Setting:CATastrophe/MAID Conversion Character Creation
Character Creation[edit | edit source]
What follows are the rules for creating the standard Kemomimi characters in Catastrophe: The Role-Playing Game.
So long as it doesn’t become a problem, with the exception of Attributes, you may re-roll any of the aspects of character creation.
For example, if you don’t like a particular Special Quality, and can’t think of a way you can get into roleplaying that kind of character, then roll again and see what you get.
If you really want to play a single certain type of Kemomimi, or have picked out a Stress Explosion type that you think is perfect, then ask the GM if it will work.
Step 1: Attributes[edit | edit source]
Roll 2D6 and divide by 3 (rounding down) for each of the six Attributes below.
Athletics | Physical ability, combat ability. |
Affection | Your skill at forming bonds with other Kemomimi. |
Skill | Your adeptness at using technology and mastering profession. |
Cunning | Your ability at tricking enemies and other Kemomimi. |
Luck | your gift at finding shinies and making saving throws |
Will | Your ability to resist panic, and concentrate. |
Step 2: Kemomimi Types[edit | edit source]
1. Choose a race Archetype (one of the Big 3. Other races can be extrapolated from these, such as Fox can use Dog stats).
Feline: +1 Skill
Canine: +1 Athletics
Leporidae: +1 Affection
Roll a D6 to see what character archetype you have.
Type | Attribute | Adjustment | Description |
1 | Naive | Luck +1 Athletics -1 | Young, inexperienced, and ready for their first adventure. |
2 | Sexy | Cunning +1 Skill -1 | Booty, Beauty, and lookin' good for mates. |
3 | Pure | Affection +1 Will -1 | Pure, kind, and a heart as clear as the water. |
4 | Cool | Skill +1 Affection -1 | Calm and collected, the picture of the unflappable diver. |
5 | Girlish | Athletics +1 Affection -1 | You're the epitome of the toughest, hardest, and most wild divers. |
6 | Heroine | Will +1,Cunning -1 | Honest, single-minded, and a try-hard you are the hero the Kemomimi deserve. |
Each race rolls 1d12 for their racial power.
Feline[edit | edit source]
Racial Power | Effect |
1 Purrfect Conditioning: | You take no penalty from a damaged dive suit as long as the canister is intact and can hold your breath 50% longer. |
2 Nine Lives: | Once per session when the character hits 0 Spirit, they regain 50% of their spirit and gain a +1 on their next roll. |
3 Catastrophic | Once per session you may add +1 per Kemomimi in your party to an attack roll. |
4 Cat's Eye for Quality : | Any rolls related to acquiring rare goods receive a +1 bonus. Loot you find is often of better quality than is usually available. |
5 Curiosity's Reward: | When scouting an unknown area, you may choose to slip in unseen. The party's luck is increased by for the purpose of finding loot. |
6 Light Steps: | You do not set off traps, and have a +1 bonus to disarming them. You can also tell when a building may be more unsafe than usual. |
7 The Cat's Call | When you spend Favor, roll 1d6. On a natural 6, the Favor is not expended. |
8 The Better to See You With | You can easily see in the dark as if it were daylight. |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 |
Canine[edit | edit source]
Racial Power | Effect |
1 Bite Worse than Bark: | Damaging an enemy's armor or hitting a weak spot causes that enemy to automatically target you next turn with a -2 penalty. |
2 Man's Best Friend: | You may spend one turn protecting an ally to get them back on their feet at 50% Spirit |
3 C://SPOT RUN: | On a Natural 6 related to technology, the attempt critically succeeds and whatever you were working on works even better then expected. |
4 Let slip the Dog Girls of war!: | Your nose can sniff out enemy weak points with ease. Once an enemy weak point is found, a roll of 5+ counts as 6. A roll of 6 counts as 7 |
5 Fetch!: | Basic parts and items (DM rules) count as always being on hand. You receive a +2 to finding circumstantial items that could be useful in a situation. |
6 Play Dead!: | The entire team can go into a sonar blackout mode, increasing the party's related rolls for stealthiness checks by +1, and re-rolling the first failed check. |
7 Ruff day | |
8 The Better to Smell You With | While not underwater, you are able to smell and identify living things and smelly objects within a 10m radius. |
9 Hey! Hey! Hey You! | Can communicate simple ideas to non-aggressive wildlife. How cooperative it is is up to the DM. |
10 | |
11 | |
12 |
Leporid[edit | edit source]
Racial Power | Effect |
1 Is that a Carrot in Your Pocket?: | Rolls related to people that could be considered love interests gain a +1 circumstance bonus, and count as one degree of success higher then normal. This must be role played. |
2 Spring Kick: | An attack roll of natural 6 also pushes back and stuns the enemy, preventing them from taking their next turn |
3 Breakneck Speed: | While moving, enemies receive a -1 penalty to hit you. You also can move twice in one turn, once per session. |
4 Fluffy Tail: | You can designate an attack to taunt the enemy into attacking you next turn. It will do no damage if it hits, but will allow the party to receive +1 to attack rolls against that enemy for the duration of the taunt. |
5 Preys, predations: | You may spend one turn acting as an Ally's wingman. They gain a +2 bonus to social rolls during that turn. |
6 Keeps going, and going: | You do not get tired as a result of exploring, poisons and toxins wear off in one turn, and you can take an extra turn in combat once per session. |
7 The Better to Hear You With | You can hear the location of moving things within 6m, or 12m while underwater. |
8 | |
9 | |
10 | |
11 | |
12 |
Step 3: Kemomimi Colors[edit | edit source]
Roll a 2d6 to determine your hair colour
X | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
1 | Red | Purple | Orange | Pink | Brown | Vermilion |
2 | Purple | Blue | Green | Sky | Blue | Navy |
3 | Orange | Green | Yellow | Cream | Beige | Gold |
4 | Pink | Sky | Cream | White | Gray | Silver |
5 | Brown | Navy | Beige | Gray | Black | Metallic |
6 | Vermilion | Indigo | Gold | Silver | Metallic | Brown |
Step 4: Rare Qualities[edit | edit source]
The next step is to determine your 'Kemomimi's rare Qualities.
These are various physical, mental, or social traits that distinguish a Kemomimi from her fellows.
Normally Kemomimi's get two Special Qualities, but the GM may wish to increase this to between 3 and 5 in order to make the game more interesting.
Keep in mind that it can be hard to make 3 or more special qualities play an actual role in the game.
For a starting game, we suggest sticking to two special qualities.
To determine the Kemomimi's Special Qualities, roll 1D66 on the Rare Quality Table below.
Roll | Rare Quality | Description |
11 | Spots and Stripes | Your fur is textured in a unique way. |
12 | Tribal Paint | You're adorned by many of your tribes colours, and believe taking them off is heinous. |
13 | Clawed | You're extraordinarily clawed, even for normal Kemomimi. (both hands and feet) |
14 | Fanged | Your Teeth are predatory and your fangs may be visible even with your mouth closed. |
15 | Noble | Your Kemomimi is very well dressed and eloquent, you also feel superior to other Kemomimi. |
16 | Well Dressed | Your fur extends over more of your body then other more human Kemomimi. |
21 | Scarred | You've collected a good array of travel marks all across your body. |
22 | Tattooed | You've been adorned with many tribal tattoos, from your tribe or from the distant ones from your travels. |
23 | Pierced | You enjoy adorning yourself with the shinies from your travels, and wear most of them at all times. |
24 | Feral | You're wilder, taller, and more muscular than other Kemomimi. |
25 | Outrageous Hair | You've styled your hair in fancy or wild ways, and enjoy showing it off whenever you can. |
26 | Animal Nose | You have a more typical Kemomimi nose of your respective breed. |
32 | Freckled | Your visible skin is much more freckled then most Kemomimi. |
33 | Monochrome | Your fur, skin and hair are the same colour. |
34 | Elf like | Your ears are to the side of your head pointing back, instead of on top. |
35 | Cross Dresser | Your character disguises his or her real gender, to either gain or repel attention. |
36 | More Shiny than Kemomimi | You Kemomimi has mechanical prosthetics in varying margins of quality, on more then one part your body. |
41 | Accented | You speak in a very peculiar way, foreign to most Kemomimi. |
42 | Prowler | Your Kemomimi is more comfortable going around on all fours then standing tall. |
43 | Furrless | Your Kemomimi has no fur beside his or her usual (human) hair. |
44 | Superstitious | Your Kemomimi fervently believes in her ancestors/spirits/midget folks/earless ones/old gods/new gods/etc. |
45 | Decorated | You're never seen without colorful accessories made of flowers, coral, or seashells. |
46 | Landlubber | Your Kemomimi would rather not take to water and would rather stay dry, even during treasure dives. |
51 | Crossbreed | Your Kemomimi is part of the opposite race, this can be one of either of the remaining races after creation. Or a blend of extra Feline traits. |
52 | Brash | Your Kemomimi has little knowledge or care for finer ways of socializing and is awfully blunt. |
53 | Short | Your Kemomimi is three quarters, or half the length of all other Kemomimi regardless of age. |
54 | Albino | Your hair is white, your eyes are red, and you are very sensitive to sunlight. |
55 | Digitigrade Legs | Your Kemomimi walks like an animal that stands or walks on its digits, or toes. |
56 | Oral Fixation | Your Kemomimi is rarely caught without a tooth pick or smokable, to relax with. |
60 | Extra Fluffy | Your Kemomimi's fur is more perky and longer, especially around the tail. |
61 | Lazy | Your Kemomimi isn't the fastest or the hardest working, and enjoys lounging above all. |
62 | Botaniac | Your Kemomimi loves the remaining nature and plantlife of the world, and tries to be around it as much as possible. |
63 | Voluptuous | Your Kemomimi has larger assets then most, male characters are wider and heavier, female characters more curved. |
64 | Skinny | Your Kemomimi is much thinner and lighter, but more defined in physique. |
65 | Big Eared | Your Kemomimi has more defined ears, and thus are larger then more proportionate Kemomimi. |
66 | Swimmer | Your Kemomimi enjoys taking to water at every opportunity, and can usually be found in spas when not diving. |
Step 5: Roots and Stress[edit | edit source]
Roll 1D66 on the Roots and Stress Explosion tables, or the GM may allow you to choose.
Roots table
Roll | Roots | Description |
11-12 | Oathbound | You promised something to someone, and you can't go back on your word. |
13-14 | Limelight | You live for the fame and attention treasure hunting brings you. |
15-16 | Just for Kicks | You act like an enterprising treasure hunter, you are already set with a spouse and riches at home. |
21-22 | Payback | You became a treasure hunter to get back at someone who wronged you. |
23-24 | Voluntold | Your tribe selected your profession for you. |
25-26 | Scholar | Tired of your academic study of ancient technology, you decided to get some hands-on experience. |
31-32 | Runs In the Family | You were raised by treasure hunters and decided to follow in their footsteps. |
33-34 | Extreme Conditioning | You became a treasure hunter to perfect your body and skills. |
35-36 | Went With the Flow | Becoming a treasure hunter just kind of happened. |
41-42 | Self Loathing | In order to get out of the house and to punish yourself for your laxity or sins, you have taken up the job of treasure hunter. |
43-44 | Puppy Love | You followed your crush into the profession. |
45-46 | Girl's Best Friend | You're in it for the shinies and the shinies only. |
51-52 | Infiltrator | You've been sent by a distant tribe or city to spy on the area, and steal their secrets. |
53-54 | Loyalty | You feel great loyalty towards a party member. |
55-56 | Watchdog | You grew up with a party member and became a treasure hunter to protect them. |
61-62 | Dream Job | You've wanted to be a treasure hunter since you were young, and you worked hard to achieve that dream. |
63-64 | Grateful | The tribe helped you out of a jam, and you're hunting for treasures to thank them. |
65-66 | Cousins | You are related to a party member, and your parents asked them to help you learn the ropes. |
Stress Table
Roll | Explosion | Description |
11-12 | Alcohol/Drugs | You drink alcohol (or drugs) until you can’t remember or care. |
13-14 | Stealing | You steal valuables from everything around you. |
15-16 | Violence | You unleash violence on everything around you. |
21-22 | Gambling | You use every penny you have for gambling. |
23-24 | Racing | You get into whatever vehicle is handy and go for a drive at, at least twice the speed limit. |
25-26 | Teasing | You start persistently tormenting other Kemomimi. |
31-32 | Mischief | You start playing troublesome tricks around the city and on the other treasure hunters. |
33-34 | Running Away | You run away from the party. |
35-36 | Complaining | You start incessantly complaining to everyone about everything. |
41-42 | Seclusion | You go somewhere secluded and won’t face anyone, not even for food. |
43-44 | Crying | You start crying uncontrollably. |
45-46 | Rampage | You use anything you can lay your hands on to run around destroying things. |
51-52 | Shopping | You go crazy spending your money on shopping. |
53-54 | Sleep | You spend all day sleeping. |
55-56 | Binge | You go crazy eating. |
61-62 | Prayer | You escape through Superstition, relentlessly praying to heaven or spirits for protection. |
63-64 | Spoiled Child | You act like a spoiled child, making demands. |
65-66 | Player Choice | Let the player to your left decide for you |
Step 6: Popularity and Spirit[edit | edit source]
Your starting Favor is equal to your Affection score, times two.
Your Spirit is equal to your Will score, times ten.
Both of these can start off at zero if the corresponding attribute is zero, making the character initially far more vulnerable to dismissal (in the case of Favor)
or Stress Explosions (in the case of Spirit), but something has to happen during the game for either of these to be triggered.
Favor represents how pleased the City/Tribe/Treasure Guild is with a Kemomimi.
The GM (The Nyador Counsel) hands out points of Favor to the Kemomimi characters whenever they deserve it.
In particular, points of Favor should go to Treasure hunters who work hard to serve, assist, or rescue their Kin. These points can be spent in the following ways:
Usage | Cost and Effects |
Removing Stress | Spend 1 Favor to remove 1 point of Stress. |
Raising Attributes | To raise an attribute by 1, spent a number of Favor points equal to the new attribute level desired, times 10. |
Roll Bonus | Spend 1D6 Favor to add +1 to either the die roll or your attribute score for one action. |
Random Event | Spend 1D6 Favor to have a Random Event occur. |
A Kemomimi whose Favor drops below 0 is banished by the Council or their party.
To avoid being dismissed, Kemomimi can lower one of their attributes by one point, gaining 10 times the new attribute level in Favor (e.g., lowering Athletics from 3 to 2 provides 20 Favor),
until the maid has 0 or more Favor. Of course, that means that Kemomimi can wind up on a downward spiral of reduced ability.
Step 8: Name and Age[edit | edit source]
Finally, write down your Kemomimi's name and age, determine these by choice or dice roll