Quest:Driblis Quest

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Driblis Quest was a quest ran by Driblis himself. Notorious not only for being one of the first quests ran, but also for the implementation of actual decision-making mechanics.

Information[edit | edit source]

  • Author: Driblis;
  • Length: 3 threads;
  • Running Time: February of 2009;
  • Status: Stalled;
  • Categories:: Spin-off (from Dorf Quest); Comedy.
  • Original Art: Yes;

Threads[edit | edit source]

The original threads are no longer archived on neither Sup/tg/ nor Foolz/, but they're still available on /tg/chan's archive, thanks in part to Driblis himself.

Link Topic Date
Thread 1 Driblis Quest: Part One 9th of February, 2009
Thread 2 Driblis Quest: Part Two 11th of February, 2009
Thread 3 Driblis Quest: Part Three 20th of February, 2009

How It's Played[edit | edit source]

Much like Dorf Quest, this quest used an inventory system, allowing players to store items to be used later on. Actions were suggested by the players, the one considered best by the Quest Master being chosen. If an action was difficult to perform, the Quest Mater would require a 1d20 dice roll under the most appropriate stat. The available stats were Body, Mind or Talk. Status Effects and Health Points were also implemented, and each attack performed would decrease the character's HP by one or more.

Characters[edit | edit source]

Driblis[edit | edit source]

A cute, male kobold who's the main character of the story. Goes around fighting creatures and making hats.

Jibblet[edit | edit source]

Follower of Driblis. A female kobold who fishes. Helps him out throughout the quest.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Driblis Quest: Part One[edit | edit source]

Driblis wakes up, makes clothes and hats and attacks zombie goats. Also gains a follower named Jibblet.

Driblis Quest: Part Two[edit | edit source]

A bear is killed and a cat named Tomifliblin.

Driblis Quest: Part Three[edit | edit source]

An elf is encountered.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Driblis Quest OP Image
Driblis Quest Characters
Driblis Quest Fight Screen