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{{Infobox 40k Nations
{{Infobox 40k Nations
|name                   = Alaitoc
|image=[[File:Alaitoc banner large by mirageknight32-d62s4fo.jpg|150px]]
|image                   = [[File:Alaitoc banner large by mirageknight32-d62s4fo.jpg|150px]]
|bgcolor                 = 405685
|fgcolor                 = F7D80B
|Capital                 = Alaitoc
|Official Languages=Eldar Lexicon
|Official Languages     = Eldar
|Power=Minor Power
|Power                   = Minor Power
|Size                   = Craftworld
|Head of State=High Farseer
|Head of State           = High Farseer
|Head of Government= Seer Council of Alaitoc
|Head of Government     = Seer Council
|Governmental Structure=Authoritarian Magocratic Seer Council
|Governmental Structure = Authoritarian Magocracy
|State Religion/Ideology= Eldar Mythology
|State Religion/Ideology = Eldar Mythology
|Demographic             = [[Eldar]]
|Military Force=[[Craftworld]] Guardian Corps, [[Craftworld]] Fleet, [[Aspect Warrior]] Hosts, [[Outcast]] Allies, [[Corsair]] Allies
|Military Force         = [[Craftworld]] Guardians<br>[[Craftworld]] fleet<br>[[Aspect Warrior]] hosts<br>[[Outcast]] allies<br>[[Corsair]] allies
|Colours                = Blue (primary)<br>Yellow (secondary)
'''Craftworld Alaitoc''' (also known as "The Starstriders"—the most [[/tg/|George Michael]] of aliases) is the most puritanical, overtly racist, and obnoxious of all the [[Eldar]] [[Craftworld]]s, potentially even rivaling [[Eldrad|that prick]] with their sheer arrogance. Primarily comprised of [[Eldar Ranger|outcasts with sniper rifles]] and a [[Eldar#Eldar Corsairs|disparate selection of pirates]], the forces of the Alaitoc can most accurately be described as "shady as fuck", choosing to spend most of their time chilling in the [[Webway]] waiting for shit to go down, or holding casual meetings with everyone's favorite [[Harlequin|circus freaks]]. Mostly, the forces of the Alaitoc like to observe from afar, casually mocking [[Ahriman]] as he knocks frantically on the door of the [[Black Library]], sobbing like a girl in the rain waiting to be let in. Because the forces of the Alaitoc are made up of [[Neckbeard|grumpy loners]], [[Rogue_Trader_(Sourcebook)|with ideologies rooted firmly within the past with no scope for change]], they hate the idea of spending their time floating around in a big hunk of [[craftworld|space-metal]]; consequently, this means that few Eldar actually live aboard the Alaitoc craftworld. Most choose to leave to follow the [[Paths of the Eldar|Path of the Outcast]] where eventually they become pathfinders. On occasion, they are recalled to the craftworld in times of need, but most of their time is spent causing havoc and general jackassery upon passing merchant vessels, transports, and anything [[Necron]].
'''{{PAGENAME}}''' (also known as "The Starstriders"—the most [[/tg/|George Michael]] of aliases) is the most puritanical, overtly racist, and obnoxious of all the [[Eldar]] [[Craftworld]]s, potentially even rivaling [[Eldrad|that prick]] with their sheer arrogance.  
Alaitoc's leaders are such insufferable prigs about adherence to the paths that even most Alaitocii would rather be somewhere else, driving large numbers of their kin to walk the Path of the Outcast.  Meanwhile their pool of aspect warriors has dwindled to the point that each aspect is represented by only handful of temples; so few that the ENTIRE Alaitocii aspect warrior contingent probably isn't even a 10k point army... ''with wave serpents''.
What forces they can routinely call upon consist mostly of [[Eldar Ranger|outcasts with sniper rifles]] and [[Eldar#Eldar Corsairs|motley fleets of pirates]], all of whom would rather be chilling in [[Commorragh|webway Tortuga]] or adventuring with the [[Harlequin|circus freaks]]. Most are still loyal (home is home afterall), but only just.
Naturally this presents a bit of a problem for Alaitoc's farseers, who have a hard-on for taking the fight to the Necrons; their best fighters are an extremely scarce resource (even by eldar standards), while the bulk of the forces they can call on are shady as fuck, with an anti-social / anti-authority streak a mile wide.  As a result, the craftworld itself is often forced to be patient and careful, picking fights where they can rely on the outcasts ''(or where they can manipulate humans into serving their purposes)''; while the outcasts themselves spend most of their time raiding easy targets and generally being flippant jackasses who drag down the craftworld's reputation.

==A Word on the Necron Grudge==
==A Word on the Necron Grudge==
Alaitoc used to be known for fighting mostly the [[Imperium]] (which they did very well, very much adding to the Imperal commanders notion that fighting the Eldar is like fighting ghosts), but they became archenemies of the Necrons because [[Games Workshop|GW]] needed an Eldar force that "remembers" being created for that very purpose, and also because everyone and their dog fights the Imperium. Also, common sense says that a whole Craftworld devoted the Imperium isn't that intriguing. The choice was made easier by how spread out Alaitoc's forces are; this means the Imperium being their primary foe was unfeasible. A better choice might have been [[Saim-Hann]] as they keep alive most of the Eldar's ancient traditions and would be more likely than Alaitoc to return to their roots; even their colors, white and red, are a perfect contrast to the black and green most Necrons favor.  
Alaitoc used to be known for fighting mostly the [[Imperium]] (which they did very well, very much adding to the Imperal commanders notion that fighting the Eldar is like fighting ghosts), but they became archenemies of the Necrons because [[Games Workshop|GW]] needed an Eldar force that "remembers" being created for that very purpose, and also because everyone and their dog fights the Imperium. Also, common sense says that a whole Craftworld devoted the Imperium isn't that intriguing. The choice was made easier by how spread out Alaitoc's forces are; this means the Imperium being their primary foe was unfeasible. A better choice might have been [[Saim-Hann]] as they keep alive most of the Eldar's ancient traditions and would be more likely than Alaitoc to return to their roots; even their colors, white and red, are a perfect contrast to the black and green most Necrons favor.

Alaitoc has had mixed success, at best, in confronting the Necron. One part of this is probably because their preferred leader for fighting the Necron is an absolute loser called [[Eldorath Starbane]] who, like most Farseers, [[Macha|will only win a battle if he has Space Marine allies holding his hand for him.]] But the blame can't all be placed on him; the famed ranger Illic Nightspear, for example, has never managed to do anything more than run away from battles and get captured. How did he escape capture? Well a [[Plot_Armor|Space Marine]] saved him. Beginning to notice a pattern?
Alaitoc has had mixed success, at best, in confronting the Necron. One part of this is probably because their preferred leader for fighting the Necron is an absolute loser called [[Eldorath Starbane]] who, like most Farseers, [[Macha|will only win a battle if he has Space Marine allies holding his hand for him.]] But the blame can't all be placed on him; the famed ranger Illic Nightspear, for example, has never managed to do anything more than run away from battles and get captured. How did he escape capture? Well a [[Plot_Armor|Space Marine]] saved him. Beginning to notice a pattern?

===Alladrios Kulcassian===
===Alladrios Kulcassian===
A possible reason for Alaitoc's newfound [[Necron]] hatred could be the story of the Alaitoc [[Farseer]] Alladrios Kulcassian from the 3rd edition Necron codex. In the story, Alladrios had ordered Craftworld Alaitoc to attack the Imperium's training facility for [[Culexus]] assassins on a rogue planet. He was doing this because a Culexus assassin killed his sister (who was also a Farseer), and the Eldar consider dying at the hands of one to be a horrific fate (as it resulted in complete destruction of the soul vs. being consumed by Slannesh... tough call). Once within striking distance, Alladrios was about to give the order for Alaitoc's forces to destroy it.  
A possible reason for Alaitoc's newfound [[Necron]] hatred could be the story of the Alaitoc [[Farseer]] Alladrios Kulcassian from the 3rd edition Necron codex. In the story, Alladrios had ordered Craftworld Alaitoc to attack the Imperium's training facility for [[Culexus]] assassins on a rogue planet. He was doing this because a Culexus assassin killed his sister (who was also a Farseer), and the Eldar consider dying at the hands of one to be a horrific fate (as it resulted in complete destruction of the soul vs. being consumed by Slannesh... tough call). Once within striking distance, Alladrios was about to give the order for Alaitoc's forces to destroy it.

However, though eager to avenge his sister, Alladrios came down with a case of something rare in 40k: common sense. He read the runes to see the future consequences of the attack-- a wise choice, as every alternate future after the Culexus temple's destruction showed Alaitoc being destroyed by an unidentified enemy (possibly Necrons or the Imperium's forces). Alladrios was torn but swallowed his pride and called off the attack; though he loved his sister dearly, the price of vengeance was too high. As Alaitoc turned and left, the story concluded with a bitter Alladrios deducing that the Necrons and/or the [[C'tan]] put the pariah gene in humanity, likening it to sowing crops, and are preparing to harvest them.
However, though eager to avenge his sister, Alladrios came down with a case of something rare in 40k: common sense. He read the runes to see the future consequences of the attack-- a wise choice, as every alternate future after the Culexus temple's destruction showed Alaitoc being destroyed by an unidentified enemy (possibly Necrons or the Imperium's forces). Alladrios was torn but swallowed his pride and called off the attack; though he loved his sister dearly, the price of vengeance was too high. As Alaitoc turned and left, the story concluded with a bitter Alladrios deducing that the Necrons and/or the [[C'tan]] put the pariah gene in humanity, likening it to sowing crops, and are preparing to harvest them.

==The Events of ''Path of the Eldar''==
==The Events of ''Path of the Eldar''==
[[File:Alaitoc-image.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Alaitoc Symbol.]]
[[File:Alaitoc-image.jpg|200px|right|thumb|Alaitoc Symbol.]]
Due to the selfish actions of the ranger Aradryan and the corrupt and egocentric Imperial commander De’vaque, who had dealings with the Eldar pirate Yrithain in an attempt to enrich himself at the expense of the Imperium, Alaitoc found itself under attack by all of the Imperial forces De’vaque could muster, led by the Chapter Master of the [[Sons of Orar]], Nadeus. These events are the main focus of the books ''Path of the Eldar'', by [[Gav Thorpe]], which follow the story of three Eldar youths, Korlandril, Aradryan, and Thirianna. Thorpe decided to leave out their current Necron hunting job (Alaitoc's anti-Necron stance was introduced in 2011 irl, when Thorpe was more than halfway through the ''Path of the Eldar'' trilogy).  
Due to the selfish actions of the ranger Aradryan and the corrupt and egocentric Imperial commander De’vaque, who had dealings with the Eldar pirate Yrithain in an attempt to enrich himself at the expense of the Imperium, Alaitoc found itself under attack by all of the Imperial forces De’vaque could muster, led by the Chapter Master of the [[Sons of Orar]], Nadeus. These events are the main focus of the books ''Path of the Eldar'', by [[Gav Thorpe]], which follow the story of three Eldar youths, Korlandril, Aradryan, and Thirianna. Thorpe decided to leave out their current Necron hunting job (Alaitoc's anti-Necron stance was introduced in 2011 irl, when Thorpe was more than halfway through the ''Path of the Eldar'' trilogy).

The armada that was sent was massive and each of Alaitoc’s [[Farseer|Farseers]] had been ascribed a region of the skein to watch. Thirianna herself was responsible for watching the unfolding fates of more than a dozen starships from frigates to battleships (this is actually a small fleet by Imperial standards, ironically). Thirianna was impressed that the human ships were protected by [[Warp]]-based technologies ([[void shields]]), for she had not believed them capable of such technology, though it was still simplistic compared to the Eldar mastery of the Warp. Maybe they had become complacent in their dealings with humans because their typical conflicts with the Imperium would normally be dealt with on their own terms and as far away from the Craftworld as possible. But Thirianna's reaction can probably be chalked up to her youth and naïveté, as she, up to this point, had no experience when it came to dealing with humans, and given Alaitoc’s strict customs and insular tendencies, it’s not very likely that such information would be common knowledge. Because not knowing your enemy's capabilities couldn't possibly be a stupid decision. Her lack of knowledge is further made odd by the fact Thirianna was also a Dire Avenger, and was explicitly written killing human children.
The armada that was sent was massive and each of Alaitoc’s [[Farseer|Farseers]] had been ascribed a region of the skein to watch. Thirianna herself was responsible for watching the unfolding fates of more than a dozen Imperial starships from frigates to battleships on her own, whilst the other seer members kept track of many, many more (the imperial fleet consisted of hundreds if not thousands of imperial ships and smaller void craft). Thirianna was impressed that the human ships were protected by [[Warp]]-based technologies ([[void shields]]), for she had not believed them capable of such technology, though it was still simplistic compared to the Eldar mastery of the Warp. Maybe they had become complacent in their dealings with humans because their typical conflicts with the Imperium would normally be dealt with on their own terms and as far away from the Craftworld as possible. But Thirianna's reaction can probably be chalked up to her youth and naïveté, as she, up to this point, had no experience when it came to dealing with humans, and given Alaitoc’s strict customs and insular tendencies, it’s not very likely that such information would be common knowledge. Because not knowing your enemy's capabilities couldn't possibly be a stupid decision. Her lack of knowledge is further made odd by the fact Thirianna was also a Dire Avenger, and was explicitly written killing Chaos infected human children (just like how Imperial forces kill countless innocent alien children all the time, not to mention the thousands of human children that are fed into Imperial factories, or made into child soldiers, and let's not forget how many have been sacrificed to the Emperor every day to keep that glorified lighthouse going; if you haven't realised yet the setting is not a nice place to live); which you don't need any real information on human Warp drives to do, so the fact she was a Dire Avenger is a pointless one.

After the first wave of Imperial ships were butchered, the main Imperial fleet appeared, arriving in small groups scattered around the edges of the star system. The Alaitoc fleet was just not numerous enough to cover every approach, which is weird as they should have had a fleet many times the sized of a mere few dozen ships. Although they could not ultimately prevent the Imperials from boarding Alaitoc herself, by the time they had finally managed it the space around the craftworld was a graveyard of Imperial vessels.  
After the first wave of Imperial ships were butchered, the main Imperial fleet appeared, arriving in small groups scattered around the edges of the star system. The Alaitoc fleet was just not numerous enough to cover every approach. Although they could not ultimately prevent the Imperials from boarding Alaitoc herself, by the time they had finally managed it the space around the craftworld was a graveyard of Imperial vessels.

Before the [[Space Marines]] arrived to save the day, the [[Imperial Guard]] were getting slaughtered within the craftworld by Alaitoc [[Aspect Warriors]], which isn’t a surprise given that they had THREE [[Phoenix Lords]], including [[Phoenix Lords#Maugan Ra|Maugan Ra]], fighting alongside them. One incident saw a small group of warriors luring thousands of Guardsmen, including entire armed divisions, into the centre of one of the craftworld's massive domes before turning off the gravity and ejecting the whole lot into the void. Taking advantage of the limited movement of the Eldar Titans within the confines of the inner corridors, the Imperial Guardsmen were actually able to take down the Alaitoc titans. Given the correct weapons (such as heavy Vanquisher cannons, which are basically anti-Titan guns), the Imperial Guard could indeed accomplish such an objective (though most of them died doing it). The reason the Sons of Orar chapter took light casualties during the initial fighting was because their chief [[Librarian]] was purposely sacrificing his basic troops to preserve the elites. Thirianna put a stop to this when she hunted him down and crushed his mind like a grape.
Before the [[Space Marines]] arrived to save the day, the [[Imperial Guard]] were getting slaughtered within the craftworld by Alaitoc [[Aspect Warriors]], which isn’t a surprise given that they had THREE [[Phoenix Lords]], including [[Phoenix Lords#Maugan Ra|Maugan Ra]], fighting alongside them. One incident saw a small group of warriors luring thousands of Guardsmen, including entire armed divisions, into the centre of one of the craftworld's massive domes before turning off the gravity and ejecting the whole lot into the void. Taking advantage of the limited movement of the Eldar Titans within the confines of the inner corridors, the Imperial Guardsmen were actually able to take down the Alaitoc titans. Given the correct weapons (such as heavy Vanquisher cannons, which are basically anti-Titan guns), the Imperial Guard could indeed accomplish such an objective (though most of them died doing it). The reason the Sons of Orar chapter took light casualties during the initial fighting was because their chief [[Librarian]] was purposely sacrificing the lives of the Imperial guard to preserve the lives of the Marines. Thirianna put a stop to this when she hunted him down and crushed his mind like a grape.

The Craftworld's Farseers had told their people that they had foreseen Alaitoc's victory (in other words they lied, because the Imperium deciding to go kill someone else is ''not'' victory). The conclusion? Due to the intervention of the Ranger Aradryan, the Imperium discovered they had been tricked by the [[Dark Eldar]] and De’vaque's treachery was finally revealed. In short, the Alaitoc Eldar could have beaten off the attack, but it would have been bloody... well, not really, considering the Eldar were still getting assraped in their own Craftworld; despite each Eldar warrior killing dozens of imperial soldiers, for every Eldar lose they would have likely lost eventually given the sheer Imperial number advantage, especially with the, y'know, Imperial Titans inside blowing shit up with the Eldar Titans dead. Though the Guard was taking a brutal beating, they were still pushing through and gaining ground throughout the battle although this was actually part of the Eldar strategy (I know, I know, blame Gav) to avoid needless Eldar losses. The plan was for the Eldar forces to hit the Imperial forces hard and then fall back in order to lure large numbers of Imperial soldiers into areas where they could be dealt with and away from the civilian areas which would allow them to evacuate before the Imperial forces arrived. This is not to mention any reserves from both sides that would have arrived eventually. Instead, they just told the Space Marines that they had been manipulated into attacking Alaitoc by the [[Dark Eldar]] and an Imperial governor. During the fighting within the Craftworld, the Eldar fleet had continued to destroy the Imperial fleet, leaving their forces upon Alaitoc stranded. Once the Eldar had finished evacuating the last of its population, they had planned to destroy Alaitoc by imploding her Webway portal and killing all the humans left behind (which would still be very much an Imperial victory). They also told the Space Marines that if they did not stop, a fuckhuge fleet of Eldar with ships from pretty much every craftworld was on its way to kill everything that was not Eldar within 20 lightyears.
The Craftworld's Farseers had told their people that they had foreseen Alaitoc would survive. The conclusion? Due to the intervention of the Ranger Aradryan, the Imperium discovered they had been tricked by the [[Dark Eldar]] and De’vaque's treachery was finally revealed. In short, the Alaitoc Eldar could have beaten off the attack, but it would have been bloody; despite each Eldar warrior killing dozens of imperial soldiers, for every Eldar lose they would have likely lost eventually given the sheer Imperial number advantage, especially with the, y'know, Imperial Titans inside blowing shit up with the Eldar Titans dead. Though the Guard was taking a brutal beating, they were still pushing through and gaining ground throughout the battle- although this was actually part of the Eldar strategy (I know, I know, blame Gav) to avoid needless Eldar losses. The plan was for the Eldar forces to hit the Imperial forces hard and then fall back in order to lure large numbers of Imperial soldiers into areas where they could be dealt with and away from the civilian areas which would allow them to evacuate before the Imperial forces arrived. This is not to mention any reserves from both sides that would have arrived eventually. Instead, they just told the Space Marines that they had been manipulated into attacking Alaitoc by the [[Dark Eldar]] and an Imperial governor. During the fighting within the Craftworld, the Eldar fleet had continued to destroy the Imperial fleet, leaving their forces upon Alaitoc stranded and surrounded, as they had been continuously lured further in until they were cut off from any reinforcements. Once the Eldar had finished evacuating the last of its population, they had planned to destroy Alaitoc by imploding her Webway portal and killing all the humans left behind (which would still be very much an Imperial victory). They also told the Space Marines that if they did not stop, a fuckhuge fleet of Eldar with ships from pretty much every craftworld was on its way to kill everything that was not Eldar within 20 lightyears.

And so, although Alaitoc is one of the smaller of the big five craftworlds, weaker Eldar for Eldar than other craftworlds such as [[Biel-tan]] and [[Ulthwé]] (who are constantly at war), and not made up of warrior tribes like [[Saim-Hann]] or a huge amount of wraith constructs like [[Iyanden]], they managed, through the sheer scale of Imperial losses, to ultimately convince a Space Marine Chapter Master to negotiate a truce:
And so, although Alaitoc is one of the smaller of the big five craftworlds, weaker Eldar for Eldar than other craftworlds such as [[Biel-tan]] and [[Ulthwé]] (who are constantly at war), and not made up of warrior tribes like [[Saim-Hann]] or a huge amount of wraith constructs like [[Iyanden]], they managed, through the sheer scale of Imperial losses, to ultimately convince a Space Marine Chapter Master to negotiate a truce:
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The boom of the pistol caused Aradryan to jump. De’vaque’s head disappeared in a cloud of blood and bone and his headless corpse collapsed to the pavement.
The boom of the pistol caused Aradryan to jump. De’vaque’s head disappeared in a cloud of blood and bone and his headless corpse collapsed to the pavement.

"Too many," snarled the Chapter Master. "Call off your ships and I will cease the attack."
"Too many," snarled the Chapter Master. "Call off your ships and I will cease the attack".

Astartes do not like being tricked.  And it wasn't the scale of Imperial losses that caused the negotiations but the pointlessness of the battle. The Imperial loses they suffered were pretty much normal for the Guard, not really all that different from a normal engagement with a fleet their size and the troops they carried. Most of their forces dying in battle is perfectly normal for them, though usually a fleet their size would have five or six Chapters involved instead of one. If anything, the Imperium did well enough with what it had present that future attacks on Craftworlds would look like a good idea and easy accomplishment.  Sure, any force sent would have to be about two or three times larger, but that's not a big deal for the Imperium; they'd need several Chapters, but that's not a heavy price either and even if almost all the Guardsmen died in the process they probably would be considered too few to matter-- we're talking about an empire that kills hundreds of billions of its own people on a Hive World and is just annoyed by the reduction of industry in that sub-sector.
In the end, nearly a third of Alaitoc lay in ruins from rim to core, but the number of Eldar dead was only counted in the thousands (which unfortunately also counted as heavy losses because the Eldar don't have a surplus of lives like the Imperium), and could have been far higher (though the Imperium only wanted to smash everything; killing was just a bonus as they knew how evasive the Eldar are). The Imperium, upon leaving, decided to go kill the ones responsible. Some [[Fail|victory]], but victory is not measured in corpses, especially when fighting the Imperium. For them, it was a strategic victory. The Eldar rely on the stuff the Imperium destroyed to survive; besides that, the Imperium had shown that a small (by Imperial standards- about the same size as the forces sent against the Tau) force could cause serious problems for a Craftworld and the Imperium did not give a shit about the number of ships it would cost, which told the Eldar what they already knew: that the Imperium has absolutely no respect for the lives of its own warriors and that they were so blinded by their own hatred and so heavily indoctrinated that they would willingly suffer truly horrifying loses as long as the enemy was destroyed. Anything less against the vast majority of the Imperium's enemies would just result in constant losses until every human was dead or worse. Ten millennia of that results in a truly terrifying culture. Directly attacking the Imperium with sheer force was not an option with their low numbers; the Imperium could afford to throw away millions if not billions of their own and they wouldn't even care, which the Eldar are not prepared to or willing to do.

In the end, nearly a third of Alaitoc lay in ruins from rim to core, but the number of Eldar dead was only counted in the thousands (which unfortunately also counted as heavy losses because the Eldar don't have a surplus of lives like the Imperium), and could have been far higher (though the Imperium only wanted to smash everything; killing was just a bonus as they knew how evasive the Eldar are). The Imperium, upon leaving, decided to go kill the ones responsible. Some [[Fail|victory]], but victory is not measured in corpses, especially when fighting the Imperium. For them, it was a strategic victory. The Eldar rely on the stuff the Imperium destroyed to survive; besides that, the Imperium had shown that a small (by Imperial standards- about the same size as the forces sent against the Tau) force could cause serious problems for a Craftworld and the Imperium did not give a shit about the number of ships it would cost, which told the Eldar what they already knew: that the Imperium has absolutely no respect for the lives of its own warriors and that they were so blinded by their own hatred and so heavily indoctrinated that they would willingly suffer truly horrifying loses as long as the enemy was destroyed. Anything less against the vast majority of the Imperium's enemies would just result in constant losses until every human was dead or worse.  Ten millennia of that results in a truly terrifying culture.  Directly attacking the Imperium with sheer force was not an option with their low numbers; the Imperium could afford to throw away millions if not billions of their own and they wouldn't even care, which the Eldar are not prepared to or willing to do.
Although there will be those who read the books that go straight into the chest thumping “My guys can beat up your guys”, this is unnecessary as it was written by Gav Thorpe and he's got some weird fetish for elf deaths (not this time since only a few thousand died, but that's relative to how many he thought were in the Craftworld in the first place) even when prior books state that the Imperium avoids fighting Craftworlds because it'd be a war of attrition that would be too costly for even them (though it wouldn't be a war of attrition since the Eldar cannot afford to replace their losses and attrition is entirely about which side can replace its losses the quickest; the Imperium wins wars of attrition against the damn ''Tyranids''). It took the entire legion of Space Wolves at full strength and with the backing of the Imperium at its height years to destroy one Craftworld (or months, depending on what book or what the writers decides sounds best at the moment) though saying "full Legion" is misleading as the Space Wolves had very small numbers and it didn't have the backing of the Imperium, only the fleet that encountered that Craftworld which was too stupid to realize attacking everyone it sees is a bad idea.

Although there will be those who read the books that go straight into the chest thumping “My guys can beat up your guys”, this is unnecessary as it was written by Gav Thorpe and he's got some weird fetish for elf deaths (not this time since only a few thousand died, but that's relative to how many he thought were in the Craftworld in the first place) even when prior books state that the Imperium avoids fighting Craftworlds because it'd be a war of attrition that would be too costly for even them (though it wouldn't be a war of attrition since the Eldar cannot afford to replace their losses and attrition is entirely about which side can replace its losses the quickest; the Imperium wins wars of attrition against the damn ''Tyranids''). It took the entire legion of Space Wolves at full strength and with the backing of the Imperium at its height years to destroy one Craftworld (or months, depending on what book or what the writers decides sounds best at the moment) though saying "full Legion" is misleading as the Space Wolves had very small numbers and it didn't have the backing of the Imperium, only the fleet that encountered that Craftworld which was too stupid to realize attacking everyone it sees is a bad idea. 
It also does not help that Gav Thorpe is of the camp of "there are as many elves as there needs to be and they're just strong enough to make things tragic". But the battles are really set dressing to what the book's actual message was, mainly that someone's actions have consequences even when they mean no harm. Although we know the true meaning- It's Warhammer 40,000; the books' messages are always "explosions are awesome, buy our miniatures".
It also does not help that Gav Thorpe is of the camp of "there are as many elves as there needs to be and they're just strong enough to make things tragic". But the battles are really set dressing to what the book's actual message was, mainly that someone's actions have consequences even when they mean no harm. Mean no harm?  It was all intentional specifically to cause a war.  That's meaning an awful lot of harm.  And the message of the book?  It's Warhammer 40,000; the books' messages are always "explosions are awesome, buy our miniatures".

Basically just don't question anything about the book unless you want your head to hurt and find yourself trying to cross-reference several different [[codex]]es to see if you missed something important.
Basically just don't question anything about the book unless you want your head to hurt and find yourself trying to cross-reference several different [[codex]]es to see if you missed something important.

==Recent Events==
==Recent Events==
Alaitoc led an attack on the [[Invaders]] Space Marine Chapter in revenge for their oportunistic destruction of Craftworld Idharae; said attack has forced the Invaders to become a fleet-based Chapter but, unlike their Craftworld victim, they have survived and, most likely, like the [[Scythes of the Emperor]] been reinforced with the new [[Ultima Founding]].  Also, it was a force of three Craftworlds that attacked the Invaders but still failed to destroy them.
Alaitoc backed the survivors of Idharae when they sought retribution on the [[Invaders]] Space Marine Chapter in revenge for the unprovoked and opportunistic destruction of Craftworld Idharae; said attack has forced the Invaders to become a fleet-based Chapter but, just like the Craftworld survivors, they have gone on to make a new home for themselves, the Eldar survivors now live upon Craftworlds Alaitoc, and the surviving Marines, most likely just like the [[Scythes of the Emperor]] have been reinforced with the new [[Ultima Founding]].

It also attempted to foil the efforts of the [[Word Bearers]] upon the planet Gruelbowl (yes, that is really its name) but were incapable of doing so (probably because Alaitoc doesn't seem able to do anything unless Space Marines are helping them).  
It also attempted to foil the efforts of the [[Word Bearers]] upon the planet Gruelbowl (yes, that is really its name) but were incapable of doing so (probably because Alaitoc doesn't seem able to do anything unless Space Marines are helping them).

Alaitoc itself has not, so far, become a major proponent of the [[Ynnari]], with only a limited number of its people joining the movement and the Craftworld itself remaining distant. Indeed, through the events of the Psychic Awakening, they blatantly believe that of the many enemies the Aeldari have, their true enemy has been and will continue to be the Necrons and until they've been fully eradicated they ''cannot'' spare any attention to the efforts of the Ynnari. Okay then.  Maybe they should have remembered that instead of spending ten thousand years poking at the Imperium and then having a surprised Pikachu face when the Imperium finally pokes back.
Alaitoc itself has not, so far, become a major proponent of the [[Ynnari]], with only a limited number of its people joining the movement and the Craftworld itself remaining distant. Indeed, through the events of the Psychic Awakening, they blatantly believe that of the many enemies the Aeldari have, their true enemy has been and will continue to be the Necrons and until they've been fully eradicated they ''cannot'' spare any attention to the efforts of the Ynnari. Okay then.

While the Asuryani of other worldships finds their people divided and desperate for the first time, the staunch sons and daughters of Alaitoc have ever been cast like a net across the stars – and no matter how far they wander from home, they remain ready to close in around their craftworld’s many enemies. Because being spread out everywhere means they can defend from everywhere in derpelf logic. They've also been defending [[Exodite World]]s from the [[Mephrit Dynasty]] with the help of Saim-Hann.
While the Asuryani of other worldships finds their people divided and desperate for the first time, the staunch sons and daughters of Alaitoc have ever been cast like a net across the stars – and no matter how far they wander from home, they remain ready to close in around their craftworld’s many enemies. Because being spread out everywhere means they can defend from everywhere in derpelf logic. They've also been defending [[Exodite World]]s from the [[Mephrit Dynasty]] with the help of Saim-Hann.

==Tactics and Military Doctrine==
==Tactics and Military Doctrine==
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*'''Pathfinders''' - The Ranger equivalent of an Exarch, Pathfinders are highly skilled individuals who have lost themselves to the Path of the Outcast. Though they lack the discount Phoenix Lord armor regular Exarchs use to effectively resurrect themselves upon death, Pathfinders are still masters at their craft. Even though they're no longer considered part of Alaitoc society officially, Alaitoc can still call upon a significant number of still-loyal Pathfinders when they find themselves in need of their highly refined skills.
*'''Pathfinders''' - The Ranger equivalent of an Exarch, Pathfinders are highly skilled individuals who have lost themselves to the Path of the Outcast. Though they lack the discount Phoenix Lord armor regular Exarchs use to effectively resurrect themselves upon death, Pathfinders are still masters at their craft. Even though they're no longer considered part of Alaitoc society officially, Alaitoc can still call upon a significant number of still-loyal Pathfinders when they find themselves in need of their highly refined skills.
Highly speculative at the moment. Given that most craftworld names have some sort of Celtic origin, Alaitoc is less obvious. The first part of the name may refer to eala, Irish for swan. Nothing to do with "starstriders" as of such...

[[Category: Warhammer 40,000]]
[[Category: Warhammer 40,000]]

Latest revision as of 16:26, 20 June 2023



Official Languages



Minor Power



Head of State

High Farseer

Head of Government

Seer Council

Governmental Structure

Authoritarian Magocracy

State Religion/Ideology

Eldar Mythology



Military Force

Craftworld Guardians
Craftworld fleet
Aspect Warrior hosts
Outcast allies
Corsair allies

Craftworld Alaitoc (also known as "The Starstriders"—the most George Michael of aliases) is the most puritanical, overtly racist, and obnoxious of all the Eldar Craftworlds, potentially even rivaling that prick with their sheer arrogance.

Alaitoc's leaders are such insufferable prigs about adherence to the paths that even most Alaitocii would rather be somewhere else, driving large numbers of their kin to walk the Path of the Outcast. Meanwhile their pool of aspect warriors has dwindled to the point that each aspect is represented by only handful of temples; so few that the ENTIRE Alaitocii aspect warrior contingent probably isn't even a 10k point army... with wave serpents.

What forces they can routinely call upon consist mostly of outcasts with sniper rifles and motley fleets of pirates, all of whom would rather be chilling in webway Tortuga or adventuring with the circus freaks. Most are still loyal (home is home afterall), but only just.

Naturally this presents a bit of a problem for Alaitoc's farseers, who have a hard-on for taking the fight to the Necrons; their best fighters are an extremely scarce resource (even by eldar standards), while the bulk of the forces they can call on are shady as fuck, with an anti-social / anti-authority streak a mile wide. As a result, the craftworld itself is often forced to be patient and careful, picking fights where they can rely on the outcasts (or where they can manipulate humans into serving their purposes); while the outcasts themselves spend most of their time raiding easy targets and generally being flippant jackasses who drag down the craftworld's reputation.

A Word on the Necron Grudge[edit | edit source]

Alaitoc used to be known for fighting mostly the Imperium (which they did very well, very much adding to the Imperal commanders notion that fighting the Eldar is like fighting ghosts), but they became archenemies of the Necrons because GW needed an Eldar force that "remembers" being created for that very purpose, and also because everyone and their dog fights the Imperium. Also, common sense says that a whole Craftworld devoted the Imperium isn't that intriguing. The choice was made easier by how spread out Alaitoc's forces are; this means the Imperium being their primary foe was unfeasible. A better choice might have been Saim-Hann as they keep alive most of the Eldar's ancient traditions and would be more likely than Alaitoc to return to their roots; even their colors, white and red, are a perfect contrast to the black and green most Necrons favor.

Alaitoc has had mixed success, at best, in confronting the Necron. One part of this is probably because their preferred leader for fighting the Necron is an absolute loser called Eldorath Starbane who, like most Farseers, will only win a battle if he has Space Marine allies holding his hand for him. But the blame can't all be placed on him; the famed ranger Illic Nightspear, for example, has never managed to do anything more than run away from battles and get captured. How did he escape capture? Well a Space Marine saved him. Beginning to notice a pattern?

Alladrios Kulcassian[edit | edit source]

A possible reason for Alaitoc's newfound Necron hatred could be the story of the Alaitoc Farseer Alladrios Kulcassian from the 3rd edition Necron codex. In the story, Alladrios had ordered Craftworld Alaitoc to attack the Imperium's training facility for Culexus assassins on a rogue planet. He was doing this because a Culexus assassin killed his sister (who was also a Farseer), and the Eldar consider dying at the hands of one to be a horrific fate (as it resulted in complete destruction of the soul vs. being consumed by Slannesh... tough call). Once within striking distance, Alladrios was about to give the order for Alaitoc's forces to destroy it.

However, though eager to avenge his sister, Alladrios came down with a case of something rare in 40k: common sense. He read the runes to see the future consequences of the attack-- a wise choice, as every alternate future after the Culexus temple's destruction showed Alaitoc being destroyed by an unidentified enemy (possibly Necrons or the Imperium's forces). Alladrios was torn but swallowed his pride and called off the attack; though he loved his sister dearly, the price of vengeance was too high. As Alaitoc turned and left, the story concluded with a bitter Alladrios deducing that the Necrons and/or the C'tan put the pariah gene in humanity, likening it to sowing crops, and are preparing to harvest them.

The Events of Path of the Eldar[edit | edit source]

Alaitoc Symbol.

Due to the selfish actions of the ranger Aradryan and the corrupt and egocentric Imperial commander De’vaque, who had dealings with the Eldar pirate Yrithain in an attempt to enrich himself at the expense of the Imperium, Alaitoc found itself under attack by all of the Imperial forces De’vaque could muster, led by the Chapter Master of the Sons of Orar, Nadeus. These events are the main focus of the books Path of the Eldar, by Gav Thorpe, which follow the story of three Eldar youths, Korlandril, Aradryan, and Thirianna. Thorpe decided to leave out their current Necron hunting job (Alaitoc's anti-Necron stance was introduced in 2011 irl, when Thorpe was more than halfway through the Path of the Eldar trilogy).

The armada that was sent was massive and each of Alaitoc’s Farseers had been ascribed a region of the skein to watch. Thirianna herself was responsible for watching the unfolding fates of more than a dozen Imperial starships from frigates to battleships on her own, whilst the other seer members kept track of many, many more (the imperial fleet consisted of hundreds if not thousands of imperial ships and smaller void craft). Thirianna was impressed that the human ships were protected by Warp-based technologies (void shields), for she had not believed them capable of such technology, though it was still simplistic compared to the Eldar mastery of the Warp. Maybe they had become complacent in their dealings with humans because their typical conflicts with the Imperium would normally be dealt with on their own terms and as far away from the Craftworld as possible. But Thirianna's reaction can probably be chalked up to her youth and naïveté, as she, up to this point, had no experience when it came to dealing with humans, and given Alaitoc’s strict customs and insular tendencies, it’s not very likely that such information would be common knowledge. Because not knowing your enemy's capabilities couldn't possibly be a stupid decision. Her lack of knowledge is further made odd by the fact Thirianna was also a Dire Avenger, and was explicitly written killing Chaos infected human children (just like how Imperial forces kill countless innocent alien children all the time, not to mention the thousands of human children that are fed into Imperial factories, or made into child soldiers, and let's not forget how many have been sacrificed to the Emperor every day to keep that glorified lighthouse going; if you haven't realised yet the setting is not a nice place to live); which you don't need any real information on human Warp drives to do, so the fact she was a Dire Avenger is a pointless one.

After the first wave of Imperial ships were butchered, the main Imperial fleet appeared, arriving in small groups scattered around the edges of the star system. The Alaitoc fleet was just not numerous enough to cover every approach. Although they could not ultimately prevent the Imperials from boarding Alaitoc herself, by the time they had finally managed it the space around the craftworld was a graveyard of Imperial vessels.

Before the Space Marines arrived to save the day, the Imperial Guard were getting slaughtered within the craftworld by Alaitoc Aspect Warriors, which isn’t a surprise given that they had THREE Phoenix Lords, including Maugan Ra, fighting alongside them. One incident saw a small group of warriors luring thousands of Guardsmen, including entire armed divisions, into the centre of one of the craftworld's massive domes before turning off the gravity and ejecting the whole lot into the void. Taking advantage of the limited movement of the Eldar Titans within the confines of the inner corridors, the Imperial Guardsmen were actually able to take down the Alaitoc titans. Given the correct weapons (such as heavy Vanquisher cannons, which are basically anti-Titan guns), the Imperial Guard could indeed accomplish such an objective (though most of them died doing it). The reason the Sons of Orar chapter took light casualties during the initial fighting was because their chief Librarian was purposely sacrificing the lives of the Imperial guard to preserve the lives of the Marines. Thirianna put a stop to this when she hunted him down and crushed his mind like a grape.

The Craftworld's Farseers had told their people that they had foreseen Alaitoc would survive. The conclusion? Due to the intervention of the Ranger Aradryan, the Imperium discovered they had been tricked by the Dark Eldar and De’vaque's treachery was finally revealed. In short, the Alaitoc Eldar could have beaten off the attack, but it would have been bloody; despite each Eldar warrior killing dozens of imperial soldiers, for every Eldar lose they would have likely lost eventually given the sheer Imperial number advantage, especially with the, y'know, Imperial Titans inside blowing shit up with the Eldar Titans dead. Though the Guard was taking a brutal beating, they were still pushing through and gaining ground throughout the battle- although this was actually part of the Eldar strategy (I know, I know, blame Gav) to avoid needless Eldar losses. The plan was for the Eldar forces to hit the Imperial forces hard and then fall back in order to lure large numbers of Imperial soldiers into areas where they could be dealt with and away from the civilian areas which would allow them to evacuate before the Imperial forces arrived. This is not to mention any reserves from both sides that would have arrived eventually. Instead, they just told the Space Marines that they had been manipulated into attacking Alaitoc by the Dark Eldar and an Imperial governor. During the fighting within the Craftworld, the Eldar fleet had continued to destroy the Imperial fleet, leaving their forces upon Alaitoc stranded and surrounded, as they had been continuously lured further in until they were cut off from any reinforcements. Once the Eldar had finished evacuating the last of its population, they had planned to destroy Alaitoc by imploding her Webway portal and killing all the humans left behind (which would still be very much an Imperial victory). They also told the Space Marines that if they did not stop, a fuckhuge fleet of Eldar with ships from pretty much every craftworld was on its way to kill everything that was not Eldar within 20 lightyears.

And so, although Alaitoc is one of the smaller of the big five craftworlds, weaker Eldar for Eldar than other craftworlds such as Biel-tan and Ulthwé (who are constantly at war), and not made up of warrior tribes like Saim-Hann or a huge amount of wraith constructs like Iyanden, they managed, through the sheer scale of Imperial losses, to ultimately convince a Space Marine Chapter Master to negotiate a truce:

"How many thousands have died already?" whispered Alaitin. "How many of your warriors have fallen to clean the blood from this man’s hands, Chapter Master?"

The boom of the pistol caused Aradryan to jump. De’vaque’s head disappeared in a cloud of blood and bone and his headless corpse collapsed to the pavement.

"Too many," snarled the Chapter Master. "Call off your ships and I will cease the attack".

In the end, nearly a third of Alaitoc lay in ruins from rim to core, but the number of Eldar dead was only counted in the thousands (which unfortunately also counted as heavy losses because the Eldar don't have a surplus of lives like the Imperium), and could have been far higher (though the Imperium only wanted to smash everything; killing was just a bonus as they knew how evasive the Eldar are). The Imperium, upon leaving, decided to go kill the ones responsible. Some victory, but victory is not measured in corpses, especially when fighting the Imperium. For them, it was a strategic victory. The Eldar rely on the stuff the Imperium destroyed to survive; besides that, the Imperium had shown that a small (by Imperial standards- about the same size as the forces sent against the Tau) force could cause serious problems for a Craftworld and the Imperium did not give a shit about the number of ships it would cost, which told the Eldar what they already knew: that the Imperium has absolutely no respect for the lives of its own warriors and that they were so blinded by their own hatred and so heavily indoctrinated that they would willingly suffer truly horrifying loses as long as the enemy was destroyed. Anything less against the vast majority of the Imperium's enemies would just result in constant losses until every human was dead or worse. Ten millennia of that results in a truly terrifying culture. Directly attacking the Imperium with sheer force was not an option with their low numbers; the Imperium could afford to throw away millions if not billions of their own and they wouldn't even care, which the Eldar are not prepared to or willing to do.

Although there will be those who read the books that go straight into the chest thumping “My guys can beat up your guys”, this is unnecessary as it was written by Gav Thorpe and he's got some weird fetish for elf deaths (not this time since only a few thousand died, but that's relative to how many he thought were in the Craftworld in the first place) even when prior books state that the Imperium avoids fighting Craftworlds because it'd be a war of attrition that would be too costly for even them (though it wouldn't be a war of attrition since the Eldar cannot afford to replace their losses and attrition is entirely about which side can replace its losses the quickest; the Imperium wins wars of attrition against the damn Tyranids). It took the entire legion of Space Wolves at full strength and with the backing of the Imperium at its height years to destroy one Craftworld (or months, depending on what book or what the writers decides sounds best at the moment) though saying "full Legion" is misleading as the Space Wolves had very small numbers and it didn't have the backing of the Imperium, only the fleet that encountered that Craftworld which was too stupid to realize attacking everyone it sees is a bad idea.

It also does not help that Gav Thorpe is of the camp of "there are as many elves as there needs to be and they're just strong enough to make things tragic". But the battles are really set dressing to what the book's actual message was, mainly that someone's actions have consequences even when they mean no harm. Although we know the true meaning- It's Warhammer 40,000; the books' messages are always "explosions are awesome, buy our miniatures".

Basically just don't question anything about the book unless you want your head to hurt and find yourself trying to cross-reference several different codexes to see if you missed something important.

Recent Events[edit | edit source]

Alaitoc backed the survivors of Idharae when they sought retribution on the Invaders Space Marine Chapter in revenge for the unprovoked and opportunistic destruction of Craftworld Idharae; said attack has forced the Invaders to become a fleet-based Chapter but, just like the Craftworld survivors, they have gone on to make a new home for themselves, the Eldar survivors now live upon Craftworlds Alaitoc, and the surviving Marines, most likely just like the Scythes of the Emperor have been reinforced with the new Ultima Founding.

It also attempted to foil the efforts of the Word Bearers upon the planet Gruelbowl (yes, that is really its name) but were incapable of doing so (probably because Alaitoc doesn't seem able to do anything unless Space Marines are helping them).

Alaitoc itself has not, so far, become a major proponent of the Ynnari, with only a limited number of its people joining the movement and the Craftworld itself remaining distant. Indeed, through the events of the Psychic Awakening, they blatantly believe that of the many enemies the Aeldari have, their true enemy has been and will continue to be the Necrons and until they've been fully eradicated they cannot spare any attention to the efforts of the Ynnari. Okay then.

While the Asuryani of other worldships finds their people divided and desperate for the first time, the staunch sons and daughters of Alaitoc have ever been cast like a net across the stars – and no matter how far they wander from home, they remain ready to close in around their craftworld’s many enemies. Because being spread out everywhere means they can defend from everywhere in derpelf logic. They've also been defending Exodite Worlds from the Mephrit Dynasty with the help of Saim-Hann.

Tactics and Military Doctrine[edit | edit source]

While Alaitoc itself doesn't really conduct war in a manner atypical from other Craftworlds, they do employ a significantly higher percentage of allied Rangers and Corsairs to supplement their forces. In this regard, they tend to have an edge in scouting and intelligence gathering capabilities. In typical Eldar fashion however, they do so without concern of who might this strategy be dicking over, which in this case happens to be themselves. Their pathfinders have unintentionally provided the Imperium with almost all its information on the Craftworlds, due to their agents being captured.

Unique Forces[edit | edit source]

  • Pathfinders - The Ranger equivalent of an Exarch, Pathfinders are highly skilled individuals who have lost themselves to the Path of the Outcast. Though they lack the discount Phoenix Lord armor regular Exarchs use to effectively resurrect themselves upon death, Pathfinders are still masters at their craft. Even though they're no longer considered part of Alaitoc society officially, Alaitoc can still call upon a significant number of still-loyal Pathfinders when they find themselves in need of their highly refined skills.

Name[edit | edit source]

Highly speculative at the moment. Given that most craftworld names have some sort of Celtic origin, Alaitoc is less obvious. The first part of the name may refer to eala, Irish for swan. Nothing to do with "starstriders" as of such...