Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Harlequins(7E)
(Redirected from Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team (HoR)/Tactics/Harlequins)
Imagine taking that Harlequin squad from the Eldar codices and then taking it straight out of there and make it its own army. True, there were experimental rules during 3E, but those were still large-scale Eldar rules. This is making a small force of Eldar the likes of which have not been made properly, and allows them to be the spastic murder clowns.
Like normal Eldar, these guys are insanely fast but absurdly fragile. Their 5++ will give them a good way around most things, but they're still glass cannons that have to hit first or drop like flies.
FOC[edit | edit source]
- 1 Leader
- 1-20 Core choices
- 0-3 Special Choices
Wargear[edit | edit source]
- Harlequin Jetbike: A basic Eldar Jetbike, grants T4 and a 3+ Armor save. In exchange, they give up Fleet and their Flip Belt, which pretty much allowed the same stuff to happen. Just make sure you don't crash them.
- Flip Belt: Already given to the Harlies, this item not only ignores Difficult Terrain, but it allows for a re-roll on Initiative when climbing or jumping. This is good because it allows them to pretty much be anywhere they wish.
- Bio-Explosive Ammunition: Gives a shuriken pistol Fleshbane. Really nice for closing in for the kill.
- Phase Field: A teleporter that gives them a 2d6" shunt in any direction and can't charge afterwards. This is always welcome for these guys.
- Tanglefoot Grenade: A Haywire grenade that instead inflicts Strikedown. Not really that helpful here, but it gives you some room to run away.
Troupe Master Only[edit | edit source]
- Riveblades: Instant Death on melee. HARDCORE.
- Domino Field: If you ever wanted to reference /v/ (or maybe /vr/), quote "NOBODY CAN STOP MISTER DOMINO!" Why? Because all models in combat with a bastard with this item makes them halve their WS (rounding up). That WS5 on your sarge? That's a shit WS3 to him! They can only shoot you up, and you better dodge them if you wanna see someone throw models at you!
- Dread Mask: Forces any Fear Tests to be made at a -2 penalty. Meh.
- Neuro-Disruptor: A cheap upgrade that gives all melee attacks Concussive. ROCK ON.
Leader[edit | edit source]
- Troupe Leader: Your only leader, this guy's got a serious job in being a manipulator with a lot of mobility on foot or on bike. Bare, he's not gonna be too effective at fighting. His only weapons are the Harlequin's Kiss (a CCW with Rending, cool) that can be upgraded to a free power weapon and a Shuriken Pistol, which can be upped to a Fusion (read: MELTA) pistol for a price. His big job is to dance around and mess with people. IF you have troops vulnerable to fear, he can charge them, force them to take Fear at -1 and then leap out before any retaliations happen. He can also snag Plasma and Haywire grenades for extra trolling.
Core[edit | edit source]
- Harlequin: These are your gunline. Your bread and butter. Keep them moving around cover, keep them out of the way, and always attack where they don't expect it. They can grab the Harlequin's Kiss and Fusion Pistol as well, and the Kiss is more advisable.
Special[edit | edit source]
- Death Jester: No longer bound to the rest of the team, the Jester can now let loose volleys of S6 AP5 doom with Assault 3, Bladestorm, and Pinning! If you want to give the guy some more options, he can grab a Shuriken Cannon (not advisable even if it's free), a Brightlance (Good move, even though tanks aren't big in the meta) and the Missile Launcher (Pricy, but you get some flexibility in exchange for shots).
- Harlequin Jetbikers: They're Harlequins. On jetbikes. They get to buy the Kiss and can fit their bikes with either a Fusion Cannon for anti-armour or a Shuriken Cannon if you believe in quality over quantity in terms of shots. They can grab upgrades, meaning that they can get some new ways to screw with people.
- Solitaire: A strange, unique bastard, the Solitaire is a null (Meaning he'll never benefit from Veil of Tears or get hit by any other powers) with a curiously awesome ability that gives him an extra attack every inch that isn't needed to charge the enemy. He's more of your melee minion who can either buy the Kiss or a Power weapon alongside the other upgrades. Kit him out according to what you want him to kill.
- Shadowseer: Veil of Tears becomes a ton more helpful for the Harlequins, as this allows Harlies within 3" to confound goons by making sure that they need to close in to fight. Properly used alongside the Hallucinogen Grenades (which give friendlies within 6" infinite plasma grenades for an assault phase), you can effectively dictate the flow of the fight so that you can then divert your other models to cut down the idiots firing.