
Kilmoulis (also spelled killmoulis) is an obscure fey creature hailing from the Anglo-Scottish border of England. One of the vast family of "domestic fairies" - fey who choose to live in close proximity to humans - they are a distant cousin of the brownie that likes to occupy mills. They can be distinguished from their cousins quite easily; firstly, kilmoulis are incredibly ugly, as they lack a mouth and instead possess an oversized nose, feeding by inhaling food through their distended nostrils. Secondly, kilmoulis are much nastier than brownies; whilst they are friendly enough if treated well, they do have a love of pranks and trickery, and will often make mischief. They also have a tremendous appetite for food, and have been known to make the leap to a full-fledged "buttery spirit" (a fey that punishes disreputable and deceitful tavern & inn-keepers, usually by devouring most of the food).
In /tg/, kilmoulis initially appeared in Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, as a variant of the common brownie, with the following lore. Although they even had their own Archfey cum patron god in "Monster Mythology", the kilmoulis status as just a gimmicky version of the brownie meant they had no staying power and vanished with the loss of AD&D... at least, until Mordenkainen's Fiendish Folio became a thing and brought them back into Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
Andrew Besuden, an author for Changeling: The Dreaming, envisioned the killmoulis as a Sluagh society, and provided rules for them on his website here:
AD&D Killmoulis Lore[edit | edit source]
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Killmoulis are diminutive beings who like to provide useful services but also commit mischief.
A killmoulis is under one foot in height. Although the overall shape is that of a thin humanoid, the head is immense in proportion. Killmoulis have no mouths or chins. They inhale food through their prodigious noses. Killmoulis do not speak but are apparently telepathic. They appear to be sexless.
Combat: Killmoulis are basically inoffensive beings. They lack any real ability to attack humans or demihumans. They may use needles to stab rats; such attacks cause 1 point of damage.
Killmoulis are very fast and are able to blend into their surroundings. They are only 10% detectable.
Habitat/Society: Killmoulis always dwell in places where humans or demihumans are involved in some form of industry, preferably in places where foodstuffs are handled. They make their homes under the floors, within the walls, or atop the dark rafters. They come out only when the workers are gone. Like their distan relatives the brownies, the killmoulis are torn between the benevolent perfomrance of useful duties and an mischievous streak to perform harmless tricks. Killmoulis are tireless workers adept at performing simple tasks.
They are always hungry and can devour prodigious amounts of grain, meal, flour, or whatever food is in the area. Their mischief tends to reflect the relationshop with their unwitting landlord. If they are left alone, the tricks tend to be irksome but not unduly destructive. If the landlord tries to capture or harm the killmoulis, such tricks can be destructive, although not overly fatal.
Killmoulis hate dogs, cats, and rats, as these animals attack killmoulis. Rats are snared nd stabbed with long needles. Cats and dogs are poisoned if the animals prove a threat to the killmoulis. If the killmoulis are unable to deal with the danger of an area, they pack up and leave for safer buildings.
Killmoulis are extremely shy. Although they like living and working alongside humans and demihumans, the are unable to directly face the “giants”. If detected, killmoulis flee in mindless panic. If caught, they may die of fright. Still, despite their reclusive nature, killmoulis can be befriended. They appreciate gifts such as warm food and garments their size. They like to watch their benefactors from hiding. They may even send barely noticeable telepathic messages of thanks and friendliness; the recipients generally perceive these as “warm feelings”.
Telepathic or shapechanging humanoids may be able to directly communicate or approach killmoulis. Killmoulis personalities and interests are similar to those of the tradesmen and farmers whose buildings they share. Killmoulis tales are dominated by stories of past friends and enemies, local gossip, and the proper methods of performing tasks. The killmoulis are habitual gossips. If a killmoulis will talk with a person, that person can gain access to an unparalleled spy network, although such information may be heavily slanted toward labor or domestic matters.
The sex of a killmoulis is difficult to judge due to the lack of external characteristics. There are no recorded encounters with immature killmoulis. It is believed that killmoulis reproduce in the same manner as other faerie humanoids such as brownies. Apparently the infants do not nurse (due to the lack of mouths or mammaries) but are born with the ability to inhale food. The actual life expectancy of a killmoulis is unknown (the killmoulis themselves don’t keep records of such things) but it may be centuries.
Killmoulis keep small amounts of treasure. These are usually items they have found or scavenged along the way. Although they may steal from hostile “giants”, they are happy to share their meager wealth with their friends.
Ecology: Killmoulis are a race that has adapted to a symbiotic lifestyle. Wise humans and demihumans welcome these secretive assistants: despite the killmoulis appetites, their word tends to be more valuable than the food they consume. Killmoulis also act as guardians and watchmen against mutual threats, such as vermin and fire.
5e Killmoulis Lore[edit | edit source]
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A killmoulis can be either a bane or boon to an adventuring party. When kept well fed with tasty treats, this creature is a helpful assistant that mends armor, collects herbs that make the blandest rations into a feast, and turns a dull, uncomfortable campsite into a welcoming refuge. But if a party abuses or neglects a killmoulis, the creature’s mean-spirited thirst for revenge can turn even the simplest expedition into a draining ordeal that leaves adventurers tired, dispirited, and sullen.
A killmoulis arises spontaneously in the Feywild whenever someone commits an act of charity to help a tired or lost traveler. Emerging from the shadows near the site of the deed, the creature takes to the road, wandering to seek out travelers who might have food it can sneak away with in return for the benefits of its magic. Shy and solitary by nature, a killmoulis enjoys watching and listening to folk from distant places that it knows little about. Whether fierce raiders, enterprising merchants, or bold adventurers, all travelers have something interesting to offer a killmoulis.
Despite their odd appearance and origins, killmoulis crave the same creature comforts as many folk of the world. They adore sweet candies, fresh fruit, and other delicacies. When a killmoulis encounters a party of travelers, it hides and keeps a careful watch on them. At night, it sneaks into the travelers’ camp and looks through their supplies for tasty treats, but will settle for rations, nuts, and other snacks. If it finds them, it quickly snuffles up a single day’s worth of food with its long nose. In return, it then uses its magic to enhance the travelers’ comfort as they rest.
A killmoulis will follow after any party that has provided it with a tasty snack, slipping into camp each night to gorge itself and pay for its feast with its beneficial magic. But if the travelers attack, interfere with, or try to trap the killmoulis, it places a minor curse on the group and attempts to flee. For the rest of the characters’ journey, their rations taste like ash and any camping spots are infested with lice and biting insects. Each character in the party wakes up sore and cramped, as rocks or sharp sticks somehow end up under their bedrolls.
Once a killmoulis is angered, it continues to tail a group and visit its curse upon them. Only an offering of fine food and an earnest apology can sooth an angry killmoulis. Without that, these creatures hold a grudge against a group’s rude behavior that can last for days.