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Revision as of 23:48, 1 February 2025 by 2d4fag (talk | contribs)
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Welcome to 2d4chan

The unofficial successor of 1d4chan

About 1d4chan

1d4chan was a site devoted to the description and archival of all sorts of things interesting and relevant to /tg/ (the "traditional games" board of 4chan). Unfortunately, the site owner, Root, gradually changed as a person and came to view 4chan's crude humor and foul language as problematic. He shut down 1d4chan permanently in November of 2023.

About 2d4chan

This site was originally created as a mirror of 1d4chan to spite Root after he deindexed 1d4chan from search engines in 2021. 2d4chan is currently read-only. No one can edit or upload except for the owner, 2d4fag. Plans are currently underway to allow editing and account creation in the future.

About 1d6chan

There is another successor site, 1d6chan. When 1d4chan disappeared, none of the other editors had the knowledge or money to host a replacement site. They eventually settled on using the free wiki-hosting service Miraheze. Unfortunately, Miraheze's Terms of Service have required them to self-censor and delete content considered problematic.


Noobs Neckbeards Contributors


  • Are you literate?: A pretty ridiculous question, right? But unfortunately, this is a question that remains very relevant from time to time. Basic understanding of the English language is critical for your edits to be taken seriously. The editors here are willing to fix god-honest mistakes here and there, after all, we are all human, and sometimes we may miss on a grammatical error from here and there. The problem begins when entire paragraphs become completely unreadable due to a mixture of:
    • Lack of capitalisation.
    • Inconsistent use of capitalisation (i.e. space MaRine).
    • Severe and repeated spelling mistakes.
    • Lack of commas or any sentence breaks.
    • Lack of paragraphs resulting in a giant wall of text.
    • Sentences that just don't make any sense.
    • Using a language other than English (since our primary audience, /tg/, is an English board).
The only exception to the rule is if the spelling is done either in American or British English. Words like Realise and Realize are both considered correct under either of the two spellings, so unless you have super OCD, we should be pretty chill if you're writing an article in either the American or British variety. Other than that, if you are a genuine ESL and want to genuinely contribute, then the only advice we can give you is to type whatever you want on Grammarly or any type of grammar-correction software, correct your mistakes and then Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V on the page you want to edit. It is not our responsibility to help fix your mess. You have to make sure the shit you type in is readable or else your edits are going to automatically be reverted.
  • Strikethroughs are heavily frowned upon: Strikethroughs are generally heavily frowned upon, as it makes entire pages completely unreadable and it just looks fucking ugly to look at. The only exception to the rule is if the strikethrough is intentional and is meant to be part of a joke. And even then, there is a limit on how much strikethroughs we can tolerate. Creating a strikethrough to win an argument is one of the quickest ways to get your edits reverted. If you don't know what a strikethrough is, it looks like this: Space Marines are Mary Sues.
  • No egoboos 1d4chan is NOT for pages dedicated to specific browsers of /tg/, namefag or tripfag, regardless of how well-known or liked/disliked they are. The only exception to this is the drawfag page, which may list known drawfags and describe their usual subject matter. Please refrain from qualitative analysis of a given drawfag's talents or personality, as drama will inevitably ensue.
  • No wars in the article If you find yourself in an edit war or anything similar with another user, move your argument to the article's discussion page. If you observe a dispute over an article and have an opinion one way or the other about it, comment on the discussion. Wikifag prefers to get input from as many people as possible before he has to make some sort of administrative decision about a given issue.
  • Campaigns in the Campaign: namespace If you intend to use the wiki as storage for pages about your campaign, your main page should be at Campaign:Name and other related pages should be at Campaign:Name/Stuff. Your pages should also link to each other to avoid them appearing on the orphaned pages list. Wikifag won't punish users for forgetting to do this, but it helps keep the wiki tidy!
    • Use the Setting: namespace for articles related to homebrew (as opposed to offical) settings, following the same syntax.
  • Deleting pages If you find a page that needs deleting, put the {{deletion}} template on it (by including that markup at the top of the page) and it will be added to the deletion category. Pages that should be deleted are pages for campaigns that are no longer running or no longer needed for that campaign, and pages of very low quality or subject matter unrelated to /tg/. Note that the criteria for "related to /tg/" is somewhat lax, and well-written pages that justify even a tangential relation to /tg/ are likely to be allowed to remain.
  • Block Policy See the Policy page for a clarification of what behaviors are considered block-worthy. In short: vandalism and (excessive) edit-warring warrants a block of a few days, and link-spammers get permanently blocked. Use the talk page instead of the "undo" link.


Shoutout to femboy Scribbles