Extra Heresy
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Extra Heresy, also known as Double Heresy, is a form of Heresy so Heretical that it causes everyone in the room to drop everything and stare in awe of how Heretical it is. The term was coined by Commissar Fuklaw.
Some ways to define Extra Heresy:
- An extremely intense variety of normal heresy
- Something that's heretical even for Chaos (i.e. a pacifist Bloodletter)
- Something that tampers with the lore of an established franchise
- Something that just makes you RAGE with the intensity of a thousand supernovas (not always interchangeable with the term cancer, which implies disgust rather than outrage)
- Something that the mere mention of which violates you to your core
Extra Heresy is punishable by Exterminatus of the heretic and their kind.
...Followed by revivification, followed by further Exterminatus.
Things that are considered Extra Heresy (With reasons why it classifies as such)[edit | edit source]
- 6th Edition
- Daemonettes
- Matt Ward: Enough said.
- C.S. Goto
- Ian Watson
- Khornate Knights
- Female Space Marines
- Sonic the Hedgehog
- Literally everything about a certain manchild whom we no longer name for reasons of sheer horror and revulsion. Even a brief mention is an InfoHazard waiting to happen and not appropriate for this /tg/wiki regardless.
- Ponies who aren't in their containment board.
- Matt Ward: (Read reason above)
- ALL of the Grey Knights for some reaso-*BLAM*
- Furries: Human traitors that choose to become xeno scum.
- Chakats: Somehow even worse.
- Furry-Bronies, even in their containment board.
- Eldar Space Marines
- Chaos Spawn since just mentioning it causes to you t-AAUGHBLACIFTHFG *BLAM* Mercy kill.
- FATAL: come on, click the link, read the page and find out yourself. After all, this won't be FATAL for you...
- Squad Broken (We're struggling to figure out if there's a level above Extra Heresy to describe it)
- Fanboys, Fangirls, or Fan Attack Helicopt-*BLAM* NO.
- Matt Ward
- Cultist-Chan
- Heresy is extra heresy.
- Xenos love (as per Commissar Fuklaw stated,
but i'm willing to try i-*BLAM* Skub- Anything in relation to half-breeds, the actual names of which is not worth mentioning.if only all anons were like this one
- Winx Club, especially the later seasons. But, Greta likes the later sea-*BLAM*
The concept of Taco Fridays. (It’s Freedom Friday anyway)HERESY!!! *BLAM* Taco Friday was the invention of the Man-Emperor of Mankind!- Saying that Taco Tuesday is on Friday. ( the powers of chaos prevail) DAMMIT MAGNUS
- Mentioning the name of the traitor of the Imperium, Kasey Boon. I would say tha- *BLAM* SHIPPING KASEMERALD IS HERESY!!!!!
- This trash: https://1d4chan.org/images/5/50/Temperus_maximus.png because
- /pol/ for obvious reasons. Dividing His beloved Humanity over variation that doesn't even qualify as Abhuman is HERESY!
- Oh and did we mention Matt Ward