Codex - Tau Auxiliary

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A Tactics Page is up for the Tau Auxiliary. It can be found at Tactics - Tau Auxiliary

This codex's development is currently being halted due to the impending release of 8th edition. We are currently working hard at getting it up to date and ready for the new edition release, and would like to thank all of our fans and playtesters for their patience.Evil Executive, CEO of Evil Incorporated (talk) 02:30, 3 May 2017 (UTC)

The 8th edition version of this fandex can be found here

Codex Specific Special Rules[edit | edit source]

Auxiliaries: Any unit in this codex may be taken as a unit choice in a Tau Army without having to follow the regular rules for an Allied Detachment. Additionally any unit may spend Markerlight tokens as though they were units from Codex - Tau Empire

Council of the Many: If an army made from this codex's unit is made of 2 or more species then the controlling player may take a Tactician's Council, this council is made up of HQ's from the chosen races, and may grant one of their races special rules to any unit within 12", that is from this Codex or Codex - Tau Empire. This council does not take up a FOC slot, and does not count as a mandatory HQ choice.

Gue'Vesa - Can give Voice of The Gue'Vesa

Demiurg - Can give Grudge

Ji'Atrix - Can give Shrouded

Ranghon - Can give Piercing Song or Guardians of the Way

Formosians - Can give Dug In

Tarellians - Can give Hatred (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids) or Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids)

Vespid - May give Stealth (Ruins) or Move Through Cover

The Galg - may give Amphibious

Morrallian - Grants the Feel no Pain (6+) USR or improves any Feel No Pain rolls by +1.

Pakasar - May give Battle-Madness or Rage

N'Deemi - May give Obscure

Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

  • 1: Previous Contracts - The Warlord gains the Preferred Enemy (Codex of Choice) USR, and may grant it to any unit he joins, or transport he embarks upon.
  • 2: Truly Sworn - The Warlord & their unit gains the Supporting Fire special rule.
  • 3: Last Refuge From Xenophobia - The Warlord & their unit gain the Stubborn USR

Gue'Vesa Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

  • 4: Loud Orders - Either through implants or natural charisma, the warlord is able to reach more of his men easier. Voice of the Gue'vesa can effect units within 18" instead of 12"
  • 5: Will of the Gue'Vesa - The defense of the newfound freedoms of the humans under the Tau empire makes the Gue'Vesa commanders fight even harder for their men against one of the primary abilities of the Enemies of the Tau, the power of the Warp. Warlord gains Adamantium Will.
  • 6: Anger against the enemies of the Greater Good - Your warlord either through a past grudge or just simply a bad experience has a growing hatred against one faction inhabiting the greater galaxy. Warlord gains hatred (specific codex)

Demiurg Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

  • 4: Power of the Runes - Warlord gains the Adamantium Will USR and +2 to Deny the Witch rolls
  • 5: Settling Old Grudges - Nominate one unit on the opposing side. That unit has wronged the Demiurg before and the warlord and his unit can reroll all to hit rolls against that unit.
  • 6: Speed Uncommon - Training their legs to make themselves the fastest runners of the Demiurg without sacrificing their unbreaking stride, the warlord and his unit lose the Slow and Purposeful USR & gain the Relentless USR.

Ranghon Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

  • 4: Rapid Growth - The Warlord is able to use his abilities to help a unit run faster. The warlord and his unit gain fleet USR.
  • 5: Whirling Death - The warlord has trained for several decades in the arts of close quarters combat. The warlords close combat attacks gain the instant death and armorbane USR.
  • 6: Blessings of the Forest - The sound of the forest around the warlord provides a calming effect and increases their concentration. While in a forest the warlord counts his BS and WS as 1 higher.

Tarellian Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

  • 4: I Shall Not Fall - The Warlord holds on to life with a tenacity unlike any other until he sees his enemies slain. If the Warlord issues a challenge, whether or not it is accepted, they gain the Eternal Warrior & Feel No Pain (5+) USRs until the end of the Assault Phase.
  • 5: Beyond Rage - The Warlord has fought his enemies so long that all his rage has dissipated and given way to weariness, he takes no pleasure in the death that surrounds him, and feels no vindication in the slaughter of his once hated enemies, instead fighting with a cold clarity that tells him this is the only way. The Warlord gains the Fearless USR and does not have to roll for any leadership check, choosing his result as he wishes.
  • 6: Heart of the Desert - The Desert is vast and empty, and at its heart is an infinite stillness, only those Tarellian’s who’ve undergone the Rite of Etaine may pass through the Heart of the Desert, and those who come out changed, their eyes focused on the distance, their thoughts strange and alien. If a Warlord with this trait successfully negates a Psychic power with “Deny the Witch” the opposing Psyker takes a number of S:3, AP2, ignores cover hits equal to the number of Warp Charges expended in manifesting the power.

Galg Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

  • 4: Bring It Down! - Once per game, the Warlord, and his unit gain the Tank Hunter & Skyfire USR during their shooting phase.
  • 5: Don’t Stop Firing! - The Warlord and his unit gain the Relentless USR.
  • 6: KA-BOOM - Once per game, the Warlord and his unit gain the Missile Lock USR during their shooting phase.

Morrallian Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

  • 4: Grim Reaper - The Warlord is so used to the constant life or death struggle that he has gained the experience to quickly & decisively strike at an opponent’s weakest spots; granting them a quick, if painful, death. The Warlords attacks gain the Instant Death USR.
  • 5: Do Not Hide, Do Not Run - The Warlord is an old and experienced hunter who has killed countless beasts & mutants, and can strike terror in the heart of even the most fearless of foes. At the beginning of the battle the Warlord can choose one enemy Character; that Character may not make cover saves against the Warlords attacks, and may only make snap-shots against any unit that does not include the Warlord.
  • 6: Vs the World - The Warlord has survived countless expeditions through the harshest of environments, gaining an almost precognitive ability to avoid danger, whether mutant beasts, or hidden anomalies. The Warlord & his unit gain the Move Through Cover USR.

Pakasar Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

  • 4: Rip, Roar, Rampage - The Warlord gains the Fear USR, & gains 2D3 Additional attacks whenever outnumbered in Close Combat (this replaces & does not stack with the Rampage USR).
  • 5: Crushing Tide - Such is the eagerness of the Warlord & his troops that they charge into the fight. The Warlord adds a +1 to all reserve rolls so long as he is not yet on the table.
  • 6: FACE ME!!! - The Warlord thirsts for combat with such strength that he must issue challenges whenever possible, if he slays a character in a challenge he gains 1 Victory Point, if he slays an independent character in a challenge he gains 2 additional Victory Points, if he slays the Enemy Warlord in a Challenge he gains 3 additional Victory Points. (These Additional Victory Points do not stack with each other, so if the Enemy Warlord is an independent character the Warlord only gains 3 VP, not 5 VP)

N'Deemi Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

  • 4: Eternal Night - This Warlord rolls a D6 at the beginning of each of his movement phases, should the result be equal to, or lower than the current turn number then the Night Fighting rules activate, and continue until the end of the game.
  • 5: Unseen, Unheard - The Warlord, & any unit he joins, gain the Stealth & Infiltrate USR.
  • 6: Fire & Shadow - WIP

Hrenian Warlord Traits[edit | edit source]

  • 4: Ride the Lightning - The Warlords constant exposure to high power electrical currents has numbed their skin, and increased their fortitude. The Warlords weapon loses the Gets Hot! USR.
  • 5: Move!, Move!, Move! - The Warlords skill at guerrilla warfare and Hit & Run tactics, allows him to lead his squad around far faster than would seem possible. The Warlord & their unit gains a movement speed of 12” & gain the Hit & Run USR.
  • 6: That Was Left Handed - The Warlords skill with his weaponry allows him to wield two weapons at a time, or quickly double tap the trigger hosing his enemies with firepower. The Warlord may make 2 shooting attacks in the Shooting Phase, whether they shoot 2 different weapons, or fire the same weapon twice.

Fighter Aces[edit | edit source]

In Skies of Death, you may pay 35 points for one of 3 special traits for any Flyer or FMC.

1: Advanced Targeting System +1 BS.

2: Upgraded Control Systems Model gains the Vector Dancer USR

3: Empirical Communications Node: All units within 12" of this model gain the Supporting Fire special rule.

Allies Matrix[edit | edit source]

Battle Brother:Kroot Mercenaries, Tau Empire, Farsight Enclaves

Allies of Convenience: Eldar, Necrons

Desperate Allies: Chaos Space Marines, Armies of the Imperium, Dark Eldar, Orks

Come The Apocalypse: Chaos Daemons, Tyranids

Detachments & Formations[edit | edit source]

Detachments Placeholder

Council Decurion Placeholder:

Gue'vesa Formations[edit | edit source]

Gue'vesa Stormguard: 2-5 Strike Teams, May include John Mathers. 1-3 Jump Sentinels. 0-3 Sniper Teams.

Benefits: One half of the units in this formation(Round up), May automatically deep strike turn one. The remainder of the units in this begin rolling for reserves on turn one.

In Addition, if your Army contains two Gue'vesa Stormguards, all drone upgrades for units in this formation are free.

Demiurg Formation Placeholder:

Nicassar Formation Placeholder:

Anthrazods Formation Placeholder:

Ji'atrix Formation Placeholder:

Ranghon Formations[edit | edit source]

An Ambush in Silent Glades: 1 Ranghon Lord, 2-3 Sisters of Ash, 2-3 Glade Guard, 0-2 Woodwraiths, 0-1 Tree-kin Walker

  • Benefits

All units in this formation that have infiltrate, may choose to infiltrate in any forest regardless of distance or line of sight to enemy models. Models using this rule to infiltrate closer than 12" to any enemy unit must choose to either assault, or shoot an enemy unit on turn 1, they may not do both

Chilling Winds Drift Upon The Trees 3-5 Ranghon Boreale Shamans, all must generate their powers in the Voice of the Woods Discipline

  • Benefits

After psychic powers are rolled for the Boreale Shamans, each Shaman may opt to replace his Primaris ability Tree Singing for any power on the Voice of the Woods table.

Formosian Formation Placeholder:

Tarellian Formations[edit | edit source]

Synapse Stalkers: 2 Sand Stalker Hatches, 1-3 Hunting Biker Hatches, 1 Thunder Walker Shock Trooper Hatch.

Trained to hunt down the Synapse creatures of the Tyranids Unending swarm, these specialist sand stalkers are often sent shuttling between warzones to battle the ever-looming forces of the Hive-Mind.

Benefits:If a model from this formation wounds a Tyranids Synapse creature, that creatures Synapse range is reduced by 6”, until the end of that units next assault phase.

Additionally Every model in this formation loses the Hatred (Forces of the Imperium) & Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Imperium) USR’s.

Regicide: 1-3 Sand Stalker Hatches, 2-5 Dog Soldier Hatches, 1 Desert Priest

Benefits: All units gain the Pinning USR on any shooting attacks they make against any Imperial Units & all Imperial Units with an invulnerable save treat their save as 1 lower for the purpose of Close Combat.

Additionally every model in this formation loses the Hatred (Tyranids) & Preferred Enemy (Tyranids) USR’s.

Vespid Formations[edit | edit source]

Hornet’s Nest (150 Points) (Escalation)


  • 3+ Squads of Yellowjacket Hornet Soldiers (At least 1 Squad member in each squad must be equipped with a Positional Relay & Homing Beacon)
  • Any number of other Vespid Units from this Codex or Codex – Tau Empire


  • While at least 1 Squad of Yellowjacket Hornet Soldiers from this formation is still on the table, you may bring in 1 Vespid infantry squad from Reserve or Ongoing Reserves, at the beginning of each of your movement phases, this Squad does not scatter so long as the First model placed on the table is placed within 12” of a Yellowjacket Hornet Soldiers unit bought with this Formation, and may move & assault as if they hadn’t arrived via Deep Strike.
  • Yellowjacket Hornet Soldier bought using this Formation may not be placed in reserve.

Galg Formations[edit | edit source]

Galg Demolition Team: 1-3 Galg Wrecker Clutches, May include Bokrug the Demolisher.

Benefits: All units in this Formation gain the Infiltrate USR, but must deploy within 12" of each other. After these units are placed choose a single enemy Vehicle or Building within 36" of at least one of these units, that Vehicle or Building suffers a number of S:8, AP2, Armourbane hits equal to the number of units purchased in this formation.

Morrallian Formations[edit | edit source]

Close Air Support: Conspiracy Formation 2-4 Raven Gunships, 1-2 Morrigan Gunships

Benefits: All units in this formation gain a +1 to their Reserve Rolls, All Raven Gunships gain the Strafing Run USR, and all Morrigan Gunships gain the Tank Hunter USR.

Pakasar Formation Placeholder:

N'Deemi Formation Placeholder:

Hrenian Formation Placeholder:

Relics of The Many[edit | edit source]

Banner of Fire (All) Awarded to an Auxiliary force for military service above and beyond what was called for, the banner is a reward from the fire caste commanders that served with these auxiliaries Any unit that contains a model equipped with this relic gains the Supporting Fire special rule.

Taros Banner (Gue'Vesa): Made to mark the great victory that the Tau Empire had over the Imperium, the Tau Etheral caste had this made and given to the Gue'vesa who fought in this conflict. Since then the Banner has passed from Hunter cadre to hunter cadre with a strong Gue'vesa force, adding to the victories that it has earned. Lets every unit within 12" re-roll failed leadership tests. 15 points

Pistol of Sargent Pakus (Gue'Vesa): The pistol of the first NCO to defect to the Tau Empire on the World of Kronus, this Laspistol was modified by the earth caste and presented to Gue'Vesa'Ui Pakus in an elaberate ceremony to honor his actions in making the right choice to join the Greater Good. This pistol lets the user re-roll rolls of 1 on to hit and to wound in Close Combat. 15 points

Name Range S AP type
Pistol Of Sargent Pakus 12" 4 4 Pistol, Master-Crafted

Enemies of Tarell Perish (Tarellian, Desert Priest Only): The last scripture of Dras'Esla, one of the first desert priests, this scripture tells all Tarellains to let no wrongs against their people go unpunished, driving all who hear it to a cold fury, wishing for nothing more than revenge for their fallen brethren. All Tarellians within 12" of the bearer will hit Forces of the Imperium and Tyranids on a 3+ in Close Combat. 15 points

Last Breath of Agrona (Tarellian, Paymaster Only): Found in the temple of Agrona, where So-Spada made his final stand against Hive Fleet Moloch, this Short Barrelled Disruption Pistol baffles all Earth Caste engineers who look at it, as the small weapon should not be capable of outputting the amount of Disruption energy it unleashes with each pull of its trigger This weapon has the profile, Last Breath of Agrona, Range Template, S:7, AP3, Pistol 1, Gets Hot! 30 points

Crystal Rose of the Queen's Favour (Vespid, Queen Guardian or Warlord): This small decoration is made of a rare, cyan crystal found only on the Gas Giant Planet Vespid, crafted by the queen's themselves, this gift is given to a Vespid soldier who has shown themselves to perform feats of bravery and skill far beyond that which is expected, and those who do earn them wear them proudly This artefact allows a Vespid model equipped with it to constantly benefit from the effects of a Vespid Queen's Royal Pheromones 25 points

Kalina-Ann's Favour (Galg): The last work of a Galg Gunsmith, the gunsmith was found dead in the wake of a Chaos Marine Warband's raid, this weapon clutched in his mutilated hands. Taken by vengeance the Gunsmiths daughter took the weapon and hunted down the warband herself; the decades long hunt tasking her determination, until the entire warband was dead, her aged hands dropping the instrument of her fathers vengeance as it was finally completed, before finally weeping long delayed tears for her fathers death and the blood on her hands; or at least that's the story Galg mercenaries tell others, the true origins of this weapon are most likely far more mundane, although a few of its wielders swear that its munitions will curve to hit its target as though possessed of a mind of their own, especially when facing against the ruinous powers of Chaos.

This relic weapon may only be taken by a Galg character as a replacement for one of their current ranged weapons for 35 Points

Name Range S AP type
Kalina-Ann's Favour (Single Shot) 48" 8 3 Heavy 1, Large Blast
Kalina-Ann's Favour (Mini-Missiles) 24" 6 3 Heavy 4, Ignores Cover, Homing
Kalina-Ann's Favour (Bayonet) Melee +3 5 Unwieldy, Rending, Shred, Monster-Hunter

Swamp Rose (Galg): These uniquely made Burst Pistols are rewards for only the most skilled of Galg soldiers, given to those who have performed insane feats against impossible odds, and come out standing. This pistol allows the wielder to Re-Roll 1 Armour, Cover, or invulnerable save per round, additionally, unlike other relics, up to 3 Models may take a Swamp Rose for 20 Points

Name Range S AP type
Swamp Rose 12" 6 4 Pistol, Pinning, Rending, Master-Crafted

Bio-Nanobot Upgrade – Rapid Retrometabolism Protocol (Morrallian) Originally designed to act as a medical aid that would help injured Morrallian’s recover from life threating injuries within days, thought lost to the great corruption, it was recently recovered from the heavily infected ML-118 Containment Laboratory at the cost of all but 1 member of 10 full MOPP Trooper Squads.

This Relic may only be taken by a Death-Walker, and upgrades the Environmental Scrubber. A Model equipped with this relic gains the Eternal Warrior & Feel no Pain (4+) USR’s and may grant these rules to any models in a unit they join. 40 Points

Devils Tongue – Trench Flamer Prototype #11 (Morrallian) The oldest weapon used by the Morrallian Deathsworn forces is the Trench Flamer, which has gone through multiple stages of development; the Devil’s Tongue All-Purpose Defensive Incinerator was one of the last prototype versions of the now widespread Dual-Spray Pyro-Igniter, the materials needed to build, and maintain this weapon are remarkably rare, but when it is deployed it is said to spit flames that have the intensity of Hell itself.

This Relic may be purchased as an upgrade to a Morrallian Trench Stalkers Trench Flamer 25 Points

Name Range S AP type
Devils Tongue - Trench Flamer Prototype #11 Template 5 3 Assault 1, Twin-Linked, Purifier

  • Purifier: This weapon is treated as having the Instant Death USR when it inflicts a wound on any Chaos Space Marine, Lost & Damned, or Chaos Demon Model.

Unique HEV Combat Suit – Sunrise Phantom Suit (Morrallian) Due in part to the Morrallians heavy usage of Nuclear Fusion & Fission based energy sources, there has always been a large supply of protective suits of varying quality, and most Deathsworn wear a lighter Dawn suit under their normal HEV Combat Suits. The Sunrise Suit is a rare prototype of a Dawn suit designed to incorporate a level of protection equivalent to the Reinforced HEV Combat Suit. However the field test team was lost in an area known as the Rotten Forest during a Mutant attack along with the researchers behind the prototype, and when recovery MOPP Teams finally arrived they found only one survivor who was located almost 250 KM from the initial testing zone.

The Sunrise Phantom Suit is an Upgrade that may only be taken by a Morrallian Deathless; The Sunrise Phantom Suit confers a 3+ Armour Save, Immunity (5+), the Shrouded USR, & the Relentless USR. 25 Points

Fangs of the Fallen (Pakasar): While the Pakasar refuse to bow to those they view as weak, they honour those who fall without a chance to fight, each Pakasar Leader carries with them a chain of fangs, taken from the mouths of soldiers who died from illness, or wounds, so that they might see battle one last time The Wearer of this artefact may re-roll charge distance and gains the Hammer of Wrath USR. 20 points

Nagi Mind Worm Advisor[edit | edit source]

Small, telepathic snake like creatures, when the the Tau Empire first encountered the Nagi both races were on the cusp of war, thankfully the danger of another pointless war was averted and the Nagi brought in to the Greater Good where they now serve as advisors to the Ethereal caste, both off and on the battlefield.

A Nagi Advisor may be taken as an upgrade to an Ethereal(Codex: Tau Empire), and any HQ Choice in Codex: Tau Auxiliary for 30 points. The Nagi makes the model count as a Level 1 Psyker with Adamantium Will for the purposes of Deny The Witch. In addition, the model counts as having a Psychic Hood

Tau Outcasts & Liaisons[edit | edit source]

Liaison's Wargear[edit | edit source]

Name Range S AP type
Submunition Seeker Missile 72" 5 5 Heavy 1, Large Blast, One Use Only, Acts as Seeker Missile
Tracer Seeker Missile 72" - - Heavy 1, Large Blast, Light It Up, Cluster Fire, One Use Only, Acts as Seeker Missile

Note Any Missile that has the Acts as Seeker Missile Rule, may be fired for 1+ Markerlight Token with the same Modifiers as a Seeker Missile fired this way.

Escort Drone: This drone is designed to assist the Water Caste members on their missions for the greater good. It is equipped with a shield generator and a pulse pistol.

HQ: Por'Vre Liaison - 50 points[edit | edit source]

You may take 0-5 Water Caste Liaisons per detachment. This unit must begin play attached to a Kroot unit or a unit from Codex- Tau Auxiliary, it may not leave that unit unless it is as a causality.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec velit ut nisl tristique posuere quis eu neque. Integer non volutpat libero, sit amet dapibus nisl. Cras non tempor nulla, id ultricies lacus. Nulla facilisi. Etiam ut nunc convallis, ultricies metus sed, cursus mi. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla auctor quam in ligula tempor tristique. Cras magna dolor, commodo non aliquam vitae, fermentum eget urna. Suspendisse sed ante laoreet, placerat ante pharetra, viverra risus.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Por'Vre 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 9 -
Escort Drone 2 2 3 4 1 4 1 7 4+

Unit Composition: 1 Por'vre
Unit Type: Infantry (Character) (Por'vre) Jet Pack Infantry (Escort Drone)
Wargear: Pulse Pistol, Shield Generator (Escort Drone)
Special Rules:
  • Bearers of the Greater good: When a Por'vre is in a unit that is not a tau unit, that unit may benefit from Etheral's Invocation of the Elements special rule.
Options: May take up to two Escort Drones for 15 points/model

HQ: Shas’ui Tau Kais - 110 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec velit ut nisl tristique posuere quis eu neque. Integer non volutpat libero, sit amet dapibus nisl. Cras non tempor nulla, id ultricies lacus. Nulla facilisi. Etiam ut nunc convallis, ultricies metus sed, cursus mi. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla auctor quam in ligula tempor tristique. Cras magna dolor, commodo non aliquam vitae, fermentum eget urna. Suspendisse sed ante laoreet, placerat ante pharetra, viverra risus.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Shas'Ui Tau Kais 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 9 4+

Unit Composition: Shas'Ui Tau Kais
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Wargear: Rail Rifle, Networked Markerlight, Target-Lock, Combat Armour, Photon Grenades
  • Blade of Past Mistakes: Counts as a Master-Crafted Heavy Chainsword.
Special Rules: Fearless, Supporting Fire, Eternal Warrior
  • Technologically Adept: Kais has modified his own rail rifle to be lighter and more streamlined than the version commonly used by Pathfinders. Due to the Rail rifle's innovative design, it is regarded as Assault 2 rather than Rapid Fire, so Kais can make multiple full range shots with it.

Elite: Kor'la Speeder Scouts - 60 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec velit ut nisl tristique posuere quis eu neque. Integer non volutpat libero, sit amet dapibus nisl. Cras non tempor nulla, id ultricies lacus. Nulla facilisi. Etiam ut nunc convallis, ultricies metus sed, cursus mi. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla auctor quam in ligula tempor tristique. Cras magna dolor, commodo non aliquam vitae, fermentum eget urna. Suspendisse sed ante laoreet, placerat ante pharetra, viverra risus.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Kor'La 1 3 2 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Kor'Ui 1 3 2 3 1 3 2 8 5+
Kor'Vre 1 4 2 3 1 3 2 9 5+

Unit Composition: 3 Kor'La Speeder Scouts
Unit Type: Jet-Bike Infantry (Kor'Ui and Kor'Vre are characters)
Wargear: Twin-Linked Pulse Carbine (Kor'La & Kor'Ui), Burst Cannon (Kor'Vre), Recon Armour, Sensor Spines, Blacksun Filter
Special Rules: Supporting Fire
  • May take up to 2 additional Kor'La Speeder Scouts for 20 points/model
  • 1 Kor'La may be upgraded to a
    • Kor'Ui for 10 points
    • Kor'Vre for 25 points

Heavy Support: Fio'Vre Engineer - 45 points[edit | edit source]

You may take 0-2 Earth Caste engineers per detachment.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nec velit ut nisl tristique posuere quis eu neque. Integer non volutpat libero, sit amet dapibus nisl. Cras non tempor nulla, id ultricies lacus. Nulla facilisi. Etiam ut nunc convallis, ultricies metus sed, cursus mi. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla auctor quam in ligula tempor tristique. Cras magna dolor, commodo non aliquam vitae, fermentum eget urna. Suspendisse sed ante laoreet, placerat ante pharetra, viverra risus.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Fio'Vre 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 8 4+
Escort Drone 2 2 3 4 1 4 1 7 4+/4++
DX-4 Technical Drone 2 - 3 4 1 4 1 7 4+

Unit Composition: 1 Fio'vre, 1 DX-4 Technical Drone
Unit Type: Infantry (Character) (Fio'vre) Jet Pack Infantry (Drones)
Wargear: Pulse Pistol, Combat Armour (Fio'Vre), Shield Generator (Escort Drone)
Special Rules:
  • Technical Expertise (Fio'Vre): Instead of attacking during the shooting phase, this model may increase the BS of 1 Vehicle, Battlesuit, or Drone Unit within 6" by +1 until the end of the Shooting Phase.
  • Experimental Tech (Fio'Vre) (See Options)
  • Variable Systems (DX-4 Technical Drone): A Model with this piece of wargear may grant one of the following USR's to a Vehicle, Battlesuit, or Drone unit within 6": Skyfire, Feel No Pain (5+), Split-Fire, Ignores Cover, or Interceptor. This choice is made at the beginning of the friendly shooting phase, and lasts until the next friendly shooting phase. These rules can only be used on tau specific units and not units from allied auxiliaries.
  • May take an Escort Drones for 15 points
  • May take up to two additional DX-4 Technical Drones for 20 points/model
  • A Fio'Vre may exchange their Technical Expertise special rule for the Experimental Tech special rule, a Fio'Vre with the Experimental Tech special rule may choose one Experimental Technology which can then be mounted on a DX-4 Technical Drone, replacing its Variable Systems, and giving the Drone a BS of 2, or Mounted on a XV-8 Crisis Battlesuit as a Hardpoint Choice, however the Fio'vre and his Drones must join that Battlesuit to form a single unit. The Experimental Technologies that may be taken are as follows
- Photon Cannon (Range 60", S:10, AP1, Heavy 2, Ignores Cover, Power of the Sun) (Power of the Sun: This weapon contains a stable Nuclear Fusion Reaction with the same intensity of a star, when used a against Non-Vehicle Targets this weapon counts as being Heavy 2d6, however should the wielder of this weapon be removed as a Casualty place a 7" Blast Marker centred on the wielder's last position, every model under this Marker suffers a S:10, AP 1, Ignores Cover, automatic hit) 60 Points
- Fuel Rod Cannon ( Range 24", S:6, AP3, Salvo 2/6, Irradiate) (Irradiate: Whenever a model suffers an unsaved wound from weapons with the Irradiate special rule, it immediately rolls a Toughness test. If it fails, every model in the unit suffers a permanent -1 to their Toughness. This effect stacks with itself and with similar effects such as that caused by Imperial Rad Grenades. If these effects would cause a model to reach Toughness 0, it is removed as a casualty.) 40 Points
- Tachyon Marker (Range 48", S:-, AP-, Heavy 1, Target Acquired Permanently) (Target Acquired Permanently: If a unit is hit by this weapon it gains a single Markerlight token that can be used by any friendly unit to increase their BS by +1, until the end of the opponents Assault Phase, this Token may be used once by each friendly unit per shooting attack.) 50 Points
- Entropic Deflection Field - The Entire unit gains a 3++ invulnerable save 75 Points

Heavy Support - Swordfish Heavy Gunship - 200 Points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

The Swordfish gunship is a Tau vehicle that is a relatively new addition to the Fire Caste’s armed forces. Its design is based on the familiar chassis of the Hammerhead and Devilfish. The Swordfish's defining feature is the huge, twin-linked Railgun mounted on its turret, which makes it extremely effective at eliminating enemy armour at great range.

It was for this explicit role that the vehicle was originally developed by the Tau, after the sometimes painful encounters by the Fire Caste with Imperial armour and heavy armour during the Damocles Gulf Crusade. The Swordfish was not designed as a replacement for the Hammerhead gunship, but instead as an addition to the Tau vehicle arsenal that could take on exceptionally well-armoured, super-heavy targets. However, the Swordfish vehicle design is not yet fully developed and the vehicle does suffer from several minor deficiciences, especially during extended campaigns. This is because the Swordfish requires an extensive amount of maintenance and repair or refit after each engagement. However, its impressive fighting capabilities make up for this drawback.

(An old/Discontinued Tau Unit from Epic Apocalypse/Chapter Approved, there are a lot of Homebrewed Swordfish on the internet, so it shouldn't be too hard to design or make your own)

Swordfish Heavy Gunship 4 13 12 11 3

Unit Composition: 1 Swordfish Heavy Gunship
Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank)
Wargear: Twin-Linked Railgun, 2 Gun Drones, Nose Mounted Twin-Linked Burst Cannon
  • May purchase Railgun Submunitions 10 Points
  • May Exchange both Gun drones for
- Twin-Linked Burst Cannon free
- Twin-Linked Smart Missile System free
  • May take up to 2 Seeker Missiles 8/points
  • May exchange Twin-Linked Railguns for Twin-Linked Ion Cannons free
  • May take items from the Tau Vehicle Battle Systems list (Tau Codex)

Heavy Support - Stingray Scatter Missile Gunship - 220 Points[edit | edit source]

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The Stingray missile gunship is a Tau vehicle that serves as a potent ranged anti-infantry weapon. The vehicle was developed to break up the waves of Orks rampaging through the Tau region of space in the wake of the Damocles Gulf Crusade. A single large warhead, similar to the simple shell used by Imperial Earthshaker Cannons, was first considered by the Tau as a possible solution to the problem of dealing with massed infantry assaults. However, this was determined to be less effective than a modified Seeker Missile, with a large number of Smart Missiles loaded into the payload bay.

The resulting weapon was first fielded on modified Sky Ray air defence tanks. The first field tests proved promising, but revealed shortcomings in the vehicles used for the test. First among these was the sheer size of the new missile, which made the carrier vehicle extremely dependent upon resupply during extended combat. A new turret was then developed that could carry more missiles, but this required changes to the basic hull such as the reduction of protective armour plating to allow the unit to keep up with Devilfish and Hammerhead formations.

This new version of the vehicle that would become the Stingray was significantly less dependent on resupply during battle, and the larger turret allowed refinements to the missile itself, increasing the number of Smart Missile submunitions.

(An old/Discontinued Tau Unit from Epic Apocalypse/Chapter Approved, so it shouldn't be too hard to design or make your own with a little bit of digging)

Stingray Scatter Missile Gunship 4 12 11 10 3

Unit Composition: 1 Stingray Scatter Missile Gunship
Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank)
Wargear: 6 Submunition Seeker Missiles, 2 Networked Markerlights, 2 Gun Drones
  • May Exchange both Gun drones for
- Twin-Linked Burst Cannon free
- Twin-Linked Smart Missile System free
  • May take items from the Tau Vehicle Battle Systems list (Tau Codex)

Super Heavy - Tau Scorpionfish Super Heavy Missile Gunship – 660 Points[edit | edit source]

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The Scorpionfish super-heavy missile gunship is a Tau super-heavy skimmer first deployed in the wake of the Damocles Gulf Crusade.

The Scorpionfish was developed as a response to the surprise of Imperial super-heavy tanks faced during that conflict and later engagements, and considerable effort was expended by the Earth Caste to develop a counter in the form of the Tau’s own super-heavy gunship. Lacking any other large vehicle as a basis, the Orca dropship design was modified with additional heavily armaments and armour, effectively reducing its mobility to that of a surface-bound skimmer. This variant was to become the Scorpionfish missile gunship and it carries no less than a full complement of Submunition, Seeker, Tracer and Smart Missiles, as well as direct-firing Missile Pods.

It has no single main weapon, but rather acts as a platform for a number of smaller systems, enabling it to engage any type of threat it encounters. This flexibility has proven to be a major asset in recent Tau campaigns. Whilst the Scorpionfish may be slower than the majority of Tau units, its skimmer capabilities mean that negotiating difficult terrain normally is not an issue. In battle, Scorpionfish normally form part of a stout firing line at the back of a Tau force, anchoring its defences.

(Once again, an old/Discontinued Tau Epic Armageddon Model, this is another popular one, but there is no agreed upon look for it, so choice is up to you)

Scorpionfish Super Heavy Missile Gunship 4 14 13 12 9

Unit Composition: 1 Scorpionfish Super Heavy Missile Gunship
Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Super-Heavy Vehicle)
Wargear: 12 Seeker Missiles, 12 Submunition Seeker Missiles, 6 Tracer Seeker Missiles, 2 Twin-Linked High Yield Missile Pods, 2 Twin Linked Smart Missile Systems, 4 Networked Markerlights, Velocity Tracker, Early Warning Override
Special Rules
  • Restock – Should a Scorpionfish Super Heavy Missile exhaust its supply of Seeker, Submunition Seeker or Tracer Seeker Missiles, it may leave the table by any edge other than the opponents edge, and enter ongoing reserves. It then returns to the table at the beginning of the controlling players Movement phase, with all missiles fully restocked.
  • Light It Up – Any model underneath the Large Blast Template of a Tracer Seeker Missile generates a number of Marker Tokens according to the Cluster Fire Special Rule, Tracer Missiles may be Fired at Flyers and Flying Monstrous Creatures, but lose the Large Blast Special Rule when being fired at such targets, these Markerlights are not considered Networked and cannot be used by the model that fired the Tracer Missile(s), no saves may be made against the hits generated by a Tracer Missile.
  • Cluster Fire – Most models hit by a Tracer missile generate 1 Marker Token, but any model with the Bulky or Very Bulky Special Rules, or the Bike/Jetbike, Artillery or Cavalry types generate 2 Marker Tokens, while Models with the Extremely Bulky special rule, or the Monstrous Creature, Flying Monstrous Creature or Vehicle Unit type generate 3 Marker Tokens.
  • Chain Reaction Detonation – Should this vehicle suffer a result of ‘Explodes’ on the Vehicle damage table rather than losing 1d3 Hull Points as a normal Super Heavy Vehicle, it instead loses 1d3+2 Hull Points, and a number of missiles equal to the Hull Points lost.
  • May take an additional 12 Seeker Missiles 8 Points/Missile
  • May take an additional 12 Submunition Seeker Missiles 12 Points/Missile
  • May take an additional 6 Tracer Seeker Missiles 15 Points/Missile
  • May upgrade Tracer Missiles to Networked Tracer Missiles 15 Points/Missile
  • May purchase a Super Heavy Deflection Shield (4++ invulnerable save) 40 Points
  • May purchase items from the Vehicle Battle Systems list at double cost (Tau Codex) (Cannot purchase Disruption Pod)

Gue'Vesa[edit | edit source]

The human helpers of the Tau Empire. Typically found in the Damocles Gulf area, they support the Tau cause with enthusiasm... if only because going back to the Imperium is not an option.

In some sept worlds on the border of Tau space the Gue'la make up a new caste standing as equals with the other four castes under the Ethereals. This is considered a rarity however and is usually an indicator of the other castes not being found in great number.

While the Gue'Vesa who serve as an auxiliary force for the Tau have better equipment than the humans that make up the defense forces at home (Gue'Vesa using the Guard codex), most Fire Caste commanders have not fully integrated the Gue'Vesa into their plans and training.

Special Rules[edit | edit source]

Traitors: Although the humans who have joined the Tau empire bear no ill-will towards their former compatriots, the same can not be said of Imperial troops fighting the auxiliaries. Units designated as "Armies of the Imperium" will always hit a Gue’vesa on a roll of 3+ in close combat, regardless of relative Weapon Skill.

Gue'Vesa Wargear[edit | edit source]

Name Range S AP type
Mont'Ka Pattern Lasgun 24" 3 - Rapid Fire, Twin-Linked
Fusion Lance 18” 6 1 Assault 1, Melta
Gue'Vesa Grenade Launcher (Frag) 24" 3 6 Assault 1, Blast
Gue'Vesa Grenade Launcher (Krak) 24" 6 4 Assault 1
Gue'Vesa Grenade Launcher (Photon) 24" 2 - Assault 1, Blast, Blind
Quad-Linked Burst Cannon Tempest Array 18" 5 5 Assault 16
St Elmo Incinerator Template 6 3 Heavy 1
Thunderhead Plasma Cannon 36" 6 2 Heavy 5
Maelstrom Fusion Cannon 48" 8 1 Heavy 1, Melta
Undertow Ripple Cannon 36" 6 4 Assault 6, Rending
Fogbank Missile Pod 72" 6 - Assault 6, Ignores Cover
Cluster Missile Systems 48" 5 4 Assault 8, Homing, Ignores Cover
Stonefish Pulse Barrage Cannon 12"-96" 5 5 Heavy 1d3, Large Blast, Barrage, Shred

Target Lock: In addition to the normal benefits as described in Codex: Tau Empire, models equipped with this item benefit from the Supporting Fire special rule as listed in the Codex, and grant it to any unit they are attached to.

Mont'Ka Pattern Lasgun One of the many hidden concerns of the Ethereal caste when the Gue'vesa deserters were folded into the Tau Empire's Warforce was that they held no certain guarantee that they would not turn traitor on the Fire Caste during any battles in which they were deployed. Eventually it was decided, in order to counter this potentially diasterous scenario, that every Gue'Vesa weapon would be outfitted with a Kill-Switch that would cause the equipment to malfunction explosively without appearing to be intentional sabotage. In order to make sure this plan was possible every single Gue'Vesa soldier was given a Mont'Ka Pattern Lasgun, modelled after the Triplex Pattern Lasgun, to replace their old imperial models, under the guise of an upgraded arsenal to help them fight alongside the Fire Caste. Most Gue'Vesa soldiers can go their entire careers without realising they are holding a bomb designed to kill them should they ever choose to betray their new culture, but, as the Ethereal Council decided "Such is the cost of treachery".

HQ: Gue'Vesa Auxiliary Liaison - 60 points[edit | edit source]

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Commanding the detachment of Gue'Vesa auxiliary, the Liaison helps the Tau Fire caste commanders better utilize the Gue'Vesa. While nominally outranking most of the Fire Caste, the Liaison typically only leads the Gue'Vesa. Despite this, he is seen as a valuable ally.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Gue'Vesa'El 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 9 4+

Unit Composition: 1 Gue'Vesa'El
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Wargear: Pulse Pistol, Combat Armor, Frag Grenades, Close Combat Weapon, Target Lock, Drone Controller
  • May exchange his CCW for a:
-Pulse Rifle for free
-Pulse Carbine for free
-Power Weapon for 15 points
  • May take EMP grenades for 5 points
  • May take two drones from the Tau Codex
Special Rules: Traitors, Independent Character
  • Voice of the Gue'Vesa: At the start of your turn, one Gue'Vesa unit within 12” of the Liaison may be given one of these special rules until the start of your next turn: Feel no pain (6+), Split Fire, or Counter Attack. A unit may only be affected by one use of Voice of the Gue'Vesa each turn.

HQ: Priest of the Greater Good - 25 points[edit | edit source]

Each Gue'Vesa HQ may include 0-3 Priest of the Greater Good. They do not take up a Force Organisation slot, and do not qualify as a mandatory HQ selection.

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One of the main draws for the humans of the Tau empire is the freedom of religion that the Tau Empire professes. Many of the Gue'Vesa still worship the Emperor in a more moderate fashion, typically forgoing the anti-xeno aspects of the creed. Priests trained in this new style of worship of the God-Emperor, combined with the tenets of the Greater Good sometimes bring their faith and reteric to the ranks of the Gue'Vesa auxiliary force. While not having the same fire and passion of the priests of the Imperium, the priests of the greater good bring their own form of Zealotry to the troops, inspiring them in their own ways.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Priest 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 7 4+

Unit Composition: 1 Priest
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Wargear: Pulse Pistol, Combat Armor, Close Combat Weapon, Frag Grenade
  • May exchange his CCW for a:
-Pulse Rifle for free
-Pulse Carbine for free
-Power Weapon for 15 points
Special Rules: Traitors, Zealot, Adamantium will, Independent Character

Elite: Gue'Vesa Strike Team - 50 points[edit | edit source]

"Squads Alpha, Charlie, Hotel, Whiskey hitting the ground in 5. Shas'O, we will take the pressure off of your men!"

John Mather relaxed his legs while the ground rushed up underneath him, as he trusted the altimeter to deploy the chute at the absolute last second. The man drew up, and swung his body forwards to gain more momentum, when suddenly the chute jerked his entire body back. The ground came and he ducked into a roll with a carbine tucked horizontally over his torso. The whole world then rotated around him twice before he could break the motion.

He came out shooting, three seconds before he took aim. The snap-fires caught a guardsman right between the plates of his flak armor, and incinerated his guts. John leaped over the tumbling guardsman corpse, and four shots climbed the torso of a second guardsmen, with the last one splattering bone fragments from his chin in various directions. Two more of his brothers dropped to the ground firing, just in time to catch the third gunner as he took aim for John.

John kept moving even as more men fell to the ground. "Come my Doves, follow the red-tail! We're on a hunt!"

An elite team forged by some of the most skilled Gue'Vesa in the septs. Often drawn from former drop regiments, or their decendents. Gue'Vesa strike teams are all equipped with the same Grav-chutes that they trained as in their former regiments, which these teams utilize to make hot-drops into fortified positions.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Gue'Vesa'Ui 3 4 3 3 1 3 1 7 4+
Gue'Vesa'Vre 3 4 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+

Unit Composition: 4 Gue'Vesa'Ui, 1 Gue'Vesa'Vre
Unit Type: Infantry (Gue'Vesa'Vre is Character) Unique(John Mather only)
Wargear: Pulse Carbine, Combat Armor, Frag Grenades, EMP Grenades
  • May include five aditional Gue'Vesa'Ui for 10 points/model
  • Gue'Vesa'Vre may take up to 2 Gun Drones for 12 Points/Drone
  • Gue'Vesa'Vre may take a target lock for 5 points
  • Up to 2 models in the unit may exchange their Pulse Carbine for a
-Flamer 5 Points
-Strike Team Plasma Rifle 10 Points
-Ion Rifle 10 Points
-Rail Rifle 15 Points
  • May take a Valkyrie Pisces or a Sawfish as a dedicated transport
Special Rules: Traitors, Deep Strike
Name Range S AP type
Strike team Plasma Rifle 24" 6 2 Salvo 1/2

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Gue'Vesa'El John 'Redtail' Mather 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 8 4+

Wargear: Osprey (Pulse Carbine with Assault 3 & Built in Networked Markerlight), Combat Armour, Frag Grenades, EMP Grenades, Blacksun Filter
  • This model may be taken as a replacement to a Strike Team's Gue'Vesa'Vre for 25 Points
Special Rules: Deep Strike, Traitors, Stealth, Rapid Insertion (Grants any squad he joins a +1 to reserve rolls)

Elite: Gue'Vesa Combat Engineer- 60 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Gue'Vesa'Ui 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 4+
Gue'Vesa'Vre 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 4+

Unit Composition: 4 Gue'Vesa'Ui, 1 Gue'Vesa'Vre
Unit Type: Infantry (Gue'Vesa'Vre is Character)
Wargear: Pulse Carbine, Combat Armor, Frag Grenades, EMP Grenades, Pulse Mines, Snare Mines
  • May include five aditional Gue'Vesa'Ui for 12 points/model
  • Gue'Vesa'Vre may take up to 2 Gun Drones for 12 points/Drone
  • Up to 2 models in the unit may exchange their Pulse Carbine for a ---
  • Flamer 5 points
  • Ion Rifle 10 points
  • Fusion Lance 10 points
  • Gue'Vesa Grenade Launcher with Frag, Krak, & Photon Grenades 15 points
  • May take a Devilfish or a Sawfish as a dedicated transport
Special Rules: Traitors, Minelayer
  • Minelayer:Unless it has suffered an effect that causes the unit is unable to move in the previous turn, a model with this rule may lay 1 mine per turn in the units shooting phase, this counts as the models shooting attack. These mines must be placed next to the base of one of the models in the unit. Choose whether it is a snare mine or a pulse mine at the time of the laying. Enemies who move within 2" of a mine will set it off. If set off resolve the effects of the mine. A unit of Gue'Vesa Combat Engineers may lay a maximum of only 3 mines per turn. Mines count as difficult terrain.
Name Range S AP type
Pulse Mine - 5 5 Blast
Snare Mine - - 1 Blast, Snare

Snare:Effected models must make a pinning test.

Troops: Gue'Vesa - 50 points[edit | edit source]

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This squad contains the soldiers who have not yet earned their place in the ranks of a Fire Warrior squad. The Gue'Vesa'Ui often serve with a fire warrior squad before returning to the ranks to help their own kind achieve the rise to the Fire Warrior caste.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Gue'Vesa'la 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Gue'Vesa'Ui 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+

Unit Composition: 9 Gue'Vesa'La, 1 Gue'Vesa'Ui
Unit Type: Infantry (Gue'Vesa'Ui is Character)
Wargear: Mont'Ka Pattern Lasgun, Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Pulse Rifle (Gue'Vesa'Ui)
  • May take photon grenades 1 point/model
  • May take EMP grenades 3 points/model
  • Four Gue'Vesa'la may trade in their lasguns for a pulse rifle/carbine 3 points/model
  • Gue'Vesa'Ui may trade his pulse rifle for a pulse carbine for free
  • Gue'Vesa'Ui may take a Target Lock for 5 points
  • Gue'Vesa'Ui may take a drone controller for 8 points
  • Gue'Vesa'Ui may take a Markerlight for 10pts
  • Gue'Vesa'Ui may take up to two drones
  • May take a Devilfish Transport as a dedicated transport.
Special Rules: Traitors

Troop: Gue'Vesa Sniper Team - 33 points[edit | edit source]

The Valkyrie's Mark falls upon my prey. Forgive me God Emperor, for I shall take the life of one of your servants

Mathis slid on his belly across the surface of a rock, gently crawling forward on the tips of his fingers and toes. A rifle was cradled underneath his belly, and held in place with elbows. With the full cover of his cloak, the sniper probably looked more akin to a bush than a six foot, one inch tall human. Mathis scanned the battlefield going on below, from his perch inside of a cliff facing. To his sides, five of his brothers in arms were setting up the scopes for their rifles.

The Squad leader quietly rubbed sand directly into the lense of his scope, then unzipped a freezer-bag full of crushed ice, to place directly in his mouth. With his rituals complete, Mathis scanned the battlefield for his Quarry, and surely enough the space marine commander was engaged with a crisis team. Several Valkyrie's Marks were held in place on his armor by forward spotters, which he pointed his uplink towards to gain targeting data.

"On my mark-.." Mathis mouthed through his numb tongue into the cool night air, and with the ice in his mouth not a single breath could be seen. He tapped his toes into the sand, once, twice.. And thrice as all six rifles kicked in unison. The heaviest of the rifles made the most noise as their plasma bolts split the air, and thunder responded as it rushed back into the brief void. Their quarry looked surprised for a moment, as if the unthinkable happened. His Arm had been vaporized at the shoulder, with only a sliver of metal still holding the rest to his body, and a krak-grenade sized hole was present in his lower torso.

Mathis stood and signaled his squad to get moving, when he noticed a splattering of blood on his legs. Jonas; the sniper beside him, was bisected from his forehead to crotch by a still-burning slug embedded in the cliff-wall. He had just enough time to shout out "COUNTER SNIPERS!" before his leg was vaporized from the kneecap down.

While the Fire Warrior caste prefers more mobile warfare. Some Tau commanders have started to use Gue'Vesa in a sniper role. Infiltrating the battlefield days before the battle, these men wait for the shots that can change the course of the battle. Equipped with Longshot Pulse Rifles normally equipped on sniper drones, they can take out most of the commanders that the Tau face, for the heavier foes the Sniper Teams sometimes will be issued Tau Rail Rifles.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Gue'Vesa'la 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Gue'Vesa'Ui 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 5+

Unit Composition: 2 Gue'Vesa'La, 1 Gue'Vesa'Ui
Unit Type: Infantry (Gue'Vesa'Ui is Character)
Wargear: Longshot pulse Rifle, Flak Armor, Blacksun Filter, Camo Cloaks
  • May include 3 aditional Gue'Vesa'La for 11 points/model
  • Two Gue'Vesa'La may replace their Longshot Pulse rifles for Rail Rifles for 15pts/model
  • Gue'Vesa'Ui may take a Markerlight for 10pts
Special Rules: Traitors, Infiltrate

Troops: Gue'Vesa Heavy weapons Squad - 55 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Gue'Vesa'la 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 7 5+
Gue'Vesa'Ui 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 8 5+

Unit Composition: 3 Gue'Vesa'La Heavy Weapon Teams, 1 Gue'Vesa'Ui
Unit Type: Infantry (Gue'Vesa'Ui is Character)
Wargear: Mont'Ka Pattern Lasgun, Flak Armour, Frag Grenades, Pulse Rifle (Gue'Vesa'Ui)
  • Each Gue'Vesa'La Heavy Weapons Team must take one of the following Weapons for the appropriate cost
    • Airbursting Frag Projector --- 15 Points
    • Long-Barrelled Burst Cannon --- 15 Points
    • Twin-Linked Missile Pod --- 20 Points
    • High Intensity Markerlight --- 20 Points
    • Heavy Rail Rifle --- 25 Points
  • May take photon grenades 1 point/model
  • May take EMP grenades 3 points/model
  • Gue'Vesa'Ui may trade his pulse rifle for a pulse carbine for free
  • Gue'Vesa'Ui may take a Target Lock for 5 points
  • Gue'Vesa'Ui may take a drone controller for 8 points
  • Gue'Vesa'Ui may take a Markerlight for 10pts
  • Gue'Vesa'Ui may take up to two drones

Fast Attack: Sawfish Transport - 55 points[edit | edit source]

"Nothing like the wind in your hair, eh Lads?" "Not the time Sarge" Black Box recording of the first transport test flight of the Sawfish, Team was Harakoni Ospreys

Once again demonstrating their nigh suicidal preference for high speed deployment, the Elysian & Harakoni engineers that joined the Gue'vesa turned their attention to some of the wrecked and ruined Piranha skimmers that still doted the T'ros desert scape with the intention of creating a small, but fast troop transport.

They definitely succeeded.

Retaining all the speed of the Piranha it's based on, the Sawfish High-Altitude Shielded Personal Carrier is a high speed transport, capable of zooming across the battlefield in a matter of seconds, deploying its cargo, before picking up another load of troops, and moving them to where they are needed most.

The only problem with its current design, is the lack of armament, in order to make space for the improved Skimmer Engines, Shield Generators, Hand Holds, and Runner strips, the Sawfish can only mount a Single Burst Cannon or Fusion Blaster, making it unsuitable for duties outside of troop transport.

Sawfish 3 11 10 10 2

Unit Composition: 1 Sawfish
Unit Type: Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport, Open-Topped)
Wargear: Burst Cannon, shield Generator (4++ invulnerable save), Homing Beacon
  • Capacity: 6 Models
  • Fire ports: None
  • May exchange Burst Cannon for fusion blaster for 10 pts
  • May take items from the Vehicle battle system list
Special Rules:
  • Hold Tight - Passengers cannot fire from this vehicle as they are busy holding on to their handholds.
  • Quick Drop - Passengers may Disembark, and act normally even if the "Sawfish" has moved more than 6".

Fast Attack: Valkyrie Pisces - 130 points[edit | edit source]

"I swear that ship looks like a Valkyrie fucked a Razorshark." - Engineer Tobias Farfel upon first seeing a Valkyrie Pisces

One thing that the Earth Caste and Gue'La engineers noted about the Gue'Vesa auxiliary is the lack of a dedicated air support unit to help transport troops and provide air cover. Often said by the troops that it was designed by two very drunk earth caste students and an Ogryn. The Valkyrie Pisces however was a success in combining the versatility of the Valkyrie with some Tau technology.

Valkyrie Pisces 3 12 11 10 3

Unit Composition: 1 Valkyrie Pisces
Unit Type: Vehicle (Flyer, Hover, Transport)
Wargear: Burst Cannon (Nose), Blacksun Filter, 2 Seeker Missiles, 2 Gun Drones (Wings)
  • Capacity: 12 Models
  • Fire ports: None
  • Access points: Has one on each side of the hull and one in the rear.
  • May take two burst cannons on sponson mounts for 10 pts
  • May take items from the Vehicle battle system list
Special Rules: Grave Chute Insertion

Fast Attack: Jump Sentinel - 25 points[edit | edit source]

Matching suicide burns in three.. Thrusters engaged! Let's teach those damn orks the meaning of Dynamic Entry!"

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Jump sentinel 3 3 5 10 10 10 3 1 2

Unit Composition: 1 Jump Sentinel
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker, Open-Topped)
Wargear: Flamer
  • Sentinel Jump Pack: The Jump Sentinel may move as if it is Jump Infantry despite being a Walker, with a few exceptions.
  • If a Jump Sentinel uses its Jump move to assault a unit, it inflicts D3 Hammer of Wrath.
  • If the Jump Sentinel ever fails a Dangerous Terrain check as a result of a jump move, it must make a 4+ save, or lose a single hull point. (It can't fail a Dangerous Terrain Test if it has the Move Through Cover USR)
  • May take two additional jump sentinels: +25pts each
  • Each Jump Sentinel may take up to two drones from Codex:Tau Empire
  • May replace Flamer with a:
-Burst Cannon for 5 points
-Fusion Blaster for 10 points
Special Rules: Deep Strike, Scouts, Move through cover

Heavy Support: Dogfish Medium Battle Tank[edit | edit source]

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Dogfish Tempest

The workhorse of the Imperial Army, the Leman Russ Battle Tank was left behind in huge numbers during the Imperium’s extraction from the Damocles Gulf, during the Damocles Crusade, and their rout from the Mining planet of T’ros, and while the Tau Fire Caste looks upon the Leman Russ as slow, and primitive, their Gue’Vesa allies have continued to use the Leman Russ with added modifications by the Tau’s Earth Caste, retrofitting new weapon loadouts, sub-systems, and power sources.

Initially built from the Leman Russ Punisher, the Dogfish Tempest retains the devastating fire rate of its originator, but has been upgraded to carry a set of 4 independently operated Burst Cannons, alongside an inbuilt Point Defence Targeting Relay, allowing the Tempest to act as the Gue’Vesa’s primary defensive tank, capable of beating back hordes of Ork Boyz, Tyranid Gaunts, Elder Warriors, & those still loyal to the Imperium.

Dogfish St Elmo

The Dogfish St Elmo Incinerator is one of the stranger vehicles in the Gue’Vesa’s arsenal; named after an old Terran superstition, this Tank mounts 2 specialised Incinerator cannons taken from the wrecks of the Hellhound ‘Light Cavalry’ Tank, modified to increase their offensive power at the cost of their range.

Unfortunately the St Elmo has none of the manoeuvrability associated with the Hellhound, and retains most of the weaknesses of the Leman Russ, which when combined with its exceedingly short range makes it an incredibly risky vehicle to field, but many Gue’Vesa commanders feel the risk is worth it for the sheer firepower the St Elmo can bring to bear on its targets should they ever get in range.

Dogfish Thunderhead

The Tau have long since mastered Plasma, making the Leman Russ Executioner look remarkably primitive in comparison to their own technology, the constant threat of shorting out, venting steam into the crew compartments, discharging the containment field, or just overloading the coupling and exploding making the Tau earth caste engineers & scientists whose job it was to analyse the vehicle shake their heads in disappointment at the crudeness of the weapon, before taking the technology and using it to develop the Thunderhead.

Far more refined than the Executioner Plasma Cannon, the Thunderhead boasts a greater rate of fire & much greater stability; however this upgrade comes at the cost of the Executioners firepower & area of effect, making the Thunderhead an excellent Heavy Infantry hunter, & Light Vehicle killer, while it is unable to deal with threats of the same calibre as its originator.

Dogfish Maelstrom

The Imperium makes rather extensive use of Melta technology, and while the Tau may know how the technology works enough to mount their own Melta weaponry, the Fusion Blaster, on their Battlesuits, the Imperium maintains a lead on their usage of the this remarkable technology on the Battlefield. As such, when the Earth Caste managed to salvage an intact Melta Cannon, one the Imperium’s most advanced Melta weapons, they set about trying to reverse engineer it into a far more stable version.

These experiments led to the creation of the Maelstrom Fusion Cannon, a Melta weapon with a range comparable to the Hammerhead’s Railgun, and a stopping power to match the Tau’s previous Fusion Weaponry; however the power requirements of the Maelstrom Cannon have proven too intensive to mount it on the Tau’s Skimmer Tanks without shorting out the Plasma generators that power the Vehicles, and the idea of mounting a separate Plasma Generator solely for the Maelstrom has been shot down as being too dangerous, leading to the Maelstrom being mounted in the Gue’Vesa’s Dogfish tanks until the power requirements can be satisfied.

Dogfish Undertow

The Riptide’s development history was long, and riddled with difficulties & setbacks, firstly the constant search for a suitable power source, which finally ended with the creation of the Nova Power Core Reactor, and the development of suitable weaponry.

Originally the Earth Caste attempted to make an overgrown version of the Pulse Sub-munition Rifle, mounted on the XV-9 Hazard suit, but the extreme weight of this weapon made it unsuitable for the mobility requirements, while the regular Battlesuit weapons didn’t have the punch that the Riptide was supposed to deliver.

This led the Earth Caste to develop the Ripple Cannon, a prototype phase for the Riptides eventual weapon, the Heavy Burst Cannon. The Ripple Cannon was designed to test the Nova Reactors power limits before the power limiters were released and the initial tests were promising, the Nova reactor providing more than enough power; however when overcharged the Ripple cannon had a near 80% chance of self-destructing, as its internal components were unable to handle the high tolerances demanded by the full power of the Nova Reactor. As such the Prototype Ripple Cannons were thrown to the side as the Earth Caste worked on the Heavy Burst Cannon, until Gue’Vesa Fio’El Dal’yth Aeron Ron’Shi found the blue-prints, and with permission from his Fio’O supervisor mounted it on a Dogfish with an upgraded Plasma Generator.

Christened the Dogfish Undertow, the Ripple Cannon has proven its worth in combating the heavy infantry of the Ork Hordes, the larger Bioforms of the Tyranid Swarms, & the elite Storm troopers of the Astra Militarum.

Dogfish Fogbank

The Leman Russ Battle tank is possibly the most versatile vehicle found in the Imperium of Man, however for all of its variants the Tau encountered in the Damocles Crusade, The T’ros Campaign, and the various Brush-Fire conflicts that erupt every so often, the Tau have never noticed a Variant that was able to provide any anti-air fire, that purpose being relegated to the Chimera-Mounted Hydra-Flak Tank.

However in the aftermath of most battles the Hydra’s were too heavily damaged, or recovered by Imperial forces before the Tau earth Caste engineers could find a suitable specimen. This has led to the Gue’Vesa Engineers working with the Earth Caste to replicate the Hydra-Flak tanks level of Anti-Air fire without access to any blueprints, working examples, or usable templates.

Originally, the Earth Caste thought that the best way to emulate the Hydra’s long range, would be a Heavy Rail-Rifle Battery, mounted on a modified Skyray Tower, allowing for a field of fire that could include Ground-based opponents, however the recoil forced upon the gun tower by the rapid firing rate required was deemed too high for the Materials to handle, and the idea was scrapped in favour of a Modified Smart Missile System which was currently undergoing prototype testing for usage with the Skyray Missile Defence Gunship. Called the Fogbank Missile Pod, the missiles payload was extensively modified to maximise range, stability and accuracy, allowing it to act as a weaker variant of the Seeker Missile for use in extended campaigns where supplies could run low, while being outfitting with the drone intelligence of the Smart-Missile-System allowed it be fired at targets beyond the wielders Line of Sight without the aid of Markerlight targeting data.

As it is still in its testing phase, the Fogbank Missile Pod has been given to the Gue’Vesa Auxiliaries for the purpose of testing its efficiency on the battlefield, however the Engineers of the Earth Caste have High Hopes for the Weapon, and the Tanks they have outfitted it with.

Dogfish Tempest 3 14 13 11 3
Dogfish St Elmo 3 14 13 10 3
Dogfish Thunderhead 3 14 13 11 3
Dogfish Maelstrom 3 14 13 10 3
Dogfish Undertow 3 14 13 10 3
Dogfish Fogbank 3 14 13 10 3

Unit Composition: 1 Dogfish
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank, Heavy)
Wargear (all): Blacksun Filter
Wargear (Tempest): Quad-Linked Burst Cannons Tempest Array, Point-Defence Targeting Relay
Wargear (St Elmo): 2 St Elmo Incinerators, Hull-Mounted Burst Cannon
Wargear (Thunderhead): Thunderhead Plasma Cannon, Hull-Mounted Burst Cannon
Wargear (Maelstrom): Maelstrom Fusion Cannon, Hull-Mounted Burst Cannon
Wargear (Undertow): Undertow Ripple Cannon, Hull-Mounted Burst Cannon
Wargear (Fogbank ): 2 Fogbank Missile Pods, Velocity Tracker, Early Warning Override
  • May Choose one of the following Tanks
    Dogfish Tempest 150 points
    Dogfish Saint Elmo 130 Points
    Dogfish Thunderhead 140 Points
    Dogfish Maelstrom 160 Points
    Dogfish Undertow 150 Points
    Dogfish Fogbank 150 Points
  • May Purchase 2 Additional Models of Any Dogfish Variant for it's listed cost
  • Any Dogfish that doesn't have a Hull-Mounted Weapon may Take a Hull Mounted weapon for the Following costs, if it already has a Hull-Mounted Weapon reduce the weapons cost by 10 points ---
  • Heavy Flamer 10 Points
  • Burst Cannon 10 Points
  • Heavy Rail Rifle 20 Points
  • Any Dogfish may Take a Pair of Sponsons armed with ---
  • Tau Plasma Rifles 30 Points
  • Burst Cannons 20 Points
  • Fusion Blasters 20 Points
  • Twin-Linked Flamers 20 Points
  • Missile Pods 30 Points
  • Any Dogfish may take the Following Battle Systems WIP
  • Networked Cogitators: 20 Points
A Dogfish Squadron containing a single model with Networked Cogitators counts their BS as one point higher when all firing at the same target.
  • Any Dogfish may take a Tau Flechette Discharger for 5 Points
  • Any Dogfish may take a Chaff Decoy Launcher for 5 Points
Once per game a model equipped with Chaff Decoy Launchers may sacrifice its shooting attack to activate this piece of Wargear; the model, and any other models in the unit, gain a 5+ cover save until the beginning of their next shooting phase, this cover save increases to 4+ against shooting attacks made by Vehicles as the EM Chaff interferes with their targeting systems.
  • One Dogfish in each Squadron may take a Dogfish Gue'vesa'El: 50 Points
A Model equipped with a Dogfish Gue'vesa'El increases its BS by 2, gains the Split-Fire USR, and changes the squadron type to HQ. The Gue'vesa'El may be selected as your warlord, but can never gain a Warlord Trait. In addition, only the model with the Gue'Vesa'El needs to be destroyed in order for your opponent to gain Slay The Warlord, even if it is in a Squadron.

Heavy Support: Stonefish Artillery Tank - 140 Points[edit | edit source]

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Stonefish Artillery Tank 3 12 11 10 3

Unit Composition: 1 Stonefish Artillery Tank
Unit Type: Vehicle
Wargear: Stonefish Pulse Barrage Cannon
  • May take up to two additional Stonefish Artillery Tank Model for 140 points/model
  • May take items from the Vehicle battle system list

Super-Heavy: Decom XV-112 Bane-Crawler - 625 points[edit | edit source]

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Using the wrecks of the Baneblades from the Damacles crusade the Tau earth caste and Gue'vesa engineers decided to combine their efforts to showcase the efforts of both races too the greater good. Using the base of a Baneblade and removing the oft unsalvagable cannons to replace it with the upper half of a large battlesuit and tau weaponry, this hybrid of both races is an awe inspiring sight. Classified with the mass size of 11 and the number 2 to mark it as a design ready for field testing, this weapon has rallied many to the cause.

An oddity among the traditional battlesuits in that it requires two to pilot correctly, often a tau and human, the other subsystems slaved to drone systems. Moving on treads instead of legs lets this battlesuit wield the heavy rail gun normally mounted on the Manta and Tigershark AX-1-0. Bringing the titian killing might to the hands of the fire caste Commanders instead of the Air caste Admirals

XV-112 Bane-Crawler 3 14 13 12 9

Unit Composition: 1 XV-112
Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank, Super heavy)
Wargear: Twin-Linked Heavy Rail Gun, 2 Heavy Burst Cannons, 4 Twin-Linked Long-Barreled Burst Cannons, Blacksun Filter, Velocity Tracker
  • May replace either Heavy Burst Cannon with a Cluster Missile System for 20 Points/each
  • May take up to 8 Seeker Missiles 8 Points/Missile
  • May replace any Twin-linked Long-Barrelled Burst Cannons with a Twin-Linked High Yield Missile Pod for 5 points/each
  • May replace any Twin-linked Long-Barrelled Burst Cannons with an Ion Cannon for 5 Points/each
  • May replace any Twin-linked Long-Barrelled Burst Cannons with a Twin-Linked Thunderhead Plasma Cannon for 10 Points/each
  • May take up to 6 Gun Drones for 12 Points/Drone
  • May purchase an Advanced Targeting Array for 25 Points (Increases Vehicles BS by +1)
  • May purchase a Heavy Flechette Dispersal System for 20 Points (During the Assault phase, every unit in Base contact suffers a number of S:4, AP-, Rending, Shred hits equal to the number of models it has in base contact, this happens at Initiative 10)
  • May purchase a Super-Heavy Gravitic Deflection Shield for 40 points (4++ invulnerable save)

HQ: Gue'Vesa'O Orion Pax - 80 points[edit | edit source]

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Orion Pax has lived in the Tau empire all of his life, he enlisted into the Gue'Vesa as soon as he was of age, until he was eventually promoted into the ranks of the Fire Caste. Searving in a squad of Fire warriors at first he was slightly shunned as an outsider to the bonded squad. However his dedication to the greater good eventually warmed them to him, and after a climatic battle against the Imperium on one of the border worlds was Orion given the bonding knife ritual when he was promoted to the rank of Shas'Ui. Fighting with his brothers in their new battlesuits he eventually rose to the rank of Shas'O.

Time however has a way of catching up with everyone and eventually his bonded squadmates either died on the battlefield or of simply old age. Commanding a Hunter Cadre for many years more before asking the Etherals for the honor of helping his fellow humans. His caste changed back to the Gue caste, Orion brings many of the things that he learned in the ranks of the Fire Caste to the battlefield. Most often Orion leads from the field on foot, but occasionally he will lead in his battlesuit once more. The symbol of his bond still painted on the side even if he is the last member alive.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Orion Pax(Foot) 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 10 4+
Orion Pax(Battlesuit) 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 10 3+
MV50 Shield Drone 2 2 3 4 1 4 1 7 4+
"Arc" 2 2 3 4 1 4 1 7 4+

Unit Composition: Orion Pax, 1 "Arc", 1 MV50 Shield Drone
Unit Type: Independent Character, Unique
  • (Foot)Pulse Rifle, Combat Armor, Photon Grenades, Markerlight, Drone Controller
  • (Battlesuit) Plasma Rifle, Missle pod, Flamer, Multi-Spectrum Sensor Suit, Command and Control Node, Crisis Battlesuit
Options: May take his custom XV-8 battlesuit for 60pts
Special Rules: Traitors, Supporting Fire, Voice of the Gue-Vesa, Volley Fire (affects Lasguns as well)
  • MV50 Shield Drone: A special shield drone assigned to be an attendant to Orion Pax and help serve as a bodyguard. It is equipped with the normal shield of a shield drone but bears the addition of a single pulse carbine.
  • "Arc":Arc started as Orion's personal assistant, operating in many ways similar to a Water Castes Escort Drone. When Orion returned to the ranks of the Gue'Vesa he had Arc modified further. Now equipped with a homing beacon along with its pulse pistol and databases, Arc provides a bit of help to Orion on the field.

Demiurg[edit | edit source]

An allied race of the Tau empire, they are known for their strong ships and advanced technology. While the majority of the race only have some contact with the Tau Empire two major brotherhoods have joined the Tau empire, the Srry'Tok and Thurm.

Special Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Grudge:: Demiurg bear a grudge against those who have wounded their number. Whenever an enemy unit causes an unsaved wound on a Demiurg unit, that unit of Demiurg benefit from the Hatred special rule against the enemy unit in the Demiurg controlling player’s next turn.
  • Stronghold Starships: Any Unit with an Armour Save of 4+ or better may Deep Strike on to the battlefield.

Wargear[edit | edit source]

Ion Weapons

Name Range S AP type
Ion Pistol (Standard) 12" 7 5 Pistol
Ion Pistol (Overcharged) 12" 8 5 Heavy 1, Gets Hot!
Ion Caster (Dispersed) 24" 3 4 Rapid Fire, Deflagrate
Ion Caster(Focused) 12" 7 3 Melta, Gets Hot!
Ion Annihilator (Standard) 72" 6 3 Heavy 4, Blast, Barrage
Ion Annihilator (Overcharge) 72" 10 2 Ordinace 1, Large Blast, Barrage, Gets Hot!
Ion Hunter (Standard) 48" 7 2 Heavy 2
Ion Hunter (Overcharge) 48" 9 1 Ordinance 1, Armourbane Gets Hot!

  • Deflagarate: When this weapons causes a unsaved wound directly apply a additional hit with the exact same stats as the original, minus the deflagarate rule.

Gravitic Weapons

Name Range S AP type
Gravitic Impeller (Gravitic Field) 18" X X Assault 1, Blast, Grounding
Gravitic Impeller (Mass Driver) 18" 4 4 Assault 2, Ignores Cover, Rending
Gravitic Impulsor (Gravitic Field) 36" X X Heavy 1, Large Blast, Grounding
Gravitic Impulsor (Mass Driver) 36" 4 4 Assault 4, Ignores Cover, Rending

  • Grounding: Should a unit be hit with a weapon with this special rule they must make a Strength check for every model hit. Should any model fail that unit is immediately forced to Go To Ground.

Laser Weapons

Pew, pew pew.

In the vacuum of the void, or storm beaten planets, having a weapons that does not rely on regular balistic projectiles is a prospect that the Demiurg simply couldn't pass up.

Name Range S AP type
Laser Sniper 48" X 4 Heavy 1, Sniper, Hard Hitting (3), Accurate
Heavy Laser Sniper 72" X 3 Heavy 1, Sniper, Hard Hitting (2), Accurate
Laser Rifle 36" 4 5 Rapid fire, Accurate
Laser Pistol 18" 3 5 Pistol, Accurate

  • Hard Hitting(X): A sniper weapon with this rule will wound on the role of a X+ instead of 4+
  • Accurate: Models that did not move in the preceding movement phase get +1 to hit

Rock Weapons

More Bullets!!!

These weapons were developed for use on Demiurg mining equipment, using the common scrag and debris of mining operations as ammunition for dealing with threats found that don't deserve the might of the Demiurg's more conventional weaponry.

Name Range S AP type
Rock Gun 24" 3 - Double Rapid Fire, Tiny Rocks, Spray and Pray
Heavy Rock Gun 30" 4 6 Double Rapid Fire, Tiny Rocks, Spray and Pray
Rock Rotator 36" 4 6 Heavy 15, Tiny Rocks, Spray and Pray
Rock Spitter 24" 3 6 Assault 5, Tiny Rocks, Spray and Pray

  • Double Rapid Fire: This weapons fire twice as many shot then normale rapid fire (4 on short and 2 on long range).
  • Tiny Rocks: Should this weapon roll a 6 to wound, its AP profile is treated as one better (eg: an AP6 becomes an AP5)
  • Spray and Pray: This weapon always fires snapshots

Melee Weapons

Name Range S AP type
Rune Axe Melee User 4 Rending
Rune Hammer Melee +2 3 Two-Handed, Concussive
Plasma Torch Melee User 2 Armourbane, Unwieldy
Rock Cutter Melee x2 2 Unwieldy, Snip, Mining Tool
Rock Drill Melee x2 2 Unwieldy, Pulverize, Mining Tool
Rock Saw Melee x2 2 Unwieldy, Armourbane, Mining Tool

  • Mining Tool: A weapon with this special rule is considered Two-Handed unless the weilder is wearing Exo-Armour, or is a Walker
  • Snip: When a model suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from this weapon, it must pass a separate Toughness test for each Wound suffered or suffer Instant Death.
  • Pulverize: If the model using this weapon can make 2 or more attacks this combat phase then it may exchange all of its attacks for a single attack made at Sx3 AP2.

Items & Armour

  • Drone Arm:Combining the drone technology of the Tau with some of the engineering of the Demiurg this arm acts as a helper. In combat it acts as a plasma torch which grants the model a single extra close combat attack, made separately.
  • Iridium Armour: While less technically impressive than the Tau's foray into Iridium Armour, the Demiurg's own iridium armour is less resource intensive allowing them to outfit entire Squads of Honour guard with the rare metal. Iridium Armour confers a 3+ Armour save, and adds +1 to its Toughness characteristic.
  • Exo Armor: A suit of powered armor with a small shield generator built in to help protect the occupant. Gives user an armor save of 2+ and an invulnerable save of 5+
  • Ion Dampener - Negates the "Gets Hot!" from Ion Weapons.

HQ: Brotherhood Elder - 80 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Elder 5 4 3 4 3 2 3 10 2+/5++

Unit Composition: 1 Brotherhood Elder
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Wargear: Ion Caster, Ion Pistol, Rune Axe, Exo Armor, Assault Grenades
  • May exchange Exo-Armour for Iridium Armour for free
  • May exchange Ion Caster for another Rune Axe for free
  • May exchange Ion Caster for a Gravitic Impeller for 5 points
  • May upgrade Rune axe to a Plasma Torch for 5 points
  • May take up to two drones from the Drones list.
  • May take a Drone Controller for 8 points
  • May exchange Ion caster and rune axe for a rune hammer for 10 pts
  • May take EMP grenades for 5 points
Special Rules: Grudge, Stronghold Starships, Slow and Purposeful, Stubborn, Independent Character

HQ: Demiurg Honor Guard - 90 points[edit | edit source]

May take a squad of honor guard for each Brotherhood Elder that is taken

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Honor Guard 4 3 3 4(5) 2 2 2 9 3+

Unit Composition: 5 Honor Guard
Unit Type: infantry
Wargear: Rune Hammer, Iridium Armor, Assault Grenades
  • May take 5 aditional honor guards for 18pts/model
  • May take EMP grenades for 3pts/model
Special Rules: Grudge, Slow and Purposeful, Stubborn, Tank Hunter
  • Defensive line: If an honor guard is base to base with another honor guard improve their armor save by one.

HQ:Thrudrak Alemetal, Master of the Runes - 70 points[edit | edit source]

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The leader of the runesmiths of the Srry'Tok brotherhood, one of the two brotherhoods who have joined the Tau Empire as full members. The Master of Runes is an important role in every Demiurg brotherhood, leading the runesmiths in their tasks of forging and repairing all the equipment and vehicles that the Demiurg use. Thrudrak came into his position very late in his lifetime and is not expected to last another fifty years, a short time in the reckoning of the Demiurg. However as a valued member of the brotherhood many go to him for advice including the Elders that make up the leadership of the Brotherhood. Not often seen without his trusty hammer even in the most mundane tasks, he will often smash the hammer into the nearest piece of fragile architecture to make a point or silence a room.

Thrudrak holds the rank of 'O in the ranking of the Tau caste system for the Demiurg Caste and is often consulted on Ion technology by the Earth Caste although he does keep safe many of the secrets of the Technology as sole purview of the Demiurg such as the Ion Dampener and the secrets of the Runes.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Thrudrak Alemetal 4 4 3 4 3 2 3 9 2+/5++

Unit Composition: 1 Thrudrak Alemetal
Unit Type: Independent Character, Unique
Wargear: Ion Caster, Drone Arm, Exo Armor
  • Hammer of Berim: Thrudrak's hammer has been passed down for generations for the leaders of the runepriests of the Srry'Tok brotherhood. The head of the hammer has many special archeotech devices that are ill understood by the Demiurg. The runes embedded in the hammer along with the technology make it a fierce foe against the shields of any race letting it bypass them with ease. Acts as a rune hammer with the exception of no invulnerability saves may be made against attacks made by this weapon.
  • Gòstang Thoth: A specially crafted gorget with runes of protection glittering brightly on the metal. The gorget was made to help protect the master of runes in his duties on the field and in the forge of the Brotherhood shops. Gives re-rolls of failed invulnerability saves.
Special Rules: Grudge, Slow and Purposeful, Stubborn
  • Work of the Runes: In each of your Shooting phases, instead of firing his weapons, a character with this special rule may choose to repair a single friendly vehicle that he is in base contact with or embarked upon. To repair a vehicle, roll a D6. If the result is a 4 or more, you may either restore a Hull Point lost earlier in the battle, or repair a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilized result suffered earlier in the battle; this is effective immediately.

Elite: Rune Smith - 30 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Runesmith 4 3 3 4 2 2 1 9 2+/5++
Warrior 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 8 4+

Unit Composition: 1 Runesmith
Unit Type: Character (Warriors are infantry)
Wargear: Ion Caster, Rune Axe, Carapace armor, Drone Arm (Rune Smith only), Exo Armor (Rune Smith only)
  • May include up to 5 Warriors for 11 points/model
  • Rune Smith may replace their pulse caster and rune axe for a rune hammer for 10 points
Special Rules: Grudge, Slow and Purposeful, Stubborn
  • Work of the Runes: In each of your Shooting phases, instead of firing his weapons, a character with this special rule may choose to repair a single friendly vehicle that he is in base contact with or embarked upon. To repair a vehicle, roll a D6. If the result is a 4 or more, you may either restore a Hull Point lost earlier in the battle, or repair a Weapon Destroyed or Immobilized result suffered earlier in the battle; this is effective immediately.

Elite: Demiurg Battlerager - 75 points[edit | edit source]

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These warriors have taken their grudges to the point where it consumes their entire life. Unable to properly focus until their grudge has been satisfied. Seperated from the normal brotherhood until their grudge has been satisfied, the Brotherhood elders take advantage of this rage by sticking them into a group and unleashing them onto the foes of the Brotherhood.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Battlerager 5 3 3 4 2 2 2 8 4+

Unit Composition: 5 Battleragers
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Rune Axe, Carapace Armor
  • May include an aditional 5 Batleragers for 15 points/model
  • Up to two Battlerager's may replace their rune axe for a Rune Hammer for 10 points
Special Rules: Grudge, Slow and Purposeful, Stubborn, feel no pain (5+), Rage, Rampage

Elite: Mining Suit 120 points[edit | edit source]

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Miner 4 4 5 12 11 11 2 4 3
Mine leader 5 5 5 12 11 11 2 5 3

Unit Composition: 1 Iron Brother
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker)
Wargear: Rock cutter, Twin Linked Rock spitter,
  • May Replace the Rock cutter with a Rock drill or Rock saw free
  • May take an additional four models for 120 points/models
  • One Iron Miner may be upgraded to a Mine leader for 20 Points
Special Rules: Grudge, Deepstrike

Troops: Demiurg Iron Brother - 35 points[edit | edit source]

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When the Brotherhoods go to war the Warriors are acumpined to battle by the Iron Brothers, war suits piloted by some of the most skilled members of the Brotherhood. Piloting these suits is seen as a great honor and is much needed support for the Brotherhood soldiers. While not as maneuverable as the Tau battlesuits nor as strong as the space marine dreadnoughts, the Iron Brother fits well with the Brotherhood battle plans and can provide an anchor to the Tau Hunter Cadre.

Iron Brother 4 4 5 10 10 10 2 3 2
Steel Brother 5 5 5 10 10 10 2 3 3

Unit Composition: 1 Iron Brother
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker, heavy)
Wargear:Ion Caster, Ion Dampener
  • May Upgrade the Ion caster to a Twin linked version 3pts
  • May Upgrade the Ion caster to a Ion Rifle 10pts
  • May Upgrade the Ion caster to a Twin linked Ion Rifle 15pts
  • May take one of the following

Rune axe 5pts, Rune Hammer 10pts,

  • May take an additional four models for 35 points/models
  • One Iron Brother may be upgraded to a Steel Brother for 20 Points
Special Rules: Grudge

Train the beardlings: Units of Demiurg Iron Brothers may not be used to fill compulsory troops choices in your army

Troop: Brotherhood Warrior Squad - 66 points[edit | edit source]

The Basic troops of the Demiurg Brotherhoods

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Warrior 4 3 3 4 1 2 1 8 4+
Veteran 4 3 3 4 1 2 2 9 4+

Unit Composition: 5 Warriors, 1 Veteran
Unit Type: Infantry (Veteran is Character)
Wargear: Rock Gun, Carapace armor, Assault Grenades
  • May include up to six additional Warriors for 11 points/model
  • Any models may replace his Rock Gun for an Laser Rifle for 3 points/model
  • Any model may buy a rune axe for 2 points/model
Special Rules: Grudge, Slow and Purposeful, Stubborn

Fast Attack: Rock-Hopper Grav-Transport - 90 points[edit | edit source]

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Rock-Hopper Grav-Transport 3 12 11 10 3

Unit Composition:1 Rock-Hopper
Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank)
Transport Capacity: 12 Models
Fire Ports: None
Access Points: Rear Ramp
Wargear: Ion Cannon, Ion Dampener
  • May include two additional models for 90pts/model
  • Each model may take two sponson mounted Burst Cannons for 15 points
Special Rules:
  • Grav-Drop This model has the deep-strike special rule, in addition when this model is arriving from deep-strike reserve it may re-roll the scatter dice if it would be forced to roll on the deep-strike mishap table.

Fast Attack: Urist Attack Flyer - 100 points[edit | edit source]

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Urist 3 12 11 10 3

Unit Composition:1 Urist
Unit Type: Vehicle (Flyer, Fast)
Wargear: Quad Ion Turret (front), Ion Dampener
  • May take 4 seeker Missiles for 10 points/missle
  • May take twin-linked Ion Rifles on sponson mounts for 15 points

Heavy Support: Demiurg Mining Probe - 150 points[edit | edit source]

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Long-time allies of the Tau, the Demiurg are a space-faring race of asteroid mining mineral traders. However during their interstellar travels, the Demiurg encountered a small group of Imperial ships during one of their asteroid mining operations.

As soon as they discovered they were talking to xenos, the Imperium officer opened fire on the Demiurg’s mining ships and sent a small force down to the asteroid in order to kill the mining crews.

Thanks to quick thinking, the Demiurg miners turned their mining probes on the Imperial soldiers, buying them enough time to escape from the asteroid field. There they could finally turn the Ion weapons of their ship on their aggressors, pushing them back long enough for the majority of their ships to escape back to the territory of the Tau Empire.

Ever since, during each excursion outside of secure space, Demiurg Mining probes have been outfitted with the most basic of Ion weaponry for use against hostile forces, where their sheer durability allows them to reap a huge toll on enemy forces.

Sometimes Demiurg commanders drill rapidly below a battlefield to place the Mining Probes in strategic positions to take advantage of their weapon systems. Doing this causes the tunnels they drill to seal behind them but it can be extremely useful from a tactical perspective.

Mining Probe 4 13 11 11 3

Unit Composition: 1 Mining Probe
Unit Type: Vehicle (Heavy, Tank)
Wargear:2 rock rotator sponson mounted , Automated Repair System,
  • Reinforced Drill: Ram attacks made with the Mining Probe add +2 strength to their S value. This may be destroyed like any other weapon.
Special Rules: Deep Strike
  • Dynamic Entrance - When arriving from reserve it always deep strikes. When it deepstrikes place a 5" blast marker anywhere on the field, the roll scatter. On a hit you do not scatter, on a miss roll 2d6 taking both dice. If no models are touching the blast marker then resolve as normal for deep strike. If the blast marker is touching a model make a single str 7 ap 2 hit against each effected model, vehicles recieve a ram attack on the side armour (the mining probe itself on the front). Vehicles not destroyed in this manner move 1" away. Squads should be moved to remain unit coherency. This deepstrike action is not affected by difficult or dangerous terrain.

Heavy Support: Demiurg Bombardier- 120pts[edit | edit source]

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Bombardier 3 12 10 10 3

Unit Composition:1 Bombardier
Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer)
Wargear: Ion Annihilator, Ion Dampener
  • May include two additional models for 120pts/model
Special Rules:
  • Grav-Drop This model has the deep-strike special rule, in addition when this model is arriving from deep-strike reserve it may re-roll the scatter dice if it would be forced to roll on the deep-strike mishap table.

Heavy Support: Avalanche Heavy Grav Tank- 160 points[edit | edit source]

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Avalanche Heavy Grav Tank 3 13 12 12 4

Unit Composition:1 Avalanche
Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Heavy, Tank)
Wargear: Ion Hunter, Ion Dampener
  • May exchange its Ion Hunter for a Gravitic Impulsor for free
  • May take quad ion turrets as sponson mounts for 20 points
Special Rules:
  • Grav-Drop This model has the deep-strike special rule, in addition when this model is arriving from deep-strike reserve it may re-roll the scatter dice if it would be forced to roll on the deep-strike mishap table.

Nicassar[edit | edit source]

The Nicassar are a frail race of Psykers, their psychic potential mainly used to help speed their ships along and to help them move. As one of the first races to join the Greater Good they hold an honored place in the Tau Empire.

Normally only found in their roaming flotila's towed by members of the Air caste, it is almost unheard of for the Nicassar's to fight in a land war, however sometimes that is unavoidable so some of the crew of the Dhow's have trained for land fighting. Bringing to the battlefield their psychic might an area that the Tau empire is sorely lacking in normally. (It is thought that more and more the Etheral's are bringing the Nicassar flotilla's into danger zones so they can support the Fire caste in their defense).

The Tau try to go out of their way to keep the Nicassar race from the Imperium, rightfully afraid that the race will further fuel the xenophobia that the Imperium is known for in the Tau Empire.

HQ: Nicassar Captain - 70 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Captain 2 3 2 3 2 2 1 9 4+

Unit Composition: 1 Captain
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Wargear: Pulse pistol, Combat armor, Force Weapon
  • May upgrade to Psyker (Mastery Level 3) for 25 points
  • May take a Nicaasar Sled but cannot dismount from it for 60 points
Special Rules: Psyker (Mastery Level 2), Independent Character
Psyker: The Captain generates powers from the Telekinesis, Void-Sight, and Divination disciplines.

Elite: Nicassar Clansmen - 50 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Clansmen 2 3 2 3 1 2 1 8 4+

Unit Composition: 5 Clansmen
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Pulse pistol, Combat armor
  • May take up to five more Clansmen for 10pts/model
Special Rules: Brotherhood of Psykers (Mastery Level 1)
Psyker: The Clansmen generates powers from the Telekinesis, Void-Sight and Divination disciplines.


Power Number Power Name Charge Level Description
Primaris Power Ferry Warp Charge 1 Using the powers that the Nicassar have developed to propel their ships in the void, the caster uses a mere glimmer of that power to help speed the journey of a vehicle. Ferry is a Blessing that affects a vehicle within 18" of the caster. That vehicle may move an extra 6" of combat speed during its next movement phase.
1 Telekinetic Plow Warp Charge 1 Pushing the terrain aside with their powers the caster helps ease the journey of the target. Telekinetic Plow is a Blessing that targets the Psyker and it unit. The Psyker and it's unit gains the Move Through Cover special rule.
2 Guidance Warp Charge 1 The Caster helps bring a deep striking party to the ground safely with their powers. Guidance is a Blessing that targets the Psyker. Allied models Deep Striking within 6" of the caster do not scatter.
3 Telekinetic Weapon Warp Charge 1 Using their telekinetic powers, the caster fights with their melee weapon at range. Telekinetic Weapon is a Witchfire power with a range of 12". The model (or models) that cast this spell each inflict a single hit on the chosen unit with their melee weapon, even if they are not in close combat.
4 Escape Through The Void Warp Charge 3 Using their mastery of Telekinesis, the Nicassar pulls a Vehicle from real-space, moving it to a far away spot in a matter of moments. Escape Through The Void is a Blessing that affects a single vehicle within 18". Target vehicle is placed in reserves and can arrive next turn within 12" of any side of the board.
5 No Portal Barred Warp Charge 2 Through sheer force of will, the Nicassar caster moves any intervening terrain from its current real-space position for just long enough to allow a vehicle to pass. No Portal Barred is an Blessing that affects a vehicle within 18". That vehicle may pass through Difficult terrain, Dangerous Terrain, or Impassable terrain with no ill effects until the next Psychic Phase.
6 Telekinetic Pull Warp Charge 2 Using the vast power of their telekinetic prowess the Nicassar helps speed the travel of their allies. Telekinetic Pull is a Conjuration power. Choose a single unit that is currently in reserves. That unit automatically arrives on the field, if it is Outflanking then it may choose which table edge it arrives on and if it is Deep Striking then it does not scatter.

Dedicated Transport: Nicassar Sled - 60 points[edit | edit source]

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To help with the frailty of the Nicassar and when they are forced onto a battlefield the tau have devised a hover sled to help transport them, the Sled is only powerful enough to keep it afloat so two kroot hounds help pull the sled along. The Nicassar prefer this arrangement because it is how it is always is, the tau helping to lead the Nicassar clans to where they need to go for the Greater Good

Sled 3 10 10 10 2

Unit Composition: 1 Sled
Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Open topped, Transport, Chariot)
Wargear: Twin-linked Pulse Rifle (Mounted on a turret)
Transport Capacity: 1 Model
Options: May take two gun drones for 24 pts

Fast Attack: Nicassar Tow, 120 Points[edit | edit source]

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While the Larger Nicassar Elder's may be remarkably powerful Telekinetic Pyskers, Nicassar Clan members are often reliant on working as a group to move their ships, with multiple members provide thrust, with a single member acting as a pilot, when it comes to ground based craft a pair of Nicassar can control the Nicassar Tow, carrying a much larger group from place to place where they may explore new alien planets, or provide psychic support to their allies.

Tow 3 12 11 10 2

Unit Composition: 1 Tow
Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Transport)
Wargear: Burst Cannon
Transport Capacity: 6 models
Access Points: Rear Ramp
Special Rules: Pskyer Pilot (Mastery Level 1)
Psychic Powers: The Nicassar Tow may generate powers from the Telekinesis, Void Sight and Divination disciplines.
  • Psychic Engine: A Nicassar Tow may spend one Psychic Power point during the Psychic Phase, it may then either move 6" immediately, increase it's cover save from Jink by +1 until the controlling players next turn, or remove an immobilized condition.

Anthrazods[edit | edit source]

The Anthrazods are a species of the Tau Empire. They are considered by the Tau to be a sturdy (if dim-witted) race and have proved well-suited for asteroid mining. When called upon to serve the greater good, the strongest of the group battle in a trial to see who will get the honor of serving the Empire.

The Anthrazods have naturally thick skin and as they age their skin continues to thicken eventually growing into thick plates of hide that can even stop a bolter shell. This thick skin combined with the natural retractable claws in their hands made them extremely deadly on their home world. However to the bafflement of the Ordo Xenos and the Tau this race is naturally herbivorous.

(Anthrazods are similar in many ways to rhino's with their thick plates of hide.)

Wargear[edit | edit source]

Name Range S AP type
Flechette Burst gun 12" 6 5 Rending, Large Blast

This weapon is designed to launch an orb that bursts in the air above an unit raining down shards of Flechettes. Each orb is equipped with a rudimentary drone intelligence to know when to burst.

Flechette Shield Nothing more than a slab of refined Fio'tak outfitted with Flechette Dischargers, Anthrazod auxiliaries have taken to carrying these immense slabs of metal as shields A model equipped with a Slab Shield gains the Slow and Purposeful USR, increases its Armour Save by +1, all of it's Melee attacks gain the Unwieldy USR, and any unit that charges a model equipped with this piece of wargear suffers a number of S:3, AP- hits equal to the number of models it has in base contact at initiative step 10.

HQ: Anthrazod Old Skin - 120 points[edit | edit source]

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The Elders of the Anthrazod's are admired for their experience and skill. Age has thickened their hide to be able to become as armoured as the Vaunted Adaptus Astartes.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Old Skin 5 3 4 6 4 3 4 8 3+

Unit Composition: 1 Old Skin
Unit Type: Monstrous Creature (Character)
Wargear: Burst Cannon, Photon Grenades
  • May replace the Burst Cannon with a:
-Twin-Linked Flamer for free
-Fusion Blaster for 5pts
-Plasma Rifle for 5pts
-Flechette Burst gun for 20 pts
Special Rules: Stubborn, Feel No pain (5+), Independent Character

HQ: Old Mountain Hide - 190 Points[edit | edit source]

No Fury Like the Mountains Fury

One of the oldest Anthrazod elders, "Thoom-Aroosh-Teen-Gun" or "Eldest Living Mountain" has worked with the Tau Fire Caste for most of his known life.

He first came to attention of the Fire Caste commanders during an Ork invasion of the asteroid mining platforms of the Gri-Lok Asteroid Field, where he, alongside his mining crew held back an invading force of Orks with only their mining tools and natural strength. When the Fire Caste embarked on the plan to drive back the Ork infestation, Mountain Hide and his mining crew decided to go with the Fire Warriors on the initial counter-strike

However the initial plan failed, the confusing layout of the Orks Rok base dividing the squads, and the extremely high EM Density of the asteroid interfering with their communications, leaving each squad to function individually, something that had not been planned for.

When the Ork forces led by Warboss Arashk Rok-Crusha found Mountain Hide's squad they had already suffered critical losses and were planning on just taking down as many Orks as possible rather than extraction.

Rok-Crusha seeing the chance for "a damned good brawl" with the Anthrazod miner decided to challenge him to a fight, planning on taking the miners gore coated tools as a trophy, what he didn't expect was the ferocity with which the miner fought, which brought the Warboss down despite Mountain Hide suffering multiple gruesome wounds in the short, but brutal, melee.

With their warboss brought down, the Ork Warband's morale dropped down, and the surviving Tau managed to find a spot where they could call for reinforcements, allowing a Hunter Cadre to establish a Foot-hold which allowed them to sweep the Rok, exterminating the Orks with Fire and Plasma.

For his actions in the initial combats, and personally taking down the Ork Warboss, Mountain Hide has been included in the Fire Caste as an honorary Shas'El and granted access to experimental weaponry when he is called to battle, but despite all of the experimental gear he is given he still weilds his old pickaxe, which has gone through a multitude of upgrades to make it truly battle worthy.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Old Mountain Hide 6 5 5 7 4 2 4 9 3+

Unit Composition: Old Mountain Hide
Unit Type: Monstrous Creature (Character, Unique)
Wargear: Photon Grenades
  • Experimental High-Output Plasma Rifle (Range 18", S:6, AP2, Assault 4, Gets Hot!)
  • Greenskin's Bane Flamer (Template, S:6, AP6, Assault 1)
  • Mountain Breaker (Melee, S:10, AP1, Strikedown, Concussive, Sweep Attack)
Special Rules: Independent Character, Stubborn, Feel No Pain (4+)

Elite: Anthrazods Painted Ones - 150 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Painted ones 4 3 4 6 3 2 3 7 5+/6++

Unit Composition: 3 painted ones
Unit Type: Monstrous Creature
  • May take 3 additional Painted Ones for 50pts/model
Special Rules: Stubborn, Feel No pain (6+), It will not die (6+)

Elites: Anthrazod Bulwarks - 145 Points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Bulwark 4 3 4 6 3 1 3 7 4+
Unmoving Bulwark 4 3 4 6 3 1 3 8 4+

Unit Composition: 3 Bulwarks
Unit Type: Monstrous Creature
Wargear: Burst Cannon, Flechette Shield
  • May take 3 additional Bulwarks for 45pts/model
  • One Bulwark may be upgraded to an Unmoving Bulwark for 10 points
Special Rules: Stubborn, Feel No pain (6+), Slow and Purposeful

Heavy Support: Anthrazods Shock Troops - 130 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Shock Troop 4 3 4 6 2 2 3 5 5+
Tough Skin 4 3 4 6 2 2 4 7 4+

Unit Composition: 2 Shock Troops, 1 Tough Skin
Unit Type: Monstrous Creature (Tough skin is a character)
Wargear: Burst Cannon, Photon Grenades
  • May take 3 additional Shock troops for 40pts/model
  • Two models may replace their Burst cannons with Fusion Blasters for 5 pts/model
  • Two Models may replace their Burst Cannons with Plasma Rifles for 5pts/model
  • Two Models may replace their Burst Cannons with Twin-Linked Flamers for free
Special Rules: Stubborn, Feel No pain (6+)

Ji'atrix[edit | edit source]

The Ji'atrix are a race of ethereal xenos in the Tau Empire, that have an affinity for the void and skill at space-faring. Most commonly they are found working on Air Caste ships or with Nicassor Dhows. The Tau member races tend to be a bit nervous around the Ji'atrix. Although they are relatively peaceful, they are hard to look at as they are not completely a part of this world by the looks of it. However once someone has gotten to know a Ji'atrix they tend to enjoy their company.

Unknown to the Tau, Eldar, and the Ji'atrix themselves, they are one of the races engineered by the old ones. Their forms are present in this world and the webway at the same time. Originally the race was engineered to help repair the webway but the race as a whole disregarded this purpose and they were soon abandoned by the old ones. So the Ji'atrix have drifted from planet to planet in their ships. Finding that they are most comfortable on gas giants the race floats gently on the breezes, gaining sustenance from the gases of the planet and the Webway.

While not a Warrior race, the Ji'atrix help provide the Tau with their skill with the void and help mine portions of the Gas Giants they are present on. If called into a Hunter Cadre the Ji'atrix typically do not take a frontline role.

(Race is slightly based off of the Etherians of Master of Orion 3)

Wargear[edit | edit source]

Name Range S AP type
Tentacle Melee User 5 Poison 4+

Fast Attack: Ji'atrix Scouts -50 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Scout 2 3 2 2 1 4 4 7 -
Scout Leader 2 3 2 2 4 4 5 8 -

Unit Composition: 4 Scouts, 1 Scout Leader
Unit Type: Infantry (Scout Leader is a character)
Wargear: Positional Relay, Tentacles, Pulse Pistol
Special Rules: Shrouded, Scout, Fleet, Move through cover

HQ: Pulso the first Ji'atrix Shas'O - 100 points[edit | edit source]

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No one is entirely sure what the Ethereals where thinking the day they gave the rank of Shas'O to Ji'atrix. But Pulso does not disappoint. Mainly a symbolic move by the Ethereals, Pulso however has taken the role to heart, leading daring raids into enemy territory and not following any rules of the Fire Caste.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Pulso 3 4 2 2 4 5 6 9 -

Unit Composition: 1 Pulso
Unit Type: Infantry (Character, Unique)
Wargear: Positional Relay, EMP Grenades, 6x Pulse Pistols
Special Rules: Shrouded, Scout, Fleet, Move through cover, Infiltrate, Independent Character
  • The Ji'atrix Sting: May fire all of his pistols as long as Pulso has not moved this turn. Otherwise he may only fire 2 pistols in his shooting phase.

Ranghon[edit | edit source]

One of the rareer species of the Galaxy, the Ranghon evolved not from animal's but from plants, in this case trees. While the Orks who are fungas based are similar enough to the other races in that they have skin and many of the same internal organs as say a human, Ranghon's tend to have a different physiology than the other races, for instance their skin is made up of bark while their "brains" are spread throughout the body so losing their head is not fatal. Given enough time they can regrow their limbs.

A Ranghon speaks with a special organ that makes their voices come out high pitched and musical, this in turn lets the Ranghon play music with just their voice, acting sort of like a flute.

Ranghon society is fairly feudal in structure each realm ruled by a lord going down to the local count. The Lords of each planet rule jointly in a council and have an elected Lord to be their liaison with the Etheral Caste. As the Ranghon accept more and more accepts of the Tau Empire into their culture the ranks in society have started to blend where people can ascend the ranks into lordship, although the nobility still maintain many of their number in the makeup of the caste.

(This race is similer to the Fantasy wood elves Dryads)

Special Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Piercing song: By sending air through their "voice boxs", a Ranghon is able to emit a cry that disrupts the balance of a foe and makes them unstable on their feet. On the first turn of an assault the opposing models are initiative 1 and subsequent rounds the Ranghon models count as having fear.
  • Flammable: Flamers and melta weapons are wounds that a Ranghon cannot easily recover from and hold great fear for the race. Weapons of this type count as AP2 against Ranghon Models.

Wargear[edit | edit source]

Name Range S AP type
Bowcaster 18" 5 4 Assault 1

These weapons fire a metal arrow accelerated by magnets like a rail rifle. The weapon pierces armor a bit easier than Tau pulse weapons but it does not have the same rate of fire nor the ammo. A bowcaster is only able to hold five rounds before needing a reload.

Name Range S AP type
Railcaster 30" 6 2 Heavy 1, Armorbane

Another item that was developed with the help of the Tau earth caste. These rail guns use liquid metal as ammunition. Forming long thin streams of metal it is launched down the rail and into the opposing foe.

Name Range S AP type
Stranglevine Grenade 8" 3 - Blast, Pinning

These special grenades launch a special kind of vine cultivated on the Ranhon homeworld. When thrown the vines unravel and wrap around the nearest object, pinning them to the ground. Stranglevine Launcher:These Launchers store stranglevine grenades at opponents who try to attack the walker equipped with these devices in melee. Pinning the foe to the ground so that the walker can pick off the foe at their leisure. Models who assault equipped model take a S3 AP - Pinning attack before any other attacks.

Name Range S AP type
Burst-pod Launcher 48" 4 6 Heavy 2, Blast

A special type of seed cone is found on the Ranhon homeworld. When it falls from the tree it bursts into a spray of seeds over a wide area, ensuring that the seeds will spread away from the tree. The Ranhon adopted this idea into a weapon that fires pods that burst on contact with a solid object and sprays bits of shrapnel around the area.

Name Range S AP type
Ash Blade Melee User 5 Poisoned (3+)

These blades are forged with special grooves along the edge. The grooves are filled with a poison made up of various local plants that are poisonous from a reservoir located in the hilt of the weapon. The weapon tends to be difficult to use by those not trained in it because of the shifting weight of the blade because of the poison.

Ancestor Armor:Made from portions of dead Ranghon Nobility and metals minded by their ancestors, these armors are filled with the history of the race, each Ranghon bearer eventually adding a portion of themselves to this armor when they pass on. The inherent power of these armors imbue it with extra protection for the wearer. Grants a 3+ Armor save and 6++ invulnerable save.

HQ: Ranghon Lord - 80 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Lord 5 4 4 4 3 6 3 10 3+/6++

Unit Composition: 1 Lord
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Wargear: Bowcaster, Power Weapon, Ancestor Armor
  • May upgrade any of their weapons to be Master-Crafted for 5 points
  • May replace Bowcaster with a
-Burst Cone Launcher for 10 points
-Power Weapon for 10 points
-Rail Caster for 15 points
  • May take a blade spider mount for 10 points
Special Rules: Stealth (Forests), Flammable, Piercing song, Infiltrate, Independent Character

HQ: Ranghon Boreal Shaman - 55 points[edit | edit source]

I bring the wrath of the winter forest against the enemies of the Tau and the Ranghon.

These Ranghon come from the chilly winter reaches of the Ranghon homeworld or colonies. Bringing their connection to the chill of the winds along with their connection to the forests to the Ranghon battlefront. Most Boreal Shamans take a honored place as advisers in communities, helping to shape the homes and guide the Ranghon.

Most Boreal shamans tend to keep in close contact with others of their order, keeping an eye out for the rare gift of Psyker potential among the villages and cities. Partly to make sure that daemons don't manifest but also to increase their numbers. A Ranghon who has already been tainted will soon find themselves frozen and shattered by the Boreal shamans. Of course the ones they fail to catch do immense damage before fleeing to unknown space.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Boreal Shaman 4 3 4 4 3 5 3 9 4+

Unit Composition: 1 Boreal Shaman
Unit Type: Independent character
Wargear: Bowcaster, Force Weapon
  • May upgrade to Psyker (Mastery Level 2) for 25 points
  • May upgrade Force Weapon to masterwork for 5 points
  • May take stranglevine Grenades for 2 points
Special Rules: Psyker (Mastery Level 1), Stealth (Forests), Flammable, Piercing song, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover (Forests), Independent Character
Psyker: Generates Powers from Biomancy and Voice of the woods disciplines.
Power Number Power Name Charge Level Description
Primaris Power Tree Singing Warp Charge 1 Calling upon the life of the world the psyker makes plant life erupt from the ground to attack the foe. When not in battle this power lets the Ranghon adjust the heavily forested regions to the way that the Ranghon want. However in a more urban setting this power is nigh but useless as natural life is not present in the degree needed to attack. Units in terrian are subject to to d6 strength 5 AP- Range: 12". Fortifications and ruins are immune to this spell
1 Wild Distraction Warp Charge 1 Calling upon the smaller wildlife of the world and environment to hamper the opponent. Small animals assault the unit, flying in their eyes, pecking at hands, or just generally trying to disrupt movement if only for a short while. Targeted unit must make a leadership test, if they fail they must forgo their movement phase of their turn for 1 turn.
2 Thorny embrace Warp Charge 1 Psyker causes vines covoered in piercing thorns to appear from the ground and attack the unit. Range 18" strength 2 AP 3
3 Speed of the wind Warp Charge 1 Range 18", affected unit gains +1 attack, fleet, +2 initiative for a single turn
4 Icy Grasp Warp Charge 1 Freezing the armor and weapons of the foes to make them brittle and unwieldy. Range 18" Unit suffers -1 to their to hit rolls, to wound rolls, and armor saves for a turn.
5 Breath of Winter Warp Charge 1 Calling upon the winds of winter the Psyker brings forth a chill that freezes the foe cracking the skin, stopping the heart, or making armor shatter. The unit takes 2d6 strength 4 AP - Range 18" attack. Unit is then unable to run or charge the next turn.
6 Regenerative Cultivation Warp Charge 1 Calling upon the regenerative properties of the Ranghon the psyker accelerates the process and can bring some warriors back to the fight for the greater good. Range 18", power restores d6 models to the unit. Does not affect independent characters or non ranghon models. If a unit is destroyed power will not work. Cannot bring the model count over the orginal number of models in the unit.

Elite: Sisters of Ash - 60 points[edit | edit source]

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An all female order, the sisters of Ash get their name from their practice of rubbing ash on their bark before battle. The practice darkens their bark after constant reapplications, eventually darkening the bark permanently marking the sister's rise to the Ranks of the Ashborn.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Sister of Ash 5 3 4 4 1 5 1 9 4+/6++
Ashborn 5 3 4 4 1 5 2 9 4+/6++

Unit Composition: 4 Sisters of ash, 1 Ashborn
Unit Type: Infantry (Ashborn is a Character)
Wargear: Bowcaster, Ash blade
  • May take 5 additional sisters of ash for 12pts/model
  • May take stranglevine grenades for 2pts/model
  • Ashborn may make their ash blade master-crafted for 5 points
  • Ashborn may replace their Bowcaster for another Ash blade for 5 points
  • May take a spider walker as a dedicated transport
Special Rules: Stealth (Forests), Flammable, Piercing song, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover (Forests)
  • The Flames Embrace: The special ash placed upon the Sister's of Ash before battle have a mystic quality that helps protect the Sisters. Unit gains a 6+ invulnerable save.

Troop: Ranghon Glade Guard - 90 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Glade Guard 4 3 4 4 1 5 1 8 4+
Guardian 4 3 4 4 1 5 2 8 4+

Unit Composition: 9 Glade Guard, 1 Guardian
Unit Type: Infantry (Guardian is a Character)
Wargear: Bowcaster
  • May Take 10 additional Glade Guard for 9pts/model
  • Four Models may replace their bowcaster for a Rail Caster for 15pts/model or a Burst pod Launcher for 10pts/model
  • Guardian may take a Power Weapon for 15pts
  • May take a spider walker as a dedicated transport
Special Rules: Stealth (Forests), Flammable, Piercing song, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover (Forests)
  • Guardians of the Way: When joined by a Ranghon Independent character, the unit gains the Stubborn USR.

Dedicated Transport: Ranghon Spider walker - 60 points[edit | edit source]

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Modeled after the Forest spiders that serve as mounts for the Ranghon, these vehicles are able to pick their way through cover rapidly because of the 8 legs they stand on giving them purchase through the trees and hills of the Ranghon forests.

Spider Walker 3 12 10 10 3

Unit Composition: 1 Spider Walker
Unit Type: Vehicle (Transport)
Wargear: 1 twinlinked Bowcaster in chin, 2 bowcasters (Right and Left Side)
  • Capacity: 14 models
  • Fire ports: None
  • Access points: Rear
  • May exchange twinlinked bowcaster for a twinlinked Railcaster for 20 points
  • May add a stranglevine launcher for 10 points
  • May add a back mounted twin linked burst pod launcher for 15 points
Special Rules: Stealth (Forests), Move through Cover (Forests), Infiltrate

Fast Attack: Ranghon Woodwraiths - 120 points[edit | edit source]

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The Woodwraiths are the scouts of the Ranghon race. Skilled in traveling swiftly on their homeworld and attacking in gurellia style combat against foes. Adopting some of the Tau weaponry offered by the Water caste into their combat style, they have quickly become even deadlier against anyone who invades their homeworld or their colonies. Bringing these skills to a Tau Hunter Cadre operating in heavily forested environments is seen as a huge boon to Fire Warrior commanders.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Woodwraith 4 3 4 4 1 5 1 8 4+
Woodwraith Guide 4 3 4 4 1 5 2 8 4+

Unit Composition: 9 Wood Wraiths, 1 Guide
Unit Type: Infantry (Guide is a Character)
Wargear: Bowcaster, Photon grenades, Stanglevine grenade
  • May take EMP grenades 3pts/model
  • Two Models may replace their bowcaster for a Rail Caster for 12pts/model
  • Guide may take a markerlight for 10 points
  • Guide may take a power weapon for 15 points
Special Rules: Move through Cover (Forests), Stealth (Forests), Flammable, Scouts, Piercing song, Infiltrate

Fast Attack: Ranghon Blade Spider Calvary - 90 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Blade Spider Rider 4 3 4 5 2 5 1 8 4+
Blade Spider Cavalier 4 3 4 5 2 5 2 9 4+

Unit Composition: 5 Rider's
Unit Type: Calvary, (Cavalier is a Character)
Wargear: Bowcaster, power lance, Stanglevine grenade
  • May take an aditional 5 models for 18 points/model
  • Two Models may replace their bowcaster and power lance for a Rail Caster for 12pts/model
  • One Model may be upgraded to a Cavalier for 10 points
Special Rules: Move through Cover (Forests), Stealth (Forests), Flammable, Piercing song, Infiltrate

Fast Attack: Ranghon Alpine Forest Dragonfly - 150 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Alpine Forest Dragonfly 5 3 5 6 4 5 1 8 3+

Unit Composition: 1 Alpine Forest Dragonfly
Unit Type: Flying Monstrous Creature
Wargear: Twin-Linked Bowcaster
  • May Replace Twin-Linked Bowcaster with a Twin-Linked Rail Caster for 20 Points
Special Rules Stealth (Forests), Flammable, Piercing Song

Heavy Support: Tree-Kin Walker - 105 points[edit | edit source]

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These walkers are artfully and carefully designed by the Ranhon to look almost like giant walking trees. Each is a piece of art, the metal plates bending and moving seamlessly. The plasma generators provided by the tau make these creations possible.

Tree Kin 5 3 5 12 12 11 3 3 3

Unit Composition: 1 Tree Kin
Unit Type: Vehicle (Walker)
Wargear: Rail Caster, Power Fist
  • May take a Stranglevine Launcher for 10pts
  • May replace the Rail Caster with a Burst Pod launcher for 10 points
Special Rules: Stealth (Forests), Fast, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover (Forests)

Heavy Support: Conductor Balista - 65 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Designed as a support and defense weapon for the Ranghon's, this vehicle uses a Song Pattern Rapid bowcaster as its weapon. The mechanism lets the bowcaster send out multiple shots quickly downrange. The bolts themselves let out a high pitch whine as they fly through the air, when they land the shaft of the bolts reveal mini speakers which unleashes sounds recorded by the Ranghon, disorienting the squad, this also cuts briefly into a squads vox with the noise.

Conductor Balista 3 11 11 10 2

Unit Composition: 1 Conductor Balista
Unit Type: Vehicle
Wargear: Song pattern rapid bowcaster
Name Range S AP type
Song Patter Rapid Bowcaster 30" 5 3 Heavy 4, Pinning

Special Rules: Stealth (Forests), Infiltrate, Skyfire, Move Through Cover (Forests)

HQ: Nemata the scion of the Ash - 130 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Nemata first came to the attention of the Sisters of Ash after she was discovered as a sapling in the burnt ashes of her village that was raided by WAAAAGH! Bizztrich. Here body soaking the ashes of her family and home leaving a permanent mark upon her body. Taking in this survivor the Sisters of Ash trained her until she was old enough to join their ranks. Her advance was swift, becoming an Ashborn after just 10 years and eventually leading the order after an additional 30 years. Leading the Sisters in battle against all of the enimies of the Ranghon and the Greater Good she has started to even become a folk hero outside of her own race.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Nemata 6 4 4 4 3 6 4 10 4+/6++

Unit Composition: 1 Nemata
Unit Type: Infantry (Character, Unique)
Wargear: Bowcaster, Stranglevine Grenades
  • Yew's Ash: A masterwork Ash blade wielded by the leader of the Sister's of Ash. This blade has passed down from the dawn of the order, making it one of the oldest objects in the Ranghon culture. Yew's Ash is a masterwork Ash Blade with the Poisoned (2+) USR.
  • R'Myr: Called The LongKnife in low gothic, this blade was rewarded to Nemata for her actions of leading a small unit of Sisters of Ash to save a Fire Warrior Academy. The blade has the names of every fire warrior cadet she saved engraved on the blade. Nemata uses this weapon with pride as she battles against the enemies of the greater good. Counts as an additional close combat weapon. Tau units within 12" may use Nemata's leadership for checks.
Special Rules: Stealth (Forests), Flammable, Piercing song, The Flames Embrace, Hatred (Orks), Infiltrate, Move Through Cover (Forests)
  • Sisterhood of Ash: As the Leader of the Sisters of Ash, when Nemata marches to war it is typically at the head of a great number of Sisters of ash. Sisters of Ash may be taken as Troop choices in a detachment containing Nemata.

HQ: Arun, Lord of Malinor - 140 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Arun is the lord of Malinor located on the edge of Tau Space. Recently colonized by the Tau and Ranghon they have divided the planet almost equally with the Ranghon sticking to the Forests of the planet and the Tau settling in the more comfortable arid plains. Arun is considered a hero to the lower ranked Ranghon as he was once amoung their number. Raising up through the ranks based on merit and his skill in war, along with contacts within the Tau caste was Arun able to climb so rapidly. Eventually being rewarded a Lordship over a new colony did his rise finally meet its climax. This celebration however is tempered by the fact that the Imperium would like to see this planet as theirs as well as the Eldar.

Constant attacks by these factions have tempered the Ranghon and Tau inhabitants to a more defensive footing than what is found on other worlds. It was during one such raid that Arun disappeared for 5 days before returning with a strange gem in his forehead. From then on the Eldar seem to want to fight Arun more and more however they have not been successful. Since this incident however Arun talks to himself more and more, concerning his advisers and confidants, so far they have kept this from the populace at large.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Arun 5 5 4 4 3 6 4 10 3+/6++

Unit Composition: 1 Arun
Unit Type: Independent character, Unique
Wargear: Ancestor Armor, Stranglevine Grenades, Power Sword
  • Tolgen: A master crafted Boltcaster made for Arun when he ascended to his place as the Lord Of Malinor. Fitted with special bolts designed by an earth caste adviser, these bolts are tipped with mini plasma generator's that explode on contact.
Name Range S AP type
Tolgen 18" 5 2 Assault 1, Blast

  • Gem of Malinor: No one knows where this gem came from but it was on the brow of Arun when he returned from his disappearance. Since then Arun has become a stronger warrior but seems to almost be talking to the gem. The Gem of Malinor grants Arun the Eternal Warrior and Admantine Will USRs.
Special Rules: Stealth (Forests), Flammable, Piercing song, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover (Forests)
  • Tactical surprise!: Using his knowledge about battlefield flow and ebbs Arun has become more skilled at bringing his forces in when they are needed. Arun may choose to add +1 to reserve rolls

Formosian[edit | edit source]

Wargear[edit | edit source]

Name Range S AP type
Alloy Launcher 18" 3 - Assault 2
Heavy Alloy Cannon 30" 6 5 Assault 4, Spread Shot
Heavy Alloy Crank Gun 24" 4 6 Heavy 2d6, Misfire
Formosian Bone Claws Melee User 4 Rending, Shred, Strikedown
Reinforced Bone Claws Melee +2 4 Rending, Shred, Strikedown

  • Mass-Grown Armor: Confers a 5+ Armour Save.
  • Overgrown Armour: Confers a 4+ Armour Save.

Formosian Special Rules[edit | edit source]

Dug in: The Formosian's have legs designed specifically to dig in short rapid burst when they are in danger. When a Formosian unit goes to ground they get a +2 to cover save.

Misfire: When rolling 2d6 for this weapons number of attacks, any roll of doubles causes the wielder to suffer a hit with the weapons strength, Armour & invulnerable saves may be made against this attack.

Troops: Formosian Pod Born- 60pts[edit | edit source]

The Formosian forces are primarily made up of these forces, vat grown in genetic factories for the wars against the Formosian's and the greater good. Pod-Born know nothing besides the arts of war as taught by the pods, it is believed that they do not even have a soul. Their only purpose is to die in combat and are specifically designed to only last ten years before they expire as well.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Pod-Born 3 3 3 4 1 3 1 5 5+

Unit Composition: 10 Pod-Born
Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear: Alloy Launcher, Mass-Grown armor
  • May take 10 additional Pod-Born for 6pts/model
Special Rules: Dug in

HQ: Formosian Pod Breeder - 65 points[edit | edit source]

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Pod Breeder 3 3 3 4 2 3 2 7 5+

Unit Composition: 1 Pod Breeder
Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Wargear: Pulse Pistol, Mass-Grown armor
  • A Formosian Pod Breeder may take up to 2 Formosian Vat Beasts or Vat Fiends in any combination.
Special Rules: Dug in, Independent Character
  • Breeders Drugs: Using some special cocktail of chemicals the Pod Breeder brings out the most of the Pod-Born Formosians. Grants Formosian Pod-born units the Hammer of Wrath, and Feel No Pain (6+) special rules.
  • Unstable concoctions: The Pod breeder uses several chemicals to grant the pod born of the race new abilities or even new limbs. Formosian units within 12" of the pod breeder can be affected by this rule. The rules last a turn and must be declared at the start of the movement phase. Pod Breeders forsake their shooting attack that turn. Units under the effects of this rule that fail their morale tests to not break be it from shooting, fear, or losing combat immediately take a S 4 AP- attack on every model.
    • Unparalleled growth: Bulking up the size of the pod born quickly with drugs, the pod born gain 1 strength and 1 toughness to the unit at the cost of 1 BS and 1 initiative
    • Limb growth: Rapidly grows two new limbs for the pod born. When the drug ends the limbs atrophy and fall off. Adds 1 WS and 2 Attacks at the cost of making the unit slow and purposeful.
    • Optic surfacing:Rapidly grows several eyes for the pod born. Grants 2 BS at the cost of 2 toughness.
    • Rapid armor: Grants the unit a 4+ armor save and the fleet rule at the cost of 1 WS and 1 BS.

Bodyguard: Formosian Vat-Beast/Fiend - 55 Points[edit | edit source]

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Vat-Beast 3 4 5 5 3 4 2 6 4+
Vat-Fiend 4 3 5 5 3 4 2+1 6 4+

Unit Type: Infantry
Wargear (Beast): Heavy Alloy Cannon, Overgrown Armour
Wargear (Fiend): 2 Formosian Bone-Claws, Overgrown Armour
  • A Formosian Pod-Breeder may purchase up to 2 Vat-Beasts or Vat-Fiends in any combination as a retinue for their listed cost.
  • (Both) May Purchase a Auto-Injection Delivery system Vial to a maximum of 3 10 Points/Vial
  • (Both) May purchase a Tau Shield Generator for 25 Points
  • (Beast) May replace its Heavy Alloy Cannon with a Heavy Alloy Crank Gun for 15 Points
  • (Beast) May Purchase Rapid Reaction Optic Accentuators for 15 Points
  • (Fiend) May purchase Adrenal-Glands, the model gains the Furious Charge USR 5 Points
  • (Fiend) May upgrade weapon with Reinforced Bone Claws 15 Points
  • (Fiend) May purchase Accelerated Defensive Purposing for 5 Points
Auto-Injection Delivery System Vial: Once per game, a Model equipped with this piece of wargear may choose to benefit from the effects of a Formosian Pod-Breeders Unstable Concoctions special rule even if this model is not within 12" of a Formosian Pod Breeder.
Rapid Reaction Optic Accentuators: A model with this piece of Wargear fires Overwatch at +2 BS.
Accelerated Defensive Purposing Grants the model the Counter-Attack USR
Special Rules:
  • Unthinking Loyalty - Automatically Passes "Look Out Sir" rolls
  • Feel no Pain (4+)
  • For The Master!!! - Must always preform a Glorious Intervention whenever the Formosian Pod-Breeder is issued or issues a challenge
  • To The Last - Should this unit lose it's last wound while in a Challenge it violently explodes, deal a number of hits equal to this models number of Attacks with the following profile S:X, AP- to the model that removed this model, (X is equal to this models Toughness)
  • Mindlock - Unless it includes an Formosian Pod-Breeder, an unengaged unit that contains at least one model with this special rule must roll a D6 at the start of its turn. On a roll of a 4+, this special rule has no effect this turn. On a roll of a 1, 2 or 3, the unit is mindlocked until the start of its following turn. A mindlocked unit may not voluntarily move, shoot or charge. A mindlocked unit must still complete compulsory moves, such as Pile In and Fall Back moves.

Tarellians[edit | edit source]

One of the many Alien Auxiliaries employed by the Tau Empire in its efforts to bring the philosophy of the Greater Good to the Galaxy, the Tarellians joined the growing empire out of a deep-seated rage at the Imperium of Man for virus bombing their home world to extinction, before a Tyranid Hive Fleet consumed their remaining major colonies. Accepting the offer of the Greater Good out of desperation at the chance to exact revenge upon the Imperium of Man they were quickly brought into the Tau Empire and given the chance to repopulate on several Sept worlds.

Called Dog soldiers by the Imperium due to the shape of their snouts and ears, the Tarellians more resemble large bipedal reptilians, covered mostly in rust coloured scales, with slitted pupils, they find themselves at home on desert planets where they construct their unique sonic weapon technology out of the unique minerals found in the sand of the sept world of T’ros.

Whilst not fiercely loyal to the Greater Good, whenever a conflict with the Imperium or a Tyranid Hive fleet happens, large hatches of Tarellian soldiers gather at the nearest port hoping to join the conflict so that they can take some measure of vengeance on their hated foes.

Tarellian combat doctrines differs radically from the normal Tau combat doctrines; rather than fight their foes at range, or employ stealth and ambush tactics, Tarellian forces will rush towards their foe shooting at the weaker looking enemies until they crash into their opponents battle-lines, where they fight with the short, but lethal hunting daggers that each Tarellian soldier carries with him until they are either dead or their foe is fallen, before moving on to the next enemy force.

Special Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Unstable – A model carrying a weapon with special rule must roll a D6 whenever it suffers an unsaved wound; on a result of 1, the weapon explodes, rendering the weapon unusable for the rest of the battle. This explosion deals a single hit to all models under a Large Blast Marker, using the weapons profile for Strength and AP.

Tarellian Wargear[edit | edit source]

Name Range S AP type
Tarellian Disruption Pistol 8" 4 6 Pistol
Tarellian Disruption Rifle 18" 4 6 Assault 2
Tarellian Pulse Carbine 18" 4 5 Assault 2
Tarellian Disruption Cannon 18" 4 6 Assault 3
Heavy Disruption Cannon 30" 6 4 Heavy 4
Tarellian Burst Cannon 18" 4 5 Assault 4
Salvaged Battle Cannon 36" 8 3 Ordinance 1, Large Blast
Salvaged Exterminator Auto-Cannon 24” 7 4 Heavy 4, Twin-Linked
Salvaged Punisher Gatling Cannon 12” 5 - Heavy 20
Salvaged Inferno Cannon Template 6 4 Heavy 1, Torrent, Unstable
Tarellian Disruption Sniper Rifle 42” X 4 Heavy 1, Fleshbane, Sniper
The Arrow of Agrona 42” X 3 Assault 1, Sniper, Fleshbane, Master Crafted
Disruption Lancet (Tank Hunter) 48" 7 3 Salvo 1/2, Lance
Disruption Lancet (Sky Hunter) 36" 6 3 Heavy 3, Skyfire, Lance
Disruption Lancet (Ground-Sweeper) Template" 8 4 Heavy 1, Torrent, Get's Hot!

Name Range S AP type
Tarellian Thunder Hammer Melee +2 3 Unwieldy, Concussive
Tarellian Fang Dagger Melee User 5
Tarellian Claw Sword Melee +2 4 Specialist Weapon, Master-crafted
Tarellian Horn Lance Melee +1 3/4
Tarellian Dragon Lance Melee +2 3/4 Master Crafted
Tarellian Dragon Hammer Melee x2 3 Unwieldy, Concussive, Fleshbane
Tarellian Bone Staff Melee +1 5 Two-Handed, Master Crafted
Talon of Agrona Melee +3 2 Specialist Weapon, Master Crafted, Fleshbane

  • Tarellian Hide Armour: The thick reptilian hides of the Tarellians grant them a 5+ armor save.
  • Sun Scorched Hide: The desert baked skin of the Thunder Walkers is even tougher than their smaller cousins, granting them a 4+ armor save.
  • Tarellian Relic Armour The old, but intricate, armour that Desert Priests wear offer less protection than the hides of regular Tarellians, but marks them out as leaders of their people and gives their words weight. Grants a 5+ armor save and the Stubborn USR.
  • Tarellian Stalker Armour: Tarellian Stalker Armour is a rarity in Tarellian culture, worn only by the Tarellian’s Elite Sand Stalkers & some Paymasters who find the added protection to be a lifesaver, as the materials to make it have become increasingly scarce with the Tarellians current situation. This armour is made to provide more protection than the Tarellian’s naturally thick hide, this achieved by overlapping several heavily treated, and flexible, layers of Nah’Rak lizard hides, before treating them with a naturally occurring Photo-reactive agent found in the Nah’Krine Rock Fish which is reapplied regularly in order to maintain the Armours active Camouflage. Despite its almost primitive creation, this armour is as capable as the Tau’s Combat Armour, stopping Las-fire, and Bolter Shells with equal ease, if the firer can even spot the Wearer before they open fire. This camouflaged and reinforced armor confers a 4+ Armour Save and the Stealth USR.
  • Eye of Agrona: This artifact grants it's holder a 3++ invulnerable save.
  • Executioner A.I.Engram Scope: This piece of equipment is only given to Sand Stalkers, and is carefully maintained by its user, sometimes beyond the care that most Tarellians give their personal daggers. The scope itself contains a basic A.I that calculates the distance between the Sand Stalker and their target, alongside a very basic target recognition program that allows the Stalker to pick out an enemy’s leader from within the most chaotic of melees. This piece of wargear allows the user to perform a Precision shot on a to-hit roll of 5+ & grants the Rending USR on all shooting attacks.

Tarellian Disruption Weaponry

The Tarellian's self-developed "Disruption Weaponry" uses highly focused Microwave Radiation, with a MASER (Microwaves Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) set-up that, when fired, will flash-boil any liquids it comes into contact with before it loses coherence. Unfortunately, with the losses that they've suffered from the Imperium, and the Tyranids, most of the Tarellians Manufacturing processes were lost on their old planet, forcing them to start from scratch, with the help of the Earth caste who've reverse engineered the manufacturing process from the few surviving weapons. Currently the only weapons in mass-production, even with the Earth Caste's help, are the Disruption Rifle, and Disruption Cannon, while the process behind making the much more focused Disruption Sniper Rifle, and Disruption Lancet are still being worked out, due in part to the scarcity of any surviving examples.

The term "Disruption Weaponry" comes from the fact that the Tau, in the initial evacuation of the Tarellian planet, Eras-Drasal, found that continuous fire from nearby Tarellian weaponry would interfere with their communication wavelengths, leading to the regularly repeated battlefield communication "Disruption On"

HQ: So-Spada, Master of the Trackless Wastes - 180 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

While the Sand Stalkers are respected in Tarellian culture few, if any, ever reach the revered status of So-Spada, the greatest Stalker to have ever been hatched. Born in a clutch where all the hatchlings had chalk-white scales, a sign of illness and frailty, the priests of his home colony took the weak hatchlings out of the homes of their parents and placed them far away in the desert alongside other healthier hatchlings

However no-one expected that 2 months later So-Spada would wander back into the village of his birth, dehydrated and malnourished but alive; he had survived the desert wastes that had claimed his hatching brethren, even those stronger than him.

Taking this as a sign the priest that had taken the hatchling out to the desert brought the child back to his parents and asked them for permission to raise the child as a Sand Stalker, while they were loath to part with their child again the parents agreed and the Priest and So-Spada disappeared back into the deserts, unheard from until Hive Fleet Moloch swept down upon the Deserts of his home.

As Colony upon Colony fell, the survivors reported a Tall, White Sand Stalker leading survivors and refugees through the deserts, the violent sandstorms of the deep desert keeping the Tyranids at bay while they adapted to the harsh environment.

Eventually So-Spada could avoid his pursuers no more, leading the crowd of Tarellians to the place where he had been raised and trained, the Temple of Agrona, a fortress of old stone at the end of a hidden ravine, where he knew they would not be able to hold the ravening menace of Hive Fleet Moloch off forever, but they could hurt them at the very least.

When the Tyranids of Moloch finally arrived through the final sandstorm, they found the ravine full of Thunder Walkers, the brutish cousins of the Tarellians, standing three abreast in the narrow corridor of stone, their sun scorched hides and mighty hammer halting the hordes of Gaunts that swarmed into the entrance of the canyon. Soon however the Hive fleet sent forward their Larger Bio-forms, Biovores filling the canyon with crackling bio-plasma and corrosive acids, as the monstrous Carnifex’s strode forward through the hail of fluids and slaughtered the flagging Thunder walkers.

As the Tyranids continued through the Ravine they came across more resistance, Sand Stalkers perched high on the cliffs with their specialised rifles, far out of the reach of any ground based enemy, supporting troops of Dog Soldiers whose rage drove them on despite horrifying injuries, but one by one these resistances failed, Gargoyles plucking the Stalkers from their perches as Mawlocs tore through the cliffs, collapsing the hidden tunnels that they used to escape, Genestealers swarmed over the Dog Soldiers, drowning them in bodies and blood, and still the Tyranid horde pushed forward until all that lay between them and the last of the refugees was So-Spada himself, the White Stalker having escaped the collapsing tunnels of the Mawlocs, and fought his way free of the hordes of Genestealers.

Stepping forwards So-Spada spoke a single word, not heard by the Tarellians behind him, and not understood by the ravening hordes before him, before the wall of Tyranids surged forwards to meet him.

For a single day So-Spada held the door to the temple of Agrona, the bodies of the Tyranids he killed piling around him as his ceremonial swords swept left and right, the blades tearing through whatever lay in their paths, the dull steel creating patterns of light in the air as they deflected blasts of bio-plasma from their wielder.

Finally, covered in wounds, his flesh blistered, his bones broken, So-Spade fell to his knees, as the unending hordes of Tyranids closed in for the kill, before a resounding crack was heard. The wall of Tyranids that filled the ravine was blasted apart in a flash of blue light, as figures clad in yellow armour descended from huge gunships hovering in the air over the canyon.

So-Spada pushed himself to one knee as one of the figures approached, a strange, thin, blue face speaking unknown words as it extended one yellow gloved hand towards him.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
So-Spada, Master of the Trackless Wastes 5 4 4 4 4 5 5 10 4+

Unit Type: Infantry, Independent Character, Unique
Unit Composition: 1 So-Spada, Master of the Trackless Wastes
Wargear: Tarellian Claw Sword, Talon of Agrona, The Arrow of Agrona, Tarellian Stalker Armour, Eye of Agrona
Special Rules: Independent Character, Hatred (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Scout, Infiltrate, Counter Infiltration, Execution Confirmed
Warlord Trait: Beyond Rage

HQ: Tarellian Desert Priest - 60 points[edit | edit source]

The desert is vast and empty, until you can see each grain of sand

A relic from the beginning of the Tarellian culture; the Desert Priests function as the Spiritual leaders of the Tarellian people, preforming the old rituals of water calling and blessing each soldier before they go to battle so that they might return safely.

While the purpose of these rituals has not changed, with the Tarellians march into advanced technology, the necessity has; no longer as rigorously enforced as they once were, the desert priests instead act as both arbiters of the law and moral leaders, espousing messages of co-operation with other cultures and vengeance against the enemies of Tarell.

While they are rarely found on the battlefield, the Desert priests wield words as their weapon, the scripture they quote inspiring their charges to greater levels of rage against their foes, as the weight and force of their words settles on their opponents with the vast alien stillness of the deserts that their people have lived in since their birth.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Desert Priest 4 - 3 3 2 4 2 10 5+

Wargear: Tarellian Bone Staff, Tarellian Relic Armour
Special Rules: Hatred (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Adamantium Will, Independent Character
  • Scriptures of the Desert – While normally used as an inspiration to their people when in need of spiritual guidance, the scriptures of the Desert that The Tarellian Desert Priests carry with them can inspire a battle-force to new heights of fervor against their foes, or strike fear into an enemy’s heart. Each turn a Desert Priest may choose a new scripture of the desert sands to recite or continue reciting the currently chosen scripture.
    • Raging Storm of Desert Sands – All friendly units within 12” of the Desert Priest treat their cover saves as 1 higher, and all enemy units within 12” of the Desert Priest treat their BS and WS as 1 lower.
    • Grinding Strike of Desert Winds – All friendly units within 12” of the Desert Priest can sacrifice their Melee attacks to make a single attack at AP2 and increase their strength bonus by +1.
    • Blistering Heat of the Desert Sun – All enemy weapons within 12” of the Desert Priest gain the Gets Hot! rule.
    • Freezing Cold of the Desert Night – All enemies within 12” of the Desert Priest cannot Run, Thrust, or Turbo-Boost.

HQ: Tarellian Paymaster - 70 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

The oldest, and most experienced of the Tarellian Dog Soldiers are sometimes elevated to this position by a Desert Priest, responsible for securing contracts with the many species of the Galaxy, and negotiating the terms of these contracts, these Dog Soldiers are known as the “Paymasters” to the rest of the group that they oversee.

Famous for their ability to negotiate terms of payment with even the most hard headed of employers, the Paymasters often benefit from their position by securing copies of their employers weaponry and armour, including some rare and valuable pieces that are passed down from paymaster to paymaster.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Paymaster 5 4 3 3 2 4 3 10 4+/5++

Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 Paymaster
Wargear Tarellian Disruption Rifle, Tarellian Disruption Pistol, Tarellian Stalker Armour, Tarellian Claw Sword, Personal Shield Generator
Special Rules: Hatred (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Furious Charge, Fearless, Independent Character
  • Forward Payment: A Tarellian Paymaster must be attached to any Tarellian force that is an allied detachment to any force other than the Tau Empire, the Paymaster may make use of any signature piece of Wargear from their allies codex, except for items from the Astra Miltarum, Space Marines, Sisters of Battle, & Tyranids Codex’s.
  • Sidearm: A Tarrellian Paymaster may exchange his Disruption Pistol, for any any other pistol type weapon found in their allies codex (excluding Codex Astra Militarum, Spaces Marines, Sisters of Battle, and Tyranids)

Elite: Tarellian Sand Stalker - 125 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

The Tarellian Sand Stalkers are the elite of the Tarellian military, while the Dog Soldiers sell themselves for the sake of revenge and the Hunting Bikers ride for the sake of glory, The Sand Stalker hunt the great beasts of the T’ros deserts that threaten their colonies on the arid planet.

Rarely seen by the Tau diplomats to the Tarellian colonies, the few Water caste that have seen them describe them all tall and lean, standing a few inches taller than an average Tarellian, with scales the colour of the desert sands, and long barreled sniper rifles slung over their backs next to their ceremonial Claw Swords. While their normal duties keep them busy on their new colonies, a few Sand Stalkers are found with every group of Dog Soldiers, acting as general group leaders. Responsible for making sure that each soldier gets his pay, equipment and if he dies, that his family gets his belongings.

On the Battlefield the Sand Stalkers fight almost completely opposite to the fervent rage that fuels the Dog Soldiers they watch over. Acting as cold snipers they assassinate enemy commanders as the Dog Soldiers and Thunder Walkers wreak havoc on the front lines, only using their ceremonial swords if the enemy draws close, or they need to secure a sniping position silently.

They take some pleasure from killing imperial Commissars after they have performed a summary execution on their own men, using such tactics to sow fear and confusion in their enemies with extreme efficiency.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Tarellian Sand Stalker 3 4 3 3 2 4 2 8 4+
Tarellian Sand Master 3 4 3 3 3 4 3 9 4+

Unit Type: Infantry
Unit Composition: 5 Tarellian Sand Stalkers
Wargear: Tarellian Disruption Sniper Rifle, Tarellian Stalker Armour, Tarellian Claw Sword
Special Rules: Hatred (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Scouts, Infiltrate
  • Counter Infiltration – If Tarellian Sand Stalkers are placed in reserve, when they are arrive on the battlefield you can choose to have them arrive at a point where an enemy unit is, they are immediately considered locked in combat, with their opponent acting at Initiative order 1 for that turn only.
  • Execution Confirmed – Whenever an Imperial Commissar or Lord Commissar uses the Special Rule Summary Execution within Range of a Unit of Sand Stalkers, one Model may make a Leadership test. If successful, that model may make a shooting attack against the model preforming the Summary Execution. If this attack is successful the targeted unit must make another leadership test on its unmodified leadership against the condition that Summary Execution would have negated. Any Model that uses this rule cannot fire in its next shooting phase.
  • Any model in this unit may take a Tau Shield Generator for 25 points
  • Any model in this unit may upgrade their Claw Sword to have the Poisoned (4+) USR for 4 points/model
  • Any model in this unit may purchase an Executioner A.I.Engram Scope for 10 points/model
  • May Upgrade one Tarellian Sand Stalker to a Tarellian Sand Master for 15 Points

Elite: Tarellian Nah'Rak Lizard Riders - 70 points[edit | edit source]

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Tarellian Rider 4 3 3 3 2 4 2 8 4+
Tarellian Rider Master 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 9 4+

Unit Composition: 4 Rider's, 1 Rider Master
Unit Type: Calvary (Rider Master is a Character)
Wargear: Tarellian Hide Armour, Tarellian Horn Lance, Tarellian Disruption Rifle, Tarellian Fang Dagger
  • May Take 5 aditional Riders for 14pts/model
  • May take EMP Grenades for 3pts/model
  • Any model can upgrade their Tarellian Fang Dagger to have the Poisoned (4+) special rule for 4pts/model
  • Rider master may exchange his Fang Dagger for a Claw Sword for 10 points
  • A Rider Master may upgrade his Tarellian Claw Sword to have the Poisoned (4+) special rule for 4 points
  • Rider Master may exchange his Horn lance for a Dragon lance for 15 points
Special Rules: Move through Cover, Hatred (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids)
  • Hunting lizards are not as quick as mounts of other races and do not gain the benefits of the Fleet special rule. However their tough hide helps protect the rider and improves their saving throw by 1.

Troops: Tarellian Dog Soldiers - 32 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Tarellian Dog Soldier 3 2 3 4 1 3 2 7 5+
Tarellian Hatch Leader 3 2 3 4 2 3 4 9 5+

Unit Composition: 4 Dog Soldiers
Unit Type: Infantry (Hatch Leader is a Character)
Wargear: Tarellian Hide Armour, Tarellian Disruption Rifle, Tarellian Fang Dagger
Special Rules: Hatred (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Furious Charge, Fearless (Hatch Leader)
  • May take up to 12 extra Tarellian Dog Soldiers --- 8 points/model
  • Any model can upgrade their Tarellian Disruption Rifle to a Tarellian Pulse Carbine for 2 points/model
  • Any model can upgrade their Tarellian Fang Dagger to have the Poisoned (4+) special rule for 4 points/model
  • One Tarellian Dog Soldier may be upgraded to a Tarellian Hatch Leader for 10 points
  • A Tarellian Hatch Leader may upgrade his Tarellian Fang Dagger to a Tarellian Claw Sword for 10 points
  • A Tarellian Hatch Leader may upgrade his Tarellian Claw Sword to have the Poisoned (4+) special rule for 4 points
  • The Entire unit may take a Tarellian Sand Junker as a Dedicated transport (55 Points)

Fast Attack: Tarellian Sand Junker - 55 Points[edit | edit source]

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Even on their home planet, where the settlements were far closer together than the few settlements on T’ros the Tarellian relied almost solely on the Sand Junkers for transport between their settlements, whether transporting the Tarellian Deserts Priests from settlement for spiritual purposes, Tarellian Thunder Walkers for heavy labour, or the Hunting Bikers to deal with the large desert creatures that constantly threatened the old Tarellian settlements.

Now that the Tarellians have been dragged in to the nigh constant warfare that peppers the galaxy, the Sand Junker has been repurposed into a general troop transport with a hardier engine, and a modest armament consisting of 2 Heavy Disruption Cannons, and several Vehicle sub-systems that Tau earth caste engineers that have installed.

Sand Junker 2 11 11 10 2

Unit Composition: 1 Sand Junker
Unit Type: Vehicle (Transport, Open-Topped)
Wargear: 2 Tarellian Heavy Disruption Cannons, Blacksun Filter
Transport Capacity: 16 Models
Special Rules: Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids)
  • Across the Trackless Wastes: This Vehicle ignores Difficult Terrain, and may reroll Dangerous Terrain tests.
  • Gears that Grind: When this Vehicles suffers an immobilized results on the Vehicle Damage Table roll a D6, on a result of 1-2 the Vehicle is immobilized as normal, on a roll of 3-4 the Vehicle instead suffers a Weapon Destroyed result instead, and on a roll of 5-6 the Vehicle damage table is ignored.
  • May replace either of the Tarellian Heavy Disruption Cannons with a Tau Smart Missile System (Tau Codex pg66) for 10 points
  • May take items from the Tau Vehicle Equipment list.

Fast Attack: Tarellian Hunting Bikers - 60 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Tarellian Hunting Biker 3 2 3 5 1 4 2 7 4+
Tarellian Hunt Leader (character) 3 2 3 5 2 4 4 9 4+

Unit Type: Bike
Unit Composition: 3 Tarellian Hunting Bikers
Wargear: Tarellian Hide Armour, Tarellian Disruption Cannon, Tarellian Horn Lance
  • Tarellian Hunting Bike: Confers a 4+ Armour Save.
Special Rules: Hatred (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Furious Charge, Fearless (Hunt Leader), Monster Hunter (Hunt Leader), Skilled Rider (Hunt Leader)
  • May take up to 6 extra Tarellian Hunting Bikers for 20 points/model
  • Any Model can upgrade their Tarellian Disruption Cannon to a:
-Tarellian Burst Cannon for 4 points/model
-Fusion Blaster for 10 points/model
  • Any Model may Take a Disruption Pod for 15 points/model
  • One Model may be upgraded to a Tarellian Hunt Leader for 20 Points
  • A Tarellian Hunt Leader may replace his Tarellian Horn Lance with a Tarellian Dragon Lance for 5 points

Heavy Support: Tarellian Thunder Walker Shock Trooper - 80 points[edit | edit source]

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The Thunder Walkers are an offshoot of the Tarellian evolutionary process; named after the Tarellian’s earliest known ancestor, the Thunder Lizard, these heavy set reptilians stand over twice the height of their genetic cousins, with much thicker hides, and greater musculature.

Often found doing the heavy labour on their T’ros colonies the Thunder Walkers form the backbone of Tarellian labour forces, and are the only members of their colonies to brave the desert storms of the arid deserts that cover 95% of T’ros’s surface in order to find the richest deposits of mineral rich sand, before transporting them back to the processing plants of the colonies where the unique minerals are used to create the Tarellians sonic weaponry.

When called into battle the Thunder Walkers eschew the use of the normal Tarellian weaponry and armour assigned to the Dog Soldiers, and Hunting Bikers, instead relying on their sun scorched hides, monstrous strength and the battle cannons that they salvaged from the remains of imperial tanks that still litter the sands of the deserts.

The few enemies that survive their battle with the Thunder Walkers tell feverish tales of groups of the monstrous creatures marching onward through salvos of tank fire, the shells bursting off their hide without even slowing their relentless advance as they returned fire with Tank cannons carried in their claws, before falling on platoons of soldiers with their massive hammers, each swing turning even the strongest of men into broken corpses.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Tarellian Thunder Walker Shock Trooper 4 2 4 5 3 2 2 8 4+
Tarellian Thunder Walker Hatch Leader 4 2 4 5 3 2 3 9 4+

Unit Type: Monstrous Creature
Unit Composition: 1 Tarellian Thunder Walker Shock Troopers
Wargear: Sun Scorched Hide, Tarellian Thunder Hammer, Salvaged Battle Cannon
Special Rules: Hatred (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Slow and Purposeful, Feel no Pain (4+), It Will Not Die, Extremely Bulky
  • May take up to two additional Thunder Walkers for 80 points/model
  • May Upgrade one Tarellian Thunder Walker Shock Trooper to a Tarellian Thunder Walker Hatch Leader for 10 points
  • A Tarellian Thunder Walker Hatch Leader may upgrade his Tarellian Thunder Hammer to a Tarellian Dragon Hammer for 25 points
  • A Tarellian Thunder Walker Shock Trooper, or a Tarellian Thunder Walker Hatch Leader may exchange their Salvaged Battle Cannon for a Salvaged Exterminator Auto-Cannon for 10 points
  • A Tarellian Thunder Walker Shock Trooper, or a Tarellian Thunder Walker Hatch Leader may exchange their Salvaged Battle Cannon for a Salvaged Punisher Gatling Cannon for 10 points
  • A Tarellian Thunder Walker Shock Trooper, or a Tarellian Thunder Walker Hatch Leader may exchange their Salvaged Battle Cannon for a Salvaged Inferno Cannon for 20 points

Heavy Support: Tarellian Sand Crawler - 75 points[edit | edit source]

You call that a Tank? I call it an oven

The Tarellian Sand Crawler is a recent creation, cobbled together out of spare parts, and a repurposed Sand Junker Chassis, it’s so named both for its low profile and slow gait it has as it crawls inexorably over the Desert sands of T’ros.

The Sand Crawlers main weapon, the Disruption Lancet, is mounted in the tail-bed of the chassis. The Lancet consists of a set of large multi-celled batteries, connected to a constructive Disruption Chamber, which then feeds the Disruptive microwave radiation down an amplification conduit into an adjustable E-M Radiation dish, which can be focused into one of 3 patterns.

These variable patterns allow the Lancet to either flood the inside of an enemy vehicle with disruptive Microwaves, cover the sky in explosive flares of Radiation, or sweep along the ground with a single highly focused beam of destruction that has no regard for friend or foe.

Sand Crawler 3 12 12 10 3

Unit Composition: 1 Sand Junker
Unit Type: Vehicle (Heavy, Open-Topped)
Wargear:Tarellian Disruption Lancet, 2 Sponson mounted Tarellian Heavy Disruption Cannons, Blacksun Filter
Special Rules: Preferred Enemy (Forces of the Imperium, Tyranids), Gears that Grind
  • May replace either of the Tarellian Heavy Disruption Cannons with a Smart Missile Systems (10 Points each)
  • May take items from the Tau Vehicle Systems list.

Lords of War: Tarellian Dune Worm - 1150 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Tarellian Dune Worm 5 - 9 7 6 5 8 5 2+

Unit Composition: 1 Tarellian Dune Worm
Unit Type: Gargantuan Creature
  • Dune Worm Maw: Close combat attacks are AP 1 and have the Shred special rule.
  • Dune Worm Hide: Confers a 2+ Armour Save and a 5++ invulnerable save.
Special Rules: Fearless, Armourbane, Fleshbane, Feel No Pain (3+), It Will Not Die (4+)
  • Swallow Whole: If this model deals an unsaved wound to an Infantry model without the "Extremely Bulky" Rule, that model is Swallowed Whole, it may make a single invulnerable save, if it has one, if it fails, it is removed from play. This does not count as Instant Death for the Purpose of Eternal Warrior.
  • Burrow: An unengaged Dune Worm can, at any point during its Movement phases from the second game turn onwards, elect to burrow. If it does so, remove it from the table and place it into Ongoing Reserves. A Dune Worm cannot Deep Strike and Burrow in the same turn.
  • Terror From The Deep: When arriving from Deep Strike Reserve, a Dune Worm can choose to Deep Strike onto a point occupied by another model (friend or foe) – roll for scatter as normal. If a Dune Worm Deep Strikes onto a point occupied by another model, do not roll on the Deep Strike Mishap table. Instead, place the Apocalypse blast marker directly over the spot the Dune Worm is deep striking onto. All units except Flyers and Flying Monstrous Creatures beneath the blast marker suffer a number of Strength 9 AP1 hits with the Ignores Cover special rule equal to the number of models that unit has underneath the blast marker. If the blast marker is on a multi-level ruin, only models on the lowest level of the ruin count as being under the blast marker. For Wound allocation purposes, assume the attack is coming from the centre of the blast marker. Hits against vehicles are resolved against their side armour. If, after removing casualties, it is now possible to place the Dune Worm on the table on the spot where the blast marker landed, then do so, even if this is within 1" of another model (but not if it would be in base contact with, or occupying the same space as, another model). If it is not possible to place the Dune Worm, replace the Apocalypse blast marker on the spot and resolve another round of damage as detailed above. If, after removing casualties for a second time, it is still not possible to place the Dune Worm, roll on the Deep Strike Mishap table.

Vespid[edit | edit source]

Wargear[edit | edit source]

Name Range S AP type
Unrefined Neutron Blaster 18" 4 4 Assault 1
Focused Neutron Blaster 18" 7 2 Assault 1
Heavy Neutron Blaster 24" 8 2 Heavy 2
Royal Heavy Neutron Blaster 24" 8 1 Heavy 1
Crystal Core Neutron Bomb "-" 6 3 Heavy 1, Bomb, Large Blast, Harmonious
Crystal Core Neutron Missile 30” 8 2 Heavy 1, One Use Only

Name Range S AP type
Hive Spear Melee +2/+1 2/3 Poisoned (5+)
Hornet Lance Melee +2/User 2/4 Two-Handed, Strikedown, Poisoned (5+)
Queen's Stinger Melee +2 2 Poisoned (2+), Master Crafted

  • Palanquin Combat Armour: This massive set of Combat armour is made exclusively for the Few Vespid queen's that exist. Ostensibly a ceremonial piece of equipment as no Vespid Queen would ever be allowed to venture onto the battlefield, it is still a marvel of engineering, using a built-in Crystal Core Neutron Resonator to harmonise with any nearby Neutron Weaponry, and protect the wearer from any firepower directed at her, combined with an intricate Ventilation system to strengthen the queen's Royal Pheromones. Confers a 3+ Armour Save.
  • Neutron Resonator: This is built in to every set of Palanquin Combat Armour, resonating with the song of the Queen's Wing to either empower nearby Neutron Weaponry, or deflect incoming projectiles, and shatter her enemies blades. Gives the Harmonious Special Rule, or a 4++ Invulnerable. Which effect is chosen at the start of each turn and remains the same until the end of the turn.
  • Warlord Combat Armour: While no-where near the size of the Palanquin Combat Armour worn by the Vespid Queens, The Warlord Combat Armour is worn by Vespid Leaders when operating in the field. Overlapping with the warlords naturally thick Chitin, with a thin layer of protective Fio'Tak ceramic over the Warlord's wings, this armour doesn't negatively alter the Warlords flight capabilities, while still allowing a good level of protection. Confers a 3+ Armour Save.
  • Chitinous Plates: The natural exoskeleton that all Vespid have. Confers a 6+ Armour Save.
  • Combat Armour: Confers a 4+ Armour Save.

Troops: Vespid Drone Soldiers - 72 points[edit | edit source]

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While the Tau Empire regularly calls on the Vespid Stingwings for combat duty, as the Empire knows that the Tyranid Swarm is coming from then Galactic East, all Vespid citizen have been forced to undergo mandatory training of some sort as they will likely be one of the first targets of the Tyranids unending hunger.

This has led to the creation of the Vespid Drone Soldiers, basic Vespid citizens given a Neutron blaster with an unrefined crystal and basic weapon training, as a last stopgap measure to buy any messenger enough time to warn other planets in the D’yanoi Sept.

As fast and agile as the Stingwings, the Drone Soldier’s rudimentary training means that they will rarely see live combat except when the worst comes to pass.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Vespid Drone Soldier 2 3 3 3 1 5 1 5 6+
Vespid Drone Strain Leader 2 3 3 3 1 5 2 8 6+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Strain leader is character)
Unit Composition: 6 Drone soldiers
Wargear: Unrefined Neutron Blaster, Chitinous Plates
Special Rules: Fleet, Hit & Run, Stealth (Ruins), Move through cover
  • May take up to 12 additional Vespid Drone Soldiers for 12 points/model
  • May upgrade 1 Vespid Drone Soldier to a Drone Strain Leader for 10 points
  • Up to 6 models may take a Markerlight for 3 points/each

Elite: Vespid Hive Guardians - 75 points[edit | edit source]

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Hive Guardians are the Elite warriors of Vespid society, trained as bodyguards to the Hive’s current leaders. They were the first point of contact between the Tau Empire’s Water Caste, and the Vespid Government, acting as Interpreters & Wardens.

Rarely seen working alongside Tau forces in the battlefield Hive Guardians specialize in Hit & Run tactics, much like the Stingwings. However Hive Guardians are also trained in Close Quarters combat with their specially designed spears, which are coated in a deadly paralytic agent, derived from a Vespid Queens Pheromones.

Hive Guardians who demonstrate extreme loyalty in battle are allowed access to a unique mix of proteins and natural steroids, normally consumed by Vespid queens. If their body can handle the strain of the forced transformation, they are changed into "Queen Guardians", a sub-species of Vespid that are tougher, faster, and more steadfast than their brethren.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Vespid Hive Guardian 3 3 3 4 2 7 2 7 4+
Vespid Queen Guardian 3 3 3 4 3 7 3 9 4+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Queen Guardian is character)
Unit Composition: 3 Hive Guardians
Wargear: Combat Armour, Focused Neutron Blaster, Hive Spear
Special Rules: Fleet, Hit & Run, Stealth (Ruins), Move through cover
  • May take up to 5 Additional Hive Guardians for 25 points/model
  • One Hive Guardian may be upgraded to a Queen Guardian for 20 points
  • One Hive Guardian may exchange his Focused Neutron Blaster and Hive Spear for a Heavy Neutron Blaster for 15 points
  • A Queen Guardian may upgrade his Hive Spear to a Queen’s Stinger for 25 points

Heavy Support: Yellowjacket Hornet Soldiers - 90 points[edit | edit source]

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For every 10 Hive guardians exposed to the mixture of steroids and proteins that turns them into Queen Guardian, 5 will reject the transformation, becoming violently ill before returning to normal, 2 will transform into Queen Guardians as intended and the other 3 will find their minds subsumed by the mix of endorphins and adrenaline that floods their body, transforming them beyond Queen Guardians at the cost of their minds.

Called Yellowjackets, these Vespid are far larger and stronger than their brethren, however they are only able to follow the simplest of instructions, making them unsuitable for the more complex work found in the Neutron Crystal Processing Factories, as such they are often used as entertainment, pitting one or more Hive Guardians against them in an arranged fight.

In times of combat the Yellowjackets are released onto the battlefield ahead of the rest of the Vespid forces, their ferocity, strength and size acting as a distraction while the rest of the Vespid force deploys.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Yellowjacket Hornet 5 - 5 6 4 5 4 3 4+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry
Unit Composition: 1 Yellowjacket Hornet
Wargear: Hornet Lance, Combat Armour
Special Rules: Move through Cover, Stealth (Ruins), Fleet, Fearless
  • Mindless Fury: A Yellowjacket Hornet may Run & Charge in the same turn.
  • May take up to 2 additional Yellowjacket Hornets for 90 points/model
  • 1 Yellowjacket Hornet may be equipped with a Positional Relay & Homing Beacon for 15 points

Heavy Support: Vespid Hive Barge - 200 points[edit | edit source]

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Vespid Hive Barge 3 13 12 10 3

Unit Composition: 1 Hive Barge
Unit Type: Vehicle (Flyer, Transport)
Wargear: 3 Heavy Neutron Blasters, 2 Crystal Core Neutron Bombs, 2 Crystal Core Neutron Missiles
  • Capacity: 24 Models
  • Fire ports: None
  • Access points: Has one on each side of the hull and one in the rear.
  • A Vespid Hive Barge may take a Quad Ion Turret in place of 1 of its Heavy Neutron Blasters (Free)
  • A Vespid Hive Barge may take up to 4 additional Crystal Core Neutron Bombs (20 points each)
  • A Vespid Hive Barge may take up to 4 additional Crystal Core Neutron Missiles (15 points each)
  • A Vespid Hive Barge may take a Blacksun Filter (Tau Codex pg. 72) (1 Point)
  • A Vespid Hive Barge may take a set of Decoy Launchers (Tau Codex pg. 72) (3 points)
  • A Vespid Hive Barge may take a Disruption Pod (Tau Codex pg. 72) (15 points)
Special Rules:
  • A Vespid Hive Barge may transport up to 24 models, however any model that disembarks from the Hive Barge must have the Deep Strike special rule, or it suffers D3 S:5 AP- Wounds, from the high altitude drop landing. Vespid Models ignore the Bulky rule when inside this transport.
  • Harmonious – After resolving a Bombing run involving a Crystal Core Neutron Bomb, the core remains in place on the map, projecting a 12” ‘bubble’ of resonating frequencies that provide a +1 S bonus to any Neutron weapon fired at a Target within the ‘bubble’. Any additional Crystal Cores located within the Bubble Increase the Radius of each ‘bubble’ by 3”. Any Neutron weapon fired from within the ‘Bubble’ gains +1 S but has gets hot. The Core itself has AV 10 on all sides, and 2 HP.

HQ: Vespid Hive Leader (Queen) - 145 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Vespid Hive Queen 2 2 3 6 4 5 2 10 3+

Unit Type: Monstrous Creature
Unit Composition: 1 Hive Queen
Wargear: 2 Royal Heavy Neutron Blasters, Palanquin Combat Armour, Neutron Resonator, Multitracker Blacksun Filter
Special Rules: Independent Character, And they Shall Know No Fear
Royal Pheromones: Any Vespid unit other than Vespid Hive Leader (Queen) within 12” of this unit gains +1 WS, +1 BS and Feel No Pain (5+), for any Vespid unit within 12" of multiple Queens this bonus increases with the following progression - 2 Queens (+2 WS, +2BS, +1T, FnP (4+)), 3 Queens (MAX)(+3WS, +3BS, +2T, FnP(3+))
  • A Vespid Hive Queen may take up to 2 Vespid Queen Guardians equipped with Focused Neutron blasters and Queen’s Stingers, these models do not take up a Force Organisation slot, and Automatically pass "Look out Sir Majesty" rolls (70 points/Model)

HQ: Vespid Hive Leader (Warlord) - 140 Points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Vespid Hive General 4 5 4 5 4 8 4 10 3+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: Hive General
Wargear: 1 Focused Neutron Blaster, Queen’s Stinger, Warlord Combat Armour, Multitracker, Blacksun Filter
Special Rules: Independent Character, Fleet, Hit & Run, Stealth (Ruins), Move Through Cover
  • A Vespid Hive General may take a Full Squad of Vespid Hive Guardians as a Retinue; this unit does not take up a Force Organisation slot and follows all the rules and cost for a Hive Guardian Squad.

The Galg[edit | edit source]

Special Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Amphibious: Any Model with the Amphibious Special Rule may freely ignore Difficult Terrain and Dangerous terrain test from Swamps, Water, and other Aqueous Hazards, and are not immediately removed when they end their turn in such hazards.
  • Engine Spoiler: Weapons with this rule automatically cause an Immobilization on a 6 "To Penetrate" against vehicles

Galg Wargear[edit | edit source]

Name Range S AP type
Heavy Burst Pistol 6" 4 - Pistol
HEI/AP Rounds 6" 6 4 Pistol, Rending, Pinning, Gets Hot!
Underslung EX-HEAT Grenade 6" 7 3 Heavy 1, Large Blast, One Use only
Thump Gun 12" 4 6 Assault 2, Blast, Pinning
Rotator 12" 5 6 Assault 3, Blast, Barrage
Heavy Rotator 24" 7 4 Heavy 4, Rending, Pinning
Galg Pulse Rifle 30" 4 5 Rapid Fire
Galg Pulse Carbine 18" 4 5 Assault 2
Dart Gun 12” 3 - Assault 2, Poisoned(4+), Precision Shots
Dart Rifle 24" 3 - Assault 2, Poisoned (4+), Precision Shots
EX-HEAT Charge 8" 8 2 Heavy 1, Armourbane, One Use Only
Tank-Wrecker Missile Launcher - - - ---
(TWML) Tank-Wrecker Missiles 36" 7 2 Heavy 1
(TWML) Spoiler Chaff Missiles 36" 7 4 Heavy 1, Blind, Engine Spoiler
(TWML) Crusher Concussive Missiles 36" 6 4 Heavy 1, Large Blast, Concussive
AA Spoiler Cannon - - - ---
(AASC) Spoiler Chaff Missiles 36" 7 4 Heavy 1, Blind, Engine Spoiler, Skyfire
(AASC) Scatter Trident Missiles 36" 8 4 Heavy 3, Skyfire
(AASC) Burster Fragmentation Hive Missiles 36" 6 4 Heavy 3, Large Blast, Barrage
High-Power Thump Gun - - - ---
Heat Rounds 18" 7 3 Heavy 2, Large Blast
Concussive Rounds 18" 6 4 Heavy 2, Large Blast, Concussive

Melee Weapons

Name Range S AP type
Machete Melee +1 6 -
Power Machete Melee +2 3 -

  • Amphibious Combat Armour: Confers a 5+ Armour Save.
  • Amphibious Scout Armour: Confers a 6+ Armour Save.
  • Swamp Camo: Grants the Shrouded special rule.

Thump Guns

With their evolution from an aqueous environment, the Galg have an unexpected affinity for explosives, with most of their weaponry being either explosive or concussive in nature. This is in part due to the nature of how concussive explosives interact with their native amphibious environment, where highly advanced weaponry, such as plasma, Ion, Laser, Gauss, or other such high-tech weaponry is at constant risk of either shorting out, or just not working properly, and due to the fact the concussive effect of explosives is multiplied tenfold when used properly underwater.

This had led to the Galg using simple, if reliable (some might say they’re more reliable than the imperium’s Las-rifles which can suffer fairly catastrophic breakdowns if mishandled, but the Thump-Gun is hindered by its need for material ammunition, and its much shorter range), hand held grenade launchers, known as thump guns, which can be loaded with a variety of explosive ammunition, from the shaped EX-HEAT charge rounds capable of melting through the toughest of armour, to the wide spread Crusher Concussion Rounds which knock down even the hardiest of opponents.


The Galg are also infamous for their use of Missiles, which while usually shorter ranged than their Imperial equivalents, pack a far more focused punch than the missiles of other races, with either a shaped charge Tank-Wrecker warhead that will melt a fist sized hole straight through a Tank’s engine block, or the Engine-Spoiler, a magnesium packed flare that releases a cloud of incredibly tough fibres, designed to stall & immobilise enemy vehicles that their regular missiles cannot pierce. Finally they also have access to the Trident-Scatter Missile; a MRV Missile designed to cluster fire several warheads against the same target, and while the Armour piercing qualities of these miniature warheads is inferior to the regular Tank-Wrecker missiles, the tightly clustered explosions can provide a much greater impact to a vehicle allowing them to destroy vehicles through sheer weight of fire.

Rotary HEAP Grenade Launcher

The secondary main Infantry weapon of the Galg, also known as the “Rotator”, the Rotary HEAP (High Explosive, Anti-Personnel) Grenade Launcher resembles nothing more than a short-barrelled Thump Gun with a drum magazine, which can contain up to 15 rounds of ammunition, combined with the Semi-automatic firing mechanism, the “Rotator” can put out an unparalleled amount of anti-infantry ordinance at extremely short range, however when used for indirect fire there is the ever-present threat of the “Rotator’s” short range projectiles falling back upon its firer.

While the “Rotator” is designed for infantry use, and thusly made with a minimum amount of exposed moving parts due to the Galg’s amphibious warfare, the Heavy “Rotator”, its vehicle-mounted cousin, is far more complicated in its design, and far deadlier in its effect.

Reverse engineered from a surviving Avenger Bolt-Cannon, salvaged during a brush fire conflict against the Imperium, this belt fed Rotary HEIAP (High Explosive Incendiary/Armour Piercing) Grenade Launcher sacrifices some of the outright power, fire-rate, & range of its originator in order to be mounted on the Galgs light fan boats; however, the Galgs propensity for explosives has allowed them to exchange the original Bolter Ammunition for a HEIAP mixture of their own devising which combines highly compressed promethium, purified manganese, and an unknown accelerant, which spreads the explosive mixture over a huge radius, comparable to the Tau’s Sub-Munition Railgun Rounds.

Troops: Galg Mercenary Clutch - 110 Points[edit | edit source]

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Galg Mercenary 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Galg Mercenary Veteran 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 8 5+

Unit Type: Infantry (Veteran is a Character)
Unit Composition: 10 Galg Mercenaries
Wargear: Amphibious Combat Armour, Thump Gun, Heavy Burst Pistol, Machete
Special Rules: Amphibious, Stealth (Swamps)
  • May take up to 10 extra Galg Mercenaries for 11 points/model
  • Any Mercenary may exchange his Thump Gun for a Galg Pulse Carbine and Photon Grenades for 2 points/model
  • One Mercenary in the unit may be upgraded to a “Veteran” 6 points
  • A Veteran may exchange his Thump Gun for a “Rotator” for 15 points
  • A Veteran may upgrade his Heavy Burst Pistol with HEI/AP Rounds for 10 points

Troops: Galg Sworn Troopers - 35 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Galg Sworn 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 5+
Galg Sworn Veteran 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 8 5+

Unit Type: Infantry (Veteran is a Character)
Unit Composition: 5 Galg Sworn
Wargear: Galg Pulse Rifle, Machete, Amphibious Combat Armour
Special Rules: Amphibious, Stealth (Swamps), Supporting Fire
  • May take up to 5 additional Galg Sworn for 7 points/model
  • Any Galg Sworn may exchange their Galg Pulse Rifle for a Galg Pulse Carbine for free
  • One Galg Sworn may be upgraded to a Galg Sworn Veteran for 10 points

Fast Attack: Galg Swamp Sleuth Clutch - 30 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Galg Swamp Sleuth 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 7 6+
Galg Swamp Hunter 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 8 6+

Unit Type: Infantry (Hunter is a Character)
Unit Composition: 5 Galg Swamp Sleuth
Wargear: Amphibious Recon Armour, Dart Gun, Markerlight, Machete, Swamp Camo
Special Rules: Amphibious, Stealth (Swamps), Scouts, Move through Cover
  • May take up to 5 extra Galg Swamp Sleuths for 6 points/model
  • Any model can replace their Markerlights with a single Ex-HEAT Charge for 10 Points
  • Any model can replace their Dart Gun with a Galg Pulse Carbine and Photon Grenades for 2 points/model
  • One model in the unit may be upgraded to a Swamp Hunter for 6 points
  • A Swamp Hunter may replace their Dart Gun with a Dart Rifle for 5 points
  • A Swamp Hunter may take a Positional Relay for 10 points
  • A Swamp Hunter may purchase a Heavy Burst Pistol with an Underslung EX-HEAT Grenade for 6 points

Fast Attack: Galg Wrecker Clutch - 51 points[edit | edit source]

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Galg Wrecker 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 7 5+
Galg Demolisher 2 3 3 3 2 2 1 9 5+

Unit Type: Infantry (Demolisher is a Character)
Unit Composition: 3 Galg Wreckers
Wargear: Thump Gun, 2 EX-HEAT Charges, Heavy Burst Pistol, Amphibious Combat Armour, Machete
Special Rules: Amphibious, Stealth (Swamps), Tank Hunters
  • May take up to 2 extra Galg Wreckers for 17 points/model
  • Any Model may exchange their Thump Gun and HEAT Charges for a Tank-Wrecker Missile Launcher with Tank-Wrecker Missiles & Spoiler Chaff Missiles for free
  • A Model may purchase Crusher Concussive Missiles for an additional 5 points
  • One model in the unit may be upgrade to a Galg Demolisher for 10 points
  • A Galg Demolisher may upgrade their Heavy Burst Pistol with HEI/AP Rounds for 10 points
  • A Galg Demolisher may upgrade their Heavy Burst Pistol with an Underslung EX-HEAT Grenade for 5 points
  • A Galg Demolisher can take a Blacksun Filter for 1 point

Fast Attack: Galg Swamp Skimmer - 60 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Galg Swamp Skiff 3 11 11 10 2

Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast, Open-Topped)
Unit Composition: 1 Galg Swamp Skiff
Wargear: 2 Heavy Rotators
Special Rules: Amphibious
  • May take up to 2 Additional Galg Swamp Skimmers (60 Points/Model)
  • A Galg Swamp Skiff may replace either of its Heavy “Rotators” with Twin-Linked Tank-Wrecker Missile Launchers for 5 points
  • A Galg Swamp Skiff may replace either of its Heavy “Rotators” with a Twin-Linked Burst Cannon for free
  • A Galg Swamp Skiff may take a Canopy, this removes the Open-Topped Rule for 25 points/model

Heavy Support: Galg Gunboat - 135 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

One of the Galgs 2 main heavy vehicles, the Gunboat Skimmer is designed to deal with hordes of Infantry or enemy Vehicles.

Designed off of the same Fan Driven hovercraft as the Swamp Skiff, the Gunboat is much heavier than the lightly armoured Skiff, requiring 3 fan drives to provide the basic propulsion, alongside another 2 for steering and manoeuvrability.

Armed with a pair of Twin-Linked Heavy “Rotators” & a pair of Twin-Linked Tank-Wrecker Missile Launchers, with both Engine Spoiler Missiles & EX-HEAT Missiles, the Gunboat is often fielded by Galg Commanders when their normal weaponry either doesn’t pack enough punch to take out key enemy positions, or they need a heavy distraction while their other forces manoeuvre into position.

Any opponent who has had multiple encounters with the Galg has learned to loath the constant, loud hum of this craft’s fan drives as it glides over water or land to deliver its explosive payload before skimming away into heavy cover.

Galg Gunboat 4 12 12 10 3

Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank)
Unit Composition: 1 Galg Gunboat
Wargear: 2 Twin-Linked Heavy “Rotators”, 2 Twin-Linked Tank-Wrecker Missile Launchers with Tank-Wrecker Missiles & Spoiler Chaff Missiles
Special Rules: Amphibious
  • A Galg Gunboat may purchase (TWML) Crusher Concussive Missiles for 10 Points
  • A Galg Gunboat may replace its Twin Linked Heavy “Rotators” with Twin-Linked High-Yield Missile Pods (Free)
  • A Galg Gunboat may replace its Twin-Linked Tank-Wrecker Missile Launchers and Spoiler Chaff Missiles for 4 Seeker Missiles each (16 Points/4 missiles)
  • A Galg gunboat may take any item from the Tau Vehicle Systems list.

Heavy Support: Galg Mobile Battery - 160 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

The Second of the Galgs main heavy vehicles, the “Battery” was designed as a counter to their opponents aerial units.

The Galg have never been at home in the sky, even in the far flung past where they would train giant, exotic, dragonflies as aerial steeds, very few would ever choose to do so, instead preferring to navigate from town to town on foot.

This prejudice against flying has only been exacerbated in the 41st millennium, as the Dragonfly riders have proven almost completely incapable of fighting against other, more suited to the role, aerial creatures; their discomfort at having to fly rendering them almost incapable of fighting on even sky with their opponents.

To this end the Galg set to work on modifying a Gunboat chassis to carry at least some heavy anti-air weapons so that they wouldn’t be completely defenceless against skyborne enemies.

Enter the Galg Mobile Battery, a slow moving, hovercraft, armed with the Galgs recently developed AA Spoiler Cannons, a quadruple-Barrelled, long bore Anti-Air Cannon, capable of firing either the Spoiler Chaff Missile, designed to interfere with an opponent’s engine systems, prompting them to crash, or the Scatter Trident Missile, which splits into 3 smaller missiles as it’s fired, filling the sky with enough explosives that even the most experienced of pilots can’t avoid all of them.

However the heavy armament of the “Battery” renders it remarkably unsuitable for the Galgs normal swamp warfare, as the recoil of its main weaponry stands a chance of flipping it over if it is not positioned over solid ground, and the wider base needed to evenly distribute this recoil makes it far less manoeuvrable than both the Swamp Skiff, and the Gunboat.

Galg Mobile Battery 4 12 11 10 3

Unit Type: Vehicle (Tank, Heavy)
Unit Composition: 1 Galg Mobile Battery
Wargear: 2 “Rotators”, 2 Twin-Linked AA Spoiler Cannons with Spoiler Chaff Missiles & Scatter Trident Missiles
Special Rules: Amphibious
  • May purchase Burster Fragmentation Hive Missiles for 10 points
  • May replace either "Rotator" with a Burst Cannon for 5 Points/Burst Cannon
  • A Galg Mobile Battery may take any item from the Tau Vehicle Systems list.

Elites: Nemeroth Mercenaries - 100 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Nemeroth Hunter 3 3 4 4 1 4 2 7 6+
Nemeroth Hell-Toad 3 3 4 4 2 4 3 8 6+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Hell-Toad is a character)
Unit Composition: 4 Nemeroth Hunters
Wargear: High Power Thump Gun, Heavy Burst Pistol, Power Machete, Amphibious Scout Armour, Swamp Camo
Special Rules: Amphibious, Stealth (Swamps), Acute Senses, Infiltrate
  • May take up to 4 additional Nemeroth Hunter Models for 25 points/model
  • Any model may upgarde their Heavy Burst Pistol with HEI/AP Rounds for 10 Points
  • Any model may upgrade their Heavy Burst Pistol with an Underslung EX-HEAT Grenade for 5 points
  • One model may be upgraded to a Nemeroth Hell-Toad for 15 points
  • A Nemeroth Hell-Toad may replace their Heavy Burst Pistol with a Swamp Rose for 20 Points
  • A Nemeroth Hell-Toad may take a Multi-Spectrum Sensor Suite 20 points

HQ: Mammon the Unseen - 110 points[edit | edit source]

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Mammon the Unseen 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 9 5+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Character, Unique)
Unit Composition: Mammon the Unseen
Wargear: High Power Thump Gun, 2 EX-HEAT Charges, Power Machete, Amphibious Combat Armour, Swamp Camo
Special Rules: Amphibious, Stealth (Swamps), Acute Senses, Infiltration, Hit and Run, Independent Character
  • From the Pits Below – If “Mammon the Unseen” begins play in reserves, he can at any point after the end of the first turn, Deep Strike without scattering. If he chooses to deep strike within 1” of an enemy Vehicle he may immediately resolve 1 HEAT Charge hit against the Vehicle’s Rear Armour. Mammon suffers an S:7, AP – hit in return, he is then either moved to a distance 1” from the vehicle if it survives, or staying still if the Vehicle is destroyed, before acting in the move phase as normal. Mammon cannot be attached to a group if he is placed in reserves and uses this special rule.

HQ: Bokrug the Demolisher - 130 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Bokrug the Demolisher 4 4 5 5 2 3 3 9 5+/4++

Unit Type: Infantry (Character, Unique)
Unit Composition: Bokrug the Demolisher
Wargear: Heavy “Rotator”, Thunder Hammer, 2 EX-HEAT Charges, Black-Sun Filter, Shield generator, Amphibious Combat Armour
Special Rules: Independent Character, Amphibious, Stealth (Swamps), Slow & Purposeful

Morrallian Deathsworn[edit | edit source]

Home Planet

The Morrallian home World is remarkably inhospitable, and has been rendered so by Millennia of pollution, radiation, & Chaos Exposure however the Morrallian civilization has no explanation as to how this process started, and has been unable to adapt to their planet relatively rapid degeneration.

The cause of this corruption is a deeply hidden, and long abandoned Nurglite temple, buried under an unsettled section of one of the 3 Major landmasses of the Planet, this temple had previously released an almost non-existent amount of corruption, which had still been enough to render the land above uninhabitable, with those who did try to settle on that land finding their crops withered, plagues working through the settlers, and wounds festering and rotting making medical care nigh-impossible.

However during the Morrallian’s third industrial revolution, known as the nanotech evolution, a nuclear waste disposal site was established on the unwanted land, giving the faint chaos taint enough of a hold to start spreading throughout a much wider area, where the waste from the nanotech evolution only exacerbated the encroaching epidemic, with the corruption mainly affecting the already polluted atmosphere, turning the once breathable air stagnant & treacherous.

The Morrallian’s found their planet rapidly falling to an endemic they were completely unprepared for, and only the fast thinking of several individuals, and the luck of far, far more, managed to save the species, as they barricaded themselves into several underground scientific facilities, which were kept completely sterile to protect the delicate research contained within.

From those facilities the Morrallians expanded, adapting to live in their underground tunnel network, however the Nurglite corruption has taken over nearly the entire surface, the air turned toxic, cities crawling with mutated beasts, forests made of rotting wood, and twisted vegetation.

It is a day to day, hour to hour fight to keep the taint from entering into the cramped tunnels of the Morrallians, however living in a state of such constant war, against a foe that they cannot even begin to comprehend, has hardened the Morrallians considerably, and giving them a talent for defensive warfare unlike no other that the Tau have ever encountered.

Rarely Morrallian forces will lead expeditions to old facilities on the surface to recover pieces of technology, or old relics, recorded in the fractured databases of their scientific stronghold, nobody save the Morrallian researchers know what these pieces of technology are being used for; however several of these relics have made their way into the hands of the Morrallian commanders.


The surface of the Morrallian’s homeworld is a Chaotic one, where the pollution hasn’t destroyed or warped the native life forms; the Chaos taint has toyed with the laws of physics leading to small pockets of bizarre perversions of the laws of nature. Called “Mont’ash” (Lit: Terrifying Void) by the Tau Fire & Earth caste members who’ve worked with the Morallians on their planet, these anomalies represent one of the greatest dangers known to the Morrallian species, and one of their greatest weapons.

Through the combination of Imperial Geller field technology, The Tau Ether drive, and an old Morrallian containment device designed for the transportation of dangerous waste, the anomalies can be contained and transported, either for scientific study, or for offensive use, however doing so is incredibly dangerous, and exceedingly rare, due to the current scarcity of the containment devices.

Special Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Redundant Systems (X+): Years of repeated isolation and exposure to the polluted atmosphere of their home-planet has taxed the once hardy Morrallian. While they are still capable of surviving in the highly sterilized environments of their tunnels any exposure to outside toxins can be, not only immediately fatal, but pandemic to a degree that would rival a disease sweeping through the Imperium's Hive Cities. This has led to the routine use of CBRN MOPP containment suits filled with Nanites that constantly repair damaged material or diseased flesh. The end result is that of a seemingly implacable soldier despite the immense frailty of the suit's wearer. Any model with the Redundant Systems special rule is immune to Instant Death from weapon strength, and may only be wounded on a roll of X or better.
  • Spread Shot: A weapon with this special rule is fired at BS 2 when resolving Overwatch instead of BS 1.

Morrallian Wargear[edit | edit source]

Name Range S AP type
Trench Knife Melee User 5 -
Power Blade Melee +2 4 -
Trench Flamer Template 5 5 Assault 1, Twin-linked
Thermal Chem Spray Template 5 4 Assault 1, Poisoned, Twin-linked
Cyclic Flamer Template 6 4 Heavy 1, Twin-linked
Pulse Shotgun 18" 5 5 Assault 2, Spread Shot
Burst Shotgun 18" 5 5 Assault 4, Spread Shot
Hellstorm Missile Pod 36" 6 4 Heavy 2, Blast, Ignores Cover
Overcharged Pulse Shotgun 18" 6 4 Assault 2, Spread Shot, Get's Hot!
Ion Grenades 8" 7 4 Assault 1, Blast, Get's Hot!
Pulse Cluster Grenades 8" 5 5 Assault 3, Ignores Cover

  • Beast Armour: Confers a 6+ Armour Save.
  • Hazardous Environment Combat Armour: Confers a 4+ Armour Save. Counts as Void Hardened in appropriate Zone Mortalis missions.
  • Hazardous Environment Recon Armour: Confers a 5+ Armour Save. Counts as Void Hardened in appropriate Zone Mortalis missions.
  • Reinforced Hazardous Environment Combat Armour: Confers a 4+ Armour Save and the Feel No Pain special rule. Counts as Void Hardened in appropriate Zone Mortalis missions.
  • Restorative Nanite Tank: A unit with this piece of Wargear gains the Feel no Pain (6+) USR.
  • Long Range Restorative Nanite Tank: Every allied unit within 12" of a vehicle with this wargear gains the Feel no Pain (6+) USR or if they already have Feel no Pain (X+) they gain a +1 to their Feel no Pain rolls..
  • High-Concentration Promethium Fuel Tank: One use only, this piece of wargear may be used in the Shooting phase or during overwatch only. A unit equipped with this piece of wargear may Once per Battle increase the potency of any Template weapons they are equipped with at the cost of their longevity, if used in the shooting all Template weapons in the Unit gain the Torrent USR, if used during an Overwatch attack all Template weapons deal 1d3+2 Wall of Death attacks, however the unit takes a number of S:5, AP-, attacks equal to the number of Template weapons fired, and all template weapons fired with this piece of wargear gain the Gets Hot! USR until the end of the battle.

Pulse Shotgun

Carried by Fire-warriors and Pathfinders when their missions require them to explore tight, cramped or narrow locations, this short barrelled shotgun has become synonymous with city capturing or Tyranid Hive clearing missions. This firearm uses a unique magnetic grid to scatter the excited Pulse particles that usually form a Pulse Rifle or Pulse Carbine shot, to create a web of pulse fire that does much more damage in the uncomfortable confines of enemy bases.

This firearm is not common, but is much loved by the units that carry it often attesting to its superb rate of fire and ease of use in areas where a pulse carbine or Pulse Rifle would be too cumbersome to use effectively. Currently Earth Caste scientists are field-testing a new form of ammunition that is far more capable of punching through armour and a much larger version for use with Battlesuits.

Due to their preferred method of fighting, this weapon quickly caught on with the Morrallian Auxiliaries employed within the Hunter Cadres that use this particular firearm, it's use is now almost ubiquitous with the diminutive species, where it gives them an advantage against much larger foes who attempt to overwhelm them in melee combat.

Hazardous Environment Combat Armour

This piece of technology was created by a combination of Morrallian Bio-Containment suits, and Tau Combat Armour. Designed to aid the Morrallian auxiliaries in resisting alien pathogens, due to their remarkably weak auto-immune systems. This armour creates a completely sealed environment inside it that protects its wearer from any airborne toxins, while an internal system of airborne Nano-scrubbers constantly refreshes the internal environment of the suit, repairing any damage to suit or its wearer.

Prototyped Ion Grenades

Originally given to the Tau forces by the Demiurg, these Grenades use the same energy reaction as regular Ion weapon, however due to the disposable nature of grenade weapons, the Ion Energy source is perpetually on the edge of breakdown, and when thrown and exposed to air it immediately undergoes a sub-critical reaction, reacting violently with the surrounding atmosphere in an exothermic cascade, all the while releasing further Ionising particles into everything within its blast radius, which reduce anything they strike into Plasma. However, the relative fragility of the Power Source’s shielding means that this grenade has a chance of shattering during throwing, going off in the wielders hand and exposing them to the entire reaction.

Prototyped Pulse Cluster Grenades

Given to the Morrallian Deathsworn, alongside the much more ubiquitous Pulse Shotgun, the Pulse Cluster Grenade has had a much harder time finding its place in the Morrallian tactical doctrine. Designed with a simple Drone A.I that activates when the grenade is thrown, once the grenades lands amongst its targets, the A.I activates the Pulse Cluster Firing system, which releases a storm of extremely short range pulse shots into the centre of the enemy formation.

Morrallian Trench Flamer

Due to the Morrallians current subterranean habitation, they’ve become remarkably adapt at tunnel fighting, having to constantly fight back against the encroaching wildlife that invades the maintenance tunnels and connecting airlocks. As such one of the currently most used weapons in the Morrallian forces is their Twin Chambered, Dual Spray Pyro-Igniter, or Twin-Flame Trench Flamer.

Far lighter than any comparable infantry use Flame weapon, the Trench Flamer uses a dual chamber projection system to create 2 gouts of chemically enhanced flame that rapidly consume flesh, while leaving most metals untouched.

The Trench Flamer can be enhanced to fire an incredibly toxic chemical mixture that ignites with prolonged contact to air; known as “Thermal Chem Mix U-238”, it is rarely used for the same use as the regular flamer as it can even melt through the materials used by the Morrallians to make their warrens, however its effect on the battlefield is too great to be fully ignored, and as such, when the Morrallians equipped with regular trench flamers are to face heavily armoured opponents they are equipped with this hellish concoction.

Troops: Morrallian Deathsworn - 36 points[edit | edit source]

We have long accepted death, what matters now is our manner of dying.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Deathsworn 3 3 2 2 1 3 1 8 4+
Deathsworn Grim 3 3 2 2 1 3 2 9 4+

Unit Type: Infantry (Grim is a character)
Unit Composition: 6 Deathsworn
Wargear: Pulse Rifle, Hazardous Environment Combat Armour, Trench Knife
Special Rules: Redundant Systems (3+)
  • May take up to 10 extra Deathsworn for 6 points/model
  • Any Deathsworn may exchange his Pulse Rifle for a:
-Pulse Carbine for free
-Pulse Shotgun for free
  • One Deathsworn may be upgraded to a Deathsworn Grim for 18 points
  • One Deathsworn per 8 models may take a Trench Flamer for 10 points
- Should any model take a Trench Flamer, the unit may purchase a High-Concentration Promethium Fuel Tank for 15 Points
  • A Deathsworn Grim may replace its Trench Knife with a Power Blade for 10 points
  • A unit may take a Carrion Crow Transport as a dedicated Transport

Troops: Morrallian MOPP Troops - 54 Points[edit | edit source]

Entering target location, weapons at the ready, shoot anything that moves, and don't stop for anyone

The corridors of the abandoned facility seemed to stretch on forever as Firrare crept through the darkness, his breathing laboured in the confines of his Bio-mask, the weight of the prototype that his team had been sent to find hanging from his belt, the only sources of light were the mini-torch attached to end of his shotgun, and the slowly-pulsing light of the scanner display in his helmets visor.

Debris of centuries past rustled as he shuffled his feet forward, not daring to lift them from the floor for the chance of stepping on something that would crunch & crack, alerting the beasts he had escaped from to his current location.


Firrare paused, standing as still as he possibly could as he strained his ears, where had that noise come from?


Footsteps, but where were they coming from, what was making them, the scanner showed no motion behind or before him. Tentatively Firrare continued moving, sweeping the beam of the torch across the hallway the light exposing the rubble for brief moments before moving to something else, the remaining darkness masking any terrors that could be lurking in the ruined hallway.


A wet thud sounded from the darkness, and 2 small dots appeared on the scanner, 1 green, 1 red, 1 friendly, 1 enemy, Firrare paused again, the green dot wasn’t moving, but it could just be an injured team-member, they could be still alive, and they would be seeing his dot on their visor, could he really leave them to die, alone, with the knowledge that he could have done something.

Another red dot appeared, and another, 3 of those monsters, he could take them down, if he was lucky, and they weren’t trying to lure him into a trap, could he do this, should he do this, would he be able to live with himself.

He would have to, Firrare turned to leave, the prototype on his belt feeling heavier than the squad member he had chosen to abandon as the green blip left his scanner, and the sound of crunching bone, and tearing flesh echoed through the corridors behind him.

Very few Morrallian Deathsworn are willing to enter the old ruins on the surface of their planet, the radiation, chaos taint, warp phenomena and mutated creatures proving too much of a threat for their regular equipment.

It is in such environments that the MOPP troops operate in. Their advanced MOPP gear allowing them a greater level of protection from the hazards that would prove deadly to the regular Deathsworn, while the Pulse Shotguns that they wield are far more suited to the cramped environments that they are forced to navigate.

Unfortunately, even with all of their precautions, MOPP troops have an extremely high attrition rate; their missions are counted as successful if even 1 of them can return with the necessary equipment or information, which has led to MOPP duty being regarded as something of a suicide watch by the regular Deathsworn, with surviving MOPP troopers becoming grim and taciturn as they are isolated from their companions due to the knowledge that they could die at any time. However those that survive beyond their first mission are regarded with awe and any who survive a full tour of duty are immediately promoted to the ranks of the Death-Walkers.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
MOPP Trooper 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 8 4+
MOPP Sweeper 2 3 2 2 1 3 2 9 4+

Unit Type: Infantry (Sweeper is a character)
Unit Composition: 6 MOPP Troopers
Wargear: Pulse Carbine, Photon Grenades, Hazardous Environment Combat Armour, Trench Knife
Special Rules: Redundant Systems (3+)
  • May take up to 6 additional MOPP Troops for 9 points/model
  • for every 3 Models in the unit 1 model may take a Target-lock for free
  • Any MOPP Trooper may exchange their Pulse Carbine for a Pulse Shotgun for free
  • One MOPP Trooper may be upgraded to a MOPP Sweeper 10 points
  • A MOPP Sweeper may take a Restorative Nanite Tank for 15 points
  • A MOPP Sweeper may take a Blacksun Filter for 1 Point
  • This unit may take a Carrion Crow Helicopter as a Dedicated Transport

Fast Attack: Morrallian Stalker - 40 points[edit | edit source]

Corruption cannot escape us; the flames cleanse all.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Scout 3 3 2 2 1 3 1 8 5+
Stalker 3 3 2 2 1 4 2 9 5+

Unit Type: Infantry (Stalker is a character)
Unit Composition: 4 Scouts
Wargear: Hazardous Environment Recon Armour, Trench Flamer, Pulse Pistol, Trench Knife
Special Rules: Scouts, Redundant Systems (3+)
  • May take up to 6 additional Scouts for 10 points/model
  • The unit may take a High-Concentration Promethium Fuel Tank for 15 points
  • Each model may take a Markerlight for 2 points/model
  • Each model may exchange their Trench Flamer for a Pulse Carbine, Markerlight, and Photon Grenades for free
  • One Scout may be upgraded to a Trench Stalker for 10 points
  • A Stalker may upgrade his Trench Flamer to a Thermal Chem Spray for 15 points
  • A Stalker may replace his Trench Knife with a Power Blade for 10 points

Fast Attack: Morrallian Waste Runners - 48 Points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Rarely deployed to the battlefield, the Morrallian Waste Runners act as messengers, errand runners, and spark-jackers between the underground bunker cities of the Morrallians, either squeezing their way through the narrow maintenance tunnels of the warrens, or scrabbling across the chaotic and surreal surface of Morrallia, en-route to their current task.

Considering this few Morrallian Deathsworn recruits choose to serve as a Waste Runner, however those who do are dedicated to their job, demonstrating a talent for moving quickly and surely, through the confusing labyrinth of tunnels, and working with electronics.

When they are called to battle, few Waste Runners have any familiarity with the weight of the Heavy Hazardous Environment Combat suits & Pulse Rifles that the Deathsworn use, preferring the Lighter Hazardous Environment Recon Armour, a Pulse Pistol, and a selection of specialised grenades. This light load-out allows them to retain their mobility, which they use to the best of their ability, sprinting across the battlefield from ruin to ruin, aiming to strike at already weakened enemies as a finishing blow.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Waste Runner 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 8 5+
Waste Courier 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 9 5+

Unit Type: Infantry (Courier is a character)
Unit Composition: 4 Runners
Wargear: Hazardous Environment Recon Armour, Pulse Pistol, Photon Grenades, EMP Grenades
Special Rules: Scouts, Redundant Systems (3+)
  • With Hell on Our Tails: A Morrallian Waste Runner or Waste Courier may run in the shooting phase, before firing their weapons at full BS. If they do not fire their weapons, they may run an additional 1d6” in the assault phase.
  • May take up to 6 Additional Waste Runners for 12 points/model
  • May take Ion Grenades for 5 points/model
  • 1 Waste Runner may be upgraded to a Waste Courier 10 points
  • A Waste Courier may replace their Pulse Pistol with a Pulse Shotgun for 4 points
  • A Waste Courier may take Pulse Cluster Grenades for 5 points

Heavy Support: Morrallian Undying - 100 points[edit | edit source]

Barrels hot

Taken from the largest of the Morrallian Deathsworn, the Morrallian Undying are the heavy shock troopers of the Morrallian forces.

Trained in the usage of heavy weapons, the Undying are often augmented with the Morrallian bio-engineers nanobot bionic creations, boosting their physical strength, and ability to take damage. These augments, when combined with the Reinforced Hazardous Environmental Armour that the Undying wear, make these shock troopers almost as resilient as the Space Marines of the Imperium, while their battlefield experience & strength remains inferior however.

While the bulk of their armour does immediately set them apart from other Morrallian Auxiliaries, there are several smaller differences in the design of their armour to allow them to be recognised in places where visibility is poor, especially the 4 Horizontal Visors that run across their Helmets, which allow them to make full use of their peripheral vision, while protecting their eyes against the glare of their weaponry, while the Inevitable’s who chose to carry the Heavy Cyclic Flamer into battle will often have a pair of fuel tanks strapped to their back.

Given the fact that they are trained in the usage of much heavier weaponry than the other Morrallian infantry, the Undying are rarely found in the more mobile hunter Cadre than the other Morrallian auxiliaries that the Tau Empire employs. When they are deployed, it is usually in a defensive position, their Burst Shotguns & Heavy Trench Flamers beating back even the most determined of attackers

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Undying 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 8 4+
Inevitable 3 3 3 4 2 3 3 9 4+

Unit Type: Infantry (Inevitable is a character)
Unit Composition: 4 Undying
Wargear: Burst Cannon, Heavy Flamer (Inevitable), Reinforced Hazardous Environment Combat Armour, Trench Knife
Special Rules: Redundant Systems (4+), Relentless
  • May take up to 4 additional Morrallian Undying 25 points/model
  • Any Model may exchange their Burst Cannon for a:
-Burst Shotgun for 5 points
-Plasma Rifle for 5 points
-Fusion Blaster for 5 points
  • One Model may be upgraded to a Morrallian Inevitable for 15 points
  • An Inevitable may upgrade his Heavy Flamer to a Cyclic Flamer for 10 points

Troops: Morrallian Black Hound - 80 points[edit | edit source]

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

A far cry from their original species; the Morrallian Black Hounds are the mutated & twisted descendants of the Morrallian Mountain Hounds.

Before their slow mutation into their current forms, the Hounds appearance (preserved in Photographs, Paintings, and the “Book of Past Species”) was startling to the Tau, who couldn’t believe that the diminutive Morrallian could tame & control beasts that dwarfed them so utterly.

The Black Hounds retain the size, and ferocity of their ancestors, however the chaos taint on the Morrallian home planet has altered their appearance in a startling manner, their once Grey fur turning fully black, their eyes glowing with a baleful orange light, their fangs & claws grown to extreme proportions, & their flesh peeling back from their snout to reveal the bone beneath.

The oldest surviving Black Hounds are known as the Cu Sidhe, or Reaper Hounds, set apart from their younger kin by their surprising intelligence, these beasts are more than capable of leading small packs of Black Hounds on the planet’s surface, making for some of the deadliest predators known to the Morrallians, a Kennel Master who is able to tame and befriend these creatures is held in high regard by his fellows, due to the extreme difficulty of the task.

(Imagine a Caucasian Bear Hound, which had horrible, horrible mixed breeding with a Krenshar from D’n’D)

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Kennel Master 2 3 2 2 1 3 1 8 5+
Black Hound 4 - 3 3 1 5 3 5 -
Cu Sidhe 4 - 4 4 1 5 5 5 -

Unit Type: Beasts (Kennel Masters are Cavalry)
Unit Composition: 2 Kennel Masters, 12 Black Hounds
Wargear: Hazardous Environment Recon Armour (Kennel Master), Pulse Pistol (Kennel Master), Trench Knife (Kennel Master)
Special Rules: Redundant Systems (3+) (Kennel Master), Rending (Black Hound and Cu Sidhe)
  • May take up to 12 additional Black Hounds for 5 points/model
  • May take up to 2 additional Kennel Masters for 10 points/model
  • 1 in 4 Black hounds may be upgraded to a Cu Sidhe for 5 points/model
  • Any Black Hound or Cu Sidhe may be upgraded with Beast Armour for 2 points/model

HQ: Morrallian Death-Walker - 80 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Death Walker 3 5 3 4 3 5 3 10 4+

Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 Death Walker
Wargear: Pulse Shotgun, Power Blade, Hazardous Environment Combat Armour, Restorative Nanite Tank
Special Rules: Redundant Systems (4+), Independent Character, Fearless
  • May replace their Pulse Shotgun with a Pulse Rifle for Free
  • May replace their Pulse Shotgun with a Pulse Carbine for Free
  • May Purchase Photon & EMP grenades for 4 Points
  • May Purchase a Markerlight for 2 Points
  • May purchase a Multi-Tracker for 10 Points

HQ: Haze-Walker - 120 points[edit | edit source]

“This world that gave us life, it was never our enemy, the parasite that has infested it is our enemy, and the only way to save ourselves is to remove it from the heart of our world” Haze-Walkers last speech before leaving for an expedition to the Cloud Forest in search of the lost AL-8215 Hydroponics Research Facility.

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Haze-Walker 3 5 3 4 3 6 4 10 4+

Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 Haze-Walker
Wargear: Overcharged Pulse Shotgun, Pulse Pistol, Power Blade, Hazardous Environment Combat Armour, Restorative Nanite Tank
Special Rules: Independent Character, Stealth, Infiltrate, Fear, Fearless, Redundant Systems (5+)
  • From within the Cloud – If “Haze-Walker” removes an enemy unit as casualties in a Shooting or Assault Phase, and no other enemy units can draw Line of Sight to him, then he is removed from the board until the beginning of his controller’s next movement phase where he is placed as though he was infiltrating.

Fast Attack: Morrallian Carrion Crow Transport - 120 Points[edit | edit source]

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Carrion Crow Transport 3 11 10 10 2

Unit Type: Vehicle (Flier, Hover, Transport)
Unit Composition: 1 Dullahan Carriage
Wargear: 2 Cyclic Flamer, 2 Burst Cannons
Transport Capacity: 16 Models
Access Points: Left Ramp, Right Ramp (see Sides Up
Fire Ports: 1 Left, 1 Right (See Sides Up)
Special Rules
  • Sides Up - When this vehicle is zooming, it is considered to be in Sides up mode and its SAV is increased by +1 (11), when this vehicle is hovering to allow passengers to embark or disembark, it loses this bonus to its SAV, but gains 2 fire points where the access points are.
  • Can take a Blacksun Filter for 1 point
  • May Replace either Burst Cannon with a Burst Shotgun 5 Points/Burst Shotgun
  • May Replace either Burst Cannon with a Missile Pod 10 Points/Pod
  • May Replace either Burst Cannons with a Smart Missile System 5 Points/Smart Missile System
  • May purchase a Point Defence Targeting Relay (Tau Codex)15 Points
  • May purchase a Long Range Restorative Nanite Tank 25 Points

Fast Attack: Morrallian Raven Gunship - 160 points[edit | edit source]

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This twin engine rotor craft is used by the Morrallian Deathsworn forces for Close Air Support in a variety of environments. Its twin rotors render it incredibly stable even in the harshest of conditions and in calm conditions its agility is unmatched, allowing its pilot to dart between buildings, trees, and other obstacles.

It’s not uncommon to see veteran pilots bring their craft down to head height, using the rotors to kick up dust storms as cover for the troops they are supporting, while using the Raven’s Weaponry to suppress the enemy forces.

However due to its use of intermeshing rotor’s the craft is incredibly fragile, and when one of the rotors are damaged the Raven becomes increasingly difficult to control as the undamaged rotor will send the craft careening through the skies.

Raven Gunship 3 12 10 10 2

Unit Type: Vehicle (Flyer, Hover)
Unit Composition: 1 Raven Gunship
Wargear: 2 Burst Cannons, 2 Networked Markerlights, Black-Sun Filter
  • May replace both Burst Cannons with:
-2 Smart Missile Systems for free
-a Quad Ion Turret for 15 points
-2 High Yield Missile Pods for 20 points
  • May take up to 4 Seeker Missiles 8 points/Missile
  • May take a Long Range Restorative Nanite Tank for 25 points

Heavy Support: Morrallian Morrigan Gunship - 210 points[edit | edit source]

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The Morrigan Gunship, named after the Morrallian’s Goddess of War, is the heavier sister of the faster and more agile Raven Gunship.

Carried through the air by 4 intermeshing rotors mounted on a NOTAR chassis, the Morrigan is incredibly stable, a trait that is needed to take advantage of the much heavier firepower it can bring to bear on its targets.

Armed with 2 twin-linked heavy rail-rifles, 2 twin-linked high-yield Missile Pods, and 4 Seeker Missiles, the Morrigan Gunship is used in an anti-armour support role, hovering over the infantry it is tasked to support, while using its firepower to deal with any heavily armoured threats, while the infantry deal with any anti-air threats.

The Morrigan’s 4 intermeshing rotors allow it greater stability in the air, compared to its lighter sister, even when damaged, however the increased weight does render it slower than the lighter craft, making it a fair target even to ground infantry.

Morrigan Gunship 3 12 12 11 3

Unit Type: Vehicle (Flyer, Hover)
Unit Composition: 1 Morrigan Gunship
Wargear: 2 Twin-Linked Heavy rail Rifle, 2 Twin-Linked High Yield Missile Pods, 4 Seeker Missiles, Black Sun Filter
Special Rules:
  • Counter Thrust: Even when Zooming the “Morrigan” cannot move Flat-Out or Jink.
  • May exchange either of its Twin-Linked Heavy Rail Rifles for
-an Ion Cannon for 10 Points/Cannon
-a High Intensity Markerlight Bank for 15 points/Bank
  • May exchange either of its Twin-Linked High Yield Missile Pods for
-a Twin-Linked Quad Ion Turret for 10 points/Turret
-a Twin-Linked Hellstorm Missile Pod for 10 Points/Missile Pod
  • May take a Long Range Restorative Nanite Tank for 25 points

Pakasar[edit | edit source]

One of the few Xeno races that the Tau Empire have conquered via military might, rather than peaceful diplomacy, the Pakasar and their more peaceful cousins, the Rakal’sar, refused all attempts at a peaceful resolution during the years long war that led to them being absorbed into the growing Tau Empire.

Originally the Pakasar were discovered by the Imperium of Man, having colonised a small group of Oceans planets, in an unexplored area of the Ultima Segmentum, who contained them until the Inquisition could give the order to exterminate them in order to terraform the worlds for Imperial use.

During the period as the Imperium was trying to decide what to do with the Pakasar, the Third Sphere Expansion happened, and a large amount of the containment force was redeployed to aid the Ultramarines in the Zeist Campaign, leaving the rest of the containment force easy targets for Shadowsun’s scything advance in to imperium space.

Once the Third Sphere Expansion slowed down, the Water Caste diplomats turned their attention to the Pakasar, attempting to get them to peacefully join the Tau Empire, and accept the greater good, however after the water castes attempts at diplomacy failed, Shadowsun was quick to send one of her students, commander Slowhail, to pacify the violent Pakasar, and bring them into the Greater Good by force.

Special Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Battle Madness: Whenever a unit of Pakasar are being charged they must make a Ld test, if this test is failed they cannot fire overwatch, willingly fall back or flee melee combat, but the unit gains the counter-attack USR, and are treated as passing the Leadership check that Counter-attack requires.
  • 3-D Awareness: The Pakasar are used to underwater combat where Vehicles and Specialist Infantry may move freely in all directions as they wish. Once per battle a Pakasar unit with this special rule may gain the Skyfire USR until the end of the shooting Phase.

Pakasar Wargear[edit | edit source]

Ranged Weaponry

Name Range S AP type
Hydrojet Darter Pistol(Bolt Pistol) 12" 4 5 Pistol
Hydrojet Darter(Bolt Gun) 24" 4 5 Rapid Fire
Hydrosurge Darter(storm bolter) 24" 4 5 Assault 2
Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter) 36" 5 4 Heavy 3
Hydropak Surge Blaster 24" 4 5 Assault 2, Blast, Pinning
Hydropak Storm Blaster 24" 6 4 Heavy 3, Blast, Pinning
Tempest Missile Launcher 36" 8 3 Heavy 2, Blast, Missile Lock
Typhoon Multi-Missile Launchers - - - ---
TMML Maelstrom Missiles 48" 7 3 Heavy 2, Large Blast, Missile Lock
TMML Sheet Lightning Missiles 48" 8 2 Heavy 2, Ignores Cover, Twin-Linked
TMML Sky Splitter Bolt Missiles 48" 7 3 Heavy 2, Skyfire, Twin-Linked
Magnetohydro Linear Driver 48" 7 2 Heavy 1, Gets Hot!
Heavy Magnetohydro Surge Driver 48" 9 2 Heavy 2, Gets Hot!

Melee Weaponry

Name Range S AP type
Electroreceptor Blade Melee User 4 -
Electrified Fin Axe Melee +1 2 Unwieldy
Great Wave Hammer Melee +3 4 Concussive, Unwieldy, Two-handed
Tsunami Hammer Melee x2 2 Concussive, Strikedown, Two-handed, Unwieldy
Reef Breaker Talon Melee User 3 Shred, Rending, Specialist Weapon
Ray Lash Melee User --- Swiftstrike, Rending, Poisoned (6+), Specialist Weapon
Tide Breaker Shield Melee -1 --- Unwieldy, Strikedown, Reinforce

  • Swiftstrike: A Model equipped with a piece of Wargear with this Special Rule makes attacks with this weapon at 2+ Initiative
  • Reinforce: A Model equipped with this piece of Wargear increases its Armour Save by +1 (to a Maximum Armour Save of 1+) however any roll of a 1 on an Armour Save still counts as a failed save, this maximum value just allows it to make armour saves against AP2 weaponry.

Armour & Miscellaneous Wargear

  • Ocean Power Armour: Grants a 3+ armor save. Counts as Void Hardened in applicable Zone Mortalis missions.
  • Deep Ocean Power Armour: Grants a 2+ armor save and the Bulky special rule.
  • Jet-Stream Power Armour: Grants a 4+ armor save. Counts as Void Hardened in applicable Zone Mortalis missions.
  • Surge Pack: These variable setting Ramjet thrusters are used by the Pakasar to achieve great leaping advances as they rush into battle. The wearer is propelled forward haphazardly, with no regard for firing accuracy. Changes the models type to Jump.
  • Surge Pack, HAAT Cluster: Recently developed by the Rakal’sar during their failed defence against the Hunter cadres employed by Slowhail, the HAAT Cluster (High Altitude Assault Thruster Cluster) was made to allow the Surge Warriors to adjust their entry vector at the last moment, turning the momentum of their high altitude entry into a rolling charge. Models equipped with this piece of wargear may act as normal in the assault phase the turn they arrive by Deep Strike.
  • Barbed Flechettes: Grants Shooting attacks the Shred special rule.
  • Solution Delivery Flechettes: Grants shooting attacks the Poisoned special rule.
  • Sharpshooter Flechettes: Grants shooting attacks the Sniper special rule.
  • Silver School Flechettes: Grants shooting attacks the Ignores Cover special rule.
  • Hydropak Flechettes: Grants shooting attacks the Pinning special rule.
  • Crescent Fin Heavy Barbed Flechette: Grants Shooting Attacks the Monster Hunter special rule.
  • Storm Front Heavy Flechettes: Grants Shooting attacks the Haywire special rule.
  • Compressed Hydropak Grenades: Counts as Assault Grenades.
  • Combat Drugs: These strange drugs are often taken by Pakasar warriors before they go into combat. A Unit that is equipped with this wargear has its WS increased by +1, but must make a Ld check at the beginning of each Movement phase, if this test is failed their BS is reduced to 1, and they automatically fail all Battle-Madness checks.
  • Mag Shield: These highly advanced Magnetohydro Flux Generators are mounted on newer models of Deep Ocean Power Armour, using the Generated Magnetic Field to deflect incoming projectiles, while firing their own even further. Any model with this piece of wargear gains a 6++ invulnerable save, and their weapons range is increased by 6”.
  • Cloud-Burst Missile Lock: Built as standard in every Pakasar Missile Weapon, this targeting system locks on to the targets thermal output, electromagnetic pattern, and current motion profile, before using a simple predictive A.I built into the missiles to vastly reduce missile scatter. This gives any Missile weapon the Missile Lock USR if it has the Blast or Large Blast USR, or the Twin-Linked USR if it doesn’t have either the Blast or Large Blast USR’s.
  • Behemoth Drop Pod: Far too large to comfortably fit inside any vehicle normally, The Behemoth Suit has continually been hindered by its inability to rapidly deploy into battle. However, a recent breakthrough by the Rakal’sar engineers of Miarinias Atoll has led to the creation of the Behemoth Drop Pod. Deployed from High Altitude Craft such as the Tau Orca, or the Manta, the BDP allows for a much swifter deployment of these destructive warriors. A Behemoth warrior with this piece of Wargear May Deep Strike.
  • Bio-Flux Field Sensor: This strange piece of technology is often found attached to the Pakasar’s Jet-Stream Power Armour. Designed to amplify the Pakasar’s natural ability to sense Magnetic Fields, the Bio-Flux Field Sensor can pick up even the smallest of electronic movement allowing its user to accurately attack in nearly any condition. This Wargear grants the user the Night Vision USR, and gives a +2 to Initiative tests made against Blinding attacks.
  • Sea-Mist Mirage Field (Vehicle Only): A Vehicle equipped with this piece of Wargear increases the cover save of any friendly units within 6" by +1, including itself.

Pakasar Melee Weaponry

The Pakasar’s melee weaponry is almost analogous to the Imperium’s power weaponry, however, uniquely to the Pakasar, the weapon releases a large, if very weak, magnetic field that the Pakasar can use to sense any other nearby living beings while holding the weapon in hand. This feature of their weaponry makes them nearly impossible to approach undetected in battle.

HQ: Selachar, Frenzied Titan of the Deep - 175 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Selachar 6 4 4 4 3 4 4 10 2+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Character, Unique)
Unit Composition: Selachar
Wargear: Deep Ocean Power Armour, Surge Pack, Compressed Hydropak Grenades
  • Fury of the Storm: Range 12”, S:4, AP5, Assault 4, Ignores Cover
  • Fang of the Deep: Melee, S:+1, AP3, Fleshbane
Special Rules: Battle Madness, Independent Character, Rage, Rampage
  • Frenzy: Whenever Selachar rolls a 6 “To Hit” in close combat, he immediately makes another Attack; roll “To Hit” and “To Wound” as normal. Attacks generated by the Frenzy special rule do not generate further Attacks.
Warlord Trait: Rip, Roar, Rampage

HQ: Pakasar Liaison, Commander Slowhail - 160 points[edit | edit source]

Even the lightest of snows may end up stopping an army if they do not prepare properly, and the weakest blow may slip by an enemies guard if he is not focused

One of Commander Shadowsun’s pupils, Commander Slowhail gained his name from his command of several crisis teams during the capturing of the Ice planet Y’dras. Slowhail’s tactics differ radically from his teachers, where Shadowsun would launch a sudden aggressive strike into the enemies flank to destroy several key positions; Slowhail would quietly move his teams into a sound position and wait for his enemies force to come to him.

His most celebrated victory came during the Battle of the Bloodied Pass, the last ground entry to the Imperium’s final ground base of the planet, heavily guarded by Imperial bunkers, and tank Squadrons, the weather was too severe for Stealth Suits to move through the surrounding mountains and the terrain too extreme for Broadsides to navigate. It was in these conditions that Slowhail brought his Crisis suit teams, camouflaged to match the snow and rock, moving slowly to avoid detection, each individual team setting up on a series of ledges, overlooking the pass below, before the Tau forces started to move in.

As the Hell Hounds and Leman Russ Tanks of the Imperium moved out to meet them Slowhail enacted his plan, any Crisis suit that could draw a line of fire to the weak rear armour of the tanks would open fire with their burst cannons, their greater altitude protecting them from return fire, while any Crisis suits that couldn’t would cover the imperial bunkers, pouring Pulse fire through the firing slits, and making it impossible for the occupants to fire through the hail of pulse fire.

As the imperial line fell back Slowhail moved his Crisis battlesuits from ledge to ledge, making sure that the field of fire covered the slowly advancing Tau Forces until they finally reached their Goal, the Imperial base.

Run ragged, out of supplies, the remnants of Y’Dras’s PDF surrendered, putting the planet under Tau control, and earning Slowhail his name. With only enough time to repair and rearm his suit, Shadowsun has sent Slowhail to pacify the Pakasar, as his final “Trial by Fire”.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Commander Slowhail 4 5 5 4 3 3 4 10 3+

Unit Type: Jet Pack Infantry (Character, Unique)
Unit Composition: Commander Slowhail
Wargear: 2 Twin-Linked Burst Cannons, Early Warning Override, Crisis Battlesuit
Signature System:
  • Atmospheric Thermal Regulator: Created for Slowhail during the invasion of the Ice planet Y’dras, the Atmospheric Thermal Regulator can rapidly alter the temperature of the suits environment, creating blinding steam, or freezing ice as an enemy closes in. All enemies who charge Slowhail are treated as though they have charged through dangerous terrain, and act at Initiative 1 until the combat is resolved.
Special Rules: Independent Character, Supporting Fire

HQ: Pakasar Master of the Fang (HQ, Jump Infantry, 130 Points)[edit | edit source]

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Master of the Fang 6 3 5 4 3 4 3 9 2+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: Master of the Fang
Wargear: Hydrojet Darter(Bolt Gun), Master-Crafted Electroreceptor Blade, Hydropak Grenades, Deep Ocean Power Armour, Surge Pack
Special Rules: Independent Character, Battle Madness, Rage, Rampage
  • A Pakasar Master of the Fang may replace his Master-Crafted Electroreceptor Blade with another melee Weapon from this list ---
- A Master-Crafted Electrified Fin Axe 5 Points
- A Master-Crafted Great Wave Hammer 15 Points
- A Master-Crafted Reef Breaker Talon 10 Points
- A Master-Crafted Ray Lash 10 Points
  • A Pakasar Master of the Fang May replace his Hydrojet Darter(Bolt Gun) with a melee weapon from the following list
- A Master-Crafted Electroreceptor Blade 5 Points
- A Master-Crafted Electrified Fin Axe 10 Points
- A Master-Crafted Great Wave Hammer 20 Points
- A Master-Crafted Reef Breaker Talon 15 Points
- A Master-Crafted Ray Lash 15 Points
- A Master-Crafted Tide Breaker Shield 10 Points
  • A Pakasar Master of the Fang may replace both of their weapons with a Master-Crafted Tsunami Hammer and a Hydrojet Darter Pistol(Bolt Pistol) 15 Points
  • A Pakasar Master of the Fang may take a Surge Pack, HAAT Cluster 10 Points
  • A Pakasar Master of the Fang may take Combat Drugs 7 Points

Pakasar, Master of the Storm (HQ, Infantry, 130 Points)[edit | edit source]

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Master of the Storm 4 6 4 4 4 3 4 9 2+/6++

Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: Master of the Storm
Wargear: Master-Crafted Hydrosurge Darter(storm bolter), Electroreceptor Blade, Deep Ocean Power Armour, Mag Shield
Special Rules: Independent Character, Battle Madness, Rage, Relentless
  • A Pakasar Master of the Storm may replace his Master-Crafted Hydrosurge Darter(storm bolter) with another Master-Crafted Ranged Weapon from the Following List
- Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter) 5 Points
- Hydropak Surge Blaster 5 Points
- Hydropak Storm Blaster 15 Points
  • So long as he is equipped with a Hydrosurge or Hydrostorm Darter, A Pakasar Master of the Storm may choose one type of Flechette Ammunition for free
- Barbed Flechettes
- Solution Delivery Flechettes
- Sharpshooter Flechettes
- Silver School Flechettes
- Hydropak Flechettes
  • A Pakasar Master of the Storm may replace his Electroreceptor Blade with another melee Weapon from this list ---
- A Electrified Fin Axe 5 Points
- A Great Wave Hammer 15 Points
- A Tide Breaker Shield 15 Points
  • WIP

Troops: Pakasar Deep Warriors - 75 points[edit | edit source]

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The main troops of the Pakasar military, the Deep Warriors proved a difficult foe for Slowhail’s initial hunter cadres, simply on a basic war of attrition. The Deep Warriors could be easily led into an ambush, with even the simplest of bait; however Slowhail did not initially expect them to simply shrug off the amassed firepower brought against them as they simply brute forced their way out of the trapping circle, wiping out almost half of the Tau formation before they were stopped via weight of fire.

This pattern repeated itself several times before Slowhail adapted his tactics to alternate between firing and a slow, ordered retreat, drawing the Pakasar forces out in a ragged chase where more ambushes could be launched against their flanks as they chased their original targets.

Unfortunately this tactic could not be used once the Pakasar were forced back to their cities on the Ocean beds of their planets, where the Deep Warriors battle frenzy turned the waters of the winding streets murky with the thick blue blood of the Tau, in a prolonged slaughter, which lasted weeks, before they could finally be pacified. The Deep Warriors preferred combat style is to just charge wildly at their opponents, before their battle-madness takes hold and they start to frenziedly tear their opponents with no concern for themselves.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Deep Warrior 4 2 3 4 1 3 2 6 3+
Deep Fang 4 2 3 4 1 3 3 7 3+

Unit Type: Infantry (Deep Fang is a character)
Unit Composition: 5 Deep Warriors
Wargear: Hydrojet Darter(Bolt Gun), Electroreceptor Blade, Ocean Power Armour
Special Rules: Battle-Madness, Rage, Rampage (Deep Fang Only)
  • May take up to 5 additional Deep Warriors 15 points/model
  • Any model may exchange their Hydrojet Darter(Bolt Gun) for an additional Electroreceptor Blade for free
  • 1 Deep Warrior may exchange their Hydrojet Darter(Bolt Gun) & Electroreceptor Blade for a Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter) for 5 points
  • A unit of Pakasar Deep Warriors may take Compressed Hydropak Grenades for 4 points/model
  • 1 Deep Warrior may be upgraded to a Deep Fang for 10 points
  • A Deep Fang may exchange his Hydrojet Darter(Bolt Gun) for a Hydrosurge Darter(storm bolter) for 5 points
  • This Squad may take a Pakasar Trident ATC Skimmer as a Dedicated Transport

Troops: Pakasar Coastal Warrior - 65 points[edit | edit source]

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The first Pakasar force that Slowhail’s forces encountered as they made their landing zone on one of the few landmasses where the Rakal’sar kept their manufactories, the Pakasar Coastal warriors, taught Slowhail one thing; that Pakasar do not surrender easily.

The first few days of fighting were extremely bloody as Slowhail was trying to set up a defensive perimeter from which to co-ordinate his assaults, unfortunately he had only a day of time before the unending assaults of the Pakasar Coastal warriors began.

Time after time the Coastal warriors fell upon the Tau’s defensive gun-line, each assault leaving a bloody toll on the defenders, as the battle mad Pakasar crashed against the hastily set up emplacements, Slowhail himself rallying the defenders time after time.

Finally, Slowhail was able to set up a field of fire consisting of multiple overlapping Drone Turrets, but the Tau casualties were high, and it was obvious that the Pakasar’s favoured method of close-combat would take a high toll on his cadre if he didn’t do something about the Pakasar’s mad charges.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Coastal Warrior 3 3 3 4 1 4 2 6 4+
Reef Warrior 3 3 3 4 1 4 3 7 4+

Unit Type: Infantry (Reef Warrior is a character)
Unit Composition: 5 Coastal Warriors
Wargear: Hydrojet Darter(Bolt Gun), Electroreceptor Blade, Jetstream Armour
Special Rules: Battle Madness, Rage, Fleet, Rampage (Reef Warrior Only)
  • May take up to 5 additional Pakasar Coastal Warriors for 13 points/model
  • A Unit of Pakasar Coastal Warriors may take compressed Hydropak Grenades for 4 points/model
  • 1 model per 5 may replace their Hydrojet Darter(Bolt Gun) with a Hydrosurge Darter(storm bolter) for 5 points
  • 1 Coastal warrior may be upgraded to a Reef Warrior for 10 points
  • A Reef Warrior may take a Bio-Flux Field Sensor for 5 Points
  • This Squad may take a Pakasar Trident ATC Skimmer as a Dedicated Transport

Elites: Pakasar Surge Warriors - 72 points[edit | edit source]

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Even after their pacification, and absorption into the Tau Empire, Tau Fire caste members find themselves taking pains to avoid the Pakasar warriors that are being employed as military auxiliaries; but even those who willingly work with the Pakasar find themselves unnerved and nauseated by the sheer bloodlust of the Surge Warriors.

Encountered after Slowhail managed to establish a drop-zone, the Surge Warriors were originally easy targets for the simple drones turrets, it wasn’t until Slowhail launched his first underwater assault that the fury of the Surge Warriors was made clearly apparent.

As one of Slowhail’s cadres closed in on one of the Pakasar’s aquatic manufactories, with the intent of learning more about the Pakasar’s weapon production, several skimmers flew overhead, disgorging their occupants into the water surrounding the cadre.

The Tau managed to open fire on the Surge Warriors before they touched the ground, but despite the massed fire arrayed against them, the majority of the Surge Warriors landed directly in the middle of the Tau formation, where they immediately turned on the Tau with great sweeping blows of their weapons tearing through the shocked Fire Warriors, and smashing the refitted aquatic Crisis suits before their emergency systems could target the rampaging Pakasar.

Quickly Slowhail learned that the only way to combat these rampaging monstrosities was to concentrate all of his cadres firepower before they got into melee range, as even a single frenzy of these battle-mad warriors cold utterly decimate the most carefully laid of plans.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Surge Warrior 5 1 4 4 2 4 3 6 2+
Tsunami Warrior 5 1 4 4 2 4 4 7 2+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Tsunami Warrior is a character)
Unit Composition: 4 Surge Warriors
Wargear: 2 Electroreceptor Blades, Hydrojet Darter Pistol (Bolt Pistol) Deep Ocean Power Armour, Surge Pack
Special Rules: Battle-Madness, Rage, Rampage (Tsunami Warrior Only), Furious Charge
  • Any model may exchange one Electroreceptor Blade for a Electrified Fin Axe for 5 points
  • A unit of Pakasar Surge Warriors may take Compressed Hydropak Grenades for 4 points/model
  • 1 Pakasar Surge Warrior may be upgraded to a Pakasar Tsunami Warrior for 10 points
  • A Pakasar Tsunami Warrior may exchange both Electroreceptor Blades for a Great Wave Hammer for 10 points
  • The Entire Squad may take Surge Pack, HAAT Clusters for 38 Points"
  • The Entire Squad may take Pakasar Combat Drugs for 30 Points
  • This Squad may take a Pakasar Trident ATC Skimmer as a Dedicated Transport

Elites: Pakasar Squall Warriors - 72 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Squall Warrior 3 4 3 4 2 2 2 6 3+
Tempest Warrior 3 4 3 4 2 3 3 7 3+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Tempest Warrior is a character)
Unit Composition: 4 Squall Warriors
Wargear: Hydrosurge Darter(storm bolter), Electroreceptor Blade, Ocean Power Armour, Surge Pack
Special Rules: Battle-Madness, Rage, Relentless
  • 1 Pakasar Surge Warrior may replace their Hydrosurge Darter(storm bolter) & Electroreceptor Blade with a Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter) for 10 points
  • 1 Pakasar Surge Warrior may replace their Hydrosurge Darter(storm bolter) with a Hydropak Surge Blaster for 10 points
  • A unit of Pakasar Squall Warriors may take Compressed Hydropak Grenades for 4 points/model
  • 1 Squall Warrior may be upgraded to a Tempest warrior for 10 points
  • This Squad may take a Pakasar Trident ATC Skimmer as a Dedicated Transport

Elites: Pakasar Trident ATC Skimmer - 200 points[edit | edit source]

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The Pakasar Trident Assault Troop Carrier Skimmer is the first, and so far only, Pakasar Deep Ocean Vehicle to have been refitted by the Earth Caste of the Tau with additional Fio’tak plating.

Already formidable before the refitting, the Trident is one of the few mainstay vehicles of the normally infantry based Pakasar war-machine, mostly due to its use as a heavily Armed and Armoured troop carrier, allowing the Pakasar who ride in it easier access to the frontlines of the battlefield, before disgorging them right into the centre of the bloodshed.

Due to its upgrade at the hands of the Earth Caste, with the aid of the Greet, Brachyura, and its Rakal’sar pilots, the Trident, now sports a truly terrifying armament, and while the base Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter)s have received a customary refitting, allowing them to carry several ammunition types, the newly fitted Plasma generator allows for the Trident to carry up to 3 Heavy Magnetohydro Surge Drivers, without the Vehicle suffering system shut downs or brown-outs. Whether this is a good idea or not hasn’t stopped the Pakasar from doing it though.

Trident ATC Skimmer 3 14 13 13 3

Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer)
Unit Composition: 1 Trident ATC Skimmer
Wargear: 3 Twin-Linked Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter)s
Capacity 10 Models
Access Points 3 (Left, Right, Rear)
Fire Ports: None
Special Rules: Assault Vehicle, 3-D Awareness
  • May replace up to 3 of its Twin-Linked Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter) with a:
    • Heavy Magnetohydro Surge Driver for 25 points/each
    • Twin-Linked Hydropak Storm Blaster for 10 points/each
  • A Pakasar Trident ATC Skimmer may equip any of its Twin-Linked Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter)s with:
    • Barbed Flechettes for 10 points/each
    • Silver School Flechettes for 10 points/each
  • A Pakasar Trident ATC Skimmer may take items from the Tau Vehicle Equipment list.
  • A PAkasar Trident ATC Skimmer may purchase a Sea-Mist Mirage Field 25 Points

Fast Attack: Pakasar Skate Warriors - 65 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Skate Warrior 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 6 4+
Ray Warrior 3 3 3 3 1 4 3 7 4+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Tempest Warrior is a character)
Unit Composition: 5 Skate Warriors
Wargear Jet-stream Power Armour, Hydrojet Darter(Bolt Gun), Electroreceptor Blade
Special Rules: Battle-Madness, Scouts, Rage, Hit and Run (Ray Warrior Only)
  • May take up to 5 additional Pakasar Skate Warriors for 13 points/model
  • The entire unit may choose one additional type of Flechette Ammunition from this list
    • Barbed Flechettes for 3 points/model
    • Solution Delivery Flechettes for 4 points/model
    • Sharpshooter Flechettes for 1 point/model
    • Silver School Flechettes for 3 points/model
    • Hydropak Flechettes for 2 points/model
  • 1 Pakasar Skate warrior may be upgraded to a Pakasar Ray Warrior for 10 points
  • A Ray Warrior may take a Bio-Flux Field Sensor for 5 Points
  • This Squad may take a Pakasar Trident ATC Skimmer as a Dedicated Transport

Fast Attack: Pakasar Coastal Skate Skimmer - 80 points[edit | edit source]

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Coastal Skate Skimmer 3 11 10 10 2

Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast, Skimmer)
Unit Composition: 1 Coastal Skate Skimmer
Wargear: Tempest Missile Launcher
Special Rules: 3-D Awareness
  • A Pakasar Coastal Skate Skimmer may replace its TML with a Magnetohydro Linear Driver for free
  • A Pakasar Coastal Skate Skimmer may take items from the Tau Vehicle Equipment list.

Heavy Support: Pakasar Behemoth Warrior - 140 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Behemoth Warrior 4 3 5 5 3 3 2 6 3+

Unit Type: Monstrous Creature
Unit Composition: 1 Behemoth Warrior
Wargear: Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter), Ocean Power Armour, Great Wave Hammer,
Special Rules: Battle-Madness, Rage, Rampage
  • A Pakasar Behemoth Warrior may replace their Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter) with a:
-Hydropak Storm Blaster for 10 points
-Magnetohydro Linear Driver for 10 points
  • A Pakasar Behemoth warrior may replace their Great Wave Hammer with a Tsunami Hammer for 15 points
  • A Pakasar behemoth Warrior may upgrade their Ocean power Armour to Deep Ocean Power Armour for 15 points
-If a Behemoth Warrior takes Deep Ocean Power Armour they may include a Mag Shield for an additional 15 Points
  • A Pakasar Behemoth Warrior may may deployed in a Behemoth Drop Pod for 20 Points

Heavy Support: Pakasar Leviathan Warrior 150 Points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Leviathan Warrior 3 4 5 5 3 3 2 6 3+

Unit Type: Monstrous Creature
Unit Composition: 1 Leviathan Warrior
Wargear: 2 Tempest Missile Launchers, Ocean Power Armour, Cloudburst Missile Lock
Special Rules: Battle-Madness, 3-D Awareness, Rage, Rampage
  • A Pakasar Leviathan Warrior may replace both of their TML’s with a Typhoon Multi-Missile Launcher with Maelstrom Missiles & Sheet Lightning Missiles 25 Points
- A Pakasar Leviathan Warrior with a TM-ML may purchase Sky Splitter Bolt Missiles in addition to the other missile types 15 Points
  • A Pakasar Leviathan Warrior may replace either of their TML’s with a Twin-Linked Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter) free
  • A Pakasar Leviathan Warrior that is equipped with at least 1 Twin-Linked Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter) may take one kind of Flechette Ammunition from the following list
- Barbed Flechettes 5 Points/Darter
- Hydropak Flechettes 3 Points/Darter
- Silver School Flechettes 5 Points/Darter
- Solution Delivery Flechettes 7 Points/Darter
- Crescent Fin Heavy Barbed Flechettes 5 Points/Darter
- Storm Front Heavy Flechettes 10 Points/Darter
  • A Pakasar Leviathan Warrior may replace 1 of their TML’s with a Linear Magnetohydro Driver free
  • A Pakasar Leviathan Warrior may upgrade their Ocean Leviathan power Armour to Deep Ocean Leviathan Power Armour 15 Points
- If a Leviathan Warrior takes Deep Ocean Power Armour they may include a Mag Shield for an additional 15 Points
  • A Pakasar Leviathan Warrior may be Deployed in a Behemoth Drop-Pod 20 Points

Heavy Support: Pakasar Ocean Ray Skimmer - 110 points[edit | edit source]

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Ocean Skimmer 3 12 12 10 3

Unit Type: Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank)
Unit Composition: 1 Ocean Skimmer
Wargear: Hydrostorm Darter, 2 Hydrosurge Darter(storm bolter)s, Black Sun Filter
Special Rules: 3-D Awareness
  • An Ocean Skimmer may replace its Hydrostorm Darter(Heavy Bolter) with a:
-Heavy Magnetohydro Surge Driver for 10 points
-Tempest Missile Launcher for 15 points
  • An Ocean Skimmer may replace either of its Hydrosurge Darter(storm bolter)s with Hydropak Surge Blasters for 10 points/blaster

N'Deemi[edit | edit source]

Army Wide Special Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Unsettling Presence – The N’Deemi are naturally unsettling, and their proficiency with nullifying Psykers and other warp energies only adds to this, any Psyker or unit with the “Brotherhood of Psyker’s” USR within 6” of a model with this rule must make a Ld check to manifest any Psychic powers, failure means that the Psyker is unable to manifest Psychic powers for their next Psychic phase, a critical failure means that units doesn’t add its Psychic power dice to the armies pool. Models with the Daemon USR have their Invulnerability Saves decreased by 1, if they fail their Ld check, in addition to any other effects. This Special Rule also grants the Fear USR.
  • Obscure: A weapon with this special rule has the Blind special rule. However, models with the Night Vision special rule automatically pass the initiative test to not be blinded.
  • Shroud of Flames – Any model with this special wargear gains a 5++ invulnerable save, but suffers a -1 to all cover saves.

Wargear[edit | edit source]

Name Range S AP type
Void Pistol 9" X 2 Pistol, Graviton, Obscure
Void Rifle 24" X 2 Assault 1, Graviton, Obscure
Void Long Rifle 36" X 2 Assault 1, Graviton, Obscure
Obscura Rifle 24" 3 - Rapid Fire, Obscure
Obscura Carbine 18" 3 - Assault 1, Obscure
Obcura Repeater 18" 3 - Assault 2, Obscure
Shadow Filament Blade Melee +2 5 Obscure
Shadow Molecule Blade Melee User 5 Obscure
Phased Shadow Molecule Blade Melee User 3 Obscure
Phased Shadow Filament Blade Melee +2 3 Obscure
Voidfire Blade Melee +1 3 Soul Blaze
Voidfire Spear Melee +2/+1 2/3 Soul Blaze
Voidfire Pistol 12" 5 3 Pistol, Soul Blaze, Get's Hot!

  • Shadow Armour: Confers a 4+ Armour Save.
  • Shadow Rags: Confers a 6+ Armour Save.
  • Shadow Recon Armour: Confers a 5+ Armour Save.
  • Obscura Grenades: Counts as Defensive Grenades. When used as a shooting attack, replace the Blind special rule with the Obscure special rule.
  • Nightmare Mount: Changes the units type to Cavalry and improves the models Armour Save by 1.
  • Cauchemar Mount: Changes the units type to Cavalry, improves the models Armour Save by 1 and grants the Shroud of Flames special rule.
  • Voidfire Steed: Changes the units type to Cavalry, improves the models Armour Save, strength and toughness by 1 and grants the Shroud of Flames special rule.

HQ: N’Deemi Void Lord - 110 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Void Lord 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 9 4+

Unit Type: Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 Void Lord
Wargear: Shadow Armour, Void Long Rifle, N’Deemi Void Pistol, Shadow Filament Blade, Voidfire Blade

Special Rules: Shrouded, Independent Character, Unsettling Presence, Night Vision

HQ: Aun’Vre N’Dras M’yen, N’Deemi Liaison - 70 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
N'Dras M'yen 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 10 5++

Unit Type: Infantry (Character, Unique)
Unit Composition: N'Dras M'yen
Wargear: Honour Blade, Shroud of Flames
Special Rules: Failure is not an Option (as Tau Codex, but also includes N’Deemi models), Independent Character, Stubborn, Invocation of the Elements (as Tau codex, but also affects N’Deemi models)
  • Shroud of Shadows: All models with 12” gain a +1 bonus to their cover saves.

HQ: N’Deemi Voidfire Steed Rider - 130 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Voidfire Steed Rider 4 4 5 4 3 4 3 9 3+/5++

Unit Type: Cavalry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 Voidfire Steed Rider
Wargear: Shadow Armour, Voidfire Steed, Void Rifle, Voidfire Spear
Special Rules: Shrouded, Independent Character, Unsettling Presence, Night Vision

HQ: The Unspoken One - 150 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
The Unspoken One 4 5 4 3 3 4 3 9 4+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: The Unspoken One
Wargear: Shadow Armour, Void Pistol, Voidfire Pistol, Phased Shadow Filament Blade, Voidfire Blade
Special Rules: Shrouded, Unsettling presence, Independent character, Night Vision, Infiltrate

Troops: N’Deemi Shadow Warriors - 70 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Shadow Warrior 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 6+
Shadow Leader 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 6+

Unit Type: Infantry (Shadow Leader is a character)
Unit Composition: 10 Shadows Warriors
Wargear: Shadow Rags, Obscura Rifle
Special Rules: Shrouded, Night Vision
  • May take up to 15 additional Shadow Warriors for 7 points/model
  • Any Shadow Warrior may exchange their Obscura Rifle for an Obscura Carbine for free
  • 1 Shadow Trooper may be upgraded to a Shadow Leader for 10 points

Troops: N’Deemi Shadow Whispers - 80 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Shadow Whispers 2 3 3 3 1 3 1 5 5+
Shadow Hush 2 3 3 3 1 3 2 6 5+

Unit Type: Infantry (Shadow Hush is a character)
Unit Composition: 10 Shadow Whispers
Wargear: Shadow Recon Armour, Obscura Carbine
Special Rules: Shrouded, Night Vision
  • May take up to 10 additional Shadow Whispers for 8 points/model
  • 1 Shadow Whisper may be upgraded to a Shadow Hush for 10 points
  • A Shadow Hush may take a Obscura Repeater for 4 points

Elites: N’Deemi Void Shadows - 108 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Void Shadow 3 4 3 3 2 3 2 6 4+
Void Stalker 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 7 4+

Unit Type: Infantry (Void Stalker is a character)
Unit Composition: 3 Void Shadows
Wargear: Void Rifle, Void Pistol, Shadow Armour, Shadow Molecule Blade
Special Rules: Shrouded, Night Vision, Infiltrate, Unsettling Presence (Void Stalker)
  • May take up to 2 additional Void Shadows for 36 points/model
  • One Void Shadow may be upgraded to a Void Stalker for 15 points
  • The Void Stalker may exchange his Void Rifle for a Void Long Rifle for 10 points
  • The Void Stalker may exchange his Shadow Molecule Blade for a Phased Shadow Molecule Blade for 10 points

Fast Attack: N’Deemi Gargoyle Hunters - 65 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Gargoyle Hunter 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 6+
Grotesque Hunter 3 3 3 3 1 3 2 8 6+

Unit Type: Jump Infantry (Grotesque Hunter is a character)
Unit Composition: 6 Gargoyle Hunters
Wargear: Shadow Rags, Obscura Rifle, Obscura Grenades, Shadow Molecule Blade
Special Rules: Shrouded, Night Vision, Acute Senses, Infiltrate, Unsettling Presence (Grotesque Hunter)
  • May take 4 extra N’Deemi Gargoyle Hunters for 13 points/model
  • Any model may replace their Obscura Rifle with an Obscura Repeater for 2 points/model
  • One model may be upgraded to a Grotesque Hunter for 10 points

Fast Attack: N’Deemi Nightmare Riders - 90 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Nightmare Rider 3 3 3 3 1 4 2 6 5+
Cauchemar Rider 3 3 4 3 1 4 3 7 4+/5++

Unit Type: Cavalry (Cauchemar Rider is a character)
Unit Composition: 6 Nightmare Riders
Wargear: Shadow Rags, Nightmare Mount (Nightmare Rider), Obscura Carbine, Shadow Molecule Blade, Shadow Recon Armour (Cauchemar Rider), Cauchemar Mount (Cauchemar Rider), Voidfire Spear (Cauchemar Rider)
Special Rules: Shrouded, Night Vision, Unsettling Presence (Cauchemar Rider)
  • May take up to 6 additional Nightmare Riders for 15 points/model
  • Any model may replace their Obscura Carbine with an Obscura Repeater for 4 points/model
  • One Nightmare Rider may be upgraded to a Cauchemar Rider for 20 points
  • A Cauchemar Rider may exchange his Obscura Carbine for a Voidfire Pistol for 15 points

Hrenian Light Infantry[edit | edit source]

Hrenian Wargear[edit | edit source]

Due largely in part to their preference for infantry tactics, and guerrilla warfare; most Hrenian weaponry, save for the heavier SMASH (Super Magnetic Accelerator Serial Helix) cannons, are designed to be man portable, with an emphasis on disabling, but not destroying enemy vehicles, so that their combat engineers can commandeer the disabled vehicle.

As such Hrenian infantry make large use of both the pulse weaponry that they have been rewarded with by the Tau Empire for their mercenary services, but also their self-developed SMASH weaponry and Storm Burst Launchers, specialist weaponry that fires EMI Grenades designed to take down any vehicle that’s too large for their regular weaponry.

However Hrenian forces have very few of their own vehicles to call upon for combat, making them reliant on their employers for heavier support and battlefield transport; combined with their small squad size Hrenian forces are reliant on guerrilla tactics during combat as they are easily overwhelmed by large numbers.

Name Range S AP type
Low Altitude Air Support Ordinance Beacon 48" 8 1 Heavy 4, Barrage, Blast, Ignores Cover
SMASH Pistol 12" 4 3 Pistol, Gets Hot!
SMASH Auto-Rifle 24" 5 3 Assault 3, Shred, Gets Hot!
SMASH Battle-Rifle 36" X 3 Salvo 1/2, Sniper, Gets Hot!
SMASH Combat-Rifle 24" 5 3 Assault 2, Gets Hot!
SMASH Devastator-Rifle 36" 9 3 Heavy 1, Gets Hot!
Twin-Helix SMASH-R Cannon 36" 7 3 Heavy 1, Get's Hot!, Twin-Linked
Sonic Blaster 18" 3 4 Assault 2, Blast, Haywire, Ignores Cover
Det-Pack Melee 6 3 One Use Only, Armourbane
Power Blade Melee +2 4 -

SMASH Weaponry

Hrenian weaponry exists on a strange level of effectiveness, powerful enough to shred even Space Marines with ease, and yet whenever it is deployed against even light vehicles it takes the combined firepower of multiple squads to disable a single target, this is in part due to the Hrenians habit of hijacking an opponent’s vehicles to use against them, and in part due to the fact that the Serial Helical Accelerators of their SMASH weaponry just cannot provide enough velocity to fire a projectile with enough mass to disable a vehicle.

In theory a Super Magnetic Acceleration Serial Helix Rifle (SMASH-R) Weapon function similarly to the Tau’s Railgun technology, except where the Tau Railguns feature a single long barrel that fires a High Mass, High Velocity projectile with the intent of smashing through even the heaviest of armour, at the cost of an entire fuel cell per shot, a Hrenian SMASH Rifle, features a much shorter barrel, with the rails set in a Helical pattern, which are then used to accelerate a Lightweight Electroceramic Flechette that uses both the magnetic acceleration to achieve a high muzzle velocity, but additionally uses the Helical pattern to achieve accelerating angular momentum as it travels down the muzzle, granting it far more stability in flight.

These differences allow the Hrenian SMASH weaponry to achieve a higher rate of fire and longer comparable range for less power, at the cost of the amount of damage the weapon can inflict, and danger to the weapons wielder as the contacts in the weapons helix have a considerable problem of shorting out into the wielder during firing.

Taking all of these factors into consideration, SMASH Weaponry makes a surprisingly effective anti-infantry weapon as the Electroceramic Flechettes can tear through armour and flesh, often shattering into microscopic shards once inside a target, but usually do nothing more than superficial damage to vehicles.


Hrenian warfare has a high focus on infantry tactics, this is in large part due to the fact that the Hrenian civilization, while at a technological level that allows for reliable space travel, was started on a planet where mechanised ground travel was remarkably difficult; and as such Hrenian Mercenaries are remarkably adept at navigating rough terrain, and battlefield positioning. Their normal position in a Tau Cadre is as forward scouts, operating alongside the Cadre's Pathfinders as recon operatives.

As such most Hrenian armour is fairly analogous to the Tau's Recon Armour; light and flexible with an emphasis on free movement, but offering lower protection compared to the heavier combat armour. However the Hrenian heavier combat armour, known as Storm Armour, is combined with storm Jet-Packs and several Scanner sub-systems, which allow for a greater flexibility in both initial deployment, and manoeuvrability.

  • Recon Armour: The lightweight nano-weave composite used by the Tau forces has found a great amount of use by the Hrenian Forces they Employ. Confers a 5+ Armour Save.
  • Storm Armour: This piece of equipment is worn by the elite Hrenian mercenaries, combined with built in scanner systems, Meta-Material panels, and a noise dampened Storm Pack, it represents the current pinnacle of Hrenian Armour. Confers a 4+ Armour Save, a Multi-Purpose Battle-Scanner, and a Storm Jet-Pack.

Miscellaneous Equipment

  • Chameleon Cloaks: Used primarily by Hrenian Spotters and Snipers, this Active Camouflage Meta-Material is used by units equipped with it to blend in with the surroundings. Units equipped with these cloaks can often bypass even the most alert of sentries, leading crippling strikes on supply convoys. Grants the Stealth USR.
  • Recon Scope: This piece of equipment is unique to the Hrenian Auxiliaries employed by the Tau Empire; a technological combination of the Tau’s Markerlights, and Hrenian Scanner technology, this scope allows a Hrenian Spotter to send targeting information to a Nearby Soldier’s Helmet HUD and Computation Gyro-Stabilisers, making it far easier for them to line up accurate shots. A model equipped with piece of Wargear may sacrifice it's shooting attacks to grant another Model within 6" the Sniper USR, if the Model already has the Sniper USR, it instead gains Shred
  • Multi-Purpose Battle-Scanner: This piece of equipment is commonly employed across all Hrenian mercenaries. While it may serve many different purposes when combined with other technologies (Such as the Tau’s Markerlights), the most common use it sees is as a long range scanner for monitoring a battle-field, allowing Hrenian squads in reserve to arrive in the right place, at the right time. This piece of wargear grants a unit that contains a model equipped with this the Acute Senses USR.
  • Storm Jet-Packs: Comparable to the Jet-Packs of the Tau, the Hrenian’s Storm Jet-Packs are weaker, however a Hrenian Mercenary trained in the use of a Storm Jet-Pack can use it in a number of ways that a battlesuit wearer couldn’t hope to attempt with their own Jet-Packs. It is not uncommon to see a Hrenian mercenary jumping their way up a cliff, or kicking off a convenient wall using their Storm Packs to achieve the flexibility of motion they require for their fast deployment strategies. Changes the unit's type to Jet-Pack Infantry.

HQ: Hrenian Storm Commander - 80 points[edit | edit source]

"Where's the Party"

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Storm Commander 4 5 4 4 3 4 3 9 4+

Unit Type: Jet-Pack Infantry (Character)
Unit Composition: 1 Storm Commander
Wargear: Storm Armour, Blacksun Filter, SMASH Auto Rifle, Sonic Blaster, Power Blade, Det-Pack
Special Rules: Scout, Infiltrate, Independent Character
  • A Hrenian Storm Commander may purchase Veterancy for 5 Points, this increases his Ld by +1, and allows him to purchase up to two items from the following list
- May purchase an Experimental Electronic Dampener for 15 Points, the Storm Commanders SMASH Auto Rifle loses the Gets Hot! USR.
- May purchase an Extended Barrel, the Storm Commanders SMASH Auto Rifle's range increases by 6” for 10 Points
- May purchase a Helical Ammunition Feeder, the Storm Commanders SMASH Auto Rifle's profile changes from Assault 3 to Assault 5 for 15 Points
- May purchase a Twin-Drum Feed, the Storm Commanders Sonic Blaster gains the Twin-Linked USR for 15 points
- May purchase Electro-Magnetic Accelerator Coil Cores, the Storm Commanders Sonic Blaster gains the Large Blast USR for 5 Points
- May purchase an Advanced Electronic Systems Scrambler, the Storm Commander & any unit he has joined gains the Stealth & Shrouded USR’s against any vehicles within 18” for 20 Points
  • A Hrenian Storm Commander who has purchased Veterancy may Purchase Heroic Veterancy for an additional 20 Points, this increases his both WS & BS by +1, and allows him to roll for his Warlord trait twice, choosing his preferred result

Troops: Hrenian Light Infantry - 50 points[edit | edit source]

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One of the many Alien Axillaries employed by the Tau Empire in its efforts to bring the philosophy of the Greater Good to the Galaxy, the Hrenians are regularly employed by the nascent empire as forward scouts for their skill in broken and treacherous terrain rivals even the Kroot’s fieldcraft.

The Hrenian mercenaries that are regularly employed by the Tau Empire have still not fully accepted the Greater Good, but they are more than willing to work with the Tau in exchange for the advanced technology that they take as payment.

While the Hrenian’s have managed to avoid the negative attentions of the Imperium of Man, they haven’t been able to avoid the cruel attentions of the Dark Eldar, and while the Dark Eldar Corsairs hunt the Hrenians for their unique hides, the Hrenians are more than willing to sell their services for an attempt to attack their tormentors.

The main Hrenian combat doctrine is one of guerrilla combat; with their Light Infantry relying on their speed to quickly encircle and decimate an enemy formation, breaking away before the opponent has a chance to retaliate, and quickly moving on to the next target.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Light Infantry 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 6 5+
Squad Leader 3 3 2 3 1 3 2 7 5+

Unit Type: Infantry (Squad Leader is a character)
Unit Composition: 4 Light Infantry, 1 Squad Leader
Wargear: Pulse Rifle, Photon Grenades, Recon Armour
Special Rules: Scouts
  • Any Hrenian Light Infantry may replace their Pulse Rifle with a Pulse Carbine for Free
  • The entire unit may take Chameleon Cloaks for 15 points
  • 1 Hrenian Light Infantry may take a Recon Scope for 12 points
  • The Hrenian Squad Leader may take a Multi-Purpose Battle-Scanner for 12 points
  • The entire squad may purchase Veterancy for 5 points/Model; this increases each models Ld by +1, and increases the Squad Leader's BS by +1

Troops: Hrenian Combat Engineers - 70 points[edit | edit source]

I'm sure we can get this thing running again

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Engineer 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 6 5+
Squad Leader 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 7 5+

Unit Type: Infantry (Squad Leader is a character)
Unit Composition: 4 Engineers, 1 Squad Leader
Wargear: Pulse Pistol, Recon Armour
Special Rules: Scouts
  • Scrap Work: whenever a unit of Hrenian Combat Engineers starts their movement phase in a piece of terrain, and doesn’t move, they may improve the cover save granted by the terrain by +1.
  • Get It Rolling: Whenever a unit of Hrenian Combat Engineers moves into base contact with a wrecked vehicle they may roll a d6 for each model left, if one of these dice roll a result of 5+, that vehicle is brought back into play under the Hrenians Players control with a Single Hull Point, or Structure Point left, and the Hrenian Combat Engineers are removed from the board as the vehicles new crew.
  • The entire unit may take Chameleon Cloaks for 15 points
  • A Hrenian Engineer Squad Leader may take a Multi-Purpose Battle-Scanner for 12 points
  • The Entire Squad may purchase Veterancy for 5 Points/Model; This increases each Models Ld by +1, and grants the Squad the Fleet USR.

Elites: Hrenian Storm Trooper Squad - 110 points[edit | edit source]

Smash 'em up, tear 'em Down

The elites of the Hrenian Mercenaries, the Storm Troopers are handpicked by their commanders from a pool of veteran infantry who have survived long enough, and demonstrated enough skill and talent in combat to grant them the chance to use the Hrenians advanced Storm Armour.

Trained alongside their ‘sister’ troops the Strom Raiders, the Storm Troopers specialise in disabling the enemy’s heavy infantry, their recently developed SMASH-Rifles more than capable of punching through the heavy armour of most elites forces.

However, due to the recent nature of their weaponry, Storm troopers face an extreme amount of attrition in the field as the experimental technology often shorts out, or overheats, exposing the wielder to an insanely high voltage, electrocuting them where they stand.

Due to their nature as infantry hunters, the Storm Troopers wear a heavier, bulkier version of the Hrenians Storm armour, designed to deflect, or stop, small arms fire, while still maintaining enough mobility to take advantage of their normal tactics.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Storm Trooper 3 4 3 4 2 4 2 8 4+
Squad Leader 3 4 3 4 2 4 3 9 4+

Unit Type: Jet-Pack Infantry (Squad Leader is a character)
Unit Composition: 3 Storm Troopers, 1 Squad Leader
Wargear: Storm Armour, SMASH Combat-Rifle, Power Blade
Special Rules: Scouts, Infiltrate
  • The entire squad may purchase Veterancy for 5 Points/Model; this increases each models Ld by +1, and gives the Squad leader the choice of 1 of the following options ---
- May purchase an Experimental Electronic Dampener for 15 Points, the Squad Leaders Weapon loses the Gets Hot! USR.
- May purchase an Extended Barrel for 10 Points, the Squad leaders weapons range increases by 6”
- May purchase a Helical Ammunition Feeder for 10 Points, the Squad Leaders Weapon’s profile changes from Assault 2 to Assault 3.

Elites: Hrenian Storm Raider Squad - 130 points[edit | edit source]

Let's make some noise

Within the warfare of the 41st Millennium for every nightmarish creature of Flesh and Blood, there is a soulless Machine of Ceramite & Steel; its mindless bulk no less terrifying than its biological counterparts, for even the Machine can feel fury and deal death in the 41st Millennium.

While the Hrenians do shun the use of heavier vehicles for racial reasons, they remain respectful of the Heavily Armoured Tanks of the imperium and the Swift and Deadly Skimmer-craft of the Eldar, for their ability to withstand fire power that would utterly decimate the Hrenians infantry focused tactics.

In order to counter these engines of destruction, the Hrenian Military trains “Storm Raiders”, picked from the same veteran pool as the Storm Troopers, the Storm Raiders are trained to counter Mechanised forces, compared to the Storm Troopers who are trained in the extermination of Heavy Infantry.

Storm Raiders are normally equipped with a sleeker variant of the Hrenian Storm armour, designed to create a smaller profile, and the “Sonic-Storm Blaster”, an indirect fire weapon which is loaded with grenades that emit a large Electro-Magnetic Pulse upon detonation, frying vehicles systems, and rarely causing infantry weapons to explode in their wielders hands.

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Storm Raiders 2 4 3 4 2 4 2 8 4+
Squad Leader 2 4 3 4 2 4 3 9 4+

Unit Type: Jet-Pack Infantry (Squad Leader is a character)
Unit Composition: 3 Storm Raiders, 1 Squad Leader
Wargear: Storm Armour, Sonic Blaster
Special Rules: Scouts, Infiltrate
  • The entire squad may purchase Veterancy for 5 Points/Model; this increases each models Ld by +1, and gives the Squad leader +1 BS & the choice of 1 of the following options ---
- May purchase a Twin-Drum Feed for 15 points, the Squad Leaders weapon Gains the Twin-Linked USR.
- May purchase Electro-Magnetic Accelerator Coil Cores for 5 Points, the Squad Leaders weapon gains the Large Blast USR.
- May purchase an Advanced Electronic Systems Scrambler for 20 Points, the entire unit gains the Stealth & Shrouded USR’s against any vehicles within 18”

Fast Attack: Hrenian Spotter Squad - 75 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Spotter 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 6 5+
Squad Leader 2 3 2 3 1 3 2 7 5+

Unit Type: Infantry (Squad Leader is a character)
Unit Composition: 4 Spotters, 1 Squad Leader
Wargear: Recon Armour, Chameleon Cloak, Pulse Pistol, Recon Scope
Special Rules: Scouts, Move Through Cover
  • A Hrenian Spotter may exchange their Pulse Pistol for a Pulse Carbine for 3 points
  • The Squad Leader may take a Multi-Purpose Battle-Scanner for 12 points
  • The entire squad may purchase Veterancy for 5 Points/Model; this increases each models Ld by +1, and allows the Squad Leader the choice of 1 of the following options ---
- May purchase a Long-Range Magnification Recon Scope for 25 Points. This scope grants the Squad leader the Night Vision USR, and allows him to target a single enemy unit with 60”, any friendly model that has the Sniper USR, or a weapon with the Sniper USR, may make shooting attacks against the targeted unit regardless of range, although they still need line of sight, and the targeted unit increases any cover saves they are currently benefitting from by +1 (Can only increase cover saves, doesn’t actually grant them, so a targeted unit that’s out in the open doesn’t gain a +6 Cover save, however models behind a Aegis Defence Line would increase their cover saves to +3).
- May purchase a Low Altitude Air Support Ordinance Beacon (LAASOB) for 25 Points. A Model equipped with a LAASOB may, once per shooting phase, make an additional shooting attack with the LAASOB, this attack always scatters 2d6-BS (Use the arrow on a result of HIT on the scatter dice).
- May purchase a High Altitude Air Support Interdiction Matrix (HAASIM) for 20 Points. All enemy units arriving via Deep Strike take a -1 to their reserve rolls, and automatically arrive on Turn 6 rather than Turn 5.

Fast Attack: Hrenian Sniper Team - 49 points[edit | edit source]

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Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Spotter 2 3 2 3 1 3 1 6 5+
Sniper 2 4 2 3 1 3 1 6 5+

Unit Type: Infantry
Unit Composition: 1 Spotter, 2 Snipers
Wargear: Recon Armour, Chameleon Cloak, Blacksun Filter, Pulse Pistol (Spotter), Recon Scope (Spotter), SMASH Battle Rifle (Sniper), SMASH Pistol (Sniper)
Special Rules: Scouts, Move Through Cover, Infiltrate
  • The entire squad may purchase Veterancy for 5 Points/Model; this increases each models Ld by +1, grants them the Shrouded USR, and allows one model the choice of 1 of the following options ---
- A Sniper may purchase an Experimental Electronic Dampener for 15 Points, the Models weapon loses the Gets Hot! USR.
- A Sniper may purchase an Extended Barrel for 10 Points, increasing their weapons range by 6”.
- A Spotter may purchase a Long-Range Magnification Recon Scope (see above) for 25 Points.
- A Spotter may purchase a LAASOB (see Above) for 25 Points.

Fast Attack: Hrenian Scouting Bike Squad - 86 Points[edit | edit source]

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Name WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv
Scout Biker 3 3 2 4 2 3 1 6 5+
Squad Leader 3 3 2 4 2 3 1 7 5+

Unit Type: Infantry, Bike
Unit Composition: 3 Scout Bikers, 1 Squad Leader
Wargear: Recon Armour, Burst Cannon, Scout Bike
  • Reinforced Suspension (May Reroll Dangerous Terrain Tests)
Special Rules: Scouts,
  • The entire unit may purchase Chameleon Cloaks/Meta Material Bikes (Stealth) 24 points
  • The entire unit may upgrade to Assault Bikes, this gives them Armour 4+ & replaces their burst cannons with Twin-Linked Missile Pods 15 Points/Model
  • The Squad Leader may purchase a Multi-Purpose Battle Scanner 12 points
  • The entire squad may purchase Veterancy for 5 Points/Model; this increases each models Ld by +1, and grants the Ignores Cover USR.

Heavy Support: Hrenian Assault Buggy - 70 points[edit | edit source]

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Assault Buggy 3 11 10 10 2

Unit Type: Vehicle (Fast)
Unit Composition: 1 Assault Buggy
Wargear: Twin-Helix SMASH-R Cannon
Special Rules: Scout
  • May take up to 2 additional Hrenian Assault Buggies for 70 points/model
  • The entire squad may purchase Veterancy for 10 Points/Model; this increases each models FAV & SAV by +1, & grants each model the Move Through Cover USR.

Heavy Support: Hrenian Terrapin APC – 80 Points[edit | edit source]

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Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Terrapin APC 3 12 10 10 3

Unit Type: Vehicle (Transport, Fast)
Unit Composition: 1 Terrapin APC
Wargear: Twin-Linked Burst Cannon, Sensor Spines
Capacity 6 Models
Access Points 1 (Rear)
Fire Ports: Front, Left, Right
Special Rules: Scouts
  • May exchange Twin-Linked Burst Cannon for Twin-Linked SMASH Combat-Rifles 5 Points
  • May take a Disruption Pod (Tau Codex) 15 Points
  • This vehicle may purchase Veterancy for 10 Points; this increases its FAV, SAV, & RAV by +1, and allows it access to one of the following upgrades ---
- May exchange its Twin-Linked Burst Cannon for a Twin-Linked SMASH Devastator Rifle for 20 Points.
- May purchase a Decoy Launcher (4++ Save against Interceptor Attacks) for 5 Points.
- May purchase an Automatic Emergency Passenger Ejection System for 10 Points. Should a vehicle with this piece of wargear be suffer a "Wrecked" or an “explodes” result on the Vehicle Damage Chart, its passengers are safely ejected 1d6+6” away from the wreck, and may act as if they had just disembarked from a vehicle normally.

Fortifications[edit | edit source]

Here is the place to put specialist Buildings, Battlefield Debris, & Fortifications belonging to each race

Tau Deflection Field Tower 75 Points[edit | edit source]

The harder you hit something, the more force comes back at you, this is a truth that our enemies have yet to experience

While they were annexing Imperial planets, before the events of the Damocles Crusade, the Tau Empire found defensive structures scattered across the Imperial front lines. Of particular note was the Void Shield Generator.

While directly copying such static defences was not an option to the Tau Fire Caste commanders at the time, they still brought in the Earth Caste to copy the designs and study the defences as much as possible to find any possible weaknesses that they could exploit in future engagements.

However after the Damocles Crusade and the heroic holding action of Farsight and Shadowsun at Dal’yth, alongside the sudden influx of gue’vesa Auxiliaries who specialised at such frontal combat, it was decided by the Ethereal council and the Fire Caste High-Command that the Tau Hunter Cadres needed to level the playing field.

Enter the Gravitic Mass Deflection Field Generator.

Based on the same principle as the copied Void Shield Generator, this rather fragile looking structure instead mounts a smaller variant of the Gravitic Mass Deflector most commonly found installed on the Tau Empire interstellar Battleships. This version, while overall weaker and prone to overloading against exceedingly heavy fire, was instead designed with small battles in mind making it both partly portable, and capable of projecting its defensive field in a full sphere.

While still eschewed by the more traditionally minded Fire Caste commanders who resent the lack of mobility this structure enforces on their troops, preferring the Tidewall instead, other commanders who make heavy usage of auxiliaries which lack the Tau Hunter Cadres deployment flexibility have found this Shield generator invaluable for the much needed protection it gives.

Deflection Shield Generator - 13 13 13 3

Wargear: Deflection Field Generator - Any Friendly model within a 6" Radius of this structure is considered to be protected by the deflection shield. A Model protected by a deflection shields that suffers a wound or glancing/penetrating hit against shooting attacks may roll a D6 in place of their normal saves (Declare which one you are using before rolling), if the result of the D6 is equal to, or higher, than the AP value of the wounding or glancing/penetrating hit of the weapon then that wound or glancing/penetrating hit is saved. Should a model under the field ever be struck by a Destroyer Weapon, the shield will overload, shutting down until the field can be rebooted. This will also negate the Destroyer hit. On the start of the Controlling players turn, if the shield is down roll a D6, on a roll of 4+ the shield will come back online
  • May increase the Deflection Shields Coverage area to a 12" Radius 50 Points
  • May upgrade the roll for coming back up online to from a 4+ to 2+ for 30 Points
  • May upgrade the shield with a Gene-Code Filtration System, any enemy models that assault models within the Deflection Shield suffer an automatic S:X APY hit at initiative step 10. (X is equal to the total moved charge distance measured in inches, Y is equal to the Models Armour Save) 25 Points
  • May upgrade to have a firebase (every model protected by the deflection shield may reroll any rolls of one to hit in the shooting phase) 25 Points
  • May take a comms relay for 20 Points [Battle Field debris: Core Rulebook Page 109]
  • May take items from the Obstacles list [Planetary Onslaught Page 110]

Demiurg Aerial Defence Cannon 60 Points[edit | edit source]

What, you think you're a hotshot up there do ya? Come down to our level and we'll show you just how weak you truly are

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Aerial Defence Cannon 2 14 14 12 3

Wargear: Artisan Quad-Ion Cannon (Range 48", S:7 AP4, Heavy 4, Skyfire), Overcharge (Range 60", S:8, AP4, Ordinance 1, Skyfire, Gets Hot!) Drone Intelligence (Counts as a drone for purposes of the Drone Controller wargear)
  • May Twinlink the Artisan Quad Ion Cannon 25 Points
  • May replace the Drone Intelligence with a Demiurg Gunner increasing the BS to 3, but the Cannon no longer counts as a Drone 20 Points
  • May take items from the Obstacles list [Planetary Onslaught Page 110]

Ranghon Forest Bunker 50 Points[edit | edit source]

As we cultivate the forest, it cultivates us, as we protect the forest it protects us

Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet

Ranghon Forest Bunker 2 12 12 10 3

Capacity: 20 Models
Fire Ports: 4 On front, 1 on each side
  • May purchase natural defences, any enemy infantry models within the Natural Cover coverage area of this building is treated as if it was in Dangerous Terrain 15 Points
  • May increase the Natural Cover coverage area to 12” from the building for25 Points
  • This building may purchase a Twin-Linked Railcaster for 25 points
  • May purchase an Ammunition Stockpile, this allows this building & any model inside this building to re-roll to-hit rolls of 1 15 Points
  • May purchase Rapid Regrowth, at the end of the controlling players turn roll a d6 for each Hull Point this building has left on a 6+ the Forest Bunker gains an additional HP (To a Maximum of 10), 50 Points
Special Rules
  • Natural Cover: The Ranghon have built this bunker from rapidly grown foliage, any model within 6” of this building is treated as though it was in Forest terrain.

Gallery[edit | edit source]