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Not to be confused with the Exorcists Chapter of the Space Marines.


The Exorcist is the main artillery unit employed by the Sisters of Battle. It is similar in construction to the Space Marines' Whirlwind Artillery Tank, in that it is a Rhino body with a missile launcher on top, though where the Whirlwind fires one missile with a large blast radius, the Exorcist fires many smaller missiles of lower strength but more concentrated effect.

At least, that's the goal. Unfortunately, the Exorcist is a very old pattern, dating to the Age of Apostasy (in fact, some of the tanks constructed then are still in service), and the Ecclesiarchy is of the opinion that it would be heresy to allow a less holy branch of the Imperium to use these vehicles of divine retribution. As such, the Adeptus Mechanicus (whose relations with the Ecclesiarchy are strained at best) only gets to service the Exorcists very infrequently, so the machine spirits are a little unstable. An Exorcist may fire six missiles in a single salvo, or just one, or any number in between (as the launcher's type is Heavy d6). Wait, does this mean it already had a pipe organ missile launcher when the Ecclessiarchy found it?

This was buffed in 8th edition, where Guilliman apparently browbeat the Sororitas into bringing their vehicles in for a tune-up, and now they fire 3d3 missiles.

Overview[edit | edit source]

There are two main patterns of Exorcists in existence. The most familiar is the Prioris pattern that first appeared in the Witch Hunters codex, with a missile-launching pipe organ mounted on the back. A year before, Forge World had released the Sanctorum pattern to go with the early 3rd edition Chapter Approved codex. As the Exorcist had absolutely zero fluff or art at the time, they took the easy route and made it a Whirlwind expy sporting two twelve-rocket launch pods, a more sensible design but vastly less awesome than the VLS organ.

Ironically, not building the Exorcist for the Emperor's armies breaches the Treaty of Olympus Mons. The Ministorum is not part of the military. As such, restricting the Exorcist's (and other vehicles) use to the Ministorum is both heresy and treason by their own laws. Of course breaking laws like this is pretty standard for the Imperium (not when it takes power from one branch for another, the High Lords freak out about stuff like that). Also don't tell the Sisters that they're breaking any laws. It can, and will, result in being purged (and then all be executed by the Inquisition investigating the accusation). Really, though, it probably comes down to the Imperial Guard leaders not caring because keeping it loaded with missiles would be quite expensive and if maintaining it is such a chore it NEEDS tech-priests then it would be a problem. The guard is happy with its Basilisk and Manticore batteries thank you very much. Might as well let the selfish morons keep it for now. Besides, presumably the Mechanicus uses it, too, same for the Immolator and other things the Sororitas has exclusive access to. So, the Guard can get support from the Mechanicus for "exclusive" stuff when needed anyway.

If you're wondering how a pipe organ on a Rhino works like a tank, let me educate you. The exorcist is basically a MLRS (Or Multiple Launch Rocket System for those who do not know) top-attack ATGM (Anti-Tank Guided Missile) in a VLS (Vertical Launch System) configuration; as you can see the military loves acronyms. That pipe organ on the back of this Rhino, that's that rocket system that fires the rockets. The fire control, the keyboard. Also, while this might make you think its an artillery piece, that's not correct. The armour-piercing rockets the Exorcist fires are meant to bust vehicles, not masses of infantry. This is why the exorcist launcher does not use a blast template and why it looks like a freakin' pipe organ. The rockets would have to go straight up, arch downward and strike the thinnest armor on the vehicle, the top of it. Basically the same as a modern-day Javelin missile. That being said, if the roll is high enough, it can destroy a massive amount of infantry in one salvo because nobody likes being brained by meter-long missiles. For a real life equivalent, get a look at the russian 9K330 Tor SAM, same basic design even if it kills planes and not tanks. It can alternatively also fire incendiary anti-infantry conflagration rockets or be loaded with anti-aircraft projectiles.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Forces of the Sisters of Battle
Command: Triumph of Saint Katherine - Canoness
Ecclesiarchy Battle Conclave - Imagifier
Ministorum Priest - Palatine - Dogmata
Sororitas Command Squad
Troops: Avenging Angel - Arco-flagellant - Battle Sister Squad
Celestians - Crusaders - Death Cult Assassin
Dominion Squad - Novitiate Squad - Retributor Squad
Seraphim Squad - Sisters Repentia - Zephyrim Squad
Walkers: Paragon Warsuit - Penitent Engine - Mortifier (Anchorite)
Vehicles: Castigator Tank - Exorcist
Immolator - Repressor - Rhino
Special Vehicles: Pulpit of Saint Holline's Basilica
Mobile Cathedral
Flyers: Avenger Strike Fighter
Spacecraft: Aquila Lander - Drop Pod
Saints: Living Saint - Geminae Superia
Non Militant: Orders Dialogous - Orders Famulous - Orders Hospitaler
Orders Pronatus - Hagiolater
Allies: Black Templars
Vehicles of the Imperium of Man
Walkers Brutalis Dreadnought - Contemptor-Galatus Dreadnought - Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought
Death Company Dreadnought - Deathwatch Dreadnought - Dreadnought - Nemesis Dreadknight
Doomglaive Dreadnought - Furioso Dreadnought - Ironstrider Ballistarius - Invictor Tactical Warsuit
Librarian Dreadnought - Mortifier - Mortis Dreadnought - Onager Dunecrawler - Penitent Engine
Redemptor Dreadnought - Sentinel - Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought - Sydonian Dragoon
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought - Throne of Judgement - Wulfen Dreadnought - Paragon Warsuit
Arachni-rig - Ballistus Dreadnought - Eldthursar - Hrimthursar - Ridge Walker
Auto-Gurney - Ambot - Castellan-class robot - Cataphract-class robot - Colossus-class robot
Conqueror-class robot - Crusader-class robot - Cyclops Demolition Vehicle - CATs - Nuncio-Aquila
Robot Crawler - Sanctioner Pattern Automaton - Servo-Automata - Servo-skull - Scyllax-class robot
Thanatar-class robot - Thunderfire Cannon - Vultarax stratos-automata
Transports Aurox - Chimera - Coronus Grav Carrier - Crassus Armored Assault Transport - Chronos Pattern Ironcrawler
Goliath Truck - Gorgon Armored Assault Transport - Hades Breaching Drill - Immolator - Impulsor - Macro-Hauler
Pegasus AAV - Razorback Transport - Repressor - Rhino - Road-Wheeler - Taurox - Testudo - Titan Train
Trojan Support Vehicle - Triaros Armoured Conveyer - Tunneling Transport Vehicles
Atlas Recovery Tank - Achilles Ridgerunner - Bane Wolf - Bike Squad - Cargo-8 Ridgehauler - Centaur Utility Vehicle
Devil Dog - Field Ordnance Battery - Galvanic Servohauler - Goliath Mauler - Heavy Quad-Launcher - Hellhound
Invader ATV - Land Crawler - Outrider Quad - Pegasus AFV - Salamander Reconnaissance Tank - Scylla Light Tank
Siegfried - Squat Bike - Squat Trike - Tauros - Tectonic Fragdrill - Venator - Wolfquad
Castigator Tank - Caladius Grav-Tank - Gladiator Tank - Kratos Heavy Assault Tank - Krios Battle Tank
Land Raider - Leman Russ Battle Tank - Predator - Ragnarok - Repulsor Tank - Rogal Dorn Battle Tank
Sabre Tank Hunter - Sicaran Battle Tank - Spartan Assault Tank - Vindicator
Ordnance Basilisk Artillery Gun - Colossus Bombard - Deathstrike Missile Launcher - Exorcist
Goliath Mega-Cannon - Griffon Heavy Mortar Carrier - Hunter - Hydra Flak Tank
Legion Arquitor Bombard - Manticore Launcher Tank - Medusa Siege Gun
Rapier Armoured Carrier - Stalker - Whirlwind - Wyvern Suppression Tank
Astraeus - Baneblade - Capitol Imperialis - Cerberus Heavy Tank Destroyer - Fellblade
Leviathan - Macharius Heavy Tank - Macrocarid Explorator - Malcador Heavy Tank
Mobile Cathedral - Mastodon - Ordinatus - Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
Skimmers Dawneagle Jetbike - Escher Cutter - Gyrfalcon Pattern Jetbike - Imperial Jetbike
Javelin Attack Speeder - Grav-Cutter - Grav-Rhino - Kharon - Kyzagan Assault Speeder
Land Speeder - Land Speeder Vengeance - Pulpit of Saint Holline's Basilica
Skorpius Hover Tank - Stormrider - Storm Speeder - Pallas Grav-Attack - Abeyant
Flyers Archaeocopter - Ares Gunship - Caestus Assault Ram - Container Transporter - Corvus Blackstar
Fire Raptor - Iron Eagle Gyrocopter - Nephilim Jetfighter - Orgus Flyer - Orion Gunship - Overlord Gunship
Sky Talon - Space Marine Landing Craft - Storm Eagle - Stormbird - Stormhawk - Chiropteran
Stormraven - Stormtalon - Stormwolf - Thunderhawk - Whispercutter - Valkyrie - Vendetta - Vulture
Fighters &
Avenger Strike Fighter - Lightning Fighter - Marauder Bomber
Stormfang - Thunderbolt Fighter - Xiphon Interceptor
Spacecraft Aquila Lander - Arvus Lighter - Boarding Torpedo - Devourer Dropship - Drop Pod
Faustus Interceptor - Fury Interceptor - Gun-Cutter - Shark Assault Boat
Starhawk Bomber - Tetrarch Heavy Lander - Galaxy Troop Ship
Titans Imperial Knight - Warhound Scout Titan - Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan - Reaver Battle Titan
Warbringer Nemesis Titan - Warlord Battle Titan - Warmaster Heavy Battle Titan - Emperor Battle Titan

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2e[edit | edit source]

An archetype that any class can take.

The Archetypes of Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Core Rule Book: Alchemist - Barbarian - Bard - Champion - Cleric - Druid
Fighter - Monk - Ranger - Rogue - Sorcerer - Wizard
Lost Omens Setting Guide: Crimson Assassin - Duelist - Guild Agent - Hellknight Armiger
Lion Blade - Living Monolith - Magic Warrior - Runescarred - Sentry - Student of Perfection
Lost Omens Character Guide: Hellknight - Hellknight Signifer - Spellmaster - Firebrand Braggart - Lastwall Knights - Halcyon Speaker - Knight Reclaimant - Scrollmaster - Spellmaster - Swordmaster
Lost Omens World Guide: Aldori Duelist - Lastwall Sentry - Knight Vigilant - Pathfinder Agent - Runescarred
Adventure Path Juggler Dedication - Staff Acrobat Archetype - Zephyr Guard Archetype - Mammoth Lord - Mammoth Lord - Nantambu Chime-Ringer - Crystal Keeper - Drow Shootist - Edgewatch Detective - Eldritch Reasercher - Forlklorist - Game Hunter - Ghost Eater - Ghost Hunter - Golden League Xun - Golem Grafter - Gray Gardener - Alkenstar Agent - Animal Trainer - Bellflower Tiller - Bright Lion - Butterfly Blade - Magaambyan Attendant - Juggler - Jalmeri Heavenseeker - Provocator - Red Mantis Assassin - Sixth Pillar - Turpin Rowe Lumberjack
The Slithering OOzemorph
Grand Bazaar Captivator - Spell Trickster - Wrestler
Monsters of Myth Packbound Initiate
Advanced Player's Guide Acrobat - Archaeologist - Archer - Assassin - Bastion - Beastmaster - Blessed One - Bounty Hunter - Cavalier - Celebrity - Dandy - Dual-Weapon Warrior - Duelist - Eldritch Archer - Familiar Master - Gladiator - Herbalist - Horizon Walker - Investigator - Linguist- Loremaster - Marshal -Martial Artist - Mauler - Medic - Oracle - Pirate - Poisoner - Ritualist - Scout - Scroll Trickster - Scourger -Sentinel - Shadowdancer - Snarecrafter -Swashbuckler - Talisman Dabbler - Vigilante - Viking - Weapon Improviser - Witch
Secrets of Magic: Magus - Summoner - Wellspring Mage - Cathartic Mage - Elementalist - Flexible Spellcaster - Geomancer - Shadowcaster - Soulforger - Wellspring Mage
Guns & Gears: Demolitionist - Fireworks Technician - Gunslinger - Inventor - Artillerist - Beast Gunner - Bullet Dancer - Pistol Phenom - Overwatch - Runelord - Sniping Duo - Spellshot - Sterling Dynamo - Trapsmith - Trick Driver - Unexpected Sharpshooter - Vehicle Mechanic
Book of the Dead: Exorcist - Ghoul - Ghost - Hallowed Necromancer - Lich - Mummy - Reanimator - Soul Warden - Undead Master - Undead Slayer - Vampire - Zombie