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"What's the matter man? For heaven's sake, what is it?"
"He went for a little walk sir! You should have seen his face!"

– The Mummy, 1932

"Cursed be he who moves my body. To him shall come fire, water and pestilence."

– An inscription upon the tomb of Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhatenamon

A mummy is a person (or an animal) who has been subjected to mummification, a form of preserving the body for prolonged periods of time. On /tg/ specifically, it refers to a unique form of undead created from such preserved bodies.

The most iconic kind of mummy in popular culture is the Egyptian mummy, a ritually prepared corpse who has select organs ceremonially removed before the body is dried out with natron (a kind of natural salt) and then intricately wrapped up in layers of bandages before being buried inside of an elaborate tomb. This was usually done for spiritual reasons, as it was believed that preservation of the dead would help ferry them to the afterlife easier.

Whilst there are several other forms of natural mummification, involving peat bogs, salt-pans, deep deserts and high, dry snowfields, these have not had so much of an impact on /tg/ media, mostly because they lack the grandeur and spectacle of the Egyptian mummy - "natural" mummies are often treated as little more than a gimmicky variety of zombie. Meanwhile, the Incan mummy, with its elaborate mud plaster and wind-drying-based ceremonial burial, is simply far less known. There was some mummification in Ancient China, but it fell out of practice after the early empire.

Typically, mummies are portrayed as sapient, free-willed undead, often with potent magical abilities. They usually fear fire (mostly because they're almost always bandage-wrapped Egyptian Mummies, otherwise because mummification dries out the body to leathery kindling), but are often quite hard to kill.

D&D[edit | edit source]

In Dungeons & Dragons, the mummy is traditionally portrayed as (but not mechanically forced to be) the "Undead Cleric", in contrast to the "Undead Wizard" of the Lich. This is a tradition that Pathfinder has continued. Dragon Magazine #300 contains an Ecology of the Mummy article which provides tweaks for mud, peat and ice mummies. Beyond the traits expected of intelligent undead, the primary distinguishing ability of a mummy is causing Mummy Rot, a magical curse that's also a disease. In the Ravenloft setting, they're referred to as Ancient Dead, and are spoken of at length in Van Richten's Guide to the Ancient Dead.

In Eberron mummies are temple guardians of the Blood of Vol, commonly made out of old priests who dedicate themselves to specific tombs, temples or communities and cannot leave them, although keeping with a theme of progressing technology/magic newer "models" have their tethers a bit wider than older and some high-end mummies (including current leader of their church) can even travel freely with certain limitations. Becoming a mummy is seen as a kind of martyrdom, as only living people could find divinity within according to Seeker beliefs, so choosing undeath means you sacrifice your divinty to better nurture it in others and guide your community.

Pathfinder[edit | edit source]

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2e[edit | edit source]

An archetype that any class can take.

The Archetypes of Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Core Rule Book: Alchemist - Barbarian - Bard - Champion - Cleric - Druid
Fighter - Monk - Ranger - Rogue - Sorcerer - Wizard
Lost Omens Setting Guide: Crimson Assassin - Duelist - Guild Agent - Hellknight Armiger
Lion Blade - Living Monolith - Magic Warrior - Runescarred - Sentry - Student of Perfection
Lost Omens Character Guide: Hellknight - Hellknight Signifer - Spellmaster - Firebrand Braggart - Lastwall Knights - Halcyon Speaker - Knight Reclaimant - Scrollmaster - Spellmaster - Swordmaster
Lost Omens World Guide: Aldori Duelist - Lastwall Sentry - Knight Vigilant - Pathfinder Agent - Runescarred
Adventure Path Juggler Dedication - Staff Acrobat Archetype - Zephyr Guard Archetype - Mammoth Lord - Mammoth Lord - Nantambu Chime-Ringer - Crystal Keeper - Drow Shootist - Edgewatch Detective - Eldritch Reasercher - Forlklorist - Game Hunter - Ghost Eater - Ghost Hunter - Golden League Xun - Golem Grafter - Gray Gardener - Alkenstar Agent - Animal Trainer - Bellflower Tiller - Bright Lion - Butterfly Blade - Magaambyan Attendant - Juggler - Jalmeri Heavenseeker - Provocator - Red Mantis Assassin - Sixth Pillar - Turpin Rowe Lumberjack
The Slithering OOzemorph
Grand Bazaar Captivator - Spell Trickster - Wrestler
Monsters of Myth Packbound Initiate
Advanced Player's Guide Acrobat - Archaeologist - Archer - Assassin - Bastion - Beastmaster - Blessed One - Bounty Hunter - Cavalier - Celebrity - Dandy - Dual-Weapon Warrior - Duelist - Eldritch Archer - Familiar Master - Gladiator - Herbalist - Horizon Walker - Investigator - Linguist- Loremaster - Marshal -Martial Artist - Mauler - Medic - Oracle - Pirate - Poisoner - Ritualist - Scout - Scroll Trickster - Scourger -Sentinel - Shadowdancer - Snarecrafter -Swashbuckler - Talisman Dabbler - Vigilante - Viking - Weapon Improviser - Witch
Secrets of Magic: Magus - Summoner - Wellspring Mage - Cathartic Mage - Elementalist - Flexible Spellcaster - Geomancer - Shadowcaster - Soulforger - Wellspring Mage
Guns & Gears: Demolitionist - Fireworks Technician - Gunslinger - Inventor - Artillerist - Beast Gunner - Bullet Dancer - Pistol Phenom - Overwatch - Runelord - Sniping Duo - Spellshot - Sterling Dynamo - Trapsmith - Trick Driver - Unexpected Sharpshooter - Vehicle Mechanic
Book of the Dead: Exorcist - Ghoul - Ghost - Hallowed Necromancer - Lich - Mummy - Reanimator - Soul Warden - Undead Master - Undead Slayer - Vampire - Zombie

Warhammer[edit | edit source]

In Warhammer Fantasy, mummies were part of the original generic "undead" army, before being ultimately spun off to form their own faction in the Tomb Kings. Whilst 40k doesn't have any conventional fantasy undead, its closest equivalent would be the Necrons. Age of Sigmar, despite featuring some Egyptian themed units, lacks any significant Mummy-based factions after the squatting of the Tomb Kings.

World of Darkness[edit | edit source]

The World of Darkness has two game lines based around mummies; Mummy: The Resurrection and Mummy: The Curse, for oWoD and CofD respectively. Both feature you being an ancient, unkillable, fuck-off powerful undead being, although the exact manner of your existence varies.

In Resurrection, you are one of the Amenti, a servant of Osiris given power by the Spell of Life. Your goal is to maintain the cosmic balance after the underworld got nuked and to fight the servants of Apophis. Notable for the fact you can only maintain your power stat by staying in the Middle East or North Africa, which greatly limits play. In the more widely popular Curse, you are an Arisen, someone from the ancient empire of Irem that was bound to the Judges, eldritch death-gods of the duat. You exist to be their puppets, falling asleep for centuries on end and waking up to chase their knick knacks around the globe and to fight their enemies. One of them sounds a lot less grimdark, doesn't it?

Monstergirls[edit | edit source]

Mummies are one of the most iconic undead in fantasy, right up there with the ghost, the zombie and the vampire, and just like their counterparts, have been the target of horny nerds asking "but what if they were also hot chicks?"

When given the monstergirls treatment, mummies tend to come off as similar to liches, with the advantage of some more easily applicable aesthetic trappings. They are usually depicted as sexy women with brown, tan, bronzed or otherwise "dark" skin tones, usually adorned in fantastic golden jewelry with as many Egyptian symbols as they can get away with, and typically wrapped at least partially in bandages. They are often depicted as being extra curvy, to emphasize the contrast between their magnificent breasts or bodacious booties and the linen fabrics struggling to hold back their voluptuous flesh in some semblance of modesty. They typically wield potent magical abilities, thus furthering the comparison to liches, but may also have superhuman strength.

Now, you may think that this is just a modern phenomena... well, in fact, you'd be wrong! Whilst the bandaged zombie take on the mummy has an equally long history, debuting in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's "Lot No. 249" (yeah, that's right, the guy who wrote Sherlock Holmes also did a killer mummy story), in the early parts of the 19th century, most writers specifically wrote about female mummies. These mummies, inspired by the surviving artwork of ancient Egyptian princesses, were usually something akin to ghosts; spirits from the ancient past waking up in the mortal world when their preserved remains were disturbed, seeking either to seduce a brave and handsome living man to join them in the afterlife as their consort, to possess a mortal host and resume their human lives, or both. The first ever mummy-centric long story was "The Jewel of Seven Stars", which was written by a guy called Bram Stoker... y'know, the creator of Count Dracula? - and it was about some brave Victorian British folks disturbing the mummy of the Egyptian witch-queen "Tera", who attempts to possess a human woman so she can live once more. Sadly, Boris Karloff and Universal Films made the bandaged-wrapped shambler much more iconic, even despite Hammer Horror attempting to do a Jewel of Seven Stars adaptation called "Blood from the Mummy's Tomb" (which probably inspired the Ravenloft Darklord Tiyet), and the archetype was largely lost to time and obscurity.

In the Monster Girl Encyclopedia, the mummy is a variant zombie afflicted with overly sensitive skin; they bandage themselves to protect themselves from being rendered too horny to do anything from just the day-to-day sensations of moving around.

The Monster Musume verse has them as a zombie subspecies that rely on arid environments to preserve their bodies... however, it also leaves them constantly dehydrated, so they have to take baths all the time.

If you're curious, our frenemies over on TVTropes have given the Mummy Monstergirl its own trope; "Seductive Mummy".

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Bog Mummy