Primordial Evolution Game/East Continent
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This article details the events of the East Continent Evolution stage in the Primordial Evolution Game.

Progenitors[edit | edit source]
Boomer: A derivative of the Hopping Flouz. Boomers are blind, pig-sized herbivores. Their large abdomens are filled with methane, which they ignite upon serious injury or death as a deterrent to predators.
Higitain: An offshoot of early Land Slizers. Due to isolation and a small population, they've lost a small bit of their agression and their adhesive acid-spray.
Govnik: Ambush predators which are descended from Stalcks.
Joord: Descendants of Bords which landed in the far east. They've become tall and slender with a long beak for wading into shallow waters in order to catch fish.
Ngung: A fluzpuff derivative. They live off of a varied diet of carrion, detris, dung, and sap.
Ribboner: This speedy flier is an offshoot of Flatworems. It feeds on small insects.
Dahon: Colonies of microscopic jellyfish known as Runu acting as if they were a single organism. They feed on algae and small organisms.
Keerb: Relative of Krubs, Keerbs are amphibious arthropods which feed on riverside plants and detritus.
Glowing Ramel: A descendant of Ramel Magnificus. It has luminescent compounds in its exoskeleton.
Ramel Stalker: The Ramel Stalker is a bipedal glundiform with an internalized skeleton. It hunts using its bladed snout.
Azrach: A leafless tree descended from Yantars with photosynthetic bark. They asexually produce fruit which are eaten by many herbivores.
Tapascu: This Yantar derived plant protects itself from herbivores with large spikes around its base. It releases spores to reproduce.
Vindra: This blue plant is a species of Hrass which has broad leaves and tuberous roots.
Boomer Evolution[edit | edit source]

Eyespot Boomer[edit | edit source]

Eyespot Boomer
Status: Extinct
progenitor: Boomer
-> Crawling Boomer
-> Coastal Boomer
-> Walking Boomer
Boomers developed two large light-sensitive patches on their faces. Like their ancestors, these Boomers secrete a thick slime which aids in dragging their large, yet light abdomen. The red patches on the head of this creature are luminescent organs, which it flashes as a warning to predators to leave it alone.
Crawling Boomer[edit | edit source]

Crawling Boomer
Status: Extinct
progenitor: Eyespot Boomer
-> Climbing Boomer
The crawling boomers developed stronger feet, with their fingers developing into almost claw-like digits. This allowed them to dig in deeper to the ground and gain purchase on a larger variety of terrain, as well as cling to surfaces better.
Climbing Boomer[edit | edit source]

Climbing Boomer
Status: Extant
progenitor: Crawling Boomer
The Climbing Boomers have specialized in living in the vast canopies of the azrach forests that cover the eastern coastline and swamps. Their tentacles are longer and stronger, and they move through the canopy by swinging themselves from one branch to another. Over time, they gained elaborate luminescent displays and sticky surfaces on their palms. They mostly eat the fruits and bark of the azrach trees.
Coastal Boomer[edit | edit source]

Coastal Boomer
Status: Extant
progenitor: Eyespot Boomer
The front legs of boomers living on the southern coast became webbed in order to swim back to shore whenever they were swept out to sea. They also developed transparent eyelids.
Walking Boomer[edit | edit source]

Walking Boomer
Status: Extinct
progenitor: Eyespot Boomer
-> Mountain Boomer
-> Crag Boomer
-> Plains Boomer
-> Frilla Boomer
-> Tundra Boomer
-> Swamp Boomer
Over time, the boomers living near the plains developed stronger tentacles, which allow them to walk, instead of simply crawling on the ground. These boomers live in small herds, using the noxious gases their former slime glands adapted to excrete for common protection.
Mountain Boomer[edit | edit source]
Mountain Boomer
Status: Extinct
progenitor: Walking Boomer
-> Cave Boomer
-> Green Boomer
Due to flooding for parts of the year, some boomers began to seek higher ground. Eventually they became the mountain boomers, who have hard clawed hoof like feet which help them to move in the rockier environment.
Volcanic activity caused a split in the mountain boomer species. Their population suffered heavily from the eruptions, and most of the survivors had to migrate to south, away from the most active volcanoes. These mountain hoppas were few and far between, they live in small herds that wandered the southern mountains in search of food.
Cave Boomer[edit | edit source]

Cave Boomer
Status: Extant
progenitor: Mountain Boomer
The Mountain Boomers which stayed in the northern mountains sought safety in caves and nooks that shielded them against the volcanic activity. Over time, these cave boomers became reclusive species, usually only living by themselves or in small family groups. Their skin became thicker and developed hard scale like plates that protected the creatures against the irritating ash that was everywhere. The plant life in the mountains was too scarce to get rid of the nutrient rich material very fast. Without their now thicker skin, the ash would smear and cause infections in the sensitive skin of the boomers.
Green Boomer[edit | edit source]

Green Boomer
Status: Extant
progenitor: Mountain Boomer
Green Boomers are an herbivore found in the rainforests extending from the southern end of the mountains onto the archipelago. They live in small groups of between 4-15 members. Their diet consists of underbrush and fallen or low-growing fruit. The tips of their tentacles are covered with numerous section cups, making then effective manipulators.
Crag Boomer[edit | edit source]

Crag Boomer
Status: Extinct
progenitor: Walking Boomer
-> Red Boomer
Just like the mountain Boomers, these too migrated to the mountains to escape the floods. Rather than hoofed feet, they developed stronger digits to grip and climb the uneasy surfaces.
Red Boomer[edit | edit source]

Red Boomer
Status: Extinct
progenitor: Boomer
-> Bagr
-> Willo Boomer
Red Boomers a carnivorous species. They lost their beak in favor of a fanged maw. Their skin is covered in armored plates, which most likely formed as protection from falling rock in the geologically active region in which they live.
Bagr[edit | edit source]

Status: Extant
progenitor: Red Boomer
Bagrs are social predators living in the northern mountains. They form large packs ruled by the strongest male. This male doesn't necessarily get all of the mates. He is simply at the top of the pecking order for feeding and mating. From their diet, their armor contains numerous metal-based compounds, making it strong and good at resisting heat. As part of both hunting and defense, they spray a highly reactive mix of chemicals from their mouths which burn intensely when mixed.
Willo Boomer[edit | edit source]
Willo Boomer
Status: Extant
progenitor: Red Boomer
The Willo Boomer is a nocturnal animal that lives in the caves of the southern mountains. It only leaves its home in the caves at night after the sun has set. The blood of the Willo Boomers contains a luninescent chemical. The bluish glow can be seen in the night when it is looking for something to eat. Normally it eats the moss growing inside of the caves. When it is time to mate, however, it tends to seek out more nutritious food. The Boomer is able to spray a foul smelling, and luminescent fluid from its mouth as surprisingly high pressure in defense.
Running Boomer[edit | edit source]

Running Boomer
Status: Extinct
progenitor: Walking Boomer
-> Long-Legged Boomer
-> Jungle Boomer
Wild fires were devastating for boomers, which are incredibly vulnerable to fire, as the gases their bodies contain are quite flammable. The only ones who survived these fires were the ones with longest and the fastest legs. Over time, these fast boomers became the dominant boomer variety on the plains.
Gotta go fast!
Long-Legged Boomer[edit | edit source]

Long-Legged Boomer
Status: Extant
progenitor: Running Boomer
-> Stilt Boomer
This species of boomer has long legs which allow it to keep it's gas filled body far away from the flames of frequent grass fires. They can skitter over avarage wildfires, due to their thicker skin on their legs. They have also adapted to feed on charred plants, which other herbivores tend to ignore.
>implying fires can touch me.
Stilt Boomer[edit | edit source]

Stilt Boomer
Status: Extant
progenitor: Long-Legged Boomer
Stilt Boomers are predatory ambushers which hunt during the night. They use the bioluminiscent tips at the ends of their sensory tentacles to emulate the movements of Lightbutt Ngung, which attracts smaller creatures such as Joords to them. Their dark coloration and tall posture allow them to stay unnoticed by the approaching creature fixated on the pretty dancing lights indicating potential snack. When the prey is close enough, the stilt boomer activates it's head lamps, which can easily blind and shock the prey for a moment. The boomers use this moment to lunge at their prey, ripping them apart with their long and sharp fangs. In case the prey tries to flee or fight back, the muscular legs of the stilt boomers allow it to easily catch and pummel the prey to death.
The stilt boomers less social than their ancestors, though they often stay within the seeing distance of each other, using their bioluminiscence to communicate. They inhabit a number of biomes. The coast, southern marshes, ashlands and frilla forests are all quite suitable habitats for them.
>implying fires can touch me either.
Jungle Boomers[edit | edit source]

Jungle Boomer
Status: Extant
progenitor: Running Boomer
Smaller than Green Boomers, Jungle Boomers live in the canopy of the forest canopy. Their diet consists of fruit and Tapascu leaves. Their long, dextrous legs make it easy for them to jump and run swiftly along the tops of the trees.
Frilla Boomer[edit | edit source]
Frilla Boomer
Status: Extinct
progenitor: Walking Boomer
-> Sap Boomer
-> Gliding Boomer
In order to escape seasonal floods, these Boomers began to climb up the surfaces of the massive Frilla trees. They developed gecko like paws which allowed them to do so with ease. They also became much smaller.
Sap Boomer[edit | edit source]

Sap Boomer
Status: Extant
progenitor: Boomer
The sap boomer has a strong, chisel-like beak. They use it to break off layers of Frilla bark and reach the layer of phloem so that they may drink the sap carried within. Their skin has taken on a pigment similar to that of the bark, so they may feed uninterrupted by predators.
Gliding Boomer[edit | edit source]

Gliding Boomer
Status: Extant
progenitor: Frilla Boomer
Gliding boomers are omnivorous animals which live in the Frilla forest. Their diet mainly consists of bugs and vegetation. Their namesake comes from their ability to glide from tree to tree. While gliding, they often leave their beakless mouths open in order to catch swarms of Ngungs. While gliding, they can release a stream of volatile chemicals which ignite and provide a speed boost.
Swamp Boomer[edit | edit source]

Swamp Boomer
Status: Extant
progenitor: Walking Boomer
-> Predatory Boomer
The legs of Walking Boomers which moved into the swamps became longer to traverse the watery terrain. Their skin also became darker to blend in with the environment.
As the the terrain of the swamps became more difficult from the dense Azrach growth, the boomers developed claws on their toes in order to better grip to the roots and trunks of the trees which they walked along.
Predatory Boomer[edit | edit source]

Predatory Boomer
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Swamp Boomer
In the harsh struggle of survival in the dark and damp central marshes, a new predatory splinter species of the swamp boomers emerges. These boomers have adapted to the low light conditions of the central marshes, by developing Infrared sensitive eyes, which allow them to better track suitable prey. Unfortunately, these new eyes are vulnerable to direct sunlight, which confines these species to the perpertual darkness of the central marsh, and forces them to move in the other parts of the great azrach forest during the night.
These carnivorous boomers hunt smaller critters, their swamp boomer bretheren, govinks and keerbs. Their strong and shear-like beak allow them to make short work out of their prey. The predatory boomers hunt by outmanouvering their prey, using the speed and agility that all the swamp boomers posses to get the kill.
Tundra Boomer[edit | edit source]

Tundra Boomer
Status: Extinct
progenitor: Walking Boomer
-> Arctic Boomer
The tundra boomers are bigger and stockier than their cousins, and they move in great herds for mutual protection. They have lost their gas discharge defense, as their bodies need to focus on keeping the creature warm. They've begun to develop an organ attached to their lungs and float sacs which burns small amounts of their internal methane supply for heat. The sensory hairs of their toes have also started to spread to the rest of their legs, as they help in retaining heat.
The tundra boomers mostly feed on tubers and other plant material found in the north during the summer. They migrate south during the winter, as even they can't stand the cold arctic winter, despite their adaptations.
They spend the winter on the southern side of the riverside plains of this continent. When summer comes, the swim across the river and return to the north and begin once again to feast on the vindra tubers of the tundra. The walking boomers give birth to more developed young, who don't float away from the herd, like they do in most hoppa an boomer species. They usually breed during spring, and give birth during summer, so that the young can quickly get fat on the abundant plant life of the tundra.
Arctic Boomer[edit | edit source]

Arctic Boomer (Winter Coat)
Status: Extinct
progenitor: Tundra Boomer
-> Wooly Boomer
Volcanic eruptions resulted in disrupting the migration cycle of the tundra boomers. They could not cross the muddy river, and thus they were forced to endure the cold winter of the north. Many of them died, and the ones who survived were hairiest of them all. Within relatively few generations, the boomers became extremely hairy. These hairs grow before winter, and they trap the internal heat of the boomer very efficiently, allowing these creatures to survive the harsh arctic winter. They no longer migrate back to the south. They do come closer to the river during the winter, but they do not cross it anymore.
Wooly Boomer[edit | edit source]

Wooly Boomer
Status: Extant
progenitor: Arctic Boomer
Wooly Boomers are massive creatures which live in the cold north year-round, traveling in small herds. Their thick, shaggy fur is very effective in holding in the heat which the creatures produce from their methane burning. The diet of these boomers is made up of grasses and roots which they dig up using the tusks to either side of their beak. One major distinction between Wooly Boomers and all other species is that these have skeleton make entirely of actual bone rather than mostly cartilage.
Higitain Evolution[edit | edit source]

Frilla Higitain[edit | edit source]
Frilla Higitain
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Higitain
->Flying Higitain
->Jungle Higitain
These Higitains are vicious predators which grab onto prey with their large fangs and mandibles and rip it apart with the tiny clawed mouth parts. Their feet are clawed, allowing them to scale the massive Frilla trees. They hunt mainly on the ground and lower limbs of the Frillas. A major stable of their diet are Ramels which inhabit the same forests. Some specializations made in hunting them are having thicker exoskeletons to withstand being charged at, and glowing eye spots which resemble they eyes of the ramels in the dark.
Flying Higitain[edit | edit source]

Flying Higitain
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Frilla Higitain
Close relatives of the Frilla Higitain, these predators of the forest canopy sport three pair of insect-like wings. While capable of limited flight, they mostly function in regulatings the Higitain's body temperature. They build small dens of bark on the large saucer shaped limbs along the frilla's trunk. When hunting, the Flying Higitains divebomb their prey, usually catching it in mid-flight. Their wings, coupled with rudder-like flaps of there exoskeletons give them a high degree of control in mid-air. With sharp eyesight, they are able to spot potential prey at a considerable distance.
Plains Higitain[edit | edit source]

Plains Higitain
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Higitain
->Swamp Higitain
Plains Higitains have shear-like mandibles which they slice their victims up with. On theri front, they have two scythe-like limbs which are actually used to crack open the shells of other creatures. Their posture and leg positioning make them efficient runners.
Jungle Higitain[edit | edit source]
Jungle Higitain
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Frilla Higitain
Being redone
Northern Higitain[edit | edit source]

Northern Higitain
Status: Extant
In the warmer seasons, this Higitain stalks the temperate plains of the north. A highly noticeable feature in this species is the lack of the spines along its back. They have been lost in order for the Higitain to burrow underground when winter approaches for hibernation.
Swamp Higitain[edit | edit source]

Swamp Higitain
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Plains Higitain
The apex predator of the swamps, these Higitains ar smaller than other species of the genus. Their reduced size allows them to pursue prey through the tangled tree maze. The claws on their feet are more suited for climbing and gripping, and they possess barbed graspers on their backside, which allow them to anchor themselves on a tree trunk. They way in which their eyes are aligned give the Swamp Higitains a very wide field of vision. When one picks up movement, it will give chase through the tangle.
Govnik Evolution[edit | edit source]

Herbivorous Govnik[edit | edit source]

Herbivorous Govnik
Status: Extinct
Progenitor: Govnik
->Armored Govnik
The Herbivorous Govnik was a herd animal that lived on the once lush plains of the eastern continent. They fed on most kinds of vegetation. Their main defense against predators was a thicker carapace than what earlier Stalcks had.
Armored Govnik[edit | edit source]

Armored Govnik
Status: Extinct
Progenitor: Herbivorous Govnik
-> Cutter Govnik
-> Coast Govnik
-> Jungle Govnik
-> Gohrok
The Armored Govnik possessed an incredibly thick carapace to defend itself from predators which had become more proficient in cracking shells open. Despite their appearances, this species of Govnik is an apt runner. The muted color attracts less unwanted attention than the bright pink shell did. While their heavy pincers can crack open most things they are able to grasp, they are most often used to club predators with.
Cutter Govnik[edit | edit source]

Cutter Govnik
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Armored Govnik
The Cutter Govnik is a resident in the root labyrinths of the great swamp. It feeds on the roots, fruits, detritus and other plant matter. The Govnik use its strong and sharp claws to cut its way through the tangled mess of roots and branches. The mandibles of the animal are large and powerful to break apart tough plant matter. Cutter Govniks move in small groups, helping each other to clear the way towards food.
Coastal Govnik[edit | edit source]

Coast Govnik
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Armored Govnik
Coastal Govniks are strict herbivores which live mainly in the Coastal Plains. They have two specialized pairs of mandibles, one pair for small, tender foods such as tubers and grasses, and a large pair for crushing harder, woody vegetation. They'll use their claws and major mandibles to dig up the tuberous roots of Vindras.
Jungle Govnik[edit | edit source]

Jungle Govnik
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Armored Govnik
The Jungle Govniks are slightly smaller than their relatives. Their legs are suited for climbing over the fallen over trunks that litter the forest floor. The Govniks use their long, yellow ears to communicate with members of their herds.
Gohrok[edit | edit source]

Status: Extant
Progenitor: Armored Govnik
-> Jungle Gohrok
-> Upright Gohrok
These stout Govniks were once omnivores which once wandered in small herds along the plains (both the coastal and the burning), highlands, southern marshes and in the edges of the jungles. Now they are just found on the eastern end of the continent, due to other species forcing them out of their former habitat. They lost a lot of the thickness of their exoskeleton, but they ware still rather sturdy creatures. The Gohroks' resilience comes from their large stature, as they are capable of taking blows that would knock a normal armored Govnik to the ground. A combination of their bulk and strength allows them to easily brace for most impacts. Surprisingly, they are actually quite fast when they need to be. They can produce explosive bursts of speeds by flinging themselves forward with their strong front limbs. However, they prefer to slowly lumber along. They walk mostly on four legs, but they are also able to stand on just their hind legs.
Gohroks are mainly herbivorous, although they eagerly feed on carrion and occasionally hunt down a sick or wounded animal.
Jungle Gohrok[edit | edit source]

Jungle Gohrok
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Gohrok
The Jungle Gohroks are carnivorous animals that feed on whatever they are able to catch. Their mantis-like claws elongate and are able to shoot out so fast they break the sound barrier. One can tell when a Gohrok is hunting nearby when by the sound of gunfire or falling trees. The sound is used both to scare away larger predators as well as disorienting their prey. Due to the skulks and other sources of LemUy their diet, the Jungle Gohroks tend to glow in the dark slightly.
Standing Gohrok[edit | edit source]
Standing Gohrok
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Gohrok
Hailing from the Ashen Highlands, the Standing Gohroks move in large swarms, eating everything they come across. They are extremely aggressive and easy to provoke if they are meddled with. They will attack anything they perceive as a threat without warning and with relentless fury. They use their extremely powerful necks to make devastating headbutts and their crushing claws to RIP AND TEAR YOUR GUTS! crack open almost any armor. They will pursue the thing that angered them for miles, and if they catch it, they will pummel it to death.
The swarms migrate across the ashen highlands and mountains. Occasionally they end up in other biomes such as the southern mountain ranges, its jungles, the burning plains, and the frilla forest.
Mountain Govnik[edit | edit source]

Mountain Govnik
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Govnik
->Hex Govnik
A freak mutation resulted in an extra pair of functional legs. Coupled with their toes, Mountain Govniks can easily navigate the rugged terrain of the mountains, as well as the Ashen Highlands.
Hex Govnik[edit | edit source]

Hex Govnik
Status: Extinct
-> Govink
Hex Govniks were predators which hunted in packs. They ran on their four legs and used the two large pincers to take down prey. Having been dependent on their sense of vision, the Govniks had shorter eyes talks than other species.
Govink[edit | edit source]

Status: Extant
Progenitor: Hex Govnik
-> Ripper Govink
-> Climbing Govink
-> Jumping Govink
Govinks are a nocturnal predator of the plains. They hunt by stalking their prey during the day, and launching numerous rapid attacks on the victim after nightfall, slowly tiring it out. They kill their prey by inflicting a few heavy wounds and allowing it to bleed out.
Ripper Govink[edit | edit source]

Ripper Govink
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Govink
The Ripper Govinks are large predatory creatures, honed for hunting prey in the dark. They stalk and ambush their prey, before quickly tearing it apart with it's heavy claws. These predators are capable of taking down almost anything the jungle has to offer.
Climbing Govink[edit | edit source]

Climbing Govink
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Govink
The Climber Govinks live in the large Azrach trees. Their long legs and flexible bodies allowing them to move with surprising ease amongst the branches. They eat small insects, fruits, bark and the occasional Joord they manage to catch.
Jumper Govink[edit | edit source]

Jumper Govink
Status: Extinct
Progenitor: Govink
-> Swamp Govink
The Jumper Govinks were a compact offshoot of the Govink. Their powerful hind legs allowed them to leap from tree to tree. The paws at the ends of their middle limbs were hand like, allowing them to better climb the trees. Rudimentary jaws allowed them to better eat everything they can get in their claws. They even gnawed at the bark of the azrach trees for sustenance. They lived in loosely scattered groups, usually hunting climbing boomers and eating fruits. Their main threats were the higitains(which are still the dominant predators of these forests).
Only few survived into adulthood. An increased number of offspring guaranteed that at least few would survive.
They had a curious mental trait. Because of the shortage of food, the ones who attempted to taste and eat strange foods were able to survive to breed more often than the ones who tried to stick to the lesser quantities of familiar prey. Over time, this trait had manifested itself as almost suicidal curiosity. When they got interested in something, they quickly became very distracted from their surroundings. They would poke a sleeping higitain in the eye, and the ones who survived would probably have learned something.
Swamp Govink[edit | edit source]

Swamp Govink
Status: Extinct
Progenitor: Jumping Govink
-> Govkar
The upright posture of the Swamp Govink was more suited for holding on to the branches and trunks of the Azrach trees covering the swamp. They used their large crab like claws for hunting, climbing and clearing their way through the tangled roots and branches.
Their suicidal curiosity was still very much present. The ones who learned what was dangerous would survive until they reached sexual maturity. A new learning behavior had begun to develop in the young of the species: imitation. They could learn necessary survival skills by watching the adults of the species.
The govinks have started nesting together for common protection. They usually built their nests in the upper branches of the azrach trees, away from the water, Higitains and the Skulks. The govinks guarded their young until they became old enough and dispersed to the forest again in smaller groups.
Govkar[edit | edit source]

Status: Extant
Progenitor: Swamp Govink
The inquisitive Govkars are one of the six sapient species native to East Continent. The long, tentacle-like projections were an extra pair of malformed pinnas. Without being connected to the inner ear, they did nothing to aid in hearing. However, they did aid in the regulation of body temperature. Over time, they became longer as well as somewhat prehensile (the tentacles can be flexed, but they are not strong enough to lift themselves). Now, they serve as antennae, and are sensitive enough to feel the slightest breezes passing through the Azrach tangle.
In human terms, the govkar seem to be insanely curious, from our perspective, resembling children with ADHD. Though from closer inspection, it is clear that they lack a certain amount of logical thinking that we take for granted. This is because from their perspective, the marshes make very little sense. They don't understand why some of their brethren are suddenly killed by seemingly invisible strings and then dragged to the canopy, they can't comprehend how the wounded looking plant which is suddenly alive again, dragging them towards a giant nefarious looking tree with glee, the fallen Azrach log that suddenly turned into a ravenous Govnik and killed one of their mates is just another nonsensical occurrence, the uncanny precision in which the hunter boomers track them is beyond their comprehension, the hunters that never returned being found hanging from the canopy shriveled is just one of the mysteries of this infernal swamp. Why try to make sense of anything, when it bloody doesn't make sense? The Govkar, although curious and capable of learning extremely fast, don't think logically at all, because they don't understand the marshes they live in. In their mind, stuff just happens, and it is all the fault of this cursed marsh.
There is an odd phenomenon which causes some Govkars to be born with a third eye and glowing tentacles. While the condition is genetic, the traits will not be exhibited without some external influences during development.
Swimming Govnik[edit | edit source]

Swimming Govnik
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Govnik
Swimming Govniks are ambush predators which live along the river banks and in the massive swamp. They lie motionless, floating at the water's surface and wait for potential prey to approach. Their coloration make them appear as a simple Azrach log. When something wanders close, they lunge out of the water and clamp onto the victim with their two claws and either rip it apart or drown it. While submerged, the Govnik can extend its eye stalks above the surface to look for prey, or watch out for larger predators such as Higitains.
Joord Evolution[edit | edit source]

Smart Joord[edit | edit source]

Smart Joord
Status: Extinct
progenitor: Joord
Smart Joords were coastal animals which fed on sea slucks, nuros, and soft-shelled krubs. They had a larger cranium than other joords from not needing the powerful jaw and neck muscles. Their most important traits were their social behaviors and basic grasp of "cause and effect".
Joorod[edit | edit source]
Status: Extant
progenitor: Smart Joord
Joorods are another of the six sapient species native to East Continent.
The brains of Joorods are highly developed, making them incredibly intelligent creatures. As a side effect of their brain growth however, their skulls are quite thin, making them more prone to head injury. It also makes up one of the largest parts of their energy needs. Joorods have a purely carnivorous diet, consisting mainly of fish, bugs, and carrion. Their stomach works mainly to kill any microorganisms before passing food along to the intestines. Their efficiency at this allows them to safely eat even the most spoiled of foods. Plant matter has little nutritional value to both species of Rods since they are unable to digest it, even with cooking first. All that results is a variety of gastrointestinal troubles. Mating for Joorods is a seasonal event, occurring in the later half of the rainy season. They generally lay a single egg per mating. Children sport bright blue plumage which blends in with the vegetation of East Continent, which aid in camouflage. Adults are a pale yellow, which sticks out easily amongst the blue flora.
Aggrod[edit | edit source]

Status: Extant
progenitor: Smart Joord
Close relatives to the Joorod, Aggrods are another sapient species of Joord. They are capable of tool making and using language. A peculiar trait is their seemingly inborn knack for devising strategies and tactics. Aggrods live in groups of ten to twenty individuals and are highly aggressive toward other packs. The packs work to fight off the larger predators in order to steal their kills. The rest of their diet consists of scavenging on carrion.
Fieldsrunner[edit | edit source]

Status: Extant
progenitor: Joord
-> Fisher
Fieldsrunners are a species of Joord that lives exclusively in the open plains. Their diet consists mostly of insects which they pluck from within the tall grasses. If not caught by surprise, a Fieldsrunner can almost always outrun their predators. The large tailfeathers of the Joord act as a counterweight while running. A transparent membrane covers their eyes, shielding them from the ash and smoke commonly in the air of the Burning Plains.
Fisher[edit | edit source]

Status: Extant
progenitor: Fieldsrunner
This species of Joord is most often found alongside lakes and riverbanks. Their long, curved beaks are used to probe into mud and crevasses between rocks to pick out any freshwater nuros or frowgs to eat. Like their cousin the Fieldsrunner, they are agile creatures, but their long necks can make them unseady. Parasitic organisms living in the feathers of the Fisher produce poisonous spores which it can can release by ruffling its feathers. Both creatures benefit from this as the relationship provides the fisher with a potent defense mechanism, and the parasites can feed on fluids and dead skin.
Noord[edit | edit source]

Status: Extinct
progenitor: Joord
-> Stalker/Yeti?/ Noord
-> Flying Noord
The Noords were a species of Joord which lived in the temperate and tundra regions of the continent. They had downy feathers covering the entire length of their legs and some additional body fat to stay warm. During the winters, their near-white coloration had allowed them to avoid detection from both prey and predator alike.
Stalker/Yeti/? Noord[edit | edit source]
? Noord
Status: Unknown
progenitor: Noord
-> Unknown
Is it a yeti or snow ostrich?
Flying Noord[edit | edit source]

Flying Noord
Status: Extant
progenitor: Noord
->Southern Noord
These large bird-like creatures are well built to survive in the frigid north. Their thick coat of feathers and layer of fat keep them comfortably warm during the winter season. Their webbed feet disperse their weight, which keeps them from sinking into the snow. Their chisel-like beak is used to peck through layers of ice on lakes and streams to reach water to drink, as well as pecking into dead trees for the insects inside. The broad wingspan of the Flying Noord give the animal its namesake, the ability to fly.
Southern Noord[edit | edit source]

Southern Noord
Status: Extant
progenitor: Noord
->Jungle Noord
The Southern Noord mainly inhabits the large Frilla forest between the Burning Plains and the Ashen Highland. They feed on bugs in the bark of Frillas, as well as in the topsoil.
Jungle Noord[edit | edit source]

Jungle Noord
Status: Extant
progenitor: Southern Noord
This offshoot of the Southern Noord inhabits the rainforests of the southern mountains and islands. Their diet consists of bugs and azrach fruit and seeds.
Mountain Joord[edit | edit source]

Mountain oord
Status: Extant
progenitor: Joord
-> High Mountain Joord
Mountain Joords live in the mountains on the western side of the continent. Their coloration serves to both blend them in with the dark stone, as well as to better absorb heat from the sun. Mutations lead to some of them hatching with an extra pair of arms. The trait ended up overall beneficial and spread throughout the gene-pool. Over time, they formed into a pair of wings which provide limited flight. The Mountain Joords prey on small animals, and hunt by jumping onto their prey from high ledges. These jumps give much needed force for the weak Joords but is also very dangerous, as even a small mistake could cause grievous injury. They control their fall by flapping their large wings. These daring jumps also work as a gauge for the females to see who is suitable mate. A more controlled descent is desirable by the female.
High Mountain Joord[edit | edit source]

Hight Mountain Joord
Status: Extant
progenitor: Mountain Joord
Isolation from being on opposite sides of the mountains has resulted in this subspecies of the Mountain Joord. They tent to be more jumpy and irritable than the other Mtn. Joords.
Crusher Joord[edit | edit source]

Crusher Joord
Status: Extant
progenitor: Joord
Crusher Joords live along the rivers and in the swamp, feeding on the shelled Keerbs. The strong beak and jaw muscles allow the Joord to break open the Keerbs for the soft meat within. When threatened by Govniks or Higitains, they will begin to peck ferociously until the predator is dead or runs off.
Hydra Joord[edit | edit source]

Hydra Joord
Status: Extant
progenitor: Joord
Hydra Joords are an odd species. Aside from being born with two heads, they have the ability to regrow lost limbs. If a head is lost, it too will grow back if given enough time if the other remains. They are native to the swamp.
Ngung Evolution[edit | edit source]

Nesting Ngung[edit | edit source]

Nesting Ngung
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Ngung
-> Lightning Ngung
-> Web Ngung
Being from Fluz descent, the Ngung is able to produce silk. There are two varieties which they create: A sticky spray used to distract predators, and a more refined type for building small cocoon-like nests on the undersides of leaves.
Lightning Ngung[edit | edit source]

Lightning Ngung
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Nesting Ngung
->Aphid Ngung
The Lightning Ngung is a nocturnal species that uses bioluminescence to communicate. They nest together in large silken hives.
Aphid Ngung[edit | edit source]

Aphid Ngung
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Lightning Ngung
This Ngung species has a specialized diet. Their mouth parts form a proboscis which is used to drink the fluids of the azrach trees and their fruits.
Web Ngung[edit | edit source]

Web Ngung
Status: Extinct
Progenitor:Nesting Ngung
-> Great Web Ngung
-> Spider Ngung
These Ngungs spin webs to catch other flying bugs to eat. They mostly catch other species of ngungs, but occasionally the webs will snare the larger ribboners. They inject the prey with their stomach acids, which slowly dissolve their innards.
Great Web Ngung[edit | edit source]

Great Web Ngung
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Web Ngung
-> Stalker Ngung
The Great Web Ngung is a fiercely territorial creature, and will kill other ngung unless it's the mating season. The wings have hardened into protective plates over the ngung's back, which aids in protecting it from predators and more importantly, other web spinning ngungs.
Stalker Ngung[edit | edit source]

Stalker Ngung
Status: Extant
Progenitor:Great Web Ngung
The Stalker Ngungs are large insect-like creatures. They no longer make hunting webs, as they are too large to climb along the fine strands. The ngungs are active hunters. They use the perpetual twilight of the marshes to their advantage, slowly creeping closer to their prey, until they pounce it and plunge their sharp, poisonous mandibles to its flesh. Against smaller creatures, the bite itself is enough to kill. The bigger ones will more likely succumb to the tissue dissolving toxin. After a successful kill, the stalker lifts the creature to the canopy with its silk, and then sucks it dry, leaving only shriveled corpses as a sign of it's presence. The males have more elaborate horns, which they use to combat each other for territory, while the female horn is smaller with sharper edge, useful for defending itself and its eggs from predators. The males try to claim good, dense hunting areas of the canopy and attract females to it, so that they can mate. The females use their sharp horn and fangs to carve a hole into an azrach trunk, in which it makes a web nest that houses its eggs. They fiercely defend these nests until the eggs hatch, after which the young disperse to the forest.
Spider Ngung[edit | edit source]

Spider Ngung
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Web Ngung
-> Crimson Ngung
-> Ground Ngung
The Spider Ngung is much like the Web Ngung, except for their lack of wings. In the center of both compound eyes, they possess a larger simple eye.
Crimson Ngung[edit | edit source]

Crimson Ngung
Status: Extinct
Progenitor: Spider Ngung
-> Termite Ngung
Herbivorous colony bugs which lived inside the webs they made and the holes they ate through the trees with their strong mandibles.
Termite Ngung[edit | edit source]

Termite Ngung
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Crimson Ngung
Termite Ngung live in the heartwood Azrach trees and eat them from the inside out. Living in near total darkness, their eyes atrophied into nothing. Instead, they navigate via their sensitive feelers and hairs, as well as chemical trails. There are four castes of this species: Worker, Soldier, Royal Guard, and Queen. Workers harvest food and predigest wood for solders and queen. Soldiers repel predators and other Ngung trying to bore into their tree. Their jaws made eating difficult, so they must be fed by the workers. Guards have thick, shield-like heads which are used to block passages into the nest. The queen is the sole reproducing female of the nest. Her laying chambers are house near the roots of an azrach, so when it eventually collapses, the queen and eggs are left unharmed.
Ground Ngung[edit | edit source]

Ground Ngung
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Spider Ngung
-> Strait Ngung
-> Flex Ngung
Ground Ngungs are small ground predators. They prey on bugs smaller than themselves. They have lost much of the skin-irritating hair, due to it easily catching on fire in the frequent grass fires of the Burning Plains. They bury their eggs deep underground for protection. They no longer produce the web silk, but do still spray the sticky defensive webbing.
Strait Ngung[edit | edit source]

Strait Ngung
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Ground Ngung
Strait Ngung are herbivorous bugs which live in the northern forest and plains of the continent. In autumn, they migrate south, to the Ashen Highlands.
Flex Ngung[edit | edit source]

Flex Ngung
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Ground Ngung
-> Sand Ngung
Flex Ngung are tiny carnivores of the north. They have a flexible abdomen, which they are able to jut forward, allowing them to spray globs of silk to capture prey.
Sand Ngung[edit | edit source]
Sand Ngung
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Flex Ngung
Sand Ngung are very much like their progenitor species, in that they are predators which spray webbing at their prey. Unlike the Flex Ngung, they live along the southern coast.
Ribboner Evolution[edit | edit source]

Fang Ribboner[edit | edit source]
Fang Ribboner
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Previous
-> Parasitic Ribboner
-> Great Ribboner
These small flying critters prey on boomers. They take bites out of boomers while flying by, ripping off a small chunk of their flesh with their sharp fangs. The flying flatworems use luminescent patches to communicate with each other like fireflies. Their light shows are almost necessary, as in the perpetual twilight of the marshes, the relatively poor eyesight of the ribboners is unable to detect coloration or other markings that would indicate gender properly.
Parasitic Ribboner[edit | edit source]
P. Ribboners
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Fanged Ribboner
These ribboners have a pouch that connects to their gullet. They use this pouch mainly for storing food, but one curious reproductive tactic has emerged. After their bioluminicent mating dance, the female lays dozens of eggs in a azrach branch cup, which the male then inseminates and seemingly consumes. The male places the eggs within it's mouth pouch and starts looking for a bigger creature, such as the ever abundant swamp boomers, though anything with exposed flesh, or even thin carapace will do, as the fangs and stomach acids of this creature can break through even more resilient materials. Upon spotting a suitable creature, the ribboner charges it, and plunges it's fangs to it's victim. It bites a circular hole in the host's flesh, and starts vomiting acids, slime and acid resistant eggs inside the creature. The acid melts a deep enough cavity for the eggs and the slime hardens and forms a seal to the wound, which prevents the eggs from being uncovered. Within the flesh of the host, the larval ribboners feast until they are big enough to fly. Then they burst out of the host's body in a flash of bioluminicent light. This parasitism can be lethal, or simply crippling ,depending on the size of the host.
Great Ribboner[edit | edit source]
G. Ribboner
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Fang Ribboner
-> Great Sky Ribbon
The great ribboner is a large aerial predator that hunts small ground critters, other fliers, even young joords. Balloon dahons, young boomers, other smaller ribboners, everything goes. They capture prey with their razor sharp fangs, picking it apart and eating it mid flight. They also have very accurate eyesight, allowing them to track creatures from afar. Their long wings help them fly better, and their increased bioluminincence allows the swarm of these creatures to communicate with each other even better.
Great Sky Ribbon[edit | edit source]
G. Sky Ribbon
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Great Ribboner
The massive wings allow of the Great Sky Ribbon to undulate through the sky with speed and agility. These guys feed on mostly dahon and ngung although they are capable of eating plants.
Streaker[edit | edit source]
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Previous
This species of Ribboner is adapted to life in the Jungle. They fly at blinding speeds, leaving a trail of light in the eyes of those which see it whiz past from bioluminescent organs on their sides. For mating, they follow the streak, depending on the color, which which signifies the gender while in heat. They eat fruit for the sugary juices, because flying at the speeds they do burns a lot of energy. Females preparing to lay eggs will opportunistically scavenge fluids from freshly dead animals.
Static Ribonner[edit | edit source]
Static Ribboner
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Previous
These ribboners feed on small bugs. While in flight, they build up a strong electrical charge which deters predators. On occasion, they'll spark small grass fires in the burning plains.
Dahon Evolution[edit | edit source]

River Dahon[edit | edit source]

River Dahon
Status: Extinct
Progenitor: Dahon
-> Next
The dahon develop two rows of small patches along their sides which allow them to sense movements trough the water. They use this sense to both locate small prey, as well as warning against potential predators.
Broadfin Dahon[edit | edit source]

Broadfin Dahon
Status: Extant or Extinct
Progenitor: River Dahon
-> Next
The dahon develop flippers and their tail becomes wider. Both of these traits help the creature to swim faster.
Leech Dahon[edit | edit source]

Leech Dahon
Status: Extant or Extinct
Progenitor: Previous
-> Next
Some of the river dahon become more predatory. They develop slits on the undersides of their "wings" which allow them to grab tighter on objects. Their mouth parts also became sharper, allowing them to pierce the flesh of bigger creatures. These leech-like dahon infest the waters and swamps of the continent. They suck blood and rip pieces of flesh from anyone who comes to the path of their swarms.
Swamp Dahon[edit | edit source]

Status: Extant or Extinct
Progenitor: Previous
-> Next
A splinter species of the Dahons adapt to the shallow lakes and ponds that have formed due to the dams of roots and detritus all across the azrach forests. These dahons feed mostly on the dead plant matter and thus they have gained more sensitive tentacles that help them detect potential scraps of food and bring it to their mouths. They have also gained an improved digestive system, that allows them to handle the higher amounts of detritus in their diet.
Balloon Dahon[edit | edit source]

Balloon Dahon
Status: Extant or Extinct
Progenitor: Previous
-> Next
The increasing amount of decaying matter in their diet and certain chemicals released in the volcanic activity cause buildup of gas within the bodies of the swamp dahons. Eventually, by eating the detritus at the bottom of the shallow lakes, the swamp dahon's body will become inflated with methane and other lighter than air gases. This has led to the birth of a new species of dahon. These dahons are capable of surviving while floating in the air, while their still water bound cousins are unable to. These balloon dahons feed on smaller creatures, algae and detritus they manage to catch with their long tentacles.
The balloon dahons have become active predators. Their tentacles now have jellyfish like poison stingers, that launch poisonous darts when something they sense a living creature near them with the small sensory hairs. The darts contain powerful neurotoxin and the speed and the close range in which they are launched ensure that the dart pierces the skin of the victim. They also have sharp fanged suckers on their tentacles that help them hold and manipulate their victim's lifeless body.
When their prey has died, depending on it's size, they will either lift it to their mouth and consume it immediately, or they will start to cut it into smaller pieces with their fanged suckers.
The balloon dahons are basically flying jellyfishes or siphonophores.
Bladder Dahon[edit | edit source]

Bladder Dahon
Status: Extant or Extinct
Progenitor: Previous
-> Next
A remaining strain of Dahon start developing a bladder on their foreheads that they can inflate through a nostril-like gill; this allows them to spend most of their time deeper in the swamp waters, out of the reach of predators, but rise to the surface to feed on algae.
Upright Dahon[edit | edit source]
Status: Extant or Extinct
Progenitor: Previous
-> Next
The bladdered Dahon's posture changes to accomodate a larger air bladder. They spend a large majority of their time at the surface, staying bouyant with inflated bladders, picking at the surface algae with their tentacles. When they sense dangerous movement in the water through the lateral lines on their sides, they deflate their bladders through their lower gills and retreat into the water. The upright Dahons' combination of a lateral line and light-sensitive eye is plenty while submerged but prove limited for life at the surface. Their eyes develop a hard lens with a pupil for focus and decent vision of the swamp outside of the water, letting them spot a potential threat before it even breaks the surface.
Ocean Dahon[edit | edit source]
Status: Extant or Extinct
Progenitor: Dahon
-> Next
Keerb Evolution[edit | edit source]
Swamp Keerb[edit | edit source]
Swamp Keerb
Status: Extinct
Progenitor: Previous
-> Starry Keerb
-> Climbing Keerb
Starry Keerb[edit | edit source]
Starry Keerb
Status: Extinct
Progenitor: Swamp Keerb
-> Longtail Keerb
-> ??? Keerb
Longtail Keerb[edit | edit source]
Longtail Keerb
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Starry Keerb
??? Keerb[edit | edit source]
??? Keerb
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Starry Keerb
-> Rock Keerb
Rock Keerb[edit | edit source]
Rock Keerb
Status: Extant
Progenitor: ??? Keerb
Climbing Keerb[edit | edit source]
Climbing Keerb
Status: Extant or Extinct
Progenitor: Swamp Keerb
-> Canopy Keerb
Canopy Keerb[edit | edit source]
Canopy Keerb
Status: Extant
Progenitor: Climbing Keerb
Azrach Evolution[edit | edit source]

Swamp Azrach[edit | edit source]
Tapascu Evolution[edit | edit source]

Vindra Evolution[edit | edit source]

Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]
Frowgs, Skulks, etc.