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Twig Fetish of a Boggard
Aliases Song of the Swamp, Frog Mother
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Divine Rank Demon Lord
Pantheon Golarion
Portfolio Amphibians, Boggards, Swamps
Worshippers boggards, chuuls
Favoured Weapon Whip

Reputed to have once been a simple Hezrou demon, the Song of the Swamps climbed the ranks until she became not only the Demon Princess of Amphibians and Swamps, but also the patron goddess of the Boggards (the Pathfinder equivalent of Bullywugs). Between Gogunta's two favored forms of a gigantic female frog with multiple heads, too many eyes, and even more tongues than she has eyes, and a huge, bloated female boggard, it's hard to say which is creepier.

As a simple demon with simple tastes, Gogunta is honored with fetishes made by weaving twigs into the shape of a frog or a boggard, and honored by drowning some poor sucker in muddy water, impaling the corpse on a sharp branch for critters to eat, and then meditating for a while on the dripping of water as it seeps from the corpse on its spike. In addition to protecting a worshipper from poisons and diseases native to jungles and swamps, Gogunta offers Jump/Summon Swarm/Water Walk spell-like abilities, the ability to grow a layer of warts so dense and tough it boosts your armor class, and the power to summon a fiendish Froghemoth to her faithful.

Gogunta's realm of Mephizim is a continent-sized saltmarsh and swamp that floats like a tiny speck atop Ishiar, the demonic sea claimed by Dagon. As the far more powerful Demon Prince has never made a hostile move against the cavorting frog-queen, their respective worshippers consider them to be best buddies and so the cults often come together to party and celebrate. Yes, boggards and humans fucking each other does happen at such get-togethers. Yes, this is as nasty as it sounds.

The Demon Lords of Pathfinder
Demon Lords: Abraxas - Aldinach - Andirifkhu - Angazhan - Areshkagal - Baphomet - Cyth-V'sug - Dagon
Deskari - Flauros - Gogunta - Haagenti - Jezelda - Jubilex - Kabriri - Kostchtchie - Lamashtu
Mazmezz - Mestama - Nocticula - Nurgal - Orcus - Pazuzu - Shax - Shivaska - Sifkesh
Socothbenoth - Urxehl - Xoveron - Yhidothrus - Zevgavizeb - Zura
Nascent Demon Lords: Daclau-Sar - Izyagna - Kro'akoth - Menxyr - Murnath - Nightripper - Ovonovo - Shamira
Sithhud - Treerazer
The deities of Golarion
Lawful Neutral Chaotic
Good Adanye - Aesocar - Andoletta - Apsu - Arqueros - Chohar - Dammerich - Eldas - Erastil - Falayna - Folgrit - Ghenshau - Gruhastha - Grundinnar - Ihys - Iomedae - Kelinahat - Kroina - Lymnieris - Myr - Neshen - Olheon - Osiris - Ragathiel - Shizuru - Smiad - Sturovenen - Svarozic - Tanagaar - Torag - Tsukiyo - Vildeis - Wadjet - Winlas - Zohls Aegirran - Arshea - Arundhat - Atreia - Benorus - Bes - Bharnarol - Bolka - Chaldira Zuzaristan - Chinostes - Cihua Couatl - Dalenydra - Eritrice - Halcamora - Irez - Isis - Jaidi - Jaidz - Kazutal - Kelksiomides - Khepri - Korada - Kurgess - Lady Jingxi - Lysianassa - Lythertida - Mazludeh - Neith - Omrataji - Ondisso - Qi Zhong - Ranginori - Rowdrosh - Sairazul - Sarenrae - Seramaydiel - Shei - Shelyn - Soralyon - Tlehar - Trudd - Yelayne - Ylimancha - Yuelral Alglenweis - Ashava - Bergelmir - Black Butterfly - Cayden Cailean - Cernunnos - Chadali - Chucaro - Dajermube - Desna - Elion - Findeladlara - Hathor - Hembad - Immonhiel - Jalaijatali - Jin Li - Keltheald - Ketephys - Kofusachi - Lalaci - Marishi - Milani - Picoperi - Pulura - Reymenda - Selket - Sinashakti - Skode - Skrymir - Thisamet - Tolc - Uvuko - Valani
Neutral Abadar - Alseta - Amaznen - Anubis - Aroden - Dranngvit - Erecura - Horus - Imbrex - Irori - Jerishall - Kerkamoth - Kols - Luhar - Ma'at - Magdh - Magrim - Matravash - Otolmens - Ra - Ravithra - Suyuddha - Thoth - Valmallos - Vineshvakhi Aakriti - Aerekostes - Atropos - Balumbdar - Barzahk - Brigh - Casandalee - Ceyannan - Chamidu - Daikitsu - Dammar - Drokalion - Fandarra - Feronia - Gozreh - Grandmother Spider - Iapholi - Imot - Likha - The Lost Prince - Monad - Mother Vulture - Mrtyu - Naderi - Nalinivati - Narakaas - Nethys - Ng - Nivi Rhombodazzle - Onos - The Pale Horse - Pharasma - Pharimia - Phlegyas - Ptah - Ragdya - Saloc - Shyka - Sivanah - Stag Mother of the Forest of Stones - Teshallas - Vale - Vavaalrav - Vonymos - Yamatsumi Abhoth - Acavna - Ashukharma - Azathoth - Bastet - Besmara - Bokrug - Calistria - Count Ranalc - Gendowyn - Gorum - Groetus - Hei Feng - Il'surrish - Kalekot - The Lantern King - Lubaiko - Mhar - Narriseminek - Nephthys - Nocticula - Sekhmet - Sobek - Speakers of the Depths - Ssila'meshnik - Sun Wukong - Tawil at'Umr - Tjasse - Ydajisk - Yig - Yog-Sothoth
Evil Achaekek - Aksha - Akuma - Alichino - Andak - Ardad Lili - Aroggus - Asmodeus - Baalzebul - Barbariccia - Barbatos - Barravoclair - Belial - Bifrons - Bohga - Bundha - Caera - Cagnazzo - Chugarra - Chupurvagasti - Circiatto - Crocell - Deumus - Dhalavei - Diomazul - Dispater - Doloras - Dradjit - Draghignazzo - Eaqueo - Eiseth - Eligos - Farfarello - Fharaas - Furcas - Gaap - Gavidya - General Susumu - Geryon - Graffiacane - Haborym - Hadregash - Hudima - Hydim - Iaozrael - Inkariax - Inma - Ioramvol - Jiraviddain - Jyotah - Kaikyton - Kalma - Kunkarna - Libicocco - Lissala - Lorcan - Lorthact - Losarkur - Maeha - Mahathallah - Malacoda - Mammon - Mephistopheles - Minderhal - Moloch - Morrobahn - Mursha - Nergal - Onamahli - Ose - Otikaya - Pirias - Prihasta - Quindiovatos - Raetorgash - Rahu - Rasvocel - Ravana - Rubicante - Ruzel - Rytara - Sabnach - Sicva - Sugroz - Surpa - Titivilus - Unity - Uruskreil - Uzumae - Vassago - Vevelor - Vibhishah - Vois - Walkena - Wylgart - Xanderghul - Xhasnaphar - Yaezhing - Yan-gant-y-tan - Zabha - Zaebos - Zepar - Zon-Kuthon - Zurapadyn - Zursvaater Aesdurath - Ah Pook - Ahriman - Ajids - Alazhra - Ananshea - Anogetz - Apollyon - Arazni - Arlachramas - Atlach-Nacha - Ayrzul - Bound Prince - Braismois - Chamiaholom - Charg - Charon - Chimon - Chinostes - Cixyron - Corosbel - Dachzerul - Diceid - Droskar - Ealdeez - Fumeiyoshi - Folca - Geon - Ghatanothoa - The Green Mother - Hastrikhal - Hataam - Hshurha - Iggeret - Jacarkas - Kelizandri - Laivatiniel - Lao Shu Po - Llamolaek - Mneoc - Muronna - Nalmungder - Nameless - Nataka - Norgorber - Osolmyr - Ozranvial - Pavnuri - Raumya - Roqorolos - Ruapceras - Scal - Set - Shawnari - Slandrais - Stygidvod - Szuriel - Tamede - Tresmalvos - Uaransaph - Ulon - Urgathoa - Velgaas - Venkelvore - Vermillion Mother - Vorasha - Xhamen-Dor - Xiquiripat - Xsistaid - Yabu - Ymeri - Zaigasnar - Zarongel - Zelishkar - Zipacna - Zyphus Abraxas - Aldinach - Andirifkhu - Angazhan - Apep - Areshkagal - Baphomet - Camazotz - Chaugnar Faugn - Chavazvug - Cthulhu - Cyth-V'sug - Daclau-Sar - Dagon - Dahak - Deskari - Dretha - Flauros - Ghlaunder - Gogunta - Guyuku - Gyronna - Haagenti - Haggakal - Hastur - Hellion - Igramalash - Isph-Aun-Vuln - Ithaqua - Izyagna - Jezelda - Jubilex - Kabriri - Kitumu - Kostchtchie - Kro'akoth - Lady Nanbyo - Lahkgya - Lamashtu - Lanishra - Marbas - Mazmezz - Menxyr - Mestama - Mog-Lathar - Mordiggian - Murnath - Nhimbaloth - Nightripper - Nulgreth - Nurgal - Nyarlathotep - Oaur-Ooung - Ongalte - Onmyuza - Orcus - Orgesh - Ovonovo - Pazuzu - Ragadahn - Rhan-Tegoth - Rovagug - Rull - Sezelrian - Shamira - Shax - Shiggarreb - Shivaska - Shub-Niggurath - Sifkesh - Sithhud - Socothbenoth - Thamir - Thremyr - Thuskchoon - Treerazer - Tsathoggua - Urazra - Urxehl - Ushitora - Varg - Vepar - Verex - Xoveron - Yamasoth - Ydersius - Yhidothrus - Zagresh - Zevgavizeb - Zogmugot - Zura