Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Grey Knights(7E)
(Redirected from Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Grey Knights)
Like in the big game, the Grey Knights are an army that focuses highly on small numbers of elite warriors. Each model comes with a hefty cost, meaning that more often than not you'll be running with a very sturdy force that can easily be outnumbered by the enemy and will more often than not be forced to test for Routing. However, each force is more than capable for testing in anything in Ld with every model having Ld 8/9 (And one model even scoring the motherlode with Ld 10!), meaning that you can fight on despite the losses in most cases.
Rules[edit | edit source]
- Psychic Conduit: Yes, there is a serious check in place to prevent the Grey Knights from being an army of walking Gorgonzola cheese. This rule essentially makes it that the majority of Grey Knights aren't psykers in a traditional sense, just like the Horrors of Tzeentch. Instead, the moment a model that normally has Psyker dies, a model with this rule becomes a Psyker instead and gains Banishment and Hammerhand from the Daemonology (Sanctic) discipline (and Cleansing Flame if the model in question is a Purifier). It can allow for almost every Grey Knight to gain Psychic Powers to compensate for another's loss, meaning that you'll always have the ability to buff yourself up like hell.
- Teleport Assault: This basically says any unit with the Deep Strike rule on their unit entry can Deep Strike as usual. Keep in mind this means the HoR entry, not the codex version. Interceptors lost this rule, but honestly, it doesn't really matter given their ability to shunt. Purifiers still lack this as well to prevent Turn 1 Cleansing Flame nonsense.
- Psychic Brotherhood: When casting psychic powers, this allows your units to successfully harness Warp Charges on a roll of 3+ instead of the usual 4+. This one is a blessing straight from the Emperor Himself that bestows some welcome reliability to those Hammerhand and Force rolls when you truly need them.
Grey Knights Armoury[edit | edit source]
- Rad Grenade: Yes, it's back. Models charging/charged by a model who uses this grenade take -1T for the turn, meaning an easier time instakilling if you have Hammerhand in play. Only draw is that it can't stack, and the pricetag it has kinda discourages that anyway.
- Psybolt Ammunition: And just like that, all is right with this codex. Your cheap +1S bonus for all bolt weapons is here. Rejoice, for those key units can once more rely on their bolters to reliably kill things.
- Master-Crafted Weapon: It's a Master-Crafted Weapon. Take for a melee weapon or maybe your Storm Bolter.
- Suspensors: These let Heavy Weapons fire on the move at half-range. Only really useful for Psilensers, and that can be a nice grab.
- Anointed Weapon: A cheaper way to ensure that daemons die, this gives your weapon Poisoned (2+) against models with the Daemon USR. Enjoy wrecking them.
- Unguents of Warding: You get a +1 Bonus to Deny The Witch. That's right, you get a 3+ with the Nemesis Warding Stave, not to mention rolling 1s from The Aegis! It's a real cool grab at 5 points.
- Auspex: Another codex marine snag, this can reduce the cover of a model within 12" by -1 at the cost of shooting. Grab for some surprise heavy ordinance.
- Bionics: 6+ FNP. Not a bad choice.
- Targeter: Grants a model re-rolls on 1s if they didn't move. A decent take.
Leaders Only[edit | edit source]
- Consecrated Scrolls: Thought the Eldar had the only perils-negating rule out there? Not anymore. If your guy ever Perils, you can roll a d6 and ignore it on a 5+. Nice!
- Purity Seal: Your Leader's IP boosts from 6" to 12". Being mostly Ld 8/9, this isn't such an auto-take. Save the points for a more necessary upgrade if you need it.
- Sacred Incense: Chaos Space Marines and models with the Daemon USR take -1I and Ld if they're within 3" of the Leader. Being that these models are usually I4 (I5 if aligned with Slaanesh), this can give you an edge in taking down the traitors before taking a hit.
- Icon of the Just: Grants a 5++ Invul. Don't take it with Terminator armor, obviously, but it's a decent idea otherwise.
- Tarn's Wrath: An average, everyday Force Halberd. Oh, and did I mention it lets you automatically activate Force? That's right. No more failed Psychic tests, no more getting cockblocked by lucky Deny rolls, and to top it all off, the entry states that Force only counts as having affected the wielder, meaning you can still combine it with Hammerhand and remain safely within your allotted powers per Mastery Level.
- Minor Liber Daemonica Tome: This handy dandy psychic how-to pamphlet allows its bearer to reroll results of 1 when attempting to manifest Sanctic powers. Not too shabby.
- Ashes of Nicaea: A S5 combi-bolter with a single use 12", S5 AP1 Assault 1 shot that, when fired at an enemy psyker, gains Fleshbane, Instant Death, and Ignores Cover. Any heretical space wizard that eats a round from this thing will almost certainly be deleted from the board before your opponent even realizes what's happened.
Justicar/Champion Only[edit | edit source]
- Grimoire of True Names: Ohhhh boy is this a cruel choice (especially if you consider that Phil Kelly took it for the Daemons). Models with the Daemon USR that go in base contact with the Justicar reduce their WS to 1. This. Will. STING. Against Daemons at least. No one else will care.
Terminator Only[edit | edit source]
- Teleporter: Instead of moving, your termie can jump 2d6". Good for escaping a trap or baiting. Keep in mind that you can't assault in the same turn that you teleport.
Techmarine Only[edit | edit source]
- Photon Beam: If you ever want to make a surprise alpha-strike, this can find a way to you. It is a harmless 36" shot, but anything he hits can then be blinded. Blinded means WS and I1. I1 means that you can stomp shit the moment you charge. Take if you feel like the Incense isn't going to cut it/you're not up against Chaos. It should be noted that this can be fired alongside another ranged weapon, although that isn't saying much when the Techmarine's only options in that department are a bolt pistol or a stormbolter.
- Alternate Take: The Techmarine is largely worthless outside of this one niche use, and given his cost following this upgrade clocking in at 75 points, you'll get far better mileage spending that amount virtually anywhere else in your list. The off-chance of blinding (and not even wounding) a single unit per turn simply isn't worth the investment.
FOC[edit | edit source]
- 1 Leader
- 1-20 Core
- 0-3 Special
Leaders[edit | edit source]
- Brotherhood Champion: This guy is basically a vastly cheaper - albeit weaker - variant of the Champion from the Codex. He starts off with little more than power armor and stock gear, though he has the option to buy back his Iron Halo, Artificer Armor, and Master-Crafted sword. Even after this, of course, he'll barely reach half the cost of the Codex version. Beyond that, he can choose anything from the Melee Weapons, Special Issue Wargear, and Armoury lists. The only other downside (aside from the -1 to his WS, I, and Ld.) is the loss of Heroic Sacrifice, so no more taking the enemy HQ with him as he dies. However, The Perfect Warrior rule is replaced with Expert Swordsman, which is the same thing, but better. The Champion must always issue and accept challenges, and during said challenges, he may declare one of two Combat Stances, allowing him to either reroll all failed To Hit and To Wound rolls, or reroll all of his failed saves. The big difference is that, rather than choosing one for the entire fight, he can switch stances in each Assault phase. This is great for either tying the enemy up in combat, or mopping up as fast as possible. Throw him directly at your enemy's Leader as soon as you can manage.
- Paladin Champion: As a pricier alternative, the Paladin Champion gains +1 Ld. and a suit of Terminator armor while retaining Expert Swordsman. Though he loses access to access to the Codex Special Issue Wargear for some reason, he can still bring Digital Weapons if you really want him to wreck face in combat, which you do. His big role is being the giant damage sponge, as combining Blade Shield with his 2+ allows him to wade through heavy blows like nothing. He also gets Banishment and Hammerhand as usual. Furthermore, he counts toward the Paladin model requirement for bringing additional Terminator Special Weapons, which is a nice bonus.
- Justicar: Your utility Leader, with only the basic wargear of a PAGK. Cheapest of them and comes only with access to weapons and wargear, as well as options to upgrade him for whatever role you may need him to fulfill.
- Terminator Justicar: Pretty cheap for 10 points, you can grab terminator armor to make him tougher to break. He's otherwise the same as before.
- Knight of the Flame: You exchange access to deep striking for Fearless, Cleansing Flame, and Soulblaze on melee attacks. Pretty nice for a challenge-based leader. Remember that Fearless won't stop you from having to roll for Routing.
- Interceptor Justicar: The only one that changes the FOC, this gives you a teleporter and the ability to take more Interceptors.
- Adept: This guy is a weaker Librarian in power armor, which is a surprise, considering nothing like that exists in the codex. He gets the same weapon options as normal, just now with a 3+. He can use either Banishment (for daemon hunting), Hammerhand (for obvious reasons), Sanctuary (for when you need to boost the invulns of your Termies/Paladins), Purge Soul (for sniping special weapons models), Prescience (for fire support), Flame Breath (To kill mobs), Assail (To trap someone), Psychic Shriek (More mob management), Emperor's Wrath (good for dealing with MEQs), or Chasm (not too great, given your other options). The big weakness to taking the Adept is that if he dies, nobody inherits his powers. Thus, he usually has to be really well-protected, although the option to buy him a set of Terminator armor goes to great lengths to increase his survivability.
- Librarian: For 25 points, your Adept can become a ML2 Librarian with +1 WS and Ld. This is only worth the purchase if you really want to combo powers together and/or broaden his utility, though the additional Warp Charge will help with reliably getting your powers off while Denying your opponent's more easily. Combined with Terminator armor, this guy instantly becomes an enormous point sink, so if you plan on investing in that setup, you'd best be damned sure to protect him with everything you've got.
Core[edit | edit source]
- Grey Knight: Your basic Grey Knight with one per five grabbing a special weapon. You'll probably be taking these guys if you want to save up on bigger units with more tools, especially with an Adept. With the ability to deep strike, you can drop them wherever you like for whatever purpose you may need them for. Unfortunately, they only have access to the standard range of melee weapons (and suspensors for your heavy weapons, assuming you even want them close enough for this purchase to be worthwhile).
- Grey Knight Terminator: Yes, you can take Termies without reservation as Core, with one of three getting access to a special weapon. You can use these guys if you feel confident in how everyone else is kitted, as these guys don't come cheap by comparison. Good for deep striking into your opponent's face in true Grey Knights style, their 2+ 5++ will make them hard to remove, though remember that, like any unit, they aren't invincible. Watch out for whatever high Str high AP weapons the enemy night have on hand and plan accordingly. With access to the Armoury, you have plenty of options for outfitting them with gadgets to aid them in their task.
- Interceptor: Hardcapped to 0-5 without an Interceptor Justicar. These guys will usually be the alpha-strikers. One per five can grab a special weapon if you feel like, and they make especially good use of Incinerators. With their 12" move and signature once-per-game 30" shunt, they are extremely useful for grabbing objectives and navigating terrain; their mobility will not disappoint you, and their potential threat range is great for keeping your opponent on their toes. However, they don't have any gear options outside of the typical melee weapon choices.
Special[edit | edit source]
- Purifier: Fearless, melee attacks that inflict Soulblaze, and a rather nice 2 attacks at I4 makes these guys a decent choice, and if they ever become psykers, they get Banishment, Hammerhand, and Cleansing Flame as powers due to being ML2. One of them can grab a special weapon, though it's usually in good interest to let them lead in combat if you keep your troops for firepower. Kit them out with whatever melee weapons and Armoury wargear you need to further their mileage.
- Paladin: These bastards are the most expensive units ever, and for good reason. They're super-buff termies that can fit a couple different roles. One can be used to grab a banner to help lead your teams in assaults and buff morale, though your Ld. is high enough across the board that this may not be too big a deal. They have all the utility and power they could ever need to get the job done, though it comes at such a high cost that they're bound to be passed up for something cheaper. It's worth mentioning that they have full access to whatever wargear you might fancy for them, including the Special Issue Codex upgrades.
- Apothecary: With all the same stats and options as his Paladin brethren, the Apothecary is an even costlier version that provides a 6" Feel No Pain bubble to all friendly models. Like the Paladin Champion, he still counts toward the model requirement for taking special weapons. Additionally, as he is a character, he can declare and accept challenges, and his buddies can Look Out Sir! to take shots for him.
- Techmarine: Your only non-Leader Psyker in the army, he comes with Hammerhand and Banishment. Hard capped at one per team, it's hard to imagine a scenario in which you would ever need more, especially when his price tag is taken into consideration. His addition to any list is questionable at best, especially given that he's roughly equivalent in cost to 3 PAGK (or 2 termies). While the ability to repair your transports is nice, take a moment to consider whether it's truly worth the investment for merely the ``chance`` of keeping your metal bawks intact. He does come with the ability to boost the cover save of a single terrain piece in your deployment zone by +1, but considering what army you're playing, you have no excuse for loitering around in your back half of the board when you should be taking the fight to the enemy. If you insist on taking one, you can buy him the Photon Beam to force blind checks at 36" while still allowing him to fire his other weapon, but this raises him to the price of a goddamned Paladin Apothecary. Save your points and look elsewhere for a better bang for your buck.