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11 October 2022
- 02:1802:18, 11 October 2022 diff hist +1 Mecha If "transformers exist" counts as alive in the West, than they are inarguably just as alive or MORE alive in the East due to the sales of Gunplas, several well selling video games, several new seasonals and manga iirc, and a big name franchise just getting a popular new installment.
10 October 2022
- 17:2917:29, 10 October 2022 diff hist +1 Mecha Both of those statements are extremely arguable. Armored Core is getting a new installment, Witch from Mercury just came out and seems popular, there were a few other seasonals too iirc. And the financial success of western attempts lately is extremely questionable. So if that section ranting about otaku comes back, then count on the parody version coming back too.
- 17:1917:19, 10 October 2022 diff hist −2,358 Mecha Okay, here you go then: I removed the whole section and DIDN'T reinstate that parody. If you wanna talk about western mecha, then do so, but don't reinstate that section which contains misinformation about Japanese media and otaku. Write a new article about western mecha, and leave anime (which you clearly know NOTHING about) out of it.
- 17:1517:15, 10 October 2022 diff hist −144 Mecha I don't even care if you want to jack off the (lack of) success of western mecha attempts. Just don't spread misinformation about eastern shit.
- 17:1317:13, 10 October 2022 diff hist +1 Mecha Ramune and Rayearth MIGHT count as all at once, not that a show needs to be "all at once" to hook otaku. Now the only reason anyone is "insulting the west" is because this idiotic section was written about "OTAKU MAN BAD >: (" while making up a ton of factually wrong shit about an anime genre you obviously never watched. So let's settle for a compromise: let the whole thing remain deleted or rewrite the section so it has nothing to do with otaku or Japan.
- 17:0417:04, 10 October 2022 diff hist −144 Mecha No, it's specifically talking about how "modern otaku don't like mecha because it doesn't have x" but it's had every instance of x since the early 80's! Classic mecha anime was full of lolicon! It was full of isekai! It was full of swords! It was full of flashy shonen combat! It was full of waifus! This ENTIRE list is demonstratably bullshit to anyone who's not a secondary. Again, if you want to talk about "the mecha genre" or "mecha in the west" talk about that, but don't bullshit.
- 16:5816:58, 10 October 2022 diff hist −144 Mecha If you want to argue that there's a healthy presence in the west (spoiler: there's not) try writing a section that doesn't use misinformation that reeks of someone who's never watched an anime in their life and basically amounts to "OTAKU MAN BAD > : ( NOT LIKE US BASED AMERICAN CHUDS". As it is now, this whole section is obvious and complete bullshit to anyone who knows ANYTHING about the genre or its history or current state.
- 16:5316:53, 10 October 2022 diff hist −144 Mecha No edit summary
- 16:4616:46, 10 October 2022 diff hist −1 Mecha You are attempting to edit in a section filled with blatant misinformation (including the mentioned "mecha don't have swords" bit). By virtue of doing that, you are arguing the same points and thus also banned. Mecha don't have swords? Have you ever even heard of GUNDAM. No Isekai? Have you fucking heard of Rayearth or Dunbine and I'm not even going to mention Knight & Magic. No lolicon? Have you ever watched an 80's show? I could go on and on and on. Literally everything here is factually wrong
- 16:4116:41, 10 October 2022 diff hist −158 Mecha No, your section goes because you cannot argue with any point or provide any proof or evidence of this entire section. You are the dude who said "mecha don't have swords", you are banned from ever contributing anything to a mecha discussion ever again.
- 15:0215:02, 10 October 2022 diff hist −20 Mecha citations needed
- 14:4414:44, 10 October 2022 diff hist −2,371 Mecha The last person wasn't me. Also why do you keep on bringing up /pol/? I didn't say ANYTHING related to /pol/ in my discussion post. Nor was I referring to any light novels, and I mentioned quite a few series that aren't long running franchises (gunbuster, escaflowne, Iczer-1 are fairly well known shows but not "franchises" like Gundam). Fact remains, unless you can get a fucking citation on the west saving the genre, I'm pointing you to the last few western mecha attempts that financially failed
- 13:3413:34, 10 October 2022 diff hist −2,371 Mecha Sorry bro, when you say "mecha don't have swords" you are not a fan and shouldn't be editing or writing an article.
9 October 2022
- 08:3808:38, 9 October 2022 diff hist −2,371 Mecha bizarre tourist probably written by a secondary, see discussion for more criticism of this whole section.