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[[File: China map.gif |280px|right|thumb| Noodle land in all its majestic glory]]
[[File:The-Qing-Dynasty-in-1820.png|300px|right|thumb|China/Qing Dynasty at its greatest extent, an overloading land-hog and a source for all the Chinatowns in the world]]
{{topquote|[[Derp|China is a big country, inhabited by many Chinese.]]|Charles de Gaulle}}
When people say Asia, the first thing that would pop in their heads is China (Much to the other [[Asians]] dismay). China as we all know, is one of the [[Old Ones|''Oldest As Fuck Civilizations'']] that is still flexing their Geopolitical muscles, with a history that spends over ''5000 years'' and is still kicking. How old are they? they were already making high city walls and Empires when the Glorious [[Roman Empire|Romans]] were still living in mud huts, yeah that fucking old. Only the likes of the Egyptian Dynasties, Mesopotamia, Babylonian Empire, India and other early Middle-Eastern/Euro-African Empires rivaled or surpasses it in sheer age and unlike China, they are all dead. Furthermore, unlike most civilizations which had one Golden Age in its lifetime, China had ''Three Golden Ages''. However unlike the others listed (With the exception of India) who unfortunately suffered the common symptoms of civilization heart attacks, coronary barbarian infections or outright absorptions, China and to some extent India manage to survive by sheer isolation. China is also known for their [[Emprah|Celestial Dragon Emprahs]], multiple imperial Dynasties, overpoweringly influential, being too unusually advance for their age for nearly 2000 years, "Four Great Inventions" (Compass, Gunpowder, Paper and Printing), Confucius, martial arts, Chinese New Year and now recently [[Communism|Communists]] [[Fail|or manufacturing everything you buy in ''very, very'' poor quality.]]
On a much more unfortunate note, [[Eldar|China was also known as being a bunch of incredibly Arrogant and Egoistical Cockhats with a ''massive'' Superiority Complex that made even the Stiff Upper-Lip British look like Gandhi in comparison. In a more simplified note, they viewed themselves and their civilization as the, "Center of the Universe and only civilization on the planet, that is unfortunately surrounded by filthy uncivilized barbarians and animals that want to pillage China because their soooooo jealous of our cultural enlightenment and achievements". Tl;dr sounds fucking familiar to you?]]
'''China''' is probably the oldest semi-continual polity in the world that anyone actually gives a shit about. Over the course of twelve major dynasties, a shitload of smaller ones, a bunch of big civil war punch-ups, one Communist dictatorship, and its current, ongoing, post-Communist oligarchy, this huge blob of East Asian grasslands/steppes/jungle/desert/mountains/everything and its b[[Hive World|az]]illion inhabitants has had a tremendous, outsized effect on the world economy and the culture of surrounding nations.
To give you a clue on how Egoistical China was, check a look on the list of the amount of honorifics they get, yes even the fucking nicknames of China make the British "Empire where the Sun never Set" look amateur in comparison. These honorifics are....
Naturally, this has made it fertile fodder for tabletop gaming. From the [[Forgotten Realms]] to [[Pathfinder Roleplaying Game|Golarion]], few are the fantasy gaming settings ''without'' a "medieval China"-equivalent somewhere in the world. However, quite often, these Sure-Fine brand not! Chinas are about as well-researched and accurate as, well, [[Medieval Stasis|their European counterparts]], taking the broad cultural outline of a big empire ruled by a centralized bureaucracy and an all-powerful Emperor ([[God-Emperor of Mankind|who may or may not be a god / demigod]]) and a few specific trappings of architecture and dress to make what amounts to a China-based theme park for the adventurers to roam around in, seeing the sites, taking pictures, and fighting their way through that bestiary full of East-Asian monsters you never get to use. There's nothing ''wrong'' with this, really, but there's nothing particularly interesting about it either beyond the novelty of playing a bunch of slack-jawed tourists in your adventuring campaign.
*Middle Kingdom
*Celestial Empire/Kingdom
*Heavenly Empire/Kingdom
*Center Kingdom
*Universal Civilization
*Land of the Heavenly, Celestial...(Pick the name of whichever Chinese Dynasty here)
*Empire of the Great Ming
*Empire of the Great Qing
*Great Chinese Empire
*Sleeping Giant of Asia
*Sleeping Dragon of Asia
*Land of the Dragon Emperor
*The Roman Empire of the East
*Cradle of Civilization of the East
And my personal favorite....
*The Empire so damn rich and wealthy, that even with all the treaties it had to pay in the 19th century, it still had a GDP ''twice'' that of the entire US economy ''today''
== History of China Part 1: The Ancient Times ==
However, the ''other'' major influence China has had on tabletop gaming is through the medium of ''wuxia'', material from a Chinese perspective that spills into the Western market. (Its cousin, ''xianxia'', is popular among sweaty Internet nerds who like ''isekai'' [[anime]], but has not penetrated nearly as deeply into the Western consciousness.)
As we all know, China has a lot of historical content, so we tried our best to fit all the important bits and peaces in a small and condensed paragraph.
Here we look into the most ancient parts of China, during the times where the Egyptian Dynasties were still constructing pyramids and the Babylonians were pimping out with their unbelievable albeit near-legendary beauty of the Hanging Gardens. During this era, we see China already building advance Empires and States, one of which is almost legendary. This era was essentially the times before China had an Emperor, and was still fighting for total dominance in Asia, so expect quite a lot of War, Gore and [[Rape]].
== [[Wuxia]] ==
{{topquote|'Wu' means martial arts, which signifies action, 'Xia' conveys chivalry. Wuxia. Say it gently... 'whooshah'... and it's like a breath of serenity embracing you. Say it with force, 'WuSHA!', and you can feel its power.|Samuel L. Jackson, "The Art of Action: Martial Arts in the Movies"}}
Thank you, Reverend Jackson.
Leving aside some Homo erectus, Modern Humans first showed up in East Asia about 75,000 years ago. For at least 20,000 people in China were making pottery and by all accounts were the first to do so. About 7,000 BCE some chinese farmers worked out how to grow millet and we have the rise and fall of a bunch of regional cultures to which we know little, but we do know that they worked out glazed ceramics, how to make silk, some systems of writing (though how many is still unanswered) and by 3,000 BCE they were working bronze.
===Xia Dynasty: Fake or Real?===
Wuxia is what China has instead of Tolkien. Just as the Western fantasy setting has got your dwarves and your elves and your dark lords leading armies to conquer the world, China has Jianghu, literally "the Land of Rivers and Lakes", implying a sense of freedom from both normal familial obligations and the tyrannic representatives of the [[Emperor]]. In the settings, corrupt civil authority forces noble wandering heroes to live like outlaws as they fight to restore order, learn secret techniques from old masters, are forced to battle their former best friends, etc. Just like Western fantasy, there's a lot of high-brow, literary stuff, but there's also a lot of entertaining trash pumped out to fill a public appetite for it. For instance, those cheap Shaw Bros. kung fu movies are wuxia, but so are films like ''Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon'' and ''Hero''.
According to a few ancient accounts of note (among them being those cited by Confucius), there was a great kingdom ruled by a Dynasty founded by a King named Yu the Engineer from about 2100 BCE to 1600 BCE, which the Shang overthrew. The problem being that these accounts were written at least centuries after it fell. Its not in dispute that some form of comparatively complex agrarian civilization existed in China at that time, there is no hard evidence that said culture or cultures added up to something to the effect of the Dynasty described.
===Shang Dynsaty===
And, naturally, this genre has its own tabletop games.
In the Shang Dynasty we begin to get written accounts about how things operated and we see something to the effect of Chinese writing emerging written on cattle bones. The Shang Dynasty was a theocracy in which a central priest king who ruled by burning bones and making predictions based on how they cracked. Weird as this is, the Shang managed to make a bunch of other clans of people their vassals and get taxes out of them and this set up lasted for more than 500 years.
Even so it eventually fell. The last king of Shang was by all accounts a sadistic tyrant and an enormous asshole - taxes were raised to build him new palaces and pleasure domes, which he'd fill with lakes of wine and trees hung full of meat and had people frolic in while he watched; when he got tired of that he started inventing new ways of burning people to death. This didn't endear him to his people or his vassals, one of whom was the king of this podunk kingdom called the Zhou - the fact that the king of Shang also killed and fed him his son that one time didn't help. So eventually the Zhou went all Last Alliance on the Shang and took over.
The biggest success is probably ''[[Exalted]]'', [[White Wolf]]'s epic fantasy role-playing game. While there are, obviously, a shitload of other influences, from a corrupt cosmic bureaucracy and physical Realm in need of heroes to fix things to the super-martial arts and flowery naming conventions, Creation would simply not be recognizable without the trappings of wuxia. This is true even in a subtler sense: wuxia often focuses on tragedy and deeply-flawed heroes whose best intentions turn on them. Thanks to the Great Curse, all the exalts are, unless they do their utmost to defy their fates, doomed to destroy all they love.
Of course, do note that most of what was passed down about the Shang dynasty (that wasn't confirmed by modern archaeological findings) was about how awful their last king was, and remember the Zhou had to justify their uprising somehow, so take the above paragraph with a bit of salt.
Other games, like ''[[Legends of the Wulin]]'' and ''[[Feng Shui]]'' draw on the genre more overtly. Even if the latter is more about aping the whole spectrum of Hong Kong cinema than wuxia specifically, even the later "heroic bloodshed" films are basically wuxia pictures set in the modern day with guns instead of swords, cities instead of forests, and cops and triads instead of heroes and bandits. The "69 A.D." Juncture ''is'' pure wuxia though, with an Imperial Court strangled by the machinations of the evil eunuch-sorcerers known as the Eaters of the Lotus and a countryside lousy with their supernatural and mortal henchmen terrorizing the nation. And the text notes that the heroic Dragons are frequently destroyed and remade, heroes born beneath stars of tragedy who often go out fighting the good fight.
===Zhou Dynasty===
Wizards actually tried their own hand at a ''wuxia'' setting, the awesomely-named ''[[Dragon Fist]]''. Running on an early, jury-rigged d20 engine with a lot of leftover AD&D parts, it was barely-functional, but fun as hell, and set in the land of Tlanguo, though it got no support at all after the initial release. (Boooo!)
Zhou was originally a smaller kingdom that bordered the Shang kingdom in Western China and eventually managed to take it over in 1046 BCE. When they did the Zhou King Wu came up with the justification for their takeover: Heaven had given the Shang Kings a mandate to rule, but because they had become corrupt and debased they had taken that Mandate away and have given it to the Zhou Dynasty. The idea stuck and the Zhou conquerors gained influence. At the same time agriculture improved, the population expanded and things were alright, for couple of centuries at least.
'''Spring and Autumn Rapefest '''
[[Legend of the Five Rings]] is usually seen as a more "Japanese" setting than a Chinese one, and it's true that there's plenty of ''jidei geki'' DNA in Rokugani society, from its strict, stratified class system and militarism to its overtly-Japanese names and weapons, to subtle things like "void" replacing "metal" as one of the Five Elements. But, there's still plenty of Chinese flavor there. Various periods in Rokugani history were far more friendly to the wuxia mien, with bands of heroic ronin fighting the power against a corrupt shogunate in the hands of the Shadowlands. In particular, the Phoenix Clan endorses a philosophy that has far more similarities to daoism than anything recognizably Japanese, and Rokugan itself, as a land-bound empire that relies on a coastal breadbasket to feed a less-productive inland and a Great Wall along a border with a dangerous and barbaric foreign power to keep the heartland safe, is much more like China than any period in Japanese history.
After King Wu took over, he worked out a feudal system for china and put his relatives and generals in charge of various fiefs. The problem was that he gave them too much power and the central Zhou government gradually became irrelevant. The various fiefs built up their own armies, treated the King's orders as suggestions and eventually began fighting with each other over territory, which would just get worse and worse. Eventually smaller fiefdoms were eaten up by larger ones, making the larger ones stronger and more able to defy the will of the Zhou King. At this point, people in china started working iron and building crossbows, which helped make these battles get even bloodier.
Among the people who took notice this bloodshed, as well as rampant corruption was a tax collector who would become known in the west as Confucius. His philosophies based around his ideas about humans should interact (tl,dr version: Subordinates should be loyal and respect their superiors, superiors have an obligation to be supportive to his subordinate and together both should work to be good people and create a nice harmonious society where shit gets done) would latter become the official ideology for china for years to come. Also, this period produced Sun Tsu and his book The Art of War, which is still considered essential or recommended reading by many militaries both in East Asia and beyond
'''Warring States Period of Bloodbath'''
{{topquote|The Empire, long divided, must unite. Long united, it must divide. Thus it has ever been.|Opening lines of Romance of the Three Kingdoms}}
{{topquote|China is whole again...then it broke again.|Bill Wurtz, summarizing Chinese history}}
[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_China A brief timeline]
The difference between the warring states period and the Spring and Autumn period was the fact that during the Spring and Autumn Period still pretended at times that the Zhou government was actually running things when it served its purposes. In the warring states they stopped playing that game and simply acted as independent states and (as the name suggests) fought with each other all the time. Wars in this period involved tens of thousands of peasant conscripts clad in scale armor (either wood or metal) armed with crossbows, halberds, pikes and short swords fighting in formations commanded by nobles on chariots, who also acted as bow armed cavalrymen.
===Ancient China===
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xia_dynasty Pre-History Stuff]'': A confederation of early-agricultural peoples who will later be known as the "Han" settle in the valley of the Yellow River. Confusingly, a dynasty of the same name is also coming up (it's because they named themselves after that particular dynasty). The Han built one of the first civilizations on Earth, with block writing, metalworking, and advanced farming techniques.
* Xia: There is fuckall known about the Xia dynasty for certain, as this period had no permanent writing and exists largely as a folk story told by later generations. The Xia period is held with a sort of Arthurian reverence, with tales of bravery and dragons. Due to how China views history, these are considered historical fact, despite their fantastic elements and lack of corroborating evidence. What few records exists revolve around towns made of dirt and logs, but there is certainly a campaign or two to be had from a time of Gods, Heroes and Dragons. Also, millet and noodles; if the Erlitou theory should hold up.
*''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shang_dynasty Shang]'': Led by the Yin family, the Shang had bronze, which, to use technical military parlance, made them the meanest bitches on the block for a long time. They worshipped a celestial god Huangdi. The Yin lords and ladies were ''obsessed'' with divination, going through huge heaps of bones and turtle shells for fortune-telling purposes whenever anyone did anything. So, yay: literacy, at last! Their nobles also had a habit of honoring ancestors by burying hundreds of slaves in their tombs. All par for the course for Early Bronze Age society - as witness the [[Maya]], [[Gilgamesh]], and the "Iphigenia" legend from Greece. Eventually, the Shang became [[Imperium of Man|engaged in too many wars]], before being overthrown by...
Some of these states funded their armies by taking some of the silk that they made and selling it to people going west. These guys would again sell it to guys going further west, and so on and so on until the silk reached Persia and Greece and was insanely expensive. It also caused a trade imbalance bad enough to cause many roman politicians to advocating a ban on silk altogether.
===The Zhou===
The Zhou were a family from out west in the boonies that moved onto Shang land and became vassals to the Shang until they... weren't.
== History of China Part 2: Too Many Fucking Dynasties ==
Unlike the Shang, whose culture has to be gathered from myth and scattered nonliterary documents, Linear B style; the Zhou culture actually produced a literature, although that got transmitted through layers of copying and redaction. Still, Chinese culture is [https://razib.substack.com/p/3000-years-of-chinese-history remarkably continuous from the Zhou].
Though the Zhou were a memory, their idea of the Mandate of Heaven would live on and would be used again and again. According to the narrative one ruling household and their officials would become complacent and corrupt so Heaven would show its disapproval with things like famines (IE farmland was not properly managed and emergency granneries set up in case of crop failure were not kept topped up), banditry (peasants who were starving due to said famines began to steal stuff to survive) and barbarian raids (soldiers who would have been guarding the boarders are re-assigned to deal with the bandits or, annoyed that their paychecks have not arrived in six months, bugger off and either go home or join with the bandits), so some rebels and a a charismatic general or local official comes in and defeats the Imperial Armies. Since he deposed of the guys to which Heaven had gotten mad at, it was clear that they lost it and had given it to the victor since he was the victor and all. In time, things go down hill again and the cycle continues.
===Qin Dynasty: First EMPRAH!===
To justify their rebellion, and then their rule, the Zhou introduced the concept of a "Mandate of Heaven" (''tian ming'' in modern Mandarin orthography) issued not by the mercurial gods but by the cosmic forces of rightness, to which even gods must bow. It was brilliant, in its own way: theoretically, each dynasty ruled by the Mandate. When they didn't do so well or justly, Heaven would withdraw the Mandate and give it to someone else who'd overthrown them. And the Zhou stopped their subjects from sacrificing each other, which was a major step forward.
[[File:Terracotta soldier.jpg|300px|left|thumb|A Terracotta Soldier, one of 8,000 such statues. Giving a whole new meaning to "Dying with style".]]
One of those Warring States in the Warring States period was Qin. Eventually it became ruled by a guy called King Zheng, an exceptional statesman and military leader. Under his rule and using Legalist philosophy he re-worked his society into a machine for total war. He raised a vast army which instead of being led by nobles who got their position due to birth, it's officers were promoted from the ranks(Field promotion was determined by how many enemy ears a soldier brought back from the battlefield. Seriously.) Power was centralized and one gained positions of power by exceptional service to the Qin state. By 221 BCE, all the other warring states had been crushed ruthlessly. He then proceeded to introduce a single system of writing and spread his centralized bureaucratic system across all the states he had conquered. As a finishing touch, he decided that "King" was not an adequate title for describing the greatness of his achievements, so he invented "Huangdi", which in English roughly means "EMPRAH". Thus, Qin Shi Huangdi became China's first Emperor. Word of his conquests managed to work its way along the Silk Road and eventually made its way to Rome, where "Qin" was corrupted to "Sina", which two thousand years latter would become in English word China.
The big problem was that while he was an effective ruler (at least until he went crazy from eating too much jade and drinking mercury to try to become immortal), he was also a brutal one. People who were not drafted into the army were drafted into building roads, the beginnings of the Great Wall and eventually his tomb with it's terracotta army. Defiance was dealt with swiftly and brutally with a whole bunch of executions. This did not endear him to the people and after he died, China has one of its first peasant rebellions. According to one story, the thing that got the ball of Rebellion going was some conscripts getting delayed by bad weather and given the choice between arriving late and being executed or rebellion and possibly surviving, they rebelled. That rebellion didn't work, but it did inspire the nobility of many ex-Warring States to rise up as well and those eventually did in the dynasty in 206BCE. For its achievements, it lasted only 15 years.
More-cynically, this Mandate meant that a ''successful'' rebellion was "proof" that Heaven had turned its back on the old order, and an ''unsuccessful'' one was "proof" that it wasn't time yet; this system of ''ex post facto'' justification has proven to be much more durable than the western concept of the ''divine right of kings'' and persists to this day (if not in name). It also didn't hurt that the Zhou showed mercy upon the Yin family who'd run the Shang, allowing them to keep a fief in the Song duchy. Confucius himself was of the Yin / Song ex-Shang.
===Han Dynasty: AKA The First Golden Age of China===
Anyway, the Zhou had a good run, but the state's vassals started pulling apart during [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring_and_Autumn_period Spring and Autumn period], and eventually the whole thing fractured into a mess of warring states fighting for supremacy. This was known as [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warring_States_period Warring States period]. At the same time, constant conflict and the need to innovate culminated in to the "Hundred Schools". The origin of both Confucianism (under the sovereign-again Song/Yin) and Daoism in some of their earliest forms was observed.
Fortunately for the Chinese, things did not go back into Warring States period after the Qin were overthrown. Liu Bang managed to unite the peoples that Qin had conquered and formed the Han Dynasty. Some attempts were made to re-establish the feudal arrangement of the Zhou dynasty, but several rebellions later the Han Emperors decided to stick with the Qin's centralized bureaucratic government, which China would use for the next few thousand years, though with an established nobility. It was the first time that Confucianism was adopted as an official ideology, though some Legalist ideas were kept. For four centuries society prospered and advanced. Paper, Porcelain, waterwheels and fairly advanced mathematics (including negative numbers) were developed. Due to the prosperity, the Han Dynasty would then become the name of the largest ethnic group in China, the Han Chinese. There was also a obsession among the rich to try to mix up potions of immortality out of minerals and plants. Usually their efforts only yielded potions of mortality, though this will continue and be of some importance latter on. At this time, Buddhism began to enter China.
There was also the 14-year Xin Interregnum right in the middle, but nobody counts that as a proper dynasty.
===Early Imperial China===
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qin_dynasty Qin]'': Probably the shortest dynasty that people actually remember and care about, but it had the great emperor Qin Shi Huangdi. Yes, this motherfucker had the nads literally to name himself "God". Uniting the nation by military force, the so-called "First Emperor" invented probably the first modern nation-state, standardizing culture, weights, measures, roads, and countless other things to ensure that the Chinese stopped thinking of themselves as being from Lu, Jin, or Wei and started thinking of themselves as Chinese. He's got a bad reputation as a crazed mass-murderer too, but that was mostly because he made enemies with the Confucians and the Confucians wrote the history books for two millenia and some change to come. He also "abolished history" by burning all the books not containing useful technical information (and occasionally their authors as well), keeping only a copy of each one in his private library for the leader's personal use, which was promptly lost after his death - which happened sooner than it should have, because he thought that [[fail|chugging mercury would make him immortal]]. What he built barely survived him, but there's a reason the modern nation still bears his name. (...It's pronounced "chin." Goddamn pinyin.)
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Han_dynasty Han]'': This one's so important it's still what the Chinese call themselves as an ethnic group. Roughly contemporaneous with the Roman Empire, with each being aware of the other without ever quite meeting (partly because the Parthian Empire was really anal about playing middle-man on the Silk Road). They seemed to think of themselves as opposite versions of themselves on opposite ends of the world. The Han was founded by a former Qin Sheriff who lost some of his prisoners during a convoy; realizing that the punishment would be death, he decided that he already had nothing to lose and instigated a successful rebellion against the Qin (this is why there is such a thing as too severe a punishment when it ceases to be a deterrent). Introduced the concept of a centralized bureaucracy offering positions to applicants who were judged by local officials based on the Confucian classics, the latter of which would survive until the Sui initiated reforms and the ''former'' of which didn't go away until the Emperor did. A hugely-prosperous, technologically-skilled, highly-advanced society, with a new coinage standard that, unfortunately, as part of a running theme, began to fall into weakness and decadence. First, the eunuchs, always resentful of their snipping, tried seizing power for themselves, only for military officers to storm the capital and slaughter them all, leading first to a tenuous military dictatorship, and then to, well...
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three_Kingdoms Three Kingdoms], and the Romancing Thereof'': The late Han dynasty and generation shortly thereafter was a great and heroic age. It was a time of larger-than-life personalities, brave generals, brilliant strategists, and masterful politicians. It is worthy of study both for historical/entertainment value and for inspiration in any good tabletop campaign that wants to have a military-political element. And it is the subject of one of the Four Classical Novels, the historical epic usually translated into "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in English, this being the reason of its fame. Unfortunately, it is also ''bastard complicated'', so let's just say that one of the Three Kingdoms finally usurped the Han after using them as a puppet state for a while, and then conquered the others a generation later, all the while, after successive underage emperors, being a puppet to the founders of the next dynasty. Most gamers in the west know this period due to the Dynasty Warriors series and the [https://1d4chan.org/wiki/Total_War#Total_War:_Three_Kingdoms Total War: Three Kingdoms] game.
===Three Kingdoms: The Breakup===
===[[Age of Strife]]===
But like all good things the Han Dynasty eventually came to an end. Around 180 CE The central government weakened and a few civil wars caused the local officials to build up their armies for defense. Eventually the Prime Minister Cao Cao decided to re-unite China while being very brutal in doing so, but he was eventually defeated at the battle of Red Cliffs.
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jin_dynasty_%28265%E2%80%93420%29 Jin]'': Backstabbing, political maneuverings, coups d'état, internal conflict, corruption, political turmoil followed by clashes and war; successful and unsuccesful throne usurpings, military revolts, paranoia among royal family, more revolts and end to Jin rule.
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_and_Southern_dynasties Northern and Southern]'': An age of civil war and political chaos complemented by a time of flourishing arts and culture, advancement in technology, and the spread of Mahayana Buddhism and Daoism. It should be noted that the Northern Dynasties were essentially [[Warriors of Chaos|barbarians]] and most of the Han fled south. Key technological advances occurred during this period, but more important was the spread of agricultural tech to the south, cementing their status as major taxgivers. The invention of the stirrup during the earlier Jin dynasty (265–420) helped to ignite the development of heavy cavalry. Advances in medicine, astronomy, mathematics, and cartography are observed by historians.
From 220 to 280 there were three states, Wei in the north, Shu in the southwest and Wu in the southeast which fought like a bag of cats to reclaim the Imperial throne. Even so, technology marched on with guys like Ma Jun and Zhuge Liang inventing repeating crossbows and compasses and so forth. Wei eventually conquered Shu, but Wei eventually fell to an new upstart called the Jin rose up, conquered Wei and eventually conquered Wu.
===Medieval Imperial China===
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sui_dynasty Sui]'': The good: they reunited a divided China, and 1) successfully undertook such vast internal-improvement projects as the Grand Canal connecting the city of Beijing in the north to the city of Hangzhou in the south, a thousand miles away; 2) initiated the test reforms, which will slowly change China into the model state in Voltaire's eyes in the course of five hundred years. The bad: they were extravagant assholes and control freaks whose projects were built on a foundation of peasant bones mortared with blood. Fell apart after the second emperor's repeated attempts to conquer Korea against dogged resistance and interference from the top broke the back of the army.
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tang_dynasty Tang]'': The Emperor Li Yuan, who seized the capital from the Sui, is his dynasty in microcosm. When he took power, the people thought he would be the greatest emperor in their nation's history; energetic, brilliant, skilled at all manner of government, military, and artistic tasks. He stabilized the shaking nation. Then he turned into a paranoid, murderous asshole as he got older until he finally got deposed. Sounds about right. This is the age in which the Chinese invented gunpowder, and, at its height, it was also the richest, most-advanced, most-cosmopolitan society on Earth, rolfstomping basically every thing that crossed the great houses of the dynasty. Problem is such conquest was completed by governor-generals that can tax their lands, which allowed them to rebel quite easily. The Tang dynasty also had the only officially recognized empress regnant (i.e. a woman who rules as a monarch in her own right, not as the wife of the emperor) in the history of Imperial China, Wu Zetian. Once things started falling apart, a radical sect of Confucianism began attempting to purge China of "outside influences" and restore China to the good old days through teaching and circulating their works, and also encouraging persecution and robbery of said outside influences, including Christianity and Buddhism. Buddhism survived, Christianity (Nestorians) did not.
This period is the setting of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", one of the most important bits of classical Chinese literature.
===Second Age of Strife===
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Dynasties_and_Ten_Kingdoms_period Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms]'': The period of political disunity between the Tang and the Song, known as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. During this period, five states quickly succeeded one another in the Chinese Central Plain, while more than a dozen concurrent states were established elsewhere, mainly in south China. During this half-century, China was in all respects a multi-state system.
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Song_dynasty Song]'': Invading barbarians devastated a Tang dynasty that was already eating itself alive from within. After a brief but invigorating series of civil wars and abortive wanna-be dynasts, an opportunistic general seized control of a splinter state that begun uniting China, and would go on to overlap with the Yuan for a while until the Mongols finally finished 'em off. The Song dynasty was, no bones about it, a cultural and economic powerhouse. They invented such modern marvels as paper money, steam and water-powered industry, and mass production. They also created beautiful and marvelous art, like pots depicting ponds on which fish appeared when water was poured in, or rice that smelled like flowers while it was cooking. However, they were ''also'' weak politically and militarily, and their ongoing "sour grapes" stance toward most of their neighbors, combined with Neo-Confucian abhorrence at the thought of allowing ''merchants'' to do the fighting, prevented them from properly leveraging the economic advantages of their hyper-advanced economy to dominate them with "soft power," and their underdeveloped understanding of economics meant many of these advances were eventually abandoned by a society not ready for their consequences. Ultimately gave in to...
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuan_dynasty Yuan]'': Goddamn Mongolians. Technically "started" by Genghis Khan himself, it only really became a Chinese-style dynasty when his grandson, Kublai Khan, set up his capital in Khanbaliq (later Dadu, modern Beijing). Like the Greeks and the Romans, the "conquering" Mongolians slowly resembled their Chinese subjects. Culturally, this was the beginning of the modern Chinese novel and drama, though always with the wary eye of Imperial censors lurking over the writers' shoulders. (This was nothing new, incidentally, though the volume sure was.) This was also the dynasty that brought China to the West's attention, partly due to the Mongol invasions threatening Eastern Europe, and partly due to Marco Polo's accounts of the reign of Kublai Khan. The Mongols generally imported nobles rather than using locals, so a variety of Middle Easterners were brought in to manage and police the Chinese nation, while Chinese bureaucrats were sent to the Middle East to manage and police it. This is the origin of the Hui people, Muslim descendants of intermarrying foreign officials and soldiers who maintain their faith today and served as some of the most disciplined and feared of all Chinese soldiers in future wars. Eventually, the Yuan proved how "Chinese" they'd become by going out in the traditional Chinese way: collapsing into a mass of squabbling warlords and decadence because of fiscal disaster. Notably, the fleeing Khan took the ancient Imperial Seal dating all the way back to ol' Qin Shi Huangdi himself with him when he went back to Mongolia, and no one's ever found where he stashed it, according to legends anyway.
It was during the Wei that China would have its first proper diplomatic contact with these [[Nippon|curiously short people from islands even further east. It would be the beginning of a long and troubled relationship.]]
===Late Imperial China===
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ming_dynasty Ming]'': Founded by an illiterate peasant-turned-warlord, Zhu Yuanzhang, who stands aside such figures as Oliver Cromwell of England, Jeanne d'Arc of France, Toussaint L'Ouverture of Haiti, and the Prophet Muhammad of Arabia as one of the great completely self-taught military minds of human history, the Ming dominated the remains of the decaying Yuan empire with a mixture of [[Orks|brutal cunning]] and [[Creed|tactical genius]]. He went the way of Li Yuan by the end, but the dynasty he founded was the stablest and most-powerful China ruled by the Chinese in generations. It combined the economic power of the Song with the military might of the Yuan and the cultural sophistication of both into one of the grandest empires in human history. Politically, of course, they were rather repressive and authoritarian, hence ''[[Flash_Gordon|Flash! AHOWWW]]''. But it was ''also'' a very literate society for its time, with openly-female writers and readers getting lots of cred. This dynasty also saw the absolutely ''epic'' world-journey of the eunuch-admiral Zheng He, that was the closest the real-world ever got to a sea-based ''Dungeons & Dragons'' campaign. Unfortunately, due to the influence of the Neo-Confucians, their own self-sufficiency and comparative sophistication compared to the rest of the world, and good ol' fashioned racist jingoism, Ming China was very isolationist and arrogant; yet somehow managed to trade a lot because most of the silver Spain dug up in the Americas ended up there, meaning the rich were even more rich. This era of long-term peace led to a decay of military strength, especially as they insisted on inventing their own kinds of [[firearm]] rather than importing cheaper European models, and pervasive corruption and eunuch-influence at the top rotted everything it touched. Humiliatingly, after three centuries, the dynasty came to an end not when the next one stepped up to the plate, but when a ''fucking peasant revolt'' got there first (China's treasury was completely empty after years of excessive spending and corruption, and since the peasant rebellion meant that taxes could no longer be collected, the government was unable to pay or support any armed force to stop the revolt), and the Emperor committed suicide, leaving a gap for the Manchus to back right into.
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qing_dynasty Qing]'': [[File:Eight-Nation-Alliance.jpg |300px|right|thumb|And in 15 years they'll all be at war.]]As mentioned above, the semi-nomadic Manchu invaded China from beyond the Great Wall and took over as the Qing dynasty. When you learn about the Opium Wars, the Boxer Rebellion, and Spheres of Influence in middle school, this is the dynasty it all happened in. Under the Manchu emperors, China expanded to the largest size in history, occupying Mongolia, Tibet, and much of Central Asia that had not been controlled by China since the Tang dynasty. As the last dynasty, the Qing basically reached a point of such decadence and corruption that military budgets were spent on building palaces, and attempts to modernize and "Westernize" China as Meiji Japan did were met with unremitting hostility by entrenched political factions within the Imperial palace. Into this, a series of flooding disasters destroyed harvests and left the common Chinese and the military angry at pretty much everyone. Violent rebellions began appearing, aiming to '''Make China Great Again''' by getting rid of all the foreigners. One of the revolts was the [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiping_Rebellion Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Rebellion] caused by a man who thought he was the brother of Jesus and that the Manchu were demons, resulting in somewhere between twenty to thirty million deaths. This provoked a brief invasion by, well, everyone. Literally. Virtually '''ALL''' the European powers plus America and Japan sent troops to save their citizens (and more importantly, their colonial holdings). Some weren't so quick about leaving. With China basically becoming a big cake being sliced up by stronger colonial powers, a young Chinese-American Anglican named Sun Yixian/Sun Yat-Sen decided it was time to get rid of the imperial dynasties and establish a modern, Westernized, democratic republic. In 1912, the 7-year old Emperor abdicated (though he retained part of the Forbidden City and was paid an annual stipend), and the line of dynasties came to an end.
===Jin Dynasty===
===THIRD Age of Strife===
After both the Wei and Wu fell against the new upstart state, the leader of the new state, called Sima Yan established the Jin Dynasty and renamed himself as Emperor Wu of Jin, reuniting China once again. Unfortunately the unity lasted less then a decade and sooner enough, the Dynasty suffered a devastating civil war in which it could not contain the revolts of numerous nomadic tribes such as the Wu Hu. In 311, the capitol of Jin, Luoyang was captured along with Emperor Huai; for the rebels, it was considered as a, "two for the price of one". After this incident, the remnants of the Jin court fled to the east and reestablished the government at Jiankang, in which a certain prince in the Imperial court proclaimed the Emperor Yuan of the Eastern Jin dynasty. Unfortunately the newly settled Jin would be plagued by constant rebellions, and after several usurpers and assassinations later, the last Emperor of Jin, Emperor Gong would later then abdicate the throne in 420, ending the Jin and splitting China into two seperate Dynasties.
*'''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_(1912%E2%80%9349) Republic of China (1912-1915)]'': Sun Yat-Sen only became president with the help of Yuan Shikai, a Qing general who forced the Republicans to name him president if he made the Qing Emperor step down, with the support of most of the modernized Qing armies stationed in northern China and around the capital of Beijing. As promised, Yuan Shikai was made the new President of the Republic. A year later, having won national elections and taken control of parliament, Yuan further increased his power, such as making him able to name a successor ''by law''. Sun Yat-Sen's chosen successor was assassinated by "persons unknown", and the same fate would befall those suspected by investigators of having some role in the assassination. All things pointed to Yuan Shikai being responsible, but no charges could be filed as all potential suspects and witnesses were dead. With an abortive revolt crushed in Southern China, and the mechanisms of government in his hands, nothing much could be done when Yuan declared himself the Hongxian Emperor.
* ''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warlord_Era Warlord Era]'': Yuan Shikai's short-lived dynasty was defeated by a coalition of anti-monarchist armies from the south, and Yuan died shortly thereafter. However, rather than re-establishing the Republic, Yuan's defeat and death simply saw many of his followers take their own portions of the army and establish warlord states throughout northern China. One of these factions became known as the Beiyang Government and claimed itself the legitimate government of the Republic of China. Sun Yat-Sen's Nationalists retreated to the south and became warlords themselves, calling for war against the autocratic Beiyang. Dozens of lesser warlords proliferated throughout China's provinces, and the Beiyang government joined the Allies in World War I in the hopes of recovering territories taken by Germany and Austria-Hungary during the Qing Dynasty, mainly Shandong.
*''Nanking Government of the Republic of China'': Starting in 1927, over the course of one year, the Nationalist army broke the back of three major warlords of the north, nominally unifying China under one government. The remaining warlords resisted Nanjing/Nanking's concentration of power, causing even more bloodshed. Making things more complicated, the Japanese controlled Shandong, having taken it from the Germans after WW1, and nobody in China liked that.
===Southern and Northern Dynasties===
===Modern China===
The Jin Dynasty eventually broke into two states in 420, one in the north and one of the south. Unlike the Three Kingdoms, these kingdoms went through several short lived Dynasties. The South had the Liu Song, Southern Qi, Liang and Chen. The North had the Northern Wei, Eastern Wei, Western Wei, Northern Qi and Northern Zhou.
''[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China People's Republic (aka Communist China)]'': This is the era of history that, for better or worse, most Westerners are familiar with. To make a long, winding, and rather complicated story short, nearly everything in China nowadays can be traced to the efforts of one man; Mao Zedong, the leader of the then-outlawed Communist Party of China. Beginning in 1927, he warred against the nationalist government under Jiang Jieshi/Chiang Kai-Shek. Although they put their war on hold to kick the Japanese out of their country during the Second World War, by 1949, the nationalist government was pushed back to Taiwan (where they still rule today and claim to be the true government of China), and mainland China was unified under the communist red flag. For the next 50 or so years, the Chinese would play an interesting role in the Cold War between the USA and USSR; first as allies to the Russians until the Sino-Soviet split in '69, then as sort of-friends to the US after Nixon negotiated an agreement with them. As for Mao, historians are notably [[Skub|divided on his record as a politician]]. While it is agreed the man was a brilliant general, literally writing the book ''On Guerrilla Warfare'', the mixed reaction comes from his rather disastrous socio-economic policies. (and by that, we mean left around 72 million Chinese dead, from a mixture of starvation, political purges, and a ten-year period of anarchy that made the Reign of Terror look like a birthday party because it was legal for people to tell armies to hand over their weapons). His detractors will claim utopian stupidity, malicious tyranny, or a mix of both, while his supporters usually will make the claim that he just made honest mistakes. Nevertheless, his successors felt that the country was going to implode if they pursued any of Mao's hard left policies any further, so now we're in a weird state of limbo where a country that's still being ruled by the authoritarian Communist Party is more capitalist than it had ever been in any previous part of its history.
The Northern Dynasties were largely founded by steppe nomads who took advantage of the weakness of the Jin to launch their own barbarian migrations as their western cousins did to Rome. They would be the first of the many "invader dynasties" that would seize Northern (and sometimes all of) China in history to come, but it also showed the assimilating power of Chinese culture when all these barbarian armies promptly adopted Chinese-style dynasties and set up Chinese-style civil bureaucracies as soon as they took over, and eventually woke up one day realizing that they had their own barbarian invaders from the north to deal with and were basically the Chinese now.
But don't suggest China will become a democracy anytime soon. The last time they tried that in AD 1989, things [[Baneblade|went badly]] for everyone involved, especially at Tiananmen Square (which also provided an iconic meme of the little guy standing up the big guy with [[wikipedia:Tank Man|Tank Man]]). Since then, the Chinese [[1984|Ministry of Truth]] is trying to make sure that no one knows that anything happened back then. Additionally, the current president, Xi Jinping, is easily the strongest of China's leaders since Mao and has taken the country to a notably more authoritarian direction, to the point that presidential term limits were removed and he was allowed to write his political thoughts into the constitution, which are now being studied just like Mao's Little Red Book was back in the day. Even worse, he's even taken a leaf from [[Nazi|certain]] [[Imperial Truth|other]] dictators with the treatment of China's Uyghur Muslims under his regime (complete with forcing them, at gunpoint, onto trains bound for prison camps). When COVID-19 was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, several scientists studying the virus realized it had the potential to become a pandemic and warned the government, [[Noblebright|some even suggesting they also warn other countries of the potential risk]]. The government responded by imprisoning several of them (some of who have never been seen since) and covering up COVID-19... until it became a global pandemic and intrepid truth-seekers revealed the point of origin and the cover-up.
On the other hand, the Southern Dynasties were largely Han, and populated and developed by loads of Han refugees resettling from the and liking their new home. They were short-lived and tumultuous and had the lion's share of eccentric and incompetent Emperors, but the fact that the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers proved a formidable natural obstacle to Northern invaders provided some security. Combined with the fact that Southern China was actually a pretty nice place to live compared to the cold and dry plains of the North, art and culture flourished. All those ink landscape paintings were developed during this time. Confucian scholars messed around with Taoist philosophy and alchemy, made their own <strike>hippie</strike>hermit communes to contemplate the cosmos and personal growth, and yes, took lots of drugs. This couldn't last and didn't last, and eventually the future Sui Dynasty swept from the North and conquered the South, unifying China again.
On a lighter note, in recent history, Xi has gone full old man yells at cloud and decided that kids these days spend too much time playing video games, defining ''too much'' as three hours '''a week'''. AKA, Operation Touch Grass by some.
===Sui Dynasty: The Rather Short-Lived One===
A more recent development is China's declining population, just like [[Japan]]. While the latter is caused by their ass backwards business culture, nepotism and inability to run their economy. China's self inflicted wound is due to their One-Child Policy they canceled in 2015 (which was originally put in place to help curb overpopulation back in the 1970s). This wouldn't have been a problem if their culture didn't have preference towards boys, while the government showed blatant favoritism towards rural provinces to circumvent it. One problem China shares with Japan here is strong xenophobia and an aversion towards all but the strictest immigration policies reducing the number of foreign people able and wanting to move there and boost the population that way. This means there are thousands of men who can't get married, many of them uneducated with lower income. Meanwhile urban women increasingly prefer husbands with the same education and values as their own or create a vicious cycle of rising demands by choosing career success over starting a family. China is now in a situation where their economic bubble is heading towards a downturn as well due to building more houses than their citizens could afford, turning unused apartments into giant money sinks. Anyone who isn't a moron will tell you that traditionalist values and Communist (or any left wing) ideology don't mix like the CCP wishes it would.
China was reunified under the banner of Sui. The Sui Dynasty was basically Qin Dynasty 2.0 minus the mercury guzzling, they were effective administrators, but were also pretty brutal and warlike. Among the accomplishments of the Sui Dynasty was the construction of the Great Canal, a 1776 kilometer artificial waterway running north to south which is still in use today, the re-centralization of power and the creation of the Imperial Examinations. Rather than having hereditary nobles running stuff, every year there would be examinations where people had to write essays based on Confucian moral philosophy. The guy who wrote the best essay out of a five hundred guys got a diploma and could take a position in the Imperial Bureaucracy. Never the less, they wasted a bunch of resources trying to take over Korea, which soon led to their end.
===Tang Dynasty: The Second Golden Age of China===
[[image:Game_Store_in_Taiwan.jpeg|thumb|150px|right|♫Some times you wanna go, where everybody knows your game...♫]]
Fortunately the Sui Dynasty was quickly replaced by the nicer Tang Dynasty, which was on the whole a lot more stable and less heavy handed while retaining the governmental advancements. For nearly three centuries there was peace and prosperity. The Imperial Capital of Chang'an achieved a population of a million citizens. It expanded it's borders to the west, had a major influence on Japan and got actively involved in maritime trade going from China to the Middle East and East Africa aided by the introduction of compasses. While the older land routes of the silk road could send things like China to Europe, an ox could only carry a few hundred kilograms, they moved slowly and stopped at night and most importantly it involved a whole lot of middle men charging markup each time. Ships could carry more goods quicker with less manhandling and go all the way. This dynasty also had China's only regent Empress. The Tang also became tradebros with the Arabs who were having their own golden age, and religious tolerance, artistic development and Buddhism were all at all times-highs. Influence from Arabic fashions would also produce some of the most scandalously revealing period dress in Chinese history - see Curse of the Golden Flower.
*As a quick side note, that island Chiang Kai-Shek took over, Taiwan, or the Republic of China as it's officially called by the local government, is actually doing fine. It's a liberal democracy which is very much capable of [[Team Yankee|defending its position]]. If you like Chinese food, crowded cities, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and winding rural mountain roads it's a perfectly nice place to visit; they even play ''Warhammer'' (apparently mostly ''40k''). Taiwan is also notable for being the place where majority of the entire world's semiconductors are produced, which gives them major global influence as all countries both big and small are dependent on them. The majority of Taiwanese view Chiang Kai-Shek sort of like the Americans who wrote the majority of this article think about George Washington, or even the Puritans at Massachusetts Bay, as a [[Creed|hardcore leader]] who did some dubious, hypocritical things but was historically significant nonetheless and ultimately was the father of their country even if he killed a lot of people to get there and believed shit they find repulsive.
Sometime around the 800s some alchemists who had been futzing about in their search for immortality discovered that a mixture of potassium nitrate, sulfur and carbon together you could make something which burred very intensely over a short period of time.
However, opinion on Taiwan in China is [[Skub|heavily controversial and, if non-critical, can get you blacklisted from certain places (mere mention of Taiwan can be enough to do so)]], so be careful who you talk to about it. It's become a running gag that American celebrities are often forced by their corporate masters to publicly apologize, sometimes in badly-pronounced Chinese, whenever they mention Taiwan existing, or outright support the Chinese government's more infamous actions (shit like the conquest and puppeteering of Hong Kong, the massacre at Tiananmen Square that they still deny happened and if it did they deserved it or the Uyghur Genocide) to avoid losing access to the mass-est mass market in the world.
===Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms: The Clusterfuck Age===
==People's Republic of China==
After a period of famine, a guy named Huang Chao managed to muster up a rebellion and attempted to take over. He did manage to sack the Chang'an, but he did not manage to take over. The Tang Dynasty collapsed shortly after that, so china got fifty more years of division and warfare as a bunch of generals carved out their own kingdoms. During this time a bellows design was used to make a flamethrower.
===Liao Dynasty===
After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, China plunged into several decades of consecutive civil wars until a man named Mao Zedong unified China. After unifying China, Mao Zedong introduced a system that was distinct from any previous dynasties. This system, which is still in use in China today, combines elements of ancient Chinese centralized bureaucratic systems with the Leninist model of the Soviet Union.
===Song Dynasty: The Third Golden Age of China===
In simple terms, the government in China is composed entirely of bureaucrats. Although there is a "figurehead parliament" known as the National People's Congress (NPC), which is theoretically the highest authority in China and has the power to elect the President (current President Xi Jinping is ostensibly elected by the NPC), the bureaucrats are the actual decision-makers and implementers of policies. They even oversee their own actions through internal mechanisms of supervision.
[[image:Firelance.jpg|thumb|150px|right|Song Dynasty Firelance: M16, AK-47, Lee Enfield, Mauser; they all are the great great grandkids of this badboy]]
The Song Dynasty was founded by Emperor Taizu who managed to take over china. Unlike the Qin or Tang, he did so without being so heavy handed and brutal as to cause a rebellion and went straight into another golden age. More land was made arable, the population expanded to over a hundred million, cities expanded and artisanry flourished. Factories (admittedly unmechanized ones, but with large numbers of tradesmen and workers working in a rough assembly line) were set up to produce silk textiles and ceramics for both the internal market and export. Technology advanced as well. During the Song Dynasty the first simple firearms were made known as firelances. First with bamboo tubes and latter with short cast iron and bronze barrels. Su Song built a huge water powered clock for predicting astrological signs. Movable Type printing was developed, thus raising the levels of literacy and opening up the Imperial Civil Service to more people than just the wealthy. It was also used to modify a Tang Dynasty system of checks for governmental purposes into the world's first paper money and to produce the first newspapers. In general it was pretty sweet. [[Flamer|Also, Chinese Imperial Siege Flamethrowers]] [[Awesome|and Rocket Launchers motherfuckers!]]
To prevent the rebellions which did in the Tang Dynasty, the Song Dynasty organized their military into two bodies...
During Mao Zedong's reign, he and the Communist Party of China created this series of institutions for the entire country. In Mao's ideal vision, this system was supposed to operate effectively, be subject to supervision by the people, be free from corruption, and have bureaucrats who were honest and dedicated solely to the betterment of society. The Communist Party of China sought to merge with the Chinese government and even the Chinese people themselves (as of 2023, the Communist Party of China has around 10% of the total population as its members, which means approximately one out of every ten Chinese individuals is a party member). Most of the high-ranking officials in China, as well as the majority of known bureaucrats, are party members. Mao Zedong's ideology has been infused into the minds of every Chinese person.
*''Provincial Soldiers'': Provincial Soldiers were forces of conscripts and volunteers tasked with keeping the peace and defending the countryside trained and regimented into well organized units, with some areas providing specialized soldiers such as archers or cavalry. They provided the bulk of the Empire's military manpower
In Mao Zedong's ideal vision, China was meant to be a country where the bureaucracy was supervised by workers and farmers. He was eager to introduce his ideals to everyone, writing books and compiling his own quotations, hoping that everyone would learn from them. However, in reality, the system had significant flaws. Workers and farmers were unable to effectively supervise the bureaucracy, and moreover, the majority of them lacked proper education. On the other hand, the bureaucrats were often highly educated intellectuals. During Mao's reign, he held the position of a philosopher king and could somewhat steer the country toward his ideals. But after his death in 1976, power struggles erupted within the centers of power in China. Mao's chosen successor, Hua Guofeng, was overthrown by Deng Xiaoping, who became the de facto leader representing the bureaucratic group. (It is worth noting that most Chinese people are unaware that Hua Guofeng was actually the second leader of China, and many mistakenly believe that Deng Xiaoping served as the second leader. In reality, Deng Xiaoping never held the position of President of China.)
*''Imperial Soldiers'': The best provincial soldiers became Imperial Soldiers. These were stationed near the capital and were issued better weapons and armor, were better paid, held to higher standards and had a strong esprit de corps because of this. If shit got serious in an area, the Imperial Army would be sent in to deal with it.
Unlike other Dynasties, the Song were not undone because of internal rebellion but by external forces. It started with the Jurchens moved out of the north east and conquered northern china, founding the Jin Dynasty. The Song still held sway in Southern China, which they consolidated their grasp on and rose in prominence during this period. But even so, after that the Song Dynasty hung on for another 150 years.
Before his death, Mao Zedong expressed in his last wishes that his ashes should be scattered into the Yangtze River. However, the Communist Party of China established a special committee to discuss the handling of Mao Zedong's remains. They quickly reached a consensus to place Mao Zedong's body in a crystal coffin for exhibition, similar to Lenin in the Soviet Union. This decision continues to generate significant controversy. Some argue that it does not show proper respect for Mao Zedong himself, while others believe that Mao Zedong's contributions to China warrant such an action. Regardless, Mao Zedong's preserved body remains on display in the Mao Zedong Memorial Hall in Beijing, China. Anyone can enter and pay respects to this great leader.
===Yuan Dynasty: Only Time Mongolia was Relevant in Chinese History===
After Deng Xiaoping came to power, he overturned a series of socialist-oriented policies in China, including the collective ownership of land and the 90% state-controlled economy. He initiated reforms that shifted China towards a capitalist direction, known as "reform and opening up," which China continues to follow to this day. During Deng's tenure, China experienced rapid economic growth, and the living standards of the Chinese people significantly improved. The issue of famine was also alleviated with the introduction of high-yield rice varieties developed by a brilliant agricultural scientist named Yuan Longping. However, Deng Xiaoping's era is widely recognized as the most corrupt period in China's history. As the chosen representative of the bureaucratic group, Deng Xiaoping inevitably protected the interests of the bureaucracy. Many high-ranking officials during Deng's era amassed vast fortunes through corruption and bribery. It was during this time that many revolutionary elites who fought to overthrow China's feudal aristocracy and warlord system became the new "red nobility" or "red capitalists."
To the north of China was the steppes of Mongolia and Siberia, an area which is home to a number of nomadic herding cultures that have been for thousands of years a pain in china's backside, going south on raids into china and pillaging villages and whatnot. Among these were the Xiongnu, the Jurchens and the Mongols. To keep these damn kids off their lawn, the Chinese built the Great wall on their northern border bit by bit and repaired it periodically.
In the late 12th century a guy named Temujin emerged as a prominent warlord, united the mongol tribes under his banner, organizing this already formidable and vast body of horse people skilled in mounted combat in general and cavalry archery in praticular into a well organized, disciplined and adaptable fighting force and pushed it over much of Eurasia, gaining better equipment, new technologies (in particular siege weapons) and manpower as they rolled over civilization after civilization. In 1211 he invaded China and then later almost the whole of Eurasia, [[Rape|promptly scarring Russia and its people for the rest of its life after being turned into nothing more then Mongolia's pet whore]]. After his death, his Golden Horde bolstered with conquered peoples from central asia would go onto conquer the Jin Dynasty of Northern China in 1234 and with it gained gunpowder and gunpowder weapons. [[Awesome|While the Song Dynasty did manage to hold out for another forty four years against the Mongols]], ultimately even they fell to the Golden Horde, much of china was ravaged, millions were killed and thus began the Yuan Dynasty.
During the early stages of Deng Xiaoping's era, China pursued a pro-American approach. However, in 1989, the United States launched a color revolution targeting China, which led to the infamous events on June 4th, known as the Tiananmen Square Incident. On that day, over a hundred people died, and there are still divergent accounts of what exactly happened due to a lack of reliable documentary evidence. Each faction within China's political circles has its own interpretation, much like the varying perspectives surrounding the events of January 6th, 2021, in the United States. Consequently, the relationship between the two countries deteriorated to a less favorable level. In the 1990s, the United States provoked China multiple times, particularly regarding the Taiwan issue. China even prepared for the possibility of war in response to these provocations, resulting in a frosty period in bilateral relations.
Even so, once the Mongols got control of China and the mountains of corpses had been dealt with they basically continued the Song Dynasties civil policies with many Song Bureaucrats retaining their offices, though this went hand in hand with Mongol generals acting as lords. After a while they got comfortable with Chinese culture. Even so, they were not terribly good at administration. The Chinese invented paper money, but the Mongols invented hyper inflation by printing it like crazy. Early on the Mongols decided that they would also like Japan as well and tried to invade it, but these efforts failed due to bad weather.
In 1992, Deng Xiaoping relinquished nearly all of his power and chose Jiang Zemin to succeed him as the leader of China. It is said that Jiang Zemin was selected because during the 1989 turmoil, he handled the Shanghai protesters in a non-violent manner. He mobilized Shanghai's workers to persuade the predominantly student-led protesters to go home. This approach garnered recognition from Deng Xiaoping.
===Ming Dynasty: The Era where the entire Indian and West-Pacific Ocean was Dominated by China===
After Jiang Zemin came to power, he gradually reformed the military, which to some extent alleviated the problem of bureaucratic corruption in China. At the same time, he consolidated China's capitalist path under the banner of "socialist market economy" and incorporated Deng Xiaoping's theory into the Party Constitution (which is equivalent to the Bible of the Communist Party of China, as the organizational structure of the party is akin to that of a church). From then on, China, which had previously pursued an idealistic path during Mao Zedong's era but achieved unsatisfactory results, underwent a complete transformation into a realist China.
Eventually enough people got tired of the Mongol's shit and there was a rebellion against them by a group called the White Lotus who created the Red Turban Army which proceeded to drive them out. Afterwards there was some disagreement on who would be the leader, leading to a huge naval battle at Lake Ponyang, but in the end a guy from a peasant family managed to get himself claimed the Hongwu Emperor and founded the new Ming Dynasty. One of the reasons why the Red Turbans managed to overthrow the Mongols was that they were very good with gunpowder weaponry, who became the foundation of the ''Shenjiying'' (Firearms Division) who would continue to develop and use firearms for the Ming Army. This allowed them to drive out Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Armies from Korea.
Among the more impressive achievements of this dynasty lay in the Treasure Expeditions led by Admiral Zheng He. Which involved about 200 ships, including a few "treasure junks" which were listed at being about 140 meters long and 50 meters wide, although this claimed length probably was exaggerated as wooden ships of comparable length like the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wyoming_%28schooner) Wyoming] had serious problems at sea. Regardless, in the early 15th century this ship sailed from China around the Indian Ocean to show off to the world the strength of Imperial China, giving away food where they arrived to impress the locals, as well as picking up bits of tribute. Even so these policies were unpopular with many people in the Imperial Court who pushed for a ban on maritime trade. Chinese Ships would not leave china anymore. People who wanted what China had to sell had to come to china to buy it. In the 16th century, this list of people included European sailors who had gotten around Cape Horn. Among the things that they eventually brought were new world crops, but the effects of that would come latter.
Indeed, due to the prolonged internal conflicts that spanned almost half a century (from 1911 to 1949), and with the broader perspective of ongoing tensions between the Republic of China (ROC) and the People's Republic of China (PRC), China's economy remained underdeveloped. During this time, China relied on industries such as garment manufacturing and low-end product assembly to slowly accumulate primitive capital, while awaiting future breakthroughs. China was still struggling through a challenging and difficult period.
The Ming Dynasty can be seen as having a good starting run but gradually going downhill from there. The Sea Ban cost the Chinese lots of trade income. The Imperial Government also suppressed merchants in other ways due to the fact that they were seen as a threat to the older prominent families. Most importantly was the matter of corruption, which got worse and worse and ate up a fair amount of the budget. This led to peasant unhappiness as well as a reduced army.
After Jiang Zemin's era, Hu Jintao came to power as the leader of China. How was Hu Jintao selected? In the 1990s, there were several incidents of unrest in Tibet, including one in the capital city of Lhasa. During this particular incident, as a government official, Hu Jintao donned a helmet and held a rifle while standing on a military vehicle to help suppress the rioters. This event earned Hu Jintao the nickname "Lhasa Tiger," and it was in part due to this display of leadership that he was chosen by Jiang Zemin.
===Qing Dynasty: The Last One and End of an Era, also Manchu Pigtails===
In 2002, Hu Jintao came to power. His rule, compared to the era of Jiang Zemin and later Xi Jinping, appeared relatively calm and uneventful. Many people viewed him as continuing along the path laid out by Jiang Zemin. During this period, China's economy entered a golden age, and it became relatively easy for many Chinese people to find decent jobs. Various restrictions were relaxed, allowing for greater freedom of expression on the internet, including criticism of the government, the Communist Party, and even direct attacks on Hu Jintao himself. As a result, many people have fond memories of this era because it was a time of apparent tranquility and prosperity, even though it may seem that nothing significant happened.
[[File:Chinese_Racism.jpg|350px|left|thumb|Chinese depiction of foreigners, nothing spells better then racism then not even depicting the people you hate as human.]]
Because of corruption, the Ming got a bit short on cash and things got more and more expensive with people embezzling left and right, and it also stirred up some riots and minor uprisings. More and more the Ming turned to contracting external help to sort these out, usually the Manchus (the descendants of the Jurchens). Eventually the Manchus got more organized under a guy named Nurhaci and wealthy and decided that they could beat the Ming and in 1644 they did just that, founding the Qing or Manchu Dynasty.
The Qing expanded the boarders of China to include new lands (including Taiwan). The Manchus made it clear that they were a different and subordinate people to the Han Chinese majority which they ruled. Han people could still get into the Imperial Bureaucracy but a fair number of positions were reserved for Manchus, especially at the higher levels. Every Han man had to grow out a long braided pigtail to show that he was Han on pain of death. All Manchus in the Empire were who were required to practice in arms every now and again and serve in the army when called upon and each family had a rank assigned to it. Despite these new policies, the Qing were on the whole fairly conservative if not reactionary. They presented themselves as restorers of China to it's past glory.
Now, please rise as we introduce the esteemed leader who is revered by the people of China, the Chairman of the People's Republic of China, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the President of China, and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Comrade Xi Jinping!
For the first hundred years, the Qing were alright at administration. But there were a few problems, the first of which was the fact that the Emperor decided to hold power of the empire by means of micromanagement. Every new Bureaucrat not only had to pass the exams but had to be personally approved of by the Emperor, and there were something like 30,000 positions. This worked alright when you had a work-a-holic emperor, but not every Emperor was so keen to be on the job. Moreover, those new world crops and other such improvements of agriculture meant that the population went from 150,000,000 to 300,000,000, but the number of Bureaucrats to manage the affairs of those people did not. At the same time corruption crept back in. Infrastructure such as roads and irrigation systems became neglected which eventually led to famines in areas and a rise of banditry by people who were starving, which led to further breakdowns, rising food prices and general unrest. And since the Manchus had made it clear that they were in charge and a different thing from the Han, this led to tension building up and up. The last century and a half of the Qing Dynasty was one long train wreck.
In 2013, President Xi Jinping assumed power and has been leading China ever since, without stepping down.
Meanwhile the Europeans were coming in more and more often, which the Qing had a love/hate relationship with. On the one hand the Qing did not like this strange barbarians from around the ocean. On the other hand, they wanted to buy china's stuff (Silk, Ceramics, Tea) and were willing to pay for it with silver and gold. The Qing was fine with them buying stuff with Silver and Gold, but they had to do it in Guangzhou and they were not allowed to sell anything save for clocks because China was the Middle Kingdom and (outside of clocks) neither wanted nor needed anything that these smelly barbarians could make.
Politically, President Xi Jinping has consolidated his position by vigorously combating corruption and purging his political opponents. His unprecedented crackdown on corruption has solidified his power. Furthermore, his efforts to combat corruption have instilled hope among the Chinese people, who have witnessed decades of corruption since the era of Deng Xiaoping. As a result, President Xi has garnered significant support from the people. It can be said that he is the most influential leader in China since Deng Xiaoping, and perhaps even since Mao Zedong.
[[File:Opium War.jpg|300px|right|thumb|The British Army in China winning the War for Drugs]]
Well since the clock market was soon saturated and they were annoyed with the Qing's gobbling up of the precious metals they used as means of exchange the Europeans (in particular the Brits) sold stuff under the table to make up for this trade imbalance, specifically [[drug|Opium]]. This added another problem to the Qing's plate which led to the [[drug|Opium]] Wars. The Europeans had better weapons, better tactics, better organized armies and especially better ships, kicked their butts and forced them to sign treaties which opened up China(and given Hong Kong to the Brits), further and further undermining their rule. This loss of face led to more uprisings, in particular the Taiping rebellion ([[What|Dude leading the rebels thought he was Jesus reincarnate]]) which killed 20 million people, the Qing only manage to crush the rebellion by hiring [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_George_Gordon some fine old Chaps]...as you can imagine, the very concept of the "Super Civilized Celestial Empire" needing help from a supposed "Filthy, red-haired Cavemen" seems outright contradictory to the local Chinese populace.
Even though after two opium wars it became clear to anyone with a functioning brain that the choices were adopt western weapons and machines or be rolled over, the Qing did so in a half assed way that was deliberately postponed and otherwise sabotaged by conservative elements in the Qing court due to their "[[Eldar]] Mentality" and disdain for anything foreign. Such mentality would eventually pay the price, and in 1895 a big shock trembled the World, Japan defeated their "Old Masters" for the first (and only) time, completely ending Chinese naval dominance and catapulting Japan as a Great Power; for the Europeans, they were shocked and disheartened to see the "Great Celestial Empire" to be defeated by a "Group of Midgets" and their conquest of Taiwan. For the Chinese however...to them, they could not comprehend the fact that their "Glorious Civilization" lost to a nation they once long regarded as "Irrelevant and a Joke", it was not only considered humiliating, but a massive wake up call to the Chinese and its government, needles to say that 1/4 of the entire human race simultaneously lost their shit at the sight of the news. By 1900 what was once the greatest civilization on earth had been reduced to a barely functioning wreck of a nation with but a few minor areas of modernization run by a despised government. Although the British and Americans did tried their best in the preservation of the Qing by enacting the "Open Door Policy" (Which mainly told the other Great Powers, but more specifically Russia, to fuck off back in their holes), their efforts were unfortunately weak and twelve years later it would then expire and with it, ending over 2000 years of Imperial China.
Economically, when President Xi Jinping took office, China was at the end of the "Golden Decade," and its economic development had entered a phase of deceleration. The double-digit GDP growth rates experienced during the "Golden Decade" had slowed down to single-digit growth. However, President Xi has made significant efforts to promote technological development and encourage the growth of advanced industries such as semiconductor chips, civil aviation, pharmaceuticals, and electronics. Overall, China's economy can still be considered relatively strong.
However, it is interesting to note that despite its economic downturn and a sudden deflation of its Ego in the late 19th century, Qing China (Before 1895) not only became the largest Chinese Empire, but it managed to retain the vast swaft of its territory. Although its spheres of influences has been significantly reduced, it still retained its obvious dominance in Asia as well as still retaining its massive wealth and military prowess (They were the sixth most powerful Navy in the 19th century and was the largest fleet in the Far East). The reason why Europeans only wanted China's trading ports and nothing else (Compared to India) after every defeat, was mainly due to trade, although another theory might point out the West's constant paranoia of "Waking up the Sleeping Giant of Asia" or otherwise known as "Accidentally pissing off 300 million closet racists".
In the realm of the internet, President Xi Jinping has strengthened internet regulation. While it is still possible to express anti-government and anti-Communist Party sentiments on the Chinese internet, compared to the Hu Jintao era when internet regulation was relatively lax, there are now stricter controls in place. Moreover, criticizing President Xi Jinping himself has become an absolute taboo. President Xi promotes the concept of internet sovereignty, which asserts that each country should have control over its own internet space. As a result, many people believe that the quality of internet information in China is gradually declining.
== History of China Part 3: Viva la Revolution....then WWII fucked everything up ==
In terms of culture, President Xi Jinping promotes reverence for the revolutionary heroes of China's past, particularly those from the revolutionary war era of the last century. He also advocates the spirit of striving, emphasizing that every individual should work diligently in their respective positions to achieve a better life. Additionally, he requires all Communist Party members to use a mobile app called "Study Xi, Strong Country(学习强国)" to learn about the Party's new ideologies, and all Party branches are expected to regularly study the directives of the top leadership. However, despite these efforts, a culture of decadence has still prevailed since 2019.
When the Qing Dynasty Crashed, it crashed good and hard. The period between 1912 and 1949 is a low period in Chinese history. There was no effective central government, warlords carved out their own fiefdoms, technological progress was basically non existant save for a few locals and there was widespread poverty and chaos. And this is before the Japanese arrived.
===No More Emprahs!===
In society, Xi Jinping has strengthened the presence of the Communist Party of China (CPC) across various social spheres, emphasizing that the Party should not solely consist of government bureaucrats. People from every industry have been encouraged to join the CPC, expanding its membership to an astonishing number, surpassing the population of possibly 80% of the countries on Earth.At the same time, he promotes China's outstanding traditional culture and integrates the predominantly Confucian thought into the mainstream ideology of modern China.
===Empire of China: Lasted less then a Year===
In terms of military affairs, Xi Jinping downsized the PLA from 2.3 million to 2 million troops in order to allocate higher per capita military expenditure and implemented various reforms within the armed forces. He emphasizes the absolute leadership of the Chinese Communist Party over the military (although this is a consistent stance on his part). During his tenure until 2023, China has constructed two aircraft carriers and has at least three more aircraft carriers under construction in shipyards.
===Warlord Era: Warring States Period Part 2===
===Political Affiliation===
The internal power struggles within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are not made public, and many people have their own interpretations of these internal dynamics. Therefore, we will only discuss the factions within the general public.
There are many political factions within China, among which the main ones are the loyalist faction and the opposition faction.
===Chinese Civil War Part 1: Those Dirty Commies!===
* '''Loyalist faction'''
:The loyalist faction refers to all those who are loyal to the government of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party. Regardless of their reasons, they acknowledge and support the rule of the government and the Chinese Communist Party, and they have no intention to overthrow their rule (at least not currently). The reasons for their loyalty may vary, such as their admiration for the Chinese system, the benefits they have gained from it, or simply their dislike for other countries.
===WWII: China's Rude Awakening===
* '''Opposition faction'''
:The opposition faction, in contrast to the loyalist faction, seeks to overthrow the government of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party, or at least one of them. Similarly, there can be various reasons behind their opposition, such as their dislike for the Chinese system, not benefiting from it, general discontent with the country, or even allegations of receiving money from organizations like the CIA or individuals associated with Taiwan.
== History of China Part 4: From "Red is Best, Fuck Capitalism!" to "Get Rich is Glorious!" ==
Apart from the two factions mentioned above, there are indeed other factions within the general public.
This is the part where most people remember China nowadays (unfortunately?), since it was the first time that China had a leader whose name is ''at least'' easily remembered by most western audiences, as well as the first time that China finally got out of its lazy ass and decided to [[Get shit done|get shit done]] outside of China for over 400 years. Furthermore it was one of the few times that America threatened China with a nuclear bomb, needless to say that sooner or later, China constructed its first nuclear bomb and gave [[Troll|America the middle finger by calling it a, ''"Paper-Tiger"'' or AKA a ''Pussy'', while later stating to America,]] [[Imperial Guard|"We can afford losing over 300 million men, but ''can you?'']] [[Troll|thereby making Mao as one of histories greatest Trolls.]]
===Chinese Civil War Part 2: Communists win everything!===
* '''Han Nationalists(皇汉)'''
[[File:453px-Mao_Zedong_portrait.jpg|200px|right|thumb| The "Great and Glorious Helmsmen"...could seriously need a better hairstyle though.]]
:Han Nationalists often emphasize the dominant status of the Han ethnic group in China. They typically call for the abolition of preferential policies for ethnic minorities (in China, ethnic minorities receive certain benefits, such as additional points added to their total scores in the national college entrance examination, known as the "gaokao"). Some may also demand the elimination of ethnic autonomous region policies. However, it's important to note that the most extreme and radical individuals among them advocating ethnic cleansing and promoting extreme racial ideologies represent a small faction.
After the little fun game called "World War 2" had officially ended in 1945, which left China financially bankrupt and Japan personally [[Exterminatus|irradiated]], the Nationalist Party in China which was still led by Mr. "Cash My Cheque" was forced to have a truce with Mr. Mao, the leader of the Communist Party. As you can imagine, having a Fascist, Paranoid and Incompetent Dictator try and sign a 'peace treaty' with a Communistic, Paranoid and Incompetent Dictator wasn't going to end well, and sooner enough the two parties resumed their age-old Civil War against each other. However unlike the Civil War from before WW2, this time the people was on the side of the Communists. This was because the Nationalist [[Derp|"genius idea"]] of taxing the local peasants during their War against Japan while getting almost nothing done, contrasted to the Communists who actually [[Get shit done|did the direct fucking opposite.]] When the Civil War 2.0 was undergoing its way, America as always, decides to say "Fuck this shit" and proceed to ignore the Nationalists call for help until the last minute. America's reason for not helping the Nationalists initially was mainly because they found out it wasn't really a good idea to support Chiang Kai Shek, a person ''they knew'' was politically corrupt/paranoid as well as being a [[Fail|''pretty horrible military leader'',]] while leading a Political Party which had no support for the majority and was more corrupt then the failed-states in the Middle-East, against a rival Party whose leader (Although just as politically incompetent as Chiang) could at least know a few rules on how Wars actually work. Needless to say, within a span of a few years, the Communist forces kick the Nationalists ass out of mainland China, [[Fail|even despite the fact that the Nationalists had more numbers, better equipment, more tanks and planes, more advance weaponry and a logistic advantage, and they still lost miserably,]] [[Herp|all because Mr. Chiang thought it was a 'brilliant idea' to become the commander of the Nationalists military despite having little to no skill in the battlefield.]] By the next year, the Communists ousted out the last Nationalist from Hainan Island and declared the "People's Republic of China", led by Mao Zedong and was close enough to conquer Taiwan (ROC Headquarters by then), until America intervened at the right moment. Mao was, like most communist dictators, a [[Kharn|pretty fun guy to be around]] (Although unlike most Dictators, Mao absolutely hated the concept of a personality cult, believing that it made him look like a tool/joke. Eventually he and all of us would sooner find as correct, but unfortunately, you can't stop a billion plus people of illiterates of accidentally worshiping you like a God, so he just let it pass). He espoused a particularly [[Dwarf Fortress|fun]] brand of Communism called Maoism which theoretically called for a state of constant revolutionary turmoil, and practically speaking amounted to doing whatever the fuck Mao felt like at the moment. Whether this was seen as a political theater or [[Tzeentch|Mao doing it for the lulz]] is debatable, but there's undoubtedly a bit of both involved. What we do know is that he and his right hand man Zhou Enlai would spend the next twenty five years running history's most successful good cop bad cop routine.
* '''Maoist(毛左)'''
:"Maoist" refers to those who support Chairman Mao Zedong and have nostalgia for the era of his rule. They have varying degrees of support for the government, hoping for reforms that align more closely with the Maoist era. Some believe that China deviated from the path laid by Chairman Mao after his death and advocate for the overthrow of the Chinese government to establish a new People's Republic of China. It is worth noting that as China's economy has worsened, this viewpoint has gained increasing recognition among a growing number of people.
===Cold War: Great Concept, but utter Failures===
* '''Openist'''
:"Openist." It refers to a faction that advocates for relaxed control measures regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, opposing strict quarantine policies. Some individuals within this faction may believe that COVID-19 is just a minor cold and does not require strict control measures.
'''Korean War'''
* '''Isolationist'''
:"Isolationist." It refers to a faction or group of people who advocate for strict containment measures in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. They support policies that involve rigorous isolation, quarantine, and other measures aimed at controlling and eventually eliminating the spread of COVID-19.
'''China and USSR Marriage Proposal'''
==Military Stuff before the 20th century==
As a general rule China has not been big on the idea on the idea of warriors as a class unto themselves. There were charioteers back during the Warring States Period and Manchu bannermen a long, long time after that, but otherwise there was nothing equivalent to the sort of warrior society that you saw in feudal Europe or pre-modern Japan. To give you an idea of the standing of warriors in Ancient China, let it be said that the world was made up of Four Categories of People (analogous to the Three Orders of feudal Europe): Scholars, Farmers, Artisans, and Merchants; which basically served to protect the scholars from the emergence of a middle class by inverting the relationship between mercantile wealth and social standing. The Scholars, known as ''shi'', replaced the warrior-charioteers around the time Rome invented the pyrrhic victory, and resembled the Roman prefects in terms of their duties and authority. In later eras, soldiers and warriors were considered beneath these four categories and ranked alongside [[Bard|entertainers]], [[Sharess|prostitutes]], [[Maid RPG|domestic servants]], and [[Commorragh Slaves|slaves]]. Basically, they were fightier eunuchs.
Owing to the low status of the profession, if you wanted to raise an army in China you didn't have a hereditary caste of men trained in the arts of war from childhood, like knights or samurai. Trust us, many rulers tried and failed to establish such a caste. Instead, you'd get a whole bunch of peasants together, equip them, and send them out to do your fighting for you under the command of a noble trained and educated to be a general. Armies would thus vary in quality, from solidly professional soldiers to badly-trained and ill-equipped conscripts, depending on region and era.
'''Great Leap Backwards'''
In general Chinese armies were more missile oriented than their medieval or classical European contemporaries with a mix of close quarters soldiers and missile troops. Beginning with the Warring States period, crossbows were a big deal because it meant that your conscripted peasants could easily be trained to saturate the enemy with projectiles.
Around 1958 Mao decided that being a barely-post-feudal agricultural society sucked, and that he'd prefer it if China was a modern manufacturing power. Since Mao tended to get what Mao wanted, and since China had an acute murder related shortage of phd economists, everybody decided to go along with this. For this greatest domestic program Mao dredged the bottom-most reaches of his insanity for ideas. What he came up with was termed "The Great Leap Forward". The general idea was that China needed to modernize yesterday and that the way to do that was to mobilize every last human being into heavy industry. Initially a great idea at the time, but due to Mao's short-sightedness and political disorganization, the results were to say the least...[[Fail|disappointing.]] This is because the increased in homemade industrialization led to a resulting drop in farming, even more collectivization, and revolutionary zeal. The consequence was a massive recession tag teamed by an even more massive famine. Mao responded to this critical situation by promptly exporting their remaining grain reserves to the Soviet Union to cover some debts he'd been keeping. With the grain exhausted and no money to import, China's peasantry was left to subsist on nothing but their family pets and fond memories of the 50s. By most modern estimates 36 million Chinese would die in the next four years. History deals with a lot of big numbers, but try to wrap your head around that. [[Fail|Mao Zedong managed to kill more people (with ''economic stimulus'') than every world war two military could manage to intentionally inflict on each other, in a comparable time frame. Literally making Mao the largest accidental and unintentional Men-Slaughterers in human history, all because of his short-sightedness and naivety.]] After being forced to acknowledge that it may have been partly his fault, he stepped down as head of the PRC- but not the CCP, so he could keep running things behind the scenes while having someone else take the blame for his own fuckups.
A few words on weaponry...
'''The Divorce'''
Ancient China recognized four major melee weapons: staff, spear (although their concept of spear includes a wide variety of polearms - Iconically Chinese polearms include the Ji, Guandao, and podao)), single edged swords (dao), and double edged swords (jian); and of the two swords the jian was held in much higher regard than the dao. Infantry, cavalry, and pirates use the dao because it's [[choppa|an unsophisticated choppy thing for hacking your enemies to bits]] (and more importantly, as a tool for chopping bamboo). Anybody who's anybody fights with the jian because it's stabby, and stabby is the gentlemanly way to fight. If you have a curved sword in a Chinese setting you are a walk-on nobody or a filthy barbarian (either japanese or mongol) and you exist to get slapped around. China is also known for more exotic weapons such as hook swords, butterfly swords, rope darts, wind-and-fire wheels, and other bizarre weaponry that is much more closely associated with specific martial arts than on the battlefield. As with many unarmed martial arts styles, actually fighting utility can be quite varied.
'''Cultural Revolution: It Failed Again'''
In addition to melee weapons, China invested heavily in projectile weaponry, in particular inventing the repeating crossbow (chu-ko-nu) for maximum dakka on the battlefield. China is also the birthplace of gunpowder, resulting in such weapons as fire arrows, fire lances, hand cannons, rockets, grenades, etc.
'''Nixon in China'''
'''Goodbye Mao and hello Capitalism'''
There's a lot of it, and it's surprisingly relevant.
===Into the Next Millennium===
In Western antiquity, there were supposedly four "classical elements," namely air, fire, water, and earth (The Greeks also included aether, but because was an ethereal material that existed beyond earth it was usually left out). You know this. Don't pretend you don't, it's in ''fucking everything''. But, in classical China, there were ''five'': fire, water, earth, ''wood'', and ''metal''. And, just as all of Europe copied the Greeks, all of Asia copied China, with varying degrees of fidelity. Japan, for instance, had void instead of metal and air instead of wood. This more-or-less introduced the idea of "opposing" elements and elemental weaknesses, [https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/9f/FiveElementsCycleBalanceImbalance_02_plain.svg via a complex web of interactions]. Think how boring and tactically-flat so many games would be if certain kinds of damage didn't work better on certain enemies!
==The Big Question of Stagnation==
Many games play with this alternate elemental system. Aside from ''Legend of the Five Rings'', ''Pathfinder'' and the ''[[Dresden Files RPG]]'' both offer variant rules using it instead of the classics. It certainly makes for an interesting change.
From their agricultural revolution onwards, Chinese civilization advanced at a comparable rate to civilizations of Europe and the Fertile Crescent. From about the fall of the Roman Empire to the Qing Dynasty, China was in general, in a lead over the west in terms of technological, administrative and urban development. After this period, however they would lag behind and be overshadowed by advancing European powers. Like "Why did Rome Fall?" this is one of the biggest unanswered questions that Historians have whipped up a bunch of competing theories about why this was the case, here are a few of such theories...
*By suppressing the merchant classes to protect the power of the old landowning families they hindered the drive to innovation to gain an upper hand in the market.
*The Imperial Government came to value abstract philosophy over empiricism.
*The Europeans, unlike the Chinese were divided into a bunch of states, each with its own at least partially independent economic base which were constantly at each others' throats either in terms of warfare or economically. As such, there was a constant drive to develop newer and better methods of fighting and getting shit done and to keep up in Europe.
*The Chinese viewed anything from the outside as being automatically inferior to anything from China, especially during the Qing Dynasty
*The Chinese came to view the solution to the question of "How do we get shit done quicker?" as always being "throw more manpower at the problem" rather than "work out a way of increasing the productivity of each guy"
*By abandoning maritime trade and exploration they crippled their economic development
In any case, this would not serve china well.
Meanwhile, let's talk about religion. While Christianity has its own traditions of warrior-monks, usually represented as [[cleric|clerics]] or [[paladin|paladins]], the Chinese tradition is arguably the most distinctive. Two of the three major Chinese religions/philosophies, taoism and buddhism, emphasize meditation and discipline, which is strenuous to both the body and mind. Thus, they invented systems of exercises to strengthen both, called "kung fu," or, literally, "hard work."
==Chinese Analogues in Fantasy or Fiction==
Then, when they needed to act as local militias defending against marauding bandits, it turned out having intense mental focus and physical stamina made them damn good fighters, and the rest is history. And that, ladies and gentlemen is where the modern ''D&D'' [[monk]] came from.
Due to its exoticism and age, there are a couple of Chinese inspired Empires in Fantasy or Fiction.
*[[Eldar]] - Despite having weapons like Shuriken Catapults and Celtic names, the Eldar is actually more Chinese inspired. Examples include the cultural and historical arrogance, being incredibly advance for their era, martial arts, phoenix and dragon worshiping, being fantastic racists to everyone else and the obvious Yin-Yang symbols in some of the Eldar artworks.
In particular, taoist practices emphasize the existence of a kind of underlying substance of which everything is made, called ''qi''. ''Qi'' is a kind of... energy field, created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds [[Star Wars|you get where this joke is going, right]]? Anyway, in ''Exalted'', qi and essence are almost literally the same thing, and the monk and its various similar classes in ''D&D'' have "ki pools" that offer fancy new abilities.
*[[Cathay]] - Based on the old name for China, this is deliberate and perfect example.
*Command & Conquer: Generals - One of the main playable factions is Communist China.
Anyway, the Chinese ''also'' envisioned Heaven as containing a system, a Celestial Bureaucracy mirroring the one on Earth, that kept the world running according to various agreements and contracts between the gods, and even with mortal rulers via the "mandate of heaven" (a very complex concept that essentially boils down to "success and failure are self justifying"). Most tabletop settings have similar rules, regulations, and restrictions on the gods to explain why they subcontract out to adventurers, and though most of the gods and personalities of, say, the average ''D&D'' campaign setting have more to do with Western paganism than anything recognizably Chinese, the ''system'' of how they operate is more Chinese than Western simply because they ''can't'' just do as they please.
*[[1984|Eastasia]] - One of the three Superpowers in the book George Orwell's [[1984]]. Although nobody really knows who is really the leader of Eastasia, the most likely and realistic candidate is China.
*Dynasty Warriors - A series of Video Games based solely on the Chinese mythology and legends, expect a lot oversexualised women since the games was created in Japan.
In more general terms, Chinese religion is a pretty mixed bag that leaves most outsiders confused. Yes, there are the three "main" religions of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism, but they're all considered inclusive of one another, so it's possible to be a practitioner of all three. At a very high level, Taoism is concerned with the nature of existence (and is by far the most vague of the three), while Buddhism is more concerned with the reasoning individual and the trajectory of the soul, and Confucianism focuses on the proper ordering of society (and of the three is the most prescriptive). Traditionally, Chinese society has seen the three as complementary rather than mutually-exclusive, like many Pagan societies, though this has not stopped fundamentalist versions of one (in particular) of the three from trying to wipe out the other two whenever it becomes ascendant (''*cough* the CCP are Confuscians *cough*'').
*Jade Dynasty - similar to Dynasty Warriors, but in MMO style.
*[[Lord of the Rings|Easterlings]] - The Movies depicted them as Persians with Chinese influence, while GW based most of their models on [[Samurai]]s.
Furthermore, you've got the myriad traditions of the ancient folk religion, largely assimilated into Taoism and Confucianism to varying degrees, centered around heaven and ancestor worship. Even after the communist purges, ancient folklore and superstition still has a strong influence among the common people, a fixation on luck being one such example, as you can see from the various lucky charms and statues in your local mom and pop American Chinese restaurant. Another such superstition lead to the creation of "[[Jiangshi|hopping vampires]]"... which are exactly what they sound like. Okay, they're more like zombies with extreme rigor mortis, but you get the idea. Anyways, if you want something that deviates from Western mythological values and religious struggles, the Chinese have an interesting set of ideas.
*[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]: Borrows a lot from a whole bunch of different Asian cultures including Korea, Southeast Asia, Tibet, India, Japan and even a few American cultures such as the Inuit and the Aztecs, but more than anything else it borrows from the Chinese.
There are several other religious established in China of both native and foreign origins. Since the Seventh Century there have been enclaves of Christians in regions in China (and was bolstered during the age of sail) and Islam had become well established in the western regions of the Empire by the Ming Dynasty. Hinduism is established in China, but has been on the decline. There was even a Jewish enclave in the city of Kaifeng.
==Fun Facts and Moronic Misconceptions about China==
* There is technically no singular Chinese language, instead you have a few dominant spoken tongues (politically classified as dialects) like Cantonese and Mandarin followed by a gorillion smaller dialects. They do share a common written script (though that too is split between Simplified and Traditional) so even if a Cantonese and Shanghaiese speaker can’t speak to each other, they can at least communicate with writing to a modest extent. The closest analogy would be an Italian and a Portuguese person (shared Latin root and alphabet but not necessarily mutually intelligible tongues).
* China is one of the oldest polities in the world in terms of broad cultural continuity, meaning that while other nations would radically change or get supplanted, China was more or less enduringly Chinese.
* As with dialects/language, the country is actually composed of a number of ethnicities, the dominant being the Han, followed by the Mongols, Manchu and Zhuang.
* Yes - cats, dogs, bats and other critters are on the menu, though this has less to do with extreme Chinese omnivorism and more with the fact that famines were so bad that it was either that weird animal-thing or starvation. Having rice 7 days a week is prosperity, when times get bad you eat tree bark and grass.
* The Song dynasty (960. - 1279.) was remarkably tech-savy and had intensive industry in steel production and coal mining, being close to the 18th century Europe and possibly to industrialization. They were in the cusp of moving from feudalism to a more cosmopolitan and mercantile society. For better or worse, this was cut short by, you guessed it - the Mongols.
China is probably the oldest semi-continual polity in the world that anyone actually gives a shit about. Over the course of twelve major dynasties, a shitload of smaller ones, a bunch of big civil war punch-ups, one Communist dictatorship, and its current, ongoing, post-Communist oligarchy, this huge blob of East Asian grasslands/steppes/jungle/desert/mountains/everything and its bazillion inhabitants has had a tremendous, outsized effect on the world economy and the culture of surrounding nations.
Naturally, this has made it fertile fodder for tabletop gaming. From the Forgotten Realms to Golarion, few are the fantasy gaming settings without a "medieval China"-equivalent somewhere in the world. However, quite often, these Sure-Fine brand not! Chinas are about as well-researched and accurate as, well, their European counterparts, taking the broad cultural outline of a big empire ruled by a centralized bureaucracy and an all-powerful Emperor (who may or may not be a god / demigod) and a few specific trappings of architecture and dress to make what amounts to a China-based theme park for the adventurers to roam around in, seeing the sites, taking pictures, and fighting their way through that bestiary full of East-Asian monsters you never get to use. There's nothing wrong with this, really, but there's nothing particularly interesting about it either beyond the novelty of playing a bunch of slack-jawed tourists in your adventuring campaign.
However, the other major influence China has had on tabletop gaming is through the medium of wuxia, material from a Chinese perspective that spills into the Western market. (Its cousin, xianxia, is popular among sweaty Internet nerds who like isekaianime, but has not penetrated nearly as deeply into the Western consciousness.)
"'Wu' means martial arts, which signifies action, 'Xia' conveys chivalry. Wuxia. Say it gently... 'whooshah'... and it's like a breath of serenity embracing you. Say it with force, 'WuSHA!', and you can feel its power."
– Samuel L. Jackson, "The Art of Action: Martial Arts in the Movies"
Thank you, Reverend Jackson.
Wuxia is what China has instead of Tolkien. Just as the Western fantasy setting has got your dwarves and your elves and your dark lords leading armies to conquer the world, China has Jianghu, literally "the Land of Rivers and Lakes", implying a sense of freedom from both normal familial obligations and the tyrannic representatives of the Emperor. In the settings, corrupt civil authority forces noble wandering heroes to live like outlaws as they fight to restore order, learn secret techniques from old masters, are forced to battle their former best friends, etc. Just like Western fantasy, there's a lot of high-brow, literary stuff, but there's also a lot of entertaining trash pumped out to fill a public appetite for it. For instance, those cheap Shaw Bros. kung fu movies are wuxia, but so are films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Hero.
And, naturally, this genre has its own tabletop games.
The biggest success is probably Exalted, White Wolf's epic fantasy role-playing game. While there are, obviously, a shitload of other influences, from a corrupt cosmic bureaucracy and physical Realm in need of heroes to fix things to the super-martial arts and flowery naming conventions, Creation would simply not be recognizable without the trappings of wuxia. This is true even in a subtler sense: wuxia often focuses on tragedy and deeply-flawed heroes whose best intentions turn on them. Thanks to the Great Curse, all the exalts are, unless they do their utmost to defy their fates, doomed to destroy all they love.
Other games, like Legends of the Wulin and Feng Shui draw on the genre more overtly. Even if the latter is more about aping the whole spectrum of Hong Kong cinema than wuxia specifically, even the later "heroic bloodshed" films are basically wuxia pictures set in the modern day with guns instead of swords, cities instead of forests, and cops and triads instead of heroes and bandits. The "69 A.D." Juncture is pure wuxia though, with an Imperial Court strangled by the machinations of the evil eunuch-sorcerers known as the Eaters of the Lotus and a countryside lousy with their supernatural and mortal henchmen terrorizing the nation. And the text notes that the heroic Dragons are frequently destroyed and remade, heroes born beneath stars of tragedy who often go out fighting the good fight.
Wizards actually tried their own hand at a wuxia setting, the awesomely-named Dragon Fist. Running on an early, jury-rigged d20 engine with a lot of leftover AD&D parts, it was barely-functional, but fun as hell, and set in the land of Tlanguo, though it got no support at all after the initial release. (Boooo!)
Legend of the Five Rings is usually seen as a more "Japanese" setting than a Chinese one, and it's true that there's plenty of jidei geki DNA in Rokugani society, from its strict, stratified class system and militarism to its overtly-Japanese names and weapons, to subtle things like "void" replacing "metal" as one of the Five Elements. But, there's still plenty of Chinese flavor there. Various periods in Rokugani history were far more friendly to the wuxia mien, with bands of heroic ronin fighting the power against a corrupt shogunate in the hands of the Shadowlands. In particular, the Phoenix Clan endorses a philosophy that has far more similarities to daoism than anything recognizably Japanese, and Rokugan itself, as a land-bound empire that relies on a coastal breadbasket to feed a less-productive inland and a Great Wall along a border with a dangerous and barbaric foreign power to keep the heartland safe, is much more like China than any period in Japanese history.
Pre-History Stuff: A confederation of early-agricultural peoples who will later be known as the "Han" settle in the valley of the Yellow River. Confusingly, a dynasty of the same name is also coming up (it's because they named themselves after that particular dynasty). The Han built one of the first civilizations on Earth, with block writing, metalworking, and advanced farming techniques.
Xia: There is fuckall known about the Xia dynasty for certain, as this period had no permanent writing and exists largely as a folk story told by later generations. The Xia period is held with a sort of Arthurian reverence, with tales of bravery and dragons. Due to how China views history, these are considered historical fact, despite their fantastic elements and lack of corroborating evidence. What few records exists revolve around towns made of dirt and logs, but there is certainly a campaign or two to be had from a time of Gods, Heroes and Dragons. Also, millet and noodles; if the Erlitou theory should hold up.
Shang: Led by the Yin family, the Shang had bronze, which, to use technical military parlance, made them the meanest bitches on the block for a long time. They worshipped a celestial god Huangdi. The Yin lords and ladies were obsessed with divination, going through huge heaps of bones and turtle shells for fortune-telling purposes whenever anyone did anything. So, yay: literacy, at last! Their nobles also had a habit of honoring ancestors by burying hundreds of slaves in their tombs. All par for the course for Early Bronze Age society - as witness the Maya, Gilgamesh, and the "Iphigenia" legend from Greece. Eventually, the Shang became engaged in too many wars, before being overthrown by...
The Zhou were a family from out west in the boonies that moved onto Shang land and became vassals to the Shang until they... weren't.
Unlike the Shang, whose culture has to be gathered from myth and scattered nonliterary documents, Linear B style; the Zhou culture actually produced a literature, although that got transmitted through layers of copying and redaction. Still, Chinese culture is remarkably continuous from the Zhou.
To justify their rebellion, and then their rule, the Zhou introduced the concept of a "Mandate of Heaven" (tian ming in modern Mandarin orthography) issued not by the mercurial gods but by the cosmic forces of rightness, to which even gods must bow. It was brilliant, in its own way: theoretically, each dynasty ruled by the Mandate. When they didn't do so well or justly, Heaven would withdraw the Mandate and give it to someone else who'd overthrown them. And the Zhou stopped their subjects from sacrificing each other, which was a major step forward.
More-cynically, this Mandate meant that a successful rebellion was "proof" that Heaven had turned its back on the old order, and an unsuccessful one was "proof" that it wasn't time yet; this system of ex post facto justification has proven to be much more durable than the western concept of the divine right of kings and persists to this day (if not in name). It also didn't hurt that the Zhou showed mercy upon the Yin family who'd run the Shang, allowing them to keep a fief in the Song duchy. Confucius himself was of the Yin / Song ex-Shang.
Anyway, the Zhou had a good run, but the state's vassals started pulling apart during Spring and Autumn period, and eventually the whole thing fractured into a mess of warring states fighting for supremacy. This was known as Warring States period. At the same time, constant conflict and the need to innovate culminated in to the "Hundred Schools". The origin of both Confucianism (under the sovereign-again Song/Yin) and Daoism in some of their earliest forms was observed.
Qin: Probably the shortest dynasty that people actually remember and care about, but it had the great emperor Qin Shi Huangdi. Yes, this motherfucker had the nads literally to name himself "God". Uniting the nation by military force, the so-called "First Emperor" invented probably the first modern nation-state, standardizing culture, weights, measures, roads, and countless other things to ensure that the Chinese stopped thinking of themselves as being from Lu, Jin, or Wei and started thinking of themselves as Chinese. He's got a bad reputation as a crazed mass-murderer too, but that was mostly because he made enemies with the Confucians and the Confucians wrote the history books for two millenia and some change to come. He also "abolished history" by burning all the books not containing useful technical information (and occasionally their authors as well), keeping only a copy of each one in his private library for the leader's personal use, which was promptly lost after his death - which happened sooner than it should have, because he thought that chugging mercury would make him immortal. What he built barely survived him, but there's a reason the modern nation still bears his name. (...It's pronounced "chin." Goddamn pinyin.)
Han: This one's so important it's still what the Chinese call themselves as an ethnic group. Roughly contemporaneous with the Roman Empire, with each being aware of the other without ever quite meeting (partly because the Parthian Empire was really anal about playing middle-man on the Silk Road). They seemed to think of themselves as opposite versions of themselves on opposite ends of the world. The Han was founded by a former Qin Sheriff who lost some of his prisoners during a convoy; realizing that the punishment would be death, he decided that he already had nothing to lose and instigated a successful rebellion against the Qin (this is why there is such a thing as too severe a punishment when it ceases to be a deterrent). Introduced the concept of a centralized bureaucracy offering positions to applicants who were judged by local officials based on the Confucian classics, the latter of which would survive until the Sui initiated reforms and the former of which didn't go away until the Emperor did. A hugely-prosperous, technologically-skilled, highly-advanced society, with a new coinage standard that, unfortunately, as part of a running theme, began to fall into weakness and decadence. First, the eunuchs, always resentful of their snipping, tried seizing power for themselves, only for military officers to storm the capital and slaughter them all, leading first to a tenuous military dictatorship, and then to, well...
Three Kingdoms, and the Romancing Thereof: The late Han dynasty and generation shortly thereafter was a great and heroic age. It was a time of larger-than-life personalities, brave generals, brilliant strategists, and masterful politicians. It is worthy of study both for historical/entertainment value and for inspiration in any good tabletop campaign that wants to have a military-political element. And it is the subject of one of the Four Classical Novels, the historical epic usually translated into "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" in English, this being the reason of its fame. Unfortunately, it is also bastard complicated, so let's just say that one of the Three Kingdoms finally usurped the Han after using them as a puppet state for a while, and then conquered the others a generation later, all the while, after successive underage emperors, being a puppet to the founders of the next dynasty. Most gamers in the west know this period due to the Dynasty Warriors series and the Total War: Three Kingdoms game.
Jin: Backstabbing, political maneuverings, coups d'état, internal conflict, corruption, political turmoil followed by clashes and war; successful and unsuccesful throne usurpings, military revolts, paranoia among royal family, more revolts and end to Jin rule.
Northern and Southern: An age of civil war and political chaos complemented by a time of flourishing arts and culture, advancement in technology, and the spread of Mahayana Buddhism and Daoism. It should be noted that the Northern Dynasties were essentially barbarians and most of the Han fled south. Key technological advances occurred during this period, but more important was the spread of agricultural tech to the south, cementing their status as major taxgivers. The invention of the stirrup during the earlier Jin dynasty (265–420) helped to ignite the development of heavy cavalry. Advances in medicine, astronomy, mathematics, and cartography are observed by historians.
Sui: The good: they reunited a divided China, and 1) successfully undertook such vast internal-improvement projects as the Grand Canal connecting the city of Beijing in the north to the city of Hangzhou in the south, a thousand miles away; 2) initiated the test reforms, which will slowly change China into the model state in Voltaire's eyes in the course of five hundred years. The bad: they were extravagant assholes and control freaks whose projects were built on a foundation of peasant bones mortared with blood. Fell apart after the second emperor's repeated attempts to conquer Korea against dogged resistance and interference from the top broke the back of the army.
Tang: The Emperor Li Yuan, who seized the capital from the Sui, is his dynasty in microcosm. When he took power, the people thought he would be the greatest emperor in their nation's history; energetic, brilliant, skilled at all manner of government, military, and artistic tasks. He stabilized the shaking nation. Then he turned into a paranoid, murderous asshole as he got older until he finally got deposed. Sounds about right. This is the age in which the Chinese invented gunpowder, and, at its height, it was also the richest, most-advanced, most-cosmopolitan society on Earth, rolfstomping basically every thing that crossed the great houses of the dynasty. Problem is such conquest was completed by governor-generals that can tax their lands, which allowed them to rebel quite easily. The Tang dynasty also had the only officially recognized empress regnant (i.e. a woman who rules as a monarch in her own right, not as the wife of the emperor) in the history of Imperial China, Wu Zetian. Once things started falling apart, a radical sect of Confucianism began attempting to purge China of "outside influences" and restore China to the good old days through teaching and circulating their works, and also encouraging persecution and robbery of said outside influences, including Christianity and Buddhism. Buddhism survived, Christianity (Nestorians) did not.
Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms: The period of political disunity between the Tang and the Song, known as the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms period. During this period, five states quickly succeeded one another in the Chinese Central Plain, while more than a dozen concurrent states were established elsewhere, mainly in south China. During this half-century, China was in all respects a multi-state system.
Song: Invading barbarians devastated a Tang dynasty that was already eating itself alive from within. After a brief but invigorating series of civil wars and abortive wanna-be dynasts, an opportunistic general seized control of a splinter state that begun uniting China, and would go on to overlap with the Yuan for a while until the Mongols finally finished 'em off. The Song dynasty was, no bones about it, a cultural and economic powerhouse. They invented such modern marvels as paper money, steam and water-powered industry, and mass production. They also created beautiful and marvelous art, like pots depicting ponds on which fish appeared when water was poured in, or rice that smelled like flowers while it was cooking. However, they were also weak politically and militarily, and their ongoing "sour grapes" stance toward most of their neighbors, combined with Neo-Confucian abhorrence at the thought of allowing merchants to do the fighting, prevented them from properly leveraging the economic advantages of their hyper-advanced economy to dominate them with "soft power," and their underdeveloped understanding of economics meant many of these advances were eventually abandoned by a society not ready for their consequences. Ultimately gave in to...
Yuan: Goddamn Mongolians. Technically "started" by Genghis Khan himself, it only really became a Chinese-style dynasty when his grandson, Kublai Khan, set up his capital in Khanbaliq (later Dadu, modern Beijing). Like the Greeks and the Romans, the "conquering" Mongolians slowly resembled their Chinese subjects. Culturally, this was the beginning of the modern Chinese novel and drama, though always with the wary eye of Imperial censors lurking over the writers' shoulders. (This was nothing new, incidentally, though the volume sure was.) This was also the dynasty that brought China to the West's attention, partly due to the Mongol invasions threatening Eastern Europe, and partly due to Marco Polo's accounts of the reign of Kublai Khan. The Mongols generally imported nobles rather than using locals, so a variety of Middle Easterners were brought in to manage and police the Chinese nation, while Chinese bureaucrats were sent to the Middle East to manage and police it. This is the origin of the Hui people, Muslim descendants of intermarrying foreign officials and soldiers who maintain their faith today and served as some of the most disciplined and feared of all Chinese soldiers in future wars. Eventually, the Yuan proved how "Chinese" they'd become by going out in the traditional Chinese way: collapsing into a mass of squabbling warlords and decadence because of fiscal disaster. Notably, the fleeing Khan took the ancient Imperial Seal dating all the way back to ol' Qin Shi Huangdi himself with him when he went back to Mongolia, and no one's ever found where he stashed it, according to legends anyway.
Ming: Founded by an illiterate peasant-turned-warlord, Zhu Yuanzhang, who stands aside such figures as Oliver Cromwell of England, Jeanne d'Arc of France, Toussaint L'Ouverture of Haiti, and the Prophet Muhammad of Arabia as one of the great completely self-taught military minds of human history, the Ming dominated the remains of the decaying Yuan empire with a mixture of brutal cunning and tactical genius. He went the way of Li Yuan by the end, but the dynasty he founded was the stablest and most-powerful China ruled by the Chinese in generations. It combined the economic power of the Song with the military might of the Yuan and the cultural sophistication of both into one of the grandest empires in human history. Politically, of course, they were rather repressive and authoritarian, hence Flash! AHOWWW. But it was also a very literate society for its time, with openly-female writers and readers getting lots of cred. This dynasty also saw the absolutely epic world-journey of the eunuch-admiral Zheng He, that was the closest the real-world ever got to a sea-based Dungeons & Dragons campaign. Unfortunately, due to the influence of the Neo-Confucians, their own self-sufficiency and comparative sophistication compared to the rest of the world, and good ol' fashioned racist jingoism, Ming China was very isolationist and arrogant; yet somehow managed to trade a lot because most of the silver Spain dug up in the Americas ended up there, meaning the rich were even more rich. This era of long-term peace led to a decay of military strength, especially as they insisted on inventing their own kinds of firearm rather than importing cheaper European models, and pervasive corruption and eunuch-influence at the top rotted everything it touched. Humiliatingly, after three centuries, the dynasty came to an end not when the next one stepped up to the plate, but when a fucking peasant revolt got there first (China's treasury was completely empty after years of excessive spending and corruption, and since the peasant rebellion meant that taxes could no longer be collected, the government was unable to pay or support any armed force to stop the revolt), and the Emperor committed suicide, leaving a gap for the Manchus to back right into.
Qing: And in 15 years they'll all be at war.As mentioned above, the semi-nomadic Manchu invaded China from beyond the Great Wall and took over as the Qing dynasty. When you learn about the Opium Wars, the Boxer Rebellion, and Spheres of Influence in middle school, this is the dynasty it all happened in. Under the Manchu emperors, China expanded to the largest size in history, occupying Mongolia, Tibet, and much of Central Asia that had not been controlled by China since the Tang dynasty. As the last dynasty, the Qing basically reached a point of such decadence and corruption that military budgets were spent on building palaces, and attempts to modernize and "Westernize" China as Meiji Japan did were met with unremitting hostility by entrenched political factions within the Imperial palace. Into this, a series of flooding disasters destroyed harvests and left the common Chinese and the military angry at pretty much everyone. Violent rebellions began appearing, aiming to Make China Great Again by getting rid of all the foreigners. One of the revolts was the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Rebellion caused by a man who thought he was the brother of Jesus and that the Manchu were demons, resulting in somewhere between twenty to thirty million deaths. This provoked a brief invasion by, well, everyone. Literally. Virtually ALL the European powers plus America and Japan sent troops to save their citizens (and more importantly, their colonial holdings). Some weren't so quick about leaving. With China basically becoming a big cake being sliced up by stronger colonial powers, a young Chinese-American Anglican named Sun Yixian/Sun Yat-Sen decided it was time to get rid of the imperial dynasties and establish a modern, Westernized, democratic republic. In 1912, the 7-year old Emperor abdicated (though he retained part of the Forbidden City and was paid an annual stipend), and the line of dynasties came to an end.
'Republic of China (1912-1915): Sun Yat-Sen only became president with the help of Yuan Shikai, a Qing general who forced the Republicans to name him president if he made the Qing Emperor step down, with the support of most of the modernized Qing armies stationed in northern China and around the capital of Beijing. As promised, Yuan Shikai was made the new President of the Republic. A year later, having won national elections and taken control of parliament, Yuan further increased his power, such as making him able to name a successor by law. Sun Yat-Sen's chosen successor was assassinated by "persons unknown", and the same fate would befall those suspected by investigators of having some role in the assassination. All things pointed to Yuan Shikai being responsible, but no charges could be filed as all potential suspects and witnesses were dead. With an abortive revolt crushed in Southern China, and the mechanisms of government in his hands, nothing much could be done when Yuan declared himself the Hongxian Emperor.
Warlord Era: Yuan Shikai's short-lived dynasty was defeated by a coalition of anti-monarchist armies from the south, and Yuan died shortly thereafter. However, rather than re-establishing the Republic, Yuan's defeat and death simply saw many of his followers take their own portions of the army and establish warlord states throughout northern China. One of these factions became known as the Beiyang Government and claimed itself the legitimate government of the Republic of China. Sun Yat-Sen's Nationalists retreated to the south and became warlords themselves, calling for war against the autocratic Beiyang. Dozens of lesser warlords proliferated throughout China's provinces, and the Beiyang government joined the Allies in World War I in the hopes of recovering territories taken by Germany and Austria-Hungary during the Qing Dynasty, mainly Shandong.
Nanking Government of the Republic of China: Starting in 1927, over the course of one year, the Nationalist army broke the back of three major warlords of the north, nominally unifying China under one government. The remaining warlords resisted Nanjing/Nanking's concentration of power, causing even more bloodshed. Making things more complicated, the Japanese controlled Shandong, having taken it from the Germans after WW1, and nobody in China liked that.
People's Republic (aka Communist China): This is the era of history that, for better or worse, most Westerners are familiar with. To make a long, winding, and rather complicated story short, nearly everything in China nowadays can be traced to the efforts of one man; Mao Zedong, the leader of the then-outlawed Communist Party of China. Beginning in 1927, he warred against the nationalist government under Jiang Jieshi/Chiang Kai-Shek. Although they put their war on hold to kick the Japanese out of their country during the Second World War, by 1949, the nationalist government was pushed back to Taiwan (where they still rule today and claim to be the true government of China), and mainland China was unified under the communist red flag. For the next 50 or so years, the Chinese would play an interesting role in the Cold War between the USA and USSR; first as allies to the Russians until the Sino-Soviet split in '69, then as sort of-friends to the US after Nixon negotiated an agreement with them. As for Mao, historians are notably divided on his record as a politician. While it is agreed the man was a brilliant general, literally writing the book On Guerrilla Warfare, the mixed reaction comes from his rather disastrous socio-economic policies. (and by that, we mean left around 72 million Chinese dead, from a mixture of starvation, political purges, and a ten-year period of anarchy that made the Reign of Terror look like a birthday party because it was legal for people to tell armies to hand over their weapons). His detractors will claim utopian stupidity, malicious tyranny, or a mix of both, while his supporters usually will make the claim that he just made honest mistakes. Nevertheless, his successors felt that the country was going to implode if they pursued any of Mao's hard left policies any further, so now we're in a weird state of limbo where a country that's still being ruled by the authoritarian Communist Party is more capitalist than it had ever been in any previous part of its history.
But don't suggest China will become a democracy anytime soon. The last time they tried that in AD 1989, things went badly for everyone involved, especially at Tiananmen Square (which also provided an iconic meme of the little guy standing up the big guy with Tank Man). Since then, the Chinese Ministry of Truth is trying to make sure that no one knows that anything happened back then. Additionally, the current president, Xi Jinping, is easily the strongest of China's leaders since Mao and has taken the country to a notably more authoritarian direction, to the point that presidential term limits were removed and he was allowed to write his political thoughts into the constitution, which are now being studied just like Mao's Little Red Book was back in the day. Even worse, he's even taken a leaf from certainother dictators with the treatment of China's Uyghur Muslims under his regime (complete with forcing them, at gunpoint, onto trains bound for prison camps). When COVID-19 was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, several scientists studying the virus realized it had the potential to become a pandemic and warned the government, some even suggesting they also warn other countries of the potential risk. The government responded by imprisoning several of them (some of who have never been seen since) and covering up COVID-19... until it became a global pandemic and intrepid truth-seekers revealed the point of origin and the cover-up.
On a lighter note, in recent history, Xi has gone full old man yells at cloud and decided that kids these days spend too much time playing video games, defining too much as three hours a week. AKA, Operation Touch Grass by some.
A more recent development is China's declining population, just like Japan. While the latter is caused by their ass backwards business culture, nepotism and inability to run their economy. China's self inflicted wound is due to their One-Child Policy they canceled in 2015 (which was originally put in place to help curb overpopulation back in the 1970s). This wouldn't have been a problem if their culture didn't have preference towards boys, while the government showed blatant favoritism towards rural provinces to circumvent it. One problem China shares with Japan here is strong xenophobia and an aversion towards all but the strictest immigration policies reducing the number of foreign people able and wanting to move there and boost the population that way. This means there are thousands of men who can't get married, many of them uneducated with lower income. Meanwhile urban women increasingly prefer husbands with the same education and values as their own or create a vicious cycle of rising demands by choosing career success over starting a family. China is now in a situation where their economic bubble is heading towards a downturn as well due to building more houses than their citizens could afford, turning unused apartments into giant money sinks. Anyone who isn't a moron will tell you that traditionalist values and Communist (or any left wing) ideology don't mix like the CCP wishes it would.
♫Some times you wanna go, where everybody knows your game...♫
As a quick side note, that island Chiang Kai-Shek took over, Taiwan, or the Republic of China as it's officially called by the local government, is actually doing fine. It's a liberal democracy which is very much capable of defending its position. If you like Chinese food, crowded cities, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and winding rural mountain roads it's a perfectly nice place to visit; they even play Warhammer (apparently mostly 40k). Taiwan is also notable for being the place where majority of the entire world's semiconductors are produced, which gives them major global influence as all countries both big and small are dependent on them. The majority of Taiwanese view Chiang Kai-Shek sort of like the Americans who wrote the majority of this article think about George Washington, or even the Puritans at Massachusetts Bay, as a hardcore leader who did some dubious, hypocritical things but was historically significant nonetheless and ultimately was the father of their country even if he killed a lot of people to get there and believed shit they find repulsive.
However, opinion on Taiwan in China is heavily controversial and, if non-critical, can get you blacklisted from certain places (mere mention of Taiwan can be enough to do so), so be careful who you talk to about it. It's become a running gag that American celebrities are often forced by their corporate masters to publicly apologize, sometimes in badly-pronounced Chinese, whenever they mention Taiwan existing, or outright support the Chinese government's more infamous actions (shit like the conquest and puppeteering of Hong Kong, the massacre at Tiananmen Square that they still deny happened and if it did they deserved it or the Uyghur Genocide) to avoid losing access to the mass-est mass market in the world.
After the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, China plunged into several decades of consecutive civil wars until a man named Mao Zedong unified China. After unifying China, Mao Zedong introduced a system that was distinct from any previous dynasties. This system, which is still in use in China today, combines elements of ancient Chinese centralized bureaucratic systems with the Leninist model of the Soviet Union.
In simple terms, the government in China is composed entirely of bureaucrats. Although there is a "figurehead parliament" known as the National People's Congress (NPC), which is theoretically the highest authority in China and has the power to elect the President (current President Xi Jinping is ostensibly elected by the NPC), the bureaucrats are the actual decision-makers and implementers of policies. They even oversee their own actions through internal mechanisms of supervision.
During Mao Zedong's reign, he and the Communist Party of China created this series of institutions for the entire country. In Mao's ideal vision, this system was supposed to operate effectively, be subject to supervision by the people, be free from corruption, and have bureaucrats who were honest and dedicated solely to the betterment of society. The Communist Party of China sought to merge with the Chinese government and even the Chinese people themselves (as of 2023, the Communist Party of China has around 10% of the total population as its members, which means approximately one out of every ten Chinese individuals is a party member). Most of the high-ranking officials in China, as well as the majority of known bureaucrats, are party members. Mao Zedong's ideology has been infused into the minds of every Chinese person.
In Mao Zedong's ideal vision, China was meant to be a country where the bureaucracy was supervised by workers and farmers. He was eager to introduce his ideals to everyone, writing books and compiling his own quotations, hoping that everyone would learn from them. However, in reality, the system had significant flaws. Workers and farmers were unable to effectively supervise the bureaucracy, and moreover, the majority of them lacked proper education. On the other hand, the bureaucrats were often highly educated intellectuals. During Mao's reign, he held the position of a philosopher king and could somewhat steer the country toward his ideals. But after his death in 1976, power struggles erupted within the centers of power in China. Mao's chosen successor, Hua Guofeng, was overthrown by Deng Xiaoping, who became the de facto leader representing the bureaucratic group. (It is worth noting that most Chinese people are unaware that Hua Guofeng was actually the second leader of China, and many mistakenly believe that Deng Xiaoping served as the second leader. In reality, Deng Xiaoping never held the position of President of China.)
Before his death, Mao Zedong expressed in his last wishes that his ashes should be scattered into the Yangtze River. However, the Communist Party of China established a special committee to discuss the handling of Mao Zedong's remains. They quickly reached a consensus to place Mao Zedong's body in a crystal coffin for exhibition, similar to Lenin in the Soviet Union. This decision continues to generate significant controversy. Some argue that it does not show proper respect for Mao Zedong himself, while others believe that Mao Zedong's contributions to China warrant such an action. Regardless, Mao Zedong's preserved body remains on display in the Mao Zedong Memorial Hall in Beijing, China. Anyone can enter and pay respects to this great leader.
After Deng Xiaoping came to power, he overturned a series of socialist-oriented policies in China, including the collective ownership of land and the 90% state-controlled economy. He initiated reforms that shifted China towards a capitalist direction, known as "reform and opening up," which China continues to follow to this day. During Deng's tenure, China experienced rapid economic growth, and the living standards of the Chinese people significantly improved. The issue of famine was also alleviated with the introduction of high-yield rice varieties developed by a brilliant agricultural scientist named Yuan Longping. However, Deng Xiaoping's era is widely recognized as the most corrupt period in China's history. As the chosen representative of the bureaucratic group, Deng Xiaoping inevitably protected the interests of the bureaucracy. Many high-ranking officials during Deng's era amassed vast fortunes through corruption and bribery. It was during this time that many revolutionary elites who fought to overthrow China's feudal aristocracy and warlord system became the new "red nobility" or "red capitalists."
During the early stages of Deng Xiaoping's era, China pursued a pro-American approach. However, in 1989, the United States launched a color revolution targeting China, which led to the infamous events on June 4th, known as the Tiananmen Square Incident. On that day, over a hundred people died, and there are still divergent accounts of what exactly happened due to a lack of reliable documentary evidence. Each faction within China's political circles has its own interpretation, much like the varying perspectives surrounding the events of January 6th, 2021, in the United States. Consequently, the relationship between the two countries deteriorated to a less favorable level. In the 1990s, the United States provoked China multiple times, particularly regarding the Taiwan issue. China even prepared for the possibility of war in response to these provocations, resulting in a frosty period in bilateral relations.
In 1992, Deng Xiaoping relinquished nearly all of his power and chose Jiang Zemin to succeed him as the leader of China. It is said that Jiang Zemin was selected because during the 1989 turmoil, he handled the Shanghai protesters in a non-violent manner. He mobilized Shanghai's workers to persuade the predominantly student-led protesters to go home. This approach garnered recognition from Deng Xiaoping.
After Jiang Zemin came to power, he gradually reformed the military, which to some extent alleviated the problem of bureaucratic corruption in China. At the same time, he consolidated China's capitalist path under the banner of "socialist market economy" and incorporated Deng Xiaoping's theory into the Party Constitution (which is equivalent to the Bible of the Communist Party of China, as the organizational structure of the party is akin to that of a church). From then on, China, which had previously pursued an idealistic path during Mao Zedong's era but achieved unsatisfactory results, underwent a complete transformation into a realist China.
Indeed, due to the prolonged internal conflicts that spanned almost half a century (from 1911 to 1949), and with the broader perspective of ongoing tensions between the Republic of China (ROC) and the People's Republic of China (PRC), China's economy remained underdeveloped. During this time, China relied on industries such as garment manufacturing and low-end product assembly to slowly accumulate primitive capital, while awaiting future breakthroughs. China was still struggling through a challenging and difficult period.
After Jiang Zemin's era, Hu Jintao came to power as the leader of China. How was Hu Jintao selected? In the 1990s, there were several incidents of unrest in Tibet, including one in the capital city of Lhasa. During this particular incident, as a government official, Hu Jintao donned a helmet and held a rifle while standing on a military vehicle to help suppress the rioters. This event earned Hu Jintao the nickname "Lhasa Tiger," and it was in part due to this display of leadership that he was chosen by Jiang Zemin.
In 2002, Hu Jintao came to power. His rule, compared to the era of Jiang Zemin and later Xi Jinping, appeared relatively calm and uneventful. Many people viewed him as continuing along the path laid out by Jiang Zemin. During this period, China's economy entered a golden age, and it became relatively easy for many Chinese people to find decent jobs. Various restrictions were relaxed, allowing for greater freedom of expression on the internet, including criticism of the government, the Communist Party, and even direct attacks on Hu Jintao himself. As a result, many people have fond memories of this era because it was a time of apparent tranquility and prosperity, even though it may seem that nothing significant happened.
Now, please rise as we introduce the esteemed leader who is revered by the people of China, the Chairman of the People's Republic of China, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, the President of China, and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission. Comrade Xi Jinping!
In 2013, President Xi Jinping assumed power and has been leading China ever since, without stepping down.
Politically, President Xi Jinping has consolidated his position by vigorously combating corruption and purging his political opponents. His unprecedented crackdown on corruption has solidified his power. Furthermore, his efforts to combat corruption have instilled hope among the Chinese people, who have witnessed decades of corruption since the era of Deng Xiaoping. As a result, President Xi has garnered significant support from the people. It can be said that he is the most influential leader in China since Deng Xiaoping, and perhaps even since Mao Zedong.
Economically, when President Xi Jinping took office, China was at the end of the "Golden Decade," and its economic development had entered a phase of deceleration. The double-digit GDP growth rates experienced during the "Golden Decade" had slowed down to single-digit growth. However, President Xi has made significant efforts to promote technological development and encourage the growth of advanced industries such as semiconductor chips, civil aviation, pharmaceuticals, and electronics. Overall, China's economy can still be considered relatively strong.
In the realm of the internet, President Xi Jinping has strengthened internet regulation. While it is still possible to express anti-government and anti-Communist Party sentiments on the Chinese internet, compared to the Hu Jintao era when internet regulation was relatively lax, there are now stricter controls in place. Moreover, criticizing President Xi Jinping himself has become an absolute taboo. President Xi promotes the concept of internet sovereignty, which asserts that each country should have control over its own internet space. As a result, many people believe that the quality of internet information in China is gradually declining.
In terms of culture, President Xi Jinping promotes reverence for the revolutionary heroes of China's past, particularly those from the revolutionary war era of the last century. He also advocates the spirit of striving, emphasizing that every individual should work diligently in their respective positions to achieve a better life. Additionally, he requires all Communist Party members to use a mobile app called "Study Xi, Strong Country(学习强国)" to learn about the Party's new ideologies, and all Party branches are expected to regularly study the directives of the top leadership. However, despite these efforts, a culture of decadence has still prevailed since 2019.
In society, Xi Jinping has strengthened the presence of the Communist Party of China (CPC) across various social spheres, emphasizing that the Party should not solely consist of government bureaucrats. People from every industry have been encouraged to join the CPC, expanding its membership to an astonishing number, surpassing the population of possibly 80% of the countries on Earth.At the same time, he promotes China's outstanding traditional culture and integrates the predominantly Confucian thought into the mainstream ideology of modern China.
In terms of military affairs, Xi Jinping downsized the PLA from 2.3 million to 2 million troops in order to allocate higher per capita military expenditure and implemented various reforms within the armed forces. He emphasizes the absolute leadership of the Chinese Communist Party over the military (although this is a consistent stance on his part). During his tenure until 2023, China has constructed two aircraft carriers and has at least three more aircraft carriers under construction in shipyards.
The internal power struggles within the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) are not made public, and many people have their own interpretations of these internal dynamics. Therefore, we will only discuss the factions within the general public.
There are many political factions within China, among which the main ones are the loyalist faction and the opposition faction.
Loyalist faction
The loyalist faction refers to all those who are loyal to the government of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party. Regardless of their reasons, they acknowledge and support the rule of the government and the Chinese Communist Party, and they have no intention to overthrow their rule (at least not currently). The reasons for their loyalty may vary, such as their admiration for the Chinese system, the benefits they have gained from it, or simply their dislike for other countries.
Opposition faction
The opposition faction, in contrast to the loyalist faction, seeks to overthrow the government of the People's Republic of China and the Chinese Communist Party, or at least one of them. Similarly, there can be various reasons behind their opposition, such as their dislike for the Chinese system, not benefiting from it, general discontent with the country, or even allegations of receiving money from organizations like the CIA or individuals associated with Taiwan.
Apart from the two factions mentioned above, there are indeed other factions within the general public.
Han Nationalists(皇汉)
Han Nationalists often emphasize the dominant status of the Han ethnic group in China. They typically call for the abolition of preferential policies for ethnic minorities (in China, ethnic minorities receive certain benefits, such as additional points added to their total scores in the national college entrance examination, known as the "gaokao"). Some may also demand the elimination of ethnic autonomous region policies. However, it's important to note that the most extreme and radical individuals among them advocating ethnic cleansing and promoting extreme racial ideologies represent a small faction.
"Maoist" refers to those who support Chairman Mao Zedong and have nostalgia for the era of his rule. They have varying degrees of support for the government, hoping for reforms that align more closely with the Maoist era. Some believe that China deviated from the path laid by Chairman Mao after his death and advocate for the overthrow of the Chinese government to establish a new People's Republic of China. It is worth noting that as China's economy has worsened, this viewpoint has gained increasing recognition among a growing number of people.
"Openist." It refers to a faction that advocates for relaxed control measures regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, opposing strict quarantine policies. Some individuals within this faction may believe that COVID-19 is just a minor cold and does not require strict control measures.
"Isolationist." It refers to a faction or group of people who advocate for strict containment measures in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. They support policies that involve rigorous isolation, quarantine, and other measures aimed at controlling and eventually eliminating the spread of COVID-19.
As a general rule China has not been big on the idea on the idea of warriors as a class unto themselves. There were charioteers back during the Warring States Period and Manchu bannermen a long, long time after that, but otherwise there was nothing equivalent to the sort of warrior society that you saw in feudal Europe or pre-modern Japan. To give you an idea of the standing of warriors in Ancient China, let it be said that the world was made up of Four Categories of People (analogous to the Three Orders of feudal Europe): Scholars, Farmers, Artisans, and Merchants; which basically served to protect the scholars from the emergence of a middle class by inverting the relationship between mercantile wealth and social standing. The Scholars, known as shi, replaced the warrior-charioteers around the time Rome invented the pyrrhic victory, and resembled the Roman prefects in terms of their duties and authority. In later eras, soldiers and warriors were considered beneath these four categories and ranked alongside entertainers, prostitutes, domestic servants, and slaves. Basically, they were fightier eunuchs.
Owing to the low status of the profession, if you wanted to raise an army in China you didn't have a hereditary caste of men trained in the arts of war from childhood, like knights or samurai. Trust us, many rulers tried and failed to establish such a caste. Instead, you'd get a whole bunch of peasants together, equip them, and send them out to do your fighting for you under the command of a noble trained and educated to be a general. Armies would thus vary in quality, from solidly professional soldiers to badly-trained and ill-equipped conscripts, depending on region and era.
In general Chinese armies were more missile oriented than their medieval or classical European contemporaries with a mix of close quarters soldiers and missile troops. Beginning with the Warring States period, crossbows were a big deal because it meant that your conscripted peasants could easily be trained to saturate the enemy with projectiles.
A few words on weaponry...
Ancient China recognized four major melee weapons: staff, spear (although their concept of spear includes a wide variety of polearms - Iconically Chinese polearms include the Ji, Guandao, and podao)), single edged swords (dao), and double edged swords (jian); and of the two swords the jian was held in much higher regard than the dao. Infantry, cavalry, and pirates use the dao because it's an unsophisticated choppy thing for hacking your enemies to bits (and more importantly, as a tool for chopping bamboo). Anybody who's anybody fights with the jian because it's stabby, and stabby is the gentlemanly way to fight. If you have a curved sword in a Chinese setting you are a walk-on nobody or a filthy barbarian (either japanese or mongol) and you exist to get slapped around. China is also known for more exotic weapons such as hook swords, butterfly swords, rope darts, wind-and-fire wheels, and other bizarre weaponry that is much more closely associated with specific martial arts than on the battlefield. As with many unarmed martial arts styles, actually fighting utility can be quite varied.
In addition to melee weapons, China invested heavily in projectile weaponry, in particular inventing the repeating crossbow (chu-ko-nu) for maximum dakka on the battlefield. China is also the birthplace of gunpowder, resulting in such weapons as fire arrows, fire lances, hand cannons, rockets, grenades, etc.
There's a lot of it, and it's surprisingly relevant.
In Western antiquity, there were supposedly four "classical elements," namely air, fire, water, and earth (The Greeks also included aether, but because was an ethereal material that existed beyond earth it was usually left out). You know this. Don't pretend you don't, it's in fucking everything. But, in classical China, there were five: fire, water, earth, wood, and metal. And, just as all of Europe copied the Greeks, all of Asia copied China, with varying degrees of fidelity. Japan, for instance, had void instead of metal and air instead of wood. This more-or-less introduced the idea of "opposing" elements and elemental weaknesses, via a complex web of interactions. Think how boring and tactically-flat so many games would be if certain kinds of damage didn't work better on certain enemies!
Many games play with this alternate elemental system. Aside from Legend of the Five Rings, Pathfinder and the Dresden Files RPG both offer variant rules using it instead of the classics. It certainly makes for an interesting change.
Meanwhile, let's talk about religion. While Christianity has its own traditions of warrior-monks, usually represented as clerics or paladins, the Chinese tradition is arguably the most distinctive. Two of the three major Chinese religions/philosophies, taoism and buddhism, emphasize meditation and discipline, which is strenuous to both the body and mind. Thus, they invented systems of exercises to strengthen both, called "kung fu," or, literally, "hard work."
Then, when they needed to act as local militias defending against marauding bandits, it turned out having intense mental focus and physical stamina made them damn good fighters, and the rest is history. And that, ladies and gentlemen is where the modern D&Dmonk came from.
In particular, taoist practices emphasize the existence of a kind of underlying substance of which everything is made, called qi. Qi is a kind of... energy field, created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds you get where this joke is going, right? Anyway, in Exalted, qi and essence are almost literally the same thing, and the monk and its various similar classes in D&D have "ki pools" that offer fancy new abilities.
Anyway, the Chinese also envisioned Heaven as containing a system, a Celestial Bureaucracy mirroring the one on Earth, that kept the world running according to various agreements and contracts between the gods, and even with mortal rulers via the "mandate of heaven" (a very complex concept that essentially boils down to "success and failure are self justifying"). Most tabletop settings have similar rules, regulations, and restrictions on the gods to explain why they subcontract out to adventurers, and though most of the gods and personalities of, say, the average D&D campaign setting have more to do with Western paganism than anything recognizably Chinese, the system of how they operate is more Chinese than Western simply because they can't just do as they please.
In more general terms, Chinese religion is a pretty mixed bag that leaves most outsiders confused. Yes, there are the three "main" religions of Taoism, Buddhism, and Confucianism, but they're all considered inclusive of one another, so it's possible to be a practitioner of all three. At a very high level, Taoism is concerned with the nature of existence (and is by far the most vague of the three), while Buddhism is more concerned with the reasoning individual and the trajectory of the soul, and Confucianism focuses on the proper ordering of society (and of the three is the most prescriptive). Traditionally, Chinese society has seen the three as complementary rather than mutually-exclusive, like many Pagan societies, though this has not stopped fundamentalist versions of one (in particular) of the three from trying to wipe out the other two whenever it becomes ascendant (*cough* the CCP are Confuscians *cough*).
Furthermore, you've got the myriad traditions of the ancient folk religion, largely assimilated into Taoism and Confucianism to varying degrees, centered around heaven and ancestor worship. Even after the communist purges, ancient folklore and superstition still has a strong influence among the common people, a fixation on luck being one such example, as you can see from the various lucky charms and statues in your local mom and pop American Chinese restaurant. Another such superstition lead to the creation of "hopping vampires"... which are exactly what they sound like. Okay, they're more like zombies with extreme rigor mortis, but you get the idea. Anyways, if you want something that deviates from Western mythological values and religious struggles, the Chinese have an interesting set of ideas.
There are several other religious established in China of both native and foreign origins. Since the Seventh Century there have been enclaves of Christians in regions in China (and was bolstered during the age of sail) and Islam had become well established in the western regions of the Empire by the Ming Dynasty. Hinduism is established in China, but has been on the decline. There was even a Jewish enclave in the city of Kaifeng.
Fun Facts and Moronic Misconceptions about China[edit | edit source]
There is technically no singular Chinese language, instead you have a few dominant spoken tongues (politically classified as dialects) like Cantonese and Mandarin followed by a gorillion smaller dialects. They do share a common written script (though that too is split between Simplified and Traditional) so even if a Cantonese and Shanghaiese speaker can’t speak to each other, they can at least communicate with writing to a modest extent. The closest analogy would be an Italian and a Portuguese person (shared Latin root and alphabet but not necessarily mutually intelligible tongues).
China is one of the oldest polities in the world in terms of broad cultural continuity, meaning that while other nations would radically change or get supplanted, China was more or less enduringly Chinese.
As with dialects/language, the country is actually composed of a number of ethnicities, the dominant being the Han, followed by the Mongols, Manchu and Zhuang.
Yes - cats, dogs, bats and other critters are on the menu, though this has less to do with extreme Chinese omnivorism and more with the fact that famines were so bad that it was either that weird animal-thing or starvation. Having rice 7 days a week is prosperity, when times get bad you eat tree bark and grass.
The Song dynasty (960. - 1279.) was remarkably tech-savy and had intensive industry in steel production and coal mining, being close to the 18th century Europe and possibly to industrialization. They were in the cusp of moving from feudalism to a more cosmopolitan and mercantile society. For better or worse, this was cut short by, you guessed it - the Mongols.