The game #OccupyMonopoly was inspired by the "Occupy Wall Street" popular movement in late 2011. The name comes from the #hashtag syntax used by hipsters and poor-people-with-iPhones you keep seeing at these protest movements; the game's author even signed their name '@Wobbles' like a twitter bitch would. The game itself is a clever bluffing game of last-man-standing that uses the Monopoly pieces in appropriate ways.
In #OccupyBoardwalk, three or more players take the role of the 1% trying to retain control of the board against increasing demonstrations against their rule. The goal is to be the player with the most money at the end of the game, assuming the 99% don’t successfully occupy too much of your precious property! If that happens, all the players lose.
Setup[edit | edit source]
You will need 3 or more players, a full Monopoly set, and a book. The author suggests the book should be "Das Kapital" or "Road to Serfdom," but the author is a commie. The players are the 1%! They should use the latest self-help book about flipping real-estate, or a biography of Darth vader (George W. Bush).
Players | Starting Cash |
3 | $5,046 |
4 | $3,785 |
5 | $3,028 |
6 | $2,523 |
Collect all the property deeds except railroads and utilities (they will not be used). Shuffle these cards and deal them all out to the players. Some players will have more properties than others; that's fine, all of you are already filthy rich.
Divide all the cash in the bank ($15,140 in a normal set) evenly between players (you guys ARE the banks after all). Any money left over is set aside with the unused deeds. During the game, players should keep the amount of money they have a secret from other players.
Whichever player worked the least this week will start the game as the 'top hat' player; give them the tophat token (or if you're playing reskinned Monopoly, whichever token looks the most expensive to make).
Play[edit | edit source]
The game lasts for 10 turns, or until the protesters have occupied 12 properies. Whoever of the 1% has the most money after the 10th turn wins the game. If the protesters ended the game early, all the players lose.
Each turn has three phases: Bills, Bribery and Bailout.
- Bills
Each turn, the public expects the 1% to pay another $1000 dollars of their hard-earned fortunes towards the public good; taxes, environmental cleanup, fines for breaking the law and other crap the 1% find unimportant. To do this, the player with the Top Hat opens the book to an early page and puts any amount of money into the book secretly. They then flip to another page and pass the book to the next player. When a player gets the book, they can’t flip backwards in the book to see what other players have paid. Once each player has had an opportunity to put money into the book, the first player turns the book over and shakes it over the board. Collect the money that falls out, count it and put it under the Public Parking space.
The public expects the 1% to pay another $1000 each turn plus any shortcomings from previous turns. So the expectations of the public about the amount of money under Public Parking increases every turn: $1000 for Turn 1, $2000 for Turn 2, $3000 for Turn 3. (N.B.: this doesn't mean the public expects $2000 in the book on Turn 2, just $1000, or $1200 if there was only $800 under Public Parking from Turn 1.)
Don't forget: The player with the most money left at the end of the game wins.
For each $50 short of that turn's goal for the money under Public Parking, each player takes one of the houses and puts it onto any property they own. These houses represent Occupy protesters camped out at that location. If a player would put a third occupier on a property, put a hotel on that property and put the property card back in the box. That property has been Occupied! and you can’t put more protesters there.
- Bribery
You could make amends to appease the protesters, but there's no profit in that and they might just come back the next time you decide to save money. Better to arrange for the police get rid of them and discourage others.
After the Bills portion, each player may pay to have occupiers sent to jail from properties they own. The cost of "convincing" the police to be "extra diligent" with protesters is listed on the property deed. To remove 1 house/protester, discard the bribe expense funds listed as 'rent with 1 house' For two houses/protesters, 'rent with 2 houses'. Properties with a hotel on them have significant media coverage and a twitter hashtag and a facebook page and protesters cannot be removed.
Protesters removed this way are put in the Jail spot on the board. When the Jail has 10 protesters, it is officially overcrowded, and any other protesters sent to jail are just sent home with a warning and a hefty fine. (Sadly this means these excess protesters might try abuse their freedom to protest on other properties.)
- Bailout
Thankfully the government recognizes that the investments of the 1% are too big to fail. For the bailout phase, the top-hat player rolls the dice and draws a card.
If the dice show doubles, then protesters get out of jail on technicalities like 'rights violation' or 'excess use of force'. The top-hat player takes as many protesters out of jail as the number showing on one die, and puts them on the top-hat player's properties.
The top-hat player may draw a card from the Community Chest deck or the Chance deck.
- If the card says the player would pay or receive money from the bank, use the government money in Public Parking instead.
- If the card is a "Go Directly to Jail" Card, the player can send one protester to jail from any property they own for free.
- If the card is a "Get out of Jail Free" card, all the protesters in jail are released, and camp out on the player's properties. This may result in properties getting Occupied with hotels.
- If the card says to “advance your token” to any other location, the player may move one protester from their properties to a property controlled by any other player. This may result in a property getting Occupied by a hotel, but remember: if the Occupy movement gets too popular, all of the 1% will lose the game.
After the Bailout phase, the top-hat player passed their symbol of office and the book to the next player, and a new turn starts.
End[edit | edit source]
If the game ends early because there's 12 properties with Occupy-X hotels, this forces a regime change and increased government regulation, and all the players who are the 1% lose the game.
After the 10th turn, each player reveals the money they have left over. The player with the most money wins, gets their discreetly photoshopped portrait on the cover of Forbes magazine, and is the envy of the other multimillionaires. In the case of ties, the player with the fewest houses/protesters on their properties (not counting hotels/Occupy movements) and thus the best media image gets to be the winner.
Variant: if you find the 1% are winning the game too easily, reduce the number of Occupied properties needed for regime change down to 10, or even 5.