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This article is probably off-topic, but tolerated because it's relevant and/or popular on /tg/... or we just can't be bothered to delete it. |

"I've heard that some people complain about the large eyes and small noses and mouths in Japanese manga. But I don't see a whole lot of difference when I look at Disney characters."
- – Shirow Masamune
"Anime has sent me all over the world, introducing me to people who have touched my life in indescribably profound ways."
Anime is a shorter term for "Japanese-style animation". It was first popularised by Ozamu Tezuka after watching too many Disney films (fun trivia: Tezuka, and many Japanese folks, were also big fans of Betty Boop, and the 1935 cartoon A Language All My Own was made with the nation in mind), and thus adopted the artstyle for use in Japanese media.
Anime bears various qualities distinct from western animation, a few of which are easily recognizable even to the uninitiated westerner. Anime's more recognizable characteristics include, but are not limited to the following:
- A distinctive (though loosely-defined) art style, often characterized by big eyes and a small mouth.
- A varied emotional iconography, including such (in)famous symbols as the cross-popping temple vein and the lascivious nosebleed.
- High graphical detail and low frame count.
- A wide range of genres and topics, everywhere from shows starring preteen female superheroes who put on frilly dresses and smite evil to shows starring testosterone-drunk, hot-blooded mecha pilots, to hardcore fetish pornography.
Mainstream western animation has started to take cues from anime within the last decade or so, with shows like Avatar: The Last Airbender, RWBY and Teen Titans.
What qualifies as anime is a source of skub. Some say anything with an anime art-style, such as the shows mentioned above, qualify. Some say that only only animations made in Japan qualify, with the above series being merely anime-inspired or have anime-artstyle without actually being anime.
Being a fan of anime does not necessarily make one weeaboo under the stricter definition of the term, but if you are weeaboo you are almost certainly an anime fan, so most normalfags do not bother to make the distinction. A very, very large proportion of 4chan's userbase are anime fans, including many of the denizens of /tg/. As a result, anime-related images are frequently posted to /tg/. They also generally have very little to do with the topic itself.
Here is a list of some /tg/-approved anime.
Many, if not most Drawfags will draw their females in a vaguely or obviously animooted style this tends to increase "fappable levels", if only just to make it more appealing to the general crowd weeaboos. Since 4chan's userbase is, as noted above, composed of 90% weeaboos, no one really complains about this.
tl;dr: Its alright, but weebs make it unlikable.
The problems with Anime[edit | edit source]
While as with any medium there are plenty of gems and turds in Anime as a whole, there are a few specific aspects when it comes to the genre/medium that are the principle cause of many a fa/tg/uy's rage and consternation towards Anime.

Firstly, due in part to the nature of Japan's culture and their publishers, studios are incentivised or even forced to copy the HotNewThing ad nauseum in hopes that the publishers and investors will get a slice of that sweet pie (Isekai subgenre being a good example lately). This leads to cookie-cut plots and character archetypes that start to appear sameish and generic after watching 2-3 series. An even older example that Isekai is how Dragon Quest basically made the majority of japanese fantasy worlds this vague medieval-europe-style world despite having plenty of cool stuff themselves or other cultures to mine from.
Then there's the elephant in the room - harems, Loli, futa fetish fuel and other assorted slaaneshi bs. Now a little bit of cheesecake is not only well and good but downright appreciated, but Anime has this tendency to delve into some really bizarre and disgusting shit or devolve into softcore porn. Again, nothing wrong with it until MC's (much) younger sister starts wiggling her underaged ass in front of the MC and you hear the SWAT squad at your front door.
Lastly, there seems to be a perception of Anime as overall less serious than other animation genres. This is partially true since after the shitshow of WW2 Japan decided do a 180 degree turn and get as far away from the lunacy that was Imperial Japan as they could. The result was among other things an orientation towards cuteness and wholesomeness (Kawaiisa) that seeped into anime, and while there very much are series and OVAs that would make Quentin Tarantino proud, the mainstream face of anime was cutesy girls and boys doing silly wacky stuff. Over-enthusiastic anime fans (weeaboos) added to this by further poisoning the well via association.
On a more positive note, with the rise of geek and weeb culture to the status of mainstream, not to mention japanese culture in general, Anime has in large parts lost the stigma it had in the 80s and 90s with a reasonable amount of younger and older peeps watching at least some of it once in a while. Be that as it may, any excessive outburst of weebery will be subjected to immediate *BLAM*ing and subsequent court-martial.
Is anime Heresy?[edit | edit source]
This topic has been brought up many times, and has been the subject of lively debate. Despite several anime perversions that are 120% qualified for genocidal cleansing, due to the majority of 4chan's userbase being weeaboos, most forms of anime's questionable aspects are deemed "tolerable" or even "holy".
However, anime does have its detractors within 4chan and the WH40K base, with some pointing out several examples of anime that are pretty much the equivalent of Daemonic perversions, tainted insanity, and the worst of them all, communism.
As mentioned previously, the stance of the Imperium on anime is mixed, with some calling for its promotion, some tolerating it, and some believing that it requires Exterminatus.
See Also[edit | edit source]
- Manga: Anime for /co/
- Horo: See Spice and Wolf
- Lolicron: A 'Cron what is loli
- Loli: What is loli?
- The Warhammer anime
- The 4chan anime: Related to Board-tans
- Touhou, which is not anime, and thus only slightly /tg/ related.
- Approved anime, Anime that /tg/ likes.
Gallery[edit | edit source]
This pleases Gendo
It's glorious...
Don't laugh, somebody actually made an anime about this guy and Buddha as roommates.
Too lazy to go to Approved Anime Onii-chan/Onee-san? Here, have a dekai-flowchart ugu!