
The Fey are a randy bunch of magical beings, so it stands to reason that they are capable of producing offspring with a wide variety of creatures. Dungeons & Dragons 3rd edition created the Half-Fey racial template to apply to the spawn of such unions.
Half-fey is an inherited template that can be added to any corporeal living creature referred to hereafter as the base creature. The creatures type changes to fey. It rises all the base creature's statistics and special abilities except as noted here. Half-fey characters often have a character class, favoring rogues, bard, druids, rangers, and sorcerers. Half-fey clerics are exceedingly rare.
Statblock[edit | edit source]
Hit Dice: Change to d6. Speed: All half-fey have butterfly-like wings unless the base creature has wings already. A half-fey that did not already have wings gains a fly speed equal to twice the base creature's fastest mode of movement, with good maneuverability. Special Attacks: A half-fey with Wisdom or Charisma of 8 or higher (after the ability score adjustments noted below) gains spell-like abilities, rising its Hit Dice as its caster level. The table below lists the abilities available. These abilities are cumulative; a half-fey with 3 HD can use the abilities on the 1-2 HD row on the table as well as those on the 3-4 HD row. When a half-fey gets a choice between two abilities (such as faerie fire or glitterdust at 1-2 HD), it can choose anew between these abilities each day.
- HD Abilities
- 1-2 Charm person at will, hypnotism 1/day, faerie fire or glitterdust 1/day
- 3-4 Detect law 3/day, sleep or enthrall 1/day
- 5-6 Protection from law 3/day, Tasha'a hideous laughter or suggestion 1/day
- 7-8 Confusion or emotion 1/day
- 9-10 Eyebite or lesser geas 1/day
- 11-12 Dominate person or hold monster 1/day
- 13-14 Mass invisibility 1/day
- 15-16 Geas/quest or mass suggestion 1/day
- 17-18 Insanity or mass charm 1/day
- 19+ Otto's irresistible dance 1/day
Special Qualities: Half-fey have low-light vision and are immune to enchantment spells and effects. Abilities: Adjust from the base creature as follows: Dex +2, Con -2, Wis +2, Cha +4. Skills: A half-fey has skill points equal to (6 + its Int modifier) x (its Hit Dice + 3). Treat skills possessed by the base creature as class skills and other skills as cross-class. If the creature has a class, it gains skill points for class levels normally. Challenge Rating: Same as the base creature +1. Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +2. Alignment: Usually Chaotic (any).
Half-Shadow Fey[edit | edit source]
In the Ravenloft setting, a unique species of "gothic" fey called the Arak, or Shadow Fey, exist. Like their "cousins", these fey often interbreed with mortals, and thusly their Van Richten's Guide contained rules for half-shadow fey and feytouched - the tiefling equivalent for shadow fey.