Volkmar the Grim

Volkmar von Hindenstern (better known as Volkmar the Grim) is the Grand Theogonist for the Empire during the present (and end) of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. He's best known for being a very incendiary personality on par with the Ecclesiarchy and leading around his own massive band of Flagellants. Karl Franz has used these insane penitents as a scare tactic. Wears an effigy made of Warpstone (ya know, literaly crystallized Chaos that mutates everything it touches) on his chest with no issue. During the End Times Volkmar lead a force to Sylvania in response to its declaration of independence and it didn't end well. Captured for months, along with several of the people who accompanied him to Sylvania, Volkmar resolves to break free or die trying.
It doesn't work though. As for why they didn’t just kill him right away it turns out he was being kept prisoner because he is a direct descendant of Sigmar and he is needed in the ritual that brings Nagash back. After having one of his hands cut off and replaced with Nagash’s sole surviving one in the ritual Volkmar dies in terrible agony as his body is transformed to serve as a new vessel for Nagash’s soul. Yes that awesome new Nagash model that showed up in End Times is actually Volkmar’s corrupted form…yikes
Tabletop[edit | edit source]
Crunch for Volkmar can be found in 2002 Warhammer Annual.
Volkmar has Movement 4, Weapon Skill 5, Ballistic Skill 3, Strength 4, Toughness 4, Wounds 3, Initiative 4, Attacks 3, and Leadership 9. He rides in the War Altar of Sigmar, a Chariot (S5, T6, W5) pulled by two barded warhorses that is immune to the "destroyed automatically if it takes a S7+ hit" rule. Volkmar wields a hand weapon and has a 4+ armor save, and has the following special rules/magic items:
- High Priest of Sigmar: Volkmar functions as a Warrior Priest, except his Prayers have a power level of 4.
- Sacred Fervor: As long as the War Altar is intact, Volkmar and all Empire units within 12" have both Immune to Psychology and Hatred (Chaos, Undead, Skaven).
- The Jade Griffon: If Volkmar is still alive at the end of each Magic, Shooting and Close Combat phase, he is fully healed of all Wounds suffered. If he is killed before the end of a relevant phase, he's dead, as the Jade Griffon's healing powers only extend so far!
- The Staff of Command: So long as the War Altar is intact, Volkmar has +2 Strength.
- The Horn of Sigismund: When the War Altar charges, it causes Terror.