Angel: Remliel

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Version: 2.5

Name: Remliel - Angel of Awakening

Description: Chitinous, Skeletal, Spiny growths.

Order: Smiting Angel

Choir: Guiding Angel

Difficulty: Average (CR:0)

Body Type: Artificial

Locomotion: Hovering

Size: Enormous (+20 to hit, +3 Wounds)

Statistics WS BS Str T Ag Int Per WP Fel LS
50 80 30 40 20 20 40 10 10 100

Body Location % to hit AP Wounds
Core 01-05 7 11
Body 05-00 7 20


Angel: 1 Fate Point, may spend to regenerate 4 Wounds, may burn to regenerate 1d10+4 Wounds. After all Fate Points are burnt, gains the "Superior Action" Angelic Trait.

Hoverer: As in DH core, pg. 216.

Heavenly: ATP is not reduced by activating AT powers. AT powers may be augmented by ATP, but not up to more than the amount of ATS possessed by the Angel.

The Specialist: [Psychic Power] Gains the (Mind Probe) and (Kinetic Jolt) AT Powers.

Protoform: The Angel is not yet fully grown. Until it first receives damage, it treats its T and LS as if they were halved.

Melee Attack Name Damage Penetration Type Effect Effect Details
Gore 1d10+3 6 Rending Absorbing/Tearing The Angel regains 1d5 Wounds distributed amongst its locations after successfully dealing damage, even if the total damage inflicted was less/Rolls two dice for damage, and takes the higher
Ranged Attack Name Range Damage Damage Type Pen RoF Special (Blast(7)/Pushing)
Burst Shot 60 Dam 2d10 Explosive 7 S/-/- Causes a 7-dam Area-of-Effect Blast/Affected units are thrown back 1d10+5 dam and must test Ag or suffer falling damage for the distance thrown

AT Powers: Deflection, Positron Beam, Kinetic Jolt, Mind Probe

Skills: Acrobatics, Dodge Proficient

Fear Rating (1)

40 Dam Angelic Senses

2 rerolls per combat, +10 to all skill tests

Strategy: Remliel has a somewhat slow start, due to its protoform nature, and so its lowered LS means it cannot access (Mind Probe) and is unlikely to succeed with (Kinetic Jolt). The weakened deflection, however, means it shouldn't be too long before it unlocks its full potential. Unlike most Smiting-Angels, it should not be combat shy. Its Absorbing-Gore attack is one of its strengths, and likely to take more melee-oriented EVA Pilots by surprise. Once it has burnt a fate point and gains the Superior Action trait, it becomes even more horrifying, able to Gore EVAs in combat before Kinetic Jolting them away. Unless it gets swarmed in melee, or defeated at range before Units take intolerable damage from either the Positron Beam or the Burst Shot, it will be a difficult fight. Thankfully, it is slow, and not too hard to out-pace or pursue.

Scaling for Challenge: The Specialist [Walking Fortress] or [Quantum Encroachment] both help him deter melee hostiles, Multitasker [Guardian] increases its overall survivability exponentially, and Aggressor or Riposter both help improve his melee capabilities.