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Mountebank is an old slang-term for a con-artist or a charlatan, but is of relevant to /tg/ not for its oldey timey English roots, but because of its presence as a class in Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition... sort of.
Stated to be based on an idea proposed by Gary Gygax in Dragon Magazine #65, the 3e Mountebank class can be best summarized as a Warlock-Rogue hybrid. They are tricksters who have sworn themselves to the service of dark powers - Archdevils, Demon Princes, even evil gods - for arcane powers that enhance their natural ability to manipulate, swindle, deceive and beguile others. Whilst most mountebanks are willing tools of evil, some attempt to use darkness to fight the darkness... or at least are motivated purely by greed and not actual malice.
3e mountebanks are typically servants of Baalzebul, Graz'zt Mammon, Mephistopheles, Orcus, Vecna or Iuz, and are usually drawn from the ranks of humans and half-elves.
Like the Warlock mountebanks don't use Vancian Casting, but instead channel their magical powers through two class features; an at-will Beguiling Stare, and the ability to invoke specific boons from their Infernal Patron based on their level. Their primary ability score focuses are Charisma, Dexterity and Intelligence.
- Hit Die: D6
- Alignment Restriction: Any Non-Good
- Class Skills: Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Concentration, DIplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Hide, Intimidate, Knowledge (The Planes), Move Silently, Open Lock, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Tumble, Use Magic Device
- Skill Points at 1st level (6 + Int modoifier) X 4.
- Skill Points at each Additional Level: 6 + Int modifier.
- Weapon & Armor Proficiency: All Simple Weapons, Light Armor.
The Mountebank starts with +0 in Base Attack Bonus, Fortitude Save and Will Save, but +2 in Reflex Save.
The Mountebank's class features by level consist of the following:
Beguiling Stare (Su): A mountebank can attempt to hypnotize another by staring into their eyes. Using this mind-affecting ability can be done as a standard action; it can be used at-will, but it cannot be used against a single target more than once per day. If the target fails a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 mountebank's level + mountebank's Cha modifier), they are Beguiled until the end of the mountebank's next turn. Whilst Beguiled, a targe loses their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class and suffes a -2 penalty to Will saves as well as a -5 penalty to Sense Motive checks. A target who resists the Beguiling Stare is allowed to make a DC 20 Knowledge (The Planes) check; if they succeed, they realize the mountebank attempted to beuile them, otherwise, they are are oblivious. Gained at 1st Level.
Bonus Language: Abyssal or Infernal. Gained at 1st Level.
Mark of Damnation: Mountebanks sell their souls for their powers, and the dark forces they offer allegiance to are inclined to snatch them up at the first opportunity. If a mountebank dies and is targeted by a resurrection effect, they must first pass a DC 25 Bluff or Diplomacy check (their choice); failure means the spell fails to work. They gain a bonus on this check equal to 1/2 their mountebank level; their dark masters realize that more powerful mountebanks are more useful in the land of the living. Gained at 1st Level.
Trapfinding: As per Rogue. Gained at 1st Level.
Deceptive Attack: A mountebank does bonus damage when attacking a target that has been Beguiled via Beguiling Stare or feinted. This bonus damage starts at +1d6 and increases by +1d6 for every 4 mountebank levels afterwards (6, 10, 14, 18). Deceptive Attack damage only triggers with melee weapons, always does lethal damage, and does not multiple on a critical hit, but can affect targes normally immune to critical hits or sneak attacks. Gained at 2nd Level.
Infernal Patron (Su): By using a Standard Action, the mountebank can call upon their infernal patron's power in a variety of ways. This can be done (1/2 mountebank level + Charisma modifier) times per day, and the effects that can be evoked depend on the mountebank's level. Gained at 3rd Level. Any Infernal Patron effects with the (Sp) attribute function as if they were spells cast by a Sorcerer with a caster level equal to the character's mountebank level.
- Mass Beguile (Su): Target a 30ft burst within (100 + 10/mountebank level) feet. All creatures within the area of affect are targeted by Beguiling Stare, except the Beguiled state lasts for rounds equal to the mountebank's Charisma bonus (minimum 1). This is a Mind-Affecting Ability and only targets creatures with a Hit Dice equal to or less than the mountebank's level. Gained at 3rd Level.
- Infernal Guise (Sp): Mimics an Alter Self spell. Gained at 4th Level.
- Disguise the Soul's Aspect (Su): When targeted by a spell or ability that determines/detects alignment, the mountebank can spend a use of Infernal Patron to evoke this ability. Doing so lets the mountebank determine what alignment the opponent detects if the mountebank wins a Charisma vs. Sense Motive check. Success or failure, this ability can only be evoked against a single target once per 24 hours, although if successful, it protects the mountebank from any alignment detection effects used by the target during that time. Gained at 5th Level.
- Infernal Defense (Sp): Mimics a Displacement spell (self-only). Gained at 8th Level.
- Infernal Jaunt (Sp): Functions as Dimension Door, but with a range of 10 feet + 5/mountebank level feet. This ability is evoked as a Move action. A mountebank who melee attacks a target after using Infernal Jaunt delivers a Deceptive Attack. A mountebank wearing a Cloak of the Mountebank increases Infernal Jaunt's range by +100 feet. Gained at 10th Level.
- Infernal Influence (Sp): Mimics a Confusion spell, but only targets a single creature. Gained at 12th Level.
- Infernal Escape (Su): Mimics a Teleport spell, except it can only target the mountebank or a familiar (if they have one). This ability requires two uses of Infernal Patron to evoke. Gained at 16th Level.
- Infernal Deception (Sp): Mimics a Mislead spell. Gained at 20th Level.
Sudden Strike: Weirdly, the mountebank's table of level traits says it gains this trait at 15th level, but its class writeup doesn't actually say what this class feature is! It's possibly the same as the Ninja class feature of the same name.
Aspect of the Damned: Unless the mountebank manages to somehow find a way to free their soul from the grip of their unholy master, reaching 20th level marks the end. Gaining this class feature gives the mountebank the Half-Fiend template, shifts their alignment to evil, and teleports them to their master's lair in the Outer Planes as an NPC servitor to their master, now and forever.
Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition classes |
Pathfinder Mountebank[edit | edit source]
Another Lost Spheres Champion Class, the Mountebanks are the pseudorogues of the team; also armed with illusions. Gaining Scoundrel and Illusion spheres at the start, the Mountebank is entirely built around weakening foes and not getting hit first. They also get Vigilante Social Talents, and are always a "social" identity. They also get an inbuilt version of spell trickery, as well as bonuses to damage based on casting rather than Strength or other modifiers. They also get access to Skill Unlocks, like a Rogue does.
The Classes of Pathfinder 1st Edition |
The Third Party Classes of Pathfinder |