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==D&D 3rd & 3.5 Edition==
Debuting as one of the six original prestige classes in the 3rd edition Dungeon Master's Guide, the Arcane Archer may have been a little interesting, but easily overshadowed by the Assassin, Blackguard, and Shadowdancer prestige classes. With the move to 3.5, it was again one of the first Prestige classes printed, but competing with fifteen other (better) prestige classes in the DMG (honestly an Eldritch Knight specialising in longbows is better for the concept of magical archery) plus anything ported from 3.0 splatbooks.
Arcane Archer is accessible only to Elves and Half-Elves with a BAB of +6, the ability to cast 1st level Arcane spells, and the following feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Weapon Focus Longbow/Shortbow.
It offers no spell progression, full BAB, good Fort & Reflex saves, 4 + Int skillpoints, and access to special abilities focused on arrows.
;Enhanced Arrows: Starting from 1st level and increasing every odd level, every you can add +1 enhancement bonus to non-magical arrows you possess, however this only applies to you.
;Imbue Arrow: At 2nd level you can imbue an arrow with an area spell. When the arrow is fired, the spell’s area is centered on where the arrow lands, even if the spell could normally be centered only on the caster. This ability allows the archer to use the bow’s range rather than the spell’s range, however the arrow must be fired in the turn the spell was cast, although this is a bit redundant considering casting the spell and firing the arrow is just combined into one standard action. The problem is that unless you're making up for lost caster levels some way (the DM adding some caster level progression hint, hint), thats going to be only level 1 spells you're poking with. Although it does open up the possibility of healing arrows, grease arrows, anti-magic field arrows.
;Seeker Arrow: At 4th level, once per day an arcane archer can shoot a target known to then within range, and the arrow travels to the target, even around corners. Only an unavoidable obstacle or the limit of the arrow’s range prevents the arrow’s flight. This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally. Note that this is 4 levels into a prestige class that requires +6 BAB and 1st level arcane spells, meaning you can probably find a spell/feat combo that can do this with more damage, or targeting Will saves, or multiple times per day, probably the worst aspect is that you can still roll a miss on the attack roll.
;Phase Arrow: At 6th level, an arcane archer can launch an arrow once per day at a target known to her within range, and the arrow travels to the target in a straight path, passing through any nonmagical barrier or wall in its way. (Any magical barrier stops the arrow.) This ability negates cover, concealment, and even armour modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally. Just like the Seeker Arrow, you could whiff with an attack roll of 1, though by this point you're going to have good enough attack bonus with the bow to snipe anything man-sized a mile away. Still,
;Hail of Arrows: In lieu of regular attacks, once per day an arcane archer of 8th level or higher can fire an arrow at each and every target within range, to a maximum of one target for every arcane archer level they have. Each attack uses the archer’s primary attack bonus, and each enemy may only be targeted by a single arrow.
;Arrow of Death: At 10th level, an arcane archer can create an arrow of death that forces the target, if damaged by the arrow’s attack, to make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be slain immediately. It takes one day to make an arrow of death, and the arrow only functions for the arcane archer who created it. The arrow of death lasts no longer than one year, and the archer can only have one such arrow in existence at a time.
TL;DR: Mostly a flavourful class, it doesn't care about what your casting stat is, and could be fun if you can negotiate some kind of Caster Level progression onto it with the DM, and honestly if your DM thinks that would make it overpowered, get them to read literally any spellcaster from the PHB...
{{D&D3e-Prestige Classes}}
==Pathfinder 1E==
Because of how Pathfinder was essentially D&D 3.5 with some things messed around, there was naturally a few changes to the way the prestige class worked.
For starters, this class was now available to ANY race and granted a 2/3 caster level progression that's equally stat-agnostic.
==D&D 4th Edition==
For some reason there was never a paragon path or epic destiny that was directly analogous to the Arcane Archer. With the fact that most casting classes had limited use with bows and the way the AEDU System worked, such things weren't likely to be emulated well.
[[Skub|Some people had views on this.]]
==D&D 5th Edition==
With 5th Edition, the Arcane Archer was revamped to be a variant available to Fighters in Xanathar's Guide to Everything, thereby removing the awkwardness of requiring casting ability and offering only mediocre abilities in exchange for no spell progression. What this archetype's effectively offering is a fighter that's leaning towards Archery, adding effects like the Paladin's smite spells to your shots. inflicting burst damage in addition to AOE or debuff effects on the hit. Class does offer less general utility than other fighter subclasses, being in the same boat as a warlock in needing tons of short rests a day to milk the most of their limited spell/ability slots.

==Pathfinder 2nd==
==Pathfinder 2nd==
Named Eldritch Archer
Renamed to Eldritch Archer, this is an archetype that any class can take. Instead of applying poison to your arrows to deal more damage, why not use magic? Just speccing into the dedication (at level 6 because taking this dedication at level 2 would be even more busted) gives you this bonkers ability:
An archetype that any class can take. Instead of applying poison to your arrows to deal more damage, why not use magic?  
* ''Eldritch Shot''
**Three actions
**'''Requirement''' You are using a bow.
**'''Effect''' You Cast a Spell that takes 1 or 2 actions to cast and requires a spell attack roll. The effects of the spell do not occur immediately but are imbued into the bow you're wielding. Make a Strike with that bow. Your spell flies with the ammunition, using your attack roll result to determine the effects of both the Strike and the spell. This counts as two attacks for your multiple attack penalty, but you don't apply the penalty until after you've completed both attacks.
And when you consider that you can upcast (heighten) cantrips, this means that you can use a shocking grasp at +2 or more to deal at least 2d12 lighting. Even if you multiclass into this from a non-casting class, you get some cantrips and basic proficiency in any one spell list, which can help out, though only spells that need to roll to hit can be cast through an arrow.
Some other feats that you get include:
*''Basic Eldritch Archer Spellcasting'', Level 8 Feat
**You gain the basic spellcasting benefits. Each time you gain a spell slot of a new level from this archetype, add a spell of the appropriate spell level to your repertoire, either a common spell of your chosen tradition or another spell of that tradition you have learned or discovered.
*''Enchanting Arrow'', Level 8 Feat
**Two Actions
**With a single whisper carried on the wind, you enchant your ammunition to make a foe more vulnerable to your attacks. Make a bow Strike. On a hit, the target takes an additional 2d6 mental damage. On a critical hit, the target also becomes stunned 1. The mental damage increases to 3d6 if your bow has a greater striking rune, or to 4d6 if your bow has a major striking rune.
*''Magic Arrow'', Level 8 Feat
**Free Action, once per round
**You imbue your ammunition with eldritch power. When you select this feat, choose three types of common magical ammunition of 4th level or lower from the Core Rulebook or this book. Your GM might allow you to choose from other types of magical ammunition, such as uncommon ammunition, or ammunition from other books.
**When using Magic Arrow, you transform a non-magical arrow or bolt into a piece of ammunition of one type you chose. You must shoot the ammunition before the end of your turn or the magic dissipates. If the ammunition has an Activate entry, you still need to spend the required actions to activate the ammunition before shooting it. When you use Magic Arrow, you can choose a type of magical ammunition that is typically not available to the type of ammunition you're using—for example, you can use climbing bolt on an arrow, even though that magical ammunition is normally only found on bolts.
*''Precious Arrow'', Level 8 Feat
**One Action
**You enchant a piece of ammunition with the magical essence of a precious material, allowing you to leverage certain creatures' weaknesses. Choose cold iron or silver; if you shoot the arrow before the end of your turn, it counts as that material. At 14th level, add adamantine to the list of materials you can choose from.
*''Arrow of Death'', Level 18 Feat
**Three Actions, once per day
**You modify an arrow or bolt to bring death to your target in a single potent hit. Make a bow Strike. On a hit, you deal an additional 10d10 precision damage. On a critical hit, the target must also succeed at a Fortitude saving throw against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher, or be '''immediately slain'''; this save has the death and incapacitation traits.
And there are even more feats that you can obtain. This archetype is almost like its own class, given how you get so many feats from it.


Latest revision as of 19:13, 17 June 2023

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D&D 3rd & 3.5 Edition[edit | edit source]

Debuting as one of the six original prestige classes in the 3rd edition Dungeon Master's Guide, the Arcane Archer may have been a little interesting, but easily overshadowed by the Assassin, Blackguard, and Shadowdancer prestige classes. With the move to 3.5, it was again one of the first Prestige classes printed, but competing with fifteen other (better) prestige classes in the DMG (honestly an Eldritch Knight specialising in longbows is better for the concept of magical archery) plus anything ported from 3.0 splatbooks.

Arcane Archer is accessible only to Elves and Half-Elves with a BAB of +6, the ability to cast 1st level Arcane spells, and the following feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Weapon Focus Longbow/Shortbow.

It offers no spell progression, full BAB, good Fort & Reflex saves, 4 + Int skillpoints, and access to special abilities focused on arrows.

Enhanced Arrows
Starting from 1st level and increasing every odd level, every you can add +1 enhancement bonus to non-magical arrows you possess, however this only applies to you.
Imbue Arrow
At 2nd level you can imbue an arrow with an area spell. When the arrow is fired, the spell’s area is centered on where the arrow lands, even if the spell could normally be centered only on the caster. This ability allows the archer to use the bow’s range rather than the spell’s range, however the arrow must be fired in the turn the spell was cast, although this is a bit redundant considering casting the spell and firing the arrow is just combined into one standard action. The problem is that unless you're making up for lost caster levels some way (the DM adding some caster level progression hint, hint), thats going to be only level 1 spells you're poking with. Although it does open up the possibility of healing arrows, grease arrows, anti-magic field arrows.
Seeker Arrow
At 4th level, once per day an arcane archer can shoot a target known to then within range, and the arrow travels to the target, even around corners. Only an unavoidable obstacle or the limit of the arrow’s range prevents the arrow’s flight. This ability negates cover and concealment modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally. Note that this is 4 levels into a prestige class that requires +6 BAB and 1st level arcane spells, meaning you can probably find a spell/feat combo that can do this with more damage, or targeting Will saves, or multiple times per day, probably the worst aspect is that you can still roll a miss on the attack roll.
Phase Arrow
At 6th level, an arcane archer can launch an arrow once per day at a target known to her within range, and the arrow travels to the target in a straight path, passing through any nonmagical barrier or wall in its way. (Any magical barrier stops the arrow.) This ability negates cover, concealment, and even armour modifiers, but otherwise the attack is rolled normally. Just like the Seeker Arrow, you could whiff with an attack roll of 1, though by this point you're going to have good enough attack bonus with the bow to snipe anything man-sized a mile away. Still,
Hail of Arrows
In lieu of regular attacks, once per day an arcane archer of 8th level or higher can fire an arrow at each and every target within range, to a maximum of one target for every arcane archer level they have. Each attack uses the archer’s primary attack bonus, and each enemy may only be targeted by a single arrow.
Arrow of Death
At 10th level, an arcane archer can create an arrow of death that forces the target, if damaged by the arrow’s attack, to make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be slain immediately. It takes one day to make an arrow of death, and the arrow only functions for the arcane archer who created it. The arrow of death lasts no longer than one year, and the archer can only have one such arrow in existence at a time.

TL;DR: Mostly a flavourful class, it doesn't care about what your casting stat is, and could be fun if you can negotiate some kind of Caster Level progression onto it with the DM, and honestly if your DM thinks that would make it overpowered, get them to read literally any spellcaster from the PHB...

Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Prestige Classes
The Manual of the Planes Divine AgentGatecrasherPlanar ChampionPlaneshifter
Oriental Adventures Battle MaidenBear WarriorBlade DancerEunuch WarlockHenshin MysticIaijutsu MasterKishi ChargerNinja SpyShadow ScoutShapeshifterShintao MonkSingh RagerTattooed MonkVoid DiscipleWeapon Master (Kensei)Witch HunterYakuza
Book of Vile Darkness Cancer MageDemonologistDiabolistDisciple of AsmodeusDisciple of BaalzebulDisciple of DispaterDisciple of MammonDisciple of MephistophelesLifedrinkerMortal HunterSoul EaterThrall of DemogorgonThrall of Graz’ztThrall of JuiblexThrall of OrcusUr-PriestVermin LordWarrior of Darkness
Savage Species Emancipated SpawnIllithid SavantMaster of FliesScaled HorrorSirenSlaad BrooderSurvivorSybilWaveriderYuan-Ti Cultist
Unapproachable East Aglarondan GriffonriderBlack Flame ZealotDurthanMaster of the YuirwoodNar DemonbinderNentyar HunterRaumathari BattlemageRunescarred BerserkerShou DiscipleTalontar BlightlordTelflammar Shadowlord Thayan Slaver
v3.5 revision
Dungeon Master's Guide (3.5) Arcane ArcherArcane TricksterArchmageAssassinBlackguardDragon DiscipleDuelistDwarven DefenderEldritch KnightHierophantHorizon WalkerLoremasterMystic TheurgeRed WizardShadowdancerThaumaturgist
Book of Exalted Deeds Anointed KnightApostle of PeaceBeloved of ValarianCelestial MysticChampion of GwynharwyfDefender of SealtielEmissary of BarachielExalted ArcanistFist of RazielInitiate of Pistis SophiaLion of TalisidProphet of ErathaolRisen MartyrSentinel of BharraiSkylordSlayer of DomielStalker of KharashSwanmaySword of RighteousnessTroubadour of StarsVassal of BahamutWonderworker
Miniatures Handbook Bonded SummonerDragon SamuraiHavoc MageSkullclan HunterTactical SoldierWar HulkWarchief
Draconomicon: The Book of Dragons Bloodscaled FuryDisciple of AshardalonDispassionate Watcher of ChronepsisDracolyteDragon AscendantDragonkithDragonriderDragonslayerDragonsong LyristDragonstalkerElemental MasterHidecarved DragonHoardstealerInitiate of the DraconicMysteriesPlatinum KnightSacred Warder of BahamutTalon of TiamatUnholy Ravager of Tiamat
Complete Warrior Bear WarriorBladesingerCavalierDark HunterDarkwood StalkerDervishDrunken MasterExotic Weapon MasterEye of GruumshFrenzied BerserkerGnome Giant-SlayerHalfling OutriderHulking HurlerHunter of the DeadInvisible BladeJusticiarKensaiKnight of the ChaliceKnight ProtectorMaster ThrowerMaster of the Unseen HandMindspyNature’s WarriorOccult SlayerOrder of the Bow InitiatePurple Dragon KnightRage MageRavagerReaping MaulerRoninSpellswordStonelordTattooed MonkThayan KnightWar ChanterWarshaper
Complete Divine Black Flame ZealotBlighterChurch InquisitorConsecrated HarrierContemplativeDivine CrusaderDivine OracleEntropomancerEvangelistGeomancerHoly LiberatorHospitalerPious TemplarRadiant Servant of PelorRainbow ServantSacred ExorcistSacred FistSeeker of the Misty IsleShining Blade of HeironeousStormlordTemple Raider of OlidammaraUr-PriestVoid DiscipleWarpriest
Serpent Kingdoms Ancient MasterCoiled CabalistFang of SsethMaster of VipersNaga OverlordSerpent Slayer
Races of Stone Blade BravoBattlesmithCragtop ArcherDawncallerDeepwardenDivine PranksterEarth DreamerGoliath LiberatorIron MindPeregrine RunnerRunesmithShadowcraft MageStoneblessedStonedeath AssassinStonespeaker Guardian
Frostburn Cloud AnchoriteCryokineticistDisciple of ThrymFrost MageFrostragerKnight of the Iron GlacierPrimevalRimefire WitchStormsingerWinterhaunt of Iborighu
Shining South Crinti Shadow MarauderGreat Rift Deep DefenderHalruaan ElderHalruaan MagehoundHand of the AdamaJordain VizierLuiren MarchwardenMaquar CrusaderScourge Maiden
Libris Mortis Death's ChosenDirgesingerEphemeral ExemplarLurking TerrorMaster of RadianceMaster of ShroudsMaster VampirePale MasterSacred PurifierTomb WardenTrue Necromancer
Complete Arcane Acolyte of the SkinAlienistArgent SavantBlood MagusEffigy MasterElemental SavantEnlightened FistFatespinnerGeometerGreen Star AdeptInitiate of the Sevenfold VeilMage of the Arcane OrderMaster TransmogrifistMindbenderSeeker of the SongSublime ChordSuel ArcanamachWayfarer GuideWild Mage
Races of Destiny ChameleonLoredelverMenacing BruteOutcast ChampionScar EnforcerShadow SentinelUrban Soul
Complete Adventurer Animal LordBeastmasterBloodhoundDaggerspell MageDaggerspell ShaperDread PirateDungeon DelverExemplarFochlucan LyristGhost-Faced KillerHighland StalkerMaesterMaster of Many FormsNightsong EnforcerNightsong InfiltratorOllamShadowbane InquisitorShadowbane StalkerShadowmindSpymasterStreetfighterTempestThief-AcrobatVigilanteVirtuosoWild Plains Outrider
Races of the Wild Arcane HierophantChampion of Corellon LarethianLuckstealerRuatharSkypledgedStormtalonWhisperknifeWildrunner
Sandstorm Ashworm DragoonLord of TidesSand ShaperScion of Tem-Et-NuScorpion HeritorWalker in the Waste
Lords of Madness AbolisherBeholder MageDarkrunnerFleshwarperKeeper of the Cerulean SignSanctified MindSavant AbolethTopaz Guardian
Weapons of Legacy Legacy Champion
Stormwrack Knight of the PearlLegendary CaptainLeviathan HunterScarlet CorsairSea WitchStormcasterWavekeeper
Heroes of Horror Death DelverDread WitchFiend-BloodedPurifier of the Hallowed DoctrineTainted Scholar
Races of the Dragon Disciple of the EyeDracolexiDragon DevoteeDragonheart MageSinger of Concordance
Tome of Magic Acolyte of the EgoAnima MageBereftBrimstone SpeakerChild of NightDisciple of the WordFiendbinderKnight of the Sacred SealMaster of shadowNoctumancerScion of DantalionShadowbladeShadowsmithTenebrous ApostateWitch Slayer
Complete Psionic Anarchic InitiateEbon SaintEctopic AdeptFlayerspawn PsychicIllumine SoulSoulbowStorm DiscipleZerth Cenobite
Tome of Battle Bloodclaw MasterBloodstorm BladeDeepstone SentinelEternal BladeJade Phoenix MageMaster of NineRuby Knight VindicatorShadow Sun Ninja
Dragon Magic Diamond DragonDragon DescendantDragon LordHand of the Winged MastersPact-Bound AdeptSwift WingWyrm Wizard
Faiths of Eberron Planar Shepherd
Complete Mage Abjurant ChampionEldritch DiscipleEldritch TheurgeEnlightened SpiritHoly ScourgeLyric ThaumaturgeMaster SpecialistNightmare SpinnerUltimate MagusUnseen SeerWild Soul
Cityscape Ebonmar Infiltrator
Complete Scoundrel Avenging ExecutionerBattle TricksterCloaked DancerCombat TrapsmithFortune’s FriendGray GuardMagical TricksterMalconvokerMaster of MasksMountebankPsibond AgentSpellwarp SniperUncanny Trickster
Dungeonscape Beast Heart AdeptTrapsmith
Complete Champion Fist of the ForestForest ReeveHolt WardenMythic ExemplarOrdained ChampionParagnostic ApostleParagnostic InitiateSanctified OneShadowspyShadowstrikerSquire of Legend

Pathfinder 1E[edit | edit source]

Because of how Pathfinder was essentially D&D 3.5 with some things messed around, there was naturally a few changes to the way the prestige class worked.

For starters, this class was now available to ANY race and granted a 2/3 caster level progression that's equally stat-agnostic.

D&D 4th Edition[edit | edit source]

For some reason there was never a paragon path or epic destiny that was directly analogous to the Arcane Archer. With the fact that most casting classes had limited use with bows and the way the AEDU System worked, such things weren't likely to be emulated well.

Some people had views on this.

D&D 5th Edition[edit | edit source]

With 5th Edition, the Arcane Archer was revamped to be a variant available to Fighters in Xanathar's Guide to Everything, thereby removing the awkwardness of requiring casting ability and offering only mediocre abilities in exchange for no spell progression. What this archetype's effectively offering is a fighter that's leaning towards Archery, adding effects like the Paladin's smite spells to your shots. inflicting burst damage in addition to AOE or debuff effects on the hit. Class does offer less general utility than other fighter subclasses, being in the same boat as a warlock in needing tons of short rests a day to milk the most of their limited spell/ability slots.

Pathfinder 2nd[edit | edit source]

Renamed to Eldritch Archer, this is an archetype that any class can take. Instead of applying poison to your arrows to deal more damage, why not use magic? Just speccing into the dedication (at level 6 because taking this dedication at level 2 would be even more busted) gives you this bonkers ability:

  • Eldritch Shot
    • Three actions
    • Requirement You are using a bow.
    • Effect You Cast a Spell that takes 1 or 2 actions to cast and requires a spell attack roll. The effects of the spell do not occur immediately but are imbued into the bow you're wielding. Make a Strike with that bow. Your spell flies with the ammunition, using your attack roll result to determine the effects of both the Strike and the spell. This counts as two attacks for your multiple attack penalty, but you don't apply the penalty until after you've completed both attacks.

And when you consider that you can upcast (heighten) cantrips, this means that you can use a shocking grasp at +2 or more to deal at least 2d12 lighting. Even if you multiclass into this from a non-casting class, you get some cantrips and basic proficiency in any one spell list, which can help out, though only spells that need to roll to hit can be cast through an arrow.

Some other feats that you get include:

  • Basic Eldritch Archer Spellcasting, Level 8 Feat
    • You gain the basic spellcasting benefits. Each time you gain a spell slot of a new level from this archetype, add a spell of the appropriate spell level to your repertoire, either a common spell of your chosen tradition or another spell of that tradition you have learned or discovered.
  • Enchanting Arrow, Level 8 Feat
    • Two Actions
    • With a single whisper carried on the wind, you enchant your ammunition to make a foe more vulnerable to your attacks. Make a bow Strike. On a hit, the target takes an additional 2d6 mental damage. On a critical hit, the target also becomes stunned 1. The mental damage increases to 3d6 if your bow has a greater striking rune, or to 4d6 if your bow has a major striking rune.
  • Magic Arrow, Level 8 Feat
    • Free Action, once per round
    • You imbue your ammunition with eldritch power. When you select this feat, choose three types of common magical ammunition of 4th level or lower from the Core Rulebook or this book. Your GM might allow you to choose from other types of magical ammunition, such as uncommon ammunition, or ammunition from other books.
    • When using Magic Arrow, you transform a non-magical arrow or bolt into a piece of ammunition of one type you chose. You must shoot the ammunition before the end of your turn or the magic dissipates. If the ammunition has an Activate entry, you still need to spend the required actions to activate the ammunition before shooting it. When you use Magic Arrow, you can choose a type of magical ammunition that is typically not available to the type of ammunition you're using—for example, you can use climbing bolt on an arrow, even though that magical ammunition is normally only found on bolts.
  • Precious Arrow, Level 8 Feat
    • One Action
    • You enchant a piece of ammunition with the magical essence of a precious material, allowing you to leverage certain creatures' weaknesses. Choose cold iron or silver; if you shoot the arrow before the end of your turn, it counts as that material. At 14th level, add adamantine to the list of materials you can choose from.
  • Arrow of Death, Level 18 Feat
    • Three Actions, once per day
    • You modify an arrow or bolt to bring death to your target in a single potent hit. Make a bow Strike. On a hit, you deal an additional 10d10 precision damage. On a critical hit, the target must also succeed at a Fortitude saving throw against your class DC or spell DC, whichever is higher, or be immediately slain; this save has the death and incapacitation traits.

And there are even more feats that you can obtain. This archetype is almost like its own class, given how you get so many feats from it.

The Archetypes of Pathfinder 2nd Edition
Core Rule Book: Alchemist - Barbarian - Bard - Champion - Cleric - Druid
Fighter - Monk - Ranger - Rogue - Sorcerer - Wizard
Lost Omens Setting Guide: Crimson Assassin - Duelist - Guild Agent - Hellknight Armiger
Lion Blade - Living Monolith - Magic Warrior - Runescarred - Sentry - Student of Perfection
Lost Omens Character Guide: Hellknight - Hellknight Signifer - Spellmaster - Firebrand Braggart - Lastwall Knights - Halcyon Speaker - Knight Reclaimant - Scrollmaster - Spellmaster - Swordmaster
Lost Omens World Guide: Aldori Duelist - Lastwall Sentry - Knight Vigilant - Pathfinder Agent - Runescarred
Adventure Path Juggler Dedication - Staff Acrobat Archetype - Zephyr Guard Archetype - Mammoth Lord - Mammoth Lord - Nantambu Chime-Ringer - Crystal Keeper - Drow Shootist - Edgewatch Detective - Eldritch Reasercher - Forlklorist - Game Hunter - Ghost Eater - Ghost Hunter - Golden League Xun - Golem Grafter - Gray Gardener - Alkenstar Agent - Animal Trainer - Bellflower Tiller - Bright Lion - Butterfly Blade - Magaambyan Attendant - Juggler - Jalmeri Heavenseeker - Provocator - Red Mantis Assassin - Sixth Pillar - Turpin Rowe Lumberjack
The Slithering OOzemorph
Grand Bazaar Captivator - Spell Trickster - Wrestler
Monsters of Myth Packbound Initiate
Advanced Player's Guide Acrobat - Archaeologist - Archer - Assassin - Bastion - Beastmaster - Blessed One - Bounty Hunter - Cavalier - Celebrity - Dandy - Dual-Weapon Warrior - Duelist - Eldritch Archer - Familiar Master - Gladiator - Herbalist - Horizon Walker - Investigator - Linguist- Loremaster - Marshal -Martial Artist - Mauler - Medic - Oracle - Pirate - Poisoner - Ritualist - Scout - Scroll Trickster - Scourger -Sentinel - Shadowdancer - Snarecrafter -Swashbuckler - Talisman Dabbler - Vigilante - Viking - Weapon Improviser - Witch
Secrets of Magic: Magus - Summoner - Wellspring Mage - Cathartic Mage - Elementalist - Flexible Spellcaster - Geomancer - Shadowcaster - Soulforger - Wellspring Mage
Guns & Gears: Demolitionist - Fireworks Technician - Gunslinger - Inventor - Artillerist - Beast Gunner - Bullet Dancer - Pistol Phenom - Overwatch - Runelord - Sniping Duo - Spellshot - Sterling Dynamo - Trapsmith - Trick Driver - Unexpected Sharpshooter - Vehicle Mechanic
Book of the Dead: Exorcist - Ghoul - Ghost - Hallowed Necromancer - Lich - Mummy - Reanimator - Soul Warden - Undead Master - Undead Slayer - Vampire - Zombie