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For those of us who have severe allergies to fur, the Ironclaw and Jadeclaw RPGs can still be used without the anthropomorphic races. Everything else about the setting -- noble houses, technology, magic, skills, culture -- still works without so much as a hiccup.

Races[edit | edit source]

This is about as official as you're gonna get for the furless races for Ironclaw. ( written by Jason Holmgren, copypasta from Bitemarks issue #1)

Dwarves[edit | edit source]

Characteristically short and stubborn, Dwarves toil away in mountain fortresses, hoarding gold and rarely venturing to the surface. In combat, they fight as one, preferring close-quarters combat, as they are poor with long-distance weapons. The typical dwarf has a thick Viking-esque beard and gnarled hands from a life of physical labor.

  • Racial Gifts: Robustness +2 (5 points)
  • Racial Flaws: Poor Vision (-3 points)
  • Racial Skills: Choose one (Axe or Mace), Craft: Mining, Resolve, and Tactics
  • Racial Weapons: None
  • Racial Habitat: Mountains
  • Racial Sense Tests: Listen
  • Total Cost: 2 points.

Elves[edit | edit source]

Fair-skinned and fair-haired, Elves are often portrayed as a mysterious race, rarely mixing with others. They are usually one with nature , able to disappear in thick forests. Also by tradition, they are unparalleled experts with the bow, and notoriously difficult to surprise. Depending on who you ask, they are either taller or shorter than humans, but their ears are always pointed. They are always of thin or slight build.

  • Racial Gifts: Keen Ears (1 point); Keen Eyes (1 point); Night Vision (1 point)
  • Racial Flaws: Frail (-2 points)
  • Racial Skills: Bow, Camouflage, Sixth Sense, and Stealth
  • Racial Weapons: None
  • Racial Habitat: Forest
  • Racial Sense Tests: Spot; Listen
  • Total Cost: 1 point.

Halflings[edit | edit source]

A race of barefoot, short, chubby people who enjoy creature comforts, the race of hobbit was first introduced in J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings series, and (to avoid copyright laws) they were later renamed Halflings in most fantasy RPGs, or Kender for the Dragonlance books by TSR. The unifying characteristics are bare, hairy feet and a predilection to either staying at home or engaging in a life of thievery.

  • Racial Gifts: Robustness +1 (2 points)
  • Racial Flaws: Corpulent –1 (-1 point)
  • Racial Skills: Camouflage, Craft: Cooking, Observation, and Stealth
  • Racial Weapons: None
  • Racial Habitat: Plains
  • Racial Sense Tests: Smell
  • Total Cost: 1 point.

Humans[edit | edit source]

Easily the most common fantasy race, Humans are often the generalist race, not enjoying any inborn advantages but likewise free from any inherited biases. When they put their minds to it, they can out-do any of the other races in their fantasy milieu. The theory presented here is that there’s more than one human race.

Common Men[edit | edit source]

The most base and numerous of the Humans, the Common Men and Women are the closest to historical humans, with Body Traits in the range of d6 to d10. Most folk never trespass more than seven leagues (1 day's travel by foot) outside their home town; others are nomads who wander great distances on a regular basis on foot, since other transportation is expensive or even unavailable. Game Hosts should make more specialized versions of this type of Human for different locales in their fantasy world. In particular, the Conan series by Robert E. Howard has colorful descriptions of how geography and culture affect people.

  • Racial Gifts: None
  • Racial Flaws: None
  • Racial Skills: Craft (of choice); Choose one (Area Knowledge [home town] or Hiking); Choose one (Observation, Resolve, Sixth Sense, or Stealth); Tactics
  • Racial Weapons: None
  • Racial Habitat: Choose one (Forest, Mountains, or Plains)
  • Racial Sense Tests: none
  • Total Cost: 0 points.

Great Men[edit | edit source]

Some fantasy settings have a breed of Humans who are a cut above the rank and file, such as Chronopia’s Firstborn or Middle-Earth Role-Playing’s Dunedain. These folk are noted for their larger size (and Body Trait) and greater ability to withstand hardship. To that end, the Great Men and Women have the most general representation of hardiness, the Extra Hit Point. They are usually more Spartan in demeanor and behavior, more human than human as it were – used to getting their way and always interested in the bottom line.

  • Racial Gifts: Extra Hit Point (4 points)
  • Racial Flaws: None
  • Racial Skills: Craft (of choice); Hiking; Resolve, and Tactics
  • Racial Weapons: None
  • Racial Habitat: Choose one (Forest, Mountains, or Plains)
  • Racial Sense Tests: none
  • Total cost: 4 points

High Men[edit | edit source]

These people have magic in their blood. Perhaps they are descended from Elves, or maybe another great race such as the Vinya from Middle Earth Role-Playing. Unlike other Humans, they tend to be reclusive, often acting alone rather than in concert or in society. Their wits are often keen (Mind Trait of d8 or more), and it’s no surprise that, combined with their inborn inclinations and hermit nature, they often become accomplished wizards.

  • Racial Gifts: None
  • Racial Flaws: None
  • Racial Skills: Augury; Craft (of choice); Lore: Magic; Sixth Sense
  • Racial Weapons: None
  • Racial Habitat: Choose one (Forest, Mountains, or Plains)
  • Racial Sense Tests: none
  • Total cost: 0 points

Orcs[edit | edit source]

Where would the Dwarves and Elves be without their hereditary enemies, the Orcs? Are they debased humans or a separate race entirely? The Orcs presented here have pronounced snouts and war-worthy tusks. Like Dwarves, they are poor suited to long-distance combat. They prefer to ambush folks using man-to-man tactics, often overwhelming by sheer strength of numbers. Since Orcs come from the harshest, most unforgiving conditions, the climates of other races look like idyllic paradises to them, so it’s no wonder they’re often willing to fight to the death to obtain them.

  • Racial Gifts: Robustness +1 (2 points); Tusks (1 point)
  • Racial Flaws: Poor Vision (-3 points)
  • Racial Skills: Camouflage, Herbalism, Intimidation, and Resolve
  • Racial Weapons: Tusks
  • Racial Habitat:Choose one (Forest, Mountains, or Plains)
  • Racial Sense Tests: Smell
  • Total cost: 0 points

Lizard People[edit | edit source]

Nasty, hissing brutes, with lanky, steely limbs and darting snakey tails, the Lizard People are a fantasy staple from the pulp era of fantasy writers such as Clark Ashton Smith and Robert E. Howard. The Lizard People presented here are more like the snake people of Hyberborea or Lovecraft’s Cthulu Mythos. Different ones might have Prehensile Feet or Poison. Noxious ones like the troglodytes of Dungeons & Dragons fame could have a Spray attack.

  • Racial Gifts: Claws (1 point); Prehensile Tail (1 point); Robustness +1 (1 point); Teeth (1 point)
  • Racial Flaws: None
  • Racial Skills: Choose one (Climbing or Swimming); Camouflage; Contortionist and Resolve
  • Racial Weapons: Claws; Teeth
  • Racial Habitat: Choose one (Forest or Plains)
  • Racial Sense Tests: Smell
  • Total Cost: 4 points

Minotaurs[edit | edit source]

In Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a half-man, half-bull monster that was cursed with an appetite for human flesh. This creature has proven very popular with fantasy audiences through the ages, and some authors make these brutes their own Race. By tradition, the Minotaur carries a giant axe and skulks about in mazes and dark corridors.

  • Racial Gifts: Horns (1 point); Robustness +2 (5 points); Strength +2 (5 points)
  • Racial Flaws: Gluttony (-1 point); Poor Sight (-3 points)
  • Racial Skills: Axe, Intimidation, Resolve and Stealth
  • Racial Weapons: Horns
  • Racial Habitat: Plains
  • Racial Sense Tests: Smell
  • Total Cost: 7 points

Ogres[edit | edit source]

When you can’t get a giant ... get an Ogre. Basically large, malformed humans who feel no pain, the traditional Ogre should have a low Mind trait (d4 to d6) and a high Body Trait (d10 or better). Sometimes they wear arms and armor like other folks… Other times, they simply use their bare hands to tear and shred all who oppose them. An Ogre makes an excellent right hand man for a major villain.

  • Racial Gifts: Armor d4 (3 points); Strength +3 (7 points)
  • Racial Flaws: Poor Vision (-3 points)
  • Racial Skills: Brawling, Intimidation, Resolve, and Wrestling
  • Racial Weapons: Choose one (Forest, Mountains, or Plains)
  • Racial Habitat: none
  • Racial Sense Tests: Smell
  • Total cost: 7 points

Trolls[edit | edit source]

The classic monstrous race, Trolls have rubbery skin, dirty claws, rheumy eyes, and nasty temperaments. Some legends give them amazing abilities of regeneration – the Troll presented here just ignores major cuts and gashes by virtue of its Armor. Other legends say that sunlight harms them, by burning their skin or by turning them to stone – these Trolls just can’t stand the light of the sun, giving them penalties on everything they do. Reports of Trolls’ mental capacity vary; sometimes they are little more than animals in intelligence, other times they are sophisticated villains masterminding the capture of princesses or children.

  • Racial Gifts: Armor d6 (7 points); Strength +2 (5 points); Claws (1 point); Teeth (1 point)
  • Racial Flaws: Dread of Sunlight (Very Common; -4 points)
  • Racial Skills: Resolve, Stealth, and Wrestling
  • Racial Weapons: Claws, Teeth
  • Racial Habitat: Mountains
  • Racial Sense Tests: Listen; Smell
  • Total Cost: 10 points
