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{{Infobox Spess Mahreen Chapter
{{Infobox Spess Mahreen Chapter
|Name = Crimson Teeth
|Name = Crimson Eagles
|Heraldry =  
|Heraldry =  
|Battle Cry = ''"THE PACK IS UPON YOU."''
|Battle Cry = ''"Death From Above!"''
|Number = XIX
|Number = VII
|Founding = First Founding
|Founding = First Founding
|Successors of =  
|Successors of =  
|Successor Chapters =  
|Successor Chapters =  
|Chapter Master =  
|Chapter Master =  
|Primarch = [[Camaxtli]]
|Primarch = [[Caligor Kincaid]]
|Homeworld = Chalchihuitl, Charadon Sector, Ultima Segmentum
|Homeworld = [[Haravi IV]]
|Specialty = Ambush, Rapid Assault, terror tactics
|Specialty = Airborne Infantry, Airborne Cavalry, Total War
|Strength = 180,000  
|Strength = 180,000  
|Allegiance = Pre-Scouring:Chaos Undivided, Post-Scouring Heru, Lord of the Tides
|Allegiance = Traitor, Chaos Undivided/Renegade
|Colours = Colors (pre-Camaxtli's death): Dependent on terrain/variety of Primary colors differentiated based on rank. Colors (post-Camaxtli's death): Dependent on terrain/quartered red and black with a light-white/blue helm. Prominent members covered in red and white carvings across armor.
|Colours = Variable Camouflage (Typically Jungle or Desert) with Maroon helmet

The '''Crimson Teeth''' is a tightly organized close assault legion which relies on pre-battle intel, ambush, terror tactics, numerical advantages and aerial superiority to seize victory. They are an undeniably effective, if incredibly bloody, fighting force who excel against small, elite armies and disorganized mobs of troops. Their maneuverability, cohesion and superior numbers giving them the tactical advantage over better equipped and stronger foes. This doctrine further encouraged by a legion culture which revolves around trophy hunting, Oaths, sacrifice, and vengeance.  
<span style="font-size:140%">"'''S'''</span>imply put, the '''Crimson Teeth''' epitomise strength. From their cultural philosophies to their battlefield tactics, Legio VII value strength above all. Seeing little honour in employing guile, the Teeth favour direct and decisive approaches. During the Great Crusade they were a brutal and effective force who beat recalcitrant worlds into submission with mass-executions, ruthless intimidation, and even on occasion systematic genocide. From reunification with their Primarch, Camaxtli, the VII would find themselves increasingly at odds with the majority of their brother lads. At the start of the Heresy, they sided with the traitors and waged bloody war across the galaxy on behalf of Hektor and the Ruinous Powers.

In the wake of the heresy, the legion would become infamous for its merciless assaults and terror tactics, particularly their fascination with ritual sacrifice and cannibalism. Where once the legion was known as Imperial Defenders and executors of the Emperor's Judgement against non-compliant peoples, they are now steeped in the grotesque mysteries of chaos periodically surging forth from the Eye to lay Imperial holdings to ruin. In the 41st millennium they are a by-word for the terror and bloodiness that typifies the Lost and the Damned.
=Legion History=
==Sacred Band==
==Great Crusade==
==The Heresy==
==The Scouring==

<span style="font-size:140%">"'''T'''</span>he Crimson Teeth are quite typical for the [[Legiones_lads_(Hektor_Heresy)|Legiones lads]] in their organisation and order of battle.
Their only real divergences result from their cultural philosophies and traditions rather than strategic or tactical requirements.

== The Unification Wars ==
Command has been observed to normally held by the most physically tough and strong of individuals, though unusually violent and talented individuals were also promoted on merit. This suited the legions proclivity for decisive battlefield actions, and reflects their disdain for guile. It also created a positive by-product for the legion: Loyalty. In a legion that is known for its self-centric viewpoint, strong bonds of loyalty seem a strange feature. It's occurrence is completely linked to fear and intimidation; the scariest and most intimidating lads are leaders as those qualities command respect from the other legionaries.
Tying to this is the legions acceptance of ritual combat to decide who is ''allowed'' to lead; those who sought promotion had to first prove they deserved their fellow battle-brothers respect by winning a bout of ritual combat. This increased in difficulty the higher the rank - a squad-sergeant would only fight one champion chosen by the squad, from within that squad. A Company Captain would need to beat a champion from each unit under his command, and so on up the chain of command.

During the Unification Wars the XIX were bloody minded linesmen tasked with being the spear point and enveloping their foes. As a result the Teeth became accustomed to high-risk deployments and objectives, their strategies and tactics evolving to accommodate. They became incredibly proficient as large tightly knit groups of close quarters specialists reliant on synchronized communication and cooperation enabling them to engage and eliminate more developed or numerous foes. Holding the line against armies of xenos and mutants, surrounding and eliminating enemy forces, or overwhelming them through a concert of blades.The Crimson Teeth were always stuck in where the fighting was thickest.
==Support Formations and Auxilia===

The following contains a series of the legions more colorful engagements as it would be impossible to record the full extent of their military actions on Terra in detail.
===The Bound===

===Siege of Mount Yerushabim===
<span style="font-size:140%">"'''T'''</span>he most notable of the legions atypical organisational practices is that of '''slave-taking'''. Introduced by their Primarch, [[Camaxtli]] almost immediately on his reunification with his gene-sons, the practice of taking slaves served to thoroughly force a conquered foe into submission, removing children and adults deemed 'dangerous' from forming any potential rebellions against Imperial rule.
The slaves were given basic combat training and formed into combat units under the command of the lads who captured them. They were deemed property of the lads squad that captured them, and were branded and then extensively tattooed with company emblems in squad colours to denote their new ownership.
They would then undergo a ritual blood-letting ceremony known as '''"the Binding"''', whereby the slaves would cut their hands on the blades of their masters weapons. Their lads master would do the same, and the slaves would mix their blood with their masters and consume it. Some units further used the mixed blood in ownership tattoos of their Bondsmen and Bondswomen, though this practice was not common.
According to Remembrancer records, the "Binding" signified a spiritual bond between the master and the slave, and was considered the most solemn and severe of bonds - to break it or refuse it is a dire offence. It is also the origin of the slave-units formal nomenclature. This bond however is not apparently for life: slaves that prove themselves to their lads masters are given their freedom with no reluctance.

The high success at the earliest stages of the invasion on Mount Yerushabim are non-indicative of the later conflict within the Yerushabic tunnels as the narrow paths limited them largely to frontal assaults. Even with the [[Stone Men]]'s support, the Crimson Teeth were totally unsuited to tunnel combat. They were pulled back alongside their cousins following Hektor's order to seal the Yerushabim tunnels. In later years the Yerushabim would become a byword for terrible undertakings or a dangerous foe amongst the legion culture, eventually abbreviated to Yerush. (Pronounced Ir-roosh.)

=== The Fall of Orioc ===
The Bound were used very similarly to Imperial Army penal regiments, usually used as meat-shields or thrown into forlorn assaults. Casualties among the Bound are incredibly high, and indeed the very pace of their lads masters lives added a further strain on the slaves who had no genetic-engineering to gift them the incredible endurance with which to recover from the constant toll of warfare.
Nourishment was restricted to slaves, but extra rations were used as rewards for those who displayed traits and behaviours the legion sought.
The slaves themselves served one further purpose - that of status.
As marines could not officially collect wealth (most live utterly austere lifestyles with no belongings), slaves became a metric that denoted standing within the legion. Both quantity and quality were prized, and those who had both commanded great respect from their brothers in the legion.
Slaves who demonstrated strength of will and character, and who crucially survived, were highly valued, most of these were promoted to an Executioner unit assigned to their masters squad.

The city of Orioc was the last non-compliant state to face the XIX in the arctic. The ancient city-state was a mountain bound fortress located in the icebound south. Virtually impregnable within their frozen abode, the people of Orioc had weathered the nightmare of Old Night and been engendered with a powerful fanaticism making them immune to polite Imperial diplomacy. Thus the Emperor decreed that the XIX would force their compliance, or death.

Captain Olakohl ignored all pretext of diplomacy and initiated an orbital barrage in the surrounding mountain range, within moments a massive avalanche of stone and ice crashed into the perimeter's of the city. Though their walls and energy shields were sufficient in protecting against the worst of the debris the city became enveloped in a massive cloud of snow. Soon Imperial aircraft cut through the smoke, dropping squads of assault marines on the city below.  
It was rare to find a member of the Bound over the age of 40, while conversely quite common to find one under the age of 18 Standard Terran Years; in fact there had been many reports of actual '''child soldiers''' fighting among the Bound's number. This has lead to the legion being reported, but due to being officially under ''Legion'' control, the Imperium turned a blind eye to it, not officially acknowledging the practice existed.

In the maelstrom the XIX sowed confusion, destroying Cannons along the walls, disabling their shields, and breaking down the gates. Then, just as quickly, they left. Seemingly disappearing into the mountain side. For a brief moment the Orioc populace waited, terrified and hidden.
===The Unbound===

Then the fire came.
<span style="font-size:140%">"'''T'''</span>he Unbound are, unlike the [[Crimson_Teeth#The_Bound|Bound]], an officially acknowledged Legionary-auxilia unit. They are comprised of former members of the Bound and act as valued henchmen to their former-masters. The Executioners are given a formal contract, tattooed onto their body: they serve in the legions next campaign, in return are re-gifted their freedom. If they survive, they may leave the legion and colonise the world they helped conquer, if they wish to. The legion provides them with a significant sum of money with which to start a new life, and often a job in the local PDF or Arbites. This offer has never been refused, and despite their harsh treatment as the Bound, they seem to possess a remarkable loyalty and respect for the Seventh that defies understanding.

Using a combination of whirlwinds and Fire Raptors by the advisement of the (Sons of Fire Numeral designation) the XIX immolated the city. Starting from it's center point and slowly expanding towards the walls, the XIX forced the populace to flee their homes in order to escape the firestorm. As they ran through the broken gates they passed the piled corpses of their defenders. Piked, disemboweled, and decapitated, along the entrances and trailing out beyond the walls. As they fled into the world beyond they were beset by the XIX, blood soaked behemoths whose voxes keened as they flew. The population was slowly hunted down, toyed with, and systematically slaughtered. Their bodies lining the outskirts of the city in long rings of severed limbs and flesh to freeze in the polar climate.

By Imperial Decree, the city would remain untouched as a warning for others who opposed the Emperor's will.
The Unbound however are directly linked with the Seventh's proclivity for mass-executions, genocide, and systematic torture; indeed they actively take part in their lads parent-unit's intimidation activities, and have been observed to continue these behaviours long-after the Seventh has left them behind. 
However, statistically speaking, their methods are incredibly effective, as the worlds they colonised and 'intimidated' were found to have a drastically smaller likelihood of rising in rebellion, or being over-taken by crime, as many post-legion conquered worlds were.
One caveat to this though which has recently come to light, is that the retired Unbound members would actively participate in crime, running highly efficient, if highly corrupt PDF and Arbites divisions.

=== The Sud Merica Liberation Campaign ===

Operating in conjunction with the XVI the XIX systematically conquer Sud Merica's Warrior States. At the end of the conflict they erect a statue of the Emperor to commemorate their victory.
On the battlefield, the Unbound are akin to an Imperial Army units veterans, but with a higher level of experience and understanding of warfare, testament to surviving combat alongside lads for so long. Much like their parent-legion, Unbound favour directly and decisively targeting their opponents, utilising brutal campaigns which seek to utterly annihilate the opponents forces to a man. Astoundingly, they have a surprising effectiveness against guerilla tactics, despite this seeming to be the bane of the direct approach; the terror the mere suggestion of the mass-executions instils in the local populace, that they usually win the battle for hearts and minds through sheer brute force, and the people give up the rebels immediately.

===Orbital Station Vesta===
==Specialist Units==
==Elite Formations==
Orbital station Vesta was the first of many satellites the XIX would encounter as the spread across the Jovian Sub-system. The powerful relay station was now a derelict, only notable due to the disappearance of several salvage teams and their astartes escorts. Legion Breacher squads would discover a powerful machine creature that controlled the station and invaded their armor systems. The ancient intelligence was destroyed along with Orbital Station Vesta when the fleet opened fire on the satellite, rather than allow the machine-thing to spread to the fleet.

=The Great Crusade=  
==Arms, Armour, & Equipment==

In the wake of the Treaty of Mars, the XIX were deployed at the front of the crusade and took part in many campaigns to purge the galaxy of xenos. But, unlike some of their more illustrious brethren, the XIX did not receive the acknowledgment or praise their brothers enjoyed.
==Homeworld & Notable Domains==
==Traditions and Philosophies==
displays of wealth and power
survival and not remembering the dead
mass executions/genocide/torture

Though valued by Hektor as a strategic asset and effective shock troops where relentless aggression was necessary. Fortunately the sheer volume of orks infesting the galaxy meant their talents would not be wasted in combat. While the XIX were repeatedly assigned to exterminate intractable foes their brother legionnaires were liberating distant human civilizations and greeted as saviors.
==Notable Personnel==

This would lead to great resentment amongst their number as time after time they found their skills wasted upon broken civilizations and bloody minded xenos hordes. Watching their brothers die horribly to be forgotten. Thus, the XIX vented their anger on these paltry conflicts, and became increasingly violent. Where before they would simply defeat their enemies and perhaps execute some of the leadership, they now went about butchering sections of the population like cattle.

===The Ionian Fortress Array (in production)===
The Ionian Fortress array was an ancient defense system that orbited most of the moon of Io. Largely abandoned, the defense network had become an abode for shape shifting pirates and mutant abominations which regularly raided the gargantuan fuel-cities below. For several weeks the legion battled them across Io's volcanic wastes unable to drawdown and destroy the ghost-like vessels whose weapons could easily punch through a landraider's hull. The legion forced the pirates hand by attacking the moving fuel-cities with a combined detachment of Storm Eagles, Fire Raptors, Jet Bikes, and Landspeeders. While Thunder Hawk transports deployed vindicators and land raiders to besiege the city. When the raiders attacked to protect their feeding ground the Legion used Fire Raptors and Thunderhawks to drop Assault Marines and Jet Bikes on to the xenos transports and quickly overwhelmed their esoteric foes.

Without fuel from the liberated cities the aliens could not maintain their orbital defenses. This allowed the XIX to close with the abominations and assault the pirates directly. The aliens were utterly unprepared to face the total might of the XIX as hundreds of drop pods and fighter craft shot towards their haunted fortress. The legion were not disappointed as scores of mutant creatures ran forwards to engage them, spitting acid and weaponised shadows. Though the fighting was bloody, the monstrosities could not stand before the relentless advance of the assault marines and were hacked to pieces.
==Notable Phenomena==
==Figures of legend==
==Organization (Post progenitor)==
There are twenty Tahnut subordinate to an Uhau, each are responsible for a Pact of ten thousand marines. The pact is further divided into twenty Kama of five hundred marines which are controlled by Toa'Tahnut and are specialized for particular combat roles. A full nine kama are dedicated to assault troops, the rest make up the pact's medical, aerial, and armored support. Of the four hundred kama, a mere forty of them contain the legion's veteran elements and of these twenty thousand marines only five hundred of them bear the honor of Mihini and have unrestricted access to the legion's armory.
'''Orut''' - To facilitate the legion's rapid mobilization and assault tactics, its military structure is tightly organized into Orut or 'War Parties'. The unit consistency is structured at two thousand individuals and requisite auxiliary forces including technical staff, psykers, and chaplains. By Camaxtli's command four of the nine Orut maintain a state of constant battle readiness, three are delegated to be ready to replace losses as necessary, and the final two are held in reserves. Thus the legion maintains a regular rotation of battle ready War Parties at all times.
'''Uhau''' - Praetors, a single Uhau commands each of the nine Oruts and acts as commander and voice of the legion. Uhau are expected to serve alongside their brothers and participate in major engagements wherever possible. Both to prove their worth as leaders, and to lend their extensive battle field experience where it is most needed. Wherever an Uhau strides worlds break and cities burn as the Crimson Teeth enact his will moving as a tumultuous mass of synchronized chaos killing anything that stands in their way. Uhau armor is a bright white to symbolize the purity of their rank and make clear evidence of their dedication in battle. The more bloody the armor by the conflict's end the greater an Uhau's glory.
'''Tahnut''' Responsible for the organization and delegation of the Uhaus commands the Tahnut are sub-commanders answerable only to the praetors and Camaxtli himself. Tahnut are experienced warriors and experts in close quarters battle fully capable of leading their men from the front though this does not prevent them from holding back to dictate the larger conflict or support more ranged-centric elements of their forces.
'''Tiparu''' - Logisticians and strategists, Tiparu fulfill numerous roles too specialized for the Tahnut to reasonably accomplish alone. From Masters of the Signal and Forge Lords, to Vigilators and Siege Breakers, Tiparu are called upon ensure victory in specific conflicts often within strange environs from ice worlds to airless moons.
'''Curdero''' - Curdero is a catch all term for the librarians and chaplains of the Crimson teeth. Curdero are vital to sustaining the legion's moral and aiding them in battle. Either through the weird powers of the "Men of Wind" or by the exhortations of the "Blood Priests" many battles have been won thanks to their service. The ubiquitous label is due to the similarity of their ritual functions during the legion's post battle celebrations. Both positions are heavily involved in the preparation, organization, and guidance of the legion's ceremonies as they eat the dead. This is not to say the two groups are identical. Both go to great effort to maintain a clear difference between their sub-sects.
'''Toa'tai''' - Sergeants and field officers, the Toatai maintain discipline and control over the Crimson Teeth. Though the Uhau is commander of the campaign and will even fight alongside his brothers it is the Toa'tai that keeps them leashed.
'''Toa'Tere''' - Toa Tere, or "Pack Men" are the legion's assault marines and synonymous with legion battlefield doctrine. Jump packs alight as they fall from the sky like creatures of legend, Toa Tere launch towards the enemy in great hosts of warriors to fall upon their enemies with violent abandon. It is through the massed assault of the Toa'Tere that the legion enacts Camaxtli's will.
'''Toa''' - Toa is a broad term detailing those ranged elements within the legion that usually do not participate in the initial assault. The individual classifications of these astartes are many. Toa march in the wake of the Toa'Tere cleaning out resistance and holding conquered territory. While not as numerous as their airborne brothers the Toa ensure the legion keeps the ground it has gained without slowing its relentless advance.
'''Mihini - The Shorn''' - Veterans of the Crimson Teeth, these merciless killers accompany the legion's officers to war. Hand picked from the veteran companies, Shorn Ones are masters of hand to hand combat and bear the legion or pact standard into battle cutting down anyone that crosses their path. Due to their experience and status, Shorn bear the armament the legion to make the most of their abilities. It is the duty and honor of the Shorn to find and kill the best the enemy can offer and present it to their Uhau as a mark of service.
'''Cote'Mak'''' - Are the mechanized divisions and heavy support of the Crimson Teeth. Where airborne and lightning assault is infeasible or too costly the Cote'Mak enter the fray with siege weaponry and heavy armor, smashing fortress walls and emplacements to open a path for their brethren.
==Gene-seed and Successors==


Latest revision as of 16:28, 20 June 2023

This article or section has been selected for Exterminatus by the Ordo Editant. The Emperor Corrects.

Crimson Eagles
Battle Cry "Death From Above!"
Number VII
Founding First Founding
Primarch Caligor Kincaid
Homeworld Haravi IV
Strength 180,000
Specialty Airborne Infantry, Airborne Cavalry, Total War
Allegiance Traitor, Chaos Undivided/Renegade
Colours Variable Camouflage (Typically Jungle or Desert) with Maroon helmet

"Simply put, the Crimson Teeth epitomise strength. From their cultural philosophies to their battlefield tactics, Legio VII value strength above all. Seeing little honour in employing guile, the Teeth favour direct and decisive approaches. During the Great Crusade they were a brutal and effective force who beat recalcitrant worlds into submission with mass-executions, ruthless intimidation, and even on occasion systematic genocide. From reunification with their Primarch, Camaxtli, the VII would find themselves increasingly at odds with the majority of their brother lads. At the start of the Heresy, they sided with the traitors and waged bloody war across the galaxy on behalf of Hektor and the Ruinous Powers.

Legion History[edit | edit source]

Sacred Band[edit | edit source]

Great Crusade[edit | edit source]

The Heresy[edit | edit source]

The Scouring[edit | edit source]

Post-Heresy[edit | edit source]

Organisation[edit | edit source]

"The Crimson Teeth are quite typical for the Legiones lads in their organisation and order of battle. Their only real divergences result from their cultural philosophies and traditions rather than strategic or tactical requirements.

Command has been observed to normally held by the most physically tough and strong of individuals, though unusually violent and talented individuals were also promoted on merit. This suited the legions proclivity for decisive battlefield actions, and reflects their disdain for guile. It also created a positive by-product for the legion: Loyalty. In a legion that is known for its self-centric viewpoint, strong bonds of loyalty seem a strange feature. It's occurrence is completely linked to fear and intimidation; the scariest and most intimidating lads are leaders as those qualities command respect from the other legionaries. Tying to this is the legions acceptance of ritual combat to decide who is allowed to lead; those who sought promotion had to first prove they deserved their fellow battle-brothers respect by winning a bout of ritual combat. This increased in difficulty the higher the rank - a squad-sergeant would only fight one champion chosen by the squad, from within that squad. A Company Captain would need to beat a champion from each unit under his command, and so on up the chain of command.

Support Formations and Auxilia=[edit | edit source]

The Bound[edit | edit source]

"The most notable of the legions atypical organisational practices is that of slave-taking. Introduced by their Primarch, Camaxtli almost immediately on his reunification with his gene-sons, the practice of taking slaves served to thoroughly force a conquered foe into submission, removing children and adults deemed 'dangerous' from forming any potential rebellions against Imperial rule. The slaves were given basic combat training and formed into combat units under the command of the lads who captured them. They were deemed property of the lads squad that captured them, and were branded and then extensively tattooed with company emblems in squad colours to denote their new ownership. They would then undergo a ritual blood-letting ceremony known as "the Binding", whereby the slaves would cut their hands on the blades of their masters weapons. Their lads master would do the same, and the slaves would mix their blood with their masters and consume it. Some units further used the mixed blood in ownership tattoos of their Bondsmen and Bondswomen, though this practice was not common. According to Remembrancer records, the "Binding" signified a spiritual bond between the master and the slave, and was considered the most solemn and severe of bonds - to break it or refuse it is a dire offence. It is also the origin of the slave-units formal nomenclature. This bond however is not apparently for life: slaves that prove themselves to their lads masters are given their freedom with no reluctance.

The Bound were used very similarly to Imperial Army penal regiments, usually used as meat-shields or thrown into forlorn assaults. Casualties among the Bound are incredibly high, and indeed the very pace of their lads masters lives added a further strain on the slaves who had no genetic-engineering to gift them the incredible endurance with which to recover from the constant toll of warfare. Nourishment was restricted to slaves, but extra rations were used as rewards for those who displayed traits and behaviours the legion sought. The slaves themselves served one further purpose - that of status. As marines could not officially collect wealth (most live utterly austere lifestyles with no belongings), slaves became a metric that denoted standing within the legion. Both quantity and quality were prized, and those who had both commanded great respect from their brothers in the legion. Slaves who demonstrated strength of will and character, and who crucially survived, were highly valued, most of these were promoted to an Executioner unit assigned to their masters squad.

It was rare to find a member of the Bound over the age of 40, while conversely quite common to find one under the age of 18 Standard Terran Years; in fact there had been many reports of actual child soldiers fighting among the Bound's number. This has lead to the legion being reported, but due to being officially under Legion control, the Imperium turned a blind eye to it, not officially acknowledging the practice existed.

The Unbound[edit | edit source]

"The Unbound are, unlike the Bound, an officially acknowledged Legionary-auxilia unit. They are comprised of former members of the Bound and act as valued henchmen to their former-masters. The Executioners are given a formal contract, tattooed onto their body: they serve in the legions next campaign, in return are re-gifted their freedom. If they survive, they may leave the legion and colonise the world they helped conquer, if they wish to. The legion provides them with a significant sum of money with which to start a new life, and often a job in the local PDF or Arbites. This offer has never been refused, and despite their harsh treatment as the Bound, they seem to possess a remarkable loyalty and respect for the Seventh that defies understanding.

The Unbound however are directly linked with the Seventh's proclivity for mass-executions, genocide, and systematic torture; indeed they actively take part in their lads parent-unit's intimidation activities, and have been observed to continue these behaviours long-after the Seventh has left them behind. However, statistically speaking, their methods are incredibly effective, as the worlds they colonised and 'intimidated' were found to have a drastically smaller likelihood of rising in rebellion, or being over-taken by crime, as many post-legion conquered worlds were. One caveat to this though which has recently come to light, is that the retired Unbound members would actively participate in crime, running highly efficient, if highly corrupt PDF and Arbites divisions.

On the battlefield, the Unbound are akin to an Imperial Army units veterans, but with a higher level of experience and understanding of warfare, testament to surviving combat alongside lads for so long. Much like their parent-legion, Unbound favour directly and decisively targeting their opponents, utilising brutal campaigns which seek to utterly annihilate the opponents forces to a man. Astoundingly, they have a surprising effectiveness against guerilla tactics, despite this seeming to be the bane of the direct approach; the terror the mere suggestion of the mass-executions instils in the local populace, that they usually win the battle for hearts and minds through sheer brute force, and the people give up the rebels immediately.

Specialist Units[edit | edit source]

Elite Formations[edit | edit source]

Fleet[edit | edit source]

Doctine[edit | edit source]

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Tactics[edit | edit source]

Arms, Armour, & Equipment[edit | edit source]

Culture[edit | edit source]

Homeworld & Notable Domains[edit | edit source]

Training[edit | edit source]

Traditions and Philosophies[edit | edit source]

looting displays of wealth and power survival and not remembering the dead mass executions/genocide/torture

Notable Personnel[edit | edit source]

Geneseed[edit | edit source]

The Space Marine Legions of the /tg/ Heresy
Loyalist: The Entombed - Eyes of the Emperor - Scale Bearers - Silver Cataphracts
Steel Marshals - Stone Men - Thunder Kings - Void Angels - War Scribes
Traitor: Black Augurs - The Justiciars - Eternal Zealots - Heralds of Hektor
Iron Rangers - Life Bringers - Lions Rampant - Mastodontii - Sons of Fire