Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Grot Rebels(7E)
(Redirected from Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Grot Rebels)
Remember the Gretchin Revolutionary Committee from Gorkamorka. Its pretty much that. Your infantry is cheap and expendable, but you get to take a surprisng ammount of vehicles to make up for that.
FOC[edit | edit source]
- 1 Leader
- 1-25 Core choices
- 0-5 Special Choices
Grot Taktiks[edit | edit source]
You can take one of these, or two if you went for the Gitsnikka Boss. The effects are lost if you lose your leader and tacticul advizorz, so keep them protected.
- Run Fer It!: Gives infantry hit and run, and lets you kill a model in the same close combat to make a failed test count as passed.
- Hit The Dirt!: Lets infantry who have gone to ground move as if in difficut terrain and fire overwatch as normal.
- Hit 'em while dey are down!: This one costs more than the other two, but it gives all models prefered enemy (pinned, fleeing, concussed, strikedowned, blinded, wounded). This synergises well with several of the armoury upgrades (Big boom booby trap, snotling infestation, handful of sand and dirty tricks) and any weapon which hands out any of theose special rules. If you build your team around this rule it can be very powerful.
Armoury[edit | edit source]
Kill Team Uprgades[edit | edit source]
- Bad Counting Skills: Your team counts as being 5 models larger than it is when calculating rout tests. Since you will usually be failing rout tests this is an alright buy for 5pts.
- Big Boom Booby Trap: Lets your infintry models roll a leadership test when charged which, if successful, allows you to hit the charging unit with a small blast with S5 AP5 and strikedown. Decent, but it can only be used successfully once per game, and the need for a leadership test harms it's usefullness.
- Poor Battle Awareness: Lets you ignore the first rout test.
- Snotling Infestation: You nominate a piece of terrain the the beggining of the game to be infested with snotlings, which make enemy units in the piece of terrain test for pinning at the start of every turn. Could be good or useless depending on which piece of terrain you put in in, and the pinning can be even more useful if you opted for the hit `em while dey are down grot taktik.
- Surprise Party: When the first unit with the single unit rule gets removed it is placed into deep strike reserves. All the units which would benefit from this cost less or the same points as the uprgrade, so its better just to get more units.
Gitsnikka Boss Only[edit | edit source]
- Dedkilly Squig Juice: Gives a close combat weapon poisoned 3+. Gives your boss some much needed killing power, if he manages to hit in the first place.
- Fancy Hat: +1 leadership for 5pts. Given the low leadership of your units its an alright take.
- Fungus Fueled Reflexes: Gives your boss a 5+ invuln agaist overwatch and close combat. You generally don't want your boss charging into close comabat so this can be skipped over.
- Most Kunning of Runts: Replaces stealth with shrouded. Gives you boss some much needed survivability.
Infintry Leaders Only[edit | edit source]
- Grot Attendunt: Lets you ignore a wound, but only once. Also counts as an ammo runt. Not bad for 5pts.
Mega Armour Boss Only[edit | edit source]
- Super Mega Grot Armour: Upgrades his invulnrable save from 6+ to 5+ and lets you take toughness tests to ignore strikdown or concussion. At T3 this will work 50% of the time. ALright uprgrade overall.
Killa Kan Kapn Only[edit | edit source]
- Mega Killa Kan: Turns your kan into a Deff Dread. Super killy, but you might as well paint a massive target on it as it will likely be shot at by everything you opponent has. That said, in the dense terrain of kill team it should be easier to keep it alive long enough to be useful. Worst case scenario it can function as a DISTRACTION CARNIFEX.
Killa Kan Kapn and Tank Kommanda only[edit | edit source]
- Loud-yella: Increases your inspiring presence range to 12". Its a shame there is not way to combine it with fancy hat.
Slava Boss Only[edit | edit source]
- Squiggoth-Prodda: A combination of the grabba stikk and grot-prod, gives you throttle for fighting challenges and high voltage for dealing with high toughness units and transports. It also gets haywaire and AP4. Not a bad take if you're running a slava boss.
Grot Tanks and Tank Kommandas only[edit | edit source]
- Blitzkrieg!: Gives infantry with 6" fleet and adds 1D3 to the initiative test after having loist an assault or when checking for sweeping advance. Alright take for 5 pts if your doing lots off assault.
- Doza Blade: Another 5 point upgrade, this one lets you reroll failed dangerous terrain tests. In the dense terrain of kill team this can be handy.
Mega Armour Grots Only[edit | edit source]
- Stabalizers: Gives relentless and move through cover. A steal at only 5 pts. For some reason RAW you can't take this for a mega armour boss.
Grot Infantry Only[edit | edit source]
- Handful of Sand and Dirty Tricks: Forces an enemy model to test initiative at the begining of close combat or be blinded for the rest of the phase. Great upgrade against low I units like Necrons or Orks, but skip this one if fighting against Eldar. Synergises well with hit 'em while dey are down.
Leader[edit | edit source]
- Gitsnikka Boss: Probably the cheapest leader in the game, he lets you take a second grot taktik. He can use initiative instead of toughness when rolling to wound or calculating instant death, which makes him slightly more survivable. He is still about as sturdy as wet paper towel, so keep him hidden and let your other units do the heavy lifting.
- Grot Mega Armour Boss: 7 points more than the Gitsnikka Boss gives him a 3+/6++ save, +1S/T/I and a better weapons selection, but he loses stealth, infiltrate and scout. Removes the cap on grot mega armour. Generally a better choice.
- Killa Kan Kapn: Basically a Killa Kan with inspiring presence. With WS2 it might be best reserved for ranged support. That said, a whirlwind of up 5 strength 10 attacks is pretty scary at any weapon skill, so its really up to you. For 20pts it can be upgraded with 2 extra arms, one of which can take a gun, so you can enjoy the look of horror on your oponents face when you drop a Deff Dread on the table. Just watch out for meltas and lascannons.
- Tank Kommanda: 5 points more than the Killa Kan Kapn, and with one less front and side armour. Comes with 2 big shootas which can be replaced with whatever weapons you think are approprite to the situation, and can take a pintle mounted shoota. For some reason this costs 20 pts more than a grot tank for an extra big shoota, so maybe just take one of those and get a different leader.
- Slava Boss: Leader level runthert. He has Ld7 compared to every other leaders Ld6. Slightly better at stopping your units from running away.
Core[edit | edit source]
- Grot Skwad: Your basic grots come in a squad of 5 for 15pts. Like most things on this list, cheap and expendable.
- Grot Loota Skwad: This is your heavy weapons team. Either a big shoota, a rokkit launcha or a skorcha with 3 crew. You can take one of these for every grot skwad or grot scavengers unit.
- Backstabbas: A squad of 3 grots which are slightly better in close combat due to their 5+ poisoned squig shanks, and the swarm tactics rule, which gives them a 5+ invuln save if there is more than one friendly model locked in the same combat. For 10 points you can get sabeturz, which lets you give one enemy model the Gets Hot! rule on all of its ranged weapons. Could be handy to help deal with that lascannon if you run a vehicle heavy list.
- Ead Shootas: Another squad of 3, this time with grot snipas, a 24" S3 AP6 heavy 1 with rending. Pretty underwhelming.
- Grot Scavengers: A squad of 5 grots, this time with fire bombz, which count as both frag and defensive grenades, or can get krak bombz for 5 pts, which function as krak grenades. Both of these options have gets hot! and are not single use.
- Grot Mega Armour: These are you elite infantry almost MEQs capped at 0-5 without a mega armour boss. They get a few melee and shooting weapon options, but its proably better to keep them ranged as their WS2 doesn't do them any favours in close combat.
- Squig Rida: A grot riding on a squig. Gets into combat fast, which you want becuase it won't last long if it's getting shot at. Can be upgraded to an attack squig for rage, a squig hound for acute senses and counter-attack, or a boom squig, which give it fear, and lets it exchange both of its attacks for a single S8 AP4 melee attack, which inflicts a wound on itself on a to hit roll of 1. Furthermore, any to wound roll of 6 on the boom squig will make it blow up, resolving a small bast marker with S8 AP4 and Strikedown. Don't rely on this, as it will only happen a sixth of the time. Capped at 0-5, with no way to increase this.
- Mek Gun: Capped at 0-2 and core for some reason, this is your heavy artillery. Gets a kannon as default, but can take a lobba, zzap gun, bubblechukka, kustom mega-kannon or smasha gun. Starts with 3 crew but you can add up to 2 additional crew for 3 pts each, which is generally a good idea becuase the gun is only a tough as the grots controlling it.
- Ork Runtherd: Since this is core and doesn't have a cap you could make an entire team out of these guys (not that you would want to). You can only take them if your leader is the slava boss, and they provide a much needed leadership boost to your units within 6". Take a couple and space them to get the most effect. Can take a squig hound for 5 points which inflicts a S3 hit on a grot unit within 6" which failed a morale or pinning check, and gives them a reroll.
Special[edit | edit source]
You can only take 0-2 models from the special section in any combination of killa kans, grot tanks and giant squigs.
- Killa Kan: Good unit all round, with a good selection of weapons to choose from. Just remember that one of these costs 1/5 of your points in a standard 250pt game, so don't go overboard.
- Grot Tank: Its a 10 armour tank with a big shoota. The thing is, if you're able to take transports, you could take a trukk for the same number of points, which is the same thing but with one more hull point and transport cappacity, and it doesn't use up a special slot. Sure, the grot tank gets a wider variety of weapons, but if you only want to take a big shoota or rokkit launcher then you can safely skip this one.
- Giant Squig: Survivalble with T5 W3 and a 4+ armour save, and capable of mincing infantry in close combat with up to 6 S5 attacks with I4. Just remember that with random attacks its output can be inconsistant, and with no AP it will struggle with MEQs and TEQs.
- Taktikul Advizors: Yet another squad of 3 grots for 15 pts, this one gives all friendly units within 6" range and counter-attack and counts as a banner, but more impotantly, any fleeing unit that ends their turn within 6" automatically passes the leadership test to regroup. Your units will be running away alot so this could be helpful, even if it's radius is limited. Also lets you keep using your grot taktik(s) if your leader goes down. Overall a good choice.
- Grot Oiler Skwad: A squad of 3 grots for 15 points (seems like a common theme). One model in the unit can exchange its shooting attack to perform a repair roll, which repairs a lost hull point, weapon dostroyed or immobalised result on a vehicle on a 6+, which is increased by one for each additional model in the squad. This means they start repairing on a 4+, which can be increased by adding more grots to the squad at 5pts each. Usually these kind of units have limited usefullness in kill team, but with the increased number of vehicles in this list, it can be really powerful.
- Grot Orderly Skwad: The second last squad of 3 for 15pts, these guys are your medics, but they work a bit differently than usual. Instead of giving out feel no pain within a radius, they give it out to all friendly models, so keep them hidden and out of the enemys shooting range, and let them buff your team. Nice. It also lets all your models count as toughness 3 for calculateing instant death, but this is only useful for the gitsnikka boss, as he is the only unit which has more than one wound and less than 3 toughness.
- Ammo Runt Squad: The last 15pt squad of 3, these guys give friendly models within 6" rerolls on to hit rolls of 1 in the shooting phase. If you went for mek guns you'll get the most value out of keeping a squad near them. For 5 pts they can give a unit within 6" twin-linked and gets hot! until the end of the turn, which is nice.
Building a Kill Team[edit | edit source]
- Metul Bokzez: If you want maximum vehicles, start with a killa kan kapn and two grot tanks. You need 10 infantry models for every transport you take, so take 4 grot skwads for 20 grots and two trukks to load them in to, bringing the list to exactly 250 pts. It might not be good, but it will certainly surprise your opponent when you have 5 vehicles and not a single unit on foot.
- Dirty Tricks: A slightly more sensible approach would be to take the hit 'em while dey are down grot taktik, and take as many upgrades and weapons which give the enemy blind, strikedown or pinning as you can. Several backstabba squads with handful of sand and dirty tricks would be a good place to start.
- Slave Labour: If you take a slava boss and a couple of runtherds and try to spread them out to cover as much of your team as possible, you can reduce the impact of one of this teams biggest weaknesses, low Ld. Its a shame the slava boss can't take fancy hat or load-yella though.