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"Step 1: Draw a cheese wedge. Step 2: Add details."

– How to draw a Sergal

"Merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp merp!"

– The sound that sergals make according to fans, even though they have never done this in canon, or at least before the creator DID make it canon

For the Vilous Wiki, the entire Wiki about Sergals and the world setting they come from, see the link at the bottom of the page. Strangely enough for a wiki about all things /tg/, this article is mostly about sergals on /tg/.

Sergals are a very strange species made by a very strange Japanese furry named Trancy Mick (or "Mick39" these days). She gave them a number of nonstandard biological features, including huge ripping "molars" like shark teeth, a pointed, angled snout, breastless females, a raptor-like posture.

Stereotypical sergals enjoy murder, violence, cannibalism, and invoking fear in their enemies. In some depictions they don't even understand the concept of consent. The most popular Sergal, and also the reason why sergals are stereotyped that way, is General Rain Silves, recognized by her yellow eyes marked with streaks of blood, and her forked tongue. She eats babies. More recent art of Rain has showed a spiraling descent into madness, drunk with her increasingly powerful and extreme shape-shifting abilities. Many artist like to draw her with Pyramid Head due to their similarities, sometimes even having her rape him. At this rate, she'll ascend into godhood, like the Lovecraft version of Hercules. Actually, she got overthrown by one of her kids and died of old age in a mental institution after becoming horribly obese and turning completely white.

Canonical sergals are actually generally good people and usually only go evil if influenced by a charismatic leader like Rain, who was a mutant and sexual deviant who went through an abusive childhood. They are rather simpleminded and tend to lack strong emotional connections and generally do not hold grudges or feel jealousy. They are very religious and are easily influenced by their environment. Their critical thinking skills are weak, but make up for it a near sixth sense level of intuition that gives them an advantage dealing with nature and the supernatural.

Sergals are a contentious subject, with the furry crowd clamoring for them and the majority of /tg/ doing their utmost to flame them away.

Most of the 'legitimate' Sergal-statting threads have been made and have discussed everything there is to discuss, and the same few anons that made their stats and pages are now working on a Unified Setting for /tg/ that is basically a fantasy setting containing a lot of /tg/'s original content as well as helping other races get statted and/or helping fledgeling projects and otherwise getting shit done for /tg/.

Sergals have been statted for D&D 5e, D&D 4e, D&D 3.5e, GURPS, and Dark Heresy. Sort-of-recent examples of some of these can be found on this page somewhere maybe. A mod created for Dorf Fort has been made available that includes them into the game.

The most well-known Sergal on /tg/ apart from Rain is John, the female sergal from Joanquest.

TL;DR: the only furry creature that doesn't suck furred nuts. *BLAM* Heresy! Do not suffer the furry to live even if they don't suck my furred sergal nuts!

Gallery[edit | edit source]

See Also[edit | edit source]

Sergals in the Unified Setting


External Links[edit | edit source]