Approved Comics

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This page is a list of /tg/ approved comic books, bande-dessinées, graphic novels, and all sorts of drawn and bubbly business. If you're looking for the chinese list, click here. Feel free to contribute, but keep the formatting coherent and readable. Fix any info that you can; Issue number, sub-series, spin-offs, arcs, etc.

Fantasy[edit | edit source]

Bone; The Quintessential fantasy comic series. 'Nuff said.

The Black Moon Chronicles; A french epic of titanic proportions, with a setting so ridiculous it dwarves Warhammer Fantasy Battle. With gorgeous art and characters that drip with charm, the series is a must in the Euro-fantasy comic department. Well... The writing is sort of lackluster, but the comic remains a real work of art. Feast your eyes on it, for real. Also worth saying that Froideval, one of the authors, is a pioneer in the french TTRPG and Wargaming community. Thanks to him, he solidfied the Tabletop culture and created a very solid fantasy fanbase in the country. This man is to France what Gary Gygax was to... Uhm... Everyone? Er, you get what we mean.

Elric; originally a book series, but the comics elevated Elric's popularity. It's so good that Moorcock pretty much said that some of it is superior to what he wrote. And if that ain't proof that this adaptation is the shit, we don't know what else! They're straight adaptations of the book.

ElfQuest; Long standing series of Elves originating from space looking for their origins and the rest of their kin, thriving in a world that is extremely hostile to them. With an artstyle that looks like a Shojo manga with bishoujo fantasies, the series mostly focuses on the greek-like tragedies and lives of the elves, with most of the conflicts revolving around personal issues and philosophy rather than wars of massive scale.

  • The Original Quest; The Wolfriders' home is burnt to the ground, so they set foot to search for a new home, unsure of what to expect. The original story that is available online for free. Essential reading for Fantasy enthusiasts.
  • Kings of the Broken Wheel; Cutter and Rayek have an intense beef, the comic. One of the most contested entries of the series, but still an interesting read with some good adventurin'.
  • Siege at the Blue Mountain; Winowill strikes back. Most of what happens in this settles the scene for the rest of the series. Tense, suspenseful and a good plot.
  • Final Quest; The "final act" of the original line. The War between the Elves and the Humans. Wraps up most of the loose ends of the story and ends... Quite badly but it's still worth a read once you've read everything before it.
  • StarGazer's Hunt; Serves as a testament of the authors' relationship with the franchise, making amends with the past and all. Read it and you'll understand what we mean.

Sci-Fi[edit | edit source]

Metabarons; Greek tragedies, turned into a Giger-esque sci-fi epic of god-like proportions. The Horus Heresy wish it was as complex as it is. Gorgeous art, great direction, master composition. The Epic of a thousand generations. If you liked Dune, you might enjoy this saga. Intense, cold and tragic. It's everything every comic should strive to be.

Capeshit[edit | edit source]

Because of course.

Horror[edit | edit source]

Action[edit | edit source]

Adventure[edit | edit source]

Pulp[edit | edit source]

Other[edit | edit source]