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A DOOMSTACK is a term borrowed from the Vidja Gaming communities, specifically from the 4X and Grand Strategy genres of games. In the simplest terms it refers to the act of grouping as many of your highest tier units together as possible (often, but not always, with several units occupying the same space on the games version of the overworld map, hence the “stack” part of the word) and proceeding to send them hurtling towards the enemy while cackling maniacally. To put it in terms Neckbeards may find more understandable imagine someone rocking up to a tournament with an arm composed entirely of 7ed Wraithknights. Or fielding nothing but Librarian Dreadnaughts. Technically beatable sure, but only if you have the exact army needed to counter them.

The views on DOOMSTACKs differ from game to game and often depends on whether a player is on the giving or receiving end of one. The argument can get a bit complicated, but can basically be boiled down thusly: On the approving end they act as a “soft” endgame as the person with the most resources can field the biggest stack and thus almost always wins via the act of facerolling, stopping the game from becoming a stalemate. On the disapproving end DOOMSTACKs can be almost unbeatable unless countered by other DOOMSTACKs, making all the lower tier units in an army redundant and the whole game a race to who can get theirs out first. On this wiki you will mostly find the term used in reference to the Total War series.

Below are a collection of just some of the units that could comprise a DOOMSTACK from the Total War: Warhammer trilogy.

Empire[edit | edit source]

Dwarfs[edit | edit source]

Bretonnia[edit | edit source]

  • Peasant troops buffed by Repanse de Lyonesse's bonuses - what used to be a flimsy meatshield can become a steamroller of doom that would put a paladin to shame!

High Elves[edit | edit source]

Skaven[edit | edit source]

External links[edit | edit source]