Storm Serpent

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Possibly a more practical way of transporting troops than some vehicles.

The Storm Serpent is a super-heavy grav-tank of the Eldar that uses the same chassis as the Scorpion. It's another Eldar vehicle that has yet to receive an update since Second Edition, though as of 6th Edition it seems the Necrons have nicked the idea for their Night Scythe dropship.

  • Length: 18.43m
  • Mass: 70 tonnes
  • Crew: 2 crew including a theoretically infinite amount of Eldar troops
  • Max Speed: 280 kph

Overview[edit | edit source]

While other Eldar super-heavy tanks are noted for their immense firepower, the Storm Serpent actually contains a mobile Webway portal which it can use to disgorge warriors right into the enemy's midst, making this the Eldar's version of the Land Raider.

While the Storm Serpent superficially appears like a sleek gunship with a hull too small to carry any troops save for the pilot and gunner, the secret behind its function lies within the Wraithgate generator it carries. The Storm Serpent uses the same vast energies to power their immense weaponry in order to rip open a portal from the Webway, the Storm Serpent is able to create a shimmering portal amidst the craft's attuned promontories. This mobile portal can be accessed by the Eldar from anywhere, whether an orbiting fleet or Craftworld, for the rapid deployment of troops. The Storm Serpent could even summon a Vyper but no larger than it since the Wraithgate portal is ludicrously small to compensate for the practicality of use for the Storm Serpent without turning it into a static and glorified teleporter.

Due to its main use as a troop transport, the Storm Serpent sacrifices the majority of its internal bulk for the portable Webway device and thus is only able to mount a Pulse Laser and Scatter Laser for offensive firepower.

Forces of the Eldar
Heroes: Eldrad Ulthran - Illic Nightspear - Prince Yriel - Phoenix Lords
Command: Autarch - Avatar of Khaine - Exarch - Yncarne
Farseer - Seer Council - Spiritseer - Warlock
Troops: Bonesingers - Guardians - Rangers - Storm Guardians
Aspect Warriors: Crimson Hunters - Dark Reapers - Dire Avengers - Fire Dragons - Howling Banshees
Shadow Spectres - Shining Spears - Striking Scorpions - Warp Spiders - Swooping Hawks
Eldar Corsairs: Corsair Prince - Void Dreamer - Voidreaver - Voidscarred
Exodites: Dragon Knights - Eldar Knight
Structures: Webway Gate
Wraiths: Wraithblades - Wraithguard - Wraithknight - Wraithlord - Wraithseer
Support: Support Weapon Battery - Vyper - War Walker - Wasp Assault Walker - Windrider Jetbikes
Vehicles: Hornet - Falcon - Fire Prism - Firestorm - Night Spinner - Warp Hunter - Wave Serpent
Flyers: Hemlock Wraithfighter - Nightwing Interceptor - Nightshade Interceptor
Phoenix - Vampire Hunter - Vampire Raider - Void Dragon Phoenix
Deathstalker - Cobra - Lynx - Scorpion
Storm Serpent - Tempest - Void Spinner
Titans: Revenant Scout Titan - Phantom Battle Titan - Warlock Titan
Spacecraft: Darkstar Fighter - Eagle Bomber
Auxiliaries: Harlequins
Vessels of the Craftworld Eldar and Corsairs
Craftworld Craftworld
Space Station Haven Spire
Battleships Void Stalker
Cruisers Light Cruiser (Light Cruiser - Wraithship)
Cruiser (Cruiser - Dragonship) - Phoenix Ship
Escorts Escort
Logistics Eldar Transport Ship
Combat Spacecraft Eagle Bomber
Titans Revenant Scout Titan - Phantom Battle Titan
Warlock Titan
Troop Transports Storm Serpent
Superheavy Tanks Cobra - Deathstalker - Scorpion
Tempest - Void Spinner
Flying Fortress Vampire Hunter
Aerospace Vessels Vampire Raider