Ex): While holding a piece of coral in your mouth you breathe water as if it was air.

Garnet (Su): If you are wearing garnet when any ally of yours is critically hit within 30 feet of you, you can negate any damage. This is a free action. You can only do this once per day and an additional number of times for every 3 oracle levels you possess.

Jade (Su): While wearing jade, when an ally within 30 feet of you fails a Fortitude save against any kind of disease, they can immediately re-roll their saving throw with your Charisma modifier as a morale bonus. You can do this a number of times a day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Jet (Ex): While wearing jet, your base speed increases by 10 feet. At 7th level you gain combat reflexes as a bonus feat even if you do not meet the prerequisites. At 15th level, you can add your Charisma modifier to your AC as a dodge bonus.

Pearl (Sp): You can use pearls to send messages to your allies. You may link a number of pearls equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier together. When placed in the ear, the pearl can be used to send a message as per the message spell to all other pearls linked to it. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Spinel (Su):You conjure a necklace made of spinel that grants you a +4 armor bonus. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2. At 13th level, this necklace gains the reflecting property. You can use this necklace for 1 hour per day per oracle level. The duration does not need to be consecutive; it can instead be spent in 1-hour increments.

Tourmaline (Sp): If you are wearing tourmaline, you may choose a number of allies up to 3 + your Charisma modifier. They automatically succeed at a fear-based saving throws, magical or mundane. Th is is a free action. You can only do this once per day.

Final Revelation: Upon reaching 20th level, you understand the world’s inner workings. As a free action, you can change a successful action into a failure or vice versa. You can do this a number of times a day equal to your oracle level.

External Links[edit | edit source]